EDITORIAL: The new Missouri Marijuana Laws are an abomination.
MFP Commentary:
I am just getting up to speed on how the MO legislature sold their bosses (us) down the proverbial river.
NORML published the following on their web site:
Do I have to go into a lot of depth to illustrate what governments do with the information that they “require” from you? (such as this defacto MO growers card) The Census information in Nazi Germany was crucial in rounding up the Jews, and would not have succeeded as well without this information. Two of my neighbors here in Missouri grew up in a Concentration camp in Northern California. It was called “camp no no”, a rabbit hole that I can down at a later time.
When the agents of the deep state/United Nations come to your door at 3 am, they will already have a list of what firearms you have purchased, because the criminals at the FBI have not destroyed this data as required by law, but instead created a database of gun owners and what weapons they own. (FWIW there is currently a class action lawsuit against the FBI for criminally obtaining the list of Missouri concealed carry permit holders and then trying to deny them gun rights by going into their private medical records) There is also the NSA surveillance state that knows if you bought gun related items on Amazon or with your credit card.
How many gun owners (most all of Missouri) know that in Colorado that the disperies will tell you if you ask, (so much for full disclosure) that getting your medical MMJ card in CO puts you on a list of people that are not allowed to own guns! Do not think that this will not be tried here in Missouri.
This entire “legalization” is screw job over a people so mentally ill and dumbed down that they don’t even realize that they are being raped… I don’t have much faith in a population of voters that have allowed evil like this to flourish.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
Disturbing evidence suggests that WiFi radiation could increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%
MFP Commentary:
Any observant / thinking person is wondering where the heck the “pro-life” people are. They appear to be a group of useful idiots that are trotted out to virtue signal when the globalists that run them. decide to do so. (Usually once a year in Washington DC)
Did you know that in Godless one-child Communist China that women wear protective EMP shields over their bellies to protect their unborn children? While “Christians” in the US buy Apple phones made in a factory where abortions are forced on women, and lay these phones on their unprotected pregnant bellies right next to their unborn child!
Not to mention most of them without any thought or remorse, daily dose their own children with the neurotoxin fluoride. (At the same concentration used on the Jews in the Auschwitz concentration camp) Hey it only lowers their child’s IQ by 10 points on average….. Right to life my bloody arse. What hypocrisy!
By Tracey Watson
Modern society is drunk on technology. It surrounds us everywhere we go, from the computers, tablets and laptops we use for work, to the “smart” phones we carry around and the movies we stream via WiFi. For many of us, it would be difficult to picture making it through 24 hours without using some form of wireless technology. While these devices provide amazing convenience and connectivity, however, they should have big, fat warning labels on them, because the EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation they transmit has been recognized as a class 2B possible carcinogen (cancer causer) by the World Health Organization, and more and more studies have proved conclusively that these devices cause serious health problems.
Of course, children are even more vulnerable to the effects of this type of radiation than adults, and unborn children are the most vulnerable of all.
A study conducted by researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research which was published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that when pregnant women are exposed to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields, such as that emitted by power lines, transformers, wireless devices and wireless networks, their risk of miscarriage increases by a staggering 48 percent. (Related: Radiation from wi-fi and cell phones increases pregnant women’s risk of miscarriage by nearly 50%.)
Troubling results
For their study, the Kaiser Permanente researchers monitored the exposure of 913 pregnant participants to non-ionizing radiation as well as the outcomes of their pregnancies when compared to the 10 to 15 percent rate of miscarriage which normally affects pregnant women. Science Daily reported:
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[R]esearchers asked women over age 18 with confirmed pregnancies to wear a small (a bit larger than a deck of cards) magnetic-field monitoring device for 24 hours. Participants also kept a diary of their activities on that day, and were interviewed in person to better control for possible confounding factors, as well as how typical their activities were on the monitoring day. Researchers controlled for multiple variables known to influence the risk of miscarriage, including nausea/vomiting, past history of miscarriage, alcohol use, caffeine intake, and maternal fever and infections. …
Miscarriage occurred in 10.4 percent of the women with the lowest measured exposure level (1st quartile) of magnetic field non-ionizing radiation on a typical day, and in 24.2 percent of the women with the higher measured exposure level (2nd, 3rd and 4th quartiles), a nearly three times higher relative risk.
Dr. De-Kun Li, M.D., Ph.D., lead investigator of the study and a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist, noted that the results of this research prove that this type of radiation could pose serious threats to human health.
How pregnant women can minimize risk
Pregnant women who read this will be understandably concerned about minimizing their exposure to EMFs, and Natural Health 365 provided some excellent advice about how this can be done. (Related: Eating fruits and vegetables cuts risk of miscarriage, says study.)
One suggestion is for moms-to-be to keep cellular devices as far away as possible from their bellies and to avoid carrying them close to their bodies, for example in their pockets.
Another good idea is to use a hands-free headset whenever possible and to keep smart wireless devices on airplane mode whenever they are not actively in use. It is important to try to minimize the amount of time spent talking on these devices and to opt to use an old-fashioned landline telephone whenever possible.
A final suggestion is to turn all your devices and routers off at night, since this is the time when your body repairs DNA damage.
Learn more about mitigating the risk of miscarriage and the dangers of EMFs at Radiation.news. ORIGINAL STORY
Joel Skousen 2018 Year End Analysis
MFP Commentary:
Joel always has very interesting observations. This talk is no exception. Hold onto your hats!
COP BASHING IS MEANT TO BULLY THE POLICE INTO OPPRESSING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE – Establishment wants populace to hate law enforcement to create feedback loop of oppression
MFP Commentary:
I must dissent….It is eminently demonstrable that the police already do very little other than opress the American people. They call themselves “order followers” (just like the guards at Auschwitz did) and do in fact act as the criminal enforcers of hundreds of thousands of illegitimate, and unconstitutional laws, that the globalist have hoisted upon us with their puppets, the legislatures and the courts. They have become a “standing army” that the founders warned us about. In a country of free people, we should not be lorded over by what amounts to a standing army in blue uniforms.
The original system was “we the people” being the “police”, if we must use that word. The people (the militia) and a lone, elected, county sheriff were the highest law enforcement officials in the country and in fact still are.
I think that much of the American public already despise the police, as they do any other criminal gang that violates their rights.
For the record, facts, are not “bashing” of anyone. They are simply what is factual. I say let justice be done, may the heavens fall.
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11
Alex Jones breaks down why the establishment supports the mainstream cultural attack against Police men and women that risk their lives protecting the American people on a daily basis.
Christian Persecution Is Breaking Out All Across the EU
MFP Commentary:
Fellow Christians are not going to like hearing this, but as a church, and a people, that has sat on it’s ass for more than a century, and refused to address rampant, demonic, in your face, evil – should not be surprised at the consequences of their actions. These Europeans (and Americans) are acting just like the Christians in Nazi Germany did when Adolf Hitler came into power….. absolutely nothing!
I hate to inform the mentally ill branch of Christianity that believes in a government worshipping misinterpretation of Roman’s 13, but you are getting exactly what you created and deserve.
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge,…” ~Hosea 4:6
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11
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If you support this train of thought please post below also.
This is only supposed to happen in Russia, the Middle East or Communist China. Amazingly, Christians are being persecuted all across the European Union as the EU is being exposed for who they are really are.
Gardasil Vaccine’s Reign of Destruction and Death Top News Story on Health Impact News for 2018
MFP Commentary:
All of your rights are being taken, because most of you don’t have the spine to stand up to evil. My how Christianity has sunk to new levels in the past century, to be so apathetic about egregious, rampant evil….. There was a time when (real) Christians would have stamped out this evil decades ago, never giving it a chance to come to fruition.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Gardasil vaccine scandal once again was the top news topic on Health Impact News for 2018, as it has been for the past several years.
Three of our top 10 stories from 2018 were in the vaccine topic area, with the top 2 news stories dealing with the Gardasil HPV vaccine.
The top story, by far, was the tragic story of 14-year-old Christopher Bunch, originally published at The Vaccine Reaction, who died shortly after receiving a Gardasil vaccine.
The Gardasil vaccine was also the focus of the second most-read article in 2018, where Vera Sharav, from the Alliance for Human Research Protection, reported how public hearings in Japan were exposing the dangers of the vaccine and seeking help for the victims.
Four of our top 10 stories from 2018 were from our MedicalKidnap.com website, documenting how dangerous it is today to disagree with medical doctors who can call in Child Protection Services (CPS) to remove your children simply for disagreeing with their medical advice.
One of the stories from MedicalKidnap.com was about an 18-year-old who aged out of foster care and reported how his foster home was part of a pornographic pedophile ring, as he sued the State of Arizona for $15 million in damages.
Another story was from a mother who posted her experience with her local dentist on Facebook, which soon went viral, showing how she received a letter from her dentist’s office threatening to report them to CPS if she did not bring in her child for dental services. Subsequent investigations by Health Impact News revealed that pediatric dental fraud is widespread in the U.S.
The other topics rounding out the top 10 dealt with the FDA’s efforts to ban homeopathy, how the new 5G technology is linked to diseases and loss of privacy, and the Monsanto case where a jury ruled against Monsanto regarding the herbicide glyphosate which causes cancer…. Read More
The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver-CSS
MFP Commentary:
What you cannot hide is genocide. The Trilateral Commission just announced that 5G will be the backbone of “smart cities”. This should send a chill up your spine. The FCC is forcing 5G upon us. Virginia Farver joins Dave Hodges as she unveils newly discovered health effects of 5G.
Here is another MFP article on 5G:
A Closer Look at 5G Equipment that is Being Installed Across Los Angeles
The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver-CSS
DHS: The New American Gestapo

Even though long planned before 911, the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and its main agent the US Administration did not have the necessary votes in Congress and much needed political clout or support of the American people to form Homeland Security, which many are now starting to view as the New American Gestapo.
Thanks to the crafty staging of 911 by the USAF and Neocons with help from their closest so-called ally and “little friend” in the Mideast, the USG was able to completely hoodwink almost all of the American people for a long enough time to get the Patriot Act passed. The massive survival fear actuated in the populace by the 911 inside-job also resulted in support for more illegal, unConstitutional Mideast wars and passage of new draconian police state laws which have now allowed the creation of Homeland Security and other massive internal surveillance mechanisms of a national security state. All these efforts to enact these unConstitutional police state measures have been claimed to be justified because America was placed in a state of National Emergency in 1933 by FDR which has been maintained by every other US President since.
This Gladio style staged false-flag, inside job attack on 9-11-01 provided the con job necessary to dupe Congress and the American People into supporting an illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.
The idea that America needed a mega internal security agency like Homeland Security was the wet dream of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and the alphabets agencies like the Federal Blackmail Institute. J. Edgar Hoover would be very proud of Homeland Security, the New American Gestapo and the folks put in charge of it who share his notable mindset that was responsible for blackmailing and controlling much of America on behalf of the City of London Banksters for almost half a century.
ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov’t Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans During Economic & Bank Collapse
MFP Commentary:
This is not anything new for the most part, just confirmation of what a dozen other whistle blowers have revealed. Never the less this should send chills down your spine. But sadly most all Americans are asleep and will likley remain so.
Job 36:12 English Standard Version (ESV)
“But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword
and die without knowledge.”
I would be remiss if I did not include a link to the tale of who they picked to create DHS. This by itself should scare the daylights out of you:
The New American Gestapo
FWIW FaceBook is censoring any links to the above story.
This is not a “conspiracy theory”. It just happened to me.
from SuperStation95
After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, a US Customs Agent walked onto a pier in NYC and blew his brains out.
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Sources inside the New York City Police Department have revealed to SuperStation95, the contents of a suicide note found on the body and they are utterly frightening. The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself:
“The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government. Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes” the note said. “Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them. To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals.”
The 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer shot himself with a 40 caliber service pistol inside Pier 40 in Hudson River Park at around 11 am.
A source at the scene described how the officer calmly walked into the park, took out his pistol and shot himself in the head.
A ICE federal agent fatally shot himself in the head at waterfront Chelsea park (pictured) in New York Friday
Related: Prominent NY Holistic Doctor Found Dead of Alleged Suicide
ICE released a statement Friday afternoon: ‘Tragically, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer from the New York field office suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and has passed away.’
It added: ‘The agency is not releasing further details pending notification of the officer’s next of kin.
According to the suicide note, the Officer said:
“I was hired to enforce the law; to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws. But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office. Instead, I come to work each day, and collect a paycheck twice a month, for intentionally doing little to nothing. I cannot and will not be party to this fraud; to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation” the note continued.
ICE’s Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the matter and coordinating with the New York Police Department on the investigation.
The agent worked at a field office in lower Manhattan, just blocks away from the scene of the shooting.
In the suicide note, the officer revealed what he claimed are terrifying plans the feds have been finalizing:
“If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.
We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for “practice” and to “get used to it.”
We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn’t have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors. We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.
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When the collapse takes place, detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980’s to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport, will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a “threat.” American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.
These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual “purge” of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for! I cannot be party to this.”
The Note goes on to say:
“The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas and intentionally involved in foreign fights so they cannot be here to help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war” the note says.
“When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM’s will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function. Anyone without cash will have no way to get any. The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack.
But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous. With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.
Federal Prisoners to be GASSED TO DEATH
The note goes into a wide array of very specific plans and does so in extremely specific detail about what the feds are allegedly planning. For instance, it talks about federal prisons:
“Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems. When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down. Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system. All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught.”…. Read More