The COVID-19 Destruction of America Is the Not the End Game

by Dave Hodges – Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I don’t like writing a series of articles similar to what I am about to embark upon. It is easy to write about the fraud behind the counting of the COVID numbers and the inflated number of reported deaths. It is all a massive fraud and I have written dozens of articles exposing the fraud. What I have not exposed is what I know to be true, but I am enormously uncomfortable revealing this because of the coming criticism.

We are not at war with just physical enemies, we are at war with principalities of evil. The COVID crisis is merely a means to an end and it is only the beginning of the takedown of America as we know it.

Many of us are locked into the belief that we are in a war between our need to be free and to provide for our families. However, there is much more going on beneath the surface. Yes, our economy is destroyed, our military is subsequently weakened, our death curve has spiked and it is not because of COVID, it is because of the fact we are not getting medical screenings and in general, not taking care of ourselves due to COVID restrictions.

America is a defeated nation. Many of you are not comfortable with me saying this, however, I am less comfortable writing this. However, the conquering of our nation is not just happening in the physical realm, it is now happening in the spiritual realm as well and this is where the real threat comes from. Bill Gates doesn’t just desire to get rich off of his coming, untested and unsafe vaccines. He is part of the globalist cabal that seeks to reduce the human population by at least 90%! Do you think the sterilizing properties contained in his 3rd world country vaccines are an accident? Gates is a typical globalist and he is about money and power and he and Fauci are calling the shots for our government in this crisis. Trump has stood down and is only expressing token resistance and is doing nothing meaningful to stand up for you and me.

To those of you that understand your Biblical history, particularly in Genesis, this series will not surprise you, but instead will deepen your understanding on how Satan is trying to destroy humanity before the Second Coming. The Biblical literate crowd understands the meaning of Demons, Fallen Angels, and the Giants. To those of you that are Biblically ignorant, these writings will seem quite insane. Remember, “my people people perish because of a lack of knowledge”.

COVID 19 is not about controlling an illness as much as it is about destroying a culture. The American economy is gone! Our need to be social creatures is is destroyed by the concept of social distancing. This is the most effective psyop in the history of mankind. The MSM local newscasts contain the same elements, night after night after night! First, there are the respects paid to first respondersby the broadcasters. “These are our heroes and our lockdown has meaning” says the news media. Before COVID, the news reported nothing but bad news. But there has been a shift, Heart-warming and tear-jerking stories dominate the news and at the end of each story is an admonishment to “social distance”. Then, the over-stated, fear-porn, COVID numbers are presented. Then is is followed by a commercial showing people in lockdown having fun. Show a little weather and then repeat the pattern. The names on the new stories may change, but the story is the same.

Remember, six corporations own 98% of the media and they are uniformed on many points ranging from being former friends of Epstein to establishing global governance. In the latter process, they see to destroy America and ultimately want to destroy the human race. We are all too aware of the plot on the physical plane with our 33% unemployment. The Deep State and their Democratic Party minions are behind the unnecessary lockdowns. All that we have built as a nation is gone.  However, what most of us are missing is the spiritual warfare that has been thrust among us…Read More

Mark Passio – The Sacred Gift Of Anger

See Mark Passio’s other talk:
Mark Passio Fake Ass Christians Part 1 of 2

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”
~ Saint Augustine of Hippo

In this presentation, originally delivered at Anarchadelphia 2019, Mark Passio explores the human emotion of anger in direct relationship to human Freedom. Mark describes the two main types of Anger, clearly distinguishing Righteous Indignation as a Sacred Gift that is sorely lacking in human society. Mark explains how Social Engineering has been used to purge the positive form of anger from human society, paving the way for totalitarian forms of Government to reign unchallenged. Mark explains how the positive aspect of the emotion of anger can be used as a fuel for Right Action, when it is channeled and directed toward morally correct goals. After viewing this thought-provoking presentation, you will never again see the so-called “negative” emotion of anger in the same way. The Sacred Gift Of Anger Presentation Slides (Zip Archive, 99.7 MB):… Mark Passio’s web site: Donate directly:…

Mark Passio Fake Ass Christians Part 1 of 2

A very good  and thought provoking talk IMHO.
I would also recommend reading Red Beckmans’ book:

The Church Deceived Paperback – January 1, 1984
by Martin “Red” Beckman (Author)


Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false “Christians” and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian. This presentation was originally given in Philadelphia, PA on June 24, 2017. Associate Producer Leiha Boone. Video Recording by Becca Martin and Sean McCann. Video Editing by Jeff Ritter. Selected Artwork by Sethikus Boza.



CENSORED: Dr. Fauci’s DARKEST SECRET Surfaces As His Predictive Model Crushes Trump Economy | Dr. Mikovits pHd

A very informative and well done interview: Plandemic

Direct Link

YouTube/Google  has been consoring to beat hell.  This is one of the most censored Videos on the Internet at the moment. So I will be promoting this vital information.  Here are some working links at and

Plandemic pt. 1

Plandemic: What Google Doesn’t Want You To See

Sealed Indictment Issued on Dr. Fauci — Exclusive Monday, April 20, 2020

If the SOB is hung I will pay to be the one that pulls the lever on the gallows trap door.  In a just world most of our “government” would also be hung besides him.   ~MFP

From Before It’s News

Sealed Indictment Issued Against Dr. Fauci

The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the coronavirus taskforce, a traitor to America, according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.

The indictment, which currently sits on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, charges Fauci with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors, many of which could see Fauci stripped of his medical license and deported to GITMO for the rest of his natural life. Those charges reportedly include treason, conspiring with the enemy, and fraud. Article 2 of Section 4 of the United States Constitution states: “The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

While Fauci is neither a politician nor a government official, he is a career civil servant and therefore can be charged with criminal malfeasance as is outlined in Article 2, Section 4.

Sources close to the Fauci probe said Trump became suspicious of Fauci’s intentions after reading Tweets linking the doctor to a “Deep State” coup designed to cripple his reelection campaign. These Tweets alleged Fauci and none other than Barack Hussein Obama had orchestrated a “hoax” to tank the economy, spelling doom for a president whose main presidential achievement was fostering an economic resurgence. The Tweets surmise the Coronavirus is a pretext for stripping Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear, and that Fauci wants to usher in a New World Order that would abolish the Constitution and replace U.S. leaders with United Nations personnel….Read More

America Has Entered the Preliminary Stages of Genocide Which Involves the Consolidation of Tyranny That Will Unleash the Deadliest Reign of Terror In History

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

This is the fifth part of a six part series where Americans will be living a part of history that nobody would ever have thought possible only a few short months ago. All the signs are there, all the chess pieces are lining up. America is entering the zone of genocide and this is precisely what will be covered in the last two parts of this six part series.

The Rapid Fall of America Came With Barely a Whimper

In less than three months, the United States went from a record low, peace-time unemployment rate, a record stock market performance and a record level of public confidence in the economy, as well as high poll ratings for the President in an election year, to a thoroughly defeated nation.

Minus the use of nuclear and/or EMP weapons upon the United States, it would be hard to imagine a more complete and devastating blow to the people of the United States. Harry Dent says that if America went back to work immediately, America would not be anywhere near where we were for at least 6-8 years. America is a thoroughly defeated nation. To myself and many other experienced journalists, we sense that this is the end of America. America and her cohort nations in the G20 have been defeated to a point, where in order to escape the economic devastation that has come to the world, a New World Order government and economic system (ie the Mark of the Beast) will be forced upon the people of the United States…Read More


666: THE MARK OF THE BEAST HAS ARRIVED This is the most important issue in all of human history. Will humanity remain free or become A.I. directed slaves?

MFP Commentary:
How much do you want to bet that the Fordland Medical Clinic participates in this Satanic  vaccine  when it is Federally mandated?  And if you dare complain they will fire you like they did me.

Seeking redress from my  ostensible  servants in the  Federal Legislature, those  “servants” whose health  and retirement plans,  make the “Hunger Games” central elites life styles, look like their role models, rather than the US Constitution,  they have  basically  totally ignored me, their boss, & constituent, for months.  There is a high proportion of psychopaths in government (estimated at 9%)  I think I lost the lottery as both of mine seem to be in this camp.

 | – APRIL 20, 2020


666: The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived

Watch this Infowars Special Report on Microsoft’s world patent number 060606 and the plan for global enslavement.  A 2020 patent filed by Microsoft Technology outlines a technology where human activity is used to mine cryptocurrency using a device that transfers human action data to a master server.Once a human accomplishes an activity sent by the server, the human is rewarded with cryptocurrency for completing the computer-mandated task.Is this the long-feared Mark of the Beast forewarned in The Bible?Click here to see the patent for yourself.
YouTube Version:


Open mike leak! Have the president and his staff have been vaccinated?

Are you sitting down? Seriously…
hot microphone prior to White House press conference today.
pay attention at @20 second mark

I checked streams captured from other youtube channels to verify that the
audio wasn’t tampered

@5:10 Dick (the A/V tech) removes mask prior to going offstage


Why is Jim Accosta of CNN, who Trump daily castigates…
…emerging from behind the stage?

“everyone here’s been vaccinated anyway”

WHITE HOUSE DOWN! A Coup and Counter Coup Is Raging Across An Unaware America

by Dave Hodges on Friday, April 17, 2020

America has fallen. It has taken just over a century to put America on her knees, however, your life and liberties will never be the same. There are several key dates that Americans can point to in terms of pinpointing when America began to crumble. The pace of the destruction of America has increased with great rapidity since Obama became president. This country has been defeated and here a sequential look at the events that led up to our present level of subjugation.

An unmistakable coup has hit the White House. As I have pointed out on many occasions, the President has essentially been neutered. We have seen Trump try and strike back such as when he defunded the World Health Organization. However, there is an unmitigated coup in place and the defeat of America is being engineered by Big Pharma.

Below are the dates as to when it started to go wrong for America. If any republic form or government, complete with civil liberties, ever forms again on the planet, let this serve as an example as to how a nation with supposedly an irrevocable set of civil liberties, ordained by God, and a government in which no concentration of power permits satanically inspired tyranny to ever gain a foothold. The lesson learned from the demise of the United States is that any future republic learns the lesson of Ben Franklin: When a nation trades liberties for security, they will get, no deserve neither!” America has reaping the harsh reality of making deals with the Devil and not keeping Jesus, front and center, in all that we do.

1. The year 1913 is an important year because it marked the year that the banksters totally gained control over our economy through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This culminated in the bankers, through Franklin Roosevelt removing America from the gold standard and marked the ushering in of controlling America through debt management.

2. In 1944, at the Bretton Woods Agreement Conference, the United States totally surrendered its sovereignty to the forces of the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking forces by forcing the nations of the world to accept the dictates of the centralized banking system. The birth of the Petrodollar was introduction of stage four cancer to all of America and her economic freedoms.

3. In 1947, the NSA and CIA became operational and marked the birth of the national police state surveillance grid. The CIA, an outgrowth of the WWII spy organization, the OSS, became a permanent structure in the American landscape. Today, the CIA is a private corporation which operates as a prostitute for global banking interests as they do not represent the United States. In the case of these despotic organizations, the Ben Franklin admonition takes center stage. …Read More

Fauci Cover Up? 25 MILLION Infected With Cancer Virus?


MFP Commentary:
It is well known that our “vaccines” are full of cancer virus’s.  German politicans have set up a factory to make clean vaccines for themselves. People like myself were given the polio vaccine back in the 50’s and early 60’s.  They were warned and aware at the time that they were full of cancer virus’s.  They gave them to the public anyhow.  BIg pharma profits and eugenics are the real priorities here.  NIxon began the “war on cancer”  as a direct result of the expected cancer epidemic caused by the polio  vaccine.

Do you love Dr. Fauci?

Some people do… Some people don’t.

American Researcher, Dr. Judy Mikovits worked with Fauci in a laboratory setting for years.  During the time she worked with him, she learned the American blood supply was heavily contaminated.

What was the contamination?

She found more than 25 million Americans at were infected with cancer-causing viruses.

Yeah, that’s right… over 25 million Americans were ticking time bombs for developing cancer and related diseases.

She claims that at a meeting at the NIH on September 6,2010, Francis Collins ordered Dr. Fauci to fund and direct a large-scale study to replicate Dr Mikovits’ findings.

Mikovitis continues … she says “they weren’t about to let that study happen using real patients that that fit the criteria.”

She says Dr. Fauci forbade her “to set foot in Frank Rossetti’s lab where I worked for almost 22 years at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick Maryland in Fort Dietrich.”

Further… if she “came into the lab to do that study, [she] would be arrested.”

With a figurative and literal gun to her head, she was put in a position that if she didn’t agree the study was fair… that they would never go look for the viruses again.

Tony Fauci, she claims, stopped the study, and said “time to stop wasting the government’s money.”

Click “Play,” and turn up the sound as Dr. Judy Mikovits describes how she helped discover infectious transmissible cancer viruses and Tony Fauci he made it all go away…..Read More