What If Everything We’ve Been Told Is A Lie?


Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Published: Thursday, July 19, 2018

What if everything we’ve been told about 9/11 is a lie? What if it wasn’t 19 Muslim terrorist hijackers that flew those planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon? What if the Muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks on 9/11? What if everything we’ve been told about the reasons we invaded two sovereign nations (Afghanistan and Iraq) is a lie? What if the 17-year-old, never-ending “War on Terror” in the Middle East is a lie? What if our young soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who have given their lives in America’s “War on Terror” died for a lie? What if G.W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump have been nothing but controlled toadies for an international global conspiracy that hatched the attacks of 9/11 as nothing more than a means to institute a perpetual “War on Terror” for purposes that have nothing to do with America’s national security? Would the American people want to know? Would the truth even matter to them?

The sad reality is that the vast majority of Americans who would read the above paragraph would totally dismiss every question I raised as being unrealistic and impossible—or even nutty. Why is that? Have they studied and researched the questions? No. Have they given any serious thought to the questions? No. They have simply swallowed the government/mainstream media version of these events hook, line and sinker.

It is totally amazing to me that the same people who say they don’t believe the mainstream media (MSM) and government (Deep State) versions of current events—which is why they voted for and love Donald Trump—have absolutely no reservations about accepting the official story that the 9/11 attacks were the work of jihadist Muslims and that America’s “War on Terror” is completely legitimate. These “always Trumpers” are dead set in their minds that America is at war with Islam; that Trump’s bombings of Syria were because President Assad is an evil, maniacal monster who gassed his own people; and that Trump’s expansion of the war in Afghanistan is totally in the interests of America’s national security.


What if the Muslims had NOTHING to do with 9/11?

What if Bashar al-Assad did NOT gas his own people?…… Read More



What it Means to be a Law Enforcer . .

It is no accident that police have become more brutal – in appearance as well as action – since they became law enforcement.

The term itself is a brutal syllogism. The law exists and must be enforced because it isthe law. I am just doing my job, only following (lawful) orders. People were hanged for using such reasoning to justify the enforcement of vicious, evil laws and went to the gallows baffled as to why…..  Read More


What it Means to be a Law Enforcer . . .

Attorney: Elder “Protective Services” is a Racketeering Enterprise Medically Kidnapping Seniors

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”  ~Ephesians 5:11

Note: This topic goes deep. Here is another story on the same topic:
Attorney Explains how to Protect Against America’s Epidemic of Senior Medical Kidnappings

FWIW where are the “right to lifers” on this one? Just another illustration that they are in reality just another example of what is known as the “controlled opposition“:
Quit being a useful idiot and get educated.
There are tactics that actually work, but being in a controlled movement that keeps on doing the same thing, that does not work, is the very definition of insanity, but hey sheep that’s where your “group think” gets you. Think for change.



The real perpetrators of elder abuse & exploitation: Medical kidnapping by state public officials

by Lisa Siegel Belanger, Esq.
Health Impact News

More than 30 years ago, throughout the United States, state governments created agencies known as “elder protective services.”

As seen by such designated titles, these agencies are made to appear as though state governments are helpful resources for citizens.

However, nothing could be further from the truth.

These so-called protective agencies are, in fact, wolves in sheep’s clothing that I can attest to from not only my direct personal experiences, but also from years of research.

Details of my family’s ongoing travesty of justice can be found at FreeMarvin.com. (See also: Massachusetts Senior Citizen and Attorney Medically Kidnapped – Estate Plundered – Represents National Epidemic.)

Upon years of my reviewing and obtaining voluminous court documentation throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts—particularly, in my professional experience as an attorney, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that public officials have been operating a racketeering enterprise through the probate and family courts, feeding off our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly.

These public officials do so through physical and financial exploitation of the elderly. [1]

In 2015, I filed a federal civil action in the District Court of Massachusetts providing overwhelming and irrefutable documentation that state elder protective agencies is one cog of many in a long-embedded governmental money laundering and embezzlement enterprise…… Read More


Kidnappers: The Tyranny of Child Protective Services Across the Nation

242 years ago American colonists declared independence from England, in the name of personal liberty.

What would it take for Americans to once again declare independence from an oppressive government?

For the colonists, it was excessive taxation without representation. It was also that English soldiers were quartered in their homes, as an occupying army. The English attempted to disarm them and shot into a crowd killing five in the lead up to the American Revolution.

Well, entire volumes could be written about the abuses Americans suffer at the hands of the government today.

But one especially egregious violation of rights is the state kidnapping children without due process…… Read More

Kidnappers: The Tyranny of Child Protective Services Across the Nation

Here is a link to an interview about child sex trafficking in the US:   Who’s Behind Child-Sex-Trafficking? EX-CIA Robert David Steele- CSS Hour 3



by Jacob G. Hornberger July 4, 2008


“…..Instead, the real significance of the Fourth of July lies in the expression of what is undoubtedly the most revolutionary political declaration in history: that man’s rights are inherent, God-given, and natural and, thus, do not come from government.

Throughout history, people have believed that their rights come from government. Such being the case, people haven’t objected whenever government officials infringed upon their rights. Since rights were considered to be government-bestowed privileges, the thinking went, why shouldn’t government officials have the power to regulate or suspend such privileges at will?

The Declaration of Independence upended that age-old notion of rights. All men — not just Americans — have been endowed by God and nature, not government, with fundamental and unalienable rights. Governments are called into existence by the people — and exist at their pleasure — for one purpose: to protect the exercise of these inherent rights……..”  Read More

The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July

The Values Underlying Independence Day Judge Napolitano on natural law and natural rights.

MFP Commentary:
Pay attention.  Natural rights, and  the Declaration (our founding document)  state  that we the people are the sovereigns.  NOT the government or the standing army in blue (the cops) that claim to have “sovereign immunity”.   This  the exact opposite of reality, as sovereigns are never immune from any legitimate law.  That would by definition make them criminals, which is exactly what police claiming “sovereign immunity”  are.

This fact is something that  they will never teach in the government schools.  A main purpose of government schools  is to make sure that you never discover the truth that we are the sovereigns, not government, and that any claim to “sovereign immunity” is both  criminal  and Stanic as they are also claiming moral relativism. (That you don’t have this “immunity” but they do) A main plank in the church of Satan according to Mark Passio.


“….In Jefferson’s day, the voters knew all that the government did, and it knew nothing about them. Today government operates largely in secrecy, and it knows our every move and captures our every communication.

In Jefferson’s day, the government needed the people’s permission to tax and regulate them. Today the people need the government’s permission to do nearly everything……   Read More

The Values Underlying Independence Day

American Children Terrorized by CPS While Lawmakers Cry About Border Children

MFP Commentary:

Please read this entire story. I have yet to have met a “Christian” family that adopts kidnapped children, that has a clue as to the criminality, that CPS, the police, and the judges all go through in order to IMHO feed the sex trafficking pipeline, and to trample the rights of, and to destroy the American family.  For the most part CSP kidnapping of children by the state is wildly and enthusiastically supported by the “Christian” community.  It’s aberrant, and disgusting that they support such evil. But it’s what happens when you make the state your God. — Mainly by not understanding Romans 13 at all.

I think this is how Adolph Hitler came to power in the Christian nation of Germany.  i.e.  German Christians believed that government was of God and therefore that they should not question anything that their “leader from God” did.


Americans are in an uproar about illegal immigrant parents and children separated at the border. The level of hysteria surrounding this topic has reached a fever pitch with senators like Chuck Schumer mugging distraught for the cameras at every opportunity.

While the shrill voices shriek loudly about the rights of Mexicans and other assorted border jumpers, American parental rights are being stripped from them, unconstitutionally, every single day. (Chuck Schumer has yet to freak out about it on national television.)

American parents have lost their due process and Fourth Amendment rights, and most of them don’t even know it. Most anyone who has been visited by Child Protective Services can testify to the absolute terror that the state can inflict on a family for very little or no reason at all….. Read More

Belle crying to go home with her father during a supervised visit. (Image courtesy of Michael Chambers)


Legalize Drugs — All Drugs

by Jacob G. Hornberger


In 1972, Newsweek published what must have been considered by many readers to be a shocking commentary on the drug war by libertarian Nobel Prize–winning economist Milton Friedman. Entitled “Prohibition and Drugs,” Friedman’s article called for the legalization of drugs — all drugs.

Friedman made two primary libertarian arguments in favor of drug legalization: freedom and practicality. He wrote,

On ethical grounds, do we have the right to use the machinery of government to prevent an individual from becoming an alcoholic or a drug addict? For children, almost everyone would answer at least a qualified yes. But for responsible adults, I, for one, would answer no. Reason with the potential addict, yes. Tell him the consequences, yes. Pray for and with him, yes. But I believe that we have no right to use force, directly or indirectly, to prevent a fellow man from committing suicide, let alone from drinking alcohol or taking drugs….

Whatever happens to the number of addicts, the individual addict would clearly be far better off if drugs were legal. Today, drugs are both incredibly expensive and highly uncertain in quality. Addicts are driven to associate with criminals to get the drugs, become criminals themselves to finance the habit, and risk constant danger of death and disease…. Read More