Independent journalism investigation reveals the CDC to be hopelessly corrupt when it comes to vaccine safety research

(Natural News) More damning truths about corruption at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been uncovered by investigators from the World Mercury Project, revealing that the nation’s top public health agency has been actively working alongside criminal elements to hide the facts about the dangers of vaccines.

Information compiled as part of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests made by the World Mercury Project show that CDC officials gave preferential treatment to unscrupulous scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark, including the infamous Poul Thorsen who was exposed for conning American taxpayer dollars in order to manufacture false safety data about the connection between autism and vaccines.

As explained by World Mercury Project board member Brian S. Hooker, who also serves as Science Advisor at the group Focus for Health, the CDC knowingly refused to evaluate the claims made by Thorsen, even after it was revealed that he had basically stolen $1 million in grant money to pocket for himself.

At least four high-level CDC officials were informed about Thorsen’s illicit dealings in the name of science, and yet none of them did a single thing to address them, nor did they perform due diligence in taking a second look at Thorsen’s work after it was revealed that he’s nothing more than a conman posing as a science researcher. These individuals include:

• Dr. Coleen Boyle, Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)

• Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Chief of the Developmental Disabilities Branch

• Joanne Wojcik, a Public Health Analyst at the Developmental Disabilities Branch

• Diana Schendel, a former senior epidemiologist at the NCBDDD

Multiple studies that the CDC uses as “evidence” that vaccines don’t cause autism are completely fraudulent…. Read More

Independent journalism investigation reveals the CDC to be hopelessly corrupt when it comes to vaccine safety research