“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
“The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.”
~Samuel Adams
(Mark Passio) The Truth about The Cult of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & the Destruction of the Sacred Feminine (103 minutes)
Passio never disappoints . Time well spent. He views the police and the current military as standing armies, just like the founders did, and just like Jesus Christ did then he referred to those that “live by the sword”.
De-Facto Satanism by Mark Passio | Convergence FUNL 2 Conference September 11th 2022 (107 minutes)
Must watch, especially if you consider yourself a “Christian”.
From Marks experiences in the Church of Satan, he identifies 4 core beliefs of Satanists. Essentially the 4 Planks of their religion. Then he shows how the majority of people in this country hold these same beliefs, and that includes most Christians.
If you get acquainted with this material you will gain new understanding of “the whole world lies in the evil one”.
Much Shorter Introduction to Marks work: 11 minutes:
Satanism: Belief vs. Reality – Mark Passio (11 minutes)
Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!
Of course the government schools and churches would never teach you such dangerous American traits, and learning the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon:
HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee
Do you see the Natural Law parallels to Genesis chapter 14 here?
Something Fishy is Happening – Andrew Tate’s Arrest – JP Reacts (11 minutes)
Building a No-Weld Woodgas Generator! (A Functional Gasifier Built W/ a Hand Drill and Grinder?!) – Randomn (31 minutes)
The Scandal of Infant Formula – Weston A Price
Homemade Baby Formula – Weston A Price
If you follow your AMA doctors advice, and feed you child formula, you permanently screw up their immune system, their dental development, and insure that their IQ is lowered.
“Doctors” are actually part of the NWO eugenics operation, These brain damaged children are easier to control than those that are not damaged.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 31, 2022, # 386 ( Dane Wigington ) 60 minutes
This is a good episode to watch if you have never watched this weekly alert.
Robert Barnes: USDA Is Persecuting Amish Communities To Test Complete Control Over Food Supply
Still not a peep in ANY of the alternative press of HOW this will be accomplished……
The ONLY way this is being done to us, is that that they have mind controlled the population to accept the lie that treaties supersede the Constitution. Therefore there is nothing that you can do.
You are allowing this through your chosen ignorance and silence.
BOOK: Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery – Rupert Sheldrake
Learn how government controlled what you call “science” is really manipulated fantasy.
Audio Course: Bruce Lipton – Wisdom of Your Cells (8 hours)
How your beliefs control your biology
DIY Starlink Flat Mount RV Roof Adaptor Powered by 12 Volts – Everlanders (33 minutes)
Retired US Colonel/ Mercenary Admits Ukrainian Soldiers Execute Prisoners Of War – Need to Know News
I find it odd that the so called “rules of war” dictate that the useful idiots that moments before were trying to kill you should expect their lives to be spared.
I am not sure if I would not execute those who had tried to murder me, and think that waving a white piece of cloth can spare them from the consequences of their actions.
Another “rule of war” seems to protect those responsible for starting the war:
It is my understanding that the killing of a foreign leader or legislature, is against the law in many countries.
I find it odd that the men that start wars are protected, and the slaves obtained through conscription are the only ones that die under the “rules of war”.
No wonder wars continue and never end…..
the “rules of war” seem to dictate that wars can continue.
‘Hundreds’ of American troops are in Ukraine, Lavrov suggests – by RT
Beyond a shadow of a doubt there are treasonous active duty US soldiers in this conflict. Congress has not declared war, there is no casus belli.
Keep on “supporting the troops” brainwashed Americans.
These POS Americans involved in “order following” may get billions killed and help bring in the NWO with their criminal actions. Perhaps even those “supporting the troops” should be charged with the supporting of war crimes.
Either way, every evil that has befallen the human race has only been made possible by “order followers” like these evil, mindless, soul-less Americans are doing.
The Cult Of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine (1h 45m)
Pot-Smoking Trucker Deemed Second ‘Ringleader’ of Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Sentenced to 19 1/2 Years in Prison – by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
The terrorist organization, known as the FBI, seems to have a free hand in creating crimes, out of thin air, and then getting brain dead and lied to juries to convict innocent people.
Look at Stewart Rhode’s and the hundreds of other Americans that are locked in cages even after the entire Jan 6 thing has been exposed as a Federally run, false flag event. Not even their clear innocence has not freed these people invited to DC by then president Trump!
Not a single one of the members of this terrorist organization, have even been charged much less been convicted.
Interview with Timothy Alberino, author of Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse – Mike Adams (1h 40 m)
Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault – Mike Adams (article and 1h 45m interview)
15,000 Active-Duty Troops from Poland on the front lines in Ukraine! – Hal Turner Radio
Watch: Alabama Cops Arrest 82-Year-Old Woman Over Late $77 Trash Bill
Keep on supporting this standing army, that are nothing but order followers sworn to uphold any “law” that George Soros’s legislatures pass.
FBI COINTELPRO Is Back, And Worse Than Ever
by Jim Bovard | Dec 27, 2022
Dr Peter McCullough: “Genetic Code For The Covid-19 Shots Could Be Passed Down From Parent to Child”
Nothing changes. Just like the SV40 cancer virus’s that were in the Polio Vaccine that I received as a child. My grand children will likely get this cancer virus complements of AMA monopoly medicine.
The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations To A Nazi Thug – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
MIT Reveals Roomba Vacuum Recorded Woman On The Toilet – Then the Images Ended Up on Facebook – Gateway Pundit
What, Me Worry? Biden To Leave for Warm Virgin Islands While Americans Freeze to Death
-Gateway Pundit
A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
Who Killed President Kennedy?
Tucker Carlson piece by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
I guess there are Americans dumb, and naive enough not to know that this did not go down without CIA knowledge at the very least.
Since this psy-op worked so well, and Americans stood down they recently murdered a sitting Supreme Court Justice right in front of us, and all the public cared about is their 6 pack and a football game. Bread and Circus.
When you ignore evil it is guaranteed to grow…..
Only the mentally deficient needed to wait 50 years to know the truth.
TUCKER CARLSON: Here’s what a source said about the CIA and JFK’s assassination
Tucker Carlson questions whether the CIA had a role in JFK’s death
– Fox News (7 minutes)
Buffalo store owner opens fire on looters – while frozen body of dad-to-be is found after he went out to buy supplies for nine-month pregnant wife – as city reels from worst storm this century – Daily Mail
If it is OK to shoot “looters” then why the hell is it frowned upon to shoot government agents that do little other than loot us? Looters such as the IRS and your county property tax collectors? I don’t see any differences here. Do you?
The EPA’s Latest Regulation Could Devastate The Trucking Industry – Need to Know News
This is not shocking at all, when you realize that the real purpose of the EPA is the US implementation of the 7th plank of the Communist Manifesto, that is designed to destroy the free market
The Satanists Who Carried Out The Coup Now Preside Over The Biggest Series Of Legal Experimental Deaths In World History As Doctor Warns A Satanic Cult Is Behind The Deadly Vax Push
– The Depths Of ‘The Evil’ Running America Is Enough To Make Joseph Goebbels Blush
– all news pipeline
Pre-Adamites: Ancient Civilizations Developed on Earth Before the Recorded History – Tales from out there
Looters Jack Big Screen TVs, Alcohol And More Amid Blizzard in Buffalo
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
Most are missing the salient point here.:
They say a fish rots from the head down.
We have a criminal, lawless, government.
This is reflected in the actions of these people.
They have by watching government seen theft and lawlessness as the norm.
12 States Allow Home Equity ‘Theft’ Over Homeowners’ Tax Payment Shortfalls, Study Says – epoch times
As usual the most salient points are missed:
The fact that the “property tax” is the 1st plank of a Satanic document known as the Communist Manifesto. The manifesto is a guide on how to destroy a free market society, and we are following all 10 planks!
It also ignores the fact that contrary to law, if your local property tax office comes to steal your home for non payment of their extortion demands, that you DO NOT GET A JURY TRIAL as required by law. Nor does “law enforcement” give a damn, about actual law, they actually assist in this heinous crime.
Doctors Disagreeing with Government Policy Are Not Allowed to Practice Medicine in Australia
Commentary by Michael Watson, MD
How myopic! As Doctors in the US MUST agree with the government created AMA medical monopoly and “standards of care” (like remdesivir) or lose their license.
Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be – Dr Mercola at jab info news
Right Mercola and the sky is blue,
Instead of telling us the obvious why don’t you figure out that without the illegitimate monopoly medical licensing, started by the globalists in 1912, that the very few doctors with a brain, could have spoken out without repercussions, and would have done so!
I am so tired of people that ignore the causative factors of what the hell is going on around them!
Doctors are trained to see and treat the “symptoms” and that is all Mercola is doing here.
OPERATION ELLIOTT: Much more deadly and devastating than they’re telling US – theburningplatform.com
“In spite of this reality, the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is falsely reported that only “19” deaths have been linked to this manmade weather cataclysm.”
Watch: Rep. Raskin Calls Electoral College ‘Danger to Democracy’
This POS minion of the globalist, speaks the truth: The electoral college is a threat to the mob rule (democracy) that this demon wants to talk dumbed down Americans into accepting.
Just like the globalists talked dumb as a rock Americans into the direct election of Senators (more mob rule) with the 17th Amendment, they will Riley succeed at the total destruction of our Republic.
Shock: 10-Inch Clot Removed from LIVE Person who was Vaxxed
by Adan Salazar
Self–propelled Chainsaw | Turning Logs into Perfect Boards – Advoko MAKES (23 minutes)
The Russian people continue to impress me with their ingenuity. If their march towards freedom continues they are going to eclipse the Untied States on every front.
I just posted this on Facebook. Let’s see what happens there.
CDC Blocks Whistleblower From Vaccine Injury Testimony
By Dr. Dr. Joseph Mercola
The real question that we should be asking is why the hell does the CDC exist at all?
And why this non-governmental body has so much power?
Nothing here follows the Constitution or is legal!
Yet we have 3.000 county sheriffs that are sitting on their asses and ignoring this clear cut deception and murder with this drug! De-funding all law enforcement , and bringing back the State Militias, seems like the only sane idea that I can think of.
Attacks on nuclear bases, USA power grid attacked again,
Korean peninsula on high alert, shots fired at Serbia/ Kosovo border, Chinas massive incursion of Taiwan airspace, sleeper cells activated around the world, storms of the century, looting and famine – Canadian Prepper (34 minutes)
It’s starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak location | Redacted News (13 minutes)
Because Americans have zero discernment or ability to reason, they have accepted the lie that treaties magically supersede the US Constitution.
Without Americans falling for this mind control, the WHO and the globalists would not have the illegitimate power to murder you and your family.
Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (and likely more) 29 minutes)
And US citizens have exactly ZERO! By design
Bill Gates Global Takeover Is Official Health Regulation Amendments Will Legalize Tyranny :
The WHO’s ‘recommendations’ are legally binding by all member states, and supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S. Constitution. – burning man platform
Anyone with a few brain cells if they do their due diligence,
quickly learns that the words and intent of the US Constitution did not elevate
treaties above the Constitution.
To believe so means that you believe that the founders after months of designing a limited government, allowed the creation of an unlimited government by allowing treaties to undo all of their careful work.
“I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty making power as boundless. if it is, then we have no constitution.”
~Thomas Jefferson
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
~William Penn
Russia Close To Legalizing International Trade In Bitcoin, Crypto: Head Of Finance Committee
Brilliant! This will be a great counter to the Federal Reserve criminals starting their own FTX style crypto and then forcing Americans onto it.
We should be thinking of ways to circumvent the Feds EC, and think about how even under “outlawing” of other EC’s, that we could use bitcoin as a method of exchange that remains free.
Amish Farmer Amos Miller Wins Battle in War for Food Freedom in US Appeals Court – return to now.net
How can this be a federal matter when no-where in the US Constitution did the States delegate any jurisdiction or power over food?
Only a thoroughly dumbed down and propagandized population would accept 99% of what is going on in the world.
FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston – USA Watchdog(1h 26m)
The Girl Scouts’ Latest Business Project Promotes 5G Cellphone Technology – Need to Know News
Busload of Illegal Aliens Dropped Off At Kamala Harris’ Residence
Video: D.C. Whole Foods Imposes QR Code System To Shop
US moving bioweapons research out of Ukraine – Moscow
Unfinished projects are being relocated to Central Asian and Eastern European countries, according to the Russian military – rt.com
Gold at $4,000? Analysts share their 2023 outlook as inflation, recession fears linger – cnbc
No soup for you: Americans in need being turned away from homeless shelters as they fill up with Biden’s illegal migrants – natural news
Think The Empty Shelves Are Bad Now? We Haven’t Seen Anything Yet! The U.S. Govt And Liberal State Leaders Will Feed Illegal Aliens First As Americans Go Hungry And Starve To Death – all news pipeline
What about the well over 100 food plant fires in the US this past year?
Do you think that the Satanic operation paperclip organization known as the CIA might have played a pert?
(as is being done in China at this very moment)
The useful idiots” on the Seymour Police department tried to get a DNA sample from me when my motorcycle was stolen, because the Federal government was giving them bribe money to do evil..
The people in “law enforcement today are almost all dangerously stupid. The most sane thing we could do is to get totally rid of modern police, and bring back the State Militias and a single county sheriff.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
MIND CONTROL: These Forgotten Nuclear Tunnel Borers Were Designed to Melt Tunnels Through the Earth – thedrive.com
Do you see this as the “dis-info mind control” that this really is?
These boring machines have not died, they have been improved and have been used to build the connecting tunnels between the estimated 200 DUMB’s that the Federal government has built.
PSY-OPS: An Introduction To Occult Psychological Warfare by Mark Passio
MIND CONTROL: Big Victory for Humanity! Florida Supreme Court Authorizes Criminal Investigation of Big Pharma COVID Shots
by Jamie White
This is victory? We still have 49 state AG’s that have sat on their asses and done nothing for 2 years! We still have 3,000 county sheriffs that have enabled genocide and murder because they also have done nothing!
“Stand down” mind control seems to be very effective.
PSY-OPS: An Introduction To Occult Psychological Warfare by Mark Passio
Internet Explodes After Image of Creepy Joe Biden Groping Zelensky Goes Viral
Americans are under such deep “fear based mind control”, that they allowed a Chinese communist spy that is also a pedophile, and stole his office, to publicly grab a Nazi faggots ass as they both lie and financially rape us.
Did sleepy Joe get any? Inquiring minds want to know.
Did Joe hold the billions of dollars over Ukraine (as he has done in the past) to have his way with Zelenski? I certainly would not discount it.
We are going to get what we richly deserve.
PSY-OPS: An Introduction To Occult Psychological Warfare by Mark Passio
Our Black-Sheep Founder (Thomas Paine)
By George F. Smith
Paine made the “mistake”” of criticizing the “religions” of the world and
as expected Christians threw him under the bus rather than thinking about what he was saying. Thomas Jefferson was also very critical of the state of Christianity and used the Jefferson Bible with only the words of Christ in it.
Amish Farmer Amos Miller Wins Battle in War for Food Freedom in US Appeals Court – Dave Hodges
This was dodging a bullet….
Considering that the Constitution gives no authority in this matter to the Federal Government nor is this one of the few jurisdictions given the court in article 3.
It would seem to any thinking person that this as is usually the case, is a matter for the States. The States need to assert their sovereignty before they loose it all together.
One Twitter user remarked, ‘Sorry but imagine not having a First Amendment’
– Fox News
“Imagine” a Christian Church that has been co-opted, and that has ignored evil for 100 years, and is the main causative factor of this tyranny.
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
~Revelation 3:15-16
“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin”
~Hebrews 12:4
Report: Arizona Governor Forced To Remove Shipping Container Border Wall By Biden Admin
by Steve Watson
Do you yet see what “support the troops” leads to?
Do you finally see why we were warned about “standing armies”?
The Federal government having a standing army, and the States not having State Militias is the reason that this unconstitutional tyranny is occurring.
Keep on listening to your apostate pastors, spew their Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, Christians. Christians are the best friend that Lucifer and the NWO could have hoped for.
If Government Officials Want To Prevent Rebellion They Should Stop Committing Treason – Alt Market
Submitted by Dave Hodges (4 minutes)
Medical “licensing” is the causative factor here….
An unconstitutional medical monopoly was created in 1912.
Not only that, but by a Satanic/Globalist family, the Rockefeller’s.
In 108 years, “Christians” have not thought it important enough to do much other than support this, God given right trampling, planned as such from the beginning, eugenics.
It seems like for the past 100 years at least, that the main purpose of the Christian Church in this country has been to use an apostate interpretation of Romans 13, to get their flocks to stand down and assist the NWO by their apathy, complacency, and cowardliness.
Look in the mirror “Christians”.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
~Edmund Burke
WHO Treaty for Global Martial Law
By Dr. Joseph Sansone
Are you yet seeing how dangerous the alternative press repeating the lie that treaties are superior to the US Constitution really is?
Treaties ladies and gentlemen, are largely the way that the New World Order has been brought in, and it continues to this day !
It continues with almost all of the alt press spreading the lie for the globalists.
What a beautiful implementation of divide and conquer by the globalists.
We are so busy fighting ourselves on this and so many other fronts, and none seem to see the psy-op or care if they do.
Pope Francis Admits An ‘Elegant Demon’ Is Lurking in the Vatican – News Punch
Vitamin K in Brief – Dr Suzanne Humphries (4 minutes)
Sam’s Club Reports Mass Shortages As Thousands Of Items Disappear From Stores – Epic Economist
Police: Thousands Witnessed Demonic Portal Opening Above White House – News Punch
New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’ – News Punch
*** Missouri beat NZ to the tyranny punch by a decade with the MIAC report and Fusion Centers
MISSOURI: MIAC Report 2009 – The Modern Militia Movement
If you believe in the US Constitution. Particularly if you believe the founders when in the 2nd amendment, they told us that the militia was “necessary” if we wanted to remain free……
…..then the order followers and psychopaths in Missouri Law enforcement categorize you as a terrorist these days!
If you believe in the Constitution in Missouri, the thugs in blue consider you someone that they can kidnap or kill with no due process , or trial!
(they already have practiced this with CPS kidnappings of children)
This mind control of “law enforcement” is scary, in that Satan can actually get men to adapt such an evil mindset as he has both Missouri government and law enforcement.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
Retired American colonel: Russia is stronger than all NATO countries combined – pravda
Russia Moving Trainloads into Belarus: S-400, Iskander Missiles, 70+ Tanks – Hal Turner Radio
Mother Explains How Elementary School Transitioned Her Daughter Without Her Knowledge – Need to Know News
What the “F” else would one expect from sending your child to one of these Marxist Indoctrination Camps?
How Extreme Has The Dumbing Down Of America Become? You Might Want To Brace Yourself For This One
This is how they will CONTROL all of us, new lockdowns announced | Redacted with Clayton Morris (17 minutes)
Here’s Why So Many People Are Stockpiling Emergency Food Now
According to a recent report by the World Bank, the share of high-income countries with extreme food price inflation has risen to a whopping 85.5%.
Spy State Alert! Facial Recognition Cameras Used To Remove Mom From Radio City Music Hall
by Kelen McBreen
Spoiler: They are almost everywhere. The big churches have been using facial recognition for years.
US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption – Catherine Austin Fitts
Why is it that people can only see as deep as the symptoms? They never seem capable or willing to address causative factors!
A child should be able to see that both the implosion and the corruption is tied to our pissing on the Constitution with our fiat money, and the Federal Reserve.
The alternative press has a LOT of learning to do. They are for the most part dangerously uneducated.
Republicans To Approve Spending Bill With Massive FBI Funding Boost Despite Twitter Files Revelations
by Jamie White
Your local police and sheriffs department are already under the thumb of the Feds by their taking of so much Federal Money. Now the globalists are pushing to disband local police (which actually is the right thing to do) so that they can use this dialectic, and replace local police with national police, like the FBI!
Soon after that robotic police will be introduced.
As far as I am concerned this is a treasonable, and punishable by death, action by any of the psychopaths in DC that voted for it.
This should make it clear to anyone with a pulse, that the left right paradigm is nothing other than a dialectic, used to divide and to control.
You Have to Watch Rand Paul’s ‘Twas the Week Before Christmas’ (4 minutes)
*** On the Eve of a Cashless Society– Greg Reese (4 minutes)
This is probably the most time critical thing for us to address, but collectively we are too apathetic, complacent, and stupid to avoid the extreme evil, slavery, and death that this will soon bring.
Are you looking for Health Insurance you can Afford?
Christian Healthcare Ministries – The Biblical Solution to Healthcare Costs.
If we can not eliminate the evils of mandatory auto insurance in 49 of the 50 states…..
Why can’t we set up auto insurance in the same manner as the concept of Christian heath insurance?
Perhaps I could get a policy that does not overtly rape me, and I could get a policy that covers me to drive either of my 2 vehicles without a doubling of the premium, since I can only drive on vehicle at a time.
FWIW I am very skeptical of the Christian Healthcare Ministries. Do they pay for nutritional cures of disease or only the man made pharmacological masking of symptoms? I strongly suspect the latter.
Report: Soros Nonprofits Donated More than $35 Million to Anti-Police Groups Last Year
This nothing more than a dialectic. BOTH sides are controlled — both sides are wrong and evil.
“If you think you’re on the right side I can assure you are on the wrong side no matter which side you are on. Each of us individually must begin to study, research and learn the truth.”
~William Milton Cooper
We were told in the 2nd amendment to have a militia if we wanted to remain free.
Our police are nothing more than a standing army that is used by the globalists to control us…the slaves on the plantation.
If you investigate the Church of Satan you will learn that they to a very large degree control our police.
We need to go back to what we had in 1776 as far as law enforcement.
Read the intro and 1st chapter of Balko’s book if you want to learn how they did policing correctly way back then.
Rise of the Warrior Cop
The globalists want to destroy our current system so that they can bring in something even more evil.
The founders gave us the solution to this in the second amendment:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
Mark Passio – Cosmic Abandonment (2h 17m)
A mind blowing theory on human origins.
Makes a lot more sense than the lies that we have been told our entire lives.
*** I want to point out that Zelenski is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress tomorrow, which is the major Satanic Holiday of the Winter Solstice. Do you believe in coincidence theory?
Trudeau’s government now teaching kids that (if they’re 15 or over) they can kill themselves, with doctors’ help, and it won’t hurt a bit! – The Burning Platform
*** Lloyd Pye Everything You Know Is Wrong (human origins) – Lloyd Pye (1h 56m)
BOOK: Everything You Know Is STILL Wrong: Revised Edition
Lloyd A Pye
“Everything You Know Is STILL Wrong” updates and expands on Lloyd Pye’s ground-breaking theories. He explains how everything from our understanding of the formation of planet Earth to macroevolution is based on theories that only tell part of the story and may not be entirely accurate. Central to the book is “Intervention Theory”, the controversial but surprisingly fact-based idea that aliens intervened in Earth’s early history to build life as we know it. Twenty years after the original “Everything You Know Is Wrong” was published (in 1997), science has dramatically advanced our knowledge and understanding. Yet much of what we think we all know is actually nothing more than theories based on flawed assumptions that can actually be proved wrong… And that proof is referenced in the pages of “Everything You Know Is STILL Wrong”. Lloyd Pye sadly passed away in 2013, but the copious notes and drafts that he left behind have been diligently pieced together and supplemented with new discoveries and up-to-date facts. Although this book is intended to be an updated version of the original, this new edition truly stands alone as an almost completely new work. Over 600 pages Over 150 Black & White Images Paperback
Trust The Data, Not The Conveyors Of Deadly Misinformation! And The Data Shows The US And UK Have A COVID Death Rate Nearly 50X Higher Than The Least Vaxxed Countries!
– While ‘All Cause Deaths’ Keeps Skyrocketing In The MOST VAXXED Countries! – all news pipeline
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! This is why they really want you to eat the bugs! – Strange Sounds
ZELENSKY IS IN THE UNITED STATES – Washington DC – Hal Turner Radio
Mom Dresses as a Cat for School Board Meeting Over “Trans-Gender” School Staffer – Hal Turner Radio
ALERT: Collapse In Gold Production To Unleash Skyrocketing Gold & Silver Prices – kingworldnews.com
Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law – Lifesite news
We are on the brink of nuclear war. The dollar is about to tank. We are being invaded by millions of illegals. Weather warfare is destroying agriculture.
And the moron that turned our government over to a Communist Chinese agent that stole the election, is concerned about something that the government has no business being involved in! This guy works for the NWO as far as I can tell. And he is still supporting the COVID death jabs!!!
I won’t vote for the guy — rather I think he should be hung for the people he has murdered by continuing to push the jab.
New Zealand Tells Public to Report Political Dissidents as “Terrorists” – Need to Know News
Hell NZ has nothing on Missouri and it’s MIAC report calling the citizens of the this State terrorists! The Feds have them all out done, making us terrorists in various laws and executive orders.
Are you mad Dave?
Perhaps I would consider this after the entire top management of this Satanic organization (per Ted Gunderson) is executed on public TV.
No on second thought, they need to be totally destroyed and eliminated.
We should make the Fall of Jerusalem look minor by comparison, to what we do to these SOB’s!
If that is not done, they will just come back again some day.
The States did not authorize an FBI in the Constitution.
Does that even matter with you Dave?
Its really sad when the alternative media has such a disregard, and poor understanding of the US Constitution.
FWIW it is my understanding that the FBI was started by the globalists, and that no one can say how it was chartered/created. If you know anything about this I would like to hear.
Descent Into Public Health Totalitarianism
By David Stockman
International Man
What else would one expect after allowing the globalist Rockefeller family to have Congress create a medical monopoly for them to control, over 108 years ago?
What is this mental illness about where you never mention causative factors like in this case?
Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important than You Ever Thought
as they are like operating instructions designed to spare people from suffering while maximizing human flourishing. – kirkdurston.com
How They Plan to Take Your House: The Agenda 2030 Wealth Transfer – Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen (8 minutes)
This may not be exactly how it goes down in the US, but rest assured that they are planning to take your home here in Missouri. The Satanic “property tax” was just the start.
WHY I’M STILL STAYING IN RUSSIA Despite The Putin Presidency – Agent Nesty
An interesting Russian You Tube Channel
FRUSTRATION: The alternative press has no answers, just endless stories of how evil government is…….
Perhaps I am as guilty of this as anyone, but I have become very alarmed in the past few years that 99% of the alt press “News” is nothing more than what I knew as a child 50 years ago. That the government is evil and out of control.
That knowledge may be useful to motivate people to act, but does absolutely nothing in identifying the causative factors involved!Until we start spending a lot of time and effort in identify causative factors we are not going to make much progress.
This bit of advice is probably casting pearls before swine— but a major causative factor of the evil in this country is the fact that we no longer have State militias.
Another causative factor is that we really have no juries. The general public is so freaking stupid that you may as well just flip a coin to get justice as expecting the “selected” morons on your jury (if you can even get a jury trial) to be able to discern justice. For juries to be effective they need to have deep understanding of both the Constitution and Natural Law, and they understand neither.
Another huge causative factor is the modern Christian church. They are the antithesis of what the Christian Church was i in 1776. They spew Adolph Hitlers version of Romans 13. Basically that Government is God and that you need to submit.
100% of the population is under some form of mass mind control or another. Education is the answer to stopping this psychological manipulation of the worlds population.
If we focused on just these 4 factors and worked on them LOCALLY, I think that we could actually make some progress.
Yes, Jesus Would Have Been Branded a Domestic Extremist Today
By John & Nisha Whitehead
‘Twitter Files’ Make it Clear: We Must Abolish the FBI – Ron Paul
Ron Paul | Infowars.com
Unlike every other Federal Agency there is no record of who, or how the FBI was chartered. It just appeared out of nowhere, with no authority for it’s creation.
My info is that the globalists had the FBI formed to protect their Satanic pedophiles that are running our government. Or should I more correctly say running the NWO’s government?
My observations of the FBI prove to me, that is exactly why they exist.
Look into FBI agent whistle blower Ted Gunderson that blew open the Satanism in the FBI… then they killed him.
2016 X-Files Predicted Government Vaccine That Erases Human Immune System
Sunday Live: Kissinger Warns Nuclear War Imminent Over Ukraine – Emergency Broadcast
The Alex Jones Show
This not being able to determine objective truth,
leads to moral relativism and social Darwinism.
This idea is pushed by the dark occultists that run this planet.
It is also pushed in “Christianity” whether you see it or not.
Not a good nor true philosophy.
Vegetable prices surge 38% in ONE MONTH as food inflation explodes – Natural News (9 minutes)
This is mind control, and if you don’t see mind control, it controls you!
This article title is partly Neuroliguisitc programming and also obfuscation.
Most of you did not see it all!
Inflation is NOT prices going up. Inflation refers to inflation of the currency. Not prices at all!
The purpose of this globalist initiated mind control is to keep you from discovering the reason that prices are going up.
If you would like a deep dive into mind control check out podcasts: 13- 41 ( this is not all of them but just a start
The thing I take away here is the the patriot/alliterative press is a huge spreader of mind control.
Very very few in the alternative press know anything about mind control and they constantly fall prey to it.
To be clear anytime words are used inappropriately one should suspect globalist initiated Neuro linguistic Programming.
These are MIND CONTROL words:
Examples include:
Conspiracy theory
civil rights
climate change…..
All of these words are used in a way to mislead you from a truth.
500,000+ migrants cross US-Mexico border in 74 days, CBP says: Report – americanmilitarynews.com
The bottom line is that during the coming food crisis, millions of illegals will be added to those that will kill you for your food. Not to mention the 5th column terrorists that are coming across the border.
NASTY: Colorado to begin feeding recycled sewer sludge back through people’s drinking water taps – Natural News
What they forgot to say is that many things including prescription drugs that are urinated and flushed down the drain are not removed and then everyone is taking them!
Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind – globalresearch.ca
HOSPITAL HOMICIDE: Newborn baby DIES from “huge blood clots” following pre-surgery transfusion of covid vaccine-tainted blood – News Target
No charges filed. Just more proof that “law enforcement” is complicit in these murders.
Ukrainian President Zelensky’s Wife Goes to Paris and Begs for Money and Goods Then Reportedly Goes on 40,000 Euro € Shopping Spree IN ONE HOUR! hmm, smells of Imelda Marcos, even Ceaucescus, leeches!
-Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter
This woman is being tax subsidized by you and your grandchildren…..
XFILES – Old episode on pandemics (4 minutes)
Clear predictive programming. Those that run this planet, told us what they were going to do with bio-weapons….like the COVID vaccine.
Watch all of this and listen to every word. They warned us….
Predictive Programming Showed How Globalists Would Finalize America’s Brutal Overthrow And Depopulate Earth Via Bioweapons To Destroy Immune Systems And Weather Warfare
– We Were Warned The ‘End Game’ Would Start On A Friday
– All News Pipeline
(the day had been changed to a Thursday is my intel)
Crossing The Rubicon: DeSantis Covid Vaccine Grand Jury
By Dr. Joseph Sansone
While “Law Enforcement” in Missouri steals the public blind in salaries, and benefits, with the promise of protecting us from thieves. (do you see any irony here?)
For 2 years they have sat on their asses, and aided the deep state killers.
Perhaps everyone in “law enforcement” in Missouri needs to be charged with aiding and abetting murder.
JUST IN: Full List Released Of Politicians Who Took Indicted Crypto CEO’s “Illegal Political Donations” — to Democrats And RINOs – Gateway Pundit
I have noticed my entire life that “law enforcement” was a joke and a globalist psy-op. The people were supposed to be the only police. We were not meant to have these standing armies. In fact we were warned about them.
Very First “Unconscious Pig” Episode, Translated!
You’ve got to love Russian Humor . . . – Hal Turner Radio
RUSSIA TALKS TARGET: Yellowstone National Park – (and its Super Volcano) – Hal Tuner Radio
Psst! I’ll let you in on a secret: the US food supply has been a covert eugenics operation for decades. It also is part of the mass mind control of the planet because a malnourished brain is easier to control.
The USDA/FDA is central in this criminal deception, like government always seems to be.
US Sends Infantry Unit To Base Just Miles Away From Russian Border In Estonia
Fighting for Ukrainian Nazi’s….
When war has not been declared….
When their is no casus belli …..
Is an act of treason against myself, and these United States.
What these clowns do not understand is that they are cannon fodder, and most may never come home, as the monsters that run this country do not want anyone in between us and the UN troops when they are called out upon us.
Thank these “troops” for not defending us, but rather throwing us and our children under the bus.
US Govt. Paid Catholic Charities $3 Billion to Traffic People across the US/Mexico Border – Need to Know News
Pray For Ukraine? Pray For America! – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case Challenging Government Efforts to Undermine Sixth Amendment Rights (jury trial) – Rutherford Institute
It is comical that this upsets anyone when we have for decades not given a damn if we get a jury trial nor not!
Currently “law enforcement” across the country assists CPS in the kidnapping of our children without a jury trial or any other semblance of due process. The Federal government also uses your tax money to bribe CPS and “law enforcement” to commit this crime.
Across the country “law enforcement” will assist your local property tax collector to steal your home and make you homeless if you can not afford to pay their extortion. We are “guaranteed” a jury trial by the Constitution, yet you will not get a jury trial in this case either.
What is the common thread in hoisting this evil?
“Law Enforcement” that will do literally anything that they are told to do.
They are the standing army that we were warned about.
They WILL be used to take your guns and to take you to camps!
Yet most Americans support this evil institution.
American Tragedy! Baby Boy Dies Of Massive Blood Clot After Hospital Refused Non-Vaxxed Blood Transfusion
by Kelen McBreen
I can think of no other explanation other than beautifully implemented mind control by the globalists that people have not risen up and demanded both a stop to this madness, and the arrest of anyone and everyone involved. That includes doctors, nurses, government officials including Law enforcement, county health nurses, media personalities, and more.
It is an incontrovertible fact that in 1912 that the Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family got Congress to trample our God given right to choose our own medical care when they created a medical monopoly called the AMA. Do you think that something that violates the Constitution, and Natural Law, by globalists, is anything other than malevolent?
If you don’t see it then you are a special kind of stupid and under total mind control.
VIDEO: **AMERICAN** Troops Get Lost in Ukraine – Ask **RUSSIAN SPEAKER** for “Map” – Hal Turner Radio
The founders warned us about standing armies for a reason, and this is it. The Constitution limits a standing army to 2 years does it not?
I know for sure that no one from the Missouri Militia is willing to go fight in Ukraine.
The other part is that these US troops are traitors to the rule of law. They may even be treasonous. They are waging war against me, and my interests. They are waging war against the interests of the USA.
I propose a Law that says that any enlisted US military that fights in an unconstitutional undeclared war gets the death penalty. No exceptions, no Presidential pardons allowed.
If working to help CIA funded Nazi’s outside of law does not justify the death penalty I do not know what does.
These guys have the same justification for their crimes as the Nazi’s at Nuremberg did: “I was just following orders”
Morally these guys are in the same boat as the worse of Hitlers goons.
URGENT NEWS: No Fly Zone and WW3!! Pope Issues Warning! Putin in Bunker?! – Canadian Prepper (24 minutes)
Particularly good:
The Tyranny of the Majority
By Andrew P. Napolitano
“…Part of James Madison’s genius was the construction of the federal government as a three-sided table. The first side stood for the people — the House of Representatives. The second side stood for the sovereign states that created the federal government — the Senate. And the third side stood for the nation-state — the presidency. The judiciary, whose prominent role today was unthinkable in 1789, was not part of this mix…”
Blackouts Could Hit Texas on Christmas as Arctic Blast Threatens Grid – Newsweek
White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research “Killed Millions”
Roger Stone claims “a demonic portal opened above the White House” when the Bidens moved in and “demons populate the Biden administration” – mediamatters.org (8minutes)
FWIW Steve Quayle has repeatedly stated that there are multiple human sacrifice rooms in the basement of the White House.
Elderly Woman Killed During Carjacking at Her Home in Upscale Atlanta Enclave
by Dan Lyman
Why is it so hard to see that the root causative factor here are “police” that enforce thousands upon thousands of illegitimate gun laws?
Amoungst them, the “1968 Gun Control Act” that was lifted word for word from Nazi German law!
Even those that arm themselves, live in fear of District Attorneys that routinely bring charges against people that were exercising the God given right of self defense!
With a universal Militia, like the founders told us to have, and Constitutional (NO) Federal gun laws, , this criminal would have been shot dead the very first time that he pulled something like this, and this lady would be alive.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
FDA targeting homeopathy: Tell the agency to leave alternative medicine alone – Natural News
The ONLY reason that this is a problem, is that Christian 501c3 Churches have remained silent for 108 years over Congress, stealing their God given right to choose their own health care, by creating the AMA monopoly.
Putin says 1 missile will trigger ‘hundreds’ of warheads – wnd.com
Israeli-Based 3D-Printed Lab-Grown Meat Company is Building World’s Largest Facility in North Carolina – Gateway Pundit
America’s western water crisis is so bad that Colorado is going to start drinking recycled sewage – Fortune
“The Food Shortage is Real!” Woman Shocked as Frozen Rodents Sold in NYC Shop
by Adan Salazar
“My Pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci” – Twitter Owner ELON MUSK to Release the Twitter Files on COVID and Dr Fauci – Gateway Pundit
DeSantis Announces Florida Grand Jury Investigation to Hold Vaccine Manufacturers Accountable
The grand jury will investigate the potentially dangerous and deadly side effects the mRNA injections have had on Floridians.
This is just further proof that “law enforcement” in Missouri is not about going after real criminals. No, it is all about controlling you for your globalist overlords.
You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Military Declare Bolsonaro ‘True President of Brazil’ and Begin Executing Corrupt Lula Officials – newspunch.com
If we had a militia (as the second amendment demands) in this country rather than the globalist controlled standing army, that most citizens have supported, we could have stopped the Communist takeover of this country also. The founders knew what the hell they were talking about.
Could BIRTHING PODS solve Elon Musk’s fears of a population collapse? Scientist unveils creepy concept video of human farms with hundreds of transparent artificial wombs that replicate a mother’s uterus – daily mail
Have you ever watched the movie the Matrix? This is not fiction all all. Thi sis the DARPA plan…..
In 86 More Days, Skynet Could Become A Reality, Pentagon Video – Tales from out there
The Twitter Files: The Corporate Media Ignores The Biggest Story Of The Decade
by Zero Hedge
NATO is Running Out of Weapons to Send to Ukraine – or Defend Themselves! – Hal Turner Radio
The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands:
However, facts suggest that this has little to do with the environment and much to do with centralizing power – organic prepper
America’s Holocaust: 2nd Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Experimental Shot – healthimpactnews.com
Just That! World Economic Forum calls for end to private car ownership – Strange Sounds
Doesn’t every patriot “know” that treaties can supersede the Constitution and that through treaties that the WEF runs the United States? Isn’t this what the founders wanted? For globalists to run this country? Didn’t they write the Constitution to insure that the men that they had just defeated in war, would run the country again?
FWIW this is how mind controlled the Patriot community is and thinks and believes…..
They have already done so …. and for decades they have done so
WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change – theburningplatform.com
Another Food Processing Plant BURNS! – Hal Turner Radio
Amateur astronomer filmed this UFO passing close to the Moon and casting a shadow on it
A small rifle brass supplier in NC with excellent service and prices. They ship quickly and are close enough to MO that orders come quickly:
.223 / 5.56 Range Brass (Not Cleaned or Polished) (1000ct)
Hide Your Refrigerator: Biden’s EPA Prepares to Crack Down on Home Appliances – westernjournal.com
The fact that Americans tolerate these unconstitutional tyrannies, just testifies to the “special kind of stupid” that the masses have become.
AG Moody: It is Time to Prosecute C19 Shot Crimes
Open Letter to Attorney General Moody
By Dr. Joseph Sansone
And your county “law enforcement” inexplicably continues to sit on their asses and watch. “support the police” Absolutely NOT.
Orlando Airport could run out of fuel Sunday night. Here’s what travelers should know – USA Today
UNBELIEVABLE: NATO Chief issues WARNING, MILLIONS Fleeing, USA OK’s Attacks on Russian NUCLEAR Bases – Canadian Prepper (29 minutes)
Was looking at how to make Masa Harina from scratch and some of the health benefits over corn meal or flour:
Interesting $128 27,000 BTU diesel fueled, 40 watt, 12v, furnace:
(I did the math and this is much cheaper than propane or even electric)
Duramag AR-15 .223 / 5.56mm Stainless Steel 30-Round Magazine
These are a bargain for $15. No tax and low low shipping cost.
Keep your eyes open, the summer of 21 they were on sale for $9.99 and no shipping.
Do you want the big picture of what the New World Order is planning?
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement – Alex Jones (2h 19m)
HUGE! TWITTER IN A PICKLE: Policy Director for Twitter Nick Pickles Admits Twitter Was Working with FBI to Censor Trump, Conservatives – Gateway Pundit
‘Nazi’-inspired US prison guards, American ‘revolution’ and Ukraine conflict: Highlights from Viktor Bout’s RT interview
The Russian businessman described “inhuman” conditions in US jails and ridiculed claims that he armed the Taliban – RT.com
Exclusive: ‘Then Sue Me!’ Jail Superintendent Hell-Bent on Abusing Inmates Still In Charge and Jan 6er James Grant Needs Help – Gateway Pundit
The Constitution Has Already Been Terminated
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Make Way for the Killer Robots: The Government Is Expanding Its Power to Kill
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Killer robots are coming, that will enforce any law that the Globalists have their puppet legislatures enforce, with ruthless violence. This is what the useful idiots that support the institution of “police” are going to bring us.
Unnoticed by these morons that support the police, is that everything is done incrementally.
Killer Robot Police will be the next increment,, and we can thank those that mindlessly support this evil institution for the death and sorrow that it will bring.
The Easy Way I Protect My Payments Online and Keep Free Trials Free – NY Times
International Blood Bank for the Unvaccinated has been Formed with Members from at Least 16 countries – Demand for “Pure Blood” Skyrockets – Gateway Pundit
I used to give blood at the Red Cross every month in Springfield.
Because of their mask tyranny and the mixing of blood, I have not given in 2 years now and plan to never give again through the Red Cross.
Report: Organic farming yields 40% more crops than conventional farming during drought – Natural News
DAMNING DOCUMENTS UNCOVERED: CDC directly colluded with Twitter, Facebook to censor free speech
Gun Shops And Customers Claim Credit Card Firms “Restrict” Firearm Purchases
Should a “winter storm” have a “warm side”? This is completely absurd from a historical perspective, but now it seems it is the norm. The Weather Channel has announced the coming of “Winter Storm Diaz” complete with flash floods, blizzards, tornadoes, thundersnow, extreme hail and more. The Weather Channel says that the conditions will depend on which side of “Winter Storm Diaz” you are on, the warm side, or the cold side. Engineered winter weather is not a theory, it is a data verified fact of record. Natural weather is no more as climate intervention operations completely disrupt and derail the planet’s life support systems. Who are the primary individuals and entities tasked with covering the tracks of the geoengineers? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News,
December 10, 2022, #383
Human Meat as Food Source:
By donating your body for human consumption, you are taking direct action to help others and lessen the damage of the industrial age. By consuming human meat, we create a change in both our life and the world. – humanmeatproject.com
“Satirical” Schoolhouse Rock clip aired live on SNL once… – freedoms phoenix (2 minutes)
Texas Republicans Launch Sweeping New Border Plan – The Lone Star Claims It Will Be Built “By Texans, For Texans” – patriot journal
We have had since 1912….when the illegitimate AMA medical monopoly was created by Congress, to refute it.
One would think that in 108 years, after watching how this criminal medical tyranny unfolded, that it was not going to end well. Yet even now most do not see the root of this evil.
Why is it that 99.999% of “patriots” are so clueless when it comes to the US Constitution?
When it is not followed, things like this are made possible.
An excellent site that deals with Power Grid Security:
Grid Security Now!Michael Mabee – Author of The Civil Defense Book
Well, well, well… “Merchant of Death” Viktor Bout flew 1,000+ US missions in Iraq… – revolver.news
Putin on Germany/Ukraine: They Lied To Us – Hal Turner Radio
NZ: Baby Removed from Parents and Underwent Surgery After Parents Refused ‘Vaccinated Blood’ – Need to Know News
Criminalizing Free Speech: Texas Harassment Law Could Make It Illegal for a Parent to Repeatedly Text Teen Child About Neglected Chores – Rutherford Institute
Nothing new here, I had a big row with the CPS terrorists 25 years ago over getting my daughter to wash the dishes.
FBI Increases Spending to Go After MAGA-Related “Domestic Terror” Cases
-80% of the FBI’s anti-government “domestic terror” cases are MAGA related.
– Need to Know News
The FBI is a great example of a standing army that the founders warned us about.
Why Flavonoids Are the Key to a Sharp Mind
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Whether Due To Sheer Stupidity Or Because They’re Pure Evil, The Highest Levels Of The US Govt Have Been Carrying Out Depopulation And Genocide – Nuremberg 2.0!
– America Has Reached A Tipping Point That Looks Like The Point Of No Return
~all news pipeline
Hundreds Of Thousands Of U.S. Homeowners Are Now Underwater On Their Mortgages As The Housing Crash Accelerates – theeconomiccollapseblog.com
Why is it that the fact that 90% of the “money” that fractional reserve banks loan out is counterfeit not pointed out?
The alternative press is filled mainly with morons, or useful idiots it seems.
They also fail to point out the irony and evil, that none of these families will get a jury trial as the US Constitution grantees!
State Attorneys General Say FedEx And UPS Help Feds Track Gun Sales
Whether Due To Sheer Stupidity Or Because They’re Pure Evil, The Highest Levels Of The US Govt Have Been Carrying Out Depopulation And Genocide – Nuremberg 2.0!– America Has Reached A Tipping Point That Looks Like The Point Of No Return
-All News Pipeline
What Will You Do When They Come For You?
Darrin McBreen | Infowars.com (4 minutes)
Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly – newspunch.com
Exclusive: Parents Who Had Child Kidnapped By Government For Vaccine Skepticism Speak To Infowars – War Room With Owen Shroyer (41 minutes)
No one will state the obvious: That we were warned about standing armies like the police, by the founders. That they will be used to subjugate, and enslave us.
Hell your country sheriff assists in child kidnappings by CPS on a regular basis.
We need to abolish standing armies like the “police” and bring back a single county sheriff and his pose…. the people, like we had in 1776.
DeSantis Raises $59 Million For Florida Hurricane Relief, Says Biden Denied Funds
Meet the ‘Merchant of Death’ Biden Just Traded for Brittney Griner:
As More Doctors Warn The Biden Admin Is Carrying Out Genocide, Alarming New Concrete Proof Comes Out Govt Colluded With ‘Big Tech’ To Censor Crucial Health Freedom Information
– The ‘Kill Grid’ Has Been Established And ‘Medical Murder’ Is Taking Place Worldwide – All News Pipeline
More Alarming Proof The CDC And Big Pharma Knew All About The Deadly Adverse Effects Of The Vax Long Ago And Covered Them Up! Someone Needs To Pay For All These Dead Bodies! – All News Pipeline
With the sordid history of the FBI are we sure that the FBI is not involved at some level with these 5th column attacks?
Baby Will Update! NZ Police Take 4-Month-Old In Midnight Abduction, Mother Fears Arrest
by Kelen McBreen
The important takeaway here, that most will miss, is that “police” are controlled opposition They are there to, keep you in fear, and to enslave and finally slaughter you.
They are a standing army that will enforce any evil law that the globalists get their controlled legislatures to write. If you don’t see this truth you have lot of homework to do.
Start with the Milgram psychology experiment.
Only Donald Trump Could Make Liberal Democrats Sound Like Conservative Constitutionalists – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Repeal All Laws Against the Phony Crime of ‘Seditious Conspiracy’
by Ryan McMaken
Tucker Carlson: This is an actual threat to democracy – Fox News (17 minutes)
Original Intent (Full Documentary) – James Jaeger documentary (3h 15 m)
Fiat Empire — Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution (Full Length) – James Jaeger documentary (58 minutes)
Both very good documentaries pointed out to me by Mark Passio.
Tucker Carlson: This is an actual threat to democracy – Fox News (17 minutes)
ECONOMIC CATASTROPHE UNFOLDING: U.S. manufacturing orders from China down 40% – Hal Turner Radio
Other states reporting power outage attacks similar to North Carolina, Moore County – NC Renegade
Are the resident 5th columns being trained to soon take out our infrastructure?
Update: NZ Government Steals ‘Baby Will’ From Parents After They Demanded Unvaccinated Blood For Heart Surgery
by Counterspin Media
Giant Footprints found around the World – Tales From Out There
Emergency LIVE Broadcast: Globalists In FULL PANIC as Americans Hold Vaccine Makers Liable Over mRNA Claims – Tune In NOW
The Alex Jones Show | Infowars.com
Tucker Carlson: What we learned from ‘The Twitter Files’ – Fox News (16 minutes)
Kill Grid Countdown – A special interview with Steve Quayle and Mike Adams – Mike Adams (1h 42 minutes)
Both Mike Adams, and Steve Quayle are dangerously ignorant people!
They both have the false belief that treaties supersede the US Constitution.
They are playing a large part in helping the globalists kill off the human race, because whether they know it or not, their repeating of this lie is a very effective means of mind control for the globalists. In other words Mike Adams and Steve Quayle are using Satanic mind control on you with this lie!
If you think that treaties supersede the US the US Constitution, then you too are under serious mind control. Children in this country at one time were more informed.
The only way to stop this is to embrace the truth. The sad fact of the matter is that “Patriots” are too dumbed down to be able to discern the truth.
Later Steve illiterates that he does not understand the 2nd amendment in the least. When talking about the 2nd amendment he never mentions the most important thing in the 2nd amendment, and that is that a Militia is necessary if we wish to remain free.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
As a testament to the lack of discernment of both of these men, they continue to push the Satellite Phone Store, even after shown proof that the SPS is lying to and stealing from it’s customers.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Capitulates to Disney, Works to Give Them Back Their Special Tax Breaks – bigleaguepolitics.com
Ron has Globalist backers, of course he will capitulate to them now and in the future.
Utility company lays it on the line for customers: Take the Orwellian ‘smart’ meter or freeze! – leohohmann.com
We have this smart meter monitoring going in here in Webster County MO. SEMANO electric “says”, not that I trust them, that they are using in-band signalling (through the wires) to communicate with their meters. Either way the privacy dangers are very real.
These meters were planned, and are being implemented by the Globalists.
Brazilian Military Moves Against Silva After Pro-Silva Court Refuses Election Audit – Military evokes charter to intervene in case of a conflict between the branches of government
Our “military” also has an obligation to fight enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
The difference being that our “military” is under the total control of the New World Order. That and Trump being a clueless coward, and the man that gave your government to a Communist Chinese agent that CLEARLY stole your vote.
Brazil: Tanks and Military Vehicles Deploy in Preparation for Martial Law – Need to Know News
*** Are you excited to pay the Satanic (10th plank of the Communist Manifesto) extortion called the “property tax”?
The one that is used to indoctrinate, and dumb down your children to know nothing about Liberty and God given freedoms?
“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” – Charlotte Iserbyt (free book)
Alarming Story Out Of Canada Shows Our World’s Dystopian ‘Logan’s Run’ Future Is Here – Govt Offered Disabled Army Vet Assisted Suicide When All She Wanted Was A Wheelchair Lift
– More Proof This Is World War III, A Spiritual War Between Good And Evil – allnewspipeline.com
Biden’s DHS Signals It Wants to Criminalize Political Dissent:
DHS is devoting the lion’s share of its time and attention to fabricating a right-wing terror threat and using it to silence opponents of the regime – pjmedia.com
J6 Prisoners: Zip-Tied, Beaten, Maced, Sexually Assaulted in the Night – independentsentinel.com
The moral of this story is that if the FBI comes to your house, to take you away to a gulag, that you have no other choice other than using lethal force to deter them.
The End of Freedom & Our Right to Even Vote:| New Zealand, the government has admitted that Facebook gave them direct access to flag what they wanted to be censored. Zuckerberg has provided the same privilege to the USA – theburningplatform.com
Peg Luksik “Who Controls Our Children” How Public Schools Dumb Down Kids (outcome based education 59 minutes)
Charlotte Iserbyt – Deliberately Constructed Idiocracy (9 minutes)
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America web site
The Case for Not Voting by Stefan Molyneux (16 minutes)
Govt. Database Shows 10,000% Increase In Cancer Reports Due To Covid Vaccines – Hal Turner Radio
The reality of this is that your local “law enforcement” is allowing this while at the same time they will come and kill you, if you don’t pay your property tax extortion! And all without even a jury trial!
Today “Law enforcement” is nothing more than a branch of the globalist enforcement mechanism.
They allow the COVID murders because whether they know it or not they serve the New World Order.
We were told that the militia was the solution to standing armies, and we ignored the founders.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
Mass blackout after substations ‘sabotaged’ in Moore County, North Carolina – Hal Turner Radio
Keep on letting in the 5th columns across our borders…. — joe@tittiger.com 2022-12-04 20:35
We likely have tens of thousands of military age men in 5th locums, ready to wipe out a lot of our infrastructure.
This will be just one of many deadly results from ignorant as hell Americans supporting a standing army, and totally ignoring the formation of local militias in all 50 states as the second amendment tells us to do:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose [Audio book – 10 hours]
U.S. Air Marshals Stage Mutiny Against Biden Regime, Vow To Refuse Unlawful Orders
How about the real “illegal order” Air Marshalls?
The Constitution in the 2nd amendment clearly says that the Federal government can not infringe the right to be armed!
I was given that real Illegal order by the Federal government.
In a free market, airlines could allow passengers to be armed, and I don’t think that “Air Marshall’s” would ever be needed again.
TRAILER: NonCompliant 2 The Sheriff “I Will Defend You” – Kris Ann Hall production
When will Christians going to get tired of standing army that we euphemistically call “law enforcement” being the “house slaves” for the globalists that are running them all?
Do you think that the total stand down of over 3,000 county sheriffs, while over a million people have been literally murdered by the RMA experimental gene therapy in their counties, just happened?
They are controlled at one level or another and not one in 3,000 has even opened an investigation into perhaps negligent homicide……
Aero Precision M5 AR-10 5,000 Round Test – T.REX ARMS (1h 52m)
Bright Flash Bang On Impact With A Hard Target. IN the second image, just to the right of the point of impact, you can see a one foot steel plate. The sparks are easily 6 feet across.
12 PER PACK – $30
Latest GOP Poll Shakes Up Trump and DeSantis Supporters – Now Don Is Less Popular Than Ron with His Own Supporters – pjnewsletter.com
Neither is a good choice at all. DeSantis has many globalist connections and backing. Americans will fall for it though, nothing seems to alter their brainwashing and mind control. The globalists “select” all candidates for us before they are allowed to run. If something goes wrong they can throw any election, or just outright kill the person like they did with Kennedy and many others..
Macron wants more Twitter censorship to stop people saying ‘crazy things’ about vaccines, pandemics, and war.Macron says there are ‘responsibilities and limits’ to free speech. – by Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net
*** SQ;Note the one eyed toast of the illuminists
True Legends: Holocaust of Giants (2 hours buy for $9.99)
Trump Calls For TERMINATION of the United States Constitution After Elon Musk’s Hunter Biden Drop — As One Does – mediaite.com
This stupid fuk is working for the globalists. He does not in the least understand or follow the Constitution that we have, yet he suggests a Constitutional Convention to write another one!
Keep an eye on Trump he is very dangerous.
Or should I say his cult of “Christian” followers is very dangerous.
Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon – Karen Kingston – usawatchdog (67 minutes)
Everyone except for “law enforcement”. Do you know why that is?
It is because law enforcement is a standing army that is there to control the population for the Satanists that run the planet. If you take the time to educate yourself, you will find this to be absolute indisputable fact.
How the State Seized Control of Marriage
By Ryan McMaken
Marriage for my Christian great grand parents did not involve the State.
It was between the 2 of them and God.
The idolatry of modern Christianity could not be any clearer when the Church tells couples, to ask Caesar and not God, to be married. The word apostate comes to mind.
*** “Pope Alexander clarified that marriages did not require the approval of government officials—or even church officials—to be valid and legally binding.”
ands Police Use Heavy Machinery to Overturn Tractors with Farmers INSIDE
by Jamie White
IMHO they should pull the bastards out of their front loader cabs, and beat them to an inch of their life.
Russia Now Says US & NATO “Directly Participating” In Ukraine War
Switzerland Considers Electric Vehicle Ban To Avoid Blackouts
Royce White Nails It: If Ye Bad For Praising Hitler, Is US Gov’t Bad For Operation Paperclip?
Give Her A Medal: German Nurse Walks Free After Injecting Almost 10,000 Patients With Saline Instead of Deadly COVID Jab
And your county sheriff sits on his ass and watches children being damaged, and murdered….. they too should be charged when the time comes.
The last chance is gone! What Is America’s Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes? (Our government has stated that they can imprison anyone without cause for an indefinite amount of time.) – activeprep.law.blog
Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People To Die; “We’ve Caught Him Red Handed, He Won’t Get Away”
by Steve Watson
Will Your State Reject the Fed’s Digital Dollar? – economicprism.com
I doubt if the clueless psychopaths in Jeff City, even recognize the problem.
They will sell us into slavery with their ignorance, apathy, and complacency.
Look at how badly they have fucked up their jobs so far.
Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church – created4health.org
Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes Facing 40 Years in Prison for Trusting in Trump – healthimpactnews.com
Over 400 men and women are political prisoners, that are being tortured in a DC prison, because Trump threw them all under the bus.
These people literally asked to be transfer to Guantanamo Bay Cuba where conditions would be better.
I can not think of anything more despicable than Trumps treatment of these people at the moment. But of course the mind controlled want to re-elect him.
Illuminati insiders are very rare:
In this 2 hour Mark Passio podcast a member of an Illuminati family going back to Cancan in the bible is interviewed!
I have done a lot of studying of the Illuminati, and this was almost too much information to handle. It confirms my opinion of how bad we have let things get.
Take the time to listen to this interview about trauma based mind control in Illuminati families. (and much more) These sexually abused children are all around us. Possibly in your own church. They do it to their own children!
WOEIH Show #017
Topics: Trauma-Based Mind Control, Project Monarch, Occultism, Bohemian Grove
Guest: Neo
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness – Jim Keith
Thanks For The Memories … The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave – Brice Taylor
The Illuminati Formula, Volume 2: used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave – Fritz Springmeier
TRANCE Formation of America: True life story of a mind control slave – Cathy O’Brien
The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
by John W. DeCamp
That Old-Time Religion: The Story of Religious Foundations – Jordan Maxwell
I also think that Russ Dizdar’s book also adds a lot to the discussion:
The Black Awakening: Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos – Russ Dizdar
The End is Here As People Cower in Fear | Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann | 12/01/2022 (76 minutes)
WTF?! Mass Protests in China over You Know What – AwakenWithJP (5 minutes)
Shock Video: Thug Shoots Philadelphia City Worker in Head at Point Blank Range
by Dan Lyman
Considering the extreme Lawlessness of government, I am surprised this does not happen on a regular basis.
Parking meter people on a daily basis, steal peoples vehicles, by “booting” them, with no due process or 4th and 5th amendment protections. Theft is theft regardless of who is doing it.
Deliberate Dumbing Down
by Paul Joseph Watson
Videos: Climate ‘Protesters’ Thrown Around Like Rag Dolls By Angry French Motorists
by Steve Watson
Cops Practicing Medicine
The Parallel Histories of Drug War I and Drug War II
Make Way for the Killer Robots: The Government Is Expanding Its Power to Kill
By John & Nisha Whitehead
The involuntary roundup of Americans has begun – intellihub.news
Plus Eiusdem: Trump’s Duplicity; Israel Is Above The Law; Most Christians Are More Loyal To Their Political Views Than Their Faith – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Polish Mercenaries fighting FOR Ukraine, BURNING BIBLES of Russian Orthodox Church – Hal Turner Radio
How many US Christian Churches are still supporting these Nazi demons?
Most already support the elimination of Palestinian Christians, so why not the Ukrainian Christians too?
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes guilty of seditious conspiracy in 1/6 case – New York Post
Do you see that there is ZERO justice in the US these days?
The average American Juror is way too stupid to serve on a jury.
I am surprised that they did not also charge Stewart with killing JFK and Lincoln! This jury of mentally ill Americans would have certainly convicted him.
The takeaway for me, is that you are much better off using the 2nd amendment to protect yourself, than using the totally corrupted judicial system!
Shock Video: CCP Thugs Break Into Man’s Home, Torture Him in Front of Children
by Jamie White
Ukraine Government NAZIS Raiding Ukraine Orthodox Churches! – Hal Turner Radio
Be Wary of the Balenciaga Satanic Psyop – Exclusive Report
Greg Reese | Banned.video (5 minutes)
Artemis 1 spacecraft ‘strange’ moon images taken less than 4,500 miles away

Mark Passio – WOEIH Show #013
Date: 2010-06-22
Topics: Structures Of Control, Occult “Sorcerers,” Mind Control, Cognitive Dissonance
NATO Says Ukraine “Will Become a Member” – Meanwhile Russia is Loading-up Bombers – Hal Turner Radio
UPDATE 11:03 AM EDT — Now CONFIRMED: China has OPENED FIRE on COVID Protesters – Hal Turner Radio
If you don’t believe that the standing army here in the US (the and military police) will not do this you are a special kind of stupid. Go read the Milgram experiment and get back with me when you regain your mind. MORE
Aman Jabbi – The Final Lockdown – Street Lights That KILL in Smart Cities, CBDC, Digital ID – mariazeee (80 minutes)
BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Klaus Schwab Says Chinese Lockdowns to Expand Worldwide
The Alex Jones Show
U.N. Carbon Taxes Designed To Destroy Civilization – Tucker Carlson
The Alex Jones Show
Tucker Carlson went there: says “It’s time we talked about the elite pedophilia problem” – Natural News
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ‘Suggest’ Drugging Unvaccinated People – Need to Know News
The illegitimate medical monopolies such as the AMA, are your mortal enemy.
You are not paying attention if you have not figured this out yet.
WATCH: Kids carry Disney’s holiday message: ‘We love you Satan’
‘They don’t hide their agenda anymore’ – WND.com
You Are Being Watched! More Security Cameras Per Capita in the U.S. than in China: Silicon Valley Whistleblower – healthimpactnews.com
Fears raised about freedom of expression as prosecutors say it is ‘no longer appropriate’ to quote parts of the Bible in public – News Letter
Dumbed down Americans, the type that use the phrase “conspiracy theory” as a grand intellectual argument, or follow the word Anarchy with “Chaos”…..
they don’t have a clue to the fact that Noahide Laws are already on the books in the USA, and that owning a bible is already a capital offense.
Life-Insurance Payouts Hit Record $100 Billion in 2021
Covid-19 deaths likely fueled an increase in death-benefit payments – WSJ
NO! These were vaccine related deaths WSJ!
to warrant them helping me recover the channel I lost because i lost control of an email address. They did not help me mainly because I was too small for them to bother.
FWIW I can not even listen to Mike Adams after this treatment, it actually makes me psychically ill to do so.
UPDATE 11:03 AM EDT — Now CONFIRMED: China has OPENED FIRE on COVID Protesters – Hal Turner Radio
Derivatives Time Bomb – Is **YOUR** Bank on this list? – Hal Turner Radio
JetBlue Won’t Hire The Unvaxxed, But Hired Violent Felon To Fly Planes – Daily Wire
‘I believe the economy is the biggest bubble in world history,’ says ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki: ‘God have mercy on us all’ – marketwatch.com
Sen. Murphy Calls For Defunding Law Enforcement Who Refuse to Enforce Gun Laws
The real problem here is that the “Police” in general are enforcing thousands of illegitimate “gun laws”, in violation of God’s Natural Laws, and the 2nd amendment! The 1934 Federal Firearms Act and the 1968 Gun Control Act, right out of Nazi Germany being the most egregious.
What this article is about is that these useful idiot / house-slaves called the police are finally putting their foot down because these tyrannical laws are finally affecting them and their families!
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
~Pastor Martin Niemöller
CIA Agents Caught Raping Children Allowed to Walk Free Because Prosecution ‘May Reveal State Secrets’ – News Punch
One of the FBI and the CIA’s, purposes is to protect the Satanic Pedophile class that lords over use at all levels of government.
The Great Gold Robbery Of 1933
Polish “Mercenaries” Open-Fire and KILL Ukraine Army Commanders Near Bakhmut – Hal Turner Radio
Russia Drops ‘FAB-500’ Bombs in Ukraine Today:
It is a 500 kilogram high explosive bomb enhanced with fuel to create a thermobaric shockwave. (‘FAB’ = Fuel Air Bomb) – Hal Turner Radio
Stop That Steal! Brazilian Military May Invoke Article 142 To Stop Crooked Lula From Becoming President — Sunday Night Live – Infowars
The Brazilians are out in the streets.
The Communist Chinese are out in the streets…..
Americans sit on their asses and don’t even think that they have a problem worth addressing.
They will vote themselves out of the mess that they have created. Right?
Over 70 years ago when Americans had not been emasculated by their churches, a group of WW2 veterans did what it took when their election was stolen:
HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee
Do you see the parallels to Genesis chapter 14?
I found this German news website very interesting:
Like the US they are pushing the climate change psy-op.
As Germany saves energy, workers shiver at their desks
Oliver Pieper – dw.com
Stop That Steal! Brazilian Military May Invoke Article 142 To Stop Crooked Lula From Becoming President — Sunday Night Live – Infowars
The Brazilians are out in the streets.
The Communist Chinese are out in the streets…..
Americans sit on their asses and don’t even think that they have a problem worth addressing.
They will vote themselves out of the mess that they have created. Right?
Over 70 years ago when Americans had not been emasculated by their churches, a group of WW2 veterans did what it took when their election was stolen:
HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee
The Florida Bar’s War Against Free Speech
By Dr. Joseph Sansone
Mind Matters and Everything Else
What the hell else would you expect by creating an unconstitutional legal monopoly run by globalist out of the City of London?
Americans are a special kind of fuking stupid to have supported the legal monopoly in the first place.
Massive News Site Suspended From Musk’s Twitter for Sharing Video of Obama Admitting Election Machine Exploits – Restoring Liberty
If you trust what Elon Musk says, you are naive as hell IMHO.
I have a lifetime ban on Twitter and will likely never go back, even if they paid me to go back. There are plenty of other alternatives to Twitter.
Still Looks Like National Rail Strike Begins Dec. 5 – Hal Turner Radio
China Erupts in Chaos; Biggest (VIOLENT) Protests Since Tiananmen Square; Open and Violent Defiance of China Communist Party – Hal Turner Radio
Video: American Troops in Poland Asked “Are you here to spread Sodomy?” – Told “It’s your Number One Export” – Hal Turner Radio
These “soldiers” are IMHO treasonous as hell.
There is no casus belli! Congress has not declared war! The Constitution says that standing armies can only be funded for 2 years, and we are going on 20 years plus!
These dumb as shite useful idiots ought to read the second amendment to learn what they should have done to protect this country!
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
My money is betting on them purposely left behind, like in Afghanistan, or otherwise purposely killed, as men that can fight are the arch enemy of those in charge of the US.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 26, 2022, # 381 ( Dane Wigington – 56 minutes)
John Whitehead: The Future Is Everything the Science Fiction Writers Have Prophesied – Geopolitics & Empire (33 minutes)
Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers :
British Columbia Bill C-36 lays the groundwork for forced vaccination for any illness the government chooses, and disciplinary measures for anyone who challenges prevailing public health narratives. – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency – Hal Turner Radio
Tucker Carlson: These are lunatic policies (11 minutes)
‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower– Gateway Pundit
HOW FTX played a role in suppressing use of cheap generic medicines to push COVID vaccines – Pandemic Blunder Newsletter
War Party Rising! Incoming House Speaker McCarthy Touts Super-Neocon Agenda
written by daniel mcadams
“This Is Appalling”: Major Tax Filing Services Have Been Sending Financial Information To Facebook
by Zero Hedge
This is just the very tip of the evil folks. Wake the hell up!
Six million Americans carried guns daily in 2019, twice as many as in 2015 – The Guardian
If the psychopaths in our legislatures, understood the 2nd amendment, and that self defense is a God given right that can not be altered or denied, this figure would be much higher, not to mention people would be carrying other “prohibited” (by our god the government) weapons such as nunchucks, switchbaldes etc.
For instance I can legally carry a 50 cal Barrett or a 45 ACP, in MO if I wished yet I can not own a switch blade! (Because our gods the MO legislature says so)
Even then we would also have the anti-God-given rights district attorneys that will prosecute anyone that dares to exercise their God given right and duty of self defense.
How a Sovereign State Bank and Bullion Depository Can Push Back against CBDC
– Catherine Austin Fitts and Tennessee State Senator
These solutions are all self evident to any thinking person. I have had this figured out for at least 20 years, yet the psychopathic morons that lord over us in the Missouri Legislature have not.
If you have even spent any time around “politicians” at any level, like I have, you soon discover how over the top stupid, and self serving these creatures are.
However the main reason , that we have such dumb as shite leaders in this country, is that as a whole, the citizens of this country are even dumber!!
11.25.22 – Hal turner had a very ironic report out of Ukraine tonight:
While the US was in Afghanistan, the US taxpayers paid 90 billion dollars to train 20,000 elite fighters to battle the Taliban.
It looks like Russia has recruited these 20,000 soldiers as mercenaries, who will gain Russian Citizenship for themselves, their family, and limited extended family for fighting for Russia. All of them want to get away from Afghanistan and the Taliban.
This report came from US special forces in Ukraine who clearly stated that they did not under any circumstances want to see these guys on the battlefield.
You reap what you sow….
Black Friday Chaos: Amazon Warehouse Workers Set To Strike Across 40 Countries
by Zero Hedge
Police robots may get license to kill in San Francisco
by RT
Keep on supporting the standing army that we euphemistically call “the police”. Can you see where this is headed? The founders warned you not to have standing armies and you did not listen.
Situation Update, Nov 24, 2022 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING and N-Word insanity strikes DC! – Mike Adams (1h 24 m)
Fauci Could Not Recall Key Details During Deposition: Louisiana AG:
‘It was amazing, literally, that we spent seven hours with Dr. Fauci—this is a man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science, follow the science.’…… – The Epoch Times
PIZZAGATE 2.0!!! Balenciaga Blown Wide Open as Public Awakens to Elites’ Pedophile Agenda
Alex Jones | Infowars.com
BlueTruth Documentary Shows COVID Vaccinated People Emit Frequencies “People who took PCR swab tests also triggered a Bluetooth response, but at a lower level…”
– Need to Know News
A local hospital Chain forced the PCR swab on me, to get surgery, despite there being no “informed consent”, and the fact that I did not fuking consent!
At the very least the hospital administrator, and the person that swabbed me., both should have criminal and civil charges against them. But that won’t happen as we are the “criminals” because we are questioning an election.
Killing people is no longer a crime according to your mind controlled sheriff.
What Does It Sound Like To Get Shot At? Bullet Sounds Near & Far – Garand Thumb (20 minutes)
Sam Andrews at the Freedom Center USA in Lebanon MO included this in the training I took there. I very highly recommend looking into taking some classes there.
FWIW you can’t learn much from a video. You have to experience and hear being shot at.
Jury to begin deliberating in Oath Keepers’ Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy trial
Stewart Rhodes and four others associated with the far-right Oath Keepers are facing the first seditious conspiracy jury trial in more than a decade.
– NBC news
Its laughable that this kangaroo country and this kangaroo court has gotten this far. What is even more terrifying is that the public is so dumbed down that they are likely to convict on this fabricated crime.
The state actors of this fraud should at the very least spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Genocide And The Annihilation Of The Human Race By The Trans-Humanists Has Gone Ballistic! WEF Globalists Seek To Abolish Christianity, Replacing It With Their New ‘Trans-human Religion’
– Whistleblower Warns: Vax Wasn’t Created To Solve Pandemic But Pandemic Was Created To Vax People
– All News Pipeline
An interesting and ongoing series on tactical skills:
Avoiding detection from your enemies. Mountain Recce (visible, IR, Thermal) – Garand Thumb (37 minutes)
Basics of RECCE and Recon Kit (How to become DEADLY in the mountains, PART 1) – Garand thumb (30 minutes)
Recce Rifle Setup and Camouflage / Mountain Rifle Setup. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains Part 2 – Garand Thumb (23 minutes)
How To Survive an Ambush. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains Part 4 – Garand Thumb (31 minutes_
PIZZAGATE 2.0!!! Balenciaga Blown Wide Open as Public Awakens to Elites’ Pedophile Agenda
Alex Jones | Infowars.com
The Government Is Still Waging War on America’s Military Veterans
by John W. Whitehead
You mean the useful idiots that mistook the standing army, rather than the militia as the way to protect our freedoms? These brain dead men are getting exactly what one would expect, from participating in this evil.
Getting rid of the 10th plank of the communist manifesto would be a first step in rectifying this problem.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
Biden White House Announces 5-Year Geoengineering Research Plan Despite Gov’t Conducting Operations For Decades
by Jamie White
Marshfield Mail’s Veteran Tribute: Scott Beiermann – marshfield mail
The mind control psy-op is fully supported by the marshfield mail.
Despite congress, not declaring war, despite none of these “wars” being for self defense. Despite their being no casus belli at all! Despite the fact that in our 250 year history we have only had 7 years of peace. Despite the US building a word wide empire that has done nothing, but put you and I in danger and made us poor…….
We are going to put the useful idiots that make this possible. … members of the standing army that the founders warned us about….. up on a pedestal to brain wash our youth into doing the same evil thing, when they should have joined their state militias if they really wished to protect our freedoms.
Fordland clinic expands dental outreach – marshfiled mail
This is the very same Fordland Clinic that has murdered and crippled people by lying to them about the safety of the COVID experimental gene therapy.
This is the same Fordland clinic that our county sheriff allows to murder and harm people.
This is the same Fordland clinic that got away with “firing” a whistle blower (myself) exposing all sorts of medical irregularities, and Josh Hawleys office can not do a damn thing, even though we are told that we have “whistle blower” laws.
Supreme Court Allows Government to Deny Sixth Amendment Protections to Citizens in Criminal Cases, Disregard Right to Twelve-Person Jury Trial – Rutherford Institute
So what is the big deal? We already do not get jury trials as required by law if:
CPS and the police decide to kidnap your child.
If the property tax office, decides to make you homeless because you did not pay their extortion demands for the year.
What is the big deal? We don’t gt justice or jury trials as it already stands.
We are enslaved by standing armies that the useful idiots openly support:
And the Missouri Militia has been destroyed. Much of the damage done in the brainwashing camps euphemistically called “public schools”. In it’s place we have at least 2 standing armies. (“the bane of liberty” ) “The police” and the “US military’,
Both are being used to enslave you and most of you are too blind to see it.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning & Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment – Part 2 – Arms, Needs & Cowardice
Jay Dyer hosts for an hour every Friday on Infowars.
The amount of knowledge and insight this man holds is just amazing.
Check out his site for the many superb videos that he has made:
How To Survive an Ambush. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains Part 4 – Garand Thumb (31 mintues)
Something that ALL of us should have been deeply trained in, as members of the almost non-existent Missouri Militia. But since Americans do not even understand what the militia is or what it is for, many of you will likely unnecessarily die when you should have lived.
A Do-it-all Rifle Optic – T.REX ARMS (22 minutes)
Trijicon ACOG TA02 LED and RM06 Combo – $1690
If this is in your budget, I would give it serious consideration.
I don’t have an ACOG, but if I could, I would run this setup on everything.
Vitamin D at 50,000 IU per day could have saved 116,000 American lives lost during covid – Natural News
INTERESTING…..Most people take 5,000 to 10,000 IU per day I have some 50,000 IU D3 pills, and was only taking them once a week.
My D3 blood levels are pretty low, so maybe 50,000 IU is the ticket.
They might be hard to find, and if you can’t find them, you can buy D3 in bulk as a powder from Bulk Supplements.
“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge” – Gateway Pundit
IF we had maintained State Militias, as Jesus and the founders told us to, this could have happened here, and Brandon would not be in office!
We have a “standing army, which is not in the control of the people, like the Militia would be. Being a standing army, allowed Obama and Biden to completely subvert and destroy it, hence Trump had no one to back him up with the stolen election.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
Another Video of Ukraine Troops Murdering Russian Prisoners of War – Warning: GRAPHIC – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Nov 23, 2022 – America at BREAKING POINT as VAX deaths, inflation and desperation all collide – Mike Adams (2h 3 m)
? Tucker Carlson Just Exposed The Pedo-Elite Live On The Air… – (13 minutes)
The AntiChrist, the Two Witnesses & the Third Temple | Steve Quayle with Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report | 11/17/2022 (60 minutes)
RED ALERT: New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would overrule the US Constitution and unleash medical dictatorship, warns Dr. Francis Boyle – Mike Adams
Mike have you ever read the part of the Constitution dealing with treaties?
It clearly says that treaties have to conform to the US Constitution.
Then the Constitution goes on, and says that the only way to change it is by Constitutional Amendment!
It does not say that case law (a judges opinion) can change that.
And that is what you are basing your dangerously incorrect statement on.
Your fake information here is capable of destroying the country, yet you still go along with being totally uninformed and incorrect. It matters not how many people believe this lie, it is still a lie,
In other words your propagating this lie may contribute to the death of millions and you, along with all the others that believe this lie, will have moral culpability.
This is not rocket science Mike, Fire up part of that right brain and seek the truth.
Mike these are the words concerning treaties, of the man that helped found this country:
“I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty making power as boundless. if it is, then we have no constitution.”
~Thomas Jefferson
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
~Hosea 4:6
Situation Update, Nov 22, 2022 – WHO pandemic treaty in FINAL stages, would unleash GLOBAL medical DICTATORSHIP – Mike Adams (1h 52 minutes)
“Christians” have had 108 years to fix this. They have had since 1912 when Congress criminally created the AMA medical monopoly, at the bequest of the Globalist Rockefeller families “Flexner Report”, to right this wrong.
My observable conclusion, is that modern Christians are under mind control, orchestrated by the dark occultists that run this planet.
How else can you explain the fact that in 1776 Christians went up against the most powerful military on earth to gain their freedom, yet today the Church tells us that evil tyrannical government was put there by God, and that we should not question any of the evil, God given rights trampling, that they hoist upon us. Not only that, but they believe that God is going to beam them out of the horrible evil world that they helped to create.
The only reason that this evil is manifesting, is the apostate, reprobate mind of your average Christian.
Very much worth listening to:
De-Facto Satanism – Mark Passio – Convergence FUNL 2 Conference
Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws – theburningplatform.com
LIVE World Premiere: Died Suddenly:
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet,we never seem to believe them. (68 minutes)
HOW IT’S DONE: Over 3 Million Brazilians Protest Election Fraud – Bolsonaro to Annul the Steal! – Gateway Pundit
The Department of Homeland Security Is in Cahoots with Big Tech to Suppress Information – Need to Know News
“The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.”
~Samuel Adams
VAXXED ETHNIC CLEANSING: As food inflation skyrockets, Biden’s White House targets poor Blacks by offering $20 in food credits for those willing to take the depopulation jab (op-ed) – Mike Adams
Infrared camera catches small army of migrants illegally entering U.S. as Republicans consider impeaching DHS chief – Natural News
Silver Demand On Pace For Record Year
90 percent of the weapons supplied by the US to Kyiv cannot be found – www- anti–spiegel-ru.translate.goog
Yet “Modern Christians” will support any law, written by Caesar, even the ones that blatantly trample a God given right:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
Brazil: Child Services Moves To Take Children Away From Election Protesters – Need to know News
The modern Christian Church in the US has allowed the same type of thing:
Our County sheriff assists Webster Country MO CPS in the kidnapping of children with no due process or jury trail as required by law.!
In a full 80% of these cases there are not even charges of “abuse” but rather the nebulous charge of “neglect.”
Then CPS almost always refuses to give the child to relatives, because of large illegal as hell, federal monetary incentives to do so.
Very often the temporary parents chosen by CPS are known pedophiles!!
Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles – newyorker.com
With the approval of the government, a renowned sexologist ran a dangerous program. How could this happen?
This is definitely is also done in the US
Situation Update, Nov 21, 2022 – Food credits given for taking depopulation jabs as White House targets the poorest Americans – Mike Adams (2 h 15 m)
THIS! Brazil Moms Beat the Sh*t out of Tranny Pervert Who Exposed Himself to Little Girls in Bathroom – Hal Turner Radio
You never solve a problem by ignoring it’s causes.
We used to lock people up in this country for the non crime of consensual sodomy for 30 years.More time than given to most murders. And it has not changed a thing.
Locking people up in US prisons that enforce celibacy and homosexual rape, does nothing other than create more of these monsters!!
To address this we need to go after the globalist sex trafficking networks!
The purpose of the FBI and the CIA are to protect those networks and eliminating them should be the first step.
If we did this there would be many fewer men created by their own abuse, like this man in the story.
UPDATED 1:53 PM EST — Very Big Catalyst Today: Possible U.S. Rail Strike – Hal Turner Radio
Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America – Hal Turner Radio
We have over 3,000 county sheriffs in this country. You would think that 1 out of 3,000. ( that is 0.03%) would actually prosecute the negligent murder of children!!!
This should show you what a fuking scam “law enforcement” is.
What they really are – are enforcers of the “laws” that the globalists have had their bought and paid for legislatures pass.
If there is a “law” that says you can’t exercise a God given right, the sheriff will either cage you or murder you if you resist. Sheriffs know and care nothing about God given rights.
But when the “law” in the case of abortion says that you can murder babies (which obviously is not a God given right) ALL 3,000 of our (church supported) county sheriffs stand down and do nothing.
ALL 3,000 have proven that they enforce Satan’s laws that turn rights into wrongs and wrongs into rights, but they WILL NOT secure your God given rights.
WARNING: Our civil liberties are under attack – with Ron Paul | The Tulsi Gabbard Show – (76 minutes)
Tulsi doesn’t get get it. I don’t have or want “civil rights”.
I have only God given rights. I am not a 14th amendment citizen that thinks my rights depend on government (civil rights) to grant them.
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv
Crank Your Survival Food Storage To 11 With This! – HAXMAN (11 minutes)
Engineering Winter: The Untold Story Of Hurricane Nicole – Dane Wigington (4 minutes)
PSY-OPS: An Introduction To Occult Psychological Warfare by Mark Passio (2 hours 11 minutes)
This is incredibly useful information. Mark goes into the 5 types of psy-ops, to help you identify them, when they are used on you.
Unvaccinated blood banks? Learn about the growing movement for clean transfusions – Natural News
I quit giving blood on a monthly basis,last year, because of the tyrants at Red Cross forcing a mask on me, and also their mixing of my blood with vaxed blood!
Amid UN Climate Summit, Religious Leaders Unveil New Ten Commandments – thenewamerican.com –

Steve Quayle has stated that they also elected, the global world leader for the soon coming NWO.
They Will Lock You Down Again
Ukrainian Soldiers Shown Slaughtering Surrendering Russian Soldiers, Allegedly Identified – Hal Turner Radio
CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail
Imagine that it was your child who was raped by a CIA agent and authorities tell you that they cannot prosecute the abuser because it “may reveal state secrets.”
The idiotic public does not realize that the reason that we have the CIA, and the FBI are to run interference for the Satanic Pedophiles that run this country.
They are just doing what they were created, and put there for. Whistle blower Ted Gunderson exposed this decades ago and nothing has changed at all.
Elon Musk says Trump will be reinstated to Twitter after more than 15 million users voted in poll – Fox News
What a great idea! Let the mob decide what is right and what is wrong.
Let’s bring back Barabbas while we are at it.
The Universal War Against Mankind: Extreme Domestic Terrorism Has Taken Control Over America and the World
By Gary D. Barnett
“We live in a time when the ‘elite’ web of rule, the real power behind the throne, and enforced by the state’s political actors, controls the masses because it controls the politicians, the courts, the military, the monetary system, and therefore the entire government.
Due to the very long term, incremental, and purposeful dumbing down of society, most do not realize the monumental risk we face due to this terroristic plot designed by what can be referred to as the “State.”
That plot has always existed, and is meant only to gain money, power, and total control over the people, and to create a global technocratic governing system run by the few. In fact, this is already in place, and is in the final stages of completion. This is missed by most, because they are concentrating on the minutia, allowing themselves to be purposely divided, voluntarily voting for masters, hiding from the truth, and complying with most every order given without question…”
“….Most of you think you have been given a break, and that things are “going back to normal” when in fact, the primary agenda of world control is advancing faster and faster every day, while you are completely blind to this reality, because you are focused on every single sub-plot and every bit of daily minutia being fed to you by the state and its media. Many or most of you are lost in the fog of ignorance, while your lives are being destroyed with your blessing…”
FDA Says Telling People NOT TO TAKE Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation – Hal Turner Radio
Murdering Scum is the only thought I have about this Satanically controlled government.
BREAKING NEWS: Ukraine Telling Citizens “Evacuate to Europe Before Winter” – Hal Turner Radio
Steve Quayle: ‘Everything We Have Warned About is Happening Now’ – Alex Jones Show (59 minutes)
Over 5 ***feet*** of snow now confirmed in western New York – Hal Turner Radio
Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil
Greg Reese (4 minutes)
Americans do not love liberty any longer. The president and people of Brazil do.
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.”
~Alexis de Tocqueville
Americans at one time were moral, and not only were “hearers of the word”, they were “doers of the word”.
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
For if any be a hearers of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass”
~ James 1 22-23
Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!
Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits, and learning the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon:
HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee
Do you see the Natural Law parallels to Genesis chapter 14 here?
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 19, 2022, # 380 ( Dane Wigington – 55 minutes )
Why Is The Government Arming More Federal Bureaucrats Than US Marines?
The idea that agencies are empowered to effectively create their own laws and go out and enforce them with armed federal agents should be alarming.
– thefederalist.com
We now, not only have the dangerous “Standing Armies” of the police and the military, we now also have a dozen other standing armies, fielded by unconstitutional agencies!
The moronic public, and the apostate and reprobate pulpit still do no recognize standing armies as the threat that they are, nor do they recognize that they have not supported the antidote to standing armies, and that is State Militias.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
The Jabbed Are Growing Animal Venom Glands and Ducts – Stew Peters Network (59 minutes)
DARPA’S NEWEST EXOTIC WEAPONS POSES A GRAVE THREAT TO ALL AMERICANS- CELESTE – Dave Hodges (43 minutes) ** You need an inexpensive subscription here.
Great, the idea of making smoke free wood stoves from cement and plastic baskets – Creative Cement (10 minutes)
The Power of Thorium: Why We Need It – Omniscientis (8 minutes)
If the US government had not tyrannically screwed with the business, you would likely have a safe thorium reactor in your neighborhood.
The globalists that are about to shut down your power could not allow you to have that type of energy independence.
Over 3 Million Brazilians Protest Election Fraud – President Bolsonaro to Annul the Steal! – Need to Know News
Unlike l Donald Trump, Bolsonaro is not going to turn his government over to the Marxists that stole the election. Perhaps Brazilians will escape the hell that Trump threw 350 million Americans into.
Some men have character, values, and moral fortitude, and some don’t.
And the pastors and churches of Babylon USA will likely keep on supporting Ukraine because of the Septuagint has the translation “Rus”, and that trumps any fact or reality. Talk about Satanic mind control.
Eerily similar to just one of the 10,000 Americans gunned down by police since 911. (stat per Mark Passio)
Just FYI a “standing army” is when a government permanently hires an armed force of men. Jesus called them “those that live by the sword”.
The founders thought that without a militia that a standing army would arise and lord over us…. but you were never taught that right?
Are you beginning to understand why you were extorted at gunpoint, through the 1st plank of the communist manifesto, to pay for the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto? And then you were forced at gun point to attend that Marxist dumbing down camp for 12 years.
Most of the “graduates” are Marxists that will fight to the death to keep themselves enslaved. Marxism and government are their god.
Satan does not enslave humanity, he gets brainwashed “house slaves” like the police, and 10th plank attendees , to do his evil work for him.
* Disturbing video shows unarmed man begging before fatal police shooting (4 minutes)
*** The Truth about The Cult of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & the Destruction of the Sacred Feminine ( Mark Passio – 103 minutes)
Sadly this murder of Russians, probably upsets the average US Christian more than the thousands of times that US police have essentially done the same thing. They most Religiously embrace and defend their state of slavery and their enslavers.
Situation Update, Nov 18, 2022 – BOOM! GOP House announces bombshell investigations into the Biden crime family– Mike Adams (101 minutes)
BBC Television: “Segment of HIV” Used to Create COVID-19 Vaccines ! – Hal Tuner Radio
‘Bodies Scattered Everywhere’ – 25 Police Recruits Mowed Down by Vehicle in Los Angeles County
by Sputnik
These people if they had gotten on the street, would become part of a standing army that we were warned about, and violently violate peoples rights, by enforcing the thousands of illegitimate laws that violate our rights, the Constitution, and Natural Law. They would be the enforces of the illegitimate tyrannical “laws” that George Soros, and Klaus Schwab and the Chinese Communists, got their bought and paid for legislators to pass.
The Bible says that you reap what you sow. These sowers of evil just got a dose of the initiation of aggression, what they were training to do to you, for the next 20 years of their careers.
(Mark Passio) The Truth about The Cult of Ultimate Evil – Order-Followers & the Destruction of the Sacred Feminine (103 minutes)
COVERT INTEL – “Nuclear” Cruise Missile Shot Down Over Kiev This Morning – Hal Tuner Radio
FYI you will need a membership to read the contents of this story.
Russia is rightly fed up with the West.
Know your enemy. This is very critical information for these times:
Mark Passio – Satanism & The Dark Occult (3h 46m)
Situation Update, Nov 17, 2022 – Sen. Schumer calls for REPLACEMENT of Americans who can’t have babies after mRNA depopulation jabs (104 minutes)
Citizen Addresses Maricopa County Supervisors; Tells them “You are the cancer that is killing this nation” (Voting fraud) – Hal Tuner Radio
Today , I can’t post on Facebooks for 30 days because of a post about vaccines from November 5th 2016! Six phucking years ago!
I really hope to see many at Facebook executed, for being part of the health disinformation campaign that has killed millions, and counting.
Testimony: Biden Takes Air Marshals Off Flights, Deploys them to Conduct Welfare Checks on Illegal Aliens – BREITBART
If we followed the law of the land and allowed Americans to be armed, such things as Air Marshall’s, and Police, would be unnecessary. We could not have that now could we?
RE-LOADERS: Great deal on pulled frangible 223 pills.
If you are going to shoot 223 in an inhabited home, these are what you want to shoot (great, long established Missouri Company)
M5.2 Earthquake Rocks Texas! – Hal Tuner Radio
Techno-Authoritarianism Is Here to Stay: China and the Deep State Have Joined Forces
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Our Veterans Never Protected Our Freedoms – Jacob G. Hornberger at FFF
One of the trite lines that is repeated over and over again on Veteran’s Day is that veterans should be honored, praised, glorified, and thanked for protecting our freedoms. The big problem is that it’s simply not true…..
No shite Jacob. This is why the second amendment tells us that the Militia is “necessary” if we wish to remain free. The founders warned us repeatedly about standing armies……. I don’t understand the myopia on this topic.
You can use the following CDC information to hold officials accountable legally, launch lawsuits, educate school boards, sue for maladministration, etc. – theyliedpeopledied.com
Buffalo, NY To Get 4 to 6 ** FEET ** of Snow by Sunday! – Hal Turner Radio
One Week After Election Day, Republicans Take House Majority with 218 Representatives – Need to Know News
Not much will change. There are too many RHINOS. There are too many embedded bureaucrats that are working against us.
Globalists Push Mass Suicide
Jon Bowne (6 minutes)
FTX Slush Fund Bankrolled Fake Studies To Hide Covid Therapeutics
by Adan Salazar
Obama Caught Boasting ‘We Got Democrats In Charge of the Voting Machines’ in Resurfaced Video – newspunch
Episode 432 – The CIA and the News Media 2.0
Corbett (39 minutes)
It took this dumb SOB years, and MILLIONS of invaders, before he got off his sorry arse to do anything…..None of our governors seems to be capable of thinking.
Questioning the Brazilian Election Results Is a “Coup Plot” with Criminal Consequences – The Organic Prepper
Communists stole the Brazilian election using electronic voting machines, just like they did on the US. The big difference is that the Brazilian people got upset as hell about it.
The Sugar Conspiracy
Situation Update, Nov 16, 2022 – Trump announces run, Texas declares invasion, Ed Dowd details vaccine mortality – Mike Adams (126 minutes)
Mitch McConnell BUSTED Taking Zelensky’s Stolen FTX Money According To New FEC Docs – en-volve.com
Precedent Set – A Doctor Is Executed Under the Nuremburg Code – For Administering a Covid Vax
By Alexandra Bruce at Lew Rockwell
Thanks to our Satanically leaning pastors, and law enforcement, here in Webster County, these murderers are not given a talking to, or even a slap on the wrist. They are given a free pass to murder, while I worry about “law enforcement” stealing my car without due process, for not being able to financially follow their illegitimate vehicle “laws”.
The bottom line is that medical murders have little to fear of prosecution here in Webster County Missouri, but if you can’t afford the Communist Property tax on your vehicle, “law enforcement” can and will kidnap, and steal from you, all without any due process.
PS — Speaking of the Nuremburg Code, every medical establishment, in Webster County, up to this present day is violating them. They FORCE you to wear a mask, which IS a medical treatment that lowers your blood oxygen and increases the carbon dioxide among a lot of other deleterious effects on your health. The lawlessness, and hypocrisy is palpable. Don’t expect “law enforcement” to protect these rights either.
In a righteous world, Donald Trump, would be on the list of people to be charged and executed under the Nuremberg Code for the hundreds of thousands that he talked into taking the death jab.
A Massive “extraterrestrial object” interacted with the Sun to avoid a powerful “Solar Storm” directed to Earth! – Tales From Out There
The Lancet Openly Calls For UN-Run Mandatory Vaccination Programs
It was clear to any thinking person, that 108 years ago that the globalists/Satanists stole our God given rights, with the creation of the unconstitutional as hell, AMA medical monopoly!
It was also clear to any thinking person that this control (just like the control of our educational system) would be used for evil.
Here 108 years later, the Demonic Temples that call themselves Christain Churches are full blown idolaters, that support any evil that is perpetrated by their real God: The US government. The modern Church is in reality defacto Satanism
De-Facto Satanism – Mark Passio – Convergence FUNL 2 Conference
More Voters Prefer DeSantis to Trump in 2024 Election, But Twice as Many Prefer Neither
by Sputnik
I will would bet the farm that neither of these clowns can even define a right or a wrong. Neither even remotely understand the BIBLICAL Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon. But then again neither do most “Christian” voters.
Euthanasia: Disabled Man Set to Die After Losing Rooming House
by Kit Daniels
Canada has nothing on the State of Missouri, because they are doing the same thing with their “property tax”.
Situation Update, Nov 15, 2022 – FLASHPOINT ARIZONA: What will the people do when the STEAL is so blatant? – Mike Adams (104 minutes)
In Completely Unforeseeable Twist, January 6th ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Turns out to Be True:
Despite well over a year of deflections and denials, it is now confirmed that no less than eight FBI agents were embedded in the Proud Boys on January 6th. – redstate.com
I looked into joining the “proud boys” here in Springfield MO. They immediately impressed me as being a bunch of dumb asses with their what I considered extreme, intrusive, and ineffective screening process. I basically told them to go to hell.
It looks like I was right.
Situation Update, Nov 14, 2022 – Crypto 9/11 under way while Republican leaders stay SILENT about rigged elections – Mike Adams (50 minutes)
Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started – Need to Know News
Sunday Live: FTX Collapse Exposes Democrat Party Money Laundering Operation Using Ukraine Aid To Fund Midterm Races
The Alex Jones Show
The Evidence Is In — Another Stolen Election – Paul Craig Roberts
Ted Cruz Goes Ballistic on Mitch McConnell Over Midterm Losses: ‘I’m So Pissed Off, I Can’t Even See Straight’
by Jamie White
How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1: A Brief History of BlackRock
Corbett Report
The sheeple don’t realize that the 2nd plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto (the income tax) does not go to your “government”.
It goes to the Globalists. Who in turn have bought up the entire world with YOUR help and blessing.
This gives a new meaning to “the whole world lies in the evil one”.
April 15th is really the day that we literally pay tribute to Satan.
The modern Satanic interpretation of Romans 13 is how this was done.
Kanye ‘Ye’ West Says Celebrities Are Controlled and His Mother Was “Sacrificed” – Need to Know News
Satanic, trauma based mind control is what Kanye West is talking about.
It’s nothing new at all for those paying attention to how this world is run.
Perhaps the sheep will be able to put a few more brain cells to use, and begin to get the big picture.
Sen. Josh Hawley: Time to “Bury” Republican Party, “Build Something New”
by Paul Joseph Watson
I have a love/hate relationship with Josh Hawley. I call his office with issues of liberty, and they seldom if ever can do a damn thing about the problems created by government.
Like George Washington I think that the very idea of a “party” is very dangerous and destructive. We should vote for people on principles, NOT PARTY.
““Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.””
~George Washington
The problem here is that Americans are so dumbed down that they lack any principles, at all, other than self interest! We need to address root causes, and get rid of the government schools that are dumbing everyone down, and go back to the free market in everything, including the education of our children.
Mark Passio – Cosmic Abandonment (137 mnutes)
This is Mark Passio’s presentation “Cosmic Abandonment – An Explanatory Synthesis Regarding Human Origins, Psychopathy, Slavery And The Current Psychological And Social Conditions Of Humanity” which was presented in Philadelphia, PA on December 12, 2013 as part of the Philadelphia UFO Meetup Group
Another very good Mark Passio talk:
The Unholy Feminine – Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda – Mark Pasio Part 1 of 2 (116 minutes)
Parking Lot Suicides: Veterans Killing Themselves To Protest Inhumane Treatment at VA
The American Journal
There is a disconnect here. If you go fight an illegitimate war for bankers, why would you expect them to treat you well? You just fought for Satanists….
Isn’t this why we were warned not to have a standing army, and to always have a militia?
You’ve Been Gaslighted – Democrats Just Stole Another Election – rootforamerica.com
Permanent Climate Lockdowns: The “15 Minute Cities” Are Coming – Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen (9 minutes)
“Government Regulation” is Satanic in origin, nature, and results. God gave us the free market. Let’s not forget that.
Paramount+ Series Accuses Gov. Ron DeSantis of Raping Male Staffer at CPAC
by Adan Salazar
Difficult to accept that there are Americans stupid enough to keep falling for this shite! But there are lots of them it seems….keep on paying the “property tax” so that they can brainwash your children in the government schools..
Democrats Seal Control Of Senate, AZ Governor Race Still Tight
by Zero Hedge
It is almost a certainty, that, because of Lucifer’s control of our Christian churches, that Americans will do nothing.
Hey God is going to beam them all out of here in a great “Rapture” as a reward, for their aiding in this evil….
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill
The FBI’s Transformation, from National Police to Domestic Spy Agency. Part One: “Disruption”
A Florida FBI agent blows the whistle on a Bureau that’s stopped worrying about making cases, shifting resources to a vast new mission: domestic spying without predicate. Part one of a series
By Matt Taibbi
The Deadliest Disease Known to Man Is Ignorance!
By Gary D. Barnett
And Satan’s take over of the Christian church (and our governments) have helped him immensely in this endeavor.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News,An unprecedented coast to coast engineered cool down is scheduled for the contiguous 48 US states that will make the US the only ‘below normal temperature’ region in the entire northern hemisphere. – (55 minutes)
BREAKING: Now-collapsed FTX crypto slush fund laundered Ukraine donation money to Democrat candidates to help rig mid-terms – Mike Adams at News Target
Why Everyone Needs a GPS – T.REX ARMS (27 minutes)
Mark Passio – Presentation – World View Violence & The REAL Pandemics (49 minutes)
American Soldiers Found in Kherson – Video! – Hal Turner Radio
This is the US standing army that the founders warned us about.
In reality they are pissing on the spirit, and the letter of the Constitution.
As many of these “useful idiots” as possible will die in Eastern Europe, at the same time using up all the weapons that should be defending this country.
Remember the people parroting “support the troops”, that have ignored forming a local militias, when the UN comes to take your wife, and children to rape camps… remember how they supported our, and this countries demise.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom–go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
~ Samuel Adams
We are a nation that is so populated with stupid people , that they have not even realized that the government has no Constitutional authority to make “Student loans” in the first place!
Voter Fraud & the Illusion of Freedom
Greg Reese at Infowars (5 minutes)
Kanye & Britney Spears Expose Hollywood Handlers – Jay Dyer on Infowars (37 minutes)
DHS Censorship Agency Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On Election
No self-governing society can suffer the strain to civil society that comes from loss of regime credibility.This overt and actual illegal censorship,in violation of the First Amendment…. – Hal Turner Radio
What is Luciferase?
How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world. Why would Big Pharma not disclose that Luciferase is an ingredient in the vaccines – Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way
Glenn Kimball photographed the mummies of two of these giant men in Lima Peruin 1969. These giants are still in the gold museum in Lima Peru today and can be seen by anyone who visits. – helenastales.weebly.com
5G Kill Grid Spreading Across the Globe – Alex Jones (12 mintes)
How the FCC Protects Cellphone Companies, Ignores Public Safety
The wireless industry is rolling out thousands of new transmitters amid a growing body of research that calls cellphone safety into question. Federal regulators say there’s nothing to worry about — even as they rely on standards established in 1996. – childrenshealthdefense.org
While jabbering in fierce defense of Trudeau’s “vaccine” mandate, Trudeau’s lawyer keels over – The Burning Platform
HARD EVIDENCE! This is what CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is criminally liable for! Walensky knew that there were over 2,000,000 Serious Adverse Events / Serious Side Effects according to her own governmental database.
*** ‘Science for Hire,’ a Gary Null Production:Due to long-standing systemic corruption in medical organizations and medical schools, federal regulatory agencies, and academic journals,’we enter a world where pseudoscience and misinformation rules’. – theburningplatform.com (article and 124 minute film)
Bottom line is that there is much evidence that most of the “science” we hear about is FAKE! FWIW if we followed the Constitution this would not be happening because it is illegitimate government money that buys these lies.
Global Censorship of Health Information – Jonathan W. Emord
A very confusing title, but the bottom line is that “Ukraine Aide” was sent to FTX crypto to money launder it back to the Democrats!
Tip of the iceberg and more to come.
The money was also given as campaign contributions to the Democrats.
YouTube Attacks Homestead Christian Family – The David Knight Show (31 minutes)
DHS Censorship Agency Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On Election – Hal Tuner Radio
From all my sources, I have been repeatedly told that DHS was designed and implemented by the man that used to head the East German Stasi. That alone should be grounds for eliminating this evil organization.
The fact that the Constitution does not authorize such an organization should waken even the most brain dead Americans. That their budget approaches that of the US military should make you butt hole pucker!
This article:
Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia – Verterans Today
Claims that after 911, that Israel blackmailed the US government with the threat of nuclear detonations in 5 US cities, if they did not create the DHS and put Israel in charge of it.
Situation Update, Nov 11, 2022 – Arizona election morons INCAPABLE of counting simple integers, laughing stock of the world – Mike Adams (96 minutes)
Court: Biden Student Loan Forgiveness UNCONSTITUTIONAL – Hal Turner Radio
Should I laugh or should I cry?
This imaginary power of the courts to be the final arbiters of the the Constitutionality of things is in itself unconstitutional, as this “power” to decide this is NOT given to them in the Constitution itself!
Jefferson thought this way, and came up with the principle of State nullification so that States did not have to secede from the Union when there were disagreements….
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
Having the court rather than the States, and the people make these decisions amounts to the Federal Government deciding for itself what it’s own powers are!! Yet this is the crux of the insanity that most Americans accept!
If you don’t understand this 100% I suggest you watch this Kris Ann Hall talk:
Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on Thursday issued a surprising statement claiming that it has developed a hypersonic missile ‘capable of penetrating all defense systems,’
‘Monstrosities’ – New York Erecting Thousands of Giant Gray 5G Towers:
Watch: 5G Kill Grid Spreading Across Globe :Watch & share this link to learn why hideous 5G monstrosities are sprouting up in densely populated areas! – Infowars (11 minutes)
Kanye Touched The “Third Rail”—Now He Must Be Destroyed – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
The Reason I Changed My Stance On The 2nd Amendment – Tulsi Gabbard (1 minute)
Hey Tulsi, the 2nd amendment says that the militia is NECESSARY if we are to remains free.
I have not heard you, or any of the other psychopaths in government talking about the most important takeaway from the 2nd amendment.
Until I hear you government pukes, talking about the necessity of State militias, you will just be a clueless pretender parroting what you think people want to hear.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
John Kerry spills the beans at U.N.’s COP27 meeting: They want to replace capitalism with a new economic system
Pope Francis also recently called for a ‘new economic system’
– leohohmann.com
47 Years Ago today: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald – Hal Turner Radio
Pfizer Boasts of “Multi-Billion Dollar” COVID Vaccine Franchise as it Marks Up Price by 10,000 Per Cent
by Paul Joseph Watson
Three Substances That Increase Flow and Lower Blood Pressure
By Tom Cowan on November 10, 2022
None of this is taught to the dummies that go to the Rockefeller,s “Medical Schools”.
Situation Update, Nov 10, 2022 – Crypto carnage and the coming corporate GENDER COMPLIANCE AUDITORS – Mike Adams (110 minutes)
EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia’s
Two reasons: complexity, and too much money – russia-insider.com
FLASHBACK: USS Donald Cook Was Completely Disabled By Russia’s Electronic Weapons – stateofthenation.co
British Nuclear Submarine With Trident II Missile Catches Fire, Aborts ‘secret Mission’ – republicworld.com
UK’s newest and largest aircraft carrier broke down on the 2nd day of a mission to the US – businessinsider.com
Was US Nuclear Submarine Damaged By Chinese Planes?! – techarp.com
“Conservationism” 101:
Has the modern “Conservative” political philosophy not sat right with you?
If so perhaps you are more discerning than most.
Conservatism is VERY different than what the Declaration lays out.
It does not follow, at all, the intent of the founders, or of the Constitution.
Chances are that your church either pushes Satan’s socialism, or it pushes what I call, “Satanism Lite” or “Conservatism”, which completely throws God’s Natural Laws under the bus. “Conservatism” is not what you would have heard in a Sermon in 1775, from Pastor Jonas Clark in Lexington Massachusetts . These men of God knew Natural Law, they lived by them, and taught it to their congregations.
Satan’s mind control works very well and most of the country has fallen under his spell. Listen to just the first chapter of “For a New Liberty”, and you will begin to uncover the Satanic deceptions that have been hoisted upon the gullible and naive people of this country. If not go back to sleep…..
For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto Audiobook (all 15 parts)
Part 1, will blow you away with the history that you were never taught about this country:
1. The Libertarian Heritage: The American Revolution and Classical Liberalism
*** A very important book to become familiar with.
Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary (108 minutes)
The Promise of Natural Law
By Bionic Mosquito
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.”
~Alexis de Tocqueville
Some good news for a change. Gone to be with his father Lucifer:
London: Top Globalist Banker Evelyn De Rothschild Dies at 91 – Need to Know News
Climate Fanatics Are Weaponizing Mental Illness
by Zero Hedge
Tesla (Elon Musk) developed molecule printers that covid “vaccine” manufacturers used to fuel Operation Warp Speed – Natural News
Liberty, Freedom, and Sovereignty Aren’t On Today’s Ballot – libertarianinstitute.org
It might surprise you that liberty was the main concern of Americans in the past. It sure as hell is not talked about today in the Communist schools, or our apostate churches:
“The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.”
~Alexis de Tocqueville
If this information interests you then take the time to listen to the first chapter of “For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto“
1. The Libertarian Heritage: The American Revolution and Classical Liberalism
Just like in the US, Communists stole the presidential election in Brazil!
Tucker Carlson: Democrats Have Conditioned Americans to ‘Passively Accept’ ‘Election Theft’
by Frankie Stockes | National File
Man Gang-Raped at Playground in Sweden – Infowars Europe
Thanks to open borders, this is coming to your town sooner than you think.
Faxon Bolt Carrier Group AR-15 5.56x45mm Nitride –
A very very nice BCG on sale for $122! It even has a S7 tool steel extractor (that are impossible to find, and expensive if bought alone) I hope that you at least have a spare bolt for your battle rifle if you don’t have a complete spare BCG.
Steve Quayle Intel:
There is chatter that much of the diesel shortage is actually the US military stocking up on diesel fuel, possibly so that either the woke troops or the United Nations, can begin rounding up Americans and putting them what are now called “COVID camps”.
I personally do not discount this explanation. It actually makes a lot of sense.
Situation Update, Nov 9, 2022 – Democrats DETHRONED… Three post-election PAYBACK strategies they will inflict upon America – Mike Adams (45 minutes)
Putin: “Dominion of the world is what the West has staked in this game . . .” – Hal Turner Radio
Another American soldier, Dane Partridge, died fighting for Nazis in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
I lay no claim to this order following member of the standing army.
He was a traitor of the highest order to the principles of God, and of this county.
He is an embarrassment to this country and it’s people.
With Democrats Using Technology To Steal America’s Final Elections, Our Coming ‘Hunger Games’ Will Make The Movies And Books Look More Accurate Than Last Week’s Weather Forecast – All News Pipeline
The Morning Briefing: We’re Done–American Voters Are Idiots – pjmedia.com
Americans are not idiots for electing this guy, because they did not vote him in The election was stolen.
Americans are idiots of the highest caliber because they did not fix the election fraud 2 years ago.
Modern Christian Churches are a big causative factor here. The ethos of the modern church, is to never address evil, because God is going to beam us out of here in the Satanically inspired idea of a “rapture”.
A people that are so phucking stupid, as to not have addressed election fraud 2 years ago, are beyond any hope of redemption. But not addressing evil is exactly what modern Christianity is all about.
Collectively Americans are dumb as a dog turd, and have the moral fortitude of an alley cat. That is being generous…..
The Government Is Still Waging War on America’s Military Veterans
By John & Nisha Whitehead
The Department of Homeland Security is an Enemy of The People and Must Be Disbanded Immediately – Dr. Joseph Sansone
“Recently leaked information obtained by The Intercept has validated the fact the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in illegal activities designed to censor and deny the basic human right of free speech. DHS is engaged in an operation to influence social media to remove and censor content that runs contrary to its views. Facebook even created a direct portal to allow DHS to pull down truthful information, that would be information the DHS deems false. Censorship targeted information related to the Afghanistan withdrawal, election integrity, and information related to the apparent Covid 19 bioweapon, and Covid gene therapy shots, which also appear a biological weapon unleashed on humanity….”
*** Does the average American realize that DHS has a budget that approaches that of the US military? That they are totally unconstitutional?
That the Satanic courts have ruled that DHS is above all other government, including the US military and your county sheriff. (another Steve Qualye revelation.)
DHS and FEMA are by far one of the greatest threats to our God given liberties that has ever existed in this country, and all of the modern Christian churches are 100% onboard because of their silence.
Right after WW2, this is what Christian men with backbones did in a Tennessee town when their election was stolen!
Of course the government schools would never teach you such dangerous American traits, and learning the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon:
HISTORY: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee
Do you see the parallels to Genesis chapter 14 here?
In the time of Christ, Satan had taken over all of the World’s governments.
That was made clear when Satan offered Christ the riches of the world if he would only bow down and worship him.
In the time of Christ, Satan had taken over Judaism, as evinced by the behavior of the Sagasees and the Pharisees, and the writing of Babylonian Talmud in 100 AD.
In 300 AD the very people that murdered Christ, Roman Emperor Constantine took over “Christianity” and told the religious leaders of the day to create a “religion”, that would control, and neuter the growing Christian danger to the Roman Empire. That worked for 1400 years, until the founders, using God’s Natural Law, re-discovered much of what Satan had obscured. Our Declaration was based entirely on God’s Natural Laws.
Today in the year 2022, Satan has again taken over the Christian faith from top to bottom. Much of what passes as Christianity today is actually a watered down version of Satanism.
Moral relativism being a big one, and it is accepted whole hog in all of the modern Christian Churches. Modern Christians know absolutely nothing about Natural Law, as beautifully illustrated in Genesis 12 and 14. Modern Christians, demonstrably do no know right from wrong.
Is that any wonder when Satan controls our governments, our religions, our monetary supply, our educational system, the press? …..and much more.
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
~1 John 5:19
FBI Announces “Enhanced” Firearm Background Checks For Young Adults To Start Next Week
This is what a nation of dummies gets when I allows gross violations of the 2nd amendment because it did not affect them.
Situation Update, Nov 8, 2022 – History unfolds today as America chooses HOPE over FEAR – Mike Adams (100 minutes)
*** Mike have you ever read the US Constitution, or the Declaration?
The Declaration says that the ONLY purpose of government is to “secure our rights….. so how does that translate into the US having a surgeon general?
Where in the US Constitution is the office of surgeon general authorized?
<b>It’s very discouraging when even the so called “bright” people like you are so delusional and uninformed.</b>
<b>Another critical other thing that you miss is that you imagine that the US Constitution somehow authorizes a medical monopoly that tramples my God given rights and should not exist.</b> The Constitution if you ever would actually read it, only allows the free market in medicine….
In closing— you should also make yourself aware of God’s Natural Laws, as these things you support are clearly “wrongs” under God’s Natural Law.
LIVE Election Day Coverage With Alex Jones – The Deep State Is Attempting to Steal the Midterms Using the Exact Same Criminal Tactics From 2020!
The Alex Jones Show
It’s Election Day – So I thought it best to keep quiet; then the same crap as in 2020 began again . .– Hal Turner Radio
The one-world religion on full display as fake ‘faith leaders’ join globalist predators to push Earth worship at U.N. COP 27 conference – leohohmann.com
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
~ Psalm 94:16
I saddens me beyond words, that after 10 years of being a watchman in this area, that I have not met a single Christian that is at all interested in standing up against the workers of iniquity.
It’s no wonder when it is often they themselves that are supports of iniquity.
Friendship with the world is all most Christians seem to know.
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God”
~James 4:4
The Carnivore Diet — A Dangerous Fad or Health Rescuer?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
I would love to be able to afford to eat like this, at least for a couple of months.
Too bad people were too blind to start a local food club, that would make good food possible for many.
Unlike the vast majority of Christians, I actually consider my body the temple of the Holy Spirit, and believe it should be treated as such.
Situation Update, Nov 7, 2022 – Biden regime to wage WAR OF TERROR against America as PUNISHMENT for voting red – Mike Adams (134 minutes)
‘Tyrant’ Cop Arrests Blind Man Carrying Cane That ‘Looked Like A Gun’
by Kelen McBreen
Very little that this standing army does is legitimate. Almost none of them know what a right or a wrong is. All they do is follow orders.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
~Thomas Jefferson
There are 3 ways the Satan runs this world and they have not changed since the time of Christ:
Governments – Religion – and the monetary system.
“Christians” seem to be oblivious to all 3…..
Why COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation:
The mRNA vaccines were not a product of Operation Warp Speed and developed in just a few months -rather, DARPA has been working on them with companies such as Moderna since 2011 – by Dr. Peter McCullough | America Out Loud
Mark Passio – Duress,Dissidents & Deadly Force – 2018-03-10 – (158 minutes)
The price of store bought went up 150% at COSTCO in the past few months.
Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
15:03 | Nov 02 2022
Steve Quayle Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk Proudly Displays his Allegiance to Satan on Halloween UPSIDE DOWN CROSS IN THE FOREHEAD OF HIS BAPHMOET
***BULLETIN *** 10′ Tall WALL put around Federal Reserve Bank in Washington on SUNDAY! – Hal Turner Radio
Fuel supply emergency declarations issued in Nebraska and South Dakota – cdllife.com
This is in addition to the USPS cancelling all deliveries in Louisiana and Tenseness. And reported shortages in a few other States.
I am getting groceries, gas and cash tomorrow…..
EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS NOW! There May Not Be a 2024 Election – Martin Armstrong ‘The cheating in the midterm election next week is going to be so great that it is almost impossible to make a prediction.’ -Watchdog USA (article and 67 minute interview)
Duh! People that stole the past election, would be locked in jail for it, if they allowed those that were cheated, to get back into power. There is no way in hell that the DemonCrats are going to let go of power.
The enemies of Jesus Christ were: the religion of the time, the government of the time, and the money changers (bankers) of the time.
We have gone full circle, and today these same 3 institutions are the enemies of anyone that truly follows Jesus Christ.
Believing differently is IMHO Satanic mind control, and sadly this is where most Modern Christians reside.
Wow! Holland says enough is enough and becomes first European country to withdraw sanctions against Russia, without permission from EU – Strange Sounds
What irony that Holland has to show US States, what sovereignty is and how to deal with a tyrannical Federal government…..
Truckers Reporting NO DIESEL FUEL – Parts of North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee – Hal Turner Radio
This movie like most that deal with Liberty and Freedom
Watch it while you can.
The Dr. Hotze Report: Having godly people running for public office is important – Brighteon.TV
So called “Godly people” in my experience can not even correctly define what a (God given) right is!
If you can’t define what a right is you can not defend them, and you don’t even know what a wrong is.
The vast majority of “Godly people” today don’t know what young children knew in 1776.
Almost none understand God’s immutable Natural Laws.
The mind control here is huge. The real pedophiles, the world wide secret societies, that sacrifice, torture, sexually abuse and rape , and even eat children, want a way to deflect the culpability to the serfs on their plantation.
The current laws, allow Demonic globalist serving Institutions, like the FBI, to terrorize anyone that they wish to merely by putting a “photo” on their computer. That is the real purpose of these “laws”.
It makes as much sense to charge people with photos of sexually active children, as it does charging people with murder that have photos of people being murdered. People can not think though, and most will continue to support this wrong, and the resulting enslavement, that it makes possible as it allows them to kidnap and cage anyone that they wish to and for any reason.
And that is exactly what they have done with this “law”.
TSA Extends the Ban on Unvaccinated Travelers Entering the US Until Next Year – One of the Last Countries to follow the Guideline Along with China – Gateway Pundit
This should leave no doubt whatsoever in your mind, that the COVID psy-op is about nothing other than eugenics and murdering people. If you don’t see it you are definitely part of the problem. If you don’t act, you are the problem.
“The Election Was RIGGED and STOLEN and We’re Not Going to Let It Happen Again!” – President Trump in Pennsylvania – Gateway Pundit
Ironic words from the dumb SOB that did nothing to reform voter fraud for the 4 years that he had.
The mans words prove that he is guilty of treason, and knowingly turned this government over to Communist backed thieves. Trump should go down in history as the man that single handedly destroyed this country and unleashed a “vaccine” that killed millions.
The Americans that continue to vote for this moron, are gunning for a Darwin award. I would vote for Brazil’s Bolsonaro before I would vote for Trump, as he has stood up to the communist thieves that stole the election in Brazil.
Alerts Going Out: Another Tropical Storm / Hurricane – FLORIDA! – Hal Turner Radio
When are one of the pukes, that we euphemistically call politicians, going to tell Floridians that they are under weather warfare, waged by the Globalists in charge of this and most other countries?
Debt Disaster: Average American Owes More Than $25,000, Nearly Half Couldn’t Cover $1,000 Emergency – activistpost.com
These articles always miss the point that the “debt’ was counterfeited money created by fractional reserve banking. Nor do they point out the fact that being forced to pay the globalists through the 2nd plank of the Communist manifesto (the illegitimate income tax) is the reason that most people had to borrow money in the first place.
Bolsonaro, Election Fraud & the Big Red Wave
Greg Reese (5 minutes)
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 5, 2022, #378
The climate engineers are currently carrying out a massive chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding cool-down in the western US. Night time temperatures in my location of Northern California were dropped by 30 degrees in a single day. – Dane Wigington
I am on a Mark Passio kick this weekend, and after revising about 10 of his talks, this is one that I found really stellar:
Mark Passio – Fake Ass Christians Part 1 of 2 – 2017-06-27 (3 hours)
What is amazing to me, is how this meshes with Pastor Chuck Balwin’s teachings.
MIDTERM ELECTIONS! – Special Propaganda Report – Awaken with JP (14 minutes)
Mark Passio: Are You Really The ‘Good Guys’? (2020) – 15 minutes
Shock Poll: Nearly Half of Voters Believe ‘Secret Cabal’ Controls U.S. Government
by Jamie White
They are incorrect: Secret societies, Satanism being the main player, control all of the governments of the entire planet. Check out the work of Mark Passio if you wish to hear the details from an insider.
Do you dislike globalist Amazon as much as I do?
Then if you have 5 small things to order on your Prime account, make them come to your house to deliver, 5 times! I am rural so its like 20 total miles out of their way, each time with gas and salary.
Make sure the previous order has shipped before you place the next order.
The Dark Truth About the Pelosi Pedophilia Connections
Patrick Howley | Banned.Video
Pandemic Amnesty: Globalist Battleplan to Enslave Humanity Through Covid Camps Exposed
MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children will be Arrested and Conceivably Killed” if the GOP Wins Midterm Elections – jonathanturley.org
This is “projection”. This is exactly what the left is planning to do to you and your kids.
Exclusive: Ye Suspended From Twitter For Seven Days For Saying N-Word
by Jamie White
Demonizing the word “nigger” is nothing, but CIA mind control. Read the book 1984 to see where this will lead. Interesting that the word “Honky” is not even addressed. This is divide and conquer mind control. Don’t fall for it.
Gender Queer: A Memoir– A pornographic book pushing pedophilia that is likely in the “schools” that you must support at gunpoint
Experts unearth Ancient Maya statue depicting an ‘Extraterrestrial’ humanoid – Tales From Out There
John W. Whitehead to Speak on Politics, Activism and the Rights of Churches to Foment Change, Speak Truth to Power – Rutherford Institute
More like the “duty” of churches to speak truth to power.
Too bad most of them are not real churches but government controlled 501c3 corporations.
War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World
By Gary D. Barnett
US Debt-Servicing Costs Skyrocket: $1.4 Trillion In Interest Payments On Deck
Tyler, I think you totally missed the most important fact here:
That 1.4 trillion is most of the money collected by the 2nd plank of a Satanic document known as the Communist manifesto. That money is being used by the globalist whose pockets it goes into, to enslave and kill us off.
We pay tribute to Satan every year in the form of the “income tax”.
It is criminal and unconstitutional for them to print our money.
It is criminal and unconstitutional to pay them to commit this crime.
Also this illegitimate tax is a huge reason why Americans must go to these same criminals for credit cards in order to get by.
Why do we ignore the insanity and criminality here?
WATCH: Hilarious Babylon Bee Take May Be the Best ‘Dem Ad’ Ever, Featuring Biden – redstate.com
The Public School Exodus Will Revolutionize Education – libertarianinstitute.org
These days so called “Libertarian” ideas are often horrible statist ideas. There is not a damn thing in this article suggesting that the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto is a bad idea, as is the idea of abolishing the ownership of private property (the 1st plank) in order to pay for the 10th.
The government has no business educating our children! It belongs in the free market as it was before the 20th century.
How does the government implementing 2 planks of a Satanic document “secure our rights” by brain washing our youth? Adolph Hitler was a huge proponent of the State educating the youth, and for good reason this is not a good idea.
Rand Paul Vows To Introduce Bill To Stop Government And Big Tech Colluding To Censor Speech
What total insanity! We already have a law that we ignore that prohibits this!
It’s called the f’ing 1st amendment! If we ignore a law we already have, is writing more “laws” the answer? I think that Rand should study the Constitution before he comes up with anymore bright ideas.
Biden Announces He’s Going to Shut Coal Plants Down Across America During Major Energy Crisis, Says General Motors Committed to Going “All Electric by 3035” (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
What more proof do we need that America has become a nation of Idolaters?
This one man can take actions to may kill millions of Americans, and we do nothing, mainly because the Satanically run Modern Christian Church interprets Romans 13 exactly like Adolph Hitler did.
Government is God to Christians, they prove it by both their words and their actions.
What of the actual law? Did the States delegate this power to the Federal government when they signed the US Constitution? No they did not. We have some incredibly stupid people running our State governments. They can and should tell Joe Biden to go fuk himself and do what needs to be done to save this country. What is Joe going to do? Bring in the high heeled woke troops? The people far outnumber any military that he could muster at this time.
Biden delivers ominous ‘warning’ from his globalist puppet masters: ‘Vote for us or else…’
The narrative has been set for election chaos and political violence – leohohmann.com
Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation – theintercept.com
If Americans understood that DHS has a budget that approaches that of the US military, and was put into place for the most evil and nefarious purposes, they would be outraged, and in the streets.
Servicios Aventuras Small Pistol Primers (1000 ct.) – powder Valley
I am only putting this out – because I have my order placed in case they run out. 😛
I usually use only CCI primers, but these are a full $200 per case cheaper than CCI #500 at ArmOrAlly. The only off brand I am familiar with is Tula, which have worked well in my progressive Dillon press.
Medvedev Says Russia Is Fighting a Sacred Battle Against Satan
-By Reuters
And I think he is 100% correct.
US biolab accidents going unreported – The Intercept
Some have reportedly involved deadly pathogens, and hundreds of cases have been kept from public view – rt.com
Situation Update, Nov 4, 2022 – Venom peptide aerial drone release weapon system patent uncovered – Mike Adams (107 minutes)
Shock Video: Elderly Man Beaten to Death During Rampage at San Fran 7-Eleven
by Dan Lyman
This is what happens when the “order followers” called police, criminally disarm the population. Charging “police” with culpability for this crime would be just.
De-Facto Satanism by Mark Passio | Convergence FUNL 2 Conference September 11th 2022 (107 minutes)
November 5th – Happy Guy Fawkes Day!- unlike the Brits, Guy Fawkes is a hero to me.
Big Tech colluded With Department of Homeland Security to Censor Covid and Election Information
The reporting adds further proof that Big Tech is an arm of the government.
By Matt Lamb – Lifesite News
Must Read:Why is the U.S. government pursuing war with Russia-China but not preparing for war with Russia-China:
Our enemies, Russia and China, are stockpiling wheat and petroleum in preparation for war.But the U.S. is selling off its wheat and petroleum – leohohmann.com
Did you realize that people in other countries are blocked from going to sites such as the Target Sports site that sells reloading primers?
My VPN has me located in Japan and when I tried to follow a link to the Target Sports website I was blocked! I suspect by the actions of some government that can’t mind its own business.
Twitter’s Vijaya Gadde Exposed Colluding With Government To Censor, ELON HAS THE EVIDENCE – Timcast IRL (12 minutes)
Americans Should NEVER Grant Amnesty To COVID Fascists And Oppressors! Those Who Carried Out COVID Tyranny For Political Gain Must Be Prosecuted And Punished – All News Pipeline
Situation Update, Nov 3, 2022 – Dollar dominance scheduled for TERMINATION as Saudi Arabia declares CHINA is its priority PARTNER – Mike Adams (98 minutes)
Situation Update, Nov 2, 2022 – Democrats BEG for covid forgiveness after DESTROYING the lives of millions – Mike Adams (109 minutes)
Epic Videos: Brazilian Protesters Swarm Military Base to Protest Election Results
Communists just stole the election in Brazil and the people get it.
Communists stole the US election 2 years ago and Americans still don’t get it.
How Social Security Increases Could Cause an Inflationary Death Spiral
By Doug Casey – International Man
Book: Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 Paperback – John Coleman
I have this in PDF – write me and I will send you a copy
Westerners live in denial, convinced they’re the good guys – jonathan-cook.net
Most of us that attended the 12 year dumbing down camps, euphemistically known as “public schools”, were never taught anything much about the “Communist Manifesto“, much less the fact that all 10 planks have been implemented in the United states in one form or another. We are not taught either that it was Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic Illuminati that commissioned Marx to write the Manifesto. It is clearly a Satanic document written by evil men.
The very first plank of this Satanic document, is that citizens will own nothing! (The same message that is coming from globalist Klaus Schwab today) This is implemented in Webster County as the “property tax”. The fact is that no one in the United States really owns their home, or the property that it sits upon.
It certainly is not a concept from scripture, or from the founders. What it really is, is useful idiots, or demon possessed people ( I don’t know which) that are doing Lucifer’s work with the 1st of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes. (the other one is the “income tax” that is the 2nd plank of Lucifer’s manifesto)
16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv)
Not surprisingly, the implied threat of this extortion threat is: “If you don’t pay this extortion, then mindless order followers in blue uniforms, will show up at your door and give you 2 choices: To vacate immediately what you thought that you owned, losing most of your possessions, becoming homeless, and likely dying on the street from what accompanies that.
OR if you don’t take that offer we will murder you on the spot.
This is the reality of what these property tax collectors are really about. On top of all the evils I have so far presented, I do not know of a single case of anyone getting a jury trial of his peers, as required in the US Constitution. (so much for the thugs in blue upholding the Constitution – you also get no jury trial when they kidnap your child for the sex trafficking CPS)
A little background showing the anti-Christ and demonic nature of these people:
Last year the Webster County Tax collectors office did what I characterize as a “drive by assessment”. It was exactly what it sounds like. They admitted that they drove by, and made up a price. (one that was at least 100% too high)
The office refused 4 times to come out and do a real assessment, citing law after law that allowed them to do evil. I told them they sounded a lot like the guards at Auschwitz during the Nuremberg trials. And they did….
This office also told me that if I could not afford their imaginary and inflated criminally determined evaluation, that what I should do is to sell my home and find one that cost less!
They thought because it looked like I was poor, that they could make more money for their inflated salaries and benefits, by financially raping me and leaving me no real recourse. I would bet that that they have done this same thing to many others residing this county.
I was given no other choice that I could see other, than getting a $500 professional home estimate done on a credit card, that I would never be able to pay back. So on top of extorting 20 pieces of silver (at today’s spot price) from me, they also contributed to destroying my credit rating.
Their is a scripture that fits: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” ~Ecclesiastes 1:18
This verse perfectly describes my thoughts on this matter. This is happening because all children are required to attend the government mind control camps, for 12 years, that BTW are the 10th plank of the Satanic Manifesto.
No one coming out of these dumbing down camps knows right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
The so called modern Christian church has plenty of culpability in the matter. Our pulpits are filled with cowardly men that are afraid to speak out because the “Johnson Amendment” threatens their tax exempt status if they speak the truth. Beside their “love of money”, these churches are apostate, and of a reprobate mind.
Our Churches will follow the dictates of government, over the dictates of the Lord God, almost every time they are given the choice.
PS—. It says a lot about them that I could not even visit the web site with my VPN on. What are they doing collecting information for our criminal Federal government, so that you can’t pay your taxes with the privacy of a VPN?
They also disarm every one that goes into the Courthouse building, which also says a lot about them. They know what they are doing to people, and don’t want anyone armed (like the 2nd amendment guarantees) near them because of the way that they treat people. They also do not want anyone with recording devices in the Court House, because of the many lies and inappropriate goings on that would be exposed if citizens were allowed to exercise their God given rights in what I see as a Demonic Temple.
REPORT: Evidence Emerges General Milley Ran Jan 6 Show, May Have Broken Constitutional Law With Military Acting Against American Civilians – ninetymilesfromtyranny
Amnesty for Pandemic Tyrants? No, Justice – David Knight Show (20 minutes)
DHS Coordinated Massive Censorship Operations With Major Big Tech Platforms, Leaked Docs Confirm
by Jamie White
Perimeter security before the collapse and riots – southernprepper1
Leaked Docs Reveal Shocking Extent Of DHS “Disinfo” Collusion With Twitter, Facebook
“You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians
I for one want to see a few swing, just for what they have they have done to my family members. If we don’t see justice, expect to see some of these people having fatal “accidents”.
‘They Are Going To Frame Me’: 29-Year-Old Stablecoin Innovator Found Dead After Tweeting About ‘CIA And Mossad Pedo Elite’
by Zero Hedge
You would think that people would figure out that their governments are run by practicing Satanists, that are pedophiles. How this is not common knowledge is beyond me. Satanism is everywhere if you know what you are looking for.
In First Appearance Since Election, Bolsonaro Refuses To Concede, Vows To Follow Constitution
by ZeroHedge
A few months back. Pastor Sam Honnold on Dave Hodges TV show predicted this happening. This is what the village idiot Trump should have done after he neglected to address voter fraud for 4 years, and had Communists steal the election as a result. With friends like Trump we have no need for enemies.
Slow Motion Economic Train Wreck; Nearly 40% of small businesses in the US failed to pay rent in October – Hal Turner Radio
Not all but many of these business’s were tyrannical enforcers of the inhuman, health risking, and criminal, “Mask Mandates”, and I hope that those business’s do go broke.
I have a memory like an elephant of the inhuman treatment I got at Minards, a bicycle shop, Verizon. both Springfield Hospital chains, my doctors office, almost all people that cut hair….. these idolaters of government should go broke and I will do what I can not to assist them in any way.
Many of the rest did not have a spine and went along with the evil…. now they are paying the price.
FLASHBACK: Meet Smedley Butler (2010) – Corbett Report (48 minutes)
He was a tenacious soldier, the most decorated officer in the history of the U.S. Marine Corps . . . and he detested war. Find out about the tyrannical government moves and secretive fascist plots that turned this famous general into a campaigner against war on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.
The United States Has Been Overthrown – Paul Craig Roberts
Anarchy in America: We’re Being Gunned Down Like Dogs in the Street
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Never loose sight of the fact that according to Mark Pasio, and confirmed by my observations, (i.e. antifa and BLM) that the Church of Satan heavily controls Police Departments in the US. Did not Jesus warn us about “those that live by the sword”? Are not modern police just that?
If you wish to learn how law enforcement worked in 1776, then read Balko’s book: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police
Russians Hack U.S. “DELTA Command & Control System” – Complete Ukraine Battle Plans Exposed – Hal Turner Radio
Register for Ty Bollinger’s upcoming documentary – ‘Propaganda Exposed’?” HERE