Swiss Gun Ownership – The REAL Story

MFP Commentary:
FWIW  many Americans and many politicians in this country want you dead. Yes you read that right.  Firearms ownership is one of the last ways that a people living under tyranny can  protect themselves from a tyrannical government.  This was the reason why the founders put the 2nd amendment into the US Constitution.

In the 20th century more people were murdered by their own governments, right after their government  confiscated their guns, (ostensibly to “protect them”) than died in all of the wars during that century. In all, over 300 million were murdered by their own governments.  Here are the facts..
Do not give up your guns! That is unless you enjoy slavery and death.


Swiss Gun Ownership – The REAL Story

Investigation Reveals North Carolina CPS Took HUNDREDS of Children Away from Parents Illegally

MFP Commentary:
If you have been paying attention,  it is  well established that the Federally funded CPS  system, is in reality a pediophyle procurment system.  Americans have sat on their colective arses for decades and watched children kidnapped by the state, with zero due process (no jury no trial) without a whimper or voice of opposition.  Christians and  the “church”  in general have a lot of culpability here, and a lot to answer for IMHO.   

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

“I’m sort of flabbergasted by it. It’s one of those situations where – very rarely am I speechless – I am absolutely speechless over it.”

These were the words spoken by North Carolina District Attorney Ashley Welch, when reporter Kate Martin, writing for the Carolina Public Press, asked her to respond last week (August 2019) to news that an internal memo revealed that state officials knew that Cherokee County Department of Social Services was illegally removing children from their homes, before a civil lawsuit was filed in 2018 and before a request was made for a State Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter.

In 2018, Associated Press reporters Mitch Weiss and Holbrook Mohr published an investigative report showing that Cherokee County Department of Social Services removed many children from their homes illegally, perhaps “hundreds.”

From the 2018 story:……Read More

Is the FBI allowing mass shootings to happen to advance a gun control narrative in America?

(Natural News) There are a number of strange anomalies associated with the recent mass shooting that was reported in El Paso, Texas, including the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) apparently knew it was going to happen before it happened, but let it happen anyway.

Reports indicate that the alleged shooter posted his plans to 8chan several hours before entering the Walmart – 8chan having previously been identified as a “honey pot” hive where the FBI has intentionally incited violence in the past as part of a covert terrorist entrapment program.

In other words, the FBI is a regular 8chan user – or was, seeing as how the site has since been banned – that monitors the message board system for red flag users that it believes might try to commit acts of mass violence….Read More

BOMBSHELL: Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation

(Natural News) The mainstream media is now openly pushing geoengineering and chemtrails as a solution for so-called “global warming,” which is of course a complete hoax to begin with. Globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see below) which is a blatant infomercial for chemtrails, touting the benefits of polluting the skies with calcium carbonate and sulfur dioxide, two pollutants that would devastate life on Earth. Matt Agorist from The Free Thought Project published an informative write-up.

The project is called SCoPEx, and it’s being masterminded by the who’s who of eugenicists and depopulation pushers at the highest levels of world government and academia. It’s funded and endorsed by Bill Gates, for example, who openly calls for reducing the human population by billions. We’ve covered this extensively on Natural News, warning how Bill Gates is funding a plan to carry out planetary genocide…..Read More

The 21st Century Crusades Have Commenced As the Democrats Usher In Communism While the Pope Is Ushering In Global Satanic Worship

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 – 08:27.

Can there be any doubt that the Democratic Party has been hijacked to usher in Communism? Just look at AOC’s “new (gang)green deal”. Look at Kamala Harris’ statement about taking your private home and your car, and on and on it goes with the Democrats. File this new position of the Democratic Party away until the conclusion of this article which primarily deals with how the Catholic Church is being used to usher in the worship of Satan.

How does one baptize a fallen angel? Well, the Pope would do exactly that. No, there is no formal declaration, yet, but the intention of the Pope to serve the “fallen ones” is clear. And what is also clear is the fact that this Pope is NOT a Christian. The Catholic religion has been hijacked. This Pope is on the record of having said he would baptize aliens (ie ET’s, ie fallen angels). Don;t forget about Lucifer’s telescope on top of Mt. Graham. This posiition, alone, should have been enough to wake up Catholics, everywhere, that their brand of religion had been hijacked.

Did the world need any greater proof than the coverups that have taken place in the multiple and never-ending sexual and ritualistic abuse of our children at the hands of the Catholic hierachy? The links between these heinous and largely unpunished, and more importantly unrepentant acts of abuse, and child sex trafficking are beginning to appear. As if this ongoing evil was not bad enough, the Pope is now organizing a modern-day set of crusades against fundamentalist Christian beliefs (ie Biblically based teachings) and those who earnestly practice

Do you remember when the Imams recited Islamic prayer at the Vatican. It was clear then, that this Pope was trying to create a one-world religion. On June 6, 2015, were you aware that the Pope allowed members of the Islamic faith to pray at the Vatican and he further broadcasted the event? More Chrislam wihich serves to dilute the Lord’s message and leads people astray.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that the Vatican (ie the Pope) is holding a thematic conference entitled ‘Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.The event consists of the Pope inviting leaders of major religions and key politicians, leaders in economics and academia to attend a meeting whose obvious intention is to dilute Christianity by combing the religions into a form of Chrislam and this will be accomplished by signing a “A Global Pact on Education” which is a thinly veiled education pact to deceive future generations of students and will collectively turn children against the Christ. The Pope even cited Hillary’s work on the notion that “Takes a village to raise a child”. Please allow me to remind the reader that it is not a secret that Hillary is a 4th Degree Coven Witch. Do I need to say more? Perhaps I should….

An anti-Christian servant to the Pope’s betrayal of the Christian faith, Cardinal Raymond Burke, was quoted in the Rome Life Forum as he stated the following:….Read More

John Whitehead’s Commentary: Is the U.S. Government the Enemy of the People? America’s Lost Liberties, Post-9/11

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” ― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

Take heed, America.

Our losses are mounting with every passing day.

What began with the post-9/11 passage of the USA Patriot Act  has snowballed into the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse.

The citizenry’s unquestioning acquiescence to anything the government wants to do in exchange for the phantom promise of safety and security has resulted in a society where the nation is being locked down into a militarized, mechanized, hypersensitive, legalistic, self-righteous, goose-stepping antithesis of every principle upon which this nation was founded.

Set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, police violence and the like—all of which have been sanctioned by Congress, the White House and the courts—our constitutional freedoms have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded….Read More

Michigan Law Professor: “The United States Destroys More Families than any other Country in the World”

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Vivek Sankaran is a clinical professor of law at the University of Michigan Law School, and he directs both the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic, through which law students represent children and parents in trial and appellate proceedings.

Professor Sankaran understands the failures of today’s foster care system better than most people in the U.S. do, and he has written:  …. Read More

John Whitehead’s Commentary: The Bill of Rights Turns 230, and What Do We Have to Show for It? Nothing Good


The Bill of Rights Turns 230, and What Do We Have to Show for It? Nothing Good

John Whitehead

“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

It’s been 230 years since James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights—the first ten amendments to the Constitution—as a means of protecting the people against government tyranny, and what do we have to show for it?

Nothing good.

In America today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned.

We can pretend that the Constitution, which was written to hold the government accountable, is still our governing document, but the reality of life in the American police state tells a different story.

“We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties.

The bogeyman’s names and faces have changed over time (terrorism, the war on drugs, illegal immigration, etc.), but the end result remains the same: in the so-called named of national security, the Constitution has been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded to such an extent that what we are left with today is but a shadow of the robust document adopted more than two centuries ago.

Most of the damage has been inflicted upon the Bill of Rights.

A recitation of the Bill of Rights—set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches (all sanctioned by Congress, the White House, the courts and the like)—would understandably sound more like a eulogy to freedoms lost than an affirmation of rights we truly possess.

Here is what it means to live under the Constitution today….. Read More

Research confirms fluoride lowers children’s IQ

The August 19, 2019, issue of JAMA Pediatrics1 delivered an unexpected bombshell: A U.S. and Canadian government-funded observational study found that drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy lowers children’s IQ.

The research, led by a Canadian team of researchers at York University in Ontario, looked at 512 mother-child pairs living in six Canadian cities. Fluoride levels were measured through urine samples collected during pregnancy…Read More