October – November , 2021 Breaking news and thoughts:
Missouri Free Press: August – September, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts
All past “breaking news and thoughts”
also: COVID long haulers (Chronic COVID Treatment Center)
FREE BOOK: COVID-19: The Great Reset – July 9, 2020 Klaus Schwab (110 pages)
Check out this Missouri based AR and firearms parts retailer:

THE 501(c)(3) INCORPORATED CHURCH© – “DOWN AND DIRTY” – By Barbara Ketay
501c3 facts – Hush Money
Biblical Law Center – Helping Local Assemblies To Be Free New Testament Churches
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee (97 minutes) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
The Talmud, Chabadism And Noahide Laws– Chuck Baldwin (67 minutes)
South Korean Doctors Examine Pfizer & Moderna Shots When Warmed: Discover “Alive, Moving Organism” (Video) – Steve Peters Show – sonsoflibertymedia.com (13 minutes)
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
Fauci’s Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
YOU really should listen to this and pass it on.
People often miss that when an individual stands up for the truth that they are not only standing up for their and your rights they also stand up for Jesus Christ as he is the ultimate truth. ~MFP
*** I am finding out that people in the medical field even when presented with undeniable proof of the genocide, reject it. Very much like the citizens of Germany who were unable to accept the fact that their government was gassing Jews when presented with that fact.
The 2 articles directly below explain how Mass Formation Psychosis also explains what is going on in the medical field ~MFP
New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics – Medical Kidnap (article and 40 minute video)
I want to point out that it is not just the people taking the Jab that are under Mass Formation Psychosis, much of the Christian church has also fallen for this
Satanic form of mind control.
Mass Formation Psychosis: DR. ROBERT MALONE – BILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY THIS & THEY DON’T REALIZE IT (12 minutes – highly recommended)
THIS IS HOW WE WIN – Greg Reese (6 minutes – about Mass Formation Psychosis –highly recommended )
Big Tech Is Using Our Cell Phones In A Creepy New Display Of Vax Brainwashing & Mind Control: A List Of The Tactics Being Used And Stories The MSM Will Never Report On – allnewspipeline.com
Ad Campaigns -Propaganda- Try to Normalize Problems from COVID Vax – Hal Turner Radio
In the US we have no civil defense. There are no fall out shelter for we the sheep, only our leaders. Our electrical grid is not hardened against an EMP attack. In Russia they recently put 40 million citizens into fallout shelters, and have hardened both their Internet and electrical grid.
Who’s government sounds like they care at all about their citizens?
The fact that the US plans on resuming income tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear war that they will not protect us from speaks volumes about the US government:
Not Even Nuclear War Will Stop The IRS
The IRS will still collect taxes, even after a nuclear attack!
TIL the IRS has instructions for employees on how to collect taxes after a nuclear war
In 1989, the IRS updated its employee manual with information on how the agency will deal with a nuclear war. According to the manual, the IRS will resume tax collection within 30 days of a nuclear attack. Tax collection efforts will be focused on areas that produce the most taxes. The manual also states that the staff is to focus on collecting current taxes because the widespread destruction could make it nearly impossible to recover previously owed taxes.
Tom Littleton On Church Receiving Money from FEMA And Department of Homeland Security. How The Deep State’s Buying Off Churches.– frankspeech.com (13 minutes)
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
Search: clergy response teams
Citizens of Mariupol Given 24 Hours to Evacuate via “Safe Corridors” Before Russia Offensive Begins – Hal Turner Radio
Secret, Leaked Speech by Chinese Defense Minister Demonstrates China’s Intent to Destroy America (pt 1) – Dave Hodges
So you think that Ukraine is the only issue? China is planning to exterminate every American prior to their colonization plans.This is a 5 part series that exposes this globalist plot to exterminate you and establish China as the world policeman.
A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board – Forbes
The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale – The Burning Platform
‘Question All Of It’ – The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
What a thoughtful bunch of psychopaths we have lording over us.
The Russians only get Fall out shelters, an EMP hardened power grid. and a government that has their best interest in mind.
We in the USA get a web page and a government that wants to jab us to death.
The state of Missouri has a Satanic psychopath in charge and most, especially the churches are OK with that……
This really woke me up today. To discover that the Missouri Governor’s office is pushing the New World Order death jabs! If you are not convinced that the entire world, including the Missouri governors office lies in the evil one… I just don’t know how to fix the special kind of stupid that you are.
They are pushing these Satanic vaccines for 5 year olds!!!!
It looks to me that the Missouri Governor is a real piece of Satanic Shite and he should be tried for crimes against humanity and spend the rest of his life in a jail cell I can not put into words my disgust with government in general but this POS governor we have. If we are lucky he will migrate to North Korea where he might be in like minded psychopathic company.
Hurry up and MURDER your 5 year olds – seems to be the goal of the head psychopath of the state of Missouri,
INTERVIEW: It May Be Too Late for America but Individual Salvation Is Still Possible- Steve Quayle – Dave Hodges (54 minutes)
*** Ukraine Member of Parliament: “We Fight for the New World Order” – Hal Turner Radio Show
This says it all! Let it sink in….Yet we have Americans so phucking stupid, and lacking in historical knowledge, that they are supporting the Ukraine…. just like Klaus Schwab and George Soros want them to. ~MFP
The Vaccine Court Exposed: The Dark Truth Of America’s Vaccine Schedule – Stew Peters Show (11 minutes)
Situation Update Feb 28, 2022 – The Biden / Putin TAG-TEAM escalation to global thermonuclear WAR – Mike Adams (76 minutes)
URGENT Health Ranger mega thread on Russia, nuclear war, cyber attacks and impending financial collapse – Natural News
US embassy just REMOVED all their Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB DOCUMENTS from the website… Here they are… – strangesounds.org
The same people in the US that created COVID were and still are creating bioweapons right next to Russia in the Ukraine. Do you think that the US would let Russia set up bio-weapon labs right across the border in Canada?
Putin Speech: Russia Had ‘No Other Option’ But To Launch Ukraine Invasion Because West ‘Deceived’ Us About NATO Expansion – Infowars.com
Get Cash Out of The Bank NOW! World Leaders Detonating ‘Financial Nuclear Bomb’ – In 2021 Russians Warned Removal From SWIFT Banking System Would Be ‘Financial Armageddon’ – All News Pipeline
Biden Handed over Intelligence to China on Ukraine, China Gave It to Russia Joe Biden has reportedly been giving intel to Chinese Communist Party for months SQ;BIDEN HAS NOW BECOME ‘TRAITOR AND THIEF’-LET THIS HEADLINE SINK IN – neonnettle.com
Bank Runs Underway In Russia As US & EU Agree To Cut Off Country From SWIFT System – Infowars.com
New FDA and CDC Study Shows They Know COVID Vaccines are Causing Myocarditis in Children but They Refuse to Pull Them from the Market – Medical Kidnap
Official Government Data: Twice as Many Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines in 1 Year as Deaths Following All Vaccines for the Previous 30 Years – Medical Kidnap
Ohio and Texas Issue Warning on Toxic Chemical Found in Mailed At-Home COVID Testing Kits – Infowars.com
8:00 AM EST Sunday – Russia Puts Nukes into “Special Combat Mode” – This is now a “DEFCON” Situation — CHINA Calls U.S. “The Real Danger in the World” – Hal Turner Radio
”AGENDA is the most powerful expose of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far.”
Ted Baehr, MovieGuide
EU Moves Toward Ousting Russia From SWIFT as Germany Shifts – bloombergquint.com
Attorney Tom Renze Seeks Nuremburg Trials and Justice for the Criminals That Have Imposed Medical Fraud Upon the Country – Dave Hodges (55 minutes)
Galileyo Alert:
Tom Littleton On Church Receiving Money from FEMA And Department of Homeland Security. How The Deep State’s Buying Off Churches.– frankspeech.com (13 minutes)
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
Search: clergy response teams
Russian Defector Warned What Would Happen Right Before WWIII: ‘The Overture’ – ‘Grey Terror’ Hits America’s Food Supply System, Another Reason Food Prices Will Keep Skyrocketing – All News Pipeline
Central Banks Risk Being Hit With Missiles if they Cut Russia from SWIFT Banking System – Hal Turner Radio
Supreme Court Sees Nothing Wrong with Prolonged, Warrantless Spying by Police Using Hidden Cameras – Rutherford Institute
This is funny as the Constitution does not even give the Supreme Court the right of Judaical Supremacy. ~MFP
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
SQ;RED ALERT!—NATO response force activated for first time eve:’This is a historic moment and the very first time the Alliance has employed these high readiness forces in a deterrence and defense role’. – americanmilitarynews.com
Ukraine War – Day 2 : *****FLASH ***** NATO SENDING LETHAL AID INTO UKRAINE BY CONVOY (See bottom) – Hal Turner Radio
Murder for money: Whistleblower reveals hospitals get PAID for every COVID patient admitted – Natural News
PEOPLE Become THE PLAGUE: Bill Gates Developing Needle-Less Vaccine That Spreads Like A Virus To The Unvaccinated
by Ethan Huff | NaturalNews.com
Why Whoever Still Wears a Facial Mask Is a Complete Idiot – Fernando Chiocca – Lew Rockwell
Russia accuses US of developing bioweapons near its borders – Natural News
Situation Update, Feb 25, 2022 – The REAL story on Ukraine, Putin, NATO and the globalist war against humanity – Natural News (80 minutes)
Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States (4 minutes)
New JAMA Paper Show Ivermectin Blows the Covid Vaccines Out of the Water – Steve Kirsch
Weather Modification Has Quite a War-ish Background – Organic Prepper
California Nurse: “I Want People to Know What I Lost to this Vaccine – I am Living a Nightmare, It’s Not Worth it.” – Medical Kidnap
Russian Strikes Targeting US-Run Bio-Labs in Ukraine? – Adan Salazar
PUTIN HITS US-UKRAINE BIOLABS! – Jeffery Prather (63 minutes)
Biden regime claims Russia is about to unleash cyberattack against power plants, water treatment facilities and banks – Natural News
WHEN this happens, remember that it will be the US government that is most likely behind the cyber attacks. After all the US government just got though completely destroying our own military.
It is clear that they are not on our side.
They have spent the past 10 years getting a war with Russia going in the Ukraine. Biden is just projecting what he plans to do to you.
The War Has Begun! How Far Will It Go? The Doug and Dave Intel Report (55 minutes)
Russia Commences De-Militarization and De-Nazification of Ukraine BY FORCE – Hal Turner Radio
Steve Quayle on Galileyo alert 2/23/22:
FREE BOOK: COVID-19: The Great Reset – July 9, 2020 Klaus Schwab (110 pages)
HUGE! What’s Really Happening In Ukraine… – WeAreChange (13 minutes)
How to Get Along With Narrative Believers – NARRATIVE SCRIPTS – AwakenWithJP (7 minutes)
Tom Littleton On Church Receiving Money from FEMA And Department of Homeland Security. How The Deep State’s Buying Off Churches.– frankspeech.com (13 minutes)
Many churches have gone full East German Stazi under FEMA. This IMHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the apostate state of the church in these United States. ~MFP
Search: clergy response teams
LIVE UPDATES: U.S. issues new warning to Ukrainian Gov’t: Latest intelligence points to full scale attack imminently. At particular risk, northeastern city of Kharkiv – Hal Turner Radio
Trudeau makes protests for whites illegal while exempting refugees, immigrants, ethnic minorities – Dave Hodges
The Technocrats New World Order Advances – Expect “Cyber Attacks” Soon – Medical Kidnap
Everything you see going on in the world right now is pushing toward implementation of global digital ID and global digital money system: The Fourth Reich is rising – leohohmann.com
If It Can Happen in Canada, It Can Happen Here – Gary D. Barnett
Guest stuns Joe Rogan with details on how World Economic Forum infiltrates world governments – lifesitenews.com
Russia Warns Of “Brave New World” Of Higher Gas Prices After Germany Halts Nord Stream 2 – Tyler Durden – ero Hedge
Zero Hedge
Republican congresswoman to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian freedom protesters persecuted by Trudeau – Natural News
US Department of defence altering their data to hide jab injuries.
12-Year-Old Suffers Painful Blisters All Over Body Following 1st Moderna Dose – Doctors Still Urge 2nd Dose – Adan Salazar – Infowars
12-Year-Old Suffers Painful Blisters All Over Body Following 1st Moderna Dose – Doctors Still Urge 2nd Dose – Adan Salazar – Infowars
Why Is Russia Doing Naval Training Over the Undersea Cables Connecting the US and Europe? – Organic Prepper
Edward Snowden: UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle – helenastales.weebly.com
Blackout Hits Kiev; Government and Banking Web Sites under Ddos Attack – Hal Turner Radio
An electric blackout has struck the capital of Ukraine this hour and comes as government and banking web sites throughout the country have been subjected to Distributed Denial of Service (Ddos) attacks all day. Most Ukrainian government web sites are offline as are most of the biggest banks in the country.
More as it becomes available. Check back………..
COVERT INTEL – Banking Warning from Russian Embassy – Subscribers Only – Hal Turner Radio Show
This content is for Subscribers only —
A Russian National here in the New York City area has told me this morning he was contacted by the Russian Embassy. According to him, the Embassy recommended considering making plans to leave the US within the next week and to have enough physical currency on hand to cover the trip in case interruptions occur in banking.
On my radio show last night, I specifically told my audience they should start grabbing cash money out of the banks – albeit for a different reason. I now reiterate that advice given this latest development.
For the Russian Embassy to be calling its citizens within the United States, telling them they should leave within the next week AND to have cash “in case interruptions occur in banking” tells me the Russians KNOW something big enough is going to take place that Russian citizens may no longer want to stay in the USA, and they ALSO KNOW that something big enough IS GOING TO HAPPEN to cause “interruptions in banking.”………
Putin: Minsk agreements no longer exist. Ukraine must be demilitarized, give up NATO ambitions. Lavrov: Ukraine does not have Sovereignty – Outside Control – Hal Turner Radio
Russian Federation Council GRANTS PERMISSION For Use of Russia Forces “Outside the nation” – Hal Turner Radio
Ukraine Resumes Fighting; Shells Luhansk Despite Presence of Russia Peacekeepers – Hal Turner Radio
Fighter jets scramble to examine mysterious orb over Hawaii, military officials say:
Explosion Rocks Huge Louisiana Refinery – manufacturing.net
Corrupt CDC quietly lowers speech standards for children rather than admit ongoing COVID mandates are harming them – Natural News
The Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Great Reset | Timothy Alberino talks with Leo Zagami (81 minutes)
Rand Paul Warns That Trudeau’s Tyrannical Emergencies Act Can Be Implemented In U.S. – Steve Watson
Hell yes. “Christians” have sat idly by for decades doing nothing about tyrannical “laws” and executive orders that are as bad or worse than Canada’s “Emergency Act”
Universal Basic Income, How To Sleepwalk Yourself Into Serfdom. Part II: Government: The Hand That Feeds and Takes – jansiebenga.com
The Truth About the Fort Knox Gold – dailyreckoning.com
CDC finally admits, casually, that covid nasal “testing” swabs were used to sequence people’s genomes for analysis – citizens.news
Massive! CDC Admits To Collecting COVID Nasal Swab PCR Tests For Genomic Sequencing Analysis – Kelen McBreen
The Russian Fertilizer Export Ban is Going to Hit Your Wallet HARD – Organic Prepper
Putin orders Russian military to Donbass Republics as peacekeepers – RT.com
NEW INTEL: US power grid to be taken down with cyber attack false flag kill switch – Mike Adams (12 minutes)
Situation Update, Feb 21, 2022 – Nameless, faceless POLICE GOONS in Ottawa may be UN troops – Mike Adams (78 minutes)
Minneapolis police hold concealed carrier at gunpoint
– Tom Knighton – bearingarms.com
Back in 1776 we used to have a single county sheriff and his pose that served as “law enforcement
This new institution of “police” must be disbanded if this country is ever to regain it’s past liberties and rights.
Tyrannical criminal, actions like this should carry very long mandatory prison sentences. If this man had shot and killed all of the thugs in blue uniforms I would have voted “not guilty” on jury duty and shook his hand.
How Soviet Doctors Stopped a Smallpox Epidemic and Prevented Major Tragedy – RT Documentary (7 minutes)
*** Video: Canadian MP’s Audio Feed CUT When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Brags About Having “Infiltrated” Parliament – Steve Watson (story and 1 minute video)
******** FLASH ******** Video: Russian Armor now 2,000 FEET From Ukraine Border, in ATTACK FORMATION (See 9:36 AM Update at Bottom) – Hal Turner Radio
Ottawa Police Chief: Protesters Will Be Hunted Down and Punished Even If They ‘Retreat And Go Home’ – Jamie White – Infowars
Trudeau Regime Will Start Confiscating Pets Belonging to Freedom Convoy Protesters – Gateway Pundit
Why shouldn’t guns be in hospitals? – bearingarms.com
68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and NIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines – Medical Kidnap
Shock Report: Microwave Energy Weapons May Have Been Deployed Against Canberra Freedom Convoy – Need to Know News
Russians Weld Anti-Javelin Missile Cages Onto Tanks Outside Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
Maximum Red Alert Sunday Emergency Broadcast: Western Leaders Claim War With Russia Has Already Begun + MTG Live In Studio FULL SHOW 2-20-22 – Alex Jones Show (90 minutes)
Canada Has Fallen, America Is In Final Stages! Here Comes the CHICOM Peacekeepers! — The Doug and Dave Intel Report – Dave Hodges (55 minutes)
Is Nuclear War With Russia Imminent? Emergency Saturday Broadcast – Alex Jones Show (133 minutes)
Almost a must watch. ~MFP
Biden Declares ‘National Emergency’ Ahead of Freedom Convoy Heading Towards Washington D.C.‘If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges,’ the intereim police chief – beckernews.com
Don’t you think that a lot of culpability ought to go to those that disarmed this woman? The psychopaths in the British Parliament and their order following British “police”. ~MFP
TO KILL & CONTROL – A Brief History of Unlawful Human Experiments – Greg Reese – Infowars (6 minutes)
Very much worth listening to , especially if you already don’t know about the huge extent of this in the USA. ~MFP
Breaking: Rebel News Reporter Attacked & Shot By Ottawa Nazi Police (Video) – sonsoflibertymedia.com
What Most of Us Do Not Want to Know about Cell-Phone Technology – Need to Know News
Situation Update, Feb 18, 2022 – The Nazis weren’t defeated… they went covert and now run CANADA and the WORLD – Mike Adams (75 minutes)
WORD ON THE STREET: New York City Hasidim EVACUATING to Catskill Mountains NOW – Hal Turner Radio Show
Fighting in Ukraine “Worst in years” UPDATED Russia Makes It Official: “Genocide underway By Kiev in Donbass” – Hal Turner Radio
Over-The-Horizon Radar Jamming! (This Radar Detects Inbound Nuke Missiles!) – Hal Turner Radio
GIANTS: Mysteries of the Desert Southwest Deepened | Steve Quayle & Adam – Field Researcher & Historian | The Hagmann Report 2/17/2022 (90 minutes)
This was contained in the latest Hal Turner post on the Ukraine:
4:40 PM EST —
Employees of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were told today as they were leaving work “Go immediately to the supermarket and make sure you have plenty of food, water, and medicine for yourself and your family.” They have **NEVER** received such a warning from work, ever before, in the whole history of FEMA.
Situation Update, Feb 17, 2022 – Canadian BANK RUNS begin + CDC admits covid test swabs were genetically SCANNED – Mike Adams (64 minutes)
Feds Sue Missouri over 2nd Amendment Preservation Act – Tenth Amendment Center
This really hits home as I was given credit by the Tenth Amendment Center for motivating them to write this model legislation.
This tyrannical law-fair use of the courts has been going on for over 10 years. The 2nd amendment preservation act, passed in Missouri 10 years ago but it seems like the system does not give a damn about the will of the people nor the true intent of the 2nd amendment.
FYI the entire act has been gutted by the psychopaths in Jeff city that apparently do the bidding of the Satanic Globalists.
Shockwave Warnings Of Hemorrhagic Fever Coming To The United States – Stew Peters Show (21 minutes)
The US Is Facing a Dangerous Prescription Drug Shortage – Organic Prepper
Only for those dumb enough to take these poisons.
Long Range Acoustic Device Used Against Peaceful Protesters In Australia – Strange Health Issues – Red Ice TV (11 minutes)
Freedom Convoy Protesters Are About To Get Arrested En Masse – TYLER DURDEN
It’s Official: The American Church Is Apostate – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Ukraine Army Fires Mortars Into Donetsk and Luhansk – Hal Turner Radio
Father Charged With Attempted Murder After Defending Family During Police Raid – Matt Agorist
“Modern Police” should be immediately disbanded. They have become a standing army that lords over us. They are order followers that are no different than the guards at Auschwitz that gassed Jews.
We need to go back to 1776 with a single elected county sheriff and his posse of citizens, otherwise known as the Militia of the several states.
Flashback: China Accused of Collecting People’s DNA Like the CDC Admitted to Today for Genomic Sequencing Analysis – Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit
Baby Murder Protocol: Infants Separated From Parents, Given Remdesivir By Medical Industrial Complex – Stew Peters Show (14 minutes)
The Goals of the ET’s- Timothy Alberino – Dave Hodges (55 minutes)
Biden and Trudeau Are Cornered and This Makes them Even More Dangerous – Dave Hodges
US & Russian Jets In Dangerous Intercept Incident Over Syria – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
“A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue”: FDA Exec Admits Biden Planning Annual Shots, Including Toddlers – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
‘Extraterrestrials Are Working With US Government’ Claims Air Force Veteran & Nuclear Physicist – helenastales.weebly.com
Were Hundreds of Members of Congress Treated for COVID-19 with Ivermectin? – welovetrump.com
About Masks: So Simple, Even A College Graduate Can Understand Despite Being Educated to the level of Stupid – Hal Turner Radio
Trudeau’s State Media Labels ‘Freedom’ A “Far Right” Concept
by Steve Watson
What Americans and all Westerners should learn from Canada’s digital crackdown on freedom:With the stroke of a pen and an announcement from a podium, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hasdeclared himself supreme dictator over CANADA! – leohohmann.com
Premeditated Genocide by the Medical Drug Cartel– Kelleigh Nelson – newswithviews.com
Canada Expands “Terrorist Financing Rules” To Shut Down Freedom Convoy Funding – thepulse.one
JUNK SCIENCE: FBI agents LIED in courts for DECADES claiming a visual “hair match” was enough to convict people of rape or murder – Natural News
Wholly corrupt FBI guilty of pushing flawed “bullet markings” junk science in order to win gun-related convictions – Natural News
Remdesivir Is Approved by the FDA and Recommended by the NIH to Treat COVID-19 but it Is a Toxic Drug that Is Killing Patients – greatmountainpublishing.com
Anyone involved in prescribing Remdesivir , should in my opinion, spend the rest of their lives safely locked away in a prison cell, That includes local doctors and the hospital administrators that are pushing this poison.
Situation Update, Feb 14, 2022 – SOURCE: China releasing bioweapon during olympic games; natural molecules may BLOCK the deadly protein – Mike Adams (83 minutes)
Canadian Parliament Votes AGAINST Lifting Mandates – “Emergency Act Powers” expected by TODAY ! ! ! – Hal Turner Radio
Martial Law: Trudeau Gov’t Invokes ‘Terrorism’ Laws To Seize Bank Accounts & Crypto of Freedom Convoy Supporters – Jamie White
Canadian Government BLOCKS all Social Media Postings – No information can get out of Canada via Social Media– Hal Turner Radio
Members Of Congress EXPOSE The Insane Corruption In Washington – Timcast IRL (12 minutes)
Bivy Satellite Messenger – what you need to know about it and how to use it (5 minutes)
“Not Going To Happen To Me Again” – Prepping Goes Mainstream In Post-COVID Era – TYLER DURDEN
Calling the Shots: Dr. Bryan Ardis Believes Pope Francis Is Behind Covid and the Jabs – The JD Rucker Show (60 minutes)
Why the hell did you not DEMAND that the Country sheriff help you rescue a kidnap victim? Why? The county sheriff has a LOT of culpability in this murder. ~MFP
ATF Tries To Ban Forced Reset Triggers As People Begin To 3D Print At Home
– TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
The unconstitutional, anti-American, and tyrannical, commie BATF needs to be abolished ASAP! Charges might be able to be brought individually against them under USC18 sections 241 and 242.
Exclusive: Dr. Li-Meng Yan Reveals CCP Plans to Spread Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon Via Olympics, and She Shares the Cure – The JD Rucker Show (article and 54 minute interview)
Globalists are coming for your cars, your cash, and your bodily integrity, and if they succeed they will own everything and you will be their slave in the coming digitized feudal system
‘We are all truckers now’ – Leo Hohmann
FREE to watch -2 in house Infowars Documentaries on the COVID Psyop:
COVIDLAND: The Lockdown (86 minutes)
COVIDLAND: The Mask (80 minutes)
BOOK: Battlefield America: The War On The American People:
Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people are now the enemy combatants to be spied on, tracked, frisked, and searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. Battlefield America: The War on the American People is constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead’s terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself. In exchange for safe schools and lower crime rates, we have opened the doors to militarized police, zero tolerance policies in schools, and SWAT team raids. The insidious shift was so subtle that most of us had no idea it was happening. This follow-up to Whitehead’s award-winning A Government of Wolves, is a brutal critique of an America on the verge of destroying the very freedoms that define it. Hands up!―the police state has arrived.

This is an incredibly relevant read.
Get a used copy if you can as the price has jumped.
Read just the preface and 1st chapter of Rise of the Warrior Cop if you are short on time.
Rise of the Warrior Cop
Los Angeles sheriff stripped of his enforcement power after he refused to make his staff get vaccinated despite county-wide mandate
Freedom Convoy votes to STAY on the bridge and defy Trudeau’s order to clear it by 7pm and threat that ‘everything is on the table’ – including using the military – after call with Biden to discuss Americans backing the protest – Daily Mail
Why a High-Ranking FBI Attorney Is Pushing ‘Unbelievable’ Junk Science on Guns
Forensic analysts testify at trials as “experts.” But juries don’t know that their methods “seriously underestimate the false positive rate.” – thedailybeast.com
It has come out again again and again that the FBI is at the very least an extremely criminal organization…. Agent Ted Gunderson eposed years ago that they were Satanic and pedophilia in nature
Bottom line boys and girls is that these criminal commie bastards are coming for your guns. What is really disgusting is the sleep like trance that American gun owners are in…not to mention the tactic support of many if not most modern Christians for the so called “law”
(law of Satan if anything)
INTEL COMM CIRCUITS BLAZING: Claiming “Putin Gave the “Go” Order – Hal Turner Radio
The Google Mail storage scam continues…. If you have a free Gmail account with 15GB of storage, they warn you that you are out of storage but then only allow you to delete at most 5 MB of old emails! ( ().03% of your emails) Is this just done to Patriots? Pretty easy for these criminals to pull off.
One additional observation is that the psychopaths in the Missouri attorney general’s office are not in the slightest interested in any of the criminal activities of Google. They plainly tell you to go out and get your own attorney!
UPDATE UK CASE…FROM SOURCE: People’s Liberation Army Launches Hemorrhagic Fever Viral Attack Against The World During Olympics – creativedestructionmedia.com
Epstein style blackmail by the globalists is the reason why Justin Trudeau has betrayed his country, according to Kyle Kemper, the Prime Minister’s brother. (3 minutes)
RELOADERS: Great prices on 223 55gn soft points, also on 223 once shot indoor brass – gunbroker.com is also a good place to look for powder and primers
This is the Satellite Temperature Graph Google Doesn’t Want You to See – theburningplatform.com
Biden’s New DoE Hire is a Queer Activist Who Brags About ‘Puppy Play’ Gimp Kink – Paul Joseph Watson
L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Start Firing 4,000 Unvaccinated LASD Police Officers – breitbart.com
The ONLY reason that this is a problem at all, is that the so called police have enforced illegitimate laws such as the 1968 gun control act and disarmed the population to the point where it is only criminals that are well armed. Thank a dumbed down modern “Christian’ that supports Hitlers version of Romans 13 for this state of affairs. Has there ever been a law written by their God the state,, that modern “Christians” haven’t loved and supported?
“Slash the Tires, Empty Gas Tanks, Arrest the Drivers” – CNN Contributor and Former Obama DHS Advisor on How to Deal with Freedom Convoy – Hal Turner Radio
SONG: Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy – God Over Government (4 minutes))
Johns Hopkins U Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing – Need to Know News
Mental Midgets – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Ottawa Police Hit New Low, NOW COMING FOR THE TRUCKERS KIDS, CHILDREN’S AID IS INVOLVED!!! – Press For Truth (24 minutes)
Why Did the DOJ and Kamala Harris Lie About the Vice President-Elect’s Location on January 6, 2021?- The Doug and Dave Intel Report – Dave Hodges (55 minutes)
** It appears that the January 6th Ins erection lies were to include the assassination of the vice president elect in addition to Ashley. Babbit. ~MFP
This only happens where the population has been disarmed by police. Places like Seattle. The standing army known as the “police” have a huge culpability for the crimes caused by their criminally disarming the population. Blind Order Following is one of the greatest evils to fall upon mankind. ~MFP
‘The Entire Government Of The United States Was Co-Opted’ By A False Flag Nearly 60 Years Ago, ‘Those Guys Are Still In Power’ – American Actor Warned He’d Be Killed For Saying That!
– A ‘Coup’ Didn’t Happen January 6th, It Happened DECADES Ago! – All News Pipeline
The Go Fund Me Crisis – It’s Not What You Think! – AwakenWithJP (7 minutes)
Homeland Security issues bulletin classifying Americans who exercise their First Amendment rights as potential terrorist threats – leohohmann.com
Chickens keep coming home to roost as 5 more young doctors die unexpectedly, including another one in a private plane crash – Natural News
Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race – Mike Adams – Natural News (article and 2 videos)
Mad Science: Researchers Now Putting COVID mRNA Vaccines Into Vegetables To Vaccinate The Unvaccinated – christianitydaily.com
Mass Murder by a Medical System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul:
Have the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols saved patients? Hell no! They have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. – News with Views
Russia Deploys Nuclear “Kinzhal” Missiles on Fighter Jets to Kaliningrad – Hal Turner Radio
Top Russian general reveals secrets of new Kinzhal hypersonic complex – defencelover.in
The Truckers vs The Canadian Government: Be Prepared for What’s Coming Next – Medical Kidnap
It has been thrown out there that the FBI was called to Canada to help the criminal government do to Canadians what the US government did to US citizens on January 6th. The real terrorists and insurrectionists are our governments and the FBI in particular. ~MFP
The sat store is now supporting Bivy sticks with unlimited texting. Unlike a sat phone these can usually receive texts while indoors at a southern window…. $50 a month gets you unlimited texting and it buys you the Bivy stick itself. ~MFP
ACR Bivy Stick, 2-way Iridium satellite communicator (4601)
As 5G Is Ushered In, Evidence Americans Are Already Bathing In Toxic Radiation, With Overt And Covert ‘Electronic Weapons’ Making Us Ill And Killing Us For Decades – All News Pipeline
January 6th: American Gulag
Over 700 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This website provides current information about each one, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated. We also provide ways for you to contact those in prison, and to help cover their legal and living expenses. If you would like to provide corrections, updates, or requests, please please contact us.
Kidnapped by the FBI and our injustice system, then tortured in a DC gulag is a more accurate description. Don’t worry continue to sit on your ass and it will come to your front door. ~MFP
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
~Psalm 11:3
Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution For ‘Racial Equity’ – Infowars
We Failed” – Danish Newspaper Admits Failure and Apologizes for Not Questioning the Government’s COVID-19 Narrative (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit
Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated – Medical Kidnap
GoFundMe Freezes Funds For Child’s Heart Surgery After Finding Out He Supports Trucker Protest – Babylon Bee
Whistleblower: Gunshot Wounds, Baby Deliveries, Car Accidents All Being Coded as “COVID” in Hospitals to Keep Federal Funding Flowing – Medical Kidnap
Allowing the FBI To Use Pegasus Spyware Is an Attack on Liberty – by Andrew P. Napolitano – Antiwar.com
Cancers coming back with a vengeance is very common after the COVID vax – The Burning Platform
DeSantis Announces Florida Will Investigate GoFundMe After Company Shut Down Freedom Convoy – Daily Wire
Biden admin bribing doctors to push COVID shots on children – Natural News
Numbers don’t lie: British children 52 times more likely to die after COVID shot – Natural News
Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing – Medical Kidnap
Intense Activities Around Ukraine Prompt US Military Air Shuttles — DC to Colorado Springs! Officials Going to . . . Bunkers??? – Hal Turner Radio
With US Truckers About To Take Washington DC By Storm, Globalists To Demonize ‘Convoys’ As ‘Terror Attacks’ On The Food And Supply Chain While Ratcheting Up Their Own Tyranny
The Mysterious Death Of Phil Schneider: The Man Who Revealed The Conspiracy Of The US Authorities With Aliens – infinityexplorers.com
Too Bad American Pastors Don’t Have The Man-Stuff Of Canadian Truckers – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Has anyone else been wondering where our churches and our country sheriffs have been hiding? Satan is busy murdering children and adults and both groups seem to lack both an intellect and a mouth. They both are an embarrassment. Perhaps they both need abolished in their present form…. ~MFP
Facebook Set for $195 Billion Wipeout, Biggest in Market History – Hal Turner Radio
If this does not put a big smile on your face, nothing will….. ~MFP
County Voters in California “This is a warning for what’s coming. It’s not going to be peaceful much longer. . . Bullets are expensive but ropes are re-usable . . . “-Hal Turner Radio
The iPhone is in fact the most advanced surveillance device ever made. – Rob Braxman Tech (19 minutes)
Steve Quayle & Jesse (Director of Antiquities) | Additional Revelations of Alien/Aztec Artifacts | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 2/3/2022 (90 minutes)
You can listen to the audio of: COVID-LAND Ep2: The Mask DVD
For free HERE. (86 minutes)
Or you can purchase both parts of the physical DVD’s here:
The Gmail storage scam:

Gmail says you have 15GB of storage space with a free account. You get the above warnings when you get to the limit and they ask you to delete stuff.
When you go to delete some of that 15GB you discover that you can only delete less than 100 MB! Then they keep on pestering you to upgrade from the free 15GB to a paid account because you never can get below 14.9 GB or so!
These pukes own the world and they actively shake down people that are using
their mail accounts and making them all of that money they make by selling your info to the Feds. One rape is never enough with Satan, so Gmail wants to rape you a second and third time. Just my 2 cents. ~MFP
Missouri: Gigantic winter storm warnings that extend over 2,200 miles news updates in videos and pictures – Strangesounds.org
BREAKING: Klaus Schwab Agent In Control of Trudeau Canadian Lockdown (24 minutes)
Geoengineering Expert Dane Wigington Lays Out Shocking New Details of Globalist Weather Control Program (51 minutes)
Are the Globalists Intentionally Destroying the Food Supply Chain to Create a Crisis of Hunger and Starvation? – Medical Kidnap
‘America Is Next’: US Truckers Mobilizing Convoy To Washington DC, White House ‘In Full Panic’ – Jamie White
5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
Greg Reese | Infowars.com (2 videos – one 5 minutes one 20 minutes)
Skyrocketing Fertilizer Prices Could Spark Widespread Global Famines Unlike Anything We Have Seen In Modern History – Michael Snyder – theeconomiccollapseblog.com
Battlefield America: 2022 – 2024, , Steve Quayle and Mike Adams – 4 episodes in video, audio and PDF formats.
Joe Biden claimed Tuesday that “the Constitution is always evolving slightly in terms of additional rights or curtailing rights.”
This is the direct reason why state abortion laws were overturned! They also succeed in the 1950’s in illegitimately forcing the Bill of Rights onto the states with other disastrous results. They killed the 9th and 10th amendments! Funny how I don’t know a single human being that knows this history. Ignorance is bliss. ~MFP
~John 8:32
Trudeau Brags: “Media Lets Government Off-the-Hook Because We Pay Them $600 Million” – Hal Turner Radio
Will Politicians Revive American Slavery?
by James Bovard – fff.org
Doctor use Bluetooth applications to detect MAC address network signals in people “vaccinated” for covid – Ethan Huff
“…Very high doses of vitamin C (doses of 50 grams intravenously or higher) are effective at doing this, but lower multi-gram vitamin C doses, orally or intravenously, appear to require the assistance of cortisol to realize optimal intracellular levels of vitamin C….”
How COVID Helped Me Regain Good Health
Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
2,000 mile-long NEW MONSTER Winter Storm Landon will affect 90 millions Americans from Texas to Maine – Strange Sounds
WEATHER ALERT: Ice storm coming to the midwest: Glowing blue spiral across southern U.S. sky – Strange Sounds
Documentary Exposes the “Other Holocaust” of Christians in Russia at the Hands of Bolsheviks – Medical Kidnap
9 part censored documentary on the above at Brighteon

9 part censored documentary on the above at BitChute
A takeaway you get from this film is how much “Christians” have been dumbed down on the topic of Satanic fractional reserve banking/Communism/Zionism/Talmudism ….. (the important stuff) ~MFP
Watch The Money Masters documentary if you want to dive deep into what the Federal Reserve and banking really are.
Another very good one: All Wars are Bankers Wars
Evacuations ordered for more than 6K after massive fire at NC fertilizer plant – wsoctv.com
If you are paying attention this is the 3 or 4th “coincidence” of fertilizer plants being destroyed in the US. They ARE planning to use food as a weapon. ~MFP
How Obama Sabotaged the American Military – frontpagemag.com
YouTube Censors Livestreams Of Canadian Trucker Protests For Being Too Popular – informationliberation.com
Freedom Truckers Form Blockade at US-Canada Border as Trudeau Gov’t Sends SWAT Units – Infowars.com
Boy Refused Heart Surgery Due to Unvaxxed Parents – RT.com
The like the Nazi’s, the US is using the AMA medical monopoly to do a large part of it’s murdering of the population. ~MFP
Biden Admin Has Records on Nearly One Billion Gun Sales – freebeacon.com
And why is the rogue, criminal, unconstitutional ATF keeping records on you and I? The ATF is not our servant they are our mortal enemy. ~MFP
Dinesh D’Souza drops blockbuster film trailer on 2020 Election Steal… – Mike Adams (2 minutes)
M4.9 Earthquake Shakes Oklahoma – Hal Turner Radio
Air Raid Sirens Sound in Moldova Near Ukraine Border – Hal Turner Radio
Ask Your Pastor NOW If They Are A Member Of The Clergy Response Team
January 30, 2022 – By Stan Szymanski – encouragingangels.org
This National “Speed Camera” plan is about nothing other than control. Further invading your privacy. Stealing more money, privacy, and rights from you. This is about the total subjugation of the American people by servants of Lucifer that run our governments. ~MFP
Video: Simulation reveals bleak outcome of a US and Russia nuclear war – Strangesounds.org (4 minutes)
Australia’s biggest warship ‘crippled’
Power failure hit HMAS Adelaide during aid mission to Tonga, after Covid-19 outbreak onboard – RT.com
If you don’t already know the Soviet have demonstrated their ability to do the same with their EW weapons, to our aircraft, our missile cruisers, and aircraft carriers. ~MFP
Watch: Local News Is A Globalist Propaganda Machine
– Kelen McBreen
Russia Allows Iran Aircraft Loaded With Arms to Land at Russian Base in SYRIA! – Hal Turner Radio
Weaponized weather attacks: US and UK blasted by deadly bombogenesis storms on the same day (in videos and pictures) – strangesounds.org
Yale Students Who Survive Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Trained to Become Our Future Tyrant Leaders – Medical Kidnap
Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination – Medical Kidnap
As S-400 Air Defenses Arrive on Streets of Moscow, Russia Sends Final Communique to OSCE “Do You Intend To Fulfill Key Security Obligations?” – Hal Turner Radio
The Talmud, Chabadism And Noahide Laws– Chuck Baldwin (67 minutes)
** If you are a believer you should listen and investigate this. The Noahide laws were passed in 1991 by the US Congress. These Noahide laws are what have justified the camps with guillotines.
Sharia law is not what we have to fear. Congress has not adopted Sharia law BUT they have adopted the Noahide laws.
Use your discernment and take it to the Lord in prayer.
South Carolina Proposes Law To Make It Illegal To Request Vax Status – technocracy.news
My birth state does the right thing again. ~MFP
The NOCEBO Effect: A New Variant Called ANOTHERCON
January 27, 2022 / Jeff Berwick (52 minutes – including a catchy anti COVID song)
Do you know the difference between government and drug cartels… – FreedomsPhoenix
“They are both organized crime, but unlike government, drug cartels don’t force you to take their drugs.”
“What’s the difference between the government and the mafia? The mafia doesn’t have a twelve year indoctrination system to convince you it’s not organized crime.” ~ Brett Veinotte, School Sucks podcast
Why are Most People Cowards? Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism (12 minutes)
In the “modern christian” realm much of this cowardliness stems from their current Satanic interpretation of Romans 13. ~MFP
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
Trying To Trade 1 oz Gold Coin (worth $1800) for Worthless Random Stuff – Mark Dice (8 minutes)
This youtube is pretty strong proof that most Americans are dumber than a box of rocks. And that may be insulting to rocks. ~MFP
Is ATF Moving to Seize Lawfully Owned Items Immediately? – themachinegunnest.com
I would like to ask where the phuk you county sheriff is on this issue?
His job is to protect you from things like this, but the reality is that most, if not all, will do nothing to stop Federal tyranny and terrorism. Remember that it was the universal milita that protected us from rogue governmental actions if both “voting” and the “Jury” system failed to do so.
Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camps – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
Frontline Nurses Take Stand: Hero RN’s Rescuing Captives Being Held For Execution – Stew Peters Show (14 minutes)
Florida Doctor: Families Sneak Ivermectin To Loved Ones In Hospitals With COVID-19, See Improvement – TYLER DURDEN
The US Faces Two Simultaneous and Distinct Nation-Extinction Events-The Doug and Dave Intel Report – Dave Hodges (50 minutes)
The Canadian Freedom Convoy: Blacked Out, Defunded, and Still Growing – theorganicprepper.com
GoFundMe Blocks Millions Raised for 50,000 Canadian Trucks Heading to Ottawa to Protest Covid Vaccine Mandates – Medical Kidnap
Navy Pilot Crashes Plane, Ejects, After Vax Reaction – Mike Baxter from REAL RAW NEWS
San Jose passes first U.S. law requiring gun owners to get liability insurance and pay annual fee – CBS News
If Americans go along with this latest gun tyranny, they deserve the camps that many of them will end up in. ~MFP
By de-cloaking, the demons running the global depopulation campaign just telegraphed their exact plans for 2022 – 2024 – Mike Adams – Natural news
HUGE: Wisconsin Assembly Unanimously Votes To Withdraw Biden’s 2020 Electoral Votes – Andrew White | National File
DoD & Fauci Caught In Massive Scandal Hiding Death & Damage From COVID Vaccines – Infowars.com
Flashback: Great Reset Architect Klaus Schwab Brags WEF “Penetrates” Cabinets of World Leaders – Infowars.com
BREAKING: Klaus Schwab Confesses to Criminal World Domination Plan – Infowars.com
Biden cuts off America’s supply of monoclonal antibodies – only “vaccines” allowed – Natural News
(the magpul sights included often go for $100 – so you are in effect getting this kit for $299!) FWWIW I do not like the lack of picatinny on the upper part of the handguard but that can be fixed….on the other hand the trigger is much better than the standard mil-spec trigger. ~MFP
Abolish the FBI. Now. – Scott McPherson – FFF
Finnish MP On Trial For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Bible Verse – Paul Joseph Watson
Must Watch: Censored Doctors Decry America’s Pandemic Response At Capitol Hill Covid Hearing – Kelen McBreen
List of Prosecutors Backed by George Soros Causing Murder and Crime to Soar – Need to Know News
Where are the Protests at the Vaccination Clinics to Rescue the Children? – Medical Kidnap
Again and again the modern Church fails us. ~MFP
Unvaccinated to be Accompanied by Staff in Walmart to Make Sure They Don’t Buy Anything Other Than Food & Pharma – Paul Joseph Watson
Bombshell Cover-Up: Cancer Diagnoses in the Military Rose Over THREE-FOLD Since Jabs Were Introduced – thelibertydaily.com
How Can the “Evangelical Right” Promote Parental Rights While at the Same Time Supporting Child Trafficking? – Medical Kidnap
I have asked this same question many times……Not hard at all.
Modern Christians are useful idiots for the most part that do not understand the world around them. ~MFP
UN Predicts Global Mass Starvation—Food Rationing Hits America—Food Shortages Explode!UN Predicts Global Mass Starvation—Food Rationing Hits America—Food Shortages Explode! – Lisa Haven (11 minutes)
So the death toll from the “vaccine” is at least twice as high as we are being told. ~MFP
Russia Can Survive a Grid Down Attack, America Cannot! The Doug and Dave Intel Report – Dave Hodges (55 minutes)
Paid to Kill, Massive COVID Fraud Payout Scheme with Your Tax Money (1of2) – Sarah Westall (50 minutes)
The David Knight Show 21Jan22 – Unabridged – RoundTableReport – Rumble.com (180 minutes)
After 10 years affiliation with Inforwars David Knight is now independent.
The IRS demanding facial scans is one topic he hits upon. ~MFP
Wife Stands Off With Hospital to Keep Her Husband Alive, and Wins – Epoch Times
SHOT DOWN??? U.S. Military Cargo Plane “Disappears” from Flight Tracking After Leaving Ukraine and Violating Russia Air Space – Russian Fighter “APPEARS” Over Kiev! – Hal Turner Radio
Many Democrat Voters Support Imprisoning and Taking Children from Unvaccinated Americans – Need to Know News
Over 1 Million Deaths and Injuries Following COVID “Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as Second Year of “Experimental Use Authorization” Begins – Medical Kidnap
New Evidence Changes Entire Story Of Ashli Babbitt’s Murder – The American Journal
Exclusive Report: US Government Targeting Red States With Deadly Batches of Covid Vaccine – Greg Reese | Infowars.com
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain – Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts – Heaven Reigns channel on Brighteon (50 minutes)
Malone: ‘Mass Formation’ Deployed On You After Over 200 Years Of Study – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
Ivermectin 62% Effective in Preventing COVID Mortality, 86% Effective in Preventing Infection, UK Doctor Says – childrenshealthdefense.org
How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally – Dr Joseph Mercola
Breaking Bombshell: Democrats Vote For Imprisoning Unvaccinated and Taking Their Children – Alex Jones (23 minutes)
Substitute teacher was FIRED for refusing to “meow” to a student who claims to self-identify as a CAT – Natural News
Facemasks Caused A Massive 364% Spike In Children With Speech Delays – Sarah Westall
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions – Lily Zhou of the Epoch Times via ZeroHedge
Japan Drops All Vaxxine Mandates, Places Myocarditis Warning on Label – National Review
ENGLAND ENDS ALL COVID MEASURES – No More Vax Passports, No More Masks, No More Restrictions! – Hal Turner Radio
US Amphibious Assault Ships to Try Crimea Take-Back from Russia? – Hal Turner Radio
Russia Gives US/NATO 48 Hours to Respond to Treaty Initiative – Hal Turner Radio
WAR Coming Fast; U.S. Navy Sorties 22 Warships, 4 Nuclear Subs in ONE DAY – Hal Turner Radio
US sends warplanes to Cuba and Venezuela to monitor Russian missiles – pravda.ru
Russian submarine with 160 nukes on board surfaces off US coast – pravda.ru
Three Russian warships set off on a secret mission to Cuba – pravda.ru
Russia won’t withdraw missiles from Kaliningrad – Kremlin
Moscow has stressed that it can do as it wishes on its own soil – rt.com
Another Attempt To Stop Ghost Guns – Reason.com
Wait…So the FBI Lied About the Ending of the Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation – Town Hall
DARPA funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA – #BareShelvesBiden Trendss and is funding the creation of 3D printed food from’mixed (Human Waste),’ to be served’when traditional food is unavailable’
This article is being blocked on my computer, but I have been able to get to it with my cell phone. ~MFP
Does this verse come to mind?
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” ~Matthew 25:40
Christianity will soon reap what it has sown……
If you are receiving this from me you are already on this terrorist list I guarantee you that and ignore it at your families peril.
Lucifer’s hand maiden, and demon from hell Joe Biden, just passed a secret executive order (they are sometimes called national security directives) that reaffirms this position.
I am tempted to go off on the “modern Christian Church ” whose walk with evil has brought this down upon all of us. I have sat in so-called Christian churches for 50 years and have never once heard a rally against the evil and unconstitutional concept of “presidential executive orders”. For that matter I have never once heard any of the idiots that attend these churches (don’t get mad at me for calling the people in your church idiots, as God himself did so in Hosea 4:6 among other places) speak out about “executive orders” because none of them seem to understand the US Constitution or for that matter right from wrong.
~Isaiah 5:20
~Ezekiel 22:30
Deep State Escalates “Terror” Campaign Against Everyday Americans – FULL SHOW 1/17/22 – Alex Jones (179 minutes)
Peace Has Been Taken From the Earth | Steve Quayle on The Hagmann Report | FULL SHOW | 1/13/2021 (90 minutes)
Executing Covid Patients for Profit Is a Growing Enterprise In American Hospitals – Dave Hodges (Is this part of the reason why hospitals take your weapons away when you enter? And where the hell are the country sheriffs? ~MFP)
I have always been enraged by the 2nd amendment violation in our hospitals.
FWIW most hospitals do not have metal detectors and weapons are not hard to bring in if you decide to do so. I have tested this and it is so in most hospitals.
I tell you what if they tried this with a family member of mine things would have ended very differently. They likely would have called it a terror attack. ~MFP
Has Everyone Left You Because You are not Ashamed to Speak the Truth? Stay the Course! – Medical Kidnap (2nd Timothy Recommended reading)
Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen’
Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen’If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.
Washington Simultaneously Demonizes Russia, China, Iran, and Its Own White Majority Population while Democrats Enforce Covid Tyranny – Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts – The Burning Platform ( “A change in administration could bring Floridians life under the same Gestapo boot that New Yorkers exist under.”)
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Sircus on Baking Soda – Dr. Mark Sircus
Melatonin Significantly Reduces COVID-19 Mortality – Dr. Joseph Mercola
Ebola: Shattering the Lies and the Fakery – by Jon Rappoport NoMoreFakeNews
Real Domestic Terrorists Need to be Tried for Treason and Genocide – U.S. Public vs. Corporate Bankers – Medical Kidnap
Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up of The Vegas Mass Shooting – Mindy Robinson (136 minutes)
China is piling up unprecedented quantities of food, inflating prices and dropping more countries into famine: 69% of world’s maize reserves, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat – strangesounds.org
Bone-Chilling: Feds Launching ‘System’ to Collect ‘Religious Information’ on Unvaccinated Americans – westernjournal.com
A MUST READ>Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization. The pressure is building while the façade of normalcy reigns in the lives of 90 percent of American families. As they sleepwalk through life, – leohohmann.com
Global Economy Heading For ‘Mother of All’ Supply Chain Shocks ,As China Locks Down Ports – thethinkingconservative.com
Russian electronic warfare systems brought down the systems of American F-35 fighters in Europe:The onboard systems of the American F-35 were brought down by the Russian Murmansk-BN electronic warfare systems.SQ;THIS MAKES ALL F-35’S USELESS! – avia-pro.net
America’s Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
Top Secret DARPA Documents Show A Conspiracy At The Highest ‘Cabal’ Levels To Commit The Mass Murder Of Americans And Impose Draconian Dictates Upon The Public – All News Pipeline
Emergency Saturday Broadcast: The American Dystopia Has Arrived – Alex Jones Show (140 minutes)
University of Chicago students pen the best anti-vaxx, anti-mandate letter you’ll ever read…
Editorial: UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats
UChicago continues to defy scientific and moral standards, dehumanizing us in the process. – thechicagothinker.com
Canadian Truckers to Go Full STRIKE January 23 – Store Shelves Will be Empty Until Vax Mandates are gone” – Hal Turner Radio
‘Is there a Satan school of theology?’ Tucker Carlson clashes with the head of the Satanic Temple for putting on after-school clubs for kids – dailymail.co.uk
Covid: A Collision of Historical and Scientific Illiteracy – off-guardian.org
What people often forget is that it was doctors, not soldiers, who committed the worst crimes in Nazi Germany. These days it is just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician. ~Steve Quayle
FREE Audio Archive: Russian Nuclear Sub Off U.S. East Coast over Ukraine Troubles WE CAUSED! – Hal Turner Radio show (60 minutes – Recommended Listening)
BOOK: Let’s Summon Demons – by Steven Rhodes
Where the hell are the Churches?
Our churches are central in bringing this evil in.
Challenge my assertion if you wish…
“Modern Churches” are more interested in trampling the God given right
Emergency Broadcast: Malicious Medical Murder Happening Now in Minnesota – The Stew Peters Show (13 minutes)
We were warned that they would use the “patriot act on Patriots”. Now they are:
Alex Jones revealed that a special forces anti terrorism team trails and monitors him at all times. He also broke the Stewart Rhodes story:The End of the American Republic is Here: Dems Announce New “Terrorism Plan” That Outlaws All Opposition, Creates One-Party State – FULL SHOW 1/13/22
There are many more that are going through similar things.
DO NOT forget Pastor Martin Niemoller’s Poem boys and girls:
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Documents Stored in TOP SECRET Folder at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Prove Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Interferon “Curative” of COVID-19 – Hal Turner Radio
Ghost Gunner 3 now starting from 0% receivers – regulate that, commies! – (15 minutes)
New DARPA report shows the U.S. government lied about everything related to COVID – Sarah Westall
Ivermectin ‘Works Throughout All Phases’ Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents – TYLER DURDEN – Zero Hedge
US Navy and NASA have a fully operational space fleet – TALES FROM OUT THERE
We Can Never Stop Speaking Out: Only the Truth Will Set Us Free – Gary D. Barnett
Red Cross declares first national blood crisis in US – thehill.com
The Satanic bastards at Red Cross have brought this upon themselves:
EDITORIAL: Why I no longer give Blood at the Springfield MO Red Cross!
U.S. Army to Begin Formal Training To Fight American Patriots – Hal Turner Radio
U.S. Aircraft Put on Full Ground Stop After North Korea Launches Hypersonic Missile – Hal Turner Radio
Norbrook 2251053C Ivermectin-Noromectin Injection 1-Percent-500 cc – $113
You may find smaller bottles at your local feed store, and be surprised that this can be taken orally by humans in wake of the USPS criminally confiscating shipments of Ivermectin. Both Mike Adams and a few people at Church have had good results with this form . ~MFP
Failures of the Justice System and a Viable Solution – Doug Casey – International Man
FLASH UPDATE – SEE BOTTOM – 7:45 PM EST — Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week – Hal Turner Radio (LONG BUT WELL WORTH THE READ ~MFP)
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) 1h 56m
U.S. & E.U. Can’t Grab Ukraine Without a Fight . . . So They’re Overthrowing Government of Kazakhstan – Hal Turner Radio
VIDEO: Ferocious Gun Battles as West Tries to Overthrow Kazakhstan Gov’t Just Like They Did to Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
Members of Congress Identified for Their Role In the Communist Takeover of America – Dave Hodges
Welcome To The ‘Brave New World’ Where ‘Designer Bioweapons’ Can Kill-Off Specific Individuals Thanks To Genealogy Mammoths Selling Our DNA Data To China And The Highest Bidders
– Think Ancestry.com And 23AndMe Have Your Best Interests In Mind? Ask The US Military! – allnewspipeline.com
What do you think? Watch the entire thing before you decide. ~MFP
German Spy Reveals Secret US-Hollow Earth Pact For Global Rule
2021: The Year Flock Safety License Plate Readers Exploded Across The Country – MassPrivateI Privacy, Civil Rights And Homeland Insecurity Issues
These plate readers are to enslave you not protect you. Unfortunately many if not most citizens, politicians, and law enforcement are too dumbed down to see where this is headed. ~MFP
U.S. & E.U. Can’t Grab Ukraine Without a Fight . . . So They’re Overthrowing Government of Kazakhstan – Hal Turner Radio
GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year – Natural News (article and 79 minute video at the very end – or click below for video)
The Extreme Tyranny Today Has Been Caused by Mass Voluntary Compliance
– Gary D. Barnett
Preventive Medicine For Viral Illnesses – Bill Sardi (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Dr. Syed Haider – My Go To Doc (Online COVID medicine)
The Evil Empire Beneath the Ice -Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges – (55 minutes)
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone – theburningplatform.com
“A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables…”
Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message — MORE UPDATES… – Gateway Pundit
‘The Globalists Developed An Agent Of Death That Can’t Be Treated Or Cured’: The Graphene Nanotech In ‘The Shot’ Is Also Leading To A Huge Crisis In The Human Blood Supply – All News Pipeline
BREAKING: ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control – Paul Joseph Watson
How Much Longer will the World Continue to Look to Medical Doctors to Save Them? – Medical Kidnap
USAF Colonel leaks coordinates of ancient Antarctic Ruins – helenastales.weebly.com
What Dr. Robert Malone could NOT tell Joe Rogan – Mike Adams (50 minutes)
Brazilians Beat the Hell out of local Mayor over Vax Passports – Hal Turner Radio
Old Parliament House in Australia BURNED! Vax Protesters Warn: Current One is Next – Hal Turner Radio (kudos to the Aussies – they have much more backbone than Amerikans. ~MFP)
All I have to say is that I hope he does a much better job than the state of MO has done with it’s piss poor state militia. He has 20 years of training to do in mere months.
Three quarters or more of his potential militia are in such poor shape as to be useless in combat. He also has to contend with the fact that Florida law enforcement has disarmed the militia and none of them possess the necessary tools of war. The same with the Missouri Militia that has been criminally disarmed by Missouri Law enforcement in direct violation of the second amendment..
New York is Using Race To Determine Access to a Limited Supply of Life-Saving Covid Treatments – Glenn Greenwald
Sick: New York Rations Covid-19 Treatments Based On Race – Kelen McBreen
FYI the state of Minnesota is doing the same thing. ~MFP
Today, 31 December, CDC to WITHDRAW Emergency Use Authorization for PCR Tests Used to Detect “COVID-19” – Epidemic was Total FRAUD – Hal Turner Radio
US Hospitals Bribed to Kill, Not Cure, Flu/Covid Patients – Stephen Lendman
What Was Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here- THE KILL SHOT IS ARRIVING – Dave Hodges
Today, 31 December, CDC to WITHDRAW Emergency Use Authorization for PCR Tests Used to Detect “COVID-19” – Epidemic was Total FRAUD – Hal Turner Radio
THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE #1757: Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
Video: After Two Years, CDC Head Admits PCR Tests Produce False Positives – Steve Watson
Attorney Siri: The CDC is Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data – Medical Kidnap
Year 2021 was America’s Holocaust: Unprecedented Lives Destroyed by Experimental COVID-19 “Vaccines” – Medical Kidnap
Important short Romans 13 question
The interpretation of Romans 13 that is ubiquitous in the modern church most closely resembles:
A. The interpretation of Romans 13 that Thomas Jefferson and many of the founders in 1776 believed.
B The interpretation of Romans 13 espoused by Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany.
If you chose B you are correct. The interpretation of Romans 13 in the modern church is indistinguishable from that of Adolph Hitler.
Most are under such a level of mind control that this will go in one ear and out the other without ever realizing the evil and suffering that this false belief has caused to their fellow man. ~MFP
25 Cops in a Single Texas County Arrested in 2021 from Child Rape to Bestiality – prayformychild.org
Do you think that this is why the founders warned us not to have standing armies? Do you think that this is what Jesus Christ meant when he warned us that “those that live by the sword will die by the sword” (mercenaries).
Antarctica Central Headquarters for the New World Order? w/ Dave Hodges (1of2) – Sarah Westall (39 minutes)
Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Tech, Banned by Twitter For Exposing Risks of Covid-19 Vaccines – Infowars.com
Thursday Live: Top Scientists Around The World Have Reached A Consensus – The Covid Vax Is A Depopulation Weapon – Alex Jones Show 12/30/21 (you might have to search for this show )
The Coming Subjugation and Extermination of American Citizens Was Rehearsed by Obama in 2015-2016 – Dave Hodges
China Is Feverishly Preparing For The Coming Global Famine, But The U.S. Is Taking A Completely Different Approach – theeconomiccollapseblog.com
Russia Is the Last Remaining Christian Country – Paul Craig Roberts
Pandemic Among The Fully Vaccinated; Trump Takes Credit – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Woman Confronts Justin Trudeau in Public Forum: “You Sold us Out to Globalism – What do we do with Traitors in Canada? We used to Hang them!” – Medical Kidnap
Old Parliament House in Australia BURNED! Vax Protesters Warn: Current One is Next – Hal Turner Radio (kudos to the Aussies – they have much more backbone than Amerikans. ~MFP)
ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 1: Introduction – coreysdigs.com (9 parts in all on mind control that we are subject to)
CAUGHT RED-HANDED: COVID TESTS ARE DESIGNED TO PICK-UP “SARS-CoV-2 Proteins” . . . . which the mRNA Vaccines tell your body to produce ! ! ! Self-Fulfilling “Outbreak” and total fraud! – Hal Turner Radio
CDC Admits that the Covid Pandemic Was the Product of an Inappropriate Test – Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts
Please listen to the 12/28/21 Hal Turner Radio show for some mind blowing revelations on this frontl ~MFP
*** The founders warned us about having standing armies that we now euphemistically call the “police”. Read and learn what the 2nd amendment is really all about. ~MFP
Revealed: 33 members of Congress sit on advisory board tied to Chinese Communist Party – lawenforcementtoday.com
New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients – catholicherald.co.uk
The NZ doctors are actually paid $1000 to kill COVID patients. ~MFP
emocrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s Covid Concentration Camps to NY State – By Paul Craig Roberts
CDC Admits that the Covid Pandemic Was the Product of an Inappropriate Test – Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts
Please listen to the 12/28/21 Hal Turner Radio show for some mind blowing revelations on this frontl ~MFP
CAUGHT RED-HANDED: COVID TESTS ARE DESIGNED TO PICK-UP “SARS-CoV-2 Proteins” . . . . which the mRNA Vaccines tell your body to produce ! ! ! Self-Fulfilling “Outbreak” and total fraud! – Hal Turner Radio
How Obama Gave Soon-to-be President Hillary the Gift of Controlling America Through Contrived Food Shortages – Dave Hodges
Hillary’s Five Step Plan for “Re-Educating” of America – Dave Hodges
Elderly man executed in Chicago’s Chinatown while out to get the newspaper
– Dave Hodges
This is what always happens when citizens allow the “police” to disarm them. There are few other major contributing factors other than a disarmed citizenry. caused by order following men blindly enforcing unconstitutional “laws” , polices and edicts.
Unraveling the Fake Health Facade, Sugar Psyop, Real Obesity Source – Dr. Glidden – Sarah Westall (51 minutes) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED INTERVIEW~MFP
Daniel got it right… 12/27/21
In a local church we recently studied the story of Daniel and how he refused to bow down to the king’s illegitimate law.
“Modern Christians” seem to fail to understand the lessons of scripture and they also refuse to apply them to the real world. How is modern Christianity anything other than a mental disorder? It continually follows Satan’s agenda for them. Useful idiots is the most positive adjective that I can come up with for them….
Family wages legal battle with state to keep their children after giving them ivermectin to treat COVID – lifesitenews.com
President Trump Lies to Candace Owens: Unvaccinated People are Dying and Filling the Hospitals – Medical Kidnap
Poor oral health linked to wide variety of diseases and mental illness– newatlas.com
With America’s Entire Medical System Dominated By Mafia-Style Operations, The American People Are Being Robbed Blind – Staggering Evidence A ‘Medical Mafia’ Is Running America – allnewspipeline.com
Dr. Robert Malone: “COVID-19 Mass Formation Psychosis” – Why So Many Believe the Vaccine Lie – Hal Turner Radio
The Plot Which Culminates In a “President” Hillary Clinton Reign of Terror, Moves Forward – Dave Hodges
How Hillary Will Become President As America’s Nighmare Is About to Get A Lot Worse – Dave Hodges
FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking – Medical Kidnap
Dr. Robert Malone: “COVID-19 Mass Formation Psychosis” – Why So Many Believe the Vaccine Lie – Hal Turner Radio ( good article and 13 minute video)
Creepy, Babbling Biden’s Freudian Slip Hints Of Military Actions Against The American People As Trains Full Of Military Tanks Are Seen Across America And ‘Assets’ Are ‘Pre-Positioned’ – allnewspipeline.com
WHO Head Admits Vaccines Being Used To Kill Children
by Alex Jones | Banned.Video (2 minutes)
Trump Abandons Base – Pushes COVID VAX – Darrin McBreen (4 minutes)
World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox – Dr Joseph Mercola
SONG: Musical Interlude: ? It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like GENOCIDE… ?
We got here by not following the Second Amendment, and we support what by any measure is a standing army instead. The founders told us that the Militia was “the people”. Not having a “militia of the people” as we did in 1776 is a big reason why we are where we are at. In 1776 most Christian churches had a militia. How many do today?
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
Here a both parts in downloadable MP3 format:
Dec 22 (Part 1) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweapons
Dec 22 (Part 2) – Harvard scientist Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid and vaccine bioweapons
At 22:43 of part 1 (so listen in earlier) Mike discusses his theory that the COVID test PCR swap is put where it is in order to introduce self assembling nano sized devices into your brain. The patents he reads might convince you that this ia a distinct possibility. ~MFP
The Successful Recruitment of Useful Idiots Designed to Enslave True Americans – Dave Hodges (RECOMMENDED)
This is what happens when you allow the standing army that we euphemistically call the “police” to disarm us: (FWIW Missouri and Red states have done this to a great degree also) ~MFP
Shock Video: Mob Beats Man Unconscious, Batters Him With Chair on NYC Sidewalk – News Wars
The Maniacal Covid Cultists Have Turned America Into A Police State As ‘Clergy Response Teams’ Are Activated And ‘The Purebloods’ Are Arrested And Shunned – All News Pipeline
BREAKING: FOIA Confirms Jab is Deadly: Pfizer, FDA Caught Hiding Bioweapon Deaths – Stew Peters (12 minutes)
U.S. Mercenaries Preparing Donbass ‘Provocation’ — Russian Defense Chief – themoscowtimes.com
The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child Trafficking Cases – Need to Know News (RECOMMENDED READING)
The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child Trafficking Cases – Need to Know News (RECOMMENDED READING)
Lethal Drug Included In Over-The-Counter Covid Test Kits – Need to Know News
What If Cancer Was Already Cured?
How To Activate An Army Of Macrophages To Boost Immunity
– Bill Sardi
Russia SHUTS-OFF Natural Gas to Europe!
‘The Great Reset’ Will Abolish Christianity With History Proving Thousands Of Church Leaders Will Be Slaughtered And Many More Sent To ‘Death Camps’
– Long Called ‘Conspiracy Theory’, We’re Watching This Butchery Now Unfolding Before Our Eyes – All News Pipeline
Old-Fashioned Pest Management: A Skill You’d Better Learn Fast – Organic Prepper
Video: Tucker Carlson Covers The “Pedo Outbreak” At CNN – Steve Watson
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Unjustly Jailed, Takes Action Against the Police State from Behind Bars – thefreethoughtproject.com
Highly Recommended ~MFP
Situation Update, Dec 21, 2021 – Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves it’s all POLITICAL THEATER run by the pharma cartels – Mike Adams ( 93 minutes)
New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim. – thenationalpulse.com
Dallas crowd HECKLES Trump when he reveals he’s had a COVID booster: Tells audience ‘you’re playing right into their hands’ when you doubt the vaccine – dailymail.co.uk
Trump Attacks His Own Supporters for Not Endorsing His COVID-19 Vaccines – Republicans “Opposing” Vaccine Mandates Own Stock in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J – Medical Kidnap
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Trump doubles down on death – leohohmann.com
Antihistamines and the remarkable story of the freakishly good (COVID) treatment plan in Spain that no one mentions – joannenova.com.au
Antihistamines and the remarkable story of the freakishly good treatment plan in Spain that no one mentions – joannenova.com.au
SONG: We Are The 99% (Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse) – 6 minutes) – dazband.com
We are the 99% Protest Song Chords and Lyrics
MyPC Cloud version – Is downloadable
The Vax-Injured Are Being Force-Medicated With Psych Drugs – Stew Peters (6 minutes)
Video: German Health Minister Calls For Immediate Forced Vaccination Of Entire Population – Steve Watson (3 minties)
Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits – Greg Reese (3 minutes)
Jeff Nyquist :The Communist Long Range Strategy: A Discussion with Dave and Fabio:It begins with an introduction in German, but quickly switches to English after the first couple of minutes- (86 minutes)
Nyquest is one of the few that holds the opinion that Russia never gave up Communism and that it was a ruse all along to fool the US so that they could defeat us. ~MFP
The Market for Urine – Karen Selick @ Lewrockwell.com
New England Journal of Medicine: 82% OF Pregnant Women Vaccinated In 1st Or 2nd Trimester Suffer Spontaneous Abortions – sonsoflibertymedia.com
Our so called churches sleep. Where the hell are the supposed “right to life people hiding? ~MFP
South Korean Doctors Examine Pfizer & Moderna Shots When Warmed: Discover “Alive, Moving Organism” (Video) – Steve Peters Show – sonsoflibertymedia.com (13 minutes)
These metallic creatures are on the “COVID” test swabs. Your Federal government through medicare payments is incentivising hospitals to require the COVID test. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical care by these hospitals.
US Senator Josh Holley’s office tells me to go hire an attorney rather then THEM looking at clear violations of International treaty that is suppose to protect us from the Nazi like medicine coming out of US hospitals!
Is Josh Holley and his staff stupid or afraid? Either way as the Declaration says they look like they need to be removed as they do not serve us or protect our rights. Perhaps Josh should be in the next war crimes tribunal for failing to act. ~MFP
Russia REDUCES Natural Gas Flow to Europe over NATO/Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
VIDEO: NATO (U.S.) Tanks Cross from Greece into Bulgaria heading north toward Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
DR Andreas Noack KILLED 4 DAYS AFTER POSTING THIS VID KILLED 4 DAYS AFTER POSTING THIS VIDEO – Rumble video with English subtitles about Graphine Hydroxide (23 minutes)
Friday Bombshell: CDC Warns Americans Not to Take COVID Jab While UN Bans COVID Vax for Migrants Over Liability Fears – FULL SHOW 12/17/21 – Alex Jones Show (180 minutes)
A Dozen United Airlines Customers Walk Off Flight In Solidarity With Man Removed For Using Panties As A Mask – Kelen McBreen
The founders gave us much advice on beating tyranny:
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”
~Benjamin Franklin
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
~Benjamin Franklin
“Join or Die”
~From the Revolutionary war Don’t Tread on me Flag
Operation Omicron: The Globalists are Preparing for Mass Murder in the Weeks Ahead – Medical Kidnap
Pfizer Starts Injecting 3rd Dose of Experimental COVID Shot into Infants and Children as Omicron Pushes Sales to $50 BILLION+ – Medical Kidnap
Have you wondered like I have, where the hell the virtue signaling “right to life” people are” ~MFP
22 Reasons Which Explain How America Has Been Transformed Into a Marxist-Communist Country – Dave Hodges
Bill Gates’ Web Of Dark Money And Influence:ASTONISHING COMPILATION AND RESEARCH! – thelastamericanvagabond.com
Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance – helenastales.weebly.com (article and 20 minute video)
My info is that world leaders have met with Lucifer in Antarctica. Yes it sounds nuts but that is the direction that the facts point. The above article may be dis-info in order to discredit the truth.
Joe Rogan Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough – Lew Rockwell – Heavily censored interview (165 minutes)
Russia Orders Two Strategic (Nuclear) Missile Complexes to “Combat Duty”; Closes Northern Sea Route in Arctic Over NATO Activities – Hal Turner Radio
Mom Double-Jabbed in 3rd Trimester Gives Birth To Baby Who Died After Suffering Heart Failure, Blood Clots – Adan Salazar
CDC Data – Fentanyl Overdoses Now Kill More Americans Aged 18-45 Than Covid, Cancer, Car Accidents & Suicide– Kelen McBreen
This is the expected result of the Federal Government illegally and unconstitutionally dictating what citizens can put into their bodies. The alcohol prohibition should have taught us that, but apparently we did not learn anything.
We are also ignoring that these criminal actions by the Federal government
have allowed this form of 5th generation warfare that is being waged by China
via their being the suppliers of Fentanyl . In summary if the Feds were not criminals that are helping China murder Americans in this manner, drugs would be much safer, much like all of the other drugs that are sold in “drug stores”.
CDC Admits COVID-19 Shots Causing Heart Disease but Won’t Stop the Injections – Does Pfizer Now Control the CDC and FDA? – Medical Kidnap
ADL Says Criticism of George Soros taking Over Legal System Must Be Banned – Infowars (11 minutes)
For a limited time the 12/16/21 Hal Turner Radio show and the discussion of the Ukraine and the US pushing war there. You won’t get this info anywhere else. ~MFP
Two Common Over-the-Counter Compounds Reduce COVID-19 Virus Replication by 99% in Early Testing – scitechdaily.com
Mike Adams brings up the above article in his 12/16/21 Health ranger Report about 9 minutes in.
Both are available on Amazon:
SDA Laboratories, INC Generic Benadryl Allergy – Diphenhydramine (50mg) – 1000 Capsules
Jarrow Formulas Lactoferrin 250 mg, Immune-Supporting Glycoprotein, Support Healthy Function & Iron Absorption, Freeze Dried, White, 60 Count
YouTube Star Dave Rubin Announces That He’s Leaving California, Heading to This Free State Instead
‘I don’t want to fund my demise.’ – fee.org
Biden In Kentucky: POTUS Talks Crap About Aaron Rodgers & Gets Called A “Pedophile” As People Chant “Let’s Go Brandon”– Kelen McBreen – Infowars
Silver On Sale: Silver-Gold Ratio Back Above 80-1 – Zero Hedge
How Do Some Catholic Priests See What Most Evangelical Pastors Don’t See? – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
“It is a very strange and very sad day when leaders from a false religious system have more understanding regarding the God-given Natural liberties of man than do leaders from within Christian orthodoxy….” – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Dr. McCullough Describes ‘Sinister Ways’ Doctors Worldwide Are Restricted From Treating COVID Patients – childrenshealthdefense.org
Chemtrail Pilot Comes Forward: Mass Human Extinction – humansarefree.com
Columbia study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000
Other estimates of underreporting on CDC’s VAERS site much higher – wnd.com
The Masks Come Off; Democrat Senator Blumenthal Attends COMMUNIST PARTY EVENT – Hal Turner Radio
San Francisco Suspends Cannabis Tax To Help Dispensaries Compete With Drug-Dealers – Zero Hedge
May God Bless the “drug dealers’ for helping break up the California government price monopoly, and bring free market prices to the American people.
Child-Saving Doctor Targeted: Medical Establishment Aims to Destroy Dissident MD – Stew Peters Show (12 minutes)
With The Full Scale Overthrow Of America Into A Communist Slave State Almost Complete, 2022 Will Be Too Little Too Late As America Rushes To Repeating Some Of The Worst Times In History – allnewspipeline.com
Satellite-based emergency text alert system: Chris Hoar interviewed from Galileyo.com – brighteon.com (36 minutes)
Prison Phone Companies Are Recording Attorney-Client Calls Across the US – vice.com
Hospital Tries to Medically Kidnap Children Given Ivermectin by Parents – Medical Kidnap (article and video)
Hospital Tries to Medically Kidnap Children Given Ivermectin by Parents – Medical Kidnap (article and video)
Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed – Dr. Joseph Mercola
US Hospitals: Fraud, Murder, Cash; Federal Assassination-For-Hire Program – Jon Rappoport
It turns out that hospitals are paid by the Feds to give you the fake PCR test – hence their policies that require it.
They also get paid more when they create a false positive. Hence the reason why COX hospital in Springfield MO (1) runs the test at an incredible 40 freaking cycles!
“Mass-Formation” mind control being used to socially engineer world into totalitarian police state – dcclothesline.com
Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID – Dr. Joseph Mercola
America Is Now Entering Phase Two of the Communist Takeover – Dave Hodges
Government Medicine is Hazardous to Your Health – Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (32 minutes.
They fail to mention that the US medical monopoly is not authorized at all by the US Constitution. ~MFP
More information from the web site of Dr Lee Merritt: “The Medical Rebel”
Expect food price inflation skyrocketing in the US after CHICKENS, TRACTORS AND GRAIN SILOS were destroyed by deadly U.S. tornadoes – strangesounds.org
Bombshell Document Dump Proves They Knew About The Deadly Effects Of ‘The Vax’ Early On – Document Marked ‘Confidential’ Should Be Spread Far And Wide Before They Memory Hole It – allnewspipeline.com
USPS Colluding With The FDA To Hold Packages Containing Ivermectin? -redvoicemedia.com
Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine – Zero Hedge
UK Doctor Accused of Hurting Big Pharma Profits by Curing People from Cancer Released from Prison in France – Medical Kidnap
Vitamin C: Nature’s Super Medicine That Cures Disease and Threatens Big Pharma Profits – Medical Kidnap (article and video)
How did Mike Adams and Alex Jones predict vaccine passports and quarantine camps 11 years ago? – HRR Brighteon.com (12 minutes)
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early – Medical Kidnap (17 minutes)
MURDER BY 5G FREQUENCY – Diana-Lenska (41 minutes)
What Doctors don’t know about the drugs that they prescribe – Ted Talk (13 minutes)
Did Joe Biden Launch Weather Weapons Against Kentucky? Alex Jones Exposes CIA Weather Control – Alex Jones (18 minutes)
Doctor Says He Was Fired For Trying To Treat COVID Patients With Ivermectin – Zero Hedge
Watch Alex Jones And Mike Adams Predict Forced Inoculations And Camps 12 Years Ago – Alex Jones Show (13 minutes)
CANADA: Officials Hung in Effigy over COVID Tyranny – Hal Turner Radio
COVID, It’s ALL Theater! Crisis Actor Shows Her Contract – “Appear to Have Difficulty Breathing” – Hal Turner Radio
Nurse Explains Why She Doesn’t Take Modern Medicine Anymore (5 minutes)
Medicare Data Shows 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days Of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated: Renz
Over 1/4 of Remdesivir Treated Died Within 14 Days, Mostly Kidney Failure – Celia Farber
Gmail just announced 2 factor authorization. I smelled a rat and found this info.:
2FA is a Big Tech Scam! You Must Resist! – Rob Braxman Tech (25 minutes)
Facebook has been doing this fir years. ~MFP
The DARPA Hydrogel-Hydra Parasitic Connection – Celeste Solum
San Diego: Woman Sings ‘All I Want For Christmas’ Parody To Oppose COVID Restrictions
What I find interesting above, is that it’s almost all women doing what the spinless men should be doing. ~MFP
Crikey! Australian Senator Forced into a Covid Quarantine Camp Despite Negative Covid Tests – needtoknow.news
Big Tech Is Using Our Cell Phones In A Creepy New Display Of Vax Brainwashing & Mind Control: A List Of The Tactics Being Used And Stories The MSM Will Never Report On – allnewspipeline.com
#RealNotRare New Website for COVID-19 Vaccine Injured – Medical Kidnap
One Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Shot – Medical Kidnap
The Liberty Man John Moore joins Mike Adams to reveal China’s GENOCIDAL plans to wipe out the American people (49 minutes)
We Alone Will Not Bring the Evil to Justice | Steve Quayle on The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 12/9/2021 (60 minutes)
Data Shows Rife Technology Can Destroy All Covid-19 Variants And All Covid-19 Spike Proteins By Dr. MrGraw – Sarah Westall (article)
New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics – Medical Kidnap (article and 40 minute video)
Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COVID
Greg Reese | Infowars.com (4 minutes)
This is worth your time IMHO.
Christian Zionism Has Taken Bethlehem Back To The Days Of Herod – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (article)
Christian Zionism Has Taken Bethlehem Back To The Days Of Herod – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (60 minute sermon)
Kyle Rittenhouse IN STUDIO! Sit-down & Cigars With Crowder | Louder with Crowder (76 minutes)
Kyle Rittenhouse Reinstated On Social Media Platforms, Starts Posting – dailywire.com
Pilot Deaths Up 1700% after Vax Mandates – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Dec 7, 2021 – We have DECODED the globalist attack on the CRYPTO landscape – Mike Adams (76 minutes)
Catherine Austin Fitts – The Mother of all Truth BOMBS! – theburningplatform.com (90 minutes)
Los Angeles Police Detective Warns “Stay away from L.A., you will not be safe” – Hal Turner Radio Show
The real problem here is that the standing army known as the “police”, has disarmed the people of LA (the Militia). When you criminally (in violation of the 2nd amendment) disarm people this is what the flock happens you dumb SOB. . ~MFP
Like Fukushima just in the US! Radioactive water from Pilgrim nuclear plant to be dumped into Cape Cod Bay – strangesounds.org
New Zealand PM: “There’s Not Going To Be An Endpoint To This Vaccination Program” – Infowars.com
(THE JAB) The Worst That Could Happen – Bill Sardi
Unvaccinated Illinois residents to pay own COVID-19 hospital bill, state lawmaker proposes – fox32chicago.com
Big Tech Takedown Hits Infowars Ahead of IMF Announcing Imminent Economic Collapse – Alex Jones Show (34 minutes)
Australia Has Fallen. Is Our Nation Next? – theorganicprepper.com
Revealed: The Locations of Australia’s Eleven Quarantine Camps | Exclusive – Health Impact News
German Study Finds ZERO COVID-19 Deaths in Healthy Children but the Children are Now Dying from the Vaccine – Medical Kidnap
Donald Trump Admits His Guilt in Mass Murder by Lethal Injection: “I Developed the Vaccine When Everyone Said it Wasn’t Possible” – Medical Kidnap
Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems – Hal Turner Radio Show (article and 7 minute video)
Geo Shift? Putin Announces Military Cooperation Between Russia and . . . INDIA! – Hal Turner Radio Show
Monday LIVE: Deep State Democrats Announce Permanent Masks, Forced-Injections of Newborn Children – FULL SHOW 12/6/21 – Alex Jones Show (182 minutes)
Time To Call It What It Is: Mass Murder – With Dr. Dave Janda – Sarah Westll (22 minutes)
Why Do Government Officials Want to Ban Ham Radio? (HAM Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years.) – conspiracyforever.home.blog
Mega-Drought & Mega Food Shortages – Dane Wigington – usawatchdog.com (article and 22 minute video)
Cover-Up Begins for Vax Damage: Media Outlets Pushing “Cold Weather Causes Heart Attacks” – Hal Turner Radio
Mass Formation Psychosis: DR. ROBERT MALONE – BILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY THIS & THEY DON’T REALIZE IT (12 minutes – highly recommended)
Alex Jones Declares WAR on Donald Trump Unless He Comes Out Against The Corona Injection Agenda – Infowars.com (22 minutes)
Evergrande DEFAULT confirmed, global financial CONTAGION now imminent – Mike Adams – Health Ranger Report (10 minutes)
2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women – Medical Kidnap
Totalitarian Medicine: The US government is effectively “fining” hospitals if they use Ivermectin or anything not approved – joannenova.com.au
Over 100,000 cases of psychiatric disorders reported following COVID vaccination – dcclothesline.com
Australia’s ‘Mass Death Camps’ And Manhunts For ‘Quarantine Prison Escapees’ Are Showing The World The Globalists Tyrannical Hand – allnewspipeline.com
NIH Paper: Ivermectin Has Broad Antiviral Properties; Benefits for COVID-19 – Hal Turner Radio Show
7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot – Medical Kidnap
“Sudden Deaths” of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing After COVID-19 Shots Approved for This Age Group – Medical Kidnap
Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors – technocracy.news
German Doctor Murdered Hours After Exposing Graphene Hydroxide In Vaccines — See Video Here – Infowars.com (30 minutes)
George Soros’ network of woke DA’s he has bankrolled in cities across the US – Daily Mail
Nevada Becomes First State To Impose Surcharge On Unvaccinated Workers – Zachary Stieber | The Epoch Times
** You must get a membership for Dave Hodges TV to watch the following.
It is every much worth the small fee. ~MFP
Friday Emergency Broadcast: Biden Pledges to Forcibly Inject All Babies at Birth With Pfizer’s Bioweapon – FULL SHOW 12/3/21 – Alex Jones (182 minutes)
Fauci’s Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
YOU really should listen to this and pass it on.
Friday December 3rd: All Banks of America seem to be closed today in Springfield MO with no warning or explanation. You do know they are going to fail soon don’t you? Perhaps this was a dry run.
80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccine Database to be Used as a Tool to Force Vaccines – Need to Know News
FWIW most dumbed down Christians don’t even know that there is a clergy response team. ~MFP
Figures: US Oil Reserves Released by Joe Biden to Go China and India — Will Not Put a Dent in US Gas Prices Here at Home – Gateway Pundit
This is clearly more treason. How many times can you execute a man?
Tucker Carlson says Democrats are using COVID and Omicron as a power grab and America will end up looking like Australia with its stringent lockdowns – dailymail.co.uk ( article and 11 minute video)
Video: Some Swedes Are Getting Vaccine Passports On IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIPS – Steve Watson
Steve Quayle on The Hagmann Report | Sheep to Slaughter – Arrogance is an Obstacle to Truth ( FULL SHOW) 12/2/2021 ( 90 minutes)
U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship – Ice Age Farmer (11 minutes)
- USAF HVAC personnel ordered to Afghanistan!
- Not to rescue abandoned American children!
- But to support China’s lithium mines!
- 50 states oppose jab!
- 19 Dems leaving Congress!
The Fourth Reich Is Here! Germany Announces New Lockdown, Forced Injections to Start Feb 1st – The Alex Jones Show December 2nd 2021, 10:40 am. (Show archives can be found here)
LA Sheriff Nixes COVID Testing Company: DNA “Will Likely Be Shared With… China” – technocracy.news
Who is directing both Cox and Mercy hospitals in Springfield MO to so psychotically follow this UN directed agenda?
I have been denied critical surgery by both of these Satanically aligned organization in Springfield MO that seem hell bent in helping the Elites fully destroy this country so that the Communist take over can proceed. There will be a story on this soon.
Are You Prepared for the Multitude of Life-Threatening, Nation-Ending, Extinction Level Events? Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges – (article and 57 minute audio interview)
Bill Gates Indicted For Murder In Death Attributed To Covid Shot – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Child Sex Abusers At CIA Avoiding Prosecution: What We Know – RT.com
This is not the first time. In what is known as the “Finders Case” the CIA was found to be involved in pedophilia and making snuff films. No one as prosecuted back then either.
Uncensored Information is a Valuable Commodity & Money For Nothing, From Nothing | Chris Hoar & Richard Proctor on The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 12/01/2021 (120 minutes)
Tucker Carlson Points Out Alex Jones More Accurate Than Corporate Press – Infowars.com (article and 5 minute video)
Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments – childrenshealthdefense.org
Gold price at $10k, silver at $500 due to ‘a decade of shortage’, says Goehring & Rozencwajg – kitco.com
Why I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label – History and Science Show Vaccines Have NEVER Been Safe nor Effective – Medical KIdnap – Brian Shilhavy
The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book – Thomas DiLorenzo
The Make Believe Pandemic & The OMICRON Variant – Bill Sardi
I highly recommend Bill Sardi’s health research. Here is an archive of is stuff.
From Near Death in a Hospital to Happy at Home, a Father Is Saved by His Daughter and Ivermectin – Guest Post by Mary Beth Pfeiffer – theburningplatform.com
PROOF that COVID “vaccines” cause prion disease – Ethan Huff
Medical Tyranny is a Defense Mechanism for Pedophiles that Run the Planet – The Alex Jones Show (12 minutes)
Tragedy: Man, 49, Dies Following 2nd Moderna Shot After Doctors Forced Him to Take Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List – Adan Salazar
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia is Murdering its Patients for Money
Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts – theburningplatform.com
Missouri court says covid mandates, restrictions imposed by “the whims of public health bureaucrats” are illegal – Natural News
We need courts to tell us what elementary school children used to know? The American people are incredibly dumbed down and cowardly is my take on this, The “modern churches” have convinced most Chrisitains that the government is akin to God.
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