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A Funny think happened on the way to writing about the CHICOM inspired and emerging civil war In Mexico which is a prelude to a Red Dawn invasion of the United States. I have been warning about an impending TET Offensive that will visit our country courtesy of leftist subversive forces. This prediction is gaining momentum courtesy of several communications that have crossed my path in the past few days.
Three days ago, the following anonymous message was sent to me:
Dear Mr. Hodges October 17, 2020
For reasons that will be apparent, I will not specifically identify my employer. It would not take a lot of “common sense” to make an accurate and educated guess as to who I am affiliated with.
I am writing to you because in the past you have indicated that if the Democrats do not feel they can win, their allies,extreme subversive groups, will ramp up their violent activities. You are correct.
We have intelligence which leaves little doubt as to the fact that certain Trump supporters are in the process of being identified and targeted. The information suggests that there a number of high profile targets. Members of your alternative media can expect to be targeted. Private individuals who have donated to President Trump will be harassed and possibly acted upon. Please note that the list of donators is publicly available to anyone. We expect that businesses that can be associated with the President’s donation list will be targeted in a manner consistent with what we have seen in Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle.
You are receiving this letter because I do not believe that my employer is going to act upon this intelligence until after the targeting has begun. You are a media figure that can be trusted as I am referencing your handling of the “Wrecker” interviews.
I am not going to ascribe motivation, I will leave that to you as I ask you to disseminate this information in a timely manner.
I will not self-identify but with all that is going on, this information must see the light of day. Rest assured that you will not be the sole source of this warning. If you are wondering about my motivation it is simple. It is one thing to conceal possession of material that would implicate certain public figures in treasonous actions. However, I will not a party to actions which has the real potential to make sacrificial lambs of innocent Americans. I did not sign up for this.
If you are wondering if I fear discovery, I do. I am depending on the fact that my precautions will be enough to get some of my rogue associates to look elsewhere. I have learned enough to accurately state that it is highly likely that if Trump is declared the loser of the election he will not be serving until the Inauguration. President Trump knows too much and he could expose much. An accident? A coup? I am not certain, but I am sure he will not be serving past Thanksgiving. Please do not disseminate the rest of this message…..
Some are wondering why I have sat on this information. First of all, I am attending a funeral and my time has been limited. I found the letter to be interesting, but far to vague to act upon….Read More