Report: America’s “Hidden” Foster Care System has as many Children as the “Formal” Foster Care System

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Josh Gupta-Kagan, a professor of law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, has just published a new report on “America’s Hidden Foster Care System.”

Professor Gupta-Kagan states that there are about as many children in this “hidden” foster care system as there are in the “formal” foster care system.

The “formal” U.S. foster care system currently has over 400,000 children in foster care, which means that in total there are potentially well over 800,000 children in the U.S. who have been removed from their parents. He reports:

In most states, child protection agencies induce parents to transfer physical custody of their children to kinship caregivers by threatening to place the children in foster care and bring them to family court.

Both the frequency of these actions – this Article establishes that they occur tens and likely hundreds of thousands of times annually – and their impact – they separate parents and children, sometimes permanently – resemble the formal foster care system.

But they are hidden from courts because agencies file no petition alleging abuse or neglect and from policymakers because agencies do not generally report these cases.

While informal custody changes can sometimes serve children’s and families’ interests by preventing state legal custody, this hidden foster care system raises multiple concerns, presciently raised in Supreme Court dicta in 1979.

State agencies infringe on parents’ and children’s fundamental right to family integrity with few meaningful due process checks. Agencies avoid legal requirements to make reasonable efforts to reunify parents and children, licensing requirements intended to ensure that kinship placements are safe, and requirements to pay foster care maintenance payments to kinship caregivers.

Professor Gupta-Kagan goes on to explain that recent changes in Congress, including the passing of the Family First Act, actually provides incentives for this “hidden” foster care system under the seemingly good practice of encouraging “kinship placement.”

Richard Wexler has written similar analyses of the Family First Act in the past. See: …. Read More

City Shuts Downs Preschoolers’ Farm Stand Citing Zoning Violations

MFP Commentary:
This is what happens when “Christians”  treat government as their God. As the entity that defines their rights rather than the entity that defends them.

The Little Ones Learning Center in Forest Park, Georgia, has often sold its produce with discounts to local food stamp recipients and other neighbors and has been acknowledged as a leader in the farm-to-school healthy food movement.

t’s like something out of The Onion: city manager shuts down preschool farm stand out of fear that, if allowed, “we could end up with one on every corner.”

Alas, this is not satire. It’s the current predicament facing the Little Ones Learning Center in Forest Park, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. In an area where access to fresh fruits and vegetables can be limited, this preschool has stepped up to prioritize growing and selling fresh produce from its school gardens. According to recent reporting in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Little Ones has often sold its produce with generous discounts to local food stamp recipients and other neighbors and has been acknowledged as a leader in the farm-to-school healthy food movement.

That is, until the city shut down the bi-monthly farm stand program last month for zoning violations….Read More


Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation

MFP Commentary:
This is the result of wholeheartedly adopting the 10th plank of the communist manifesto in this country.  Do yourself a favor and educate yourself so that you know what is going on.  Most “christians” either support the communist manifesto or they are too dumbed down to see it in front of their faces.

Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation


Rex on the DANGER of Red-Flag-Laws & Handling Bullies ~ Rex Reviews on the AM590 in L.A.

MFP Commentary:
Red Flag laws ARE NOT needed. If someone threatens another, that is already a crime, and can be handled without ever trying to determine “mental state”.  Mental state only comes into play if you are deciding whether to put some in jail or into a mental facility. Either way laws should only address actual committed crimes and not be blasphemous in that they pretend to be God and predict future behavior.

This will backfire on us if implemented. Anyone that criticizes the government will be deemed insane just like in the old Soviet Union. You would have to be insane IMHO to allow the very people that we have firearms to protect ourselves from, determine who can own firearms!! (FWIW we have already entered this insanity with the 1968 gun control act) This is going down the same road that allows CPS to kidnap our children with zero due process! Dumbed down Americans seem to be our main enemy…


Chinese-American Family in Nebraska Destroyed as Teenage Daughters Medically Kidnapped and Sex Trafficked by CPS

MFP Commentary:
Do a search on this site for  “medical kidnap” and you will come up with over 100 stories exposing how evil and pervasive CPS is in this country.  If you do not speak out against it, you are supporting  it.


by Health Impact News/ Staff

They were Chinese medical scholars continuing their education and careers in the U.S.

Yang Wang, who upon obtaining her U.S. citizenship changed her name to Catherine Anderson to have an easier name for Americans to pronounce, graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai, one of the top universities in China, and reportedly harder to gain entrance than Harvard University in the U.S.

Her husband, whose last name is also “Wang” but unrelated outside of marriage, graduated from one of the top medical schools in China, Capital Medical University in Beijing.

They obtained student visas to continue their education in the U.S. Catherine went on to obtain two Masters degrees, one as a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Maryland, and another one as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Her husband obtained his Nebraska physician license when he started his residency in Creighton Medical School in the Pathology Department, and became the Chief resident and was retained as a faculty member at Creighton after his graduation.

Two beautiful daughters were born to them while residing in Nebraska. Both went on to become honor students in high school, ranking number 1 in their classes, following in their parents footsteps to achieve academic excellence and preparing for college at the age of 14.

Unbeknownst to them, tragically, they had settled in a part of the U.S. that is known for one the largest child sex trafficking scandals ever uncovered and then buried in U.S. history: the Franklin Cover-up story centered around Boys Town. See:

Is the Franklin Cover-up Scandal of Child Sex-Trafficking in Boys Town, Nebraska Still Happening Today?

Catherine learned that her oldest daughter was developing an unhealthy relationship with one of her male high school teachers outside of class, and eventually learned that this teacher was “counseling” her on “sexual identity issues.”

After finding inappropriate text messages on her daughter’s phone, she reported the teacher to law enforcement.

What followed next is every parent’s worst nightmare. Instead of investigating the teacher, Catherine became the focus of investigation, and not only did Nebraska CPS take custody of her older daughter who was then 16, but they seized her younger 15-year-old daughter as well, against the wish of the younger daughter who had no complaints against her mother and wanted to stay home where she felt safe.

The tragic story that follows is a story about how one mother fought as hard as she could to get her daughters back, not realizing in the beginning that she was fighting an apparent child sex trafficking ring that allegedly brings in more money to the state of Nebraska than any other business.

She has spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees fighting for her daughters, and has had her career destroyed…..Read More

Investigation Reveals North Carolina CPS Took HUNDREDS of Children Away from Parents Illegally

MFP Commentary:
If you have been paying attention,  it is  well established that the Federally funded CPS  system, is in reality a pediophyle procurment system.  Americans have sat on their colective arses for decades and watched children kidnapped by the state, with zero due process (no jury no trial) without a whimper or voice of opposition.  Christians and  the “church”  in general have a lot of culpability here, and a lot to answer for IMHO.   

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

“I’m sort of flabbergasted by it. It’s one of those situations where – very rarely am I speechless – I am absolutely speechless over it.”

These were the words spoken by North Carolina District Attorney Ashley Welch, when reporter Kate Martin, writing for the Carolina Public Press, asked her to respond last week (August 2019) to news that an internal memo revealed that state officials knew that Cherokee County Department of Social Services was illegally removing children from their homes, before a civil lawsuit was filed in 2018 and before a request was made for a State Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter.

In 2018, Associated Press reporters Mitch Weiss and Holbrook Mohr published an investigative report showing that Cherokee County Department of Social Services removed many children from their homes illegally, perhaps “hundreds.”

From the 2018 story:……Read More

The 21st Century Crusades Have Commenced As the Democrats Usher In Communism While the Pope Is Ushering In Global Satanic Worship

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 – 08:27.

Can there be any doubt that the Democratic Party has been hijacked to usher in Communism? Just look at AOC’s “new (gang)green deal”. Look at Kamala Harris’ statement about taking your private home and your car, and on and on it goes with the Democrats. File this new position of the Democratic Party away until the conclusion of this article which primarily deals with how the Catholic Church is being used to usher in the worship of Satan.

How does one baptize a fallen angel? Well, the Pope would do exactly that. No, there is no formal declaration, yet, but the intention of the Pope to serve the “fallen ones” is clear. And what is also clear is the fact that this Pope is NOT a Christian. The Catholic religion has been hijacked. This Pope is on the record of having said he would baptize aliens (ie ET’s, ie fallen angels). Don;t forget about Lucifer’s telescope on top of Mt. Graham. This posiition, alone, should have been enough to wake up Catholics, everywhere, that their brand of religion had been hijacked.

Did the world need any greater proof than the coverups that have taken place in the multiple and never-ending sexual and ritualistic abuse of our children at the hands of the Catholic hierachy? The links between these heinous and largely unpunished, and more importantly unrepentant acts of abuse, and child sex trafficking are beginning to appear. As if this ongoing evil was not bad enough, the Pope is now organizing a modern-day set of crusades against fundamentalist Christian beliefs (ie Biblically based teachings) and those who earnestly practice

Do you remember when the Imams recited Islamic prayer at the Vatican. It was clear then, that this Pope was trying to create a one-world religion. On June 6, 2015, were you aware that the Pope allowed members of the Islamic faith to pray at the Vatican and he further broadcasted the event? More Chrislam wihich serves to dilute the Lord’s message and leads people astray.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that the Vatican (ie the Pope) is holding a thematic conference entitled ‘Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.The event consists of the Pope inviting leaders of major religions and key politicians, leaders in economics and academia to attend a meeting whose obvious intention is to dilute Christianity by combing the religions into a form of Chrislam and this will be accomplished by signing a “A Global Pact on Education” which is a thinly veiled education pact to deceive future generations of students and will collectively turn children against the Christ. The Pope even cited Hillary’s work on the notion that “Takes a village to raise a child”. Please allow me to remind the reader that it is not a secret that Hillary is a 4th Degree Coven Witch. Do I need to say more? Perhaps I should….

An anti-Christian servant to the Pope’s betrayal of the Christian faith, Cardinal Raymond Burke, was quoted in the Rome Life Forum as he stated the following:….Read More

Michigan Law Professor: “The United States Destroys More Families than any other Country in the World”

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Vivek Sankaran is a clinical professor of law at the University of Michigan Law School, and he directs both the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic, through which law students represent children and parents in trial and appellate proceedings.

Professor Sankaran understands the failures of today’s foster care system better than most people in the U.S. do, and he has written:  …. Read More

BOOK: Why Socialism Is the Failed Idea That Never Dies

MFP Commentary:

Here is a link to this book.  I included this in the Christian category because statistically speaking, 50% of the members of your church are socialists, thanks  to almost universal Christian support of the 10th plank of the communist manifesto. (free government schools)
Unfortunately Christians today are so dumbed down that they fail to recognize the obvious:  That the 10 planks of the communist manifesto (FWIW there is no real  difference between socialism and communism) are the open globalist plan to kill every Christian on the face of the earth, and to bring in the New World Order.  If you are following along, you realize that modern “Christianity”  looks like a mental illness that supports it’s own destruction and the death of its members.


Kristian Niemietz’s book, “Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies,” is an incredible book and should be compulsory reading at schools and universities, where today the song sung by anti-capitalists reigns supreme.

ristian Niemietz, Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies. Institute for Economic Affairs, London 2019, 374 pages.

What would you say to an amateur chef who baked a cake following a certain recipe only for everyone who ate a slice to fall ill quickly afterward? Being such an enthusiastic baker, they bake the same cake a second time just a few weeks later, again following the same recipe, but this time with one or two slight adjustments. Unfortunately, the result is the same—everyone who eats the cake soon ends up feeling sick.

The cake baker repeats this more than two dozen times, always modifying the recipe a little, but the basic ingredients remain more or less the same despite the fact that their guests throw up every time. Of course, there’s no way such a thing would happen. The cake baker would soon realize that there is a major problem with the recipe and throw it away….. Read More