On Monday, August 14, 2017, people from across Michigan participated in a community defense mass action to stop unauthorized “smart” meter installation and to show the utility company that they will not submit to the utility’s coercive tactics. Since then, Michigan residents have continued to stand up to DTE Energy’s bullying tactics and have refused to cave in to shut-off threats, thus exposing themselves to intimidation, harassment, and inconvenience. These folks are taking action and putting their money where their mouth is, in the truest form of activism!….. Read More
My own introduction to smart meters really began with watching the super informative movie “Take back your Power” . Watch the movie it’s only $3.95.
Then look around the rest of the site. The many dangers, and nefarious capabilities of these meters is real. Like all technology the deep state has it’s hooks into smart meters, just like they do your PC and Smart Phone. As a last thought, if you want to get hooked up with smart meter activism in Missouri. Shoot KP an email and I am sure that she will answer back.
Just a quick reminder–the exclusive GMOs REVEALED event starts in just a few short hours…
That’s right–this unprecedented docu-series event premieres tonight, August 22nd and runs for 9 episodes with the last episode airing on August 31st.
Each episode will be released daily at 9pm EST / 6 PM PST and will be available for free for 24 hours. Then, the episode will be taken down so we can share the next one.
Believe me–you DO NOT want to miss a single installment of this critical series. So here’s the next step…
Watch your email, because we’ll be sending your unique “watch” link tonight (and daily every night)…
This is a link that is assigned specifically to you and cannot be shared. However, you can still let others know who are concerned about the safety of GMOs.
Just send them to www.GMOsRevealed.com so they can get their own unique watch link.
I could not believe how good the Missouri marijuana “bill” was that I ran across last year. For starters it was not a bill. It was a Constitutional amendment. H’mmm I thought. Finally some people that are on the right track, as I have been very critical of so called “legalization” in other states. As far as I can see, legalization, as in everything that the psychopaths in the legislature do, was first of all a scheme to make the state, and the friends of the legislature, a lot of money off of the backs of the citizens. When in fact they are supposed to be protecting those citizens rights, not economically exploiting them.
The elephant in the room about “legalization” is that it is anything but….. In each case they just pass new and different laws about how they can kidnap you, and destroy your life over the use of a plant that God gave us in the book of Genesis.
Let’s hope that with some public education that when. Missouri changes it’s laws that they will reflect a protection of rights, rather than just creating new ways to violate our rights, and euphemistically calling it “legalization”.
Here is one Facebook group that is helping to get the amendment on the ballot:
What I do not understand is how the state can claim to “legalize” something that they have no right to criminalize in the first place. It’s all part of the continueing and never stopping psy-op coming from the state, but that is another conversation…. What I put into my body, is my choice, and one of my infinite God given inalienable rights. Obviously a right does not have to be listed in the bill of rights. The 9th and 10th amendments acknowledge that fact. The state on the other hand is practising slavery. i.e. It is claiming to own our bodies.
This country was founded upon the simple principles that John Locke espoused in his Second Treatise on Government. Thomas Jefferson elucidated them in the Declaration of Independance. Those principles are:
That we are the sovereigns, and thusly that we have all rights. Not a single one of the “legalization” states has even come close to protecting those rights when it comes to MJ. The fact that this has been allowed to happen is a testament to the successful brainwashing, and dumbing down of the public into not even knowing, much less demanding their rights.
The public knows nothing of the history of the Opium Wars. That the global elite, the same ones that are behind the The UN Drug Control Conventions that we have adopted, are the ones that are behind and are benefiting from the “war on drugs”, and the useful idiots, the order followers in blue, definitely do not understand the Satanic agenda that they are helping implement.
The drug war in the US, like the Opium Wars, has been a tool to trample our rights, to socially engineer, to corrupt both police and government officials, and to go after enemies of the state. In that respect the war on drugs has been extremely successful, but does any of this sould like a legitimate function of government?
The Mission Behind GMOs Revealed
No genetically modified crops were grown in the U.S. as recently as 1980. However, in 2007, 142 million acres were planted. Worldwide, the total was 282 million acres.
Imagine what it is today?
When the global food supply is contaminated, it impacts everyone. There is evidence to suggest that GMOs pose a serious, irreversible and unprecedented threat to humanity with catastrophic, and long-term effects.
Would you contaminate your child’s food with potentially harmful chemicals?
Of course not!
You diligently protect your family from any toxic substances by locking harmful chemicals and dangerous products out of reach.
But… what if the toxins secretly slip onto your plate, right under your nose… looking like any other food?
One of the biggest environmental disasters of humankind is the poison that is leeching into our food supply.
What’s more, the poison comes from glyphosate… the chemical in Roundup.
GMOs Revealed exposes the toxic, vicious and constant cycle between glyphosate and “Roundup resistant” engineered crops designed to survive large doses of the chemical that kills plants on contact!
FACT: The glyphosate levels in some EPA approved foods contain 400 times the amount known to cause damage.
Don’t you deserve to know what is in the food you feed your family?
GMOs Revealed shares the real, untold, shocking truth behind genetically engineered foods and the chemicals in them.
Not only that, Glyphosate may just be the tip of the dangerous GMO iceberg.
FACT: More GMOs means more chemical use. Many GMO crops are engineered to resist certain weed killers, the weeds and insects eventually evolve to be resistant to those chemicals… leading to more harsher chemicals being used.
Our mission is to break through the silence and bring vital information to every household, so you can choose what goes on your plate.
FACT: Monsanto is the largest seed company in the world and owns over 90% of all genetically engineered seeds in the U.S. In addition, Monsanto is the manufacturer of Roundup, which is the trade name for glyphosate.
We want to bring you the facts, but Monsanto would rather keep the real reports on how their products affect your food, your health and the environment away from you….. Read More
Again, do not look to find the truth in your local “newspaper” it is their job to keep you dumbed down, divided, and impotent. ~MFP
Throughout its prohibition, cannabis has been considered a self-medicated “coping” drug, especially in individuals with anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Government funded studies examining the link between cannabis and PTSD frequently use the term “marijuana abuse disorder,” a co-occurring problem in need of rehabilitation.
There is overwhelming evidence that PTSD and cannabis go hand-in-hand. But while most studies point out the prevalence of marijuana abuse among PTSD patients, a minority of emerging research is looking at the question in reverse: could cannabis be effectively treating PTSD?
Living with PTSD
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety condition caused by disturbing episodes, such as military combat or sexual assault. Three classes of symptoms characterize PTSD: re-experiencing, avoidance, and hyper arousal (e.g., flashbacks, social isolation, insomnia). The persistence of PTSD over time is attributed to changes in brain chemistry that occur at the time of the trauma, when adrenaline and stress hormones are hyper-responsive.
Since age nine, Ben Nichols has experienced debilitating PTSD symptoms, and with it came a tangle of other issues like insomnia and ADD. Ben takes Adderall to help with concentration difficulties caused by PTSD, but turns to cannabis to treat the anxiety…….. Read More
Once a month, staff members at the Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance (SCVA) fill more than 100 brown paper bags with high-quality medical cannabis and pass them out for free at a local community center. For the military veterans who receive it—many of whom struggle with PTSD—the medical cannabis acts as a lifeline to health.
The SCVA, which operates out of an old office in a Santa Cruz neighborhood, has been serving local men and women since 2011, when the organization was founded by military veterans Aaron Newsom and Jason Sweatt…… Read More
Members of the SCVA tuning in to announcements before cannabis is given out.
Veterans gather for the monthly SCVA meeting, where medical cannabis is distributed.Buds of Kosher Kush.
Gary Franci uncovers another way to get around the criminal Federal drug laws, that have done much to destroy liberty and health care in this country. Just like the globalists that wrote them intended. Do your homework, our drug schedules were written for the entire west by the globalist United Nations. Then 10 years later later president Richard Nixon started Federal enforcement of them. In total violation of the US Constitution, the highest law of the land. ~MFP
This is the company mentioned in the above interview:
The much anticipated Truth About Vaccines docu-series begins Thursday August 17, 2017.
Featuring an all-star lineup of speakers, this series promises to be one of the epic events of 2017 in the vaccine movement, following up on the success of the film VAXXED in 2016.
In a preview, VAXXED co-producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey talk about the importance of long-term scientific studies when looking at vaccine safety:… READ MORE
Natural News) A researcher claims that he has found evidence that one of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) most successful and trusted air pollution rules is based on a study that is full of “data fabrication and falsification.”
The veteran toxicologist, Albert Donnay, told the Daily Caller about the problems in a 1989 study that the EPA commissioned into the health effects of carbon monoxide. That report led to 25 years of regulations, not to mention billions of dollars in catalytic converter expenses for cars.
Donnay told the Daily Caller that the EPA scientists claimed to find an effect where none existed and that they fabricated the methods that gave them these results. Essentially, he believes that the study was spun to give the EPA the results they wanted, adding that “They reported results that could not have come from human beings.”….. READ MORE