MFP Commentary: Like the doctor in this article I was fired from my job as a patient at the local Fordland Medical clinic. The reasons were the same. I was exposing what I see as fraud, disinformation & criminal medical acts. This clinic is dedicated to following Medical “mandates” regardless of the health outcomes. A recent example is their offering “drive through” COVID testing.
Pigs feeding at the Federal trough. Is there nothing that this clinic will not go along with?
They are pigs feeding at the tax payer provide trough as they are paid thousands of dollars of your money (which your children will be forced to pay off) for these fake as hell positive tests results. They apparently have no moral compass at all EXCEPT following Federal Mandates.
And when, not if, the demonic forced vaccinations, come, the Fordland Clinic will most certainly IMHO help force Bill Gates Satanic project upon you. We ought to call this evil place the “Mark of the Beast Clinic”. Mark my words, this currently looks exactly like what they will do.
It is well known at this date that the tests are complete fake and the people running this clinic are capable of anything IMHO. They have already demonstrably gone along with a lot of evil by implementing current Federal Mandates.
What the sheep is are not told are the things that are being done to people across the country, with no legal basis, that turn up positive. Is it worth taking this useless test if a possible outcome would be CPS permanently kidnapping your children and you having zero due process rights to a jury trial to get them back? This is not freedom!
One of the central “order followers” at the clinic is nurse Sonia Cass:
Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” – the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.
Just days after the establishment – via its Big Tech partners and liberal media propagandists – entirely disappeared a viral video of a dozen doctors discussing their real-life experiences of treating COVID-19 (and in some cases using the “extremely dangerous” medicine – if mainstream media is to be believed – hydroxchloroquine) and getting children back to school; the founder of “America’s Frontline Doctors” – Dr. Simone Gold – has been fired from her job as an Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, CA.
As we previously noted, in the video, Dr. Gold said:
“We’re here because we feel as though the American people have not heard from all the expertise that’s out there all across our country.”
She is also the head organizer of an open letter signed by more than 600 doctors calling on President Trump to end lockdown. The letter described widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and children home from school as a “mass casualty incident” with “exponentially growing health consequences.”…Read More
The Moderna vaccine skipped animal trials and went straight to human testing. In the high-dose test group, 21% of needed hospitalization. But Fauci’s NIH is a co-developer/co-owner, so they’re now moving on to a fake Phase 3 trial.
On Wednesday 7/29/2020’s show David Knight reports, “The Phase 3 testing is the biggest lie of all of this, but it’s being done very subtly. Look at the headlines: ‘Would you volunteer to be exposed to this? These Stanford graduates volunteered to be exposed to COVID-19!’ But yet they’re not going to be exposed. They’re NOT going to be exposed to COVID-19.”
Fauci talks about “safety and efficacy” of vaccines. But he knows better. His own NIH explains there is a difference between efficacy, effectiveness and immunogenicity (see
“Efficacy of vaccine is measured in randomized, placebo-controlled studies, that are expensive and difficult to plan. Moreover, it is unethical to offer a placebo instead of vaccine. For all of these reasons… Effectiveness of vaccine is measured as an epidemiological affect from observational studies… Immunogenicity of vaccine refers to the ability of a vaccine to induce an immune response in a vaccinated individual.”…Read More
Related Story: MFP Commentary: For the past 10 years that I was a patient at the Fordland Medical Clinic . The clinic has taken Federal money, and thus forces many Federal mandates upon the “clients”. ”
Victims” would be a more accurate term. Most of these Federal mandates put your life in danger IMHO. Under my God given and Constitutionally protected right to free speech, I made my concerns known and made many friends at the clinic.
Last year I was summarily “fired” from the clinic for complaining basically, and their letter of dismissal was a fraud with a doctor at the clinic fabrication that I had a conversation with him, that prompted him to issue the dismissal letter. The fact is the conversation was with Fordland Clinics version of “Nurse Rachet”.
Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” – the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.
The end result of their criminal action (you get zero justice unless you can afford an attorney in this country and they know that people at a subsidized clinic can not afford attorneys.) has been that I have been unable to visit a dentist for over a year. I paid my entire life into the system. My state psychopaths (state senators) that have been crucial in implementing this tyranny absolutely refuse to do anything about this. They will not even give me anything in writing and have ducked phone calls for over a year….. If I get the time I really needs to expose and explain the level of their criminality. Like most so called “politicians’ they are pigs at the trough and you the serf really don’t matter to them and the “Mockingbird Press” does little than run cover for their crimes.
Iv’e been saying for years that chronic care medicine is thinly veiled eugenics that was started by Globalist/Satanists Rockefeller family in the early 20th century with the Flexner Report presented to Congress. This is the kind of medicine that one gets at the Fordland Clinic. I have been banned from all services a this facility for merely exercising my free speech and pointing out the evil of following many of the “Federal Medical Mandates”. ~MFP Related stories: EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?
The day of the serpent is over! “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. ” (John 3:14-15)
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
Some, like the Caduceus, have two serpents around a staff, while others, like the rod of Asclepius, have only one serpent.
There are various interpretations as to the difference in meaning between the two, as well as the history of their origins, but the oldest reference to the serpent and its role in human suffering or healing, is contained in the earliest records of the Bible, in the writings of Moses, who is credited with writing most of the first 5 books of the Old Testament portion of the Bible around 3500 years ago.
Since these writings pre-date anything written in Greek mythology by almost 1000 years, I am going to base this article on the Bible, the oldest and the most widely circulated and most frequently translated collection of ancient writings in the world, by far, with no serious competitors in ancient or modern literature.
If that bothers you, no need to read further.
We will see from the ancient wisdom of the Bible, that the serpent representing Satan is the ultimate anti-Christ, that he is weaker than Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible as both the Son of Man and the Son of God, and that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan over sickness and death….. Read More
By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His blog can be read here and his book, ‘Doctoring Data – How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense,’ is available here.
Evidence that a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats Covid-19 gets trashed. Why? Because the pharmaceutical giants want to sell you a treatment costing nearly £2,000. It’s criminal.
A few years ago, I wrote a book called ‘Doctoring Data’. This was an attempt to help people understand the background to the tidal wave of medical information that crashes over us each and every day. Information that is often completely contradictory, viz ‘Coffee is good for you… no, wait it’s bad for you… no, wait, it’s good for you again,’ repeated ad nauseam.
I also pointed out some of the tricks, games and manipulations that are used to make medications seem far more effective than they truly are, or vice versa. This, I have to say, can be a very dispiriting world to enter. When I give talks on this subject, I often start with a few quotes.
For example, here is Dr Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for over 20 years, writing in 2009:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor.”
Have things got better? No, I believe they’ve got worse – if that were, indeed, possible. I was recently sent the following email about a closed-door, no-recording-allowed discussion, held in May of this year under no-disclosure Chatham House rules:…Read More
An analysis of US mortality data by Mark Blaxill and Amy Becker shows that the weekly number of deaths among infants during the pandemic lockdown dropped by about 30%. “Starting in early March, expected deaths began a sharp decline, from an expected level of around 700 deaths per week to well under 500 by mid‐April and throughout May.” The unexpected survival of 200 babies per week precisely corresponds with a drop in vaccination. A group of authors from the CDC and Kaiser Permanente reported in the May 15 issue of the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that there was a “sharp decline in provider orders for vaccines as well as a decline in pediatric vaccine doses administered.”
Lower infant deaths associated with stopping vaccinations in babies also was noted by a doctor in Italy in a letter to Robert F. Kennedy of Children’s Health Defense. Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti wrote that during the lockdown there were no sudden-infant-death syndromes. After the lockdown, baby vaccination started again, and there was a dead baby in Turin, and another child and two twins died.” -GEG…..Read More
“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
~ George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” (1946)
Mass vaccination, and likely eventual mandatory vaccination, is on the horizon, and has already been accepted by most in this country and around the world as a necessity for avoiding the so-called novel coronavirus. This false notion being pushed on the people by the state and its media is but a lie masquerading as the truth. Propaganda at this level would make Hitler proud. It will not be a godsend for the world, but will be the state’s weapon of choice for mass murder for the purpose of genocide and population control. No coronavirus or RNA vaccines have ever been effective, but have been very dangerous to the health of those inoculated. In the case of this new vaccine being fast-tracked, it will be untested, and the risks due to many factors will be astronomical.
We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.
How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity….Read More
I felt like August Landmesser when I was at Cox Hospital in Springfield MO and refused to go along with the face mask psyop who’s end game are Bill Gates forced vaccinations
I arrived at Cox South in Springfield MO on June 17th 2020 for a scheduled surgery. I had not slept in 24 hours due to the complete and unrelenting incompetence of the government mandated medical monopoly that we are forced to live under.
Although this surgery had been in the works for over 90 days, I was not made aware that an overnight stay was required for my particular procedure, literally until hours before I was to arrive at the hospital. So in spite of the paperwork in front of me saying that this was an outpatient procedure, my 5 previous days of finding a driver for an outpatient procedure suddenly had to thrown away and rethought. I also have 14 adolescent ducks that would now have to be kept in a hot coop for over 36 hours. Needless to say I did not sleep at all the night of the 16th with weeks of planning thrown under the bus by an always incompetent and dehumanizing medical system. Note I am not disparaging the people caught up in this machine. I met many great and interesting people during this experience, that however does not change the nature of the government created, monopoly medical system that we all found ourselves caught up in.
On the hospital door in is the obligatory “no weapons allowed” sign that more or less confirms that this facility (just like your library or the Fordland Clinic with similar signs) is on the Federal Payroll and is enforcing Federal Mandates and Edicts. What most people do not realize is that in doing so Cox is no longer a private business that can prohibit weapons on their premises. Cox is acting as an agent of the state and as such they can not lawfully violate your 2nd amendment protected rights. If our courts actually worked Cox could be prosecuted under USC 18 sections 241 & 242. Department of Justice CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS also FBI: Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights
I ran the gauntlet of useful idiots along the way, that did not understand the medical term “Contraindicated” as a response to their demand to wear an N95 mask. The young lady I first encountered was specifically put there IMHO to intimidate your average spineless American. She looked to be an ex-marine body builder. The psy-op started up in full swing and the choice of having her at the front door was not an accident. It was meant to intimidate the disarmed “customer” into compliance.
After a few other encounters with the order-following staff I positioned myself in the furthest most unoccupied corned of the lobby that I could find. I was at least 50 feet from anyone else in the facility….. However it did not take long for a very large, armed, and aggressive order follower to single me out from about 100 feet away. He quickly closed that distance and brought himself uncomfortably close to myself. Certainly closer than the arbitrary social distancing distance of 6 feet. He refused to stand any further away. At some point I demanded that he get his supervisor out there as he was low IQ and certainly not able to comprehend the medical term “Contraindicated” and that I had a medical condition that prohibits me from wearing an N95 mask. They say that an armed society is a polite society and just the exact opposite was happening because like the Israelite’s in Egypt I had been dumb enough to let myself become disarmed. If I were wearing a weapon I can guarantee you that he would have been a hell of a lot more respectful.
If this thug in blue had treated me this way outside of the HDZ ( “Hospital Disarmament Zone” ) he would have at the very least caught some pepper spray in the face if not a case of lead poisoning.
My only real weapon was my cell phone, and this thug was well trained, as he would not stop repeating the lie that recording in the hospital was a HIPPA violation. Which if it was, then all of the Cox security cameras that were trained on me at that moment are also violations of HIPPA! Regardless if someone is assaulting you, after illegally and criminally disarming you, you would be nuts not to record the incident and that is exactly what the Cox thug was trying to prevent.
What I did not catch on film was the plethora of staff – doctors in particular that did not wear a mask in the lobby – or had the mask down with their nose exposed. Or the fact that the large armed order follower also had his mask down and had pushed it up when he decided to come harass me.
It was also miraculous that up on the 9th floor where I spent the following 24 hours that no masks were required of patients! Either the flu virus can’t exist at that altitude or the Cox administration is demonstrably full of shit.
Anyhow I ended up with 2 large armed security personnel and a floor nurse in my face for close to 15 minutes. The nurse called me a racist because I told the large low IQ security person to go back to the 3rd world country that he obviously had come from. Her flippant comment really pissed me off as if I were not already pissed off. The low IQ public thinks that you can call someone a racist for any fuking illogical reason and that will shut them up. Well I did not work with me. Then this nurse tried to violate my HIPPA privacy wanting to know what the medical condition was that prevented me from wearing a mask. I also refused to give these dangerous authoritarian people my name, after which they spent about 10 minutes at the admissions desk, trying to get my name which is again a very clear violation of my HIPPA privacy protections. I suspect that my privacy was violated by the 2 ladies at the desk, they were not very convincing liars when I confronted them about this.
Fast forward a few hours, after the surgery. It’s getting late and even after 24 hours of not being able to sleep I am restless, very much due to the reception from 2 terrorists in the lobby earlier. I wait 2 hours for a “sleeping pill”. It’s a fuking 3 mg Melatonin! Again this surgery has been scheduled for over 3 months, I have insomnia, and when I desperately need to sleep, I get my leg pissed upon by the medical establishment and told that it’s raining.
I got zero informed consent until AFTER I was discharged. When I was checking out the staff printed me up the information that I should have had before the surgery! One of the critical things was the antibiotic that they had already given me 2 doses of…. I find out AFTER being given the antibiotic that possible side effects include permanent nerve damage, death, and ruptured tendons.
Getting ready to be sedated….I really needed this after the 2 terrorists in blue costumes accosted me in the lobby
Being a bit concerned, I left a message with the surgeons nurse that I was going to stop taking said medication because I thought I may have experienced two of the more minor side effects of numbness and weakness in my arm and shoulder. That was 2 days ago and I have not heard back yet!
I also went in person to the drug store to pick up my prescription (24 hours after my last dose) to see if I could get any intelligent advice from the Pharmacist. Basically I wanted to know the statistical significance of the warnings that I had read. Was permanent never damage a one on ten thing or was it a one in a billion thing? The warnings had zero statistics associated with them and were extremely insulting to anyone with half a brain. Well I guess actual facts and statistics were too complicated for this pharmacists little brain and all I could get out of her was that she would take it if she were me….
The takeaway I want you to get out of this story are several.
We are under a medical dictatorship and we have not had a free market in medicine since the 1920’s.
That the medical dictatorship is going to use this mask hysteria to bring in mandatory Bill Gates vaccines that will also be the mark of the beast.
I want to thank most of the staff at Cox, they have a difficult job to say the lest. They are IMHO caught up in an evil system over which they have little control and most of them no knowledge. They were never educated that the current medical monopoly was put into place when the Rockefeller family commissioned the Flexner Reportfor Congress back in the early 20th century. I should not have to add that the Rockefeller’s are New World Order Globalists and as such Lucefarian with a Satanic agenda. Those are the roots of our current medical monopoly. Now you know why the chronic care side of the house so closely resembles thinly veiled eugenics….because that is what it is. From my recent experience at Cox the acute care side of the house that used to be the best in the world is trying to catch up with the chronic care side of the house. We desperately need the free market to return to medicine. We were warned over 250 years ago:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush – 1776
FWIW there is a 12 minute long video that I have not put up, due in large part to it being over 1.5 GB in size.
Jon Rappoport cites a 2017 scientific study showing that 44 types of common vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT and tetanus, are contaminated with a variety of toxic nanoparticles. Many of them are metals. Nanoparticles can be carried by the blood any part of the body and cause inflammatory reactions. They also can stimulate the immune system in unnatural and harmful ways and disrupt cellular DNA. The researchers said that these vaccine nanoparticles were similar to burnt waste and stressed that “they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.” [The startling significance of this finding is that these vaccines are not medicines to protect health but bioweapons to cause illness.] -GEG…. Read More
That’s the lesson the government wants us to learn from this COVID-19 business.
Well, the government is wrong.
For years now, the powers-that-be—those politicians and bureaucrats who think like tyrants and act like petty dictators regardless of what party they belong to—have attempted to brainwash us into believing that we have no right to think for ourselves, make decisions about our health, protect our homes and families and businesses, act in our best interests, demand accountability and transparency from government, or generally operate as if we are in control of our own lives….Read More