Retired F.B.I Agent Explains What REALLY Goes On Behind The Scenes In America.

I know this will be hard to swallow for many of you, but the facts speak for themselves.  Get your head out of the sand. The world is this evil mainly because of the ignorance, and the apathy of the population.   Satanism is all around you, especially in your government.  Much of this was …

Federal Set-Up The Conspiracy to Entrap Schaeffer Cox

  Schaeffer Cox Several months ago the US~Observer reported on the Schaeffer Cox case. In that article, which can be read here, we outlined how the government became interested in Cox simply because he spoke out against what he believed to be a corrupt US Government. You’d think the 1st Amendment which protects your right …


  **** FWIW the only working email that I have is joe AT tittiger DOT com  — thanks! I  will  not have Internet access for a few months so bear with me. Libertarian manifesto audio book by  Murray Rothbard: One of the  most important books on liberty ever written. This will change your world view! …

About Missouri Free Press

OUR MISSION: The founders told us that only an educated electorate would be capable of holding onto a Republic.   At the time newspapers were the tip of the spear in the education of the people, as were the then private schools that everyone attended.   The militia  was ubiquitous, and protected citizens against criminal …