Attempted murder on Missouri Journalist by Law Enforcement:  Silenced, Shot & Caged for Questioning ‘Corrupt Government


MFP Commentary:
It’s clear to see by anyone with “eyes to see and ears to hear” that there is an abundance of criminality going on with all of our modern  institutions, but most egregiously with government I think.  Jefferson  used the term “self evident” in the Declaration of Independence,  and to  anyone paying attention,  this corruption  has become  so pervasive  that it has become self evident to all but the most brain dead..

If the government (Federal, State & Local)  didn’t have a very serious credibility problem  before this, they are headed into a much more serious one by ignoring attempted murder, conspiracy, & perjury, by the politician class’s Praetorian Guard  becoming known more and more as Blue ISIS.  I think that  characterization fits to a T in this case.

One last nagging question….. If you were in a real  firefight (not one made up)  would you take the time to shoot the person in the head?  Or would you follow your years of training to shoot center of mass?  Just that fact alone makes this very likley an attempted  murder IMHO.

right after the police tried to murder Missouri journalist Jeff Weinhaus

     Jeff Weinhaus-Bulletinman was set up and gunned down by MSHP.  Jeff was shot by Sgt. Folsom four (4)  times, (two {2} bullets in the chest and two {2} bullets in the head).
          By the Grace of God, Jeff survived, but now, he is the one in jail.
                Please join in a prayer chain for Jeff’s fight for Justice!

Call  The Governor For Jeff  at  (573) 751-3222 

It is very important to keep in mind that Jeffrey Weinhaus (Bulletinman) was ANTI-CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, and isn’t that what every American citizen wants?
Free Bulletinman@FreeBulletinman
Bulletinman @Bulletinman1

Here is the page that much of this information came off of:
Political Prisoner Jeffrey  Weinhaus  Bulletinman

Link to Jeff’s YouTube channel:

Copblock video on Jeff’s case:

Gavin Seim on Jeff’s case:



EDITORIAL: Truthful Meme about BLUE ISIS

The truth is that ALL laws end in a silent “or we will kill you” if you don’t comply… matter how petty or illegitimate the “law” may be.

Blue ISIS recruits the type of monsters that will do exactly that.  IMHO Blue ISIS needs to be dismantled, and we need to go back to an independant (of DC) county sheriff.  The founders warned us about standing armies and Blue ISIS is just that.


Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq

MFP Commentary:
I thank Lt. Ehren Watada for his service.(to liberty) We need more Americans like him that refuse to do evil. I can’t add anything of value to what he said. — Here is a good followup: All Wars Are Bankers Wars

This guy must be familiar with General Smedley Butler and his book:   War Is A Racket


Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq.

Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq.


03:38 — “….. of course loss of personal freedom they
must know that resisting an authoritarian government at home is equally important to fighting a foreign aggressor on the battlefield finally those wearing the uniform must know
beyond any shadow of a doubt that by refusing immoral and illegal orders they will be supported by the people not with mere words but by action. The American soldier must rise above the socialization that tells them Authority should always be obeyed without question…”
10:16 — “…when we say against all enemies foreign and domestic, what if our elected leaders become the enemy….” 

UK Seized Iranian Tanker Full of Oil 2 Weeks Ago, Iran Retaliated by Seizing UK Tanker, and US Sends Warships Toward Iran

MFP Commentary:
Don’t ever believe what the mainstream press tells you. It’s usually nothing but lies.  The psychopaths that run this country want war and death to help distract from their plethora of crimes that are being exposed.

UK Seized Iranian Tanker Full of Oil 2 Weeks Ago, Iran Retaliated by Seizing UK Tanker, and US Sends Warships Toward Iran

The British Royal Marines to seized an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar two weeks ago, and Iran retaliated by seizing a British-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf. Iranian troops wearing ski masks and carrying machine guns rappelled to its deck from a helicopter, the same tactics used by the British. Due to the controlled media, many Americans are unaware that the British took the Iranian ship. The US has sent warships to ‘guard’ the Strait of Hormuz, which is a trigger for war. Europeans, and all other nations are refusing to send warships to support the US. The goal is to peel the EU away from the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Iran announced that it arrested 17 CIA spies earlier this year and it sentenced some of them to death. Iran’s state media is circulating photos purporting to show some among the alleged CIA-linked operatives. President Trump says the report is false and it is merely propaganda……Read More

Attorney Arrested in Tennessee Refuses to be Gagged – How One Woman Dares to Take a Stand Against Child Kidnappings by CPS

MFP Commentary:
The “right to life” useful idiots seem to be MIA.  Anyone see or  hear anything from them?

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

They arrested a 67-year-old grandmother who has been practicing law for 25 years and advocating for the rights of families, fully intending to intimidate her and silence her, as she exposes the corruption in Tennessee family courts where parents are denied due process of law in the seizure of their children.

What has happened instead, is that Tennessee’s corrupt Department of Children Services (DCS) has given attorney Connie Reguli a national platform she did not previously have, to expose the abuses happening not only in Tennessee, but all across America in child welfare proceedings, which we have exposed here at Health Impact Newsover the years as a U.S. taxpayer-funded child trafficking business.

This child trafficking business uses foster care as the #1 pipeline for feeding children into sex trafficking, and also uses children in foster care for drug trials to develop and market new pediatric drugs and vaccines, as two of the more unsavory reasons why a steady supply of children are needed in the nation’s foster care and adoption system.

The system in place, the American foster care and adoption system, is legal, as it was setup by Congress. It needs to be de-funded and dismantled, which is no easy task given that the system employs hundreds of thousands of people, and brings in billions of dollars of revenue to the states. Each state has a quota of how many children must be put into foster care to receive federal funding, and keep the system alive.

The process of how children are taken out of their families and put into the system, however, is seldom, if ever, legal. And this is the part of the system Attorney Reguli is exposing in Tennessee. It is a system that kidnaps children, and trafficks them.

Time to Take a Stand for the Constitution

…..Read More

#WeDoNotConsent – All elections are illegitimate until free speech is restored in America (and national voter ID is implemented)



It should be an obvious point: Given the determined, coordinated censorship of conservative and libertarian speech by the evil tech giants, no future election that takes place under coordinate censorship is legitimate if it produces a Democrat victor. Democracy depends on the ability of citizens to engage in open, public debate about issues, candidates and policies, yet the tech giants in America today have systematically annihilated the voices of nearly all prominent conservatives in an effort to crush public discourse and steal all future elections for Democrats.

The actions of the tech giants have destroyed the very idea of fair and free elections. Without the freedom to speak, there can be no legitimate elections in America.

Thus, until free speech is restored in America by reversing the de-platforming and shadowbanning of conservative voices, #WeDoNotConsent to any Democrat winning any election, period. All such Democrats are illegitimate and should be removed from public office until fair and free elections can be held in an environment where Americans are free to speak (and publicly debate)….Read More

Direct link to video: HERE

Original Story on Natural News

How To Make Haggis. TheScottReaProject

MFP Commentary:
FWIW the food Nazis in the US have made it close to impossible to get the ingredients. You still can not import authentic Haggis into the US. Check the ingredients and it will lack lung.

You are forced to make it if you want it authentic. Uncle Sam knows what is best for you. And even then good luck in locating lung. Welcome to the “land of the free”



Why is haggis banned in the USA?
“….No food for human consumption, whether made locally in the USA or imported from overseas, can contain sheep’s lung.

Authentic haggis is a savoury pudding containing sheep’s pluck – the heart, liver and lungs – minced with onions, spices and oatmeal. This is often encased in a casing made of the animal’s stomach……”  Read More



Video: End Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement

I kid you not, a classic film that really explains the clown world that we see around us. There is no single better source of this information IMHO.
FWIW if you are a Christian you doubly need to watch this. The goal of the NWO after all is to kill all christians.  Don’t you think you should understand this “end game”?


Related story:
The CHICOMS Are Planning Genocide Against the United State

The Chinese end-game is now fully exposed. The “master race” CHICOMS have said it publicly, they just don’t want to destroy America, they want to kill every America. The Chinese have even polled their people, online, to see if they were on board with committing genocide against the America people.

End Game
Blueprint for Global Enslavement


Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child

MFP Commentary:
Since the Fordland Clinic seems to be so vested into forcing “psychiatry” and psychiatric drugs on it’s patients, through Federal mandates I thought that this film belonged in the Fordland Clinic Category. Check out some of the other stories about the Fordland Clinic for links to stories about what psychiatry is really all about.  You may want to start here.

From the makers of the award-winning documentaries Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging and The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? comes this searing new documentary, exposing how devastating—and deadly—psychiatric drugs can be for children and families.

Behind the grim statistics of deaths, suicides, birth defects and serious adverse reactions is the human face of this global drugging epidemic—the personal stories of loss and courage of those who paid the real price.

Psychiatrists claim their drugs are safe for children?

Once you hear what eight brave mothers, their families, health experts, drug counselors and doctors have to say instead, you will come away convinced of one thing…

Psychiatrists are DEAD WRONG. …. Read Original Story and watch the movie

More similar videos on the same site HERE