Everything You Need to Know About Ketosis


Dr. Edward Group 


Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses fat, rather than sugar, for energy. Your body shifts into ketosis when your blood sugar is low, and the glycogen in your muscles has been depleted. Typically, this happens when you eat a low carb diet or fast from food altogether for a prolonged period. Ketosis is usually heralded as a fast and effective way to lose body fat. Research suggests that ketosis may positively affect health in other ways, as well.

How Does Ketosis Work?

Normally, your body is powered by sugar from carbohydrates, a macronutrient. However, if you drastically limit your intake of carbs, your body will tap into its sugar reserves, called glycogen. Once those are used up, a process that takes about three days, your liver begins to metabolize fat. This process is known as ketogenesis, and it produces ketones. Ketones are byproducts of fat metabolism that your body can use as an alternative form of energy.[1] One technical side note—some components of your body require a very small amount of sugar, but your body can produce that small amount of sugar by itself in a process called gluconeogenesis.[2]

The Ketogenic Diet

For your body to shift into ketosis, you must consume almost no carbohydrates. There are a couple of ways to limit your carb intake. One is through various types of fasting; another is by following a ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet is high in fat (70-80% of your daily calorie intake), low in protein (15-20%), and very low in carbohydrates (5-10% with no more than 20-30 grams of carbs per day).[3] There are different variations of the ketogenic diet, but, in general, it consists of low carb vegetables like leafy greens (not starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn) and healthy sources of fat and protein like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil. Depending on preference and dietary restrictions, some people consume eggs, meat, and fish.

How to Tell If You’re in Ketosis

A few telltale signs that your body is in ketosis include a rebound in energy and a lack of appetite. If you need a more definite answer, there are a couple of ways to determine if your body is in ketosis and to what degree. Urine test strips are the most common. They’re widely available and are color-coded to measure the presence of ketones in urine. Tests have also been developed to detect ketosis through exhaled breath.[4]

Health Benefits of Ketosis and the Ketogenic Diet

There are many health benefits of following a ketogenic diet. Putting your body into a state of ketosis may help with neurological disorders and sensory disturbances, abnormal cell development, and even recovery from spinal cord injury.[5][6][7] Most often, though, ketosis is praised for its beneficial effects on weight loss, blood sugar, and overall well-being.

Ketosis and Weight Loss

Because the ketogenic diet causes the body to burn stored body fat, it is effective for promoting weight loss.[8]A 2008 study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that overweight men who followed a ketogenic diet for a month lost, on average, 12 pounds.[9] Many people in ketosis develop healthier cholesterol levels, too.[10]

Ketosis and Blood Sugar

The ketogenic diet restricts the consumption of sugar, and it’s a helpful way to manage blood sugar levels.[11]In fact, many of the benefits of ketosis and the ketogenic diet are directly or indirectly related to reduced sugar intake.

Persons with type 1 diabetes may be susceptible to ketoacidosis, a potentially serious condition in which the acidity of the blood increases, and should not follow a ketogenic diet or seek ketosis without approval and observation from their trusted natural health care professional.

Ketosis and Healthy Aging

The ketogenic diet can help slow and soften the effects of aging by promoting longevity and strength.[12]Some research even suggests that it improves risk factors for some age-related health conditions.[13]

Ketosis and Brain Health

According to researchers at the Mayo Clinic, a low carb diet supports normal cognitive function.[14] Animal studies suggest that the ketogenic diet may be helpful for neurodegenerative diseases.[15] This is because ketosis protects neurons from oxidative damage in the neocortex, the wrinkled, folded outer layer of the brain.[16] Damage to this area is a characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases.[1]

Ketosis and the Immune System

According to researchers at Yale School of Medicine, ketones support normal immune system function.[17] In an animal study, researchers found that hypersensitivity to allergens was significantly reduced when ketone levels were elevated.[1] Additionally, the diet stimulates the body’s immune cell recycling process to clear out old, worn out cells and make room for fresh, new, robust immune cells.[18]

Are There Side Effects of Ketosis?

It’s important to note that as ketones are produced, the acidity of the blood also increases. For most people, this isn’t an issue. For some people, like those with type 1 diabetes who don’t produce insulin, it can lead to ketoacidosis, a serious condition that can prove fatal. Ketoacidosis can also occur in people with type 2 diabetes, although it is much less common.

Ketosis is an individual experience that can be difficult to begin but the rewards are tremendous. The first two or three days are regarded as the hardest since you’re not eating sugar, but your body hasn’t yet entered ketosis. As a result, most people report feeling hungry, tired, irritable, and slow.[19] Once ketosis kicks in, and they start burning fat, their physical energy and mental clarity return. It’s tough but the juice is worth the squeeze.

If you’re interested in putting your body in ketosis but aren’t sure where to start, check out my vegan, ketogenic fast. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from people who’ve tried it.

Do you have experience with ketosis? What insight can you provide? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.


References (19)


†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.  …… Original Article



Do We Have A Cure For Alzheimer’s Disease?

I am of the belief that the AMA’s use of the word “disease” is very flawed.
Alzheimer’s  is in reality (as are many other “diseases) just a set of symptoms, that can have many causes. I think that modern medicine does this because they are largely ignorant of the causes.   

Your case of a “disease” may not respond because it has a different cause than the AMA’s official tall tale that they call a “diagnosis”.    I am confident however that B vitamin deficiency is the root cause of some cases of Alzheimer’s.

That being said most degenerative diseases are caused by what we put into our bodies, and what we avoid putting into our bodies. That knowledge is being purposely occulted by the powers that be, as it serves their interests  to have you dependant and ill.


Commentary: The B-Vitamin Alzheimer’s Cure

Another Bill Sardi Article on Alzheimer’s

Is Your Shampoo Making You Sick?


Don’t shrug this off to alarmism.  Our bodies, our livers in particular,  are overwhelmed by the chemical onslaught one experiences in modern society.

It may seem overwhelming at times to learn what to avoid, what to eat, etc. It took me 5 years of intensive research to  get the answers that I wanted.  With the resources on this site, it should not take you nearly that long to figure it out, and get on the path to real health.  Your most important resource and possession.


Story at-a-glance

  • The Food and Drug Administration prohibits the use of 11 chemicals in the U.S. while the European Union bans over 1,300; only 1 percent of 84,000 chemicals in personal care products in the U.S. have been safety tested
  • Chemicals from your personal care products washed down the drain are poisoning groundwater supplies and finding their way into your drinking water; health hazards include cancers, poor sperm quality and ADHD
  • Consider using homemade personal care products, contacting your senator to express concern over chemicals in your tap water and consulting EWG’s database about the store-bought products you use

    Read the rest of the article:

Is Your Shampoo Making You Sick?


The EPA, Monsanto, and the Cover Up at Times Beach (Missouri)

When I was a little girl, I remember driving on I-44 with my mom past the desolate remains of what used to be Times Beach, Missouri. The streets sat empty, save for the dark, windowless husks of decaying, abandoned houses. She would always tell me about how that was where everyone had to be evacuated because toxic waste contamination had poisoned the place. Even though I was barely old enough to understand what that meant, every time we’d drive by on our way out into St. Louis County to visit family, I’d get that tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing we were going to pass it. In my young mind, I thought if any place was truly haunted, it had to be Times Beach.

The Official Story

The official story goes like this. About seventeen miles southwest of St. Louis sat Times Beach, a small community which began as a summer resort back in the 1920s. By the 1970s, it had become a low-income housing community with a population of 1,240 people that could not afford to pave its dusty roads. In an effort to control the dust, the city hired waste oil hauler Russell Bliss to spray them down, which he did multiple times between 1972 and 1976. The government would later claim Bliss obtained the dioxin-laced waste he dumped on Times Beach in 1971 from a Verona, Missouri plant where chemical byproducts including the toxic chemical byproduct of Agent Orange was manufactured… waste Bliss surreptitiously mixed in with the oils he sprayed on Times Beach roads as his means of “disposal”. This plant would later show concentrations of dangerous dioxin at up to 2,000 times higher than that found in Agent Orange itself. By 1985, Times Beach was disincorporated, evacuated and quarantined, save for one elderly couple who refused to leave. The town wasn’t demolished until 1992. More than 265,000 tons of tainted soils were incinerated at the site beginning in 1996, and by 1997 all was declared well and the state opened up a Route 66-themed park on the former site with a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 11, 1999…..  Read More


Houston Residents Being Sprayed with Deadly Neurotoxins

A serious situation is developing in Houston as people operating with orders from an unknown source, are spraying a  highly toxic substance, banned in several countries, on the people of of Houston.

The authorities are telling the people to don gas masks? Really? What if a family cannot afford gas masks? Also, Houston citizens need to be asking an important question: “Are there millions of gas masks available for purchase in Houston?”  Further, if there is no other choice. why aren’t the federal relief funds being used to purchase gas masks for the citizens? And how would these gas masks be distributed?

I have handled and worn gas masks before they are difficult to put on and they are even more difficult to remove. What about the elderly or the infirm? What are they to do? What about the children, or infants, what is going to protect them? The spraying of these residents is the best example of depraved indifference that I have ever witnessed.

A Slow Burn Genocide

In short America, this is a slow burn genocide for the people of Houston. Now whether this genocide is intentional or an unavoidable tragedy, one can debate the circumstances surrounding this human holocaust. However, there is one unavoidable factor that cannot be debated. The mosquitos which are being sprayed, will not bite and infect all Houston residents, not even close.


Which is worse, to get sprayed and have a 100% chance of being exposed to life threatening toxins or to do nothing and have a small chance of being bitten by a mosquito, that may or may not be infected with maladies? I would take my chances on being exposed to the mosquitos. …. Read more


PROOF: Flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in the history of the world

As one of the very few independent voices willing to stand up against the scientific dogma of our modern medical regime, I’ve long felt a need to communicate the dangers of flu shots to the public so that people can have better information to prevent vaccine injuries and save lives.

This doesn’t mean I’m opposed to the theory of vaccination, by the way. In fact, I’m the author of A Blueprint for Safer Vaccines, an audio guide to saving lives and preventing vaccine injuries and deaths.

To my knowledge, I’m the only independent journalist in the world who is scientifically trained to run an atomic mass spectrometry laboratory, which I’ve been running for over three years now and testing the heavy metals content of organic superfoods like cacao, common vaccines as well as the ability of water filters to remove toxic heavy metals. I’m the creator of the Low Heavy Metals Verified standard and I’m the inventor of patented nutritional formulas for capturing heavy metals during digestion and binding with the radioactive isotopes of cesium (such as Cesium-137) to eliminate them from the digestive tract. Click here to see my Cesium Eliminator patent that was recently approved by the U.S. government.

My independent atomic elemental analysis of flu vaccines, published in the summer of 2014, proved that flu vaccines contain over 50 ppm mercury, an extremely toxic heavy metal linked to kidney failure, birth defects, spontaneous abortions and neurological damage. This finding has never been refuted by anyone. In fact, it was affirmed by vaccine proponents who insisted that it is perfectly safe to inject pregnant women, young children and senior citizens with mercury even though the flu vaccine insert itself readily admits there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in such groups.

Believe it or not, there are still millions of people, doctors, pharmacists and even journalists who do not yet realize there is a very high concentration of mercury in influenza vaccines given to pregnant women, children and senior citizens. Most people, you see, have been lied to by the media which has stated over and over again that mercury was removed from all vaccines.

That’s simply not true…….. Read More


New York Times: Spike the food supply with sterilization chemicals to cause global infertility and depopulation

A November 4, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled “A Sterility Drug in Food is Hinted” came with the byline, “Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.”

Until the New York Times memory holes the article, you can still find it in the NYT archives at this link, in fact. You can also see a partial photo of the NYT article below.

Most people living today — especially younger people — have no idea that a key agenda of globalism is the elimination of “undesirable” humans from the gene pool. They believe that ideas of “eugenics” and genocide were only carried out by the Nazis, not by American university professors and presidential science advisors. So they have no grasp of the context in which Planned Parenthood, for example, operates today as a depopulation engine to eliminate blacks from society. (Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a black-hating eugenicist whose ideas directly inspired the genocidal goals of the Third Reich.)

The New York Times article, shown below, quotes Dr. Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a depopulation advocate, as well as President Richard Nixon’s chief science adviser, Dr. Lee DuBridge, who said that “population control should be the prime task of every government.” (Read PopulationControl.news for more headlines on this subject.)…. Read More


Discover How to Reduce Your Risk, Restore Your Health, and Reverse the Effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Your doctors don’t know it all. I am living proof that that fact I am so healthy mainly because I fired my doctors, and often did the opposite of what they advised. I can entertain questions in the comment section if you have any questions.

. Give Ty Bollinger a listen, and sign up for this video series that will show September 21-October 2nd.


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