Do your due diligence. This nation wide cold snap by all appearances was engineered using weather technology. This technology does exist the facts do not lie. ~MFP
Original Post – BitChute (12 minutes)
Kraft Heinz, Conagra to Start Passing Soaring Food Costs To Consumers
– Zero Hedge
THIS IS A TOTAL HITLERIAN MOMENT!A supermarket is forcing those exempt from wearing masks, primarily disabled people, to wear *yellow stickers*. After this man politely refused, shop staff called the police + recorded him.’It’s a bit totalitarian’.
Supermarket Calls Police On Disabled Man For Not Wearing Mask, Tries to Make Him Wear Yellow Sticker – Paul Joseph Watson
Satan’s Archangel, Bill Gates, Is Preparing the Final Assault Upon All of Humanity – Dave Hodges
If this article were a court case, it would begin with a presentation of established scientific, political and economic facts. Once discovery was completed, testimony would be offered in order to demonstrate intent and motive. However, I would like to start this article with the intent to prove motive.
This is Part One of a two part series.
Motive: Depopulation on a Biblical Scale
The Bible says that if Jesus did not return and intervene, there would be no flesh let alive. Humanity is fast approaching the time when they are going to need divine intervention from the Lord!
Who is behind the emerging depopulation attempts that are beginning to surface in mass? The answer, at its root is Satan.
Former NSA agent, Vance Davis and myself have been good friends for 28 years. I first heard Vance on Art Bell’s show in 1993 as they were discussing the secret space program and I subsequently reached out to him and a long relationship has ensued. To cut to the chase, in Vance’s NSA training, he was taught that there was a long-standing war in the cosmos and the bad guys lost. The bad guys were Satan and the fallen angels and unfortunately for us, they descended from their destroyed planet and came to Earth where they bred with earth women (see Genesis 6). And this development, in part, has become the scourge of the modern world.
Vance told me that his training taught him that Satan sought to destroy the soul of humans, God’s prized possession. However, Satan was unable to unlock the secret of the soul and therefore, the strategy changed to morphing and destroying the human being himself. Satan seeks to make a mockery of God’s creation before attempting to completely alter and then destroy all life on the planet.
In 1993, the term transhumanism did not exist. However, as Vance I began to share information, this is exactly what he described (ie the evil science of transhumanism). It was 28 years ago that Vance taught me about what was coming today. In short, this is exactly what we are seeing today.
The Vaccines
With regard to these matters, I have a unique perspective. Most people are seeing these events for the first time and are horrified as we are seeing Vaccines unveiled that are fundamentally altering our DNA (see Part Two). As I look at the emerging evidence that is being highly suppressed, I know that I have been told that this was coming back in 1993.
The death rate connected to the vaccines is off the charts, however, the real death rate is not known to most and the figures are not readily available. We know that the vaccine manufacturers skipped to the animal trials. You are the animals, the guinea pigs. This was done, not because Covid was such a threat, it was done under the guise of a fake emergency. Covid is deadly, but not for most of us….Read More
What Was Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here – Dave Hodges (article)
EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?
Related stories: (many more links at end of this article )
The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry – Joseph Mercola
The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes

NOTE: a follow up article is in the works. What has happened with this “clinic” in response to my utilizing my free speech and the press will make your head explode. We truly live in a criminal “clown world” where “health care” does anything and everything it can to both destroy your rights and your health.
There is also now a Fordland Clinic category if you scroll down the main news page you can access all of the articles that I have associated with the behavior of the Fordland Medical clinic.
I apologize for the poor writing, and jumping around so much in the article below. I made the mistake of writing about it while I was under a lot of stress resulting from the clinics actions. Hopefully I will stay more focused and succinct with the following articles that I am planning to write.
Well as hard as it is to believe, that is the admitted and ongoing policy at the local Fordland Clinic.
I had one of these people just show up unannounced, unwelcome, and uninvited in the patient treatment room that I was in. (What’s next? Perhaps an IRS agent showing up? Or your ex’s attorney?) She used subterfuge and lies, when asked directly if she was with “mental health”. She used euphemisms designed to obfuscate rather than tell the truth, and would in the end not admit to who she was or why she was there.
I have a strong feeling that this is a Federal mandate, just like all of the “no-gun”, and the pro vaccination signs that are plastered all over the facility. They even push vaccines on their phone system messages while you are on hold. Funny how they want to vaccinate you, that is until you ask them if they will be personally responsible (indemnify you) for any damages caused by a vaccination. Then they expose the truth of their absolute lack of confidence in the safety of vaccinations. Efficacy is an entirely different discussion.
This is another story of where this medical tyranny is headed:
Shocking video shows Arizona police officers forcing their way into a home to remove an unvaccinated toddler ….
At the very least this blindsiding and lying to the patient is unethical. It should be illegal as well IMHO.
If anyone has any ideas on how to pursue this insanity and total betrayal of medical confidence, and respect, I would like to hear from you. So far I have been in contact with the psychopaths known as our legislators, but seeing as they are the ones that created this problem, I don’t have much confidence in them wanting to solve it. ( True to form they have not returned my calls – Update: They finally called and I don’t think I am going to call them back. In my 60 plus years I have NEVER had a government agency address much less solve a problem, so I would most certainly be wasting my time.) Update 3/29/19: Amazingly I have had 6 calls from different people who on their voice mails claim to be from medicare. Like Patrick Henry famously said “I smell a rat” and likley will not call them back.)
If you have any definitive information on this apparent Federally mandated program please forward your information to MFP and it will be held in the utmost confidence.
Followup: FWIW after my rights were trampled to hades and back, I started investigating with Medicare:
How to file a complaint (grievance) 1-800-633-4227(2nd number)
After wasting an hour of my time, and not getting to the right people (Incompetent government as usual) I got this number: 855-408-8557. Will this be just another wild goose chase? I suspect it will be, Will keep you updated.
As predicted this “agency” could not and would not do a damn thing, not even file a “complaint”…. this is how government works folks, and I could write a heavy tome on my experience in that department, but this is not the time nor the place.
The current state of this country reminds me of a JFK quote:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~JFK
I really think that the time is getting near when ‘we the people” will have to of necessity have to deal with the mess that the criminal psychopathic legislature has created. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
Note: This article is far from exposing the full extent of the damage done to patients, by the mindless order followers, at Fordland clinic. They appear to not have seen a single Federal mandate that they will not force upon their patients.
Not ordering a therapeutic phlebotomy because of the “standards of care”. Regardless of the patients wishes is one example. The answer for not being able to take care of my health in this regard was “I like my job and my license”. Which I took as an admission that my health was not their highest priority and that they are controlled. (and the control was not for my benefit or protection)
On the dental side of this facility they force patients to undergo exposure to ionizing radiation regardless of their wishes. Even people whose parents have died of brain cancer, like myself, that would rather minimize or eliminate such exposure all together. Much of the time they “forget” to protect your thyroid with shielding. I had to undergo 3. Yes 3 xrays when I recently got a crown. The employees even put their fingers in the radiation beam on a regular basis and are told that this is safe!
One also exposes themselves to 2g wifi in this facility. ( 1, 2 , 3, 4)(FYI I have everything running over Ethernet at home for my health) There may even be 5g coming off of their router, I will have to check this out the next time that I go there. 2g and 5g are both non-ionizing radiations, but there is just too much evidence of very serious health effects from being exposed to it, especially the 5g. I for one do not want to take chances.
UPDATE 4/12/19: I ran an application called “WiFi Analyzer” at the clinic yesterday and discovered that there are 3 routers in the building that are broadcasting both 2G and 5G frequencies. Both can cause cancer but 5G is a magnitude more dangerous and it like 2G is linked to brain cancer. No one at the clinic was even aware of the 5G in their environment.
Related articles:
WHEN ΙNSΙDΕRS are forced to ΒLΟW their WHISTLΕ. What FiveG ACTUALLY does
Cancer Cluster At California Elementary School Results In Removal Of Sprint Cell Phone Tower
Perhaps in a later article I will talk about how staff that does vaccinate, often use only single dose vials that do not contain mercury, for themselves and their families, but will inject your children out of the multi dose vials, that do contain mercury. (This was admitted to me by people that work there, when asked.)
Related article: Growing Focus on Reused Medicine Vials
In summary your privacy and health do not even seem to be on the radar at this clinic, just like all of the other Federally controlled medical facilities across this country.
One last quote for you:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
UPDATE 3/24/19
This letter from Pastor Chuck Baldwin shows us where the useful idiots in monopoly medicines “mental health” branch are going to take us. This is an eye opening letter. Please take the time to read it:
My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al
Here on the MFP.
As a video on YouTube:
An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen
UPDATE 3/25/19
If you think that medical tyranny is not happening in these United States look at this bill that the criminals in Jeff City seem to be set on passing:
“……A PDMP is a system of surveillance of law-abiding citizens, but the House still voted for it! The PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program HB 188) that passed the House (click here for the votes) is now set for hearing in the Missouri Senate.
If the Senate committee agrees to pass it on to the full Senate, it will be just two votes away from becoming law and Missouri will have all of us under medical surveillance….”
And I am certain that if the psychopaths in the Missouri legislature pass this draconian “spy on the citizens” bill that the Fordland clinic will enthusiastically go along. After all the state can terrorize anyone in this monopoly that does not go along with revocation of their permission slip to earn a living. i.e. their medical license. Land of the Free? Certainly not when it comes to your being able to get the medical care that you desire.
Executing Covid Patients for Profit Is a Growing Enterprise In American Hospitals – Dave Hodges
Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals – Dr. Vernon Coleman – Lew Rockwell
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? –
The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry – Joseph Mercola
Infant Deaths Decrease 30% During COVID Lockdown, Coinciding with Sharp Drop in Vaccinations
Dementia Deaths Have Doubled in Two Decades
IMHO it is the horrific diet of the American people that AMA medicine ignores in favor of big pharma’s poisons and profits., that is a major driver in this trend. Excellent article by Dr Mercola.
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 1
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 2
Japan has NO vaccine mandates, yet achieves the HEALTHIEST children in the world
Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children
Taking No Prisoners in the Vaccine Culture War
Former Nurse at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Speaks Out Against Medical Kidnapping of Children
Vaccination: Religious Exemptions Are Under Attack in Missouri!
Severe Health Risks of 5G Have Been Covered Up
The War on Medical Freedom – Mike Adams – Natural news
Book: Murder by Injection – The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
BOOK: ‘Healing the symptoms known as Autism”
General Hyten We Are Hours Away From Game Time – “Is this counter intelligence? Is this true? ~MFP”
YouTube The Word, the Sign and the Sword
This sounds like the kind of counterintelligence that Q-tards send out, but from what I believe are the facts, and also my gut and discernment say that this is likely good Intel. Steve Quayle however in his Tuesday alert says that he believes this is Q-anon and is fake. Lots of confusion and psyops going on.
In addition to Steve Quayle, Dave Hodges and Alex Jones and many others do not think that the above is factual at all. We will know fairly soon: ~MFP
* update 1/20/2021 It currently looks like Alex was correct and Trump decided not to go with the plan we were told about.
Is this fake news? – Dave Hodges
IMHO we are witnessing the most important events in the history of the human race unfolding. We are at war with China and in the “Fog of War”.
Most are either asleep. delusional, or both. Satanically inspired and directed mind control has worked extremely well on the American public.
“These are the times that try men’s souls: the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country…”. ~Thomas Paine
Another view More Confirmation bias? ~MFP
Related Stories:
Steve Quayle: We Are Under Full Scale Communist Siege – Infowars
Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN
Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN
Just to be clear the Chinese are our immediate threat. The Chinese have done what is talked about here, but have done it on an immense scale.
Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy
Authored by ‘Jean Chen’ via The Epoch Times,
Human beings have a weakness: It is easy for us to see others’ problems, but not our own problems. Actually, most of us are nearly blind to our own problems.
However, if we examine how our enemies look at us, some insights may be revealed.
For many people right now, the aftertaste of the 2020 presidential election is bitter. They feel that something is very wrong with our country. But what is it?
For current events, it may be useful to look through the eyes of an adversary that many thought had been vanquished: the USSR in the 20th century
The Prophecy of a KGB Agent
I came across a YouTube video of a 1985 interview of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB agent who defected to the West in 1970.
The interview is about the Soviet Union’s strategy to subvert the United States. It is eye-opening and I wish to share a quote here first:
“Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism and American patriotism … The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already … Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes him, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”
It is scary to watch the video. (More video here and here.)
What Mr. Bezmenov described 35 years ago is unfolding in front of our very eyes. To me, what is most alarming is that the demoralization is mostly “done by Americans to Americans due to lack of moral standards.” Actually, as Bezmenov pointed out, “for the last 25 years, actually it’s over-fulfilled because the demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov [KGB leader during 1967–1982] and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success.”
According to Bezmenov, only 10 to 15 percent of the KGB’s personnel and resources were allocated to traditional clandestine espionage in James Bond’s style, with the rest going to “legitimate, overt, and open” ideological subversion. He said that subversion happens in four stages: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and “normalization.”
The first stage, lasting for about 15 to 20 years, the period of time needed to raise a generation, is to brainwash the public with communist ideology. Manipulation of the media and academia is required for this purpose.
The second stage focuses on throwing society into chaos, and it usually takes 2-5 years. During this stage, the status quo in economy, foreign relations, and defense systems are changed. The establishment promises all kinds of goodies in order to win people’s support for creating a massive government that is intrusive to people’s lives. Media and academia are also essential to make it successful…Read More
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Diana West born in the Soviet Union gives her perspective on what is going on in this country. ~MFP
Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY – Mike Adams
(Natural News) Because of the increasing popularity of the Situation Update podcast, information came my way that lays out a path for justified optimism on what’s coming in the days ahead.
As I say in the podcast, “I now know what Lin Wood knows.” This statement does not in any way imply that Lin Wood is the source of this information, because he isn’t. It’s just that Lin Wood’s unfettered optimism now makes total sense to me.
As Scott Kesterson recently said in his Bards FM podcast, the DC military encampment is actually a holding facility for enemies of America, and it will soon host military tribunals.
Once that happens, the radical Left will engage in Chinese weapons-augmented kinetic attacks on the US Capitol. These are not attacks by Chinese troops, but rather by radicalized Leftists — long since radicalized by the left-wing media — wielding weapons which have been smuggled into the United States by the CCP. Those weapons include:
- Full-auto drop-in trigger upgrades for AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. (Some of these shipments have already been interdicted by Customs and Border Protection, as we have previously covered. See one press release from the CBP here.)
- RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades, used by enemy forces to attack fortified positions or armored vehicles.)
- 60mm mortars, allowing attacking enemy forces to theoretically strike the Capitol Building or White House through indirect fire from range. These are known in the modern military as M224 mortars, which reportedly have a range of several thousand meters.
- Rifle suppressors, which allow more covert operations by enemy forces.
- Club-K concealed rockets and missile systems, hidden on standard shipping containers and boasting ranges of a few miles to 100+ miles, depending on the weapon….Read More
Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia – Verterans Today
MFP Commentary:
This may be the most important article you read this year if you want to understand what is behind all of the current events in the US. It’s breath is enormous and they have condensed the reading of a hundred books into one long article. Do you own research, I find the information in this article extremely accurate and verified by other sources.
Such as the research of David Icke.
Regards ~MFP
Read the whole thing. I found this gem way down:
“This is high treason and a capital offense punishable by execution. Right after their attack on America, the Rothschild KM told the US Administration that they would detonate city-buster sized nukes in some American cities, including DC, if the Administration refused to allow Israel to create their own large police state occupation force inside America, based on the consolidation of all American Law Enforcement and alphabets under one central Israeli control.
This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts. Former DHS Director Janet Napolitano is being sued for sexual harassment of men working at DHS whom she ordered to move their offices into the men’s lavatory.”
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Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 1of3 – Sarah Westhall
By Mike Harris -August 21, 2020
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Dr John Colemans book as a free PDF:
The Conspirators’ Hierarchy The Committee of 300 – Dr John Coleman.pdf
Finally! A Complete English Version of Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together (796 pages)
The FallCabal channel on Bitchute has this fatastic series:
Part 1 Who is the Cabal? In this 17 part series, the Cabal will be fully exposed. As time is running out, we will upload one part every week. Research and script are done… for all 17 parts. Only the editing is left. Therefore, one part per week. This Se…
Part 2 The Wrath of the Jesuit Council… From Weishaupt and the creation of the Order of the Illuminati to Napoleon and WWI.
Follow their trail of destruction in order to know whom we are dealing with. By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter.
Music: Alexande…
Part 3, about the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and WWII… all instigated by the Cabal. Through manipulating the Stock market, by pushing Cabal puppets forward , and by ruthlessly killing millions of people who stood in their way. With o…
Part 4: the Protocols of Zion…
Part 5 … about the Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the UN, and the ‘Peacekeepers’
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Part 6 … about Henry Kissinger, Population Policy, the UN and its many NGOs, the UN Population Fund, Population Control, forced abortions & sterilizations, and Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Part 7: about the 5500 NGOs, connected to the UN, who do so-called charity work. Upon investigating their very own financial papers, we discovered that NGOs are nothing but the perfect business model to launder money (billions of dollars!), to avoid…
Part 8: Exposure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, their so-called philanthropy in India and Africa in the form of mass-vaccinations, one of the most favorite tools of the Cabal to roll out the Protocols of Zion and Agenda 21 and 2030
Part 9: Further exposure of Bill Gates, his obsession with genetically modifying everything he can lay his hands on, and his secret ties to the US Army. Also exposing the corruption of Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus, current director general of the WHO.…
Part 10: Further exposure of Bill Gates, buying shares in companies active in the area of control, manipulation, censorship, human trafficking, and Adrenochrome. About Gates’ multiple visits to Epstein Island and his foolish denial, his investments …
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Deep State Terror Attacks Imminent/Sleeper Cells Activated – Alex Jones
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
~Galatians 5:1
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Breaking! Identity of Capitol False Flag Attackers Discovered! Trump Must Act Now Sunday FULL SHOW 1-17-2021 – Alex Jones Show
America’s Top Owner of Farmland: Bill Gates — In Control o Food – –
World’s Largest Insect Farm To Be Built In Illinois Amid Signs Of Soaring Food Inflation –
Are Some Vaccines Sterilizing Women? Dr. Carrie Madej – episode #283 of The Ripple Effect Podcast
Steve Quail: We Are Under Full Scale Communist Siege – Infowars
FYI Steve Quayle talks fast and slowing it down can help. I use the VLC player on this easily shared and downloaded MP3 audio file:
Steve Quail: We Are Under Full Scale Communist Siege
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