OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – May & June 2022
“Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.”
~Psalm 97:10
“God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.”
~Psalm 7:11
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
~ Psalm 94:16
We all know that with a global government comes a global tax, and Lucifer will impose a few of them on you:
It looks like it will be called a “carbon tax”. It’s name is not
important at all. What it is, and represents is what is important.
For at least the past decade we have heard the rumors that they
plan on attaching the global carbon tax to any property that you
own. I imagine that if you dare burn wood as an economical way to
keep from freezing to death, that the tax will be very high, and if
you dare take water out of the ground or have cut a single
tree,the tax goes astronomical. But, who knows exactly how they will
be able to implement their evil. The important thing is that they want to break and enslave you.
There will not be the only place you will pay this tax. I have no
proof other than my discernment, but I think that they will also implement this global tax through the IRS, and the income tax. Joe Biden’s 87,000 new
IRS agents are going to be busy regardless.
I want you to take note, that it is not hard to make strong
arguments that neither the property tax nor the income tax are
legitimate taxes!
What I find extremely interesting is that both of these
illegitimate avenues of taxation, are the 1st and 2nd plank of
the Satanic document called the Communist Manifesto!
Isn’t it fitting that the money collected for Lucifer’s New World
Order will be by 2 illegitimate Lucifer initiated taxes that Christianity has
fully accepted?
take them away because very few will be able to afford an
electric car.
Update on our special forces being forced to send personal weapons to Ukraine:
Just heard from a reliable source that the military men that gave the order for our special forces to give up some of their high end weapons, to be shipped to Ukraine, no longer exist on the planet.
It’s good to see men that understand what is at stake and do the right thing.
This is what the entire country was like in 1776. Those men knew good from evil and did not tolerate the latter.
Did Gods providence let me run across more info that indicates that you are going to pay a carbon tax on your property, and that your local property tax office is going along with it?
The listed “CARBON POTENTIAL” for my home is $179.
The question I must ask is why is this information in the same place as is information obtained from the tax collectors office? One thing I can guarantee is that this is not benevolent. We are talking about an office that implements the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto.
I wish to hell Americans would wake up and plan on how to counter this evil or we all are going to wake up homeless! A non-statutory trust would be a starting point, but for some reason Americans do not work on common goals. That is unless you are a on the left and a Communist, or Amish.
It looks very much like our property tax offices are selling our private information to companies that put this info into the public domain.
( It is worth noting that we do not take advantage of the various ways our rulers avoid this because we are not taught such things in the 12 year mandatory dumbing down camps called “public schools”. We live in a 2 tiered society here also.)
Ask yourself, is this any different than your bank making all of the information that they have on you public? Your home address? The balances in your accounts and your credit score?
It would be wrong if you bank did it and its wrong when government does!
If your bank were to throw you under the bus like the property tax office has at least you can choose to do business with another bank, you have options unlike with government .
It would be best to treat the root of the problem: The root is the implementation of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto. The idea that you can not own land. The idea, and the institution of taxing our homes and farms, is not something that should be tolerated in a free country.
I this tax as a denial of Christ, as it repudiates all of the Natural law principles that this country was founded upon.
The CIA latest mind control: What the term “Civil Right” really means.
Like the terms “Conspiracy theory” and “fear monger”, “civil right” is the latest in the Intelligence community’s use of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) for mind control of the American people.
To understand what a civil right is you need to understand the 13th. 14th, and 15th amendments to the US Constitution. Here is the quick explanation:
The 13th amendment made involuntary servitude a crime (though we still have tons of it and that is another important story) thus it made slavery of black people illegal. It freed the slaves.
The 14th amendment is the one that has become so twisted, I doubt that 100 people in the entire country have a clue as to what it really means. (again this twisting of law and language is classic CIA NLP mind control)
The 14th amendment was needed to create a special class of “citizens” for the freed slaves, that have no rights. They only have permissions from the government. Unlike you and I these 14th amendment citizens do not have unlimited God given rights.
Here are 2 resources to verify this:
The 14th Amendment Clarified
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv
Let me add that if you claim US citizenship, in many contexts, you are actually claiming 14th amendment citizenship. This is also what you are doing when you talk about having civil rights. When you do so you are claiming to be a 14th amendment citizen with no God given rights.. To be clear, In this country all citizenship is based on state citizenship, except for those lower class 14th amendment citizens. So claiming US citizenship is often, the same as claiming 14th amendment citizenship.
The 15th Amendment gave the very first, at that time, “civil right” (a government permission) to the freed slaves.
We live in a nation of dummies, where even on the Right-Conservative-Christian side, 99.9% of the people do not understand the above. They are giving their consent to this Luciferian idea of 14th amendment citizenship, and Civil rights when they say that they have “civil rights”. And as we all know Lucifer needs your consent to do anything to you and you just gave it to him. Lucifers greatest tool seems to be NLP mind control. It all started with Eve in the garden when he lied his way into getting Eve to eat from the tree.
Like many things that modern Christians support (like the war on drugs and the war on guns) this is blasphemy. of the highest order! You are saying that your rights do not come from the living God, but rather from your government! Satan is further involved, in the peeling of this onion, with his getting Adolph Hitlers very interpretation of Romans 13 accepted in almost all of our churches.
Romans 13 to the modern 501c3 church says that government is God. Submit submit submit…. even when your government tells you that IT is god, and that your rights come from them. So clearly blasphemy that a young child could see it, but modern Christians do not.
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: University of Pennsylvania eliminates MCAT requirement for non-White medical students – Natural News
Its just the beginning…
when they graduate medical school, and and can’t pass the
test for their medical license, they will be given “help” there too.
This discussion in reality is off base, as government has no authority whatsoever to get involved in mandatory medical licensing. (that was started by the globalist Rockefeller family BTW)
With the free market you could go to an AMA licensed doctor if you choose to, but with the free market you also could choose anyone else. Perhaps one from an accreditation that did not skew the requirements to graduate. It would be your choice, and we would be rid of the medical monopoly that allowed the COVID scam to murder millions! Don’t you think that medical people would have spoken up if it were not for the threats from illicit AMA monopoly that could keep them from being able to work? With the free market in medicine, as we had before 1912, hundreds of millions of COVID jab victims ,might well be alive, because medical workers could have warned them.
Do not lose sight that our pastors and churches do not believe that you have the God given right to choose your own medical care. Hell they sit idly by while children are given brain damaging fluoride in their water, without any consent whatsoever. If they ever stood up to evil this would be a different country.
Rutherford Institute Challenges Government Efforts to Undermine Sixth Amendment Rights in Criminal Cases – Rutherford Institute
After attending the 12 year dumbing down camps that we euphemistically refer to as public schools, American children know next to nothing about the principles that this country was founded upon. They do not know for instance that the people are above government, and that they can alter or abolish it, if it becomes tyrannical and does not secure their rights. Children that read the Declaration in grammar school 100 years ago, used to know this as did the general adult population. Today the general public does not know right from wrong as a result of not knowing our history and our rights both under God and under law.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, we the people have much more power than all government through 2 institutions that we have let the Satanic government completely destroy,, and make impotent because they conveniently did not teach you about them in the government schools!
Those 2 institutions that you think your understand, but in reality do not know about, are the Jury and the State Militias.
Our Satanic Government has taken your right to jury trials away on so many fronts that I can only skim the surface: They can take your children with CPS, and your county sheriff , without the due process of a jury trial, You can get a jury trial for littering, but not in matters of the state kidnapping your child into a system of state run sexual exploitation. If a creditor or the county tax collector sends men with guns to take the home you live in, again you do not get a jury trial. Attorneys also play a big part with “Voir Dire” used in jury selection. There is a lot more to the Satanic destruction of the jury that I don’t have room for here……
The State Militias were destroyed by the Criminal Federal government after the civil war, it scared the shit out of these tyrants that the states would be able to defend themselves against Federal tyranny, and put a stop to that ability. They went a step further and convinced the dumbed down population that the “National Guard” was somehow now the militia….. If you wish to do a deeper dive I suggest you watch:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
The Marshfield Mail is thinly veiled mind control, and so is your local “Newspaper”
Pushing the Globalist agenda using neuro linguistic programming (NLP)
is what the Marshfield Mail does. In the following 2 stories they push the globalist and Satanic war on guns and their war on drugs. That are pushed heavily through the Globalist United Nations.
In this story: Seymour Couple Charged with Class D Felonies they continue the indoctrination that somehow you do not have a God given right to choose what you ingest and that we delegated that right to government so they can dictate what we ingest.
In the second story : Update on Stolen Catalytic Converter Ring: they refer to an “unregistered firearm”. The 2nd amendment says “shall not be infringed” and in the holy bible Gods word never puts limits on your being able to defend yourself and your family. The bible never tells you that you must register your “sword” with Caesar. In fact Jesus told the disciples to buy a Roman sword which was illegal for them to own! So clearly Jesus did not believe in registering weapons instead he told his followers to ignore an evil law.
I think that Pastor Chuck Baldwin nailed what this so called ” newspaper” is doing, as a change agent for the new world order. They are creating a population that calls good evil and that call evil good.
Below is his message:
These People Are Out Of Their Minds! – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (86 minutes)
Chuck nails it! He points out what I learned years ago: That modern “Christians” absolutely do not know right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
‘Call evil good, and good evil’: Secret weapon to seduce, mesmerize Americans now revealed How tyrants and lunatics are enslaving Americans by redefining everything – WND.com
If there is one universal thing about the modern 501c.3 Church it is that they
have all been so dumbed down by the Satanic Agenda that they miserably fail any test of them know good from evil. As in Hosea 4:6 they also universally reject the knowledge to know right from wrong.
hey are absolutely ignorant of God’s Natural Laws.
Infowars.comI don’t know how our population can remain so ignorant about the widespread criminality of US police. Local “Police” just like the Federal FBI should be banned as an institution. There is no reforming of evil. We should go back to the single county sheriffs that we had 200 years ago. I suggest Balko’s book if you want details on how “law enforcement” used to work before the Satanists took it over: Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko
FWIW cavity searches are not rare. I have been the victim of the terrorists in blue in this matter. It is something that I will never forget.
Ukraine Flag Hanging Outside Texas Governor’s Mansion Sparks Backlash
by Kelen McBreen
The Texas governor has basically told us that he is on the New World Order team, and is running a mind control psy-op for them. How do you think Christians have come to where they do not know Good from evil? You are looking at one of the ways in this article.
Ted Cruz Questions Clueless FBI Director On ‘Nonsensical’ Document Claiming Patriotic Symbols Are Extremist – constitutionalrightspac.com
It looks like the FBI has taken this insanity directly from the Missouri Highway Patrol, that was (and still is?) waging a war on anyone in Missouri that dares cherish freedom!
Here are 2 MIAC reports from Missouri that were issued to the MO highway patrol . They demonize the militia and anyone that believes in “anarchy”. Unbeknownst to most Americans both of these terms have been twisted, and redefined in order to deceive and oppress you. Very much like they have recently changed the definition of “vaccine:”.
Here is a 9 minute Youtube on the Missouri MIAC report:
MIAC Report – What Government Really Thinks Of People That Want Freedom
There would not be a United States if there were not a militia. “Anarchy”, which literally means without a king, is the message that God’s prophet Samuel tried to convince the Israelite’s to continue with. The Declaration of Independence is also a document that endorses anarchy. The world renowned Rose Wilder Lane in her book: The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority comes to the same conclusion about God and the Declaration being supportive of not having a king (anarchy).
If we are going to call for the elimination of the FBI due to criminality we should also be calling for the elimination of the Missouri State Troopers, who FWIW are also involved in “asset forfeiture” which is nothing more than legalized theft. In fact “police” through asset forfeiture steal more than is taken through burglaries.
Stay tuned for an article exposing that many other Missouri Government entities that are just as tyrannical, and out of control as the FBI and the IRS.
BUT we have criminality of the same scale much closer to home, in our counties, and it is being ignored.
I am talking about the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto: the property tax collectors, whom if you do not pay their arbitrary extortion demands, that without the benefit of a jury trial, men with guns will come to either make you homeless, or if you refuse that offer, will kill you and your family.
The Christian churches sit silently by, chanting “government is god” is the most help you will get from these apostate anti-Christ organizations.
Ever wonder what “real” news you were missing by reading the MFP rather than the mainstream press such as the Marshfield Mail?
Wonder no longer! Absorb the wisdom of Pink Haired Girl, and become as educated on world affairs as your super educated peers in Webster County that read The Mail daily:
Go Explore
Live Your You
FWIW this is a related story:
Why Are No Conservatives Talking About This?! (Operation Mockingbird) – Mark Dice (9 minutes)
Two Suspects Involved in Whitmer Kidnapping Farce Face New Trial – Judge Will Not Allow Details from Previous Hung Jury As Evidence
By Joe Hoft
Judges for a long time have been taking over our courts. Juries are the 4th branch of government, and can overturn ANY tyrannical or unfair law.
According to Dr. Richard Proctor PhD, even the supreme court had jury trials at one time, because the Constitution demands it!
In 1804 in Madison v Marbury, the supreme court made a power grab of a power not given to them in the Constitution and declared themselves the ultimate arbiter of what is constitutional and what is not.
Jefferson did not agree with this:
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
It was at this time that Jefferson and another governor came up with the idea of State nullification of unconstitutional Federal actions. This was known as the Principles of ’98. The 9th and 10th amendments put this into writing.
FWIW this is how Missouri nullified illegitimate Federal gun and drug laws. Some of them at least.
To get back to my original point, I think it time to castrate the monsters that we today refer to as judges. We must demand a jury trial for anything and everything, that the government wishes to do to us. The “judge” if they even continue to exist, should only be a legal advisor to the jury with no power whatsoever to enforce any of his opinions onto them
I have not even touched upon the fact that the Feds do not even have geographical jurisdiction for their “kidnapping” charges. That is another article in itself.
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv – 56 minutes
Probably one of the most important things that is hidden from the American public:
Are you a 14th amendment citizen with only civil rights, or are you a State citizen with God given Inalienable rights?
And you thought that COVID was the biggest con going?
Not by a long shot.
You were dumbed down on purpose on this matter, and sadly most will remain that way.
Another 14th amendment resource:
The 14th Amendment Clarified
If you get through all of that you may want to check out:
16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv – 55 minutes
Elections in the era of Idiocracy
The town is covered with these signs. Apparently this is all of the information that one needs in order to pick which psychopath is going to lord over us for the next few years. There are never any links to a site where you can learn what those “selected” to run for office believe. If you dig in a little you learn that they really don’t want you to know what they believe. They avoid the important topics like the proverbial plague.
Dig a bit deeper and you learn that many are Trojan horses that actually belong to the party of Satan and are running as Republicans. You learn that almost none of them understand the Declaration or the Constitution. They do not understand God’s laws of nature and how this relates to legitimate government .
The entire voting system is a farce designed to lead a moronic public to falsely believe that they have a voice in their government. Voting can never work in a nation of idiots, and it will remain that way until we get rid of the 12 year indoctrination camps, that we call public schools. It will remain that way as long as we have pastors that are as dumbed down as their congregations. It will remain that way as long as our churches are headed by “hirelings” and not shepherds.
Stolen Elections: What Solutions Are Left? Elections Are Theatre in a Fake Hijacked Political System
The Stew Peters Show (22 minutes)
Idolatry of the standing army by “Modern Christians”
It amazes me how modern Christians have ignored the founders warning about standing armies. It was not the founders alone either, Jesus Christ warned us when he said “those that live by the sword will die by the sword”.
The founders also gave us the answer to standing armies in the 2nd amendment, and we have chosen to ignore that also:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Alex Jones recently illustrated why the founders were so wary of standing armies: He has multiple times relayed that he had a family member in special forces during the 1980’s. This family member was part of many teams of US soldiers, that went around the US killing American Citizens without trial or charges!
Standing armies the founders knew would always be turned against the people, and both our “military” and our “police” have been turned against us for quite some time.
The so called Christian church remains silent. They are under the Johnson amendment, (2) and don’t wish to lose their tax exempt status, after all that is more important than following the word of God. Almost all of them also believe in a clearly false Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, that basically says that “government is God”. Not much different than the Catholic idolatry of the Pope or Mary. It is going backwards to the time of “the divine right of kings”. Divine right of kings is how most Christians falsely view government.
I think it’s blasphemy no matter how you slice it.
I have said it before and it’s still true, if you want to find a bunch of stupid people, they can easily be found in the modern Christian church. Don’t shoot the messenger as God said the same thing in Hosea 4:6 and in ~Revelation 3:15-16
With the current version of the NDAA our Satanically run government is clearly planning on using the standing army to kill you, if you support God given rights, instead of government granted permissions.
Please read this. This is what is soon coming, and most will go along. Perhaps the most important story that you have ever read. Make sure to follow the links and read the continuing parts:
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”
~Matthew 10:26
BOMBSHELL HACK OF NWO GLOBALISTS! Never Before Seen Glaring Details of the GREAT RESET Revealed The highly classified info/data that follows about the ‘never seen before’ details of the Great Reset is as radioactive as it gets. – The Burning Platform

Do you understand that when the bankers soon declare force majeure, that you will not have access to any monies, to pay your mortgage. your property tax, your electric bill, etc? The only way to do so will be for you to become part of the beast system. You will receive a small amount of digital cash each month on your smart phone app, and if you behave yourself they will not deduct huge fines from that amount. You will be living under the Chinese social credit system.
The money you are given will not be enough, and the NWO will offer to wipe your debts out IF you give up all property rights to own anything for the rest of your life. They have been beta testing this with the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto, and so far modern Christians have accepted all 10 planks!
A more complete form of slavery has never been invented. A lot of blame for this coming about, can be shouldered by the “Christians” that were too lazy to learn what fractional reserve banking, and fiat money are. They have been too cowardly to have fought the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto which they now all accept. The modern Christians Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, the idolatry that essentially says that “government is god”, also is a big reason that this has come about.
If you missed it you should also read this part of the article:
The sovereign accounts of the rich and powerful-exposed
Drug Court celebrates again – The Marshfield Mail
We are near a nuclear confrontation with Russia, and the Satanically run local papers like the Marshfield Mail, run a MK ultra psyop designed to convince you that violating your God given rights, with “drug laws” handed to them by the United Nations Globalists, is a good thing.
Einstein was right when he called human ignorance “infinite”.
Didn’t the book 1984 predict that we would be taught to love our enslavement?
DoJ expected to file antitrust lawsuit against Google in weeks – Bloomberg News
The ultimate irony. The US government often uses the so called anti-trust laws against companies that it does not like, and perceives as a threat, while at the same time supporting real monopolies that are created, and protected by government!
A few of these government created monopolies are:
1.) The medical monopoly started by New World Order Globalists the Rockefeller’s family.
2.) The legal “BAR” monopoly designed so that very few can afford legal advice and representation.
3.)The educational monopoly so that the state can in indoctrinate all of the youth.
4.)The fractional reserve bank monopoly so that the globalists can get rich and make you poor by counterfeiting the money supply.
5.) The standing army monopoly, is the reason that the Federal Government gutted the state militias right after the civil war. (the “police” are in a similar category)
6.) The judicial supremacy monopoly where Federal Courts criminally write our laws and whose decisions supersede the people and the Constitution!
7.) The USPS monopoly even though the Constitution did not create a postal monopoly.
These are perhaps the most destructive monopolies, and there are many more. Ask yourself in each case above, is this the free market? Or is this a created and protected monopoly?
The American people are so dumbed down that they don’t see what these institutions really are. They are told that these unconstitutional as hell monopolies are for our own good, and your average American does not have the mental horsepower to figure out otherwise.
FWIW I wrote the Missouri AG a month ago about the very real fraud that Google is pulling concerning having to pay for a Gmail account, and they don’t seem to be in the least interested in very clear fraud committed against the citizens of Missouri
Ozarks MO sherrifs department tells citizens to go to hell……
We were never meant to have an institution called “law enforcement” that pretends to protect us, but can not. The growth and acceptance and idolatry of this standing army, by Christians, has received much assistance from the Globalist servants of Lucifer, as this institution lets Lucifer’s legislatures pass illegitimate laws, and these “order followers” blindly and criminally enforce them!
Much like the Modern Christian Church, what we call “law enforcement” has also had a great falling away. If you wish to understand what law enforcement was in 1776 then you need to read the intro and 1st chapter of Balco’s book on the topic.
That and the public needs to learn that they are supposed to defend themselves, but criminal sheriffs departments have been disarming Americans for over 100 years, making self defense much less certain.
Unfortunately our county sheriffs departments have strayed and have become order following standing armies that are many times the enemy of the people that they are supposed to serve.
They should all be required to read the intro and first chapter of Balco’s book which provides an excellent explanation of what sheriffs departments are supposed to be and how they operated in the past.
Army Cuts 60,000 Unvaccinated Guard and Reserve Soldiers From Training and Pay as COVID Vaccine Mandate Deadline Passes – The Defender
If these 60,000 men and women had really wanted to protect the God given Liberties in this county, they would have joined the militia as the second amendment says is “necessary” if we wish to remain free.
Instead they joined an out of control standing army, against the advice of the founders, and the advice of Jesus Christ when he said that “those that live by the sword shall die by the sword”.
They fight in unconstitutional, undeclared wars. They have killed 20 million people in 37 countries since the end of WW2. They have helped create a Worldwide American Empire, committing war crimes all along the way.
Wars of aggression are war crimes as is the use of depleted Uranium.
God even has a special hatred of unjust wars if you recall what he did to King David for just planning an unjust war of aggression.
What they have not done, is to go after our “Domestic Enemies” nor done much else to protect the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon. We hate a domestic enemy in the White house and in most of our government, and what is this standing army doing?
Nothing, because they are paid by the Domestic Enemy, and just as the founders predicted both of our standing armies are going to be turned against us.
Being in a State Militia would have been a much better choice.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
This verse perfectly describes the Modern Christian Church. It also describes the abomination that we call “law enforcement“.
It is ironic that few if any of the above can tell you any planks of the Communist Manifesto but at the same time they fully supporting it, either through their actions or inaction! They are following what I call “the Satanic Agenda”. This is what Isaiah 5:20 talks about. They don’t know light from dark, or sweet from bitter. Through apathy, complacency, ignorance, and cowardice, they do not know right from wrong!
Hosea 4:6 also speaks to this sad and dangerous state of affairs:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
~Hosea 4:6
Lucifer is very good at mind control of the human race. He began with Eve and has only gotten much better at it over the next 6,000 years. Today most Christians are so mind controlled that they believe that they support good, and justice, when demonstrably nothing could be further from the truth.
On April 15th they willingly pay the illegitimate (for multiple reasons) income tax that goes directly to the Globalists that are trying to kill off the human race for their master Lucifer. I call this paying tribute to Satan. Which if you do your due diligence , that is exactly what it is.
The same goes with the other planks of the Communist Manifest.
Modern Christians do not even remotely understand “The laws of nature and the laws of God” as the Declaration puts it, even though 150 years ago every seminary school taught it as a separate subject. The 18th & 19th century bible commentators very often referred to God’s Natural Laws. Even children were conversant on the topic of natural law at the time.
Modern Christians also are utterly ignorant of the Declaration, and the Constitution. What they “do know” is usually wrong. As a result the modern Church is a huge supporter of “the Satanic Agenda”. They call light dark and dark light. They are a huge supporter of evil and lawlessness.
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
~Matthew 7:23
I fear that many Modern Christians as well as our County Sheriffs are going to hear these words when before Christ at the White Judgement Throne.
Did Churchill have a crystal ball?
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed;
if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly;
you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you
and only a small chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill
It took a Nation of moronic evil losers to have let this happen.
When we could have easily won this battle if we loved the Lord, cared or paid attention.Sadly most will become slaves rather than fight when the time comes.
I hope that they have a great time in the Fema/DHS “Fun Camps”. That is where most of the cowards most will end up.
God has even worse for them:“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
April 15th, shamefully the day “Christians” quite literally pay tribute to Satan
You thought UPS shafting gun companies was bad? – Legally Armed America (14 minutes)
This is what happens when you give government unlimited god like powers through things like the IRS, to terrorize and coerce private business’s.
We can thank Modern Christianity’s bastardized interpretation of Romans 13 for our tyrannical government. None of them have bothered to study the Constitution, or God’s Natural Law. A collection of really stupid people is what the Church is today. God warned them in Hosea 4:6 yet they still do not listen.
UPS Reportedly Cancels Accounts Of Gun Dealers Selling ‘Ghost Gun’ — They May ‘Seize And Destroy’ Package – Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoff
On a personal note, last month UPS seized and refused to return an exchange with MidwayUSA a Missouri based gun company. USP is now stealing from the poor like myself.
What no one is saying:
Even Evil Organisations accidentally produce exceptionally good people.
I was taken back today when the recently deceased ” Dr. Z” stated that he was a follower of the Talmud, and I assume identifies as an Orthodox Jew.
What a dichotomy. Almost as glaring as the Nazi “Jews” in the Ukraine.
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