Radiologists Conceal Heavy Metal Accumulation From MRIs By Joseph Mercola

MFP Commentary:
Because they are part of the what can often be dangerous “standards of care”  the staff at the Fordland Medical Clinic  seem to be perfectly fine with this procedure.

November 21, 2019

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging study that allows your physician to see detailed pictures of your organs and tissues. The MRI machine uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to take detailed cross-sectional pictures of your internal organs and tissues.1

The scanner looks like a tube with a table that enables you to slide into the tunnel of the machine to gather data. Unlike CT scans or X-rays that use ionizing radiation known to damage DNA, the MRI uses magnetic fields.

Images from an MRI give physicians better information about abnormalities, tumors, cysts and specific organ problems with your heart, liver, uterus, kidneys and other organs.

In some instances, your physician may want an enhanced MRI, one using a contrast agent or dye to improve the clarity of the images produced. According to a recent international poll,2 a majority of radiologists avoid informing patients when deposits of toxic contrast agents are discovered…..Read More



MFP Commentary:
Most  often the FBI is being used to cover up the crimes ofthe globalists and their puppets.

Search “FBI on this site


The swamp is more sinister than you’re led to believe… tune in!

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FBI Uses Confidential Informant to Entrap Militia Activists for Phony Siege on Gretchen Whitmer

Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children

Fordland Clinic Nurse Sonia Cass

MFP Commentary:
It was during a recent  phone conversation that I had to hang up on nurse Sonia Cass at the Fordland Medical Clinic,  because she was as ignorant as it gets about vaccines, and was defending them as being completely harmless and that they NEVER harmed anyone.   She  was also defending a Federal mandate of doing a  surreptitious psychological evaluation of every patient.   I was deceived by by doctor there and subjected to such an evaluation after being deceived and without  any meaningful informed consent.

Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness

U.S. federal government on the verge of demanding mandatory mental health screening for teens (to add MORE psychiatric drugs to their plate)

For disagreeing with her and criticizing her God the AMA standards of care and Federal Mandates , she  banned me an elderly person from receiving any care at the clinic including the sliding scale dental care. So basically on a fixed income I am in a position where I can not now afford dental care at all. In the long run this is  a death sentence, and years taken off of the  life for an elderly person.  Here is the beginning of that saga:

MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?



(Natural News) The producers of Vaxxed2 — the new vaccine truth documentary highlighted at — joined me at the InfoWars studios for an exclusive interview about the launch of this powerful film that’s set to blow the lid on the epidemic of vaccine injuries that are killing and maiming children across America (and around the world).

The full interview, shown below via, is a powerful must-see discussion about vaccines and the “war zone” of mass death they’re unleashing across America.

Children are being hospitalized, maimed and killed because of dangerous ingredients that are deliberately formulated into vaccines. And no one is allowed to talk about it.

The vaccine industry preys on children, deceives the public, aggressively hypes every outbreak (even the ones caused by vaccines) and pressures the tech giants to censor any truth about the dangers of vaccine ingredients. This is an industry dominated by a twisted combination of pure evil and mad science.

Vaxxed2 theater locations are being kept secret until 24 hours before launch

Vaxxed2 opens in theaters nationwide on November 6th. The theater locations have to be kept secret until 24 hours before the films play, due to extreme threats of violence and terrorism against the Vaxxed2 film producers. Sign up to be alerted to theater locations at

In mid-December, the full film will be available as a paid video on

Watch the shocking, full interview here and share everywhere:

Read Original Story



When You’re Losing, Change the Law: New Proposed Federal Bill Will Surveil Medical Decisions, Target Communities For “Behavioral Change”

Fordland Clinic Nurse – Sonia Cass

MFP Commentary:
You can bet your last dollar that the Fordland Medical Clinic is chomping at the bit to implement  these new federal mandates with further spying and control of your medical decisions by the Federal psychopaths.
If you dare  complain, Nurse Sonia Cass, may deny you access to affordable health care  as punishment.  I know because this was done to myself.  Read that story here:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?


When You’re Losing, Change the Law: New Proposed Federal Bill Will Surveil Medical Decisions, Target Communities For “Behavioral Change”

By Jefferey Jaxen

On the strength of 2019’s uneventful measles cases, America’s families and communities have endured a legislative assault on pretty much every aspect of their freedom, rights, and values.

Politicians seem to be racing each other to write bills that will take kids from their parents in secrecy, cancel religious beliefs, and eliminate doctor-patient relationships. These hypocritical representatives grandstand on equality and the rights of women, while simultaneously endorsing discrimination and the elimination of individual rights.

House Resolution 2862 (HR 2862) is a ‘Frankenbill,’ with several concerning parts. The bill’s official acronym and title is the VACCINES Act of 2019. It stands for Vaccine Awareness Campaign to Champion Immunization Nationally and Enhance Safety Act of 2019. Rep. Kim Schrier, a Democrat from Washington State, introduced the bill in May 2019. When doing so she trotted out the popular canard for people who don’t think: “The science is settled” on vaccines.

The bill’s stated purpose is “To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for a national system for surveillance of vaccine rates, to authorize research on vaccine hesitancy, to increase public understanding of the benefits of immunizations, and for other purposes.

HR 2862 wants $85M in funding over four years for a resolution that smells like a fascist twofer. It’s part Stasi surveillance, mixed with Goebbels marketing propaganda to further tighten a digital noose around families who value and practice medical choice, informed consent, religious freedom, and open debate.

The bill has two main components:

  • “Vaccine surveillance and research”
  • “Public awareness campaign”

The first component seeks $60M. It wants to utilize and integrate all available government data tracking of vaccination info to develop a “national system for surveillance.” Big Brother, meet Big Pharma…..Read More

The Present Leftist Coup Will Culminate with a Reign of Terror Including the Unlimited Use of Guillotines

MFP Commentary:
This story may seem way out there, but  these guillotines existence have been absolutely confirmed by a 4 star general whistleblower that was murdered by the deep state for his warning us…. With the current   silence and apathy of “Christians” about evil, I would say that this is to be expected if not deserved. ~MFP

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 – 09:50.

Did you know that the guillotine is the most efficient and cleanest killing machine on fhe planet? Off with the head and the organ harvesting can continue in abundance. Reportedly, a guillotine can chop off the heads of about 100 people per hour. In one hour, the ruling authority has the capacity to execute as many as three million people. In one ten hour day, 30 million people could be executed by way of the guillotine. The best question to ask is not whether anyone would do this, but rather, how many people will be executed by guillotine after the Leftist overthrow of America is complete and the reign of terror begins? Yet, very few have the courage to even look objectively at this topic. Even fewer would dare to talk about it in private conversations. ……Read More


The Grid-Ex Drills and How Obama Taught the Russians & Chinese How to Take Down the Grid

grid ex

The Grid-Ex Drills and How Obama Taught the Russians & Chinese How to Take Down the Grid

Original Article

Take a BIG guess why most flu shots are free

(Natural News) Can you name any medicine that the U.S. government or the CDC offers for free other than the flu shot? Does it make you wonder why? If not, that’s probably because you get the flu shot every year, and your cognitive abilities are very limited, due to the high mercury levels secretly dosed in nearly every influenza vaccine doled out. As part of an ongoing effort to keep Americans stupid enough to believe in the mass media narratives, regularly taking toxic prescription medications, and continually consuming processed, mind-numbing “food stuff” like canola oil, flu shots are one of the most insidious “injections” of the sick care complex – and that is why they’re free!

For starters, it’s a scientific fact that once you get a flu shot, you’re more susceptible to contracting the influenza virus the following year, and a worsened case of it at that. That’s because the flu shot contains genetically modified viral strains and 25,000 times more mercury than the EPA themselves tell you to avoid when consuming fish and water. Oops. No flu shot has ever been proven to be safe or effective in clinical trials either. In fact, the warning label on the flu vaccine insert informs you that if you’ve ever received a flu vaccine, that you should not get another one. Still, the CDC pushes the masses to get their free flu shot anyhow, even when they guess the wrong strains, year in and year out, like they did this year already….Read More

Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccine Designed to ~ Modify Behavior ~

For a leaked report showing further development of FunVax (Fundamentalist Vaccine), click here –… For further information on this disturbing Pentagon vaccine and what you can do, click here —… For dozens of revealing major media news articles on vaccine risks and dangers, click here —… For an abundance of reliable, little-known information on health industry manipulations, click here —… Is FunVax Possible? Dean Hamer and FunVax Scientist Discuss…