Getting at the Gut – A Solution for Treating Bipolar Disorder

I must admit folks that I missed the boat on the Weston A Price Society.  I knew of, and used Sally Fallon’s excellent cookbook Nourishing Traditions, but it was not until I decided to become a WAP chapter leader in Seymour MO that I fully discovered the depths of  useful  nutritional and health  information that they have brought together.    I suggest in the strongest way that you look at this online version of their pamphlet Principles of Healthy DietsHere is a PDF version of it that I love to hand out to people.

I have found that almost no one that I encounter has a clue as to what is in their food, and what foods to eat.  The controlled media in this country has “poisoned the well” in order to confuse them.  This pamphlet straightens them out in short order.


The Merck Manual describes bipolar disorder as “a condition in which periods of depression alternate with periods of mania or lesser degrees of excitement.” 1 Historically known as manic-depressive disorder, this psychiatric condition is typically defined by the presence of abnormally elevated energy levels affecting mood and awareness, with or without states of depression. Manic states are often accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.

Allopathic medicine’s solution generally involves one or more pharmaceuticals for a lifetime; it never offers a cure but rather, management of erratic behavior via medications that often need to be changed from time to time. Quite commonly, those suffering from bipolar disorder are very bright, creative and loving individuals. Sadly, when brain chemistry goes out of balance, the sufferer most often deals with chaos involving hallucinations, as well as extreme mania and rage. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once said, “All disease begins in the gut.” While not all individuals with gut dysbiosis experience psychological or psychiatric disease, I have yet to find in thirteen years of practice the absence of gut dysbiosis in those suffering from psychological or psychiatric challenges.

In September 2008, I had the privilege of meeting a very bright but troubled nine-year-old girl, whom I will call Mary. Mary had been diagnosed bipolar eleven months earlier by a psychiatrist. This conclusion came after years of deeply concerning behavior. By the second grade, she was expelled from her private school due to her aggressive behavior towards students and her teacher. This prompted her parents to make the decision to home school. Mary’s mother quit her practice in the health field in order to give full time attention to her daughter’s daily needs.


Prior to seeing the psychiatrist, Mary described in detail to her counselor how she planned to kill herself some day. It was at this point the counselor and her parents realized Mary needed serious help. Her parents’ “gut sense” was that pharmaceuticals would not offer the long-term solution they desired for their daughter. It was at this junction they were referred to my office…. Read More

Getting at the Gut

Top Five Reasons Not to Vote

Draining The Next Swamp – The FBI

What This Homeless Woman Taught Me About Life Today

I can vouch for this woman’s characterization that homeless shelters treat their “clients” like shite. Especially the “christian” run shelters that I have been unfortunate enough to have had to visit when it got too cold on the outside. I finally just abandoned them. They were dangerous to you physically, and emotionally. Then on the outside you had to deal with the terrorists that wear the blue costumes. The ones that cause you to have PTSD, and become an alcoholic to deal with the insanity of the situation where the people that are supposed to protect your rights, instead dehumanize you, destroy  your belongings, beat  you for fun, and overall terrorize you.
It is “modern Christians” that contribute greatly to the homeless problem in their stubborn rejection of the free market, and protecting people’s rights as a “Republic” like ours should, and does not. Their support of the laws “to protect us”,    instead keep the poor from  getting both dental care, health care, and decent food. If you don’t understand my last quip, it is the regulations that are supposed to protect you, that price things out of the reach of the very poor.
They support the state kidnapping your children with zero due process, or even   a jury trial, and you are too poor to give much, if any of a fight. Again in large part because of laws that are supposed to protect you. i.e the BAR monopoly.  My ex wife ( a christian)  was  terrified  when  I  would approach, as I often did, homeless people on the street. Not a very good  example of following the greatest commandment and it’s typical.
“‘Modern Christianity” is in large part is a Satanic infiltration of Christs admonishment  that we should embrace the greatest commandment, and is a control mechanism to keep people in fear of burning eternally by the guy that loves them so much. That is all that seems to matter to most “Modern Christians.” Not justice, nor the greatest commandment.
Having lived homeless for many years. I think I know that I am talking about.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It was the day before Christmas Eve, and as I drove to a city where I was to meet my sons for lunch, it was hard to find a parking spot, as so many people were out and about on the last shopping day before Christmas.

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood in this upscale downtown area where I was meeting my sons for lunch. Many were dressed in their holiday best, and there were families everywhere; children giddy with glee as they undoubtedly were looking forward to opening presents soon.

Since I had to park quite far away from the restaurant where I was to meet my sons, I had a few blocks to walk.

At one corner, a woman who was sitting down by herself and talking caught my eye for just a moment. She was on the other side of the street, so I did not get a close look at her.

“Why is she talking when she is all alone?,” I quickly thought, but I was late for lunch and I pushed the thought to the back of my mind thinking “she probably has an earbud on and is talking on the phone to someone.”

Later, as we were finishing up our lunch on a table that was outside in front of the restaurant (the restaurant was very busy, and the only table available was outdoors as it was quite cold out), a woman walked by that caught my eye.

She was not neat – she was dirty, carrying a backpack, smoking a small stub of a cigarette that I guessed someone had discarded, and had multiple layers of clothing and jackets on, well worn and dirty. I later learned she was in her mid 40s, but she looked older than that.

She noticed me looking at her, and said to me: “God bless you! Jesus has redeemed me, and God is the God of second chances.”

I replied: “Amen! He certainly is the God of second chances. God bless you too.”… Read More




If you own or rent a home, you likely feel a need to have insurance on it. Even though the probability of needing it  is extremely slim. I have lived in “homes” (including  tents and vehicles) for going on 60 years, and have yet to experience a fire.  It is prudent to prepare for things that can happen or are likley to happen. I wish I could say as much for the preparations of the American public for what it looks like is about to befall them.
If you have been paying attention to what is going on in the world, you know that the deep state   (2) is in a panic. They have lost political power, and if they do nothing people like Hillary Clinton are going to jail for the rest of their lives. They are desperate, they pulled the false flag of 911 to get you into a panic, and allow them to take your God given rights. Since 911 there have been a least a dozen other false flags. They are desperate, and know no bounds in their efforts to  regain control to enslave, control and subjugate us.
This is the reason that they brought in a fifth column  of illegal immigrants in the US that is poised to reign terror down upon all of us.  That is the reason that they have allowed tens of thousands of terrorists into this country.  That is the reason that we have FEMA prison camps in every state.  That is the reason that our churches, and Christianity have been infiltrated,  and adopted Satanic principles. (2, 3  MFP article ) That is the reason that the Deep State is openly threatening to kill President Trump.
That is the reason that we have CIA operatives in all of the mainstream press newsrooms. That is the reason that the bio-weapons labs that are all over this country have pathogens that are contained under ridiculously inadequate security. That is the reason that we allow North Korea to orbit two satellites  (2) over us in the perfect orbit to kill 90% of us with an EMP strike. That is the reason that treasonous factions in the government allowed Communist Chinese troops  to participate in the US military’s electrical grid down drills. That is the reason that we are forced to have centralized water that can be cut off. That is the reason the cell network was not allowed to be free market, and use spread spectrum technology. That is the reason the government has mandated kill switches so that they control on all of our media and news sources. That is the reason why your gasoline is designed so that you can not store it long term. That is the reason that we have out of control militarized police. That is the reason that we have brainwashing government schools. That is the reason that the NSA knows what you order from Amazon, (2) and from your cell phone every person you have called, what you have said, and where you have been. That is the reason that small farmers hands are often tied and must sell to big agriculture rather than to you the consumer. That is the reason that fluoride is put in the water and the dosage can be increased at any time. That is the reason why they have purposely destroyed our economy. All of the above are not examples of your government doing it’s legitimate job but rather it working to enslave the population.
And finally there are literally thousands of other “regulations” that are designed not to protect us, but rather to control us.
They have left behind a thousand dead man switches to take us down in the eventuality that they lost political power, and now they have lost power.
With many of them facing long jail terms, and possible execution, what do you think the probability is of them throwing one or more of these dead-man switches? Clearly hundreds of times higher than the risk of your home burning down, yet no one seems to be willing to do anything at all to either prepare for what is very likely coming, nor to speak out in order to either stop this or to mitigate the death toll and violence that is coming.

What does scripture say about criminals, time and time and time again? It says to act. It says to demand that they be forced to make things right by paying restitution. Not to  sit in your churches with your thumb up your ass doing nothing. Modern day US Christians are doing exactly what the Christians in Nazi Germany did. Nothing to stop the evil! Even though scripture is replete with directives for us to demand justice. The greatest Commandment says to love one another. Is allowing Satanic forces to make this world a living, unjust hell, “loving one another?”  You be the judge….he is watching, and I don’t think he is too happy with the human race’s apathy and walk with evil.


Considering all of the above , I like Albert Einstein have a very low opinion of the human race:
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
~Albert Einstein
Considering all of the above, I like Gandhi have a very low opinion of modern day Christians:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
~Mahatma Gandhi


No one but God knows that is going to pass. But I do know with absolute certainly that the Satanic Deep State is  going to try to hold onto power and use the tools that they have embedded into our sytem. Anyone with the slightest bit of discernment, would have to recognize that the probabilities are high enough, that to not act is a decision of  incredible stupidity. You had better act soon, logic and reason say that the next false flag is going to be a big one,  and a lot of us are going to die if we do not act.




Jesus Was Born in a Police State

Modern day “Christianity” may be more than a little misdirected. In 200 years of liberty, Christians by their silence, have allowed to happen to this country what  Christians allowed to happen in Nazi Germany.

Consider the following observations of John Whitehead:



By John W. Whitehead December 21, 2015


“Two thousand years later … the memory of the revolutionary zealot who walked across Galilee gathering an army of disciples with the goal of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, the magnetic preacher who defied the authority of the Temple priesthood in Jerusalem, the radical Jewish nationalist who challenged the Roman occupation and lost, has been almost completely lost to history.” ― Reza Aslan, religious scholar

The Christmas narrative of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one.

The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable, where Mary gave birth to a baby boy. That boy, Jesus, would grow up to undermine the political and religious establishment of his day and was eventually crucified as a warning to others not to challenge the powers-that-be.

But what if Jesus, the revered preacher, teacher, radical and prophet, had been born 2,000 years later? How would Jesus’ life have been different had he be born and raised in the American police state?

Consider the following if you will.

Had Jesus been born in the year 2015…

Rather than traveling to Bethlehem for a census, Jesus’ parents would have been mailed a 28-page American Community Survey, a mandatory government questionnaire documenting their habits, household inhabitants, work schedule, and even how many toilets were in their home, etc. The penalty for not responding to this invasive survey would have resulted in a fine of $5,000.

Instead of being born in a manger, Jesus might have been born at home. Rather than wise men and shepherds bringing gifts, however, the baby’s parents might have been forced to ward off visits from state social workers intent on prosecuting them for the home birth. One couple in Washington had all three of their children removed after social services objected to the two youngest being birthed in an unassisted home delivery.

Had Jesus been born in a hospital, his blood and DNA would have been taken and entered into a government biobank without his parents’ knowledge or consent. While most states require newborn screening, a growing number are indefinitely holding onto that genetic material long-term for research, analysis and purposes yet to be disclosed.

Then again, had his parents been undocumented immigrants, they and the newborn baby might have been shuffled to a profit-driven, private detention center for illegals. There’s quite a lot of money to be made from imprisoning immigrants, especially when taxpayers are footing the bill.

Once in school, Jesus would have been drilled in lessons of compliance and obedience to government authorities, all the while learning little about his own rights. And if he dared to challenge school officials, he might have found himself suspended under a school zero tolerance policy that punishes minor infractions (such as doodling or talking in class) as harshly as more serious offenses (such as bringing a weapon to class).

According to scripture, Jesus, at the age of twelve, wandered the temple courts in Jerusalem alone and unsupervised. Today, had Jesus disappeared for a few hours let alone days, his parents would have been handcuffed, arrested and jailed for parental negligence. Parents across the country have been arrested for far less “offenses” such as allowing their children to walk to the park unaccompanied and play in their front yard alone.

Rather than disappearing from the history books from his early teenaged years to adulthood, Jesus’ movements and personal data—including his biometrics—would have been documented, tracked, monitored and filed by governmental agencies and corporations such as Google and Microsoft. Incredibly, 95 percent of school districts share their student records with outside companies contracted to manage the data.

If Jesus were to ever make contact with the likes of John the Baptist, he would have been flagged for surveillance because of his association with a prominent activist, peaceful or otherwise. Since 9/11, the FBI has actively carried out surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations on a broad range of activist groups, from animal rights groups to poverty relief and anti-war organizations.

Rather than being permitted to live as an itinerant preacher, Jesus might have found himself threatened with arrest for daring to live off the grid or sleeping outside. In fact, the number of cities that have resorted to criminalizing homelessness by enacting bans on camping, sleeping in vehicles, loitering and begging in public has doubled in recent years.

Had his travels taken him from community to community, Jesus might have been reported to government officials as “suspicious” under the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” programs. Many states, including New York, are providing individuals with phone apps that allow them to take photos of suspicious activity and report them to their state Intelligence Center, where they are reviewed and forwarded to law-enforcement agencies.

Perceived as a dissident and a potential threat to the government’s power, Jesus might have had government spies planted among his followers in order to monitor his activities, report on his movements, and entrap him into breaking the law.

Jesus’ anti-government views would certainly have resulted in him being labeled a domestic extremist. Law enforcement agencies are being trained to recognize signs of anti-government extremism during interactions with potential extremists who share a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”

Assuming Jesus used the internet to spread his radical message of peace and love, he might have found his blog posts infiltrated by government spies attempting to undermine his integrity, discredit him or plant incriminating information online about him. At the very least, he would have had his website hacked and his email monitored.

Had Jesus attempted to feed large crowds of people, he would have been threatened with arrest for violating various ordinances prohibiting the distribution of food without a permit. Florida officials arrested a 90-year-old man for feeding the homeless on a public beach.

Had Jesus spoken publicly about his 40 days in the desert and his conversations with the devil, he might have been labeled mentally ill and detained in a psych ward against his will for a mandatory involuntary psychiatric hold with no access to family or friends. One Virginia man was arrested, strip searched, handcuffed to a table, diagnosed as having “mental health issues,” and locked up for five days in a mental health facility against his will apparently because of his slurred speech and unsteady gait.

Without a doubt, had Jesus attempted to overturn tables in a Jewish temple and raged against the materialism of religious institutions, he would have been charged with a hate crime. Currently, 45 states and the federal government have hate crime laws on the books.

Rather than having armed guards capture Jesus in a public place, government officials would have ordered that a SWAT team carry out a raid on Jesus and his followers, complete with flash-bang grenades and military equipment. There are upwards of 80,000 such SWAT team raids carried out every year, many on unsuspecting Americans who have no defense against such government invaders, even when such raids are done in error.

Instead of being detained by Roman guards, Jesus might have been made to “disappear” into a secret government detention center where he would have been interrogated, tortured and subjected to all manner of abuses. Chicago police “disappeared” more than 7,000 people into a secret, off-the-books interrogation warehouse at Homan Square.

Charged with treason and labeled a domestic terrorist, Jesus might have been sentenced to a life-term in a private prison where he would have been forced to provide slave labor for corporations or put to death by way of the electric chair or a lethal mixture of drugs.

Either way, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, whether Jesus had been born in our modern age or his own, he still would have died at the hands of a police state.



Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at


John W. Whitehead’s weekly commentaries are available for publication to newspapers and web publications at no charge. Please contact to obtain reprint permission.

Oklahoma Mom Gives Legal Cannabis Oil to Epileptic Daughter to Stop Seizures – Now all 5 Children Medically Kidnapped

I tend to believe that it  was incidents like this that President Jefferson was thinking about when he said the following:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
~Thomas Jefferson


by Health Impact News/ Staff

Advocacy for effective medical treatment of her epileptic daughter has led to the medical kidnapping of an Oklahoma homeschool mom’s 5 children.

When ordinary medical treatments failed to help her child, Tammy Searcy learned that cannabis oil might be able to help her daughter’s life-threatening seizures.

She was not willing to break any laws, so she worked to change laws in her state. Only after medical cannabis use became legal did she begin treatment for 14 year old Brianna, and the results were almost miraculous.

Now, all 5 of Tammy’s children have been seized by Child Protective Services, and many believe that this was retaliation for her activism. Her children have been separated and Tammy fears for their safety.

Brianna’s health has declined sharply, and social workers want to force-vaccinate her children.

Here Is Their Story:

As a parent, one of the most important honors that we possess is advocating for our children. Parents speak for their children, especially those children that cannot speak for themselves because of age or disability. If there is something that is harming our children, parents are on the front line defending their rights and their lives.

Tammy Searcy is a 37 year old, single mother of 5 children: Kaitlyn, age 17; Brianna, age 14; Destiny, age 13; DeeAnna, age 12; and Melvin, age 8. She has spent the last four years advocating to the State of Oklahoma for the health and life of her daughter, Brianna, who has suffered the entirety of her 14 short years from Lennox Gastaut Syndrome.

Lennox Gastaut Syndrome is a rare genetic dysfunction in the brain that begins in infancy and is lifelong. Otherwise healthy infants can acquire Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Also known as LGS, it is a type of epilepsy with multiple different types of seizures, particularly tonic (stiffening) and atonic (drop) seizures. These can include lengthy grand mal seizures, or myoclonic seizures, which are brief shock-like jerks of their body. Seizures may be long and repetitive, are life altering, and can be fatal…. Read More 


FILMING COPS – Declare War on Police Brutality

Personally I don’t feel safe walking down the streets of Amerika, without at least one camera, and preferably another person, also with  a camera.  This is the republic that were were promised?   The police state, that we now live in is the fulfillment of the ideals of the Declaration of Independence? I think not.

This is a great site about Police accountability. Please check it out:


BLM thugs abused the law and used “incredible bias” against Nevada rancher Clive Bundy, warns new report

(Natural News) In April 2014, Natural Newsfounder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, wrote a column critical of the Bureau of Land Management for the way agents were handling a ‘standoff’ with longtime Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.

“The federal government is out of control yet again, staging a heavily militarized siege of the Bundy cattle ranch in Nevada, where the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has decided to bring a literal army of heavily armed ‘soldiers’ to intimidate the Bundy family and steal his hundreds of cattle,” Adams wrote.

No doubt that sounded like baseless hyperbole to some readers, but as it turns out the Health Ranger was spot on, yet again.

new report by Larry “Clint” Wooten, a BLM special agent tasked with investigating his agency’s siege of the Bundy ranch, concluded exactly the same thing: That agents likely broke federal laws in using “incredible bias” against Bundy and his family while engaging in tactics of intimidation during the operation.

In addition, BLM agents very likely broke federal laws and engaged in widespread misconduct according to the report….. Read More



Conspiracy to overthrow elected president by criminal mafia confirmed

By Roger Stone:

As I noted in an editorial last week, President Donald Trump has only one viable option to repel the partisan lynch mob now nipping at his heels in the form of a taxpayer-funded pack of legal hyenas, masquerading as objective prosecutors under the droopy eyes of old reliable deep state hatchet man Robert Swan Mueller III, the special counsel appointed to “investigate” the Clinton-Podesta-Schiff-Democrat Party-Corporate Media fabricated Russia collusion delusion.

As the GOP Congress finally begins to stir, as rapid-fire events make it increasingly impossible to deny the true nature of Mueller’s handpicked partisan hit squad of Trump-hating, Hillary-supporting D.C. swamp lawyers and arrogant federal careerists, as firings and other departures quickly erode the carefully-contrived, totally-counterfeit veneer of credibility ascribed to Mueller and his henchpeople, my advice to the president has only become more apropos…and more imperative.

President Trump can, and must, kill two birds with one stone.

First, the president must completely disempower and dismantle Robert S. Mueller’s fraudulent rogue prosecution gang, which is merely an extension of a larger corruption of power that is unparalleled in our history.

Second, the president must use every resource at his disposal to prosecute the almost-seditious abuses of power by lawless Clinton-Obama FBI and NSA apparatchiks who: …. Read More

Confirmed: Clinton Operatives in FBI Manufactured Russiagate