Tim Alberino Interview 2018 – Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity

MFP Commentary:


I have long thought that ALL of the major Christian religions were being steered by Satanic influences. I could come up with no other explanation for many things, such as to why they are completely silent and even acting as cheerleaders for one of the most evil governments in history. (the US government). They are doing exactly what the Christians in Nazi Germany did. It seems like my suspicions were correct.






Book: Hope of the Wicked – The Master Plan to Rule the World

by Ted Flynn – May 24, 2000

Many well-intentioned people these days look to the realm of politics for the solutions to the many and diverse societal problems facing the world. They believe that if only they could get good people into seats of power, then all would begin to correct itself and heal. These are noble and sane beliefs; indeed, one would expect the political route to bring this hoped-for outcome. Thats what politics are for, after all, right? We have come to believe that government does the will of the people, that the vote of the individual is the ultimate shaper of policy. The reality, however, is quite different, and this is borne out factually and undeniably in Ted Flynn’s new book, Hope of the Wicked .

Politics has become but a tool for chaos; the solution for the ills confronting us exists far beyond. How have we arrived at the point we find ourselves, a point defined by the lack of ability to even govern our own future? If we can no longer determine our temporal destiny, then what does? The answers lie in a vast tangle of forces, organizations, individuals and philosophies, a tangle purposely confusing so as to avoid detection, a mass bound together tangibly by the desire of money and power, intangibly by the very essence of deceit.

What are these forces? How do they function? How have they come to the height of power? The truth is not easy to explain, nor is it easy to accept. The deception underlying the plans and processes is extremely subtle and pervasive. To understand all that is afoot requires delving into a large number of areas. Hope of the Wicked does just this. It explores the convergence on a global basis of multi-national corporations, foundations, and the political and sociological instruments of a one-world government to bring a New World Order. The book is 550 pages with 82 photographs and 1,200 footnotes, with a strong historical basis to show that there is a global elite working to end the sovereignty of nations, to place all under the United Nations. Areas explored are: the plan to bring America into the New World Order, the altered roles and make-up of the family, how a global elite is working to change the form of money, the abuse of technology, the Shadow Government, Executive Orders, the role of the Federal Reserve and who owns it, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, identities of the global big wigs and wonks, how the agenda has no ideology and is neither Democrat nor Republicanbut about control, the erosion of freedoms and rights, the planned collapse of the world economy to bring a new order from chaos, the intentional dumbing-down of American education, and many other issues that are bothering you in your gut, but that you can’t put your finger on.

Hope of the Wicked is about the greatest deception in modern history. The book is packed with hundreds and hundreds of quotes from world leaders themselves showing where they want to bring the world. Nothing is left to guesswork; when you are finished reading, you will understand that what seems to be inconsistent and illogical to you, is not to the global elite who wish to bring the United States under the auspices of the United Nations. The quotes are from established world leaders, past and present, and most are household names. It is laid out for all to see what they have organizedout in the open for all to observe, if one wants to learn what the Masters of the Universe are planning for the New World Order. The book is neither left- nor right-wing politically, but is the view of a scribe observing these trends and issues over a twenty-five year period. It is primarily a resource guide and mini-anthology, with an index and 38 pages of footnotes that will be most difficult for someone to take issue with, principally because the quotes are from the perpetrators themselves what they have accomplished, and where they hope to go in the future. When you are done reading the material presented in this book, you’ll never look at the news the same way again. It all amounts to control, control of your money, your work, your family, your education, your attitudes, your beliefs, your thoughts. Do you think its impossible? Read Hope of the Wicked and you will know for sure it is not only possible, it is already being done….   Read More


Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Still Fighting for Kids After 6 Years

MFP commentary:
This is the land of the free? Where we have to worry about order following goons dressed in blue coming to kidnap our children with ZERO due process. You certainly get  no jury trial such as you get for important things such as littlering! Thank a troop for all of our freedoms next time you see one. AND where in God’s name are the fake “pro life” people? Where indeed….

Read original  story here.


Health Impact News

Reporter Sara Tiano of The Chronicle of Social Change, an online news publication dedicated to solution-based news coverage of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health and educational issues faced by vulnerable children, has written an investigative report about the case of Dr. Susan Spell, a Harvard-trained Beverly Hills California doctor who has been fighting to regain custody of her children for over 6 years.

Health Impact News originally reported on Dr. Susan’s case back in 2015. See:

Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Has 4 Children Kidnapped by LA County DCFS

Dr. Susan Attacked by Los Angeles DCFS for Going to the Media – Pressure Put on Children to Turn Against Her

Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan’s story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show.

Watch the 2014 interview:

Read original  story here.


(Israel) Seventy Years Of Turmoil, Treachery, Death And Destruction

Four days from now, May 14, 2018, will mark the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. Most Americans—and especially most Christians—labor under the delusion that the modern State of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy of ancient Jews returning to their homeland. Nothing could be further from the truth……Read More

Posted by Chuck Baldwin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Texas Foster Care: “Rape, Abuse, Psychotropic Medication, and Instability” Still the Norm as State Fights Against Reform

MFP Commentary:
IMHO “the state” certainly is not “of God” as many Christians unfortunately believe. Let’s flip this around: YOU are raping children without the protective cloak of the state, you are not even charged, and you have the luxury of fighting against changing anything. WTF?

The battle continues between the State of Texas and attorneys who represent more than 12,000 children in the state’s foster care system. A panel of three judges in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans heard arguments Monday, April 30, about the constitutionality of the state’s troubled foster care system. This is the latest chapter in a fight to change the system in which, according to U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack, “… children have been shuttled throughout a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm.” After Judge Jack ruled in December 2015 that the system as it stood was unconstitutional, Texas Attorney General Kenneth Paxton appealed the decision, defending the state’s foster care system. Many of the original plaintiffs in the lawsuit, who were formerly foster care children, have now become adults and aged out of the system and are missing. The San Antonio Express ran a story looking into what has happened to these Texas foster children who aged out of the system, and they found that most of them suffer unemployment, homelessness, and sex trafficking as adults….  Read More

Former foster child, Alyssa Murphy, 20, one of the original plaintiffs in the state’s ongoing foster care lawsuit, has now aged out of the system. “I feel like a dead person walking in a body.” Photo by Lara Solt.



Steve Quayle-The Spiritual War for Control of the Presidency and the Ultimate Fate of Humanity

“…..In Hour Two of this interview, and amidst the many revelations, Steve Quayle addressed in great depth, the coming persecution of Christians. The coming persecution of Christians will be relentless and Steve even detailed what DARPA resources are being devoted to “finding” Christians for final disposition when the time is right, so to speak. I also shared my experience with the finding of the Christians aspect of this as I know someone who is involved with this from a Deep State, alphabet soup perspective.  One cannot listen attentively to Hour two and not fully grasp the grave danger that is coming Christians. This is a riveting hour with Steve Quayle…..”

Read More and listen to  hour one and two  interview.


Steve Quayle-The Spiritual War for Control of the Presidency and the Ultimate Fate of Humanity


It looks like we have an evil deceiver (or a dumb ass) for president … Trump starts WW3?

MFP Commentary:
Are you or your children going to go fight in this war just started by Moron Trump? I think that he, his wife  and his daughters need to go fight it!
Congress has not declared war last time I checked and it is required by the Constitution.   Wars of aggression are also war crimes by treaty, I guess that makes Mr Trump a, treasonous violator of the Constitution, and a war criminal…(along with any “troops”  dumb enough to go along with this criminal charade.)