The 21st Century Crusades Have Commenced As the Democrats Usher In Communism While the Pope Is Ushering In Global Satanic Worship

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 – 08:27.

Can there be any doubt that the Democratic Party has been hijacked to usher in Communism? Just look at AOC’s “new (gang)green deal”. Look at Kamala Harris’ statement about taking your private home and your car, and on and on it goes with the Democrats. File this new position of the Democratic Party away until the conclusion of this article which primarily deals with how the Catholic Church is being used to usher in the worship of Satan.

How does one baptize a fallen angel? Well, the Pope would do exactly that. No, there is no formal declaration, yet, but the intention of the Pope to serve the “fallen ones” is clear. And what is also clear is the fact that this Pope is NOT a Christian. The Catholic religion has been hijacked. This Pope is on the record of having said he would baptize aliens (ie ET’s, ie fallen angels). Don;t forget about Lucifer’s telescope on top of Mt. Graham. This posiition, alone, should have been enough to wake up Catholics, everywhere, that their brand of religion had been hijacked.

Did the world need any greater proof than the coverups that have taken place in the multiple and never-ending sexual and ritualistic abuse of our children at the hands of the Catholic hierachy? The links between these heinous and largely unpunished, and more importantly unrepentant acts of abuse, and child sex trafficking are beginning to appear. As if this ongoing evil was not bad enough, the Pope is now organizing a modern-day set of crusades against fundamentalist Christian beliefs (ie Biblically based teachings) and those who earnestly practice

Do you remember when the Imams recited Islamic prayer at the Vatican. It was clear then, that this Pope was trying to create a one-world religion. On June 6, 2015, were you aware that the Pope allowed members of the Islamic faith to pray at the Vatican and he further broadcasted the event? More Chrislam wihich serves to dilute the Lord’s message and leads people astray.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that the Vatican (ie the Pope) is holding a thematic conference entitled ‘Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.The event consists of the Pope inviting leaders of major religions and key politicians, leaders in economics and academia to attend a meeting whose obvious intention is to dilute Christianity by combing the religions into a form of Chrislam and this will be accomplished by signing a “A Global Pact on Education” which is a thinly veiled education pact to deceive future generations of students and will collectively turn children against the Christ. The Pope even cited Hillary’s work on the notion that “Takes a village to raise a child”. Please allow me to remind the reader that it is not a secret that Hillary is a 4th Degree Coven Witch. Do I need to say more? Perhaps I should….

An anti-Christian servant to the Pope’s betrayal of the Christian faith, Cardinal Raymond Burke, was quoted in the Rome Life Forum as he stated the following:….Read More