SWAT Team Blows Up Family’s Home in Search of a SHOPLIFTER—Supreme Court Says So What
SWAT Team Blows Up Family’s Home in Search of a SHOPLIFTER—Supreme Court Says So What
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Greenwood Village, CO – By refusing to hear a tragic case in which police officers in Greenwood Village, Colorado, destroyed a private residence while pursuing a suspected shoplifter the Supreme Court has seemingly granted police new powers for which they will not be held accountable. They can now apparently completely destroy your home and they will not have to pay for it. That’s what happened to Leo Lech’s home in 2015 after a shoplifter — accused of stealing a shirt — illegally entered his home, forcing Greenwood Village SWAT to go room by room ransacking the place with explosives.
Last year, as TFTP reported, a federal court refused to grant the homeowners any compensation. This was in spite of the fact that the family had no connection to the theft, never allowed the thief in their home, and broke no law prior to police destroying their home. After receiving this news in October, the family held out hope for their chances in the Supreme Court….Read More
John Whitehead’s Commentary: America’s Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today
It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”—Thomas Paine
“When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”—Marquis De Lafayette
Had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.
This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.
In fact, Attorney General William Barr recently announced plans to target, track and surveil “anti-government extremists” and preemptively nip in the bud any “threats” to public safety and the rule of law.
It doesn’t matter that the stated purpose of Barr’s anti-government extremist task force is to investigate dissidents on the far right (the “boogaloo” movement) and far left (antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist group) who have been accused of instigating violence and disrupting peaceful protests.
Boogaloo and Antifa have given the government the perfect excuse for declaring war (with all that entails: surveillance, threat assessments, pre-crime, etc.) against so-called anti-government extremists.
Without a doubt, America’s revolutionary founders would have been at the top of Barr’s list…Read More
A Covid Vaccine Is Coming, and Death Is Coming With It!
July 3, 2020
“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
~ George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” (1946)
Mass vaccination, and likely eventual mandatory vaccination, is on the horizon, and has already been accepted by most in this country and around the world as a necessity for avoiding the so-called novel coronavirus. This false notion being pushed on the people by the state and its media is but a lie masquerading as the truth. Propaganda at this level would make Hitler proud. It will not be a godsend for the world, but will be the state’s weapon of choice for mass murder for the purpose of genocide and population control. No coronavirus or RNA vaccines have ever been effective, but have been very dangerous to the health of those inoculated. In the case of this new vaccine being fast-tracked, it will be untested, and the risks due to many factors will be astronomical.
We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.
How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity….Read More
SLAVERY The WHITE privilege they erased from history.
The Long-Planned Second Wave of This Coronavirus Is Now Going Into High Gear
The Long-Planned Second Wave of This Coronavirus Is Now Going Into High Gear
The essence of propaganda is always aimed at those that “lack the means of mental production,” in other words, the masses. Propaganda that is evident today concerning this plotted virus scare has not only consumed the pathetic masses, but has consumed the nation as a whole. Propaganda is most always very biased or misleading information meant only to sway particular political opinions, and in doing so, create a particular outcome. In the case of the fraudulent Covid scare, the outcome sought is total and undeniable control of all the people. Sadly, this agenda is being fulfilled at a record pace.
The second wave of virus promised early on by the elites, including the evil Bill Gates, is well underway. This is happening now in my opinion because the stopgap measure of orchestrating riots, looting, arson, and civil unrest has not been able to prolong the panic as planned, so a new virus outbreak plot had to be pushed quickly in order to quell any dissent by the people. As expected, it is already taking hold of the masses, and they seem to be accepting this new lie without much resistance. In fact, some governors are already re-closing their states, and mandating more isolation, more masks, and more distancing. Some bars and other businesses are once again being shut down. How long will it be until this becomes another full-blown pandemic lockdown? Will the people buy this hoax again, and ride it into the next flu season late this fall, when the common flu can be used to scaremonger the public? ….Read More
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Historically, society has deemed pastors and physicians two of its most sacred callings. Pastors watched over our souls, while physicians watched over our bodies. The duties of each office were both respected and protected in our nation’s most important documents and doctrines. But in about four months, our federal government has turned both professions from that of protector to that of predator.
The so-called coronavirus pandemic has totally changed the spiritual, emotional, psychological, philosophical and medical soul of America. The entire country has turned against itself. No one trusts anyone. Everyone they meet, whether in a grocery store, drug store, restaurant, gas station, department store or even church, is viewed as a threat. Masks, social distancing and home isolation are all considered the “new normal.”
Tens of thousands of pastors are yet today forbidding their congregants from assembling together for worship. And tens of thousands of physicians are still largely out of reach from their patients.
Many physicians have been on vacation for months. Hospitals are still refusing to see patients. Surgeries have been postponed. Cancer victims are not being treated. People with heart disease are not being treated. Gallbladder disease is not being treated. Meanwhile, our hospitals are as EMPTY as our churches.
In fact, physicians and hospitals are being paid by our federal government to NOT treat people. And that same federal government is bribing hospitals and doctors to make an all-out effort to “find” corona cases. They are paid to issue corona tests (which are largely inaccurate); they are paid to identify corona cases, whether they exist or not; they are paid to isolate people as a preventative against corona; they are paid to put people on respirators; ad infinitum; ad nauseam. And we are not talking chicken feed here; we are talking hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars. By the same token, 501(c)(3) government churches are being paid by that same federal government to NOT conduct services.
Almost overnight, two of the most respected callings in the country, pastor and physician, have become nothing more than sniveling servants of the state.
The horror stories that are taking place in nursing homes, retirement facilities and hospitals across America rival the horror stories that came out of Nazi Germany. All over America, tens of thousands of seniors are dying totally ALONE. They endure life-and-death surgeries alone; they are enslaved in their medical wards alone. Their families are forbidden to see them as they suffer and die. Families have no idea of the kind of care (or lack thereof) that their loved ones are receiving….Read More
INTERVIEW: Former FEMA Official Details the Step by Step Plan to Destroy America – part 1
Dave Hodges on Monday, June 22, 2020
I recently interviewed former FEMA official, Celeste Solum. This was the first part of two interviews in which Celeste laid out in detail the plans for the powers-that-be to totally destroy the United States of America. How does Celeste know what is coming? She was part of planning the details, until her devotion to the Lord forced her to walk away. Celeste paid a heavy price for walking away and is still presecuted today. This is not an interview for the faint of heart and if anyone needed an excuse to get right with God, this is it!!!
This chilling interview can be accessed by clicking this link.
EDITORIAL: COX Hospital disarms patient then sends in armed thug “mask police”, they then tried to disarm me of my only remaining protection… my camera, they call me a racist, accuse me of violating HIPPA and then violate my HIPPA rights….twice!

I arrived at Cox South in Springfield MO on June 17th 2020 for a scheduled surgery. I had not slept in 24 hours due to the complete and unrelenting incompetence of the government mandated medical monopoly that we are forced to live under.
Although this surgery had been in the works for over 90 days, I was not made aware that an overnight stay was required for my particular procedure, literally until hours before I was to arrive at the hospital. So in spite of the paperwork in front of me saying that this was an outpatient procedure, my 5 previous days of finding a driver for an outpatient procedure suddenly had to thrown away and rethought. I also have 14 adolescent ducks that would now have to be kept in a hot coop for over 36 hours. Needless to say I did not sleep at all the night of the 16th with weeks of planning thrown under the bus by an always incompetent and dehumanizing medical system. Note I am not disparaging the people caught up in this machine. I met many great and interesting people during this experience, that however does not change the nature of the government created, monopoly medical system that we all found ourselves caught up in.
On the hospital door in is the obligatory “no weapons allowed” sign that more or less confirms that this facility (just like your library or the Fordland Clinic with similar signs) is on the Federal Payroll and is enforcing Federal Mandates and Edicts. What most people do not realize is that in doing so Cox is no longer a private business that can prohibit weapons on their premises. Cox is acting as an agent of the state and as such they can not lawfully violate your 2nd amendment protected rights. If our courts actually worked Cox could be prosecuted under USC 18 sections 241 & 242. Department of Justice CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS also FBI: Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights
I ran the gauntlet of useful idiots along the way, that did not understand the medical term “Contraindicated” as a response to their demand to wear an N95 mask. The young lady I first encountered was specifically put there IMHO to intimidate your average spineless American. She looked to be an ex-marine body builder. The psy-op started up in full swing and the choice of having her at the front door was not an accident. It was meant to intimidate the disarmed “customer” into compliance.
After a few other encounters with the order-following staff I positioned myself in the furthest most unoccupied corned of the lobby that I could find. I was at least 50 feet from anyone else in the facility….. However it did not take long for a very large, armed, and aggressive order follower to single me out from about 100 feet away. He quickly closed that distance and brought himself uncomfortably close to myself. Certainly closer than the arbitrary social distancing distance of 6 feet. He refused to stand any further away. At some point I demanded that he get his supervisor out there as he was low IQ and certainly not able to comprehend the medical term “Contraindicated” and that I had a medical condition that prohibits me from wearing an N95 mask. They say that an armed society is a polite society and just the exact opposite was happening because like the Israelite’s in Egypt I had been dumb enough to let myself become disarmed. If I were wearing a weapon I can guarantee you that he would have been a hell of a lot more respectful.
If this thug in blue had treated me this way outside of the HDZ ( “Hospital Disarmament Zone” ) he would have at the very least caught some pepper spray in the face if not a case of lead poisoning.
My only real weapon was my cell phone, and this thug was well trained, as he would not stop repeating the lie that recording in the hospital was a HIPPA violation. Which if it was, then all of the Cox security cameras that were trained on me at that moment are also violations of HIPPA! Regardless if someone is assaulting you, after illegally and criminally disarming you, you would be nuts not to record the incident and that is exactly what the Cox thug was trying to prevent.
What I did not catch on film was the plethora of staff – doctors in particular that did not wear a mask in the lobby – or had the mask down with their nose exposed. Or the fact that the large armed order follower also had his mask down and had pushed it up when he decided to come harass me.
It was also miraculous that up on the 9th floor where I spent the following 24 hours that no masks were required of patients! Either the flu virus can’t exist at that altitude or the Cox administration is demonstrably full of shit.
Anyhow I ended up with 2 large armed security personnel and a floor nurse in my face for close to 15 minutes. The nurse called me a racist because I told the large low IQ security person to go back to the 3rd world country that he obviously had come from. Her flippant comment really pissed me off as if I were not already pissed off. The low IQ public thinks that you can call someone a racist for any fuking illogical reason and that will shut them up. Well I did not work with me. Then this nurse tried to violate my HIPPA privacy wanting to know what the medical condition was that prevented me from wearing a mask. I also refused to give these dangerous authoritarian people my name, after which they spent about 10 minutes at the admissions desk, trying to get my name which is again a very clear violation of my HIPPA privacy protections. I suspect that my privacy was violated by the 2 ladies at the desk, they were not very convincing liars when I confronted them about this.
Fast forward a few hours, after the surgery. It’s getting late and even after 24 hours of not being able to sleep I am restless, very much due to the reception from 2 terrorists in the lobby earlier. I wait 2 hours for a “sleeping pill”. It’s a fuking 3 mg Melatonin! Again this surgery has been scheduled for over 3 months, I have insomnia, and when I desperately need to sleep, I get my leg pissed upon by the medical establishment and told that it’s raining.
I got zero informed consent until AFTER I was discharged. When I was checking out the staff printed me up the information that I should have had before the surgery! One of the critical things was the antibiotic that they had already given me 2 doses of…. I find out AFTER being given the antibiotic that possible side effects include permanent nerve damage, death, and ruptured tendons.

Being a bit concerned, I left a message with the surgeons nurse that I was going to stop taking said medication because I thought I may have experienced two of the more minor side effects of numbness and weakness in my arm and shoulder. That was 2 days ago and I have not heard back yet!
I also went in person to the drug store to pick up my prescription (24 hours after my last dose) to see if I could get any intelligent advice from the Pharmacist. Basically I wanted to know the statistical significance of the warnings that I had read. Was permanent never damage a one on ten thing or was it a one in a billion thing? The warnings had zero statistics associated with them and were extremely insulting to anyone with half a brain. Well I guess actual facts and statistics were too complicated for this pharmacists little brain and all I could get out of her was that she would take it if she were me….
The takeaway I want you to get out of this story are several.
We are under a medical dictatorship and we have not had a free market in medicine since the 1920’s.
That the medical dictatorship is going to use this mask hysteria to bring in mandatory Bill Gates vaccines that will also be the mark of the beast.
I want to thank most of the staff at Cox, they have a difficult job to say the lest. They are IMHO caught up in an evil system over which they have little control and most of them no knowledge. They were never educated that the current medical monopoly was put into place when the Rockefeller family commissioned the Flexner Report for Congress back in the early 20th century. I should not have to add that the Rockefeller’s are New World Order Globalists and as such Lucefarian with a Satanic agenda. Those are the roots of our current medical monopoly. Now you know why the chronic care side of the house so closely resembles thinly veiled eugenics….because that is what it is. From my recent experience at Cox the acute care side of the house that used to be the best in the world is trying to catch up with the chronic care side of the house. We desperately need the free market to return to medicine. We were warned over 250 years ago:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush – 1776
FWIW there is a 12 minute long video that I have not put up, due in large part to it being over 1.5 GB in size.
UK Man Paid $12,000 by Airline Which Forced Him to Wear a Mask – Zero Hedge
In the UK the laws are enforced but in the US in Springfield MO, Cox Medical has routinely violated both the law and my rights and nothing is done. ~MFP
Will Enough Americans Resist Tyranny? Formerly Law Abiding Citizens Now Criminalized as Prisons are Emptied – Medical Kidnap
Ontario Police End the Life of a 73 YO Non-Mask Wearer with Dementia – Dave Hodges
EDITORIAL: Both Seattle WA and my Missouri County are run by Warlords…..
A Global Quest Ep. 1 Preview: The True History of Chemotherapy & the Pharmaceutical Monopoly
Law enforcement pushing back against politicians
Wearing the mask is part of an initiation ritual for the New World Order
National Movement Started To Oppose Mandatory Mask Enslavement
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators
Total Proof Wearing A Mask Is Dangerous To Your Health!
Dave Hodges: The Mark of the Mask
“…Stop wearing ridiculous masks, stop idiotic social distancing, open up fully all your businesses, and tell the government officials to pound sand. Gather in large groups in order to defend yourself from not only criminal rioters, but also from the state thugs unwittingly helping to advance this new order….”
Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control
Nancy Pelosi Moves to Bar Lawmakers Who Fail to Wear Masks from Committee Meetings
Advice and a card on how to refuse to wear a mask for medical reasons https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org/
Dave Hodges Article on how to assert your medical right not to wear a mask:
CRITICAL MASK INFORMATION: Walmart vs Kroeger On Face Masks – Your Liberty at Risk – Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Link to: I can’t Breath Type Face masks
The Failure to Understand the Psychology of the Chinese Is Leading to the Destruction of the United States
Dave Hodges on Sunday, June 21, 2020
In the past 24 months, I have immersed myself in Chinese culture, government ideology and military strategy. What I have learned is frightening. We are facing an enemy that is totally amoral. They have no conscience about widespread death and destruction. The CHICOM Party is the posterchild for the ends justifies the means. Government is the CHICOMS substitute for God. Anything, and I mean anything done in favor of advancing the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) is divinely inspired.
What most Americans, including some of our leaders do not realize is that the Chinese leadership strategy is the antithesis of America’s leadership strategy. Wall Street thinks in terms of quarterly earnings. The Chinese are willing to take several steps backward if they can see victory in their approach even if it takes 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 years in the future. Since the treasonous Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon opened up China for trade in the 1970’s, the Chinese began designing their long-term strategies for not just subjugating America, but committing genocide against all Americans, save the 12 million Chinese that reside inside the United States. I wrote a five part series 11 months ago that I feel that every American should read and take extreme warning from. I am not promoting this five part series because I was the author, but rather I was in the right place at the right time to receive this information courtesy of John Moore and Paul Martin. The Chinese goals of global domination will not be realized until all Americans are dead and replaced by 300 million Chinese colonists that will be sent to our former country to harvest the vast amount of wealth contained in our country. I wrote an article which detailed that America has an estimated $128 million of underground mineral resources that we have not touched and that could be used to pay off the debt. With this underground wealth we could overcome the 80 days of lockdown due to the overexaggerated coronavirus and restore the economy and then some. However, the wealth has been promised to the CHICOMS. As I have previously written, the wealth is controlled by one American bureaucratic agency, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The BLM is like so many other federal agencies that have followed in the path of the Federal Reserve banking system. The agency is only quasi-governmental. Most Americans still mistakenly believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the government. Although it is true that the Federal Reserve, the CDC, the NIH, the unconstitutional Department of Education, the BLM, etc., do work for the government, they are very much profit-seeking institutions. The Uranium One fraud and treason, perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation to illegally extract highly enriched uranium, under the auspices of the BLM and then gift the product to the Clinton Foundation as they committed treason in selling it to our potential enemy, the Russians, is a classic example of how American citizens are betrayed by their federal bureaucracies….Read More