Breaking news and thoughts – July & August, 2022:
Breaking News and Thoughts – May, 2022 – June, 2022
Covid Scam, NATO Wars, Green Extremism: The Tyrannical Trifecta From Hell – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Take the time to watch this.
You will not believe the depth of the evil.
I am on my 3rd view:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) 116 minutes
All About Homemade Sourdough Starter from Scratch – Farmhouse on Boone (10 minutes)
I can not recommend this channel enough, when it comes to sourdough.
Make your own sourdough starter, and then learn to make sandwich, and flat bread, crackers, etc.
Glad that I finally got this skill checked off of my bucket list.
It was fun learning.
MUST watch if you want to understand the Constitution, and the real reason why 50 million babies were butchered in this country.
This slaughter happened because Christians are dumber than a rock, when it comes to understanding the document that is founded upon God’s Natural laws: NON-COMPLIANT Kris Ann Hall(83 minutes)
The Money Masters (1996) – (210 minutes)
After literally listening to this 10 times over the years, I listened to it again yesterday and found that I still learned something from listening to it.
God’s Natural Laws were the basis for the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution. There was a time when seminary education included Natural Law. The Bible Commentators of the 16th. 17th, and 18th centuries, often refereed to natural Law and authors such as Locke and Paine.
Even school children in this country were at one time conversant and knowledgeable about Natural Law.
If you wish to learn about Natural Law, this talk by Mark Passio is the best I have found by far:
Mark Passio – Natural Law Seminar – New Haven, CT – Part 1 of 3
Mark Passio – Natural Law Seminar – New Haven, CT – Part 2 of 3
Mark Passio – Natural Law Seminar – New Haven, CT – Part 3 of 3
*** Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary
Hal Turner talks about Canadian nurses reporting that anesthetized surgery patents all over Canada being given the COVID jab while asleep! When the die they they blame it on the surgery.
He also talks about the upcoming diesel shortage…. 8 day left he says.
The rail union strike is also not off of the table. This could happen as soon as 19 days from now. ———- It looks like the Biden admin is going to steal the entire 40 million gallon NE home heating oil reserves! This amount of diesel will only help that shortage for less than a day, while putting families in the NE at risk of freezing to death!
Hal talks about Ukraine being hit very heavily by Russia with most electric out. It is going to stay out also because they are out of transformers etc. to fix the outage.
Lastly the story of who bombed the Nord Stream pipeline and how they got caught. Why this means war.
This Is How Jack-Booted Tyranny Is Constructed! Feds Continue Cover-Up Of Seth Rich’s Murder For DNC And The ‘Clinton Crime Family,’ Asking For 66 Years To Disclose Critical Data
– Very Well Armed Americans Are The Final Line In The Sand Between Freedom And Tyrann – All News Pipeline
Paul Pelosi Attacker’s Nudist Ex-Lover Is PEDOPHILE Who Bought Sex Dolls ‘For Their Sons to Use’
by Jamie White
Under our Noses; The Left Smuggled Radical Gender Theory into over Four Thousand Schools Across the US – The Maverick
Under our noses? Excuse me, but the plan is clear….. in the 10th plank of the Satanic document known as the Communist manifesto! It’s right there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Shock Poll: Nearly Eight of Ten Americans Believe Country Is “Out of Control”; Independents Break Hard to GOP – Gateway Pundit
And not a damn one of them comprehends what the problems are, and what the solutions are! The 10th plank of the Communist manifesto has done it’s job wonderfully. We are officially a nation of dumb asses.
Situation Update, Oct 31, 2022 – Why we are donating MORE money to health freedom warriors – Mike Adams (90 minutes)
Federal Court Upholds Cruel, Unconstitutional St. Louis Ban on Sharing Food with Homeless –
For some unknown reason, Reason Magazine gets a lot wrong. We have become a Nation of dumb asses to believe that the US Constitution delegated this authority to the Federal government! They have no subject matter nor geographical jurisdiction! If they do then show me where in the Constitution this was done!
Yes this is a tyrannical illegitimate law BUT it is up to citizens in St. Louis to either change the law or nullify it through jury decisions.
Ominous: All U.S. Military Aircraft Transponders: OFF – Hal Turner Radio
Buy Lots Of Food And Stock Up Now Because This Is Going To Be A Really Dark Winter
– as the price of food is rising nearly three times faster than wages ,millions of U.S. households won’t have enough to eat, and by then, it will be too late ! – Epic Economist (15 minutes)
Moderna patented a 19-nucleotide sequence in 2013 that matches the most infectious sequence of SARS-CoV-2:
Moderna has been preparing for covid-19 mRNA vaccine experiments for years;In 2013, Moderna had already filed for a coronavirus patent – Natural News
Submitted by Dave Hodges (13 minutes)
Satanic Temple Appearing at Gay Pride Events to “Un-Baptize” People – Hal Turner Radio
Is Nancy Pelosi a ‘Beard’? Does this Explain Her Unceasingly Angry Disposition? – Gateway Pundit
If you would like a $100,000 education in 90 minutes.
If knowing right from wrong is important to you.
If you wish to end human slavery….
Then watch this:
Mark Passio Interviewed On InfoWars – 2022-10-29
British navy involved in Nord Stream 2 ‘terrorist attack’ – Russia
UK forces participated in an operation which damaged Europe’s energy security, Moscow claims –
This fact has been verified by Hal Turner and others.
Prayers for the Russian people – from a “Missourian” that does not and has never supported the actions of the “Satanists” that run the United States.
WATCH: CNN, MSNBC Try to Connect Paul Pelosi Assault to January 6th ‘Toxicity that Infected Brains’ of Citizens
by Breitbart
“Never let a tragedy go to waste”
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”
~Matthew 10:26
Does this not describe the final unveiling of evil government, over the past few years?
How the Russians Found Out it was the UK that Bombed the Nord Stream Pipelines – Hal Turner Radio
Top 10 Beginner Mistakes When Building a DIY Solar System – DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse (17 minutes)
‘We Can’t Keep You Safe’- Law Enforcement Officials Tell Fox News – Gateway Pundit
Anyone that thinks that the “police keep us safe” is low IQ.
Until police get time machines, and Star Trek transporters we are speaking of an impossibility. The law reflects this fact, in multiple rulings that police haze zero legal responsibility to protect you!
Police IMHO exist mainly because the Globalist want them to exist, to enforce the plethora of illegitimate faux “law” that they have had their legislatures/courts/3-letter-agencies pass.
Think about it.
Occult Control Over the State Exposed
Jay Dyer at (46 minutes)
Occult Control Over the State Exposed:The U.S. government has a long and storied history of being directed by occult influences for hundreds of years.
Russian Missiles Hit British Operations Center in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
Claim: Twitter Execs Fired FOR CAUSE — No “Golden Parachutes” – Hal Turner radio
Newspaper: Pelosi’s Husband is Gay Alcoholic; Was “Assault” at Pelosi Home Gay Sex Gone Wrong – Hal Turner Radio
Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel – Fox News (13 minutes)
The Death of Rich Farver — Cell Tower Connection
Guest Virginia Farver’s son, Rich, was exposed to wireless radiation from a cell tower at San Diego State University. He began to notice symptoms…. – Childrens Health Defense
Saturday Must-Watch Broadcast: Alex Jones Lays Out the Latest Shocking Developments – Share This Link! – Alex Jones Show (206 minutes)
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
By Greg Hunter – USA Watchdog (article and 53 minute interview)
British navy involved in Nord Stream 2 ‘terrorist attack’ – Russia
UK forces participated in an operation which damaged Europe’s energy security, Moscow claims –
The White Coat: A Veil for State Killing?
by Joel Zivot, MD
Shelters Discount Grocery in Seymour MO
Be careful when you purchase repackaged cheese at Shelters in Seymour.
Their vacuum packaging machine has not worked in a year. They have had plenty of time to either fix it or replace it.
They are packaging cheese in plastic and it molds badly in less than 30 days.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 29, 2022, # 377 ( Dane Wigington ) – Dane Wigington (56 minutes)
Russia Builds New Nuke Shelters For Their People While Biden Cabal Continues Biowarfare Upon Americans – As Globalists Plan To Set The Earth On Fire, Putin Carries Out ‘Operation Thunder’ – All News Pipeline
Warning! Diesel Crisis Could Soon Crash Entire U.S. Economy
by Kelen McBreen
SGT Report: Hospitals are being used to implement a holocaust, says Scott Schara – Natural News (article and 44 minute podcast)
Sadly our “law enforcement” that is of a reprobate mind, is doing nothing.
They are too busy kidnapping children without a jury trial for the sex trafficking of children by “CPS” in every State.
What is it going to take to stop this?
I think that we are going to have a rash of parents killing hospital personnel when they realize the truth.
And any informed jury would likely not convict them.
IMHO the root of this problem is the apathy and complacency of the Modern Christian Church, towards the State illegitimately tramping our God given right to choose our medical care, with the creation of the AMA medical monopoly.
The White Coat: A Veil for State Killing?
by Joel Zivot, MD
Pentagon lusts after nuclear war, says it will “nuke Russia” if Putin doesn’t pull out of Ukraine – Natural News
And after the psychopaths in DC get their nuclear war, they are going to institute slavery, and euphemistically call it a “draft”.
God’s Prophet Samuel warned us long ago:
Samuel warns his people that if they desire a King they will inevitably have conscription, requisitioning of their property, and taxation (7th century BC) –
Russian Navy Ships Hit in Sevastopol Harbor – Ukraine Drone Attack – Hal Turner Radio
After Attack Upon Russian Fleet, Grain Shipments from Ukraine SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY – Hal Turner Radio
Study: Largest Nutritionists’ Group Captured by Food, Pharma and Agribusiness Companies –
Samuel warns his people that if they desire a King they will inevitably have conscription, requisitioning of their property, and taxation (7th century BC) –
Yet the Modern Christian Church, through it’s Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, supports the “Divine right of kings” in the year 2022!
The Modern Church does not seem to realize that we are a Constitutional Republic that is not ruled by men, but rather by law. Modern Christians are almost universally willfully ignorant of that “law” that we call the US Constitution. Consequently “Modern Christians” are huge supporters of lawlessness because they have no idea of what the “law” actually is.
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
~Matthew 7:23
Saving the Constitution by Richard Proctor PhD
Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital – Hal Tuner Radio
“Mr. Pelosi is reportedly undergoing brain surgery at this hour, after being beaten in the head with a hammer.”
“The alleged assailant, 42-year-old David DePape of Berkeley, CA, is under arrest.”
*** This is beginning to look like a homo love spat with hammers as one commenter at Hals site put it.
Hal confirmed this on the show tonight 10.28.22 somehow he obtained and played the police dispatch call. Pelosi told the dispatcher that a “friend” was in the house. When the police arrived there were 2 men in their underwear struggling over a hammer.
As the police watched (instead of acting) the friend “David” broke the hammer out of Paul’s hand and attacked him in the head with it.
All sorts of spin, including blaming an “election denier’ is in play as expected.
Peak ‘Woke’? Facebook, Netflix Crashing And Burning – RonPaulLibertyReport (33 minutes)
If you reload you will be happy to learn that because no one has any money any longer , that you can finally find small pistol primers. Check out Arm or Ally and Powder Valley.
State & Local Agencies Went All-In On Chinese Telecom Gear Despite Federal Ban
After hearing MIke Adams expose on counterfeit CISCO routers yesterday (10.27.22), I believe that the local ISP “Total High Speed” bought at least 2 of these counterfeit routers, that recently caused major downtime of Internet access, nor could you get them dependably over their VOIP phone line for about 10 days.
Situation Update, Oct 28, 2022 – The day that EUROPE DIED – BASF announces “permanent” output reductions – Mike Adams (117 minutes)
YouTube Announces It Will ‘Certify’ Medical Information In Cahoots With The World Health Organisation
by Steve Watson
If you profess to be a Christian, you need to move away from the this Globalist/Satanic company known as YouTube.
Email anyone you follow, and urge them to move to places like Brighteon or Rumble.
Get Iodine while it is still available
Most governments of the world that are not actively trying to kill their citizens are distributing it to the population. Not in the US however.
IOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets USP, 130 mg, 14 Count by IOSAT
IF you have never heard Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who BTW ran for president years ago, I suggest that you take the time to listen to him. Here are his past 2 Sunday Sermons:
Sunday, October 16, 2022 – The Mark Of A Dying Nation (44 minutes)
Sunday, October 23, 2022 – Enemy Within The Gates ( 39 minutes )
What Do We Do When the Government is Lawless? – Dave Daubenmire
Does “coach Dave” even get that the root cause is a Lawless modern Christian Church? I also do not think that he saw the “lawlessness” 50 years ago that many of us did see. As Pastor Niemoller’s poem says he did nothing because they did not come for him at that time.
Overall this article is worth reading, but Dave like most, misses the mark on what a right is, and also the purpose of government. Pretty damn important topics I believe.
Inside the US government’s top-secret bioweapons lab – (10 minutes)
ID2020 — Your Digital ID of the Future Has Arrived
by Dr Mercola
Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel – Fox News (13 minutes)
Covid “Tests” and “Vaccines” Are Delivering a Hybrid Biological/Technological Weapon Which is Activated By 5G, Fibre Optics and Light –
I was twice denied surgery by both of the big hospital chains in Springfield MO, because I even questioned the “test”. Finally I had to submit to this “medical rape” of my person by a 3rd hospital. The Nuremberg treaty be damned.
There is no justice at all in this country.
But that was the plan I think when the Satanists, with the help of Congress, started the AMA medical monopoly in 1912.
The Firings Begin: Twitter CEO, CFO, & Top Censor Escorted Out
by Zero Hedge
FWIW my ban is still in effect.
Founder of Anti-Ye Adidas Was a Nazi Who Made Bazookas for Hitler
by Frankie Stockes | National File
It looks also like the Russians were able to intercept and stop the construction of this dirty bomb. Thank God.
WATCH: WEF High Priest Reveals Globalist Plan to Escape Engineered Collapse, Emerge from the Ashes as ‘Gods’ – BOMBSHELL BREAKDOWN! – Alex Jones Show (31 minutes)
Cult-Owned Satan’s Spawn – The Silicon Valley Psychopaths – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast – David Icke (82 minutes)
We Have Now Entered Into The Days of Noah | Steve Quayle & Jessie Join Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report | 10/27/2022 (90 minutes)
Paypal $2500 Fine for “Misinformation” Is back! – Hal Turner Radio
Submitted by Dave Hodges (6 minutes)
Submitted by Dave Hodges (4 minutes)
Third Time’s a Charm: “Vaccine”-Induced Lupus
2nd Smartest Guy in the World
What’s Really Behind Government’s Push to Monitor Your Mental Health?
The Biden administration’s year-old Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, or ARPA-H, appears to merge national security with health “security” in a way that could lead to the criminalization of illness and general “wrong-think.”
By Dr. Joseph Mercola at Childrens Health Defense
A Free Ebook for All ‘Peaceful Christians’
Submitted by Dave Hodges
New British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is World Economic Forum Globalist, Pushing Banker-Controlled Digital Currency –
See the Video of US Congressman Warning ‘Unelected Elitists’ Including Obama Running the Country – Alex Jones Show (16 minutes)
Bodybuilder To Anti-Vaxxers: “If I Die, You Were Right”—Well, He’s Dead – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
“The silence of the medical establishment, churches, government entities and mainstream media to the horrific number of deaths and injuries of the millions of people who have taken the Covid shots is more than irresponsible; it is criminal…..”
“As reported in this column two weeks ago, according to Steve Kirsch, around 10,000 people are dying every day after taking the Covid shots. (They are NOT vaccines; they are genetic modification drugs.)…”
“Every health officer, every head of state, every physician, every school executive, every government official, every pastor and every journalist who was a willing accomplice in spreading and promoting that lie should be charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter (at the very least) and sent to prison….”
“Regardless, Donald Trump is a double mass murderer. He is a military mass murderer for the tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of innocent people he has killed via U.S. military bombing missions around the world; and he is a medical mass murderer for unleashing the most abominable act of international crimes against humanity with his launch of the Covid death shots worldwide…..
“Trump belongs in prison! Not for the events on January 6, 2021, but for the reasons just stated. And, obviously, Joe Biden should be his cellmate—along with Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham and MOST of the Congress Critters on Capitol Hill….”
– Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Situation Update, Oct 27, 2022 – Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can’t afford food – Mike Adams (133 minutes)
Toward the end, Mike is very far off of the mark when he puts the counterfeiting of CISCO routers into the same boat as those selling full auto drop in triggers.
Not only are they not in the same boat , they are not even in the same ocean!
One harms people, and is wrong, the other does not and is therefore a God given right by definition.
Starlink in-motion RV broadband puts more digital into nomadism
By C.C. Weiss – New Atlas
This is kewl technology. During my nomad days a decade ago, I used a Hughes dish and it sometimes took hours to set up. Technology to automatically aim your antenna and get Hughes Internet was about $5,000!
Big Oil Raking in Billions in Taxpayer Dollars Via Carbon Capture Scam – Children’s Health Defense
Millions of Americans Were Assigned ‘COVID-19 Violation’ Scores Based on Cellphone Data Collected During Lockdowns – Children’s Health Defense
For the time being electric prices from SEMANO electric are still pretty reasonable. I use a LOT of electric that I don’t have to and could cut down.
With the price of propane now it cost me about half as much to heat with electric than with propane gas.
“Your bill was computed on Oct 27, 2022 for the amount of $83.xx and is due Nov 15, 2022.”
Watch TV Host Joy Behar During Lurid “The View” Segment Admit She Has Sex With Demons –
…and the Pulpits Are Silent
FLASHBACK-2006-The problem in America is not the politicians, it is the pulpits. I hate to break the news to you, but most of America’s pulpits are filled with cowardly men.They are a shame to Jesus Christ ,whom they claim to serve.
– By Coach Dave Daubenmire
Amen and amen. The root of the evil in this country is in the apostate churches and those in them with reprobate minds.
Dave however totally misses the point that the “schools” he refers to are the 10th plank of Satan’s Communist Manifesto, are funded by one of 2 of Lucifer’s taxes, and need to be eliminated. That is a huge oversight on his part.
Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Mad Scientists Create Coronavirus With 80% Lethality in Mice
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Post-jab Prion Disease Case History in Sunnyvale, CA
All the Stanford doctors who looked at the case, which started a week after Moderna vaccination, are clueless as to the potential cause of this deadly disease. In this video, we hear the case history.
By Steve Kirsch
Finland Will Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia
NY Shocker: Supreme Court Judge Demolishes Vax Mandate, Orders Reinstatement! – RonPaulLibertyReport (32 minutes)
Putin Appointed ‘Chief Exorcist’ as Kremlin Whips up Satanic Panic – Newsweek
As Physical Silver Demand Soars, Bullion Dealers Offer Huge Buy-Back Premiums
US Gives Ukraine Most Advanced Air Defense System To Date
When we give them ALL of our weaponry that we did not leave in Iraq….
What are we going to do to defend ourselves?
We won’t and that was part of the plan from day one.
$370 Silver Target, Plus Major Economic Trend Forecasts Issued By Gerald Celente –
Book: Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam’s Dominion on Planet Earth – Timothy Alberino (331 pages)
Former Dem Candidate Who Said ‘I Don’t Give A F**k What Happens to Anti-Vaxxers’ Died Suddenly While Walking Dog
by Adan Salazar
We have a just God, with a sense of irony
W.E.F.-Bigshot Yuval Harari – The elite survive, the rest drown – Hal Tuner Radio
Vaccine Expert Warns Of Catastrophe Within Months Driven By ‘The Vaccinated’: ‘This Will Be The End Of Western Civilization – Hospitals Will Crash And The Rest Of Society Will Follow’
– Geert Vanden Bossche recalls the history of other plagues that culled humanity – All News Pipeline
Situation Update, Oct 26, 2022 – The vaccine Berlin Wall is finally being TORN DOWN – Mike Adams (100 minutes)
Thank You, Mr. President, for Lengthening My Leash
By Jacob G. Hornberger
If you don’t see that Americans are niggers on the Federal Plantation you have no idea of how lawless, and out of control, our government has become.
Mailbag Bombshell: The NFL is giving their players IVERMECTIN as a prophylactic AND to prevent “positive” Covid tests –
Major Fuel Supplier On “Code Red” As Diesel Crisis Hits Southeast
Demand Public Health Agencies and Lawmakers Stop COVID Vaccine Mandates –
I am skeptical that Christians really give a damn about children.
Look at their actions:
We let Lucifer educate them in the 10th plank schools,
We drug them with dangerous drugs if they behave like boys behave in school.
We inject them with pharmakeia to the point that one in 23 boys are now autistic.
We park them in front of the lobotomy,y box, and dumb them down.
Most of the foods that we feed them is very detrimental to their health.
Perhaps most egregiously, we allow the state to put substances in the water (so called fluoride) that lowers their IQ and contributes to bone cancer.
It looks to me like Christians long ago abandoned their children to Moloch.
Tucker Carlson: Are the wrong thoughts now illegal? – Fox (12 minutes)
Why Cattlemen are Being Told to Shut Up – Lonesome Lands (8 minutes)
Galileyo alert – that is somwwhat cryptic at this time:
Jeffrey Prather talks about Jeffrey Prather
18:02 | Oct 25 2022
Jeffrey Prather Intel indicates portable nuk intercepted and/or ignited in E Europe disrupting deep state martial law plans.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
— Joseph Goebbels
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”
~Ezekiel 22:30
COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% of All Deaths Recorded in VAERS for the Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 in Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID – Health Impact News
Informed Women REJECT Sex with Vaccinated Men to Protect Themselves from Spike Protein Bioweapons
by Ethan Huff |
MSNBC Host Suggests US Needs ‘Foreign Election Monitors’ Because GOP is Trying ‘to Destroy Our Democracy’
Happening! Fauci and Others Will be Deposed
by Aaron Kheriaty | BrownStone Institute
Happening! Fauci and Others Will be Deposed
by Aaron Kheriaty | BrownStone Institute
Russia Notifies U.S. Its Annual Nuclear Exercise Has Begun – Hal Tuner Radio
EMERGENCY LIVE BROADCAST: Globalists Set to Unleash False Flag in Ukraine to Force America’s DIRECT Involvement Against Russia! – MONDAY FULL SHOW 10/24/22 – Alex Jones Show
More Cell Phones Withdrawn From Market Due to Dangerous Levels of Radiation –
This is misinformation IMHO as all cell phones put out very dangerous levels of EMF’s. Dr Merocola’s book is a good place to start:
EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself
***URGENT*** Russia Formally Declares Detonation of “Dirty Bomb” By Ukraine will Be Viewed as “Nuclear Terrorism” – Hal Turner Radio
Russia’s “Partial” Mobilization of 300,000 . . . is on its way to being 1.2 Million – Hal Tuner Radio
Media Ignores Ukraine Shelling Russian Town’s Schools, Churches & An Orphanage
by Kelen McBreen
Situation Update, Oct 25, 2022 – CONSUMER ALERT: NuManna exposed for FRAUDULENT organic storable food marketing claims – Mike Adams (110 minutes)
I have a few NuManna freeze dried samples….
I read the ingredients, and decided that this was not even fit for my dog.
All sorts of ingredients I could not even pronounce.
I will not even eat the non-organic NuManna because of the huge ingredient list.
FWIW the entire “organic standard” is a fraud. Do you think that “organic” food grown in lead laden soil in India is healthy?
SERMOM: Enemy Within The Gates – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (very timely)
Democrats Moving for Open Pedophilia for Children In Public, In The Classroom, Or Wherever They Can Get Access To Minors
The Alex Jones Show
I’ll bet the farm that your Pastor does not mention this, or talk about it.
After all he is the head of a 501c3 Corporation, that they euphemistically call a “Church”. You pastor is too cowardly to talk about anything important, because what matters to him is that he keep his 501c3 tax exempt status.
20 Big Grocery Stores Are In Deep, Deep Trouble – Epic Economist (23 minutes)
After over 1,000 students report flu-like symptoms, Virginia high school investigates cause – USA Today
Everything that the Mockingbird Press is telling you is as usual a lie.
Steve Quayle nails it here, on his Q-files podcast tonight. (membership needed)
The bottom line is that this looks to be a bio weapon. Unconfirmed he has heard that this is the 1912 Spanish Flu Brought back from the grave.
Rubio/DeSantis Canvasser Brutally Attacked while Campaigning in Florida Neighborhood
by Adan Salazar
This guy was obviously disarmed by tyrannical FL laws such as the need to get State permission for conceal carry, there being no open carry in FL, and allowing employers (as the Republican party likely did here) to force “employees” to be disarmed. Funny how this continues to happen in victim disarmament zones like this.
It’s shame that the FL legislature can not be held civilly and criminally liable for this tragedy.
BOOK: Church of Cowards: A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians – Matt Walsh (256 pages)
How Wireless Headphones Could Lead to Neurological Disorders
Wireless headphones, like Apple’s popular AirPods, could be dangerous to human health, according to a petition signed by 250 scientists.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Trevor Loudon exposes Marxist, communist ties of US Senators, Governors and members of Congress – Mike Adams (56 minutes)
This is really old hat. Last year Australian intelligence, released proof obtained from the SWIFT funds transfer system, that the majority of our Federal Congress and many of the State Governors, have received payments of up to $250 million dollars each to sell this country out. This includes Democrats and Republicans.
Book:Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts – by Trevor Loudon
Book: Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress (Trevor Loudon Book 2)
*** The Movie: Enemies Within
Interview: The Enemies within the Church // Trevor Loudon (70 minutes)
*** Spoiler: Trevor shows that anyone can be an uniformed moron at 1:05:00 when he enthusiastically sides with Ukraine.
The CDC’s War on Children’s Lives and Health
By Paul Craig Roberts
Doctor Bluntly Warns Of The Vax: ‘I’ve Seen Death And Destruction Like Never Before’ – American Children In The Crosshairs Of Genocide As More And More People Keep ‘Dying Suddenly’ – allnewspipeline
World’s oldest complete star map, lost for millennia, found inside medieval manuscript –
Iceberg, romaine and romaine hearts have been impacted by the **INSV Virus and **Fusarium along with other viruses that have taken over the fields this past few months throughout the Salinas Valley. – Steve Quayle
Fertilizer plant burns to the ground in Moses Lake WA , Health Advisory issued – king5
In just the last three months, 53 performers have dropped dead, or keeled over, on stage – The Burning Platform
Starlink signals can be reverse-engineered to work like GPS—whether SpaceX likes it or not
Elon said no thanks to using his mega-constellation for navigation. Researchers went ahead anyway. –
Our Brains Use Quantum Computation:
Scientists from Trinity College Dublin believe our brains could use quantum computation after adapting an idea developed to prove the existence of quantum gravity to explore the human brain and its workings. –
Situation Update, Oct 24, 2022 – Dirty bomb false flag event to IGNITE World War with Russia – Mike Adams (114 minutes)
The State of New California Takes One Step Closer to Being America’s 51st State
By Joe Hoft
FWIW I feel about the same way about the State of Missouri as these people do about the State of California. It would please me immensely, to leave the psychopaths in Jeff city, that do not have a clue as to the purpose of government.
They do not secure my rights, they continually usurp and trample them. How would you vote ? Like those in the Domabass recently did? Would you vote to leave the corrupt as hell State of Missouri or can it be redeemed and fixed?
Comment on Hal Turner’s Site:
These damns are used I assume to help with agriculture in the Dombass. Blowing them up would also mean that the food output of the these areas would diminish.
I do not know if this would be “legal” or not and I really don’t care, but if I were Putin I would quietly put out to the top dogs including Zelinski:
That if this were done that all of the resources of Russia would be used to hunt all of them down no matter where they tried to hide and to kill them in a slow and painful manner.
Perhaps the threat ought to include their wives and children though I know that will upset many of you.
(this is what Russia has done in the past and it has been very effective – there are IMHO no rules in war – other than survival – especially if you did not start the war. Fighting terror with terror is sometimes called for IMHO)
Just to clarify:
If you think that hunting down and killing families of Ukrainian leaders is evil….
then what is dropping nuclear bombs on civilians in Japan if not the same thing on steroids?
Karen Kingston uncovers patents revealing “cognitive action” spike protein structures in vaccines – Mike Adams (76)
How Conventional Medicine Kills, and What to Do About It
By Dr. Joseph Mercola (article and 81 minute interview)
I commend Mercola for his correct assertion about the outcome of Modern Medicine.
Unfortunately he miss’s that the real cause of this mess, is the government involvement and it’s prohibiting our exercise of our God given rights in health matters, then forcing us to use only their controlled monopoly AMA medicine.
Without the free market in our health matters , our God given rights are being trampled.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…”
~Dr. Benjamin Rush
How Wireless Headphones Could Lead to Neurological Disorders
Wireless headphones, like Apple’s popular AirPods, could be dangerous to human health, according to a petition signed by 250 scientists.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
50 Years of Secrets: How Chemical Giant Syngenta Hid the Truth About a Dangerous Weedkiller
Hundreds of pages of internal corporate records reveal how Syngenta repeatedly lied about scientific research showing a connection between paraquat weedkiller and Parkinson’s disease, incurable brain ailment
– The Defender
ABC News Producer Missing Since FBI Raid, Was Writing Book About Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal
NIH flipflops on Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of Covid-19 –
I don’t think I would use the term flipflop.
Something like intentionally providing misinformation for the purpose of causing the deaths of millions would be more appropriate.
The NIH is a globalist front and the people that did this should literally hang.
The Founders’ Bible publisher Brad Cummings discusses End Times with Mike Adams (47 minutes)
A Federal Judge Says New York’s Ban on Guns in Church Is Unconstitutional –, JACOB SULLUM
This confirms to me that we have become a nation of incredibly stupid people.
In the US Constitution, no state sovereignty concerning self defense was delegated to the new Federal Government. The 2nd amendment clearly confirms this.
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
So in what mentally ill universe does the Supreme Court have any jurisdiction in this matter?
This belongs in a NY court regardless of how tyrannical the decision might be. That is between the citizens of NY and their corrupt government. It is the NY State Constitution that has jurisdiction over this matter not the US Constitution.
The founders told us that an immoral people would never retain a republic and we are watching it fall with things like this.
NOTE; A deep dive is needed that refutes the idea that the 14th amendment somehow “forces” the entire bill of rights on the States:
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv
Clinton Appointed Judge Chesney and the Child Trafficking Epidemic– Patrick Howley (15 minutes)
Canada’s Plans to Euthanize Infants Are Gaining Support –
And the euthanization should start with with the government psychopaths and doctors that carry this out.
At some point people with a conscious and a backbone are going to start terminating these folks, and I will not loose any sleep over their demise.
Indiana cop faces federal charges; video shows him stomping on man’s face – NY Post
To the terminally naive:
Criminal behavior like this by cops is not a rare occurrence, even here in Webster County MO. Getting both caught, and prosecuted rarely happens, and when they do they usually get treated with kid gloves.
This IMHO is a big reason why a growing number of Americans that have been abused by the police, choose death by cop, even over minor matters, rather than being handcuffed, and possibly sodomized with a broom stick by officer friendly.
The use of handcuffs on a “suspect” that has not been convicted of a crime, and is not demonstrably violent, should be crime. itself! If I can not do something then the “police” should not be able to do it either. The fact that they have different rights than us, is a gross violation of the opening words of the Declaration – “All men are created equal”. It is also called “moral relativism” and is a plank of the Church of Satan.
Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking – Patrick Howley at (74 minutes)
For the past 30 years or so dumbed down “Christians” have been going to DC, and begging the Satanists in DC to quite murdering babies. Obviously, that has not worked well , and anyone with any knowledge, discernment, and thinking ability would have instead attacked this evil at the State level — but is too much to go into here.
At the same time Christians have supported the National Satanic operation of “legally” kidnapping children by CPS, and local law enforcement. Tens of thousands of CPS children are sex trafficked, and used in Satanic Ritual sacrifice, and also eaten, every year.
All of this has been common knowledge for decades to those that actually love and seek truth. The opposite direction that Modern Christianity has gone.
Just in case you are very naive, this is happening in YOUR county.
*** Please, Please, Please, watch this:
Pelosi, Pedophilia & the Dead CPS Children Near Bohemian Grove – Patrick Howley at minutes)
What really angers me is that local “law enforcement” nationwide enable CSP to kidnap these children with no due process, no trial by jury, and brain dead Christians continually look the other way.
Just in case you are very naive, this is happening in YOUR county.
Friday Night Lights: InfiRay T2 Pro – Smartphone Thermal Sensor –
Even if you have a full sized thermal rifle scope, a thermal spotting scope can be invaluable for detecting and avoiding threats out there in the dark. Much less expensive than a thermal rifle scope as one would expect. $399 SRP
FWIW their rifle scopes have a 5 year warranty and can not be beat.
In other words I-Ray is a top notch thermal company IMHO.
Defense Minister: Ukraine Conflict Heading Toward “Uncontrolled Escalation” – Hal Tuner Radio
Ancient Artifacts Prove Human Genetic Destruction by Satan – Steve Quayle at (article and 54 minute interview)
France shocked by murder of 12-year-old girl who was brutally raped, stuffed in suitcase; 4 Algerian migrants charged – Natural News
A disarmed population must tolerate anything.
I blame police — mainly for disarming the French Citizens.
The same will happen here if we let “police” disarm us , if it is not already happening in the disarmed US cities. How many millions of illegals came into the US, just this year?
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News,: Flash droughts, flash floods and flash freezes: control the food supply, control the people. The engineered drought in California is turning farm fields and food production to dust
( article and 46 minute podcast)
Why Isn’t Your Doctor Warning You About This?
Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID-19 treatment and the dangers of the COVID-19 shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
The root of this problem, which NO ONE is pointing out, is that “medicine” since 1912, has been an unconstitutional monopoly, and tightly controls those who practice it, by their ability to stop them from engaging in their livelihood.
Do you think that the Globalist and Satanic, Rockefeller family set this up to be benevolent?
It was eugenics from day one and people are too blind to see what is right in front of their faces.
LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’
by Ethan Huff | Natural News
The Authorities Are Our Enemies
By James Howard Kunstler at Lew Rockwell
Amen, and when is the Modern Christian Church going to quite viewing them as God in the flesh?
‘Satanism Is the Religion That Runs the World’ – Mark Passio interview and article (45 minutes)
This fact is totally ignored by the Modern Christian Church even though the scriptures say that “the whole world lies in the evil one” and many other proofs – on top of what we see and hear
The Modern Christian Church often supports Satan’s Agenda because they do not know light from dark, they do not know good from evil. Basically Satanism runs the modern Christian Church
Canada bans all hand gun sales effective today… – Citizen Free Press
Steve Bannon in First Interview Following Sentencing Tells Tucker Carlson His Wish for the Country (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit (5 minutes)
Explosives-Laden Drone, UNDETONATED – Found near Nord Stream Pipeline Bomb Blast Site – Hal Turner Radio
Safe States for Children: Here’s UPDATED List of Republican Governors Who Won’t Comply with CDC Mandates to Force COVID-19 Vaccination on Kids for School
By Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit
How about “safe counties”?
All it takes is a county sheriff with balls to stop it because it violates the rights of the citizens, and a sheriff’s only job is to secure our rights.
Isaiah 58:12 “Those from among YOU will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.” (16 minutes)
I am asking myself why recently”ArmorAlly“, will now only ship to your billing address, for people ordering hazmat related stuff such as primers or powder?
Could this have anything to do with facilitating, the Satanic Psychopaths in DC in tracking anything gun related that you order? My spidey sense says yes. and ArmorAlly is too cowardly to inform their customers.
Daisy Luther reminded me of this excellent site.
Ukraine bombs civilian targets in Russia – regional governor
The attack destroyed a school, a kindergarten and private houses, he claims –
And a draft of both men and women is very likely to be coming soon.
“Fight for Lucifer” should be their honest recruiting motto.
Oakland Police Want ‘Terminator Style’ Robot With Shotgun
These robots are already being built IMHO. They are just waiting for the proper time to release them upon us.
Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators – RonPaulLibertyReport (31 minutes)
HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory –
As CDC Mandates ‘Death Shot’ For Our Children, The Hegelian Dialectic Is Fully At Play – COVID Was Unleashed, The Masses Demanded A ‘Solution,’ The Genocide Weapon Was Ready To Go – All News Pipeline
Christianity has allowed Lucifer’s plan to unfold for the past 2 years without opposition, and look what happens…… If they are not stopped they will kill off the vast majority of humanity. Grow a pair! And damn you if you are not speaking out!
95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director – Epoch Health
Antidepressants Rarely Outperform Sugar Pills
By Dr. Joseph Mercola (7 minutes)
Circle K Gas Stations Will Start Selling Cannabis Next Year – CNET
More on the nuclear false flag that we have been hearing about:
TV CLAIM: Nuclear Bomb Set in Mykolaiv – Will Be Detonated By Ukraine to Blame Russia – Hal Turner Radio
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Pollution Found at 57,412 Sites in All 50 States – The Defender
Situation Update, Oct 21, 2022 – CDC = Child Death Cult, nationwide child sacrifice ritual announced as “immunization – Mike Adams (103 minutes)
This is very interesting, and will make your hair stand on end:
Major Undersea Communications Cable Cut off southern France – Hal Turner Radio
(Hal Turner Remark: Gee, after someone blew up Russia’s Nord Stream undersea natural gas pipelines, suddenly a lot of other undersea infrastructure is being damaged. I wonder why?)
THE CAMPS ARE REAL AND THEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU! – Dave Hodges interviews ex FEMA agent Celeste Solum (47 minutes)
This interview alone is worth joining for a month, and checking Dave’s site out.
This interview is eye opening to say the least.
RED ALERT: America’s military being GUTTED in preparation for Chinese military INVASION of the West Coast… USA has just 300 land missiles in its entire arsenal – Mike Adams (article and podcast)
Reports of Mid-Air MISSILE INTERCEPT over Silver City, Yukon – Hal Turner Radio
I keep getting confirmation, and more facts about the ICBM missile that was shot down Thursday, October 6, 2022 over the Yukon Territory, was launched from North Korea, and would have hit Washington DC. if it had not been shot down at it’s Apogee.
The first casualty if war is the truth. So don’t expect it without effort.
The US-Nazi Connection Since World War II: From Inspiring the Third Reich to Supporting the Neo-Nazis of Ukraine – Global Research
Did you know that the US CIA began funding the Ukrainian Nazis in 1946?
Special Report
Covid Super Bioweapon Attack Targeting Children Exposed!
The Alex Jones Show (6 minutes)
If you have not discovered these gems, go take a look.
You can now have the equivalent of an acetylene cutting torch
in your kit and on your battle belt.
As of 10/20/22 there is a huge sale if you put 2 or more torch sets in your cart.
Communications Cables CUT for Portion of UK – Hal Turner Radio
Global Elite in their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans – Jay Dyer hosting the Alex Jones Show (50 minutes
Every Friday Jay Dyer hosts the Alex Jones Show. He has incredible knowledge base and has insights that will blow your mind.
I can not recommend him enough.
We live in a country where if you look at your child sideways, your “Constitutional” County Sheriff will come assist CPS in kidnapping your child, with no due process or jury trial as required by law.
But if a medical person in your county, is injecting children with a gene alerting injection, clearly known to cause massive death, your “Constitutional” Sheriff will sit on his ass and watch them die. I know because my sheriff has done this for the past 2 years….
In reality I don’t think that we have at most one or two county sheriffs in this country that are not criminals with a flag on the wall.
Can a grand jury in Missouri independently open a criminal investigation of medical murders, without the approval of corrupt prosecutors and sheriffs?
WHO: Ugandan Ebola outbreak ‘rapidly evolving’ after 1 month
A top World Health Organization official says Uganda’s Ebola outbreak is “rapidly evolving” a month after the disease was reported in the East African country – abcnews
Will this be the cover for the psychopaths in government to release their weaponized Ebola? I think that something like this is soon likely.
Tomorrow Morning, U.S. NUCLEAR Bombers Arrive for NATO “Drill” Against Russia – Hal Turner Radio
A North Carolina Man Was Jailed for Refusing To Wear a Mask in Court –
I must ask myself, why Christianity has allowed the Judges to rise to what are are clearly gods, that lord over us? How is this the slightest bit different than “the divine right of kings”, that we fought a bloody war against the King of England to free ourselves from?
Today, thanks to the majority of “Christians” espousing the Satanic interpretation of Romans 13. The exact same interpretation of Romans 13 that Adolph Hitler espoused in Nazi Germany we are again enslaved by an ungodly tyrannical government..
Dutch government to seize 600 farms at gunpoint, claiming nitrogen is a pollutant – Natural News
I will bet the proverbial farm that this is coming to MO. Why? Because my entire lifetime I have watched the Christian Church, unlike the Pastors of 1776 refuse to address any evil. The past 2 years has been even more enlightening.
Christians have watched children minds assaulted with fluoride in Springfield MO for decades without a whisper of protest. Now the doctors and hospitals are murdering people with the jab and the silence and the implied consent continues.
How is God going to judge those that sat silently by and did not protect the children? I hope your pastor and church have gills and can all breathe underwater. God is not going to bless feeding our children bugs and worms, which closing these farms is going to lead to.
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
~Matthew 18:6
“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin”
~Hebrews 12:4
Biden quietly stealing American Indian lands –
Our abysmal disregard of treaties with the Native population, may be the reason why tribes on the Canadian border are working with the Communist Chinese to help with there coming Red Dawn Invasion. You reap what you sow the good book says.
Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation – The Defender
There are too many evils involved with 5G. If you are not informed do so, because I don’t have the time here to educate you.
There is much credible evidence that 5G is going to be used on those that continue to get the jab. The Jab is building graphene nano structures in peoples bodies, that will be used to monitor and control them. Much like the smart meters are used to monitor your home.
This Is What Sheriffs Are For – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Follow the Science: Why Florida Recommended Against mRNA COVID Vaccines for Men Under 40 – The Defender
The facts are that this jab has killed more people than all other vaccines combined!
The FL surgeon general is close to being an accomplice to murder for not stopping all jabs!
Covid and the Death of Billions?
By Ron Unz – The Unz Review
Marx’s 5th Plank—What You Need To Do As the Fed’s Credibility Evaporates
By Nick Giambruno at Lew Rockewell
Think Twice Before Calling the Cops: The Deadly Cost of Police Welfare Checks
By John & Nisha Whitehead
October 18, 2022
Cops have a license to kill. If we the people even pointed a firearm at someone for no reason, like cops do on a very regular basis, we would be charged with a serious crime like brandishing attempted murder or a terrorist threat.
The Declaration says that all men are created equal. But if you are a cop you have different rights in the modern USA. This is called “moral relativism” and it is a major plank of the church of Satan.
Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left
Biden Has Ensured the Fall of the USA:
I have studied military tactics. All they need do is cut off all oil again, the US will crumble, and your very job will be at risk if companies can no longer function.Biden has completely undermined the security of of the United States into 2032 – The Burning Platform
Situation Update, Oct 20, 2022 – America’s military being GUTTED to weaken CONUS for Chinese military INVASION of the West Coast – Mike Adams (105 minutes)
Inside the mind of people who vote Democrat – Hal Turner Radio
CDC is about to add covid-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, creating total liability protection for Pfizer & Moderna – Natural News
WEDNESDAY FULL SHOW 10/19/22 – A Virus that Kills 80% of Humans has been Developed by the US Govt. at the University of Boston in Mass. – Alex Jones Show (178 minutes)
Pastor Todd Coconato and Mike Adams discuss the “REMNANT WARRIORS” that will rebuild civilization with God – Mike Adams (59 minutes)
Situation Update, Oct 19, 2022 – 8 CRITICAL PREDICTIONS for today through 2023 – Mike Adams (113 minutes)
Have you ever wondered why history seems to repeat itself?
Perhaps because we never seem to learn anything from it.
Look at how Christians learn nothing from knowing the history in scripture.
In 1963, unlike the Prophet Daniel, Christians stood down when their god the Government. told them that their children could no longer pray in Satan’s 10th Plank Schools. – 1
Robert F Kennedy of Children Health Defense has released this movie to watch for free until 10/31/22.’s
This is very much worth watching folks! Pass it on!
Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church
10-19-2022 •, by Brian Shilhavy
FWIW the chances are 99.99% that this describes YOUR church.
This sermon is related:
The Mark Of A Dying Nation
Arm or Ally in Missouri, has a lot of 223 reloading parts in stock:
Hornady 22 Cal 55gr FMJ-BT w/ Cannelure (Bulk / OEM)
CCI smal rifle primers can still be found if you are diligent:
CCI #41 Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers
Ammo for barter is going to be a widely accepted currency soon.
Your “dollars” are going to be worthless.
On the brink of nuclear war, the Globalist mouthpiece, The Marshfield Mail,
thinks that the most important story today is: Eagle Scout’s project to honor veterans
It looks to me like the Mail is part of dumbing down Americans about anything of importance. Such as not informing the 40,000 residents of Webster County that if they don’t take the proper dose of iodine immediately after a nuclear exchange will result in men in particular contracting thyroid cancer!
Every other country on the face of the Earth is handing out Iodine to it’s citizens!
12 Monkeys GLOBAL EMERGENCY ALERT: Globalists Secretly Developed SUPER COVID That Kills 80% of Those Exposed at Boston Lab
The Alex Jones Show
10/19/22 show archived here
I have had good luck with this company:
CCI Small Pistol Primers #500 Box of 1000
AMA Asks Atty General to ‘Investigate and Prosecute’ Speech Critical of ‘Gender-Affirming Treatments’ – Need to Know News
Have you figured out that it is not a “conspiracy theory” that Satanists, in the form of the Rockefeller family, had congress create the unconstitutional AMA medical monopoly in 1912?
The real purpose of the AMA medical monopoly that seems to be universally supported by “modern Christians” is to implement Lucifer’s eugenics programs on the US population! “Christianity” has become a mental disorder.
After Doubting Ye’s Mental Health, Cuomo Admits He Takes Anti-Depressants “Every Day”
by Paul Joseph Watson
So he is on SSRI’s? I wonder how many of the psychopaths in government are on these Zombie pills? I would bet more than a few.
One in 6 Americans Take Antidepressants, Other Psychiatric Drugs: Study
Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans
23% of women in their 40s and 50s take antidepressants, a higher percentage than any other group (by age or sex)
Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread In Texas Near Fort Hood
by Zero Hedge
This is far from a mystery. We are at war with both China and Russia. China has been allowed to own property next to many of our military bases!
Opinion Saudi Arabia sentences U.S. citizen to 16 years in prison for tweets
By Josh Rogin
This reminds me of the story of American Ernst Zündel who was kidnapped by the Canadian government and then Germany and put in prison for “holocaust Denail” while he lived in Tennessee with his wife. The story about him seems to be scrubbed from the Internet, much like the novel “1984”.
Homeless shepherd shares hunter-gatherer diet & survival tips – Kirsten Dirksen (20 minutes)
For more than a decade, Aaron Fletcher has lived as a nomadic shepherd, mostly out of a micro-camper pulled by his sheep. He supports himself as an itinerant farmhand through work trading, bartering his sheep’s milk for food and supplies. He also skill-shares in exchange for food, “including wool felting, wool spinning, cheesemaking, survival, bushcraft, etc.”
The Mark Of A Dying Nation – Sermon by Pastor Chuck Baldwin (44 minutes)
Ukraine Fires 6 (US supplued) HIMARS at Power Station/Dam trying to Flood Kherson – all Intercepted! – Hal Turner Radio
Average Americans in New York City: So Ignorant, there’s almost no hope . . . – Hal Turner Radio
Russia: “No Point” to continued Diplomatic Presence in the West – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Oct 18, 2022 – SUICIDE SCIENCE: Boston University creates new COVID bioweapon with 80% KILL RATE – Mike Adams (115 minutes)
UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace takes ’emergency trip’ to US amid Nuclear war fears. The fact that he flew, rather than use secure communications, suggests the subject matter is actual nuclear war and they don’t want comms intercepted – Hal Turner Radio
Russia Destroys Satellite Uplink Station outside Odessa, Ukraine – all NATO Gear inside – Hal Turner Radio
At least 269 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes since January – New York Post
What else would one expect when you implement Lucifers’ 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto? (free government schools)
CDC Meeting THIS WEEK to Vote on MANDATORY COVID-19 VAX for School Children – Hal Turner Radio
Many Americans are clueless,they think that we are going to “vote ourselves out” from under the Satanic demons that are posing as authorities.
Most do not even know that the CDC is not a government organization, but is completely private!
Do not lose sight that “free government education” is what makes this possible, is the 10th plank of the Satanic communist manifesto, that “Christians” are all too eager to go along with.
Situation Update, Oct 17, 2022 – Russian 2nd wave ATTACK on Ukraine just days away as China readies economic RETALIATION against America – Mike Adams (136 minutes)
‘America is going to shut down if we shut down’: The Mississippi River’s water levels are near record lows, and it’s wreaking havoc on one of the U.S.’s most critical supply chains –
Global Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next?
By Brandon Smith
The Governing Criminals Will Come After All Those Not Willing to be Injected, And Will Make Living Very Difficult For All Of Us! – Ultimate-Survival
Tucker Carlson: This should be a crime — it’s dark and horrifying – Fox (17 minutes)
NATO Starts Nuclear Drill “Steadfast Noon” with 60 aircraft, B-52 bombers and other missile carriers – Hal Turner Radio
Medical kidnapping: CPS pretext to investigate freedom activist rabbi exposed –
Russia’s Medvedev Gets Blunt with Israel – Hal Turner Radio
Sounds good doesn’t it?
Until you realize that the worlds largest collection of gold, stolen from the people, and held in Fort Know Kentucky, has been complexly stolen by the same bankers that run the Federal Reserve.
So you not only work for them every year to pay the “income tax”, they also stole the largest collection of gold ever amassed in world history.
CIA MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O’Brien Interview: Was Covid-19 a Mass Mind Control Operation? (95 minutes)
Videos: Hundreds Of Parents Protest Gay Porn Books At School Meeting
by Steve Watson
Macron and “most MPs are not vaccinated,” reveals former French presidential candidate in shocking claim – Natural News
White House now pursuing same sun-blocking geoengineering scheme that was called a “conspiracy theory” just two years ago – News Target
A ‘Profound Awakening’ Is Underway in the Unlikeliest of Places (Kansas)
The degradation of the planet is profound, but what farmers in the heartland demonstrate is that even the most degraded land carries miraculous potential to heal.
By Charles Eisenstein / The Defender
The Killer Robots ARE FOR US!! (6 minutes)
FROM ‘STEADFAST NOON’ TO ONE MINUTE TO MIDNIGHT–IS NATO GOING NUCLEAR? At this point you have to assume that the Russians believe the West is using this exercise as a pretext to attack Russia with a preemptive nuclear strike. –
The Brave Browser now has it’s own search engine.
BARGE-POCALYPSE unfolding as rivers DRY UP, leaving farmers and coal producers with no transportation – Mike Adams
This Is America, 2022! ‘Queerfest’ For Kids, CA Bill Allowing The Kidnapping Of Out-Of-State Children For Mutilating Surgeries & Arresting Parents That Won’t Call Their Boy, A Girl – All News Pipeline
How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden
by Dr. Joseph Mercola |
The ‘Deadliest Catch’ Disappears: Alaska’s Snow Crabs Have Vanished
Following a 90% population reduction in just two years, the state has cancelled snow crab season for the first time ever. –
Dennis Prager On The Book Of Deuteronomy And The Role It Played In Shaping The Western World – Bannons War Room (8 minutes)
FLASH: China Foreign Ministry Tells all citizens EVACUATE UKRAINE IMMEDIATELY – Hal Turner Radio
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 15, 2022, # 375 ( Dane Wigington – 50 minutes)
Food inflation hits 40% as CPI explodes; inflation reaches catastrophic 40-year high as Biden puts America on the path of Sri Lanka – Natural News
The Genius Behind PayPal’s Bad Idea – AwakenWithJP (7 minutes)
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Deep State Preparing Covid Camps To Hold Political Enemies During Nuclear War – Alex Jones Show (82 minutes)
VIDEO: IRANIANS OUTRAGED Over Video of Anti-Riot Police Sexually Assaulting Female Protestor
By Margaret Flavin – Gatway Pundit
Jesus told us that those that live by the sword (police) will die by the sword.
The founders also warned us about standing armies (the police)
We need to go back to 1776 and a single elected county sheriff, who was as the Constitution put it, an administrator of the law. Read Bako’s excellent book on the topic.
Old Manuscript Tells of Mythical Battle Between Aztec Giant and the Conquistadores –
NATO Planned a Pre-Emptive Strike on Russia
By Batko Milacic at Lew Rockwell
Can “One of the Most Brilliant Essays on Political Philosophy Ever Written” Save America?
By Thomas DiLorenzo at Lew Rockwell
U.S. Supreme Court Gives Police the Green Light To Preemptively Shoot and Kill Drivers They Fear Could Pose a Danger to Others With Their Car – John Rutherford
Countries With No Property Tax Where Foreigners Can Own Real Estate –
Massive Bean Piles Spotted Up And Down Mississippi River As Barges Can’t Meet Harvest Demand
This is the Real Secret Society Behind the Great Reset – Jay Dyer hosts the Alex Jones Show (37 minutes)
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO KNOW — This is about where the communist/socialist government that we now have in the US came from.
Spoiler: This is an expose about Fabian Socialism that was a redirection of Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
Situation Update, Oct 14, 2022 – BARGE-POCALYPSE unfolding as grain and coal transport rivers DRY UP – Mike Adams (123 minutes)
SpaceX Tells U.S. Gov’t it can no longer fund StarLink in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
*****FLASH***** URGENT – European Member of Parliament Says COVID-19 Vaccines “FAKE” – Do no Good – Terminate Contract and Prosecute Pfizer! – Hal Turner Radio
….and it took these cowards over 2 years, and millions dead to figure this out!
When I could have told you the same thing weeks before the death injections even started.
Tucker Carlson’s Fox Nation special ‘The End of Men’ explores science behind testosterone, fertility decline – fox news
Texas Roofer Arrested in Florida for Helping Hurricane Victims –
Under FL law, he can be charged with a felony!
Is it any wonder that people don’t want to work when government becomes this tyrannical? FWIW I fled Fl 10 years ago because of this kind off evil government insanity.
Can We Ever Trust The Medical Establishment Again? – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
I can rephrase that to: “Should we ever have trusted or allowed a medical monopoly started and controlled by the Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family in 1912?
She said “The Stores are Locking Up FOOD, It’s Bad” – OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY (15 minutes)
Bank of England issues collapse warning: ‘You have three days to sell’ –
POWERFUL: Steve Quayle Details Encounter With Jesus Christ And Predicts Nuclear War Worldwide
The Alex Jones Show (46 minutes)
Getting That Pantry Full, What you need to know when you stock up! – Homesteading Family (31 minutes)
New California movement founder Paul Preston joins Mike Adams to discuss the golden future of a free California – Mike Adams (53 minutes)
Are you familiar with the New California movement?
Situation Update, Oct 13, 2022 – Food inflation hits 40%, global VAX fraud unraveling by the day – Mike Adams (105 minutes)
New Study Links Many Popular OTC Meds With Alzheimer’s – Dr Mercola
Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion Was “Aggression.” Here’s Why. – Global Research
Analyst Estimates at Least 20 Million People Have Already Been Killed by the Covid “Vaccine”
By Alexandra Bruce (13 minutes)
Amazingly our county sheriff is OK with this and sits on his ass while the Fordland Clinic continues to lie to people and inject them with death!
An-Cap Mennonites
By Sheriff David Hathaway
War with Russia Timeline According to Jeff Nyquist (31 minutes)
New Zealand Plans To Tax Cow Flatulence & Sheep Urine in World’s First Climate/ Gas Tax – Need to Know News
PayPal Appears To Be Desperately Offering Bribes Of $15 To Stop Droves Of People Cancelling Accounts
by Steve Watson
PayPal is still threatening to fine users $2,500 for promoting “intolerance that is discriminatory”
by Reclaim The Net
AOC Gets Relentless Verbal BEAT-DOWN – Hal Turner Show Listeners? – Hal Turner Radio
U.S. D.O.D issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before COVID-19 was known to exist –
UNLEASHED: Alex Jones Unloads on Offworld Satanic Cult, Reveals Globalists’ Big Secret
by Ben Warren (13 minutes)
French Politician Almost Killed by COVID Vax Claims Macron Faked and Others Faked Vaccine Status – Need to Know News
Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian
by Greg Reese (6 minutes)
New Study: Babies Born In Lockdown Less Likely To Speak Before First Birthday
by Steve Watson
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
~Matthew 18:6
Situation Update, Oct 12, 2022 – Global debt markets are BREAKING, only days remaining before safeguards breached – Mike Adams (59 minutes)
The Marshfield Mail (like almost all “newspapers”) remains a globalist mouthpiece, dedicated to keeping it’s readers dumbed down, and uniformed about anything important that is going on in the world! In other words they want you dead!
I dare you to find a single story in this Communist rag, that matters!
It’s only use that I can see is for bird cage liner.
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.”
~ Mark Twain
Helmet of a Giant found by accident while underwater diving
The Preeminence Of The New Covenant And Abolishment Of The Old Covenant – This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, October 9, 2022, during the service at Liberty Fellowship. (47 minutes)
The First Shots of Nuclear War Have Been Fired, Steve Quayle Issues Emergency Warning – Alex Jones (60 minuts)
Steve talks about the ICBM shot down over the Yukon Territory.
The Engineering Behind Russia’s Deadlocked Pipeline: Nord Stream 2 – Practical Engineering (12 minutes)
Shock Videos: Brutal Executions on Streets of Philadelphia – Dan Lyman
We are a nation of cowards, that has let the legislatures, and the “police” trample our God given right of self defense. We have become a nation of slaves as a result.
The Florida hurricane was Geoengineering, and according to Steve Quayle: There were 3 HARP stations triangulating to make it harder to track the storm back to them. HARP installations in Alaska, Columbia, and Puerto Rico were all in involved.
U.S. Congressman Introduces Gold Standard Bill as Inflation Spirals Out of Control –
How this article should really be titled:
“Only one of your 535 congressional representative, has read the US Constitution! Then rather than following the Constitution, this idiots answer is to pass a law that says the same thing as the US Constitution says.”
We are a Nation of Law breakers.
U.S. Air Force Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrail Program — It’s Called ‘Operation Indigo Skyfold’ –
The Missouri Free Press reported on this program 4 and a half years ago! (different details in the past story – so read both of them)
Chemtrails are not a “theory”: CIA whistle blower Cody Snodgres
Most rejected it as being “way out there”. Now we have confirmation through another whistle blower
Ben Armstrong unloads master hypothesis naming AMERICA in the Book of Revelation and End Times destruction – Mike Adams (114 minutes)
The mainstream media did not bother to inform you that an ICBM was shot down over the Yukon Territory. Here is the inside scoop on that:
Note that the US government wants as many Americans dead as possible. It has not EMP hardened the grid. It has not handed out Iodine pills. It has not built any fallout shelters for the citizens, but only for the psychopaths in charge!
Jim Stone: FRENCH GENERAL pays tribute to the UNVAXXED and calls them SUPERHEROES – Rumor Mill News
In reality it is MUCH worse than this. There are so called “laws” where everything you own is government property and that includes your own body.
They can separate your family members, kidnap you and make you work anywhere, without pay
Situation Update, Oct 11, 2022 – The world is LOCKED in an escalation war feedback loop that ends in NUCLEAR DOOM – Mike Adams (114 minutes)
Joe Rogan & Dave Smith Break Down The Real Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine In Viral Clip
by ZeroHedge (14 minutes)
STUNNING Testimony: Pfizer Never Tested COVID “Vax” to “Stop Transmission” of Virus! We were all lied to ! ! ! – Hal Turner Radio
America’s Death Squads: When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Law enforcement is spying on America via “smart” utility systems that surreptitiously share data without your consent – Natural News
The State of Missouri allows Semano Electric to commit this crime on you and your neighbors. Any wonder why Americans are seeing government as the enemy? It fails in its only purpose and that is to secure our rights.
Low Mississippi River Levels and 2000 Barge Logjam Send Barge Prices SoaringThe cost of shipping grains and fertilizer on the Mississippi River has gone from $12 a ton in June to $90 in October. – Mish Talk
How The Government Sank Our Shipping Industry – (2 minutes)
The Jones act also increased the number of big trucks on the road and thus the chances of one of them killing you and your family in a accident.
EXCLUSIVE: Stewart Rhodes Calls In From Prison To Warn About How His Trial Is Being Used To Utterly Destroy The First Amendment – The American Journal (42 minutes)
STILL DUMBED DOWN: Even after millions of global covid vaccine deaths, 49% of Americans still plan to get a flu shot – Natural News
Perhaps just as alarming, these people vote!
Demonic Globalists & Western Communists Ramping Up the Purge of Christians | Steve Quayle | The Hagmann Report | 10/6/2022 (90 minutes)
RUSSIA’S STATE DUMA ANNOUNCES THAT THE WEST HAS MADE A DECLARATION OF WAR WITHOUT RULES : The Crimean Bridge was apparently destroyed by an American missile
The Solution Series: Equip Yourself with Grid-Down Comms with John Jacob Schmidt
Situation Update, Oct 10, 2022 – Why the COLLAPSE of the current EVIL system will set humanity free – Mike Adams (126 minutes)
Ukrainian Army’s Commander-In-Chief Poses With Swastika Bracelet
Amos Miller Is Going To JAIL! • OR Is He… AMISH FARMER GOES TO COURT. • Amos Miller’s Organic Farm – TheTexasBoys-SHARING LIFE & TRUTH (24 minutes – FWIW Amos’s attorney is attorney Robert Barnes)
This threat is why we in Webster Country Missouri, don’t have a supply of healthy food from the local Amish Farms! To the idiots that have not supported a local food club, they are coming after YOUR Organic food before too long. None of these idiots seem to be familiar with Pastor Martin Niemoller’s poem.
Many people in Webster County are going to die either from starvation or disease and malnutrition in the coming days, because so called Christian men lack not only a brain, but a spine as well.
“Christian men” in this county seem to fully support every aspect of Satan’s eugenics agenda…….including Satan’s minions choosing what foods you can eat.
MASSIVE RUSSIAN ATTACKS IN PROGRESS INSIDE UKRAINE; Zelensky’s Office Hit By Missiles! – Hal Turner Radio
Just How Powerful is America’s Harpoon Missile:The Harpoon (RGM-84, UGM-84, AGM-84) is a U.S.-designed subsonic antiship cruise missile that has been in service since 1977
Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA Vaccine Caused 84% Increase in DEATH for Men Ages 18-39
by Jamie White
As the county sheriffs sit on their collective asses, and continue to let doctors and hospitals kill people!
Take the time to listen to this if you have never heard Ted Gunderson speak….He like Howard Hughes discovered the Illuminati and Satanism in our Government. When Putin accuses the West of being Satanists, he is absolutely correct.
FBI Chief Found Dead After Exposing Sickening Truth About Elite Pedophilia – (68 minutes) Spoiler this is about Ted Gunderson
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 8, 2022, # 374 ( Dane Wigington – 49 minutes)
To me this guy is a complete idiot as he somehow thinks that American made poison is not harmful to you.
A Soviet pipeline to Europe was sabotaged in 1982, and the culprit was the CIA – Natural News
John Perez joins Mike Adams for emergency interview on Russia, nuclear war and why SILVER is about to skyrocket – Mike Adams (50 minutes)
Situation Update EMERGENCY EDITION – Oct 8, 2022 – Ukraine’s Zelensky calls for NATO NUCLEAR STRIKE on Russia – Mike Adams (74 minutes)
Iran Gives ULTIMATUM to Israel over Lebanon – Hal Turner Radio
About time that someone stop the Zionist eugenics in the Middle East.
Your Next Pain Will Be Soaring Electricity Costs As Energy Crisis Comes To America
CDC Report: Record Number of Children Hospitalized After Their Immunity Was Weakened by Social Distancing and Masks – Gateway Pundit
Boston Dynamics Pledges Not To Weaponize Robots While China Arms Robo-War Dogs With Machine Guns
Robotic dogs can have machine guns, while American Citizens created in the image of God are prohibited from doing so by our Satanic Government.
The ‘Bail-In’ – How The Banks Are Plotting To Steal Your Money – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast (62 minutes)
Must Watch Event! David Icke & Adam Curry Destroy The New World Order In Special Emergency Broadcast – Alex Jones Show (David Icke comes in at 93 minutes)
MUST WATCH – Learn the Secret of Secrets with Mark Passio – Alex Jones Show (60 minutes)
RUSSIA DRIVES TWO NUCLEAR MISSILES AND TANKS IN FRONT OF U.S. EMBASSY IN MOSCOW; Citizens Chant: “NUKE Washington” After Crimea Bridge Attacked – Hal Tuner Radio
The First Shots of Nuclear War Have Been Fired, Steve Quayle Issues Emergency Warning – Alex Jones Show (60 minutes)
SPOILER: They plan on releasing very deadly bio weapons to stop populism.
Report: US Special Operations Forces are on the Ground in Ukraine
The presence is part of a broad clandestine operation that includes the CIA
by Dave DeCamp
This is how standing armies are misused, and why the founders warned us not to have standing armies. I do not support the troops, and I hope that you don’t either. I do fully support the State Militias, that basically have not existed since the Civil War.
Report warns American military ammo and weapon stockpiles are “dangerously low” as Biden sends yet more weapons to Ukraine – Natural News
We are witnessing one of many reasons, why neither the founders nor Jesus Christ supported those that “live by the sword”. (standing armies).
And that they both supported the Militia. The founders in the 2nd amendment, and Jesus Christ, when he said that if you do not own a sword to go out and buy one.
“And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his cloak and buy one.”
~Luke 22:36
The ‘Bail-In’ – How The Banks Are Plotting To Steal Your Money – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast (62 minutes)
An Estimated 30,000 Americans Were Killed by Ventilators & Iatrogenesis in April 2020
Reexamining excess deaths during peak lockdown
By Michael P Senger
How Does it Feel to Live in This ‘Newfound’ Communist Country?
“The United States today is based more on a Communist society than any other single political system or ideology; so much so as to now follow almost to the letter, the entirety of the ten planks of Communism. ”
By Gary D. Barnett
And he could have added that the Modern Christian C hurch has no problem with this at all.
Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of “Orphan” to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking – Medical Kidnap
CRIMEA BRIDGE ATTACKED: Road collapse into water, Fuel Train ON FIRE! – Hal Turner Radio
CNN Openly Promoting Nuclear War with Russia – Alex Jones Show (12 minutes)
Americans Better Wake Up and Realize the Russians Are genuinely Pissed Off:
“It is useless and unnecessary to appeal to the prudence of our enemies in the West, and end it with their complete and unconditional surrender ” –
Steve Quayle was on the 10/7/22 Alex Jones show and will be on the fundraising broadcast this coming Wednesday (10/19/22) from 6 to 8pm
Situation Update, Oct 7, 2022 – Groundbreaking lawsuit filed against Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric over SARS-CoV-2 gain of function research and hazardous RELEASE – Mike Adams (122 minutes)
Flooded Electric Vehicles Spontaneously Catch On Fire In Florida After Hurricane
Why Did the CDC Hide the V-Safe Data From the American People for Almost 2 Years?
Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we’ve ever created, that’s why.
By Steve Kirsch
Hate to say “I told You So” – Biden Says Armageddon Approaches over Russia-Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
Red Cross Admits They do Not Separate Vaccinated from Unvaccinated Blood – Mother Claims Baby Died from Blood Clots of Donated Blood –
I used to donate like clockwork at the Springfield MO Red Cross, until they started the NWO mask mandate, and I found out that they were mixing my blood with the death jabbed blood. RIP Red Cross. It will be a cold day in hell before I step foot in that place again.
Canada’s Liberal gov confesses to $105M World Economic Forum Digital ID contract –
Canadians Not Willing to Hand Over Guns –
Central Bank Digital Currencies are the Bullet Train to Digital Concentration Camps – Health Impact News
NUCLEAR WAR SURVIVAL: Most people die from the collapse, not the radiation – Mike Adams (12 minutes)
Special Forces Save Child from Evil FEMA Agents
By Michael Baxter
I was in New Orleans for a few months right after Katrina and I believe the above story.
Back to Katrina — our so called military killed a LOT of Americans that would not give up their guns in New Orleans. The public still has not been told that truth.
Weather Warfare
By Peter Koenig at Lew Rockwell
Taking Rights Seriously
By Andrew P. Napolitano
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the covid vaccine 5G link + biosynthetic AI nanotech – Mike Adams (76 minutes)
Lipoprotein(a): The biggest risk factor for heart attack and stroke?
My self-experiment with the Pauling therapy and vitamin C
by Hans W. Diel
If You Can’t Treat a Doctor Like Your Servant on the Mask Issue, You Won’t Be Able to Do It When It Comes to Your Healthcare
By Allan Stevo
Should have kept my Sat Phone…. I just got a $2000 offer on Ebay.
Reports of Mid-Air MISSILE INTERCEPT over Silver City, Yukon – Hal Turner Radio
COVERT INTEL – America, We OFFICIALLY Have a Real Problem – Hal Turner Radio
Let it be known that I do not “support the troops”. We were warned by both the founders, and Jesus Christ about standing armies. I do fully support a full restoration of all of the State Militias, that were taken away after the civil war.
The “Dick Act” I believe was on of those laws.
Situation Update, Oct 6, 2022 – mRNA “vaccines” actually INSTALL a bioweapons staging platform into your body – Mike Adams (133 minutes)
Mike for a person of high IQ you sound really dumb on this Berkeley issue: Anti Zionism is NOT anti-Jew! This is like saying that anti-Nazi is anti-German! I can not believe some of the views you are espousing.
Mike you correctly point out how evil the AMA is.
You however fail to point out that it was started in 1912 by the Globalist/Satanic Rockefeller family.
The medical monopoly from day one was put there for eugenics, and has been used for 108 years for that purpose. What we need is the free market in medicine:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…”
~Dr. Benjamin Rush
China Pairs Armed Robot Dogs With Drones That Can Drop Them Anywhere: A video showing a demonstration of a Chinese drone acting as a mini dropship for a robot dog armed with a machine gun has emerged online. –
Video: CBS News Report Frames Removal Of Gay Porn Books From Children’s Library As ‘Book Banning’
by Steve Watson (2 minutes)
Why the Heck Is There a Chinese Police Station in NEW YORK? – Daisy Luther – The Organic Prepper
The Covid Vaccine Genocide In The Open
by Jon Bowne | (5 minutes)
Yes and your country sheriffs and State AG’s, are clearly accessories to murder for not acting. Even a child can see what is happening.
FBI Admits It Allowed BLM Riots All Over The Country And Will Only Persecute Trump Supporters
War Room | (28 minites)
Per our mentally ill pulpits, Romans 13 says the FBI is to be obeyed and believed.
WITH GREAT DELUSION ON THE WAY… Dozens Of Sailors Confirm Their Warships Were Swarmed By ‘At Least 100’ Otherworldly UFOs –
U.S. Purchasing $290 MM in “Nuclear Emergency” Drugs – Hal Turner Radio
Bombshell! US Election Software Firm CEO Arrested for Storing Data on Servers in China
by Jamie White
What election fraud? The fact checkers say that China has counted out votes since the election of George Washington in 1793.
Utility Pumps Customers’ Smart Meter Data To Police Without Warrant –
The State of Missouri allows Semano Electric to commit this crime on you and your neighbors. Any wonder why Americans are seeing government as the enemy?
Ukraine War Planned Years Ago Documents Reveal
The Jimmy Dore Show (12 minutes)
Putin and the War to End America
Greg Reese |
Ending Satanic America is a worthy goal. The questions is will it be ended by nuclear war? Or will it be ended by Americans that get off of their asses and demand that their criminal government follow the US Constitution?
All of Us Are in Danger: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Thank Joe Biden for Your COVID-Positive Nurse
by James Bovard
Situation Update, Oct 5, 2022 – American Medical Association demands DOJ prosecute journalists who oppose surgical child MUTILATIONS – Mike Adams (94 minutes)
Eric Metaxas: ‘Silence’ of American churches echoes 1930s Nazi Germany
‘We are going down precisely the same path’- book/video/article
He echos what is so self evident, that it hardly needs to be argued.
FWIW it has already started in Australia
OPEC Snubs Illegitimate Biden; Cuts Oil Production 2MM B p/Day – Hal Turner Radio
Ignore the western propaganda for a few minutes. What Putin says in this speech is true. If you think Russia is the Dark Side then you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by a multi-billion dollar Pentagon budget that controls western media & big tech – Twitter (3 minutes)
Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated — New Evidence by Russell Blaylock, M.D. (2 minutes)
Hormone-Hijacking Chemicals in Your Dental Floss? – The Defender
Ten years ago, noticing the “flavor” on my dental floss, I looked in vain for the ingredient to be listed on the package. Nothing was listed, but my discernment told me that the globalists would not miss a chance to poison the population, especially so close to the human brain. Well this article bears out what I rightly suspected all of these years. Dangerous eugenics are part of your dental floss, and our Satanic government does not even put the ingredients on the label.
Full Press Conference! Alex Jones To Boycott Sandy Hook Show Trail:Left-wing radicals are attempting to destroy Alex Jones via the court system! Please help Alex by making a donation to his legal defense to keep him in the fight! – The Alex Jones Show (17 minutes)
**** UPDATED 8:29 PM EDT — NOW URGENT !! **** Something is Happening in Belgorod Russia . . . Strange Glow from sky – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Oct 4, 2022 – Russia deploys doomsday nuclear ocean drones as global economic MELTDOWN looms – Mike Adams (153 minutes)
She Just Admitted It
A UN official admitted at a WEF conference that the United Nations works directly with Google to rig the Google search engine.
– Paul Joseph Watson
Hurricane Ian DEVASTATES Florida; full recovery expected to take years – Natural News
If you could actually own land in FL and use it as you wish, I would be looking for multiple lots in Lehigh Acres and start a tropical homestead. It is the among the highest land in FL, and when I was there lots were going at tax sale as low as $1,000. Problem is that you can not really own land ANYWHERE in the entire state. There are no rural areas that do not have the Satanic Building codes and other tyrannical regulations..
U.N. Communications Official Touts Google Search Partnership: ‘We Own the Science’ –
Video: Lost Biden Speaks Total Gibberish, Asks For Help Completing Sentences
by Steve Watson
American Medical Association Calls on DOJ & Big Tech to Investigate, Censor Media Exposing Radical Gender Surgeries
by Jamie White
When in the world are Christians going to wake up to the fact that their God given right to be in charge of their own medical care was trampled in 1912 when congress gave monopoly power over your health care to the AMA? A Globalist/Satanically instituted and controlled organization.
Central Banks Add Gold For Fifth Straight Month
They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc –
“A friend informed me today that her neighbor, a dairy farmer, is now forced to vaccinate her herd with an mRNA vaccine! (NSW) She complied and of the 200 head of cattle, 35 died instantly!..”
German secret societies and the Nazi SS were guided to three large caverns in Antarctica by Reptilian Aliens – Tales From Out Th ere
New Italian prime minister puts globalist elite on notice, says her people are taking country back from ‘New World Order’ – Natural News
The Case Against Fluoride
We’ve been fluoridating water since the 1950’s. The science is similar to vaccines: they simply forgot to do the all-cause mortality and morbidity studies showing the benefits outweigh the harms. – Steve Kirsch
Federal Reserve goes authoritarian, set to force banks to adopt ‘social score’ system for customers similar to Communist China – Natural News
North Korea Missile Launch – Japan Citizens Told “Take Cover Immediately” UPDATE: AIMED AT HAWAII – Hal Turner Radio
Buying opportunity before Fed pivot: Silver price is going to $500, U.S. dollar will crash – Robert Kiyosaki –
U.S., European Health Officials Admit Microsoft Founder Bill Gates Runs The Globe
by JD Heyes |
What is being missed is that this was only possible because in 1912 the Congress of the United States outside of Constitutional authority, usurped your God given rights to control your medical treatment, and created the AMA medical monopoly, controlled by Globalists.
Donald Trump shares Truth Social photo proclaiming him as second only to Jesus –
‘In panic mode.’ Fear of not enough water, food, gas in Florida’s coastal towns after Ian – Miami Herald
This is ironic as hell. My hurricane experiences in FL a decade ago taught me that the government there was corrupt and inept and could care less if you lived or died in a hurricane. They will even go the extra mile to make sure that you are not self sufficient as one woman in Cape Coral learned when she was prosecuted for not connecting her home to the city water or electrical grid. It was world news for a time check it out. And here also
All governments try to make you as dependent as they can on them. That is the real reason that the police disarm citizens, as properly armed citizens do not need the police. But the NWO does need this standing army in blue to enforce it’s edicts as they did during the COVID lock-downs.
Situation Update, Oct 3, 2022 – Putin tells the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world – Mike Adams (84 minutes)
U.S. Continues to Build Military Presence in Europe – Because Europe Must Be killed
A decision was made inside the United States last year to “kill off the competition” and as a result, Europe must be industrially killed. War was the means chosen; Ukraine is the theater in which it is to take place. – Hal Turner Radio
Political Purges Emerge Through the Compliance of Those Following Orders _ The Buring Platform
US facing natural gas shortage due to record LNG exports to Europe – Natural News
My bank tried hard to hinder my withdrawal of money from my account this morning. – southernprepper1 (6 minutes)
Alarming Reports Of Babies Mysteriously Dying Following Being Breast Fed By Just-Vaxxed Mothers Continue To Flood VAERS As The Bad News About The COVID Vax Never Stops – All News Pipeline
34 US Political Prisoners in DC Gulag Demand Transfer to Guantanamo Bay to Escape Intolerable Conditions in Heartbreaking Letter
by Jim Hoft | The Gateway Pundit
With The Vast Majority Of Americans Victimized By Vax Propaganda, We Need Total Pushback Against Prevalent Physician Beliefs And Behaviors – All News Pipeline
Video shows Bill Gates admitting “clean energy” solving climate change is a SCAM – Natural News
New Italian prime minister puts globalist elite on notice, says her people are taking county back from ‘New World Order’ – Natural news
The Money Masters (1996) – (210 minutes)
After literally listening to this 10 times over the years, I listened to it again yesterday and found that I still learned something from listening to it.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 1, 2022, # 373 ( Dane Wigington – 52 minutes)
West Virginia: Nurse Saves 2 Cops with NARCAN after Suspect Threw Narcotics in Their Faces – Need to Know News
If on a jury I would find the “suspect” innocent. It seems to me that the 2 thugs in blue were about to kidnap this man, for no reason and all he did was defend himself. Charges of attempted kidnapping against the thugs in blue would seem more appropriate.
New! 48V 5.12kWh AOlithium Server Rack LiFePO4 Battery – DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse
As Famine Looms, Should You Hide Your Stored Food? Here’s What History Tells Us.
Marie Hawthorne
Things have changed,we are not unarmed Ukrainians Marie Hawthorne.
That changes things drastically. Are we supposed to hide both our food and our guns? So that they can take us to camps if they so decide because our guns are all buried.
PROJECT CIRRUS: GOV’T MANIPULATES HURRICANES LIKE IAN – The Healthy American Peggy Hall (21 minutes)
Arizona’s Lowest Flat Tax in Nation To Take Effect Next Year –
A tax on income is evil period. It’s the 2nd plank of the Satanic document known as the Communist Manifesto.
‘We’re a Second Amendment state’: DeSantis warns looters after Hurricane Ian – New York Post
Sure you are Ron. Keep on dreaming — only in you wildest dreams.
One can not even open carry in FL. If you even f’ing “print” in FL that is a crime also! So is concealed carry without state permission, and open carry is illegal!
What bull shit from a politician.
Chem Trailed Sky, in the Missouri Ozarks.
Dead trees everywhere as a result
Not a natural cloud to be seen….
Putin Speech Told Ukraine to Halt Attacks; Ukraine Attacked Harder – Now, Iskander-M’s Coming in from Russia – Hal Turner Radio
Transhumanism Is The New Eugenics
by Infowars Archives | (11 minutes)
How Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate Your Food
New research shows disturbingly high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, or PFAS, in widely used pesticides. When the pesticides are sprayed on plants, the chemicals enter the food supply through contaminated soils. – The Defender
Emergency Report: Global Food Supply Has Collapsed, Experts Warn Civilization Threatened
Mike Adams – (45 minutes)
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, September 30, 2022
Remarkable Progress in Regression of Liver Cancer
Less than six months to decrease tumor mass by 85%
by Andrew W. Saul, Robert G. Smith, PhD and Ron Hunninghake, MD
Take note that the state of Missouri makes it illegal for me to get the training, and materials for this life saving skill. Only those that can be controlled by the state, with their medical licensing monopoly, can do so. The state of Missouri turns God given rights into state granted permissions.
The Coming Water Wars:The U.S. military has a history of using weather modification practices in warfare, including during the Vietnam War.
Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With A Scientist: What aren’t we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report. – (18 minutes)
Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda
By Edward Curtin
All signs of Nord Stream pipeline destruction point to the US Navy – Mike Adams (16 minutes)
It’s Insane. My Solar Generates up to 180kWh in a Day + Passive Solar Greenhouse Tour – Off-Grid with Curtis Stone (21 minutes)
Hospital Pulls Ad After Critics Complain It ‘Normalized’ Myocarditis in Kids – The Defender
Emergency interview with Dane Wigington and Mike Adams: Weaponized hurricanes and biosphere destruction – Mike Adams (34 minutes)
Situation Update, Sep 30, 2022 – Weather weapons targeting human infrastructure to achieve Extinction Level Event (ELE) – Mike Adams (131 minutes)
Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs the World
In a report published in Politico, US and European officials and global health specialists admitted that Bill Gates is running the global COVID response.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
This is the technocracy part of the New World Order. Corporations instead of governments will lord over you.
An Absolute Must Watch Short Video- Wigington -‘Controlling Hurricane Ian?’ Yes, The Climate Engineers Are Running The Show:
CONTROLLING HURRICANE IAN? – Dane Wigington (4 minutes)
Hurricane Ian takes out FERTILIZER production for North America, power grid DOWN, widespread supply chain damage – Natural News
Are They Planning To ‘Vaccinate’ the Masses Against Our Will? Why Did The NIH Use Boxes Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Patients?
By Alicia Powe – Gateway Pundit
Bill Gates has been involved in doing this n FL for a decade.
I think we are behind the curve here.
Listen to this please:
You’re Being Scanned! In More Ways Than One… – Alex Jones (15 minutes)
Precious metals expert Bill Holter talks DEPOPULATION, bioweapons and financial repercussions for the world – Mke Adams (27 minutes)
David Wilkerson: Global Economic Collapse Begins in Germany –
China informs state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump –
“The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this–that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.”
~ Lysander Spooner
And this is why you have never heard of Lysander Spooner in the indoctrination camp you attended for 12 years:
A corollary to this Lysander Spooner quote is:
that Every law ends with a silent “or we will kill you”
Which is true in every case.
Canada Drops COVID Vaccine Travel Mandate. 9 out of 10 People Who Recently Died Were Vaxxed – Need to Know News
FIRST READING: Why Beijing is allegedly opening police stations on Canadian soil –
Our Military is SHRINKING. Here’s why… – Warrior Poet Society (11 minutes)
We don’t have a military
We have a standing army that the founders warned us about.
That Jesus warned us about when he said “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.
Warrior Poet…. read the 2nd amendment to get your answer.
It says that a State Militia is necessary if we wish to remain free.
Basically because we don’t follow the US Constitution.
Fenbendazole anti-parasite medication, when combined with vitamins, halts cancer tumor growth in mice – Natural News
Why do you think that the Satanists had to create the AMA medical monopoly with the help of the psychopaths in Congress in 1912?
These continued cover ups and genocide COULD NOT happen if we had a free market in medicine!
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others…”
~Dr. Benjamin Rush
Covid Scam, NATO Wars, Green Extremism: The Tyrannical Trifecta From Hell – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
“Everyone feels it, but not everyone sees it: America’s greatest threat is not from Russia or China or from any other foreign government. America’s greatest threat is from our own government in Washington, D.C. When will the American people get that through their heads?
The globalist devils inside the Beltway manufactured and implemented the Covid scamdemic: the greatest act of tyranny inside U.S. borders since Lincoln invaded the South….”
“…America’s constant meddling, interventions, trade sanctions, false flags, forced regime changes, political assassinations, breaches of state sovereignty, bombing campaigns, clandestine terror campaigns and proxy wars around the world have created the vast majority of global conflicts and domestic recessions since at least World War II.
Conservatives and Christians twice, in 2008 and 2012, had an opportunity to nominate a true constitutionalist and patriot, a true pro-peace non-interventionist and a true Christian gentleman, Dr. Ron Paul, for President of the United States. Instead, they stupidly rejected Dr. Paul’s candidacy and chose two of the most controlled and corrupt politicians in modern history: John McCain and Mitt Romney….”
Situation Update, Sep 29, 2022 – Hurricane Ian takes out FERTILIZER production for North America, power grid goes down – Mike Adams (86 minutes)
Federal Bureau of Intimidation: The Government’s War on Political Freedom
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Videos: Biden Gets Lost, Looks For Dead Person, Rambles Incoherently and Yells “Don’t Jump”
by Steve Watson
Study: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Used to Inject Vaccines into Humans – Health Impact News
And they have been releasing these GMO mosquitoes for over a decade in FL!
Very good piece:
There Is No Such Thing as Limited Government!
By Gary D. Barnett
“The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this–that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.”
~ Lysander Spooner
The demons of WitchTok Are Gen-Zs summoning evil spirits online? Much of WitchTok is polemically charged against Christianity –
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Advocate to Appear in Federal Court Following Dawn SWAT Raid to face charges that he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) outside a Pennsylvania abortion clinic nearly a year ago –
Putin’s Speech on the West Losing Its Christian Morals:
We are being mind-controlled and duped into seeing him as a ‘war criminal’ because Nazi false-flag slaughters of Ukrainian citizens are being falsely blamed on him –
Monstrous EIGHTEEN FOOT storm surge swallows Fort Myers and leaves hundreds of families clinging to their rooftops: Record-breaking Hurricane Ian leaves one million without power and sends tsunami of flood water crashing up West Coast – Daily Mail
*****CATASTROPHIC 155 MPH WINDS ***** – Hal Turner Radio
Emergency HURRICANE update as Ian makes landfall in Florida – Mike Adams (7 minutes)
Situation Update, Sep 28, 2022 – All signs of Nord Stream pipeline SABOTAGE lead back to ruthless Biden regime – Mike Adams (110 minutes)
U.S. State Department Issues DIRE Warning: Americans should “Leave Russia Immediately” – Hal Turner
Hell if I was in Russia I would try to stay. Why the hell would anyone choose the US over Russia? Today the US looks like Russia in the 60’s, and Russia looks like the US in the 60’s.
Cape Coral? By far, Cape Coral is one of the most tyrannical places that I have ever lived. Perhaps this is not such a bad thing.
DC would have been a better spot perhaps.
The Anti-Christ the New World Order and the 7 Noahide Laws –
I have looked into this and the laws do exist. I have seen, and read them.
These laws are already on the books, and you can be put to death for being a Christian or having a bible under these US laws!!
Keep on saying and thinking that it’s a “Conspiracy Theory” as they take you to the extermination camp.
Jan. 6 Prisoner Beaten til He Lost an Eye, Later He Was Tied to Chair for 12 Hours, Now He Has Blood Clots and Precancerous Growths, Government Won’t Allow Him Medical Treatment – They Want Him Dead – EXCLUSIVE AUDIO – Gateway Pundit
And you think that “defunding the police” is a bad idea?
Read Balkco’s book if you want to learn what law enforcement was like in 1776.
If this does not piss you off perhaps you are just a NPC.
Currency wars: US Federal Reserve is actively trying to collapse the European Central Bank – Mike Adams (17 minutes)
Deadly remdesivir COVID protocol was fraudulently FORCED onto patients – attorneys suing multiple hospitals and doctors – Mike Adams (50 minutes)
Situation Update, Sep 27, 2022 – UN food chief warns of “Hell on Earth” from FAMINE – time to HIDE your food! – Mike Adams (116 minutes)
“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work. – The Corbett Report
U.S. Postal Service caught tracking mail of 2nd Amendment advocates
‘Cannot reliably deliver mail to my own home, yet they can find the money and people to effectively digitally spy’ –
The author seems to be ignorant that for over a decade every piece of mail has it’s sending and return address’s photographed, converted to searchable text, and put into an AI database. This is a lot worse than this article indicates.
What Infantryman Gear should Civilians Own? – T.REX ARMS (67 minutes)
Why Everyone Needs An AR-15 – T.REX ARMS (30 minutes)
T-Rex does a great job in these videos.
The Quietest Rifle Only Costs $350 – Backfire (11 minutes)
spoiler: shooting subsonic 300 blackout with a suppressor
Blasts Detected Near Nord Stream – Months After Biden Vowed to “End” Pipeline If Russia Invades Ukraine
by Zero Hedge
It looks to me like our standing military (Navy Seals) were used not only to destroy the German Economy THIS WILL also further destroy the US economy.
What the Media Won’t Tell You about King Charles III – Need to Know News
I Didn’t Join the Military to Fight for Taiwan
by Dan McKnight
Dan is confused as he did not join “our military” (a State Militia) rather he joined a standing army that should not exist.
Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World – The Corbett Report (35 minutes)
Putin Gives Edward Snowden Russian Citizenship: State Media
I would take Russian Citizenship if I could get it. There are plenty of things not to like about some Russian laws, but at least the Russian government is not trying to kill and impoverish its citizens like it is here in the US.
Steve Quayle warns the FIRST cities to be targeted for nuclear annihilation will be in the United States – Mike Adams (44 minutes)
Coast Guard spots Chinese, Russian naval ships off Alaska – Washington Times
Kremlin: sabotage cannot be ruled out as reason for Nord Stream damage – Reuters
New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System
written by jonathan turley
Evangelicals Are Lying To You
This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, September 25, 2022, during the service at Liberty Fellowship
Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations –
Debate: Did Our Health Authorities Actually Take Covid Shots?
Are they TOO SMART to fall for their own BS? Or dumb enough? – Igor’s Newsletter
What I do know for sure, is that medical workers, including those at the local Fordland, Clinic, do not use the multi dose vials, that are full of mercury on themselves or their families. The multi-dose vials with mercury in them they use on your children and family.
My area of Missouri has what look like Honey Mushrooms sprouting up all over the place. I need an expert forager like my friend Jamie, from TN, at times like this. Hopefully I will ID them to my satisfaction before they go away for the year.
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
~Revelation 18:4
Video shows train hitting Colorado police car with person handcuffed inside
Yareni Rios-Gonzales hospitalized after officers fail to pull her from car they had parked on tracks – The Guardian
Police obviously are NOT chosen for their intelligence. I am aware of 2 instances where the Seymour MO Police department, endangered the lives of people that they had arrested an put into their car.
One incident resulted in a law suit with considerable damages awarded.
With the other nothing happened because if you do not have money in our system then you receive no justice. The police can and d do murder people and get away with it.
The terrifying flesh-eating drug meant for horses that is now hitting the streets of America: ‘Tranq dope’ Xylazine accounts for a third of OD deaths in Philadelphia – and causes festering wounds when injected – Daily Mail
You can thank your government for Unconstitutionally enforcing the Globalists/Lucifer’s war on drugs. This would not be happening with he free market.
The Global Water Crisis Could Crush The Energy Industry;
McCarthy: ‘We’re Going to Repeal 87,000 IRS Agents’ on Day One of Republican Majority
Sure these psychopath will. Just like they ended abortion when they were in the majority. Read “Tragedy and Hope” if you have not done so already.
Situation Update, Sep 26, 2022 – Europe to become “ECONOMIC WASTELAND” as industry dies and banks fail – Mike Adams (88 minutes)
FBI SWAT Raids Home of Catholic Pro-Life Activist In Front Of ‘Screaming’ Children
CNN Host Don Lemon Gets Schooled on the History of Slavery – Need to Know News
Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive
BY TYLER DURDEN (14 minutes)
Referendums in Ukraine Proceeding; Saboteurs Caught (VIDEO) With Bundles of FAKE Ballots – Hal Turner Radio
World’s Largest Fresh Produce Market BURNING in Paris – Hal Turner Radio
Nuclear Attack Subway Signs in New York City – Hal Turner Radio
WARNING: GRAPHIC HORROR — Ukraine Soldiers Decapitating, Cooking, and EATING Human Heads of Russian Soldiers – Hal Turner Radio
Germans Being Told “Prepare for Blackouts” While Estonians Being Told How To Use TOILETS without running water – Russia Sanctions Back-firing – Hal Turner Radio
Corn Syrup in Infant Formula? – The Defender
If you have not noticed, there are many, not so subtle, eugenics operations being applied to the American people. The food supply is one of them.
As long as 65 years ago, this eugenics operation, convinced mothers not to breast feed their children, and instead to feed them what is basically candy in a can. The bottom line is that if you do not breast feed, and use the commercial baby formulas then you are doing irreparable harm to your child.
If you can not breast feed at least make up a well rounded formula such as the one offered by the Weston A Price Society.
A 140+ Year Old Private Christian Community Falls Victim To The DEI Regime (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) – Lew Rockwell
The Law has become a weapon to injure rather than a tool to secure our rights.
Frenchman, Frédéric Bastiat pointed that our in his pamphlet “the Law” over 170 years ago.
The dumbed down “Christians” in this country have no discernment in this matter, and usually support “the law” that enslaves, and murders them.
A lot of that comes down to following Adolph Hitlers version of Romans 13, and also being subject to the “Johnson Amendment” because they were dumb enough to convert their churches to 501c3 corporations.
This happening because the Globalists know that people are waking up and will need to be suppressed. That includes taking them to extermination camps.
This is happening, in the US. The Kigali principles, and the 87,000 armed IRS agents should tell you all you need to know.
The Blood Supply Is Contaminated –
This was part of the reason I quite donating blood monthly at the Springfield MO Red Cross last year. The other part was their face mask insanity.
To be silent or to participate in evil, is supporting it, and I voted with my feet.
~Deuteronomy 30:19
And the “Modern Church” constantly chooses death and curses and obediently follows the “Satanic Agenda”….i.e. things such as all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto.
Saturday Sept 24th Emergency Broadcast: Russia Mobilizes for Nuclear War — Watch Live!
The Alex Jones Show
Abomination Of Justice – Exclusive Report
The Alex Jones show trial is an attack on truth itself
Greg Reese | (6 minutes)
Bulk Livestock Feed – Seymour MO
567 Bison Rd, Seymour, MO 65746
Phone: 417-765-6065
“The price is $17.25 per 100 pounds so that should be $103.50 for 600 pounds.
it’s open on Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The business location is only a small shed as an office and a 3 sided building with the feed.
just pull in and the guy will come out and load you up with what ever weight you want. CASH ONLY Business. so you will have to bring it in bills.”
It is getting very expensive to feed my 9 ducks and 3 drakes, then I was made aware of a very low cost alternative:
I can not believe that I have been paying TWICE this price for bagged broiler mix from Kliers Hardware!! I may have to add niacin to the feed because ducks require more niacin than chickens. Thanks to Carla you also now have this information.
Site where I found this book for free.
Mike Adams interview of the author concerning Plum Island
Investigative journalist Karl Grossman reveals the secrets of Plum Island and the USDA’s agricultural bioweapons research (72 minutes)
FWIW all nuclear reactors are not nearly as dangerous as the Westinghouse design.
Thorium reactors for example can be made comparatively very safe.
Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense: Sixth Grader Reported to Police for Flashing Toy Gun During Zoom Halloween Game –
Sadly John Rutherford does not make the argument that both the “police” as they are currently implemented, and our government schools, in any form should not exist.
Free governed schools are the 10th plank of the Satanic plan called the Communist Manifesto. They are not free market as they used to be.
In 1776 we had a single county sheriff who was paid to push paperwork, and a magistrate to run the court. What we have today is not even recognizable.
Balko documents the way Law Enforcement worked in 1776 in his book:
Rise of the Warrior Cop
Sustainable Debt Slavery –
In this first installment of a new series, Iain Davis and Whitney Webb explore how the UN’s “sustainable development” policies, the SDGs, do not promote “sustainability” as most conceive of it and instead utilise the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance.
Corporate Welfare for Total High Speed Internet :
Qualify for Lifeline!
Lifeline is a federal benefit that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. Qualifying is the first step to getting your Lifeline Benefit.
*** As with everything that government does, this is a complete lie!
Brought to us by the same people pushing the COVID lies.
I got wind of this when my Internet account with “Total High Speed”
went up a whopping 50%, from $60 a month to $90!
First the Federal government with no Constitutional authority criminally steals money from the tax payers to ostensibly give it to the people like myself, that they have purposely made destitute and poor with their “Social Security” scam.
The government sells this as helping me pay my Internet bill. That however is NOT what happens. Last year when the money became available Total High Speed jacked their prices by the $30 that I was to receive. Not only that, but for a year I have been paying $30 more for my Internet, because Total High Speed did not bother to notify me about the program. After hours of dealing with this program of incompetent government “help” that instead of my internet costing me less, is it actually now the same. The $30 a month brings the jacked $90 a month price down to what it was instead of helping me!
I did not benefit at all from this government theft. Total High Speed gets every penny of the program.
People are stupid, they never learn. That same thing happened with electric cars. The Federal government implemented a $7,000 electric car rebate and the electric car companies like Tesla just upped their prices by $7,000!
Situation Update, Sep 23, 2022 – World War III has already begun, but the truth is being withheld from the public – Mike Adams (120 minutes)
Investigative journalist Karl Grossman reveals the secrets of Plum Island and the USDA’s agricultural bioweapons research – Mike Adams (72 minutes)
Benzodiazepines: Prepping for When the Meds Run Out – Organic Prepper
Daisy I am very disappointed that I can not find your email.
There is a simple solution that you did not mention.
The actions of Xanax can be duplicated with niacin.
I won’t go into detail here and again wish to hell I could find your email.
But this course has all of the information:
Andrew Saul: Vitamin Masterclass
TEDx Wouldn’t Post This… – Mikhaila Peterson (10 minutes)
This is my unpublished TEDx talk on the carnivore diet.
What she does not say is that AMA vaccines were the likely cause of her auto-immune disorders.
BIDEN ECONOMY: Average American Needs Annual Wage Increase of $11,500 to Keep Up with Biden Inflation – Gateway Pundit
Why, I ask, did the so called Christian Church stand down, and allow the Federal government to rape old people by forcing them into a criminal Ponzi scheme euphemistically called “Social Security”?
It would better be called: “make old people poor, and force them to beg by applying for food stamps, energy assistance, Internet assistance, cell phone assistance, property tax rebates, etc. to control them, Act”.
Are you aware that many, including myself, do not even make $11,500 a year under that Satanic Social Security system? The rate of return from a Godly government would be 5 times higher!
This is the mess, and abomination that I call “the world created by Christians”.
I don’ thing that there is a better term, or explanation as to how we got here.
Coroner Rules New Zealand Man, 26, Died from Pfizer Covid Jab
by Adan Salazar
Is FIREWOOD the Next Shortage in America? – Organic Prepper
Could Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient Cause Weight Gain, Kidney Disease in Humans? –
Our Nation & Our People Betrayed Unto Death | Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 9/22/2022 (90 minutes)
Poland Begins Distribution of Iodine Pills for “Nuclear” Emergencies; Passes “Protection” Law looks suspiciously like Martial Law – Hal Turner Radio
US government’s new Central Bank Digital Currency is a fast track to digital concentration camps – Natural News
LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine – Natural News
Gays Against Groomers DEPLATFORMED by PayPal and Venmo – opposing pedophilia gets you erased from the internet – Natural News
Democrats Vote to Give Aliens the Right to Vote — IN UNANIMOUS VOTE! – Gateway Pundit
The Truth Of Why Those Trying To ‘Replace And Destroy’ Americans Are Having Public Meltdowns – MSM Forced To Make Illegal Immigration Front Page News – All News Pipeline
Crushing Evidence Confirms ‘Globalist Enemies Of Humankind’ Are ‘Engaging In An International Criminal Conspiracy To Carry Out Genocide’ While Violating The Nuremburg Code
– As Censorship Is Being Ramped Up, Truthtellers Are Being Viciously Attacked – All News Pipeline
Dr. Judy Mikovits sounds the alarm on EXPLODING cancer rates courtesy of COVID vaccines – NEWSTARGET
*** Did you realize that glyphosate (Roundup) is in the COVID jab and that it has been in “vaccines” for decades?
Complete Societal Breakdown On The Horizon As We’re Given Dire Warnings Of A ‘Winter of Discontent’ And Told There Will Be ‘People On The Street’ From Director Of IMF – All News Pipeline
Alex Jones Show Trial Proves Leftist Double Standard in the Justice System
The Alex Jones Show
Another Alex Jones Court Response Goes Viral – Calls Judge A ‘Tyrant’ While On The Stand
by Kelen McBreen
The Satanic government in Jeff City does not secure out rights. They don’t even pretend to do so any more.
We have no right in Missouri to go to a dentist without having cancer causing dental x-rays. For years we did not have the God given right to protect ourselves without spending hundreds of dollars to get the States permission to exercise another God given right with their conceal carry permits. (which they criminally turned over to the FBI!)
Now the State of Missouri is extorting $200 year for people to have their permission to exercise the God given right to buy medication (that is heavily marked up to profit the state)
FWIW his company – Nugget – charges $35 in California and $200 in Missouri
Why don’t we all support this type of “freedom” for diabetics? They can pay $200 a year for an insulin license, make a law that insurance can not pay for insulin or diabetic supplies, and then the state could come in and tax insulin so that it cost 500% more than it should.
The state of Missouri could secure the God given rights of diabetics by limiting and taxing insulin out of the reach of most people. Like they have done with so many other things.
The list of buying our rights is long…… Each year we must pay the property tax for the God given right to remain in the homes that we ostensibly “own”.
Last year the demons in this office literally extorted me out of $500, and of course no one is going to jail.
The Catholic Church at one point, set the example of buying your way into Heaven with the sale of Indulgences. The State of Missouri has adopted this blasphemous practice, and now like the Catholic Church is also selling us what comes from God.
Never forget that according to the “modern Church” Romans 13 says that government is god, and that when they rape and rob you that it must be gods will.
Missourians are of a reprobate mind, they do not know good from evil it seems.
Create an On The Go Knowledge Pantry – (article and 7 minute video)
I have unfortunately found that the vast majority “prepper” groups are just groups of stupid and cowardly people. They all so far in this area have missed the most important part of preparing, and that is to form a long term group, and develop skills, resources, and trust.
In the past 10 years I have seen this happen at least 10 times in my area. It’s upsetting to be surrounded by so many stupid people. Stupidity is one of the most dangerous things that we all encounter.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
John Moore being interviewed by Mike Adams today suggests (and I agree) that Russia is much more likely use it’s fuel air bombs, rather than nukes as they are comparable in power to nukes.
He also added that Russia has special nukes that yield very little radiation, and that they had very small nukes fired by what he described as similar to a grenade launcher on a rifle.
Russian Duma Speaker: If the west doesn’t stop arming Ukraine . . . – Hal Turner Radio
WEF claims that “billions” who obeyed lockdowns and mask mandates will also comply with new globalist “social credit scheme” – Natural News
IMHO, “Modern Christians” will queue up for whatever the Satanic government tells them to do. For decades now, the pastors have taught Adolph Hitler’s version of Romans 13, and by their own words and actions, they now look upon government as god.
Situation Update, Sep 22, 2022 – Russia mobilizes 300,000 for ESCALATION of continental war with NATO – Mike Adams (110 minutes)
At 17:00 Mike, you state that bank robbery is wrong, while neglecting the FACT that fractional reserves banks counterfeit money and are the root cause of “inflation”.
There are some huge holes in your knowledge base at times.
Don’t you think that counterfeiting money is wrong Mike?
If I did what banks do I would be in jail for the rest of my life.
The Truth About PayPal
by Paul Joseph Watson (4 minutes)
Biden Transhumanist Executive Order: ‘We Need to Program Biology’ Like We ‘Program Computers’ – Need to Know News
CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC 7 On 9/11’ –
The Dr. Ardis Show: School shooters are all on antidepressants – Brighteon.TV
German TV Airs Video – Ukraine Tank With Swastika; Russia “Ups the ante” with THOUSANDS of tanks and Armor coming out of storage – Hal Turner Radio
America Under Siege – A special report about the war to take down FOOD and ENERGY – Mike Adams (32 minutes)
Sadly Americans are so stupid that they need this message. If the cowardly people in this country would have stood up against the stolen election, we would not be headed towards nuclear war. One does reap what one sows.
Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare
By John & Nisha Whitehead
Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment for Joe Biden:
He is ‘Selling Our Oil’ –
Silent War Front: Geoengineering
Decades of destroying the biosphere while poisoning humanity and blaming it on the people. –
Former FBI Agent Speaks Out, Claims ‘They Don’t Give A S**t’ About Child Sex Abuse Cases – National File
It us my understanding that the FBI was formed by the globalist elites to protect the Satanists, and pedophiles in government that were their henchmen,
Remember that pedophilia and Satanism are intertwined: FBI whistle blower Ted Gunderson revealed decades ago that the FBI itself was heavily into Satanism. Ted was soon thereafter murdered .
‘Save the Babies’ Documentary Takes On The CPS Child Trafficking Crisis
Why Are They Taking The Children? – National File
With the FBI consisting, and run by Satanists, the globalists were now felt safe to kidnaps, and then sex traffic, and human sacrifice, our children with an organization called “CPS” that the pulpits of America seem to have no discernment over.
“This Is Not a Bluff”: Putin Vows to Use Any Means Necessary Against West – EMERGENCY BROADCAST TUNE IN NOW
The Alex Jones Show
Are WHO and WEF Terrorist Organizations and National Security Threats?
Dr. Joseph Sansone
Biden Signs “Death Warrant” for US Dollar
We are a nation with a reprobate mind. We have the president of the US pretending that he is Congress and writing law and no one points it out or goes against it.
Martha’s Vineyard illegals were shipped off to a Superfund contamination site – Natural News
White House Nutrition Advisor creates “Food Compass” that vilifies whole foods while promoting junk like Lucky Charms – Natural News
USDA air dropping vaccines from helicopters across 13 states, using vaccine “bait” deemed HAZARDOUS if ingested – Mike Adams
Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs – Health Impact News
Situation Update, Sep 21, 2022 – Plum Island tick-based bioweapons: USDA and DoD secret research programs for mass EXTERMINATION – Mike Adams (102 minutes)
BP Refinery In Ohio That Provides Gasoline For Midwest “Shut Down” After Fire
Russia Begins “Partial” Mobilization for War! Putin AFFIRMS Will Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS if existence of Russia is threatened. – Hal Tuner Radio
Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? – The Economic Collapse
New titanium alloy has highest specific strength of any 3D-printed Metal –
It’s hitting closer and closer to home.
I like the idea of imprecatory prayer against the Jan 6, DOJ Demons oppressing Ernie, and many others.
Trump invited Americans to DC, and has not said a thing in their defense. That says all you have to know about the man.
Genocide Alert: Hospitals Profit From Massive Spike In COVID Vaccine-Induced Heart Damage In Children
Alex Jones | (11 minutes)
Free speech VICTORY: Federal appeals court rules Texas can enforce anti-censorship law aimed at social media platforms – News Target
Kris Ann Hall is right on this one.
When the Federal government steals rights not delegated to it explicitly by the US Constitution,
it borders on insanity to let the “product of the Compact” decide what it’s own powers are!!
Modern Americans haven’t a clue, as to the divided powers of the the State and Federal governments. The States gave up no sovereignty concerning their writing this law. None at all, and the Feds should not even be in the discussion.
Ukraine Attacks Nuclear Power Plant AGAIN; Cooling Lines Ruptured! – Hal turner Radio
Shiry Sapir sounds the alarm on the SEXUALIZATION of CHILDREN in our public schools – Mike Adams (36 minutes)
I have to ask myself why Shiry Sapir, and Mike Adams think that it is the function of government to educate our children?
Certainly not on the Federal level, where there is no Constitutional authority, but also at any other level.
If one believes in the principles of the Declaration of Independence, then the sole legitimate function of government is to “secure our rights”. How does implementing the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto (the property tax) to fund the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto, (free government schools) secure our rights? It seems like the system that we now have does a lot of trampling our rights.
Things such as:
Our right to actually own property. Our right to educate our children in the manner that we choose. The right of young men and women to be in control of their lives. Aren’t mandatory education laws a lot like slavery?
Their is a huge conflict of interest in having government involved in any way with the education of our children. Educating your children is a God given parental right and responsibility, just like your responsibility to cloths and feed them. When we we let government educate them, they at the very least come out thinking that government is the solution to everything as is socialism/communism (which is Satanism)
It is disappointing to only hear variations of government involvement in education, and nothing about the Natural Law principles of things like the free market and God given rights..
***BULLETIN*** Russian Duma to Vote on “MOBILIZATION” Tomorrow; Defense Minister Shoigu to Address the Russian Nation Tonight – Hal Turner Radio
DHS Intel Report Indicates Venezuela Emptying Prisons, Sending Violent Criminals To US Border
Just one of many 5th columns already in the US.
Iran also has nukes in Venezuela pointed at the US.
HORROR: 21-Year-Old LSU Senior Gunned Down While Sitting in Her Car in Baton Rouge – Gateway Pundit
Thank the Louisiana order followers in blue.
Louisiana is the only place that I have been robed and that was because of the
terroristic threats by the “police” convinced me not to be armed.
How niacin, niacinamide, and NAD can help with Long COVID-19
by W. Todd Penberthy, PhD –
Situation Update, Sep 20, 2022 – USDA air dropping vaccines from helicopters across 13 states – Mike Adams (87 minutes)
Preemptive Banning at Twitter?
Today I learned I was banned from Twitter, a place I have not posted anything, literally for years. I am sure that Twitter can replace me with their fake Bot accounts:
Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases into Nationwide ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic;
Video: Klaus Schwab Says People Will Soon Wear ‘Brain Impants’ so the WEF Can Read Their Thoughts –
Human Composting Is Now Legal in California, Leading the Way to ‘Soylent Green’ –
Chinese-based company buys Levy land for primate facilit:yA Chinese-based biological research company purchased 1,400 acres for $5.5 million in July with hopes to build a primate quarantine and breeding facility,
INTEL: China Ammunition Now Found in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
Per various sources, including Steve Quayle , China is sending in 400,000 troops to the Ukraine and N Korea another 100,000.
There is no way at all that NATO and the US can win this.
UNLESS we initiate at nuclear war.
That could well be the plan.
Anyhow you are being kept in the dark.
I think that one goal here is to destroy the entire US military so that the Red Dawn Invasion of the US can proceed.
UPDATED 11:23 AM — WHOA! Surprise! Tomorrow, Sept 21, Russian Duma to Vote on MOBILIZATION – Hal Turner Radio
Brainwashed America: the DocuMovie — Twelve Historically Documented Tactics Actively Used By The Communists To Captured The Minds of Americans & Collapse The United States From Within
Situation Update, Sep 19, 2022 – Giant homeless encampments set to explode across U.S. – Mike Adams (103 minutes)
New Energy Bills in UK . . . TWO-THOUSAND, THREE-HUNDRED PERCENT HIGHER – Hal Turner Radio
Our “Leaders” Have Taken Blood Oaths- These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.). They are traitors and should be treated as such –
FWIW, useful idiots at modern Christian churches support many of the planks of the communist manifesto.
Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud? – Gateway Pundit
Shocking Disputed Document Claims the US Planned the War and Energy Crisis in Europe – Need to Know News
New Geoengineering Study Asserts Earth’s Biosphere is Collapsing Due to Jet-Sprayed Coal Fly Ash – Need to Know News
Joe Biden’s deal to stave off ‘crippling’ rail strikes could fall apart within DAYS as workers seek concrete agreement on sick leave and days off (despite getting a 24% pay rise and back pay) – Hagmann Report (90 minutes)
Seismic weapon in action? Deadly M6.9 earthquake hits Taiwan – 2nd major quake in less than a day – Link to weaponized weather? – Strange Sounds
Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? – The Economic Collapse
Woman collapses and dies 15 minutes after Booster shot… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
I just learned why the Israeli Ministry of Health didn’t share the safety data
After they learned the vaccines were unsafe in March 2022, they said it was simply a manpower/budget issue that they weren’t able to inform the public. I’m serious!
Children’s Health Defense Exposes Vaccine Secrets
By Dr. Joseph Mercola (article and (22 minute video)
The DANGERS of PUBLIC SCHOOL – and WHY and HOW TO HOMESCHOOL on the HOMESTEAD – Homesteady (99 minutes)
ATF: Ammunition stolen from shipping containers in NC – WBTV
UPDATE: I just heard that it was tens of millions of special sub machine gun rounds destined for the Federal government that were stolen.
WaPo: Customs officials Have Copied Americans’ Phone Data At Massive Scale –
Alex Jones’ ‘Great Reset’ book hits #1 best selling non-fiction book in America, but the New York Times REFUSES to list it – News Target
***** BULLETIN ***** Chinese Military Convoy Enters Ukraine From Russia – Hal Turner Radio
Facebook will read your personal messages and send them to the FBI if you vote the wrong the way –
How the Royal Family secretly owns the world – Sorelle Amore Finance (8 minutes)
Canada’s Government-Run Healthcare Is Euthanizing Sick & Poor People –
What is missed by most, is that the State of Missouri has it’s own eugenics program, only it is not as out in the open as Canada’s, and those implementing it are low IQ “useful idiots” that we call the Missouri Legislature.
I have had to stop seeing my dentist in Missouri because they are forced by the state of Missouri to make me submit to cancer causing dental x-rays whether I consent to such treatment or not.
The state of Missouri has supported this unconstitutional dental monopoly that has buried some of the most important dental research ever done by dentist Weston A Price. Just the fact that they are a monopoly means that much of the population can not afford to see a dentist, and get the work done that is needed. That was done on purpose IMHO, and is part of the medical eugenics and euthanization that the Missouri Legislature supports.
Even worse the Dental monopoly, fully supported by the state of Missouri has allowed the ADA to cover up the life saving research discovered by the ADA funded, over a 20 year long, 100 man, research project headed by Weston A Price. (2,000 man years of dental research buried) Without this cover-up the ongoing dental eugenics could not survive in Missouri.
As a result, most of us have life threatening medical malpractice in our mouths! Forced upon us by the State supported monopoly. Things such as mercury fillings, nickel dental appliances, root canals, and cavitations. With a free market in dentistry, as the Constitution, and the Laws of Nature and of Natures God proscribes, this cover-up and dental genocide by the State of Missouri could not not have happened.
USDA threatens Amish farmer with fines and PRISON time for selling raw milk and grass-fed beef to community – Natural News
We live in a time where the whole world lies in the evil one, and that most certainly includes the modern Christian Church.
Lucifer’s USDA does not think that God’s people have a God given right to grow our own food, and nurture the temple of the Holy Spirit with this healthy food.
Sadly our pastors and churchgoers by their apathy and complacency, agree with Lucifer and as always choose to follow “the Satanic Agenda” rather than following the light.
Do you recall what the “Christian” community did a few years back when this same evil satanically controlled FDA/USDA, destroyed multiple generations of a family cheese business in Webster County?
FDA Orders Morningland Dairy to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Raw Cheese
They did nothing, just like when in 1963, their god the government told them that their children could no longer pray in the 12 year indoctrination camps.
“You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.”
~Hebrews 12:4
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
~1 Timothy 5:8
CHRISLAM CONFIRMED: Led By Pope Francis, Leaders Of The World’s Religions Formally Adopt Human Fraternity Document At 7th Congress: Chrislam is now the official One World Religion. –
Op–Ed: Are federal agencies becoming weapons of tyranny? – Natural News
Anyone with an IQ over room temperature should have seen that most were tyrannical from day one. Few if any are authorized by the US Constitution.
The Trouble With ‘Western Values’ Is That Westerners Don’t Value Them – Caitlin Johnstone
Situation Update, Sep 18, 2022 – Banks are preparing for massive BAIL-INS while RESTRICTING withdrawals – Mike Adams (36 minutes)
Mike Said: “small local banks are an important part….”
Mike you seem to have a huge blind spot
Small local banks are fractional reserve banks, and
counterfeit money just like Bank of America does!
It is very frustrating to hear such easily proven stupidity come out of your mouth.
London Silver Inventories Continue To Plummet As Metal Exits LBMA Vaults
SMOKING GUN! Alleged RAND Corporation Leaked Document Written BEFORE Ukraine War Shows U.S. Planned the European Energy Crisis and Economic Collapse to Save the U.S. Economy – Health Impact News
Israeli firm to create human embryos to harvest organs –
Bombshell Accusation: Hospitals Specifically Targeted the Unvaxxed for Deadly Forced Remdesivir and Respirator Protocols –
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 17, 2022, # 371 ( Dane Wigington )Seventy percent of Pakistan’s primary food crops have been wiped you by unprecedented weather catastrophe. – Dane Wigington (49 minutes)
Situation Update, Sep 17, 2022 – The economic ANNIHILATION of Europe – Gonzalo Lira and Mike Adams (Part 2) – Mike Adams (94 minutes)
DIY Floating Concealment Shelf / Mantle – Matthew Peech (14 minutes)
Deadly STINGER Anti-Aircraft Missile Seized by German Police for Sale on black Market; came from Ukraine! – Hal Turner Radio
Avoiding detection from your enemies. Mountain Recce (visible, IR, Thermal) – Garand Thumb
Overthrow the Government: All the Ways in Which Our Rights Have Been Usurped
By John & Nisha Whitehead
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln
An inspiring lesson of a government that lasted 1000 years….The Republic of Venice
Why did the founding fathers make it so difficult to amend the constitution?
The Republic of Venice – Terra Forming Terra
Medical Genocide Alert! Lawyers Confirm Anti-Vaxxers Targeted for Death by Remdesivir Poison (47 minutes)
RIGGED: Kangaroo Judge Says Alex Jones Will Be Found Guilty in Sandy Hook Case
There are few that the Globalists want to shut up as much as they do Alex Jones and Infowars. Censorship is off the charts.
Lara Logan: Biden’s Invasion of Southern Border Part of Plan For Global Government High-level UN source claims globalists plan to bring in 100 million illegal migrants into the U.S. to dissolve the country into a North American Union-type government, she says. – Infowars
Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch, and Mike Adams full Sep. 2022 interview IMPROVED AUDIO – Mike Adams (57 minutes)
The German Army’s Service Rifle. The HK G36, a Teutonic masterpiece. – Garand Thumb (17 minutes)
Yea and if we did not now have a Satanic government in the US, we could mail order these from Amazon, like we did 100 years ago with Tommy Guns from the Sears and Roebuck Catalog.
USDA Tracking Community Gardens! Did you know this is happening –
Yes I did…
They are tracking my personal garden Doug.
IF you took a grant for a hoop house to grow food in, you like myself are being tracked by the Feds.
AMISH FARMER GOES TO COURT. ((UPDATE!)) United States v. Amos Miller’s Organic Farm – the Shepherdess (7 minutes)
Our Satanic government is trying to destroy PMA’s (private membership association) food clubs that hundreds of farms are using to protect themselves from the county Health Nazi’s, and the Satanic 3 letter Federal Agencies.
One must ask how incompetent are the county sheriffs in this country that should be protecting citizens from tyranny like this? Where are the “informed” juries? Where are the pastors?
Victron Phoenix LF Inverter: Extremely Low Standby Consumption and More! – DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse (12 minutes)
I have this inverter in 24v and love it.
Trump openly embraces, amplifies QAnon conspiracies
Trump is either dangerously stupid (he is still pushing the jab) or he is working for the Democrats and Lucifer. Q-anon from the beginning has been a government psy-op to get people to sit on their asses in the hope, that someone else will do their job. Getting useful idiots to follow Q-anon is how Satan wins.
FBI And Facebook Colluded To Spy On Americans Who Questioned 2020 Election Results –
Is God in the Constitution? – WallBuilders / David Barton (49 minutes)
An excellent 11 part series by David Barton on the US Constitution.
UK Banks Changing Account Terms; Can Limit Withdrawals – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Sep 16, 2022 – The economic ANNIHILATION of Europe – Gonzalo Lira and Mike Adams – Mike Adams (69 minutes)
Study: Some Organ Recipients Rejecting Transplant After Covid Vaccine – Need to Know News
Swedish Media Outlet Publishes Claimed U.S. Document Outlining How to CRUSH Europe Economy thru Ukraine War Effort – Hal Tuner Radio
Fractional Reserve Banks
Over the past year, I have noticed that when you use a debit card locally, and tell them to run it as a debit card, that they can not do so most of the time.
(To make sure the banks will charge them more to run it as a debit card.)
Running your card as a credit card allows the bank do counterfeit currency, like all fractional reserve banks do. Also if you do not have the funds your local bank will take out funds you don’t have and then charge you penalties!
If they ran it correctly, they would not be allowed to create money out of thin air, and inflate the money supply by doing so.
Everything with banking is a scam.
Everything is a lie, when you are dealing with Lucifer’s fractional reserve banks.
If you have not watched the show recently you should. Some really great cutting edge information at Info-wars
Heads up on the Satellite Phone Store:
I won’t go into detail here, but I would avoid them at all costs.
Unfortunately I am locked into doing business with them. The Bivy Stick I have from them has not worked in 30 days and they are NOT addressing the problem.
My patience with them wanes and I will soon likley be going to war with them.
The last time a call from the MO attorney generals office got their attention
Top Secret Govt Warehouses And Underground Bunkers Hint At Govt’s Plans To Save Themselves While The Rest Of Us Die Following Forthcoming ‘Catastrophic Events’ – All News Pipeline
Former Trump national security council member goes there, calls for disbanding the politicized FBI, CIA – Natural News
Compromised Biden admin refuses to address massive Chinese purchases of farmland, other property near U.S. military bases – Natural News
Indigenous Australian Athlete Gets Fined for Criticising the Queen –
They can’t fine me, yet, but they do censor me. The Daily Mail and other British Newspapers have for years censored my negative comments about royalty.
They have even banned my account for doing so.
Silver Could Vault To New All-Time Highs Very Quickly And Gold Will Follow –
These heel pricks are IMHO a globalist birth certificate, and a DNA database to be used for various nefarious purposes including the design of bio weapons.
Americans spent more on taxes than on food, healthcare, clothing and education COMBINED in 2021 – Natural News
Why doesn’t middle class Christian America not yet “get” why people don’t want to work under these tyrannical conditions? The average American is just a nigger on the government tax plantation and it will not get better unless people get educated and rise up.
Jews For the Preservation of Firearms
Using the term “civil right” is a big mistake and red flag, but I still must congratulate them on being in the arena of ideas. The only right I recognize is a God given inalienable right.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lindell Is Suing the FBI
The Alex Jones Show | (24 minutes)
Vaccine Narrative Collapses! Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID – Hal Turner Radio
Denmark will bar almost everyone under 50 from receiving more mRNA COVID jabs – Hal Turner Radio
Russia Gives U.S./NATO Final Warning – Hal Turner Radio
“Never Forget”? In January of This Year, 59% of Democrats Supported Locking Up Unvaccinated. Their Lynch Mob Mindset Proved Wrong.
BY PATRICK BYRNE (article and 12 minute video)
Situation Update, Sep 15, 2022 – How to find PEACE in a time of global WAR – Mike Adams (101 minutes)
Durham Unseals Confirmation that FBI Paid Russian Agent Who Lied about Trump Russia Collusion
By Alexandra Bruce
Texas Governor Drops Busloads of Migrants Off Outside Kamala Harris’ Residence
by Sputnik
The Worlds Biggest Stealth Propaganda Operation is conditioning your child through their phone
It’s like the West left their children alone in a room with The Chinese Communist Party
Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With A Scientist – Dane Wigington (18 minutes)
Why One Harvard Astronomer Believes This Asteroid Is an Alien Ship –
The Democrat Police State Has Its Hands On Our Throats – Paul Craig Roberts
Stupid people build standing armies and then complain about them.
A Heartfelt Vaccinated Apology to the Unvaccinated: “I’m Sorry!” –
BREAKING NEWS: STASI-FBI SEIZES MIKE LINDELL’S PHONE at a Hardee’s – Mike Attempts to Turn Lost Agent to Christ (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
The county sheriff in Mankato MN should have done his job, and protected Mike from these Federal goons.
In other words, Carstens is introducing total-totalitarianism.
Al-Omar Oil Field in Syria Just Blown Up; U.S. Theft of Oil from there, halted – Hal Turner Radio
Russia strikes Reservoir Dam; Sends water Surging downstream – Hal Turner Radio
COVERT INTEL – RAILROAD STRIKE – Hal Turner Radio (you must subscribe to see this)
‘Violated the Nuremberg Code’: California Hospitals Face Lawsuits for Using ‘Remdesivir Protocol’ that Allegedly Led to Wrongful Death –
I can’t say that I have ever gotten informed consent from the medical monopoly. In fact I was refused a surgery in Springfield MO because I asked questions about the PCR test. Any attorneys out there that want to represent me?
GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: Secret Israeli Government Report Confirms Covid Vax Causing Massive Side Effects/Death – WATCH LIVE
The Alex Jones Show 9/14/22
Top Geophysicist & Gov’t Doctor Accuse Global Geoengineering Program Of Intentionally Collapsing Earth’s Biosphere
by Kelen McBreen
Aaron Rodgers Is Wrong: VIOXX Killed 500,000
The Alex Jones Show (18 minutes)
Your government has had lots of practice covering up the genocide unleashed by big pharma.
Very good Jan 6 and FBI corruption info from Greg Reese:
Green Beret Running For Office And Podcasting Live From Maximum Security Jail Cell In Clearwater Florida
Greg Reese | (6 minutes)
His RUMBLE Channel is: JeremyBrownCampaign
Situation Update, Sep 14, 2022 – Inflation explodes, markets crater as Biden’s economy turns into a dumpster fire – Mike Adams (103 minutes)
Military Self-Delusion on the Constitution
by Jacob G. Hornberger
How to Cook Food in a Thermos
Daisy Luther
China: New Evidence of Mass DNA Collection in Tibet
Rural Areas, Children Targeted for Intrusive Policing –
This does not shock me as my county sheriff, sat on his ass and allowed the medical Nazi’s in SW Missouri to force me to submit to a PCR test that in many cases was used to provide genetic material to Communist China, to help them build bio-weapons to kill me!
Yes, There IS a Domestic Threat in America. It’s Our Own Government
Daisy Luther
Biden launches new executive order that should give Americans ‘chills’
‘Many of us have been warning the COVID jabs are a transhumanist nightmare’ –
Remember The Tuskegee Experiment When Someone Tells You ‘Government’ Would Never Experiment Upon You Or Kill You – While Experts Were Silenced On The COVID Vax, Govt Rolled Out Mass Death – All News Pipeline
Video: The Corona Crisis: ‘We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder’, Forced Vaccines in Nursing Homes:A Crime against Humanity – as defined by the Nuremberg Codex –
Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works:
The United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies.It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries & has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries –
America’s War History: How Many Years Has the U.S. Been at War?
Washington’s Blog
Every 3rd soldier in the Kharkiv offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a citizen of a NATO country – Hal Turner Radio
Florida has a secret surveillance system at toll roads tracking you and your car –
This was going on 10 years ago when I lived in FL.
I imagine that it has gotten much worse and intrusive.
The Story of the Fed is the Story of a Crime
By George F. Smith
NYT Called Out By Tucker Carlson For Censoring Alex Jones’ Best-Selling Great Reset Book
by Jamie White
Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines – The Defender
Blunt Warnings from Russia Foreign Minister and Federation Council: Nuclear War Coming – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Sep 13, 2022 – Consumer demand collapses as global economy IMPLODES, factories SHUTTER – Mike Adams (96 minutes)
Very encouraging to see men like this holding the office of sheriff. Unfortunately here in SW Missouri, sheriffs are taking Federal bribes all day long and then enforcing illegitimate Federal laws as a quid pro quo in exchange for the bribe money.
My First Year as a Voluntarist Sheriff
By David Hathaway – Lew Rockwell
Denver Begins Distribution of “Bug-Out Bags” for Emergencies – Hal Turner Radio (8 minutes)
$749 EG4 All-in-one Solar System: 3000W Inverter, 5000W MPPT, 80A Battery Charger – DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse (18 minutes)
If I had a crystal ball I would have held off and bought solar today.
For about $2300 you can get their 5kWH battery pack ,and this all in one
charge controller/inverter/battery charger. All you have to add is solar panels.
FWIW this system would power my fridge for 5 days without any sun.
Buying 10KWH of battery for another $1500 to get 10 days of backup fridge power would be within reach. Much less expensive than it used to be.
US Railroads Enact “Contingency Plans,” Preparing For Labor Strike As Union Talks Fail
As Many as 50 High-Level Trump Supporters Have Been Raided by FBI and/ or Subpoenaed – Need to Know News
Do you want to keep the deep state from tracking your credit card purchases? Things such as ammo or guns.
I have long thought that these virtual credit cards had disappeared, but today Mike Adams made me aware that this company provides this important service:
This cartoon reminds me of the mindless “Christians” here in Webster County Missouri, in the 2 years since the open genocide was started.
I have seen no discernment or leadership either from government, or the pulpit.
“Jesus wept”
Situation Update, Sep 12, 2022 – Ukraine’s cities go DARK; Russia poised to declare WORLD WAR – Mike Adams (96 minutes)
‘Syringe Vending Machines’ For Drug Addicts Are Now A Thing In Liberal Cities – Biden Regime And Democrats Deliberately Turning America Into Drug-Infested, Homeless Mini-Nations – All News Pipeline
There is nothing at all wrong with the free market addressing customer demands. What is wrong here, what is very wrong here, is that the monies involved are stolen loot. not free market exchanges.
We have created this problem Susan because we don’t have a free market in “drugs”, and we don’t have a free market in housing. To think of it we hardly have any free markets at all in this sad country, and that is the root of most of our problems.
Putting the World Economic Forum out of Business! – AwakenWithJP (8 minutes)
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
~II Timothy 1:7 KJV)
More Government tax payer funded Satanism in your face:
Biden Appoints Queer Satanist As Monkeypox Czar –
Visa Caves, Will Recategorize Gun Purchases so Democrats Can Flag Them – Breitbart
If we did not accept Lucifer’s “fractional reserve banking” – we would not have the globalist run Visa, and would no be having this problem!
This is what happens when are are phucking stupid enough to let Lucifer run your monetary system! And that is exactly what we are doing.
Have you looked at the back of a one dollar bill lately? Lucifer does not hide what he is doing, it’s right out in the open if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Is UPS’ New Rule Change An Attack On Gun Industry?
Why the hell is UPS getting ANY tax payer money??
Where is that in the US Constitution?
We are a nation of lawlessness on top of lawlessness….
This article also makes it clear that we need to ban the BATF, and to arrest them in our counties until that happy day occurs.
Jan. 6 Prisoners And Families Expose Brutal Truth About Jail Lockdown
Tyler Durden’s Photo
It’s a horrific thing that the pulpit is not deeply involved in exposing the evil kidnapping, torture, and denial of due process, of hundreds of Jan 6, Americans.
The so called church began sleeping with Lucifer long ago.
They now ask the states permission to form their 501c3 churches.
They ask the state for permission to marry.
They seek the States approval, not Gods before they attack any evil…..
Which means that they will not attack any evil because of the Johnson Amendment, and it could cost them their 501c3 status.
The entire old testament is filled with stories of men of God speaking truth to power. But today our “men of God” are not men of God, but rather hirelings. Wolves rather than sheep dogs.
Our pulpits today have no salt, and no light and soundly deny Christ by their apathy, complacency, ignorance, and cowardliness.
A must listen to:
Submitted by Dave Hodges (77 minutes)
UPS Threatens to Cancel Service for Most of the Gun Industry –
We need to make UPS pay a price for this evil that is, designed in the end to enslave us by denying us the right to defend our families!

BREAKING NEWS: Russia Launches MASSIVE Missile Barrage – Hitting POWER PLANTS for first time – Hal Turner Radio
Reloaders Alert:
Finally reloading 223 component such as primers, powder, bullets and brass, are getting easier to find. Both primers and powder are there if you look. Hoping the powder is still in stock in a few weeks when I will have the money.
Save bullets, and brass for last, as they seem to be less sensitive to shortages, and price increases.
The reason for this bonanza on 223 cartridge parts is that no one has the money with food and gas going through the roof! Supplies when sold out may not be replenished, and we also have the UPS and rail strike coming up, along with the credit card companies starting to more closely monitor gun related purchases. Don’t discount the coming electronic currency when no one will be allowed to purchase anything self defense related. This is the end game for the credit card companies right NOW implementing better tracking for gun related purchases.
Contact me if you want to know more. I really don’t want to put my sources out there for everyone. I have a fear of not being able to get cartridge parts though I know the day is coming in the near future.
Personally I see a single 223 cartridge going to $5 a round when peoples stockpiles start to get low. Ammo may also be your best bet for barter.
California Now An ‘Agriculture Wasteland’ of Rice Farms
by Zero Hedge
Galileyo Alert:
10:22 | Sep 11 2022
Ohio: Doctors Remove Six Feet of Blood Clots from High School Football Player’s Legs – Need to Know News
Except perhaps the Missouri Free Press
I have come to the conclusion that our legal system should not include “judges” at all. Courts are supposed to be controlled by the people, and the jury, but judges and courts have eviscerated the power of the jury to nullify bad and illegitimate law. The jury WAS one of the most powerful tools for the people to fight tyranny and it is now gone.
Every decision made by a court should really be the decision of a jury.
How else do you counter this take over of our legal system by sexually confused men in Black dress’s?
Demote the judge to only a low powered referee. as they IMHO were intended to be.
Guns bought through credit cards in the US will now be trackable –
Made possible only because so called Christians have fully accepted a Satanic monetary system based upon fractional reserve banking. You reap what you sow people.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 10, 2022, # 370 ( Dane Wigington ) (44 minutes)
Visa, Mastercard, AmEx to begin categorising sales at US gun stores –
by Dave Hodges (6 minutes)
Who disarmed these American citizens?
If you said the police you are right.
Police that should know that their only legitimate purpose is to “secure our rights”.
Pretty difficult to understand how brain damaged one would have to be to think that disarming people is securing their rights.
Properly armed these people would have nothing to worry about. Room clearing (which is what home invaders do) is very dangerous and the odds greatly favor the home owner. (If he is armed)
Smart Meters — The Household Device That Spies on You 24/7 – By
Dr. Joseph Mercola
SEMANO electric in Webster Co MO uses a smart meter that they claim uses the grid itself, rather than an EMF mesh network, to transmit your data back to them and the intelligence agencies that are very interested in this data on you.
Homeland Security May Have Allowed Dangerous, Unvetted Afghans Into US: Inspector General
This is really myopic. A simple search will turn up the fact that for decades that the Satanic US government has allowed multiple 5th columns to set up shop in your state and your county!
We have MS13, ISIS, Iranian 5th columns, Russian and Chinese 5th columns that will likely emerge as UN troops. And there are many more…..
Russ DIzdar in his works has also disclosed that the Illuminati has a 5th column of Satanic ritual abused individuals, most of whom are inhabited by multiple Demons! The Black Awakening: Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos
Lastly Steve Quayle has reported that Obama had weapons cashes placed near prisons with Islamic inmates, and that they are to be released, and given the weapons when SHTF.
Zero Hedge is just exposing one very small part of the evil that our government has either allowed, and or actively aided.
Law-Abiding Gun Owners Ignored by Media, Maligned by Politicians –
I am so fuking tired is this stupidity that emanates from the “right”.
What the hell does law abiding have to do with the God given right to protect yourself? A right “by definition” is something that can not be taken from someone, and that was the case in this country until the psychopaths in DC adopted a Nazi German gun law, and said that somehow this mere law somehow overrides the 2nd amendment!
In case you are daft, it takes a Constitutional amendment to do this! But somehow the morons in this country think that the opinion of sexually confused men in black dresses can change this reality.
Do any “modern Christians” actually read and pay attention to God’s word?
Jesus Christ himself told his disciples to go out and criminally (under Roman Law) buy a Gladius ( a roman sword). He told them to be law breaking weapons owners!!
The Lord of Host tells us to do something, and the vast majority of today’s so called Christians, think that our government knows more, and is more important than what Jesus Christ told them to do.
Modern Christianity is evil and looks like a mental disorder to me.
build back better = 6uild 6ack 6etter = “666”
It looks like thinly veiled Satanic spell to many.
Did you know that “Walt Disney” also has “666” in it?
Or that the streets in Washington DC form a Pentagram?
Lucifer openly lets you know that he is there.
Sadly the vast majority of “modern Christians” can not see his presence, and as often as not, fully support his agenda. That is how we got to the evil place where we are at today. With the full help of the Modern Christian Church.
Boots on the Ground…Sept. 8th…Most people are going backwards financially – southernprepper1 (19 minutes)
Interesting info on poultry feed being tampered with, reported by several individuals. Not to mention the coming Rail Strike.
The FBI is hiding Epstein records
But we’re going to get them…
by Techno Fog
Steve Bannon Claims At Least 35 Trump Allies Were Raided Yesterday by The FBI
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
Ukraine Counter-Offensive So Far: More than 4,000 Dead in Two Days – Hal Tuner Radio
UPS drivers threatening to strike; could hurt virtually every American – Hal Turner Radio
Ultraprocessed Food — The Worst Choice for Planet and Health
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Journalist Unmasks the Real Perpetrators of 9/11 – Need to Know News
Christopher Bollyn, an investigative journalist and author of several books about 9/11, gave a speech in 2018 that revealed who was behind the attacks on the World Trade Center. Bollyn says the people running our government and the media are complicit in the attack because they knew it was going to happen, did nothing to prevent it, and covered up the evidence.
He says the purpose of the 9/11 attack was to justify the American War on Terror, which was a cover for using American forces to attack Israel’s enemies and make Israel the dominant force in the Middle East. According to former President Trump, the US spent $7 trillion dollars over 17 years to fund these wars. Bollyn said that everywhere he looked into the facts surrounding 9/11, he found the presence of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency.
This has triggered a bitter attack against him, claiming this proves he is anti-Semitic. His response is that these people are not acting as Jews but as political Zionists, which has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or religion but everything to do with a New World Order based on the model of collectivism.
[We agree with that appraisal and believe you will, also, when you hear Bollyn’s message. Our hope is to forge a coalition with the great majority of Jews who are just as horrified by the truth of 9/11 as we are and who will join with us to stop the hatred and end the wars.]
The fall of luciferian-dominated Western Civilization is a highly disruptive but NECESSARY step for human progress: Life, liberty and freedom hang in the balance – Mike Adams – News Target
Saudi Arabian Company Threatening Water Supply in Phoenix, Arizona and California – Need to Know News
Holland: Masked Government Goons Kidnap Farmers and Protesters Against Great Reset – Need to Know News
OOOPS! German Legislator Lets Slip the date . . . – Hal Turner Radio
Railroad Strike Could Cripple National Supply Chain Sept. 15 – Hal Turner Radio
Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil (7 minutes)
How anyone with an IQ over room temperature, think that the US Constitution, a document that only applies to the Federal government, somehow applies to the Bank of America?
The only way I can see people getting this deluded is by falling for the ubiquitous, and incorrect interpretation of the 14th amendment that falsely applies it to the States.
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv
IMPLOSION: Amazon scraps plans to build 42 new warehouses, shuts down 2 active facilities – Natural News
Financial Guys: “Three Times More Extreme than 2008” – Hal Turner Radio
Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests
American Education Is the Most Powerful Anti-American Force in the World – Paul Craig Roberts
And what the hell else would one expect when you implement the 10th plank of Lucifer’s Communist Manifesto?
If that is not enough of the Satanic Agenda for you, remember that the 10th plank is paid for by implementing the 1st plank! Lucifer’s property tax!
Why Many Marijuana Buyers in New York will Choose Black Market Dealers over Newly Legal Stores – Ron Paul Institute
Many other states besides NY, have royally screwed their bosses, the people, in this matter.
FL and Missouri have not even really legalized.
They just created new crimes, and new categorizes of criminals.
In Missouri the fake “legalization”, very early took the form of politicians paying off their friends by making them millionaires.
At the same time they stole the God given right of your average Missourian to participate in this business, or to grow their own medicine.
As a result, thankfully the “black market” is alive and well in Missouri.
Situation Update, Sep 9, 2022 – As the Queen dies, so does Luciferian-dominated Western Civilization – Mike Adams (95 minutes)
Very good and worth listening to.
And yes I agree with Mike in that many of the institutions in western society are Satanic and evil.
My Son Hunter’ Customer Surge Temporarily Disrupts Site on Opening Day, Now Restored –
8 Facts that Explain Why the Left Is Terrified of ‘My Son Hunter’ –
Occult Mysteries of the Federal Reserve Bank – Greg Reese (10 minutes)
Atherosclerosis is a Non-Healing Wound – Commentary by Thomas E. Levy MD, JD and Ron Hunninghake, MD –
My takeaway from this article is that the millions of deaths in this country from heart disease, are self inflicted. ADA Dentist, Dr Weston Price long ago discovered the deadly results of root canals, and cavitations, both routinely done in modern dentistry. The ADA monopoly swept all of his work under the rug, and the result is basically millions of dead people. Medical Monopoly Murder I call it.
This is what happens when God’s people treat government as God, and let them steal their inalienable rights to their own bodies and medical care. When you let government create a medical monopoly, you have trampled people’s God given right to make choices contradictory to what the monopoly wishes.
The direct result of this government idolatry in the Church is millions of people murdered by the State.
Jackson Water Shakedown? Water Pressure Restored Immediately After Army Corps Arrives
by Paul Aubert | National File
C.E.O. in Europe Sounds the Alarm: Heading into Banking Crisis, Collapse of Industry, Households, Economy –– “weeks away” – Hal Turner Radio
War with Russia; War with China; Civil War — Congress is Literally TRYING to get this country destroyed because THEY are Broke and need Debt Forgiveness – Hal Turner Radio
Amen Hal…..This is self evident to most of us.
Some of us saw it 50 years ago.
Which makes it all the harder to understand the mental disorder of denying what is in front of their eyes!
Whatever you call it, Lucifer has mind control down pat.
Even our modern churches are in complete denial of reality, and therefore in denial of Christ. Instead believing Lucifer: the lie.
ATF knocking on doors, stealing property, threatening prison – FRT triggers – Military Arms Channel (25 minutes)
I call this the world created by “Modern Christians”..
A world of complete government lawlessness supported by the clueless pulpits of Amerika.
Most Americans Still Don’t Understand The ‘Depths Of Hell Levels Of Authoritarianism’ Biden And The New Amerikkan Communists Are Taking Us But Will Find Out Soon Enough – All News Pipeline
Tucker Carlson: Biden criminalizes dissent (10 minutes)
By Max Igan. Watch this!
Max Igan is an Incredible communicator
Swiss Overheating Homes in Winter May Face Prison – Reports –
Think engineered famine could never happen? Learn the story of the HOLODOMOR as history repeats itself – Natural News
The coming food shortages are going to be FAR WORSE than we are being told – Strange Sounds
‘Never Seen’ Before: Embalmers Finding Long, Rubbery Clots Inside Corpses Since Implementation of Covid Vaccines – Gateway Pundit
Disney goes satanic: New ‘cartoon’ features little girl dubbed ‘the Antichrist‘ –
URGENT: FrontLine Doctors Publish “Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol” –
An Approach to the Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome PDF (39 pages)
Shock Video: Woman Robbed at Gunpoint by Masked Thugs in Chicago – NewWars
Only a moron wold be shocked that there is a lot of violence where the police have criminally disarmed the citizens. Chicago “Police” should be held criminally culpable for this particular crime.
Only A Guy In A Rainbow Biden 2024 Shirt – YouTuber Admits To Sexually Molesting His Dog
F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns –
Cannabis legalization in US projected to cost big pharma billions – New Atlas
More lies, and NLP mind control.
It’s laughable to say that Cannabis is legal in this country.
There are still dozens of ways that they can criminally come after citizens over Cannabis. Meanwhile, the legislators in Missouri. have made their friends rich with political cannabis payoffs. Sort of like, what the criminals in Jeff city did when they privatized the state drivers license bureaus, and gave out the monopolies to their friends.
Gout Is Not Necessarily Caused by High Uric Acid, Here’s the Key – Epoch Times
Green agenda now demands elimination of natural gas in homes nationwide –
FWIW the green agenda in this country has always been Communist backed, with communist goals.
TYRANNY ALERT – Now the ATF is coming for pistol ARM BRACES! – Mike Adams (32 minutes)
If they actually taught the Declaration, and the Constitution, in the government Communist schools, the demonic ATF would not even exist!
The existence of the ATF says that we have an incredibly dumb population.
Mike Adams doesn’t seem to have a limit to submitting to the ATF. His approach is disappointing, I guess When the ATF tells Mike that all of his weapons are now illegal, that Mike Adams will just comply.
Our county sheriffs need to arrest ATF, if they dare set foot into his county. They can not operate without his permission.
Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal Admits Discrimination Against Catholic Candidates – Need to Know News
Connecticut: Project Veritas obtained undercover video of Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School, explaining how he discriminates against conservatives, Catholics and older teachers when he interviews them for employment as teachers at the school. He instead hires young progressive teachers to indoctrinate children with leftist ideology.
Lucifer’s “property tax”, the 1st plank of the communist manifesto, that you pay, is how these indoctrination camps called schools are paid for.
Human Life Will Be Unrecognizable- FEMA estimates only 3% of gun owners will resist gun confiscation by force. (They are making an inventory of everything of material value. All private property “will be federalized.”)
“According to FEMA whistle blower Celeste Solum, left, Americans have been cast in the role of Jews in Nazi Germany and will meet the same fate.
Global governance means we’ll have to play by a “totally new set of rules.”
If Celeste Solum is right, we are in much worse trouble than we think. She comes from an Illuminati background and worked as a FEMA planner for 20 years. So she is in a position to know……”
I am wondering what the plans of the Missouri Militia are for the gun grab.
I would guess that they have no plans.
Some have thought this out:
Marines in Missouri State Trooper ranks have said that they will use terminal force to stop any of their rank from participating in a gun grab.
We have a Constitutional Amendment in MO, the so called 2nd amendment preservation act, that I was blessed to have played a part in.
It’s the deplorable state of our Militia that really scares me.
The lack of Christian men with backbones.
YES, They Really Are *Deleting* the Internet And it’s WAY Worse Than You Think – Bright Insight (9 minutes)
SWAT Teams Called to the Homes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Steve Bannon 3 Times Each! – Need To Know News
I have never seen the SWAT here in Webster County MO used in a safe, or lawful manner. They are called out for almost any reason, and usually put peoples lives in danger.
I had guns pointed at me for no reason, which is a life changing event in itself, that I won’t get into, other than to say that if I ever did what this SWAT team does on a regular basis, I would be in jail for brandishing a weapon!
In reality most of the men in the Webster County SWAT team should be in jail as I would be if I did they they do on a regular basis.
The Covid Pandemic Was Entirely Unnecessary. Cures were available. The medical profession is responsible for the murders of huge and growing numbers of people – Paul Craig Roberts
Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up I
Israel didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe so they lied to the world about it – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
Far Left Love Affair with Criminals, and Hatred of Police, is WRECKING America – Hal Turner Radio
This is so misguided…. Actually it is “modern police” that are wrecking the country.
Can anyone argue that the “police” have not enforced the unconstitutional as hell 1968 gun control act? (That was lifted word for word, from Nazi Germany gun law.)
Can anyone argue that the “police” have not enforced the Unconstitutional as hell 1934 Federal firearms act?
It was order following police, and Sheriffs with shit for brains that have allowed this criminal disarming of the American people! They are a big part of the reason that the UN is going to wipe the floor with us!
It is modern police that have disarmed the people, and the Feds have destroyed the militia through a campaign of false flag terror and entrapment.
It is your job to defend yourself. PERIOD Police never could and never will protect you. Instead they will be the standing army that comes to take your guns and bring you to the camps. That is history and why the founders warned us about standing armies. (like the police)
Self defense is a God given right and our police do not secure our God given rights like the law enforcement system did in 1776. Almost always they are there to violate your rights.
FWIW — A right by definition is something that can not be taken away or altered.
IF it were not for the insanely stupid law enforcement that we have today, Hal Turner could exercise his God given right, and duty to protect his family. Like God intended. This country is evil when it spits on our God given rights. “Police” is the evil that gets this done.
The “Satanic Agenda” to disarm us does not have better friends than your local police.
If you wish to see what Law enforcement was like in 1776, and should be like today, I ask you to read at least the intro and 1st chapter of Balko’s book on the topic:
Rise of the Warrior Cop – Radley Balko
You will find that law enforcement does not even slightly resemble what it was meant to be,
Situation Update, Sep 5, 2022 – Industry and infrastructure collapsing by the day across Europe and the USA – Mike Adams (106 minutes)
Talmud Expert Michael Hoffman’s Presentation to the Nation of Islam, Feb. 2019 (50 minutes)
Interview 1744 – False Flags Watch Along (Part 1) – The Corbett Report (120 minutes)
Solar Beginner: Teaching Myself The Basics With An Eco-Worthy Off-Grid Solar Kit (UK) – ctrl-alt-rees ( 16 minutes)
100W 200W 12V (1/2/x100W) Complete Off Grid Solar Panel Kit with Inverter + Lithium – $517
Best off-grid cabin I’ve ever toured– SEE WHY – Girl in the Woods (29 minutes)
Clearly… ATF Needs to Go as 4 Million+ Face Gun Registration –
Muddy Pro Cam 12 Trail Camera 12 MP Pack of 3 $99 (Midway USA)
This could be part of a low cost but very flexible security system, and their is no reason you can not use them inside. Perhaps the biggest downside is that you need to make sure the batteries are serviceable, you probably want to use rechargeable batteries.
Basic Mountain Camouflage. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains (visible, IR, Thermal) – –Garand Thumb (37 minutes)
Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible? – Expedition Bible (12 minutes)
Raging Madman Joe Biden Was Watching Old News Reels Of Hitler And The 3rd Reich Before His ‘Declaration Of War’ Upon America, Even Using 3rd Reich Color Schemes – A Pictorial Essay – All News Pipeline
New ivermectin study shows 92% lower chance of COVID death –
How many people do you know who’s lives were ruined, or they outright died, because everyone from your doctor, to your pharmacist, to your pastor, to your congress critter, to the county health department, was lying to you about the effectiveness of alternative treatments?
All of them should be facing criminal charges, for their part in covering up this global, Satanic, genocide.
1 Million Guns Sold in US for Record-Setting 37th Consecutive Month – NewsMax
Without militia training, with proper command and control, these weapons will not be nearly as effective as the weapons of our enemies that did train and have command and control.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
~Hosea 4:6
Britain Collapsing Under Energy Costs; 6 in 10 Factories May Be Forced To Close – Hal Turner Radio
70,000 Czechs rally in Prague; Want Russian Sanctions Removed, Neutrality over Ukraine Fighting – Hal Turner Radio
New Information Released about ILLEGAL U.S. Bio-Weapons Research in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776 –
Just as important the US has never installed a Republican form of government after any of these wars! It is always a controllable dictatorship, to benefit US corporations.
God does not like unjust wars, look at what he did to kind David when David was merely planning an unjust war. I bet your pastor never brought this up when he was cheer-leading the latest unjust war war.
Triangle UFO video Santa Monica Aug 2022, Many witnesses:
Take the time to watch this.
You will not believe the depth of the evil.
I am on my 3rd view:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) 116 minutes
New ATF Document Reveals Gun Owners Who Own ‘Pistol Braces’ Could Be Forced To Register
Unbelievable that there is no discussion of the second amendment!
“Shall not be Infringed” means what it says, no matter what some bought off judge’s “opinion” is. Can’t people think?
Does this Hitlerian Agency now have the power to write law?
This is dystopian, authoritarian and tyrannical from top to bottom.
Prosecutors Identify Psychotic Police Captain Who Beat the Hell Out of Woman with Metal Baton Nearly to Death and Bashed Her in the Face on Jan. 6th – Gateway Pundit
How many thousands of incidents like this, do we need to hear about, until we decide that “police” as they currently exist are an evil, and Satanically controlled institution? Is this Godly government?
Yet your pastor will falsely tell you this Sunday, that we have gone back to the “Divine Right of Kings”, that in reality we fought the Revolutionary War against the British Crown to escape.
He will say that Romans 13 says to submit to, and support even Satanically evil government. They usually deny that they are saying this, but I say to judge a tree by it’s fruits. There seems to be no evil that the modern church does not either openly support or support by it’s silence.
STUDY: Ivermectin reduces covid death risk by 92% – Natural News
California warns doctors: tell the truth about anything and you’ll lose your medical license – Natural News
Are you beginning to understand why the Globalists hijacked your God given right to choose your medical care, and to practice medicine, in 1908 with the “Flexner Report”? It’s about control and nothing else.
After 108 years of controlling your health care options, and causing massive incidents of disease and death with this monopoly, I don’t know a single pastor that will speak out against this Satanic Eugenics operation, that is sold under the lie, that they are “protecting us”. (by trampling a God given right)
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
~ Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Putin Explains Ukraine Operation Goals: End War That Started With 2014 Maidan Coup
by RT
Dead Hand: 5 questions about the SCARIEST Russian nuclear retaliation system (PHOTOS) –
Western Rifle Shooters Association
“Once your society has been captured by the evil and the insane, nothing remains save for submission or battle. ”
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch – 116 minutes )
Fatty Liver Disease Affects 1 in 3 Americans: Tips to Reverse It Naturally –
German Foreign Minister Says Support For Ukraine Will Continue “No Matter What Voters Think”
by Paul Joseph Watson
Despite what your delusional, and uninformed pastor tells you, people in government were not put there by God, in fact the rate of psychopaths in government office are estimated to be 300% higher than the general public, or 9%. Klaus Schwab of the WEF claims that they control most of the worlds governments, and politicians. You would have to be blind not to see that this is clearly the case.
How to Survive When Living in a Car: POVERTY Is the New Normal – The Organic Prepper
From much personal experience, the worse part of living in a vehicle by far, are the terrorists in blue suits. Euphemistically called the “police”.
You are hassled and threatened continually….
Sadly our Churches support these monsters and what they do.
1984 on a Budget: US Cops Using Affordable Tool to Keep Tabs on 250 Mln Phones, Non-Profit Reveals –
You don’t have to worry about the NSA criminally spying on you. A fish rots from the head down, and the rot is now in your local band of thugs in blue.
Sheriff Warns Against “Epic Slaughter of Americans,” Says the Murder Weapon is Fentanyl – Need to Know News
None of these sheriffs are too bright, they do no understand the Constitutions, God given rights/Natural Law, nor the free market.
If we did not have the Satanic Globalist “war on drugs”, they would be of known potency, and sold in drug stores like they were in 1910. If someone were injured by a drug, they would be able to hold the manufacturer, and the seller responsible in our courts.
The real problem is, that our sheriffs are unthinking, uneducated, order following thugs for the most part. We need to get back to the Declaration where it states that the only legitimate purpose of government is to secure our rights. As it stands “law enforcement” is the biggest violator of our rights that we have to deal with.
Why Not Just Abolish the IRS?
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Besides it being the result of the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto, the 16th amendment was never ratified. This “law” is completely illegitimate AND none of the money goes to run our government!! It all goes to pay the interest to globalist bankers to counterfeit our money!
Billy Meier: The Silent Revolution of Truth (94 minutes)
If you Don’t know who Billy Meier is, check this documentary out.
After watching this, I think that he is dealing with in some cases fallen angles and was misled on some things.
This is a real gift horse. People must not be buying rifle kits from them to offer prices like this! This kit (I have built many from Palmetto) For $469, and it includes a $100+ set of BUIS that are not included with most kits. Also really good mil spec trigger! So you are really getting this for $369! All you need to do is add a stripped lower receiver. No sales tax, and no shipping either!
I would feel better buying 4 or 5 of these than something like a $2000+ Daniel Defense rifle. That is unless you can afford that many Daniel defense rifles.
I would eventually add an ambi safety, a QD plate under the castle nut for a single point QD sling, a better trigger maybe, but the one that comes with it is incredible for a milspec trigger, and an ambi charging handle, finally a white light, and some type of optic depending on the intended use for the rifle.
If your AR 15 or 10, could use a trigger upgrade, consider this deal that Palmetto State Armory in SC is offering:
You get Texas based CMC’s single stage, 3.5# trigger. At Midway USA you will pay $190 for just the trigger when you include tax and shipping.
You can get the exact same trigger, and a higher end lower build kit, worth at least $100 IMHO with no shipping or tax for ten dollars more! ($199.99).
Even if you are not going to build a rifle the kit is worth having just for spare parts.
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams decode the geoengineering DEATH VECTORS for global genocide – Mike Adams (57 minutes)
MAXIMUM ALERT: Biden Officially Declares WAR on America in Hitlerian Fascist Speech – False Flag Terror Attacks IMMINENT
The Alex Jones Show
Midsouth Shooters in Tennessee has a good stock of .223 primers. They have a higher limit than most at 5K primers. You can save a lot on hazmat that way and no sales tax in Missouri.
#41 5.56 & 30 Carbine NATO Spec Primer 1000 Count
I will post some bullet and powder links for 223 soon.
Situation Update, Sep 2, 2022 – The geoengineering KILL SWITCH has been activated for the entire planet – Ft. Dane Wigington (89 minutes)