January 21, 2021 Breaking news and thoughts: WELCOME TO THE BANANA REPUBLIC OF THE USA!

“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
~ Psalm 94:16 

When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.
~Deuteronomy 20

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

Come back  this evening for some  of my thoughts on the steal…
eh  maybe tomorrow    ~MFP

FREE ARCHIVE: Complete On-Air Meltdown. The Rage could not be contained – Hal Turner Radio

Direct   MP3  link here (120 minutes)

So . . . now that we know it was all LIES, who gets a baseball bat to their face? – Hal Turner  Radio

Stewart has a lot of great advice on  what happened yesterday and where to go  from here.  Hint: it includes the Militia  – MFP

Founder of Oathkeepers: We No Longer Have A Legitimate President – Stewart Rhodes on Infowars (20 minutes)

Final Q Drop? Emergency Message To Q-Anon Supporters – Alex Jones (20 minutes)

Constitutional Attorney: We May Have a Permanent Militarized Capitol – Robert Barnes on Infowars (40 minutes)

** The Capitol looks like it belongs in Hunger Games.  Speaking of which famine seems destined to hit us soon.

Traitor Joe Biden Installed as Globalists Seize Power in the White House – Infowars (37 minutes)

Original Post – Mike Adams – Health Ranger Report
MP3 audio of above

My initial response to Mikes message  aboveMFP

Sorry Mike but EVERYONE basically abandoned us:
The politicians, the president, the churches, the police, the courts, the “patriot-tard leaders” and last but not least most of our fellow Americans have sold us down the river!

MANY if not most are too dumb to see that it was always up to all to us! But instead they supported both the green and the blue standing armies. They ignored the founders warning about standing armies! They ignored the God inspired Constitution that tells us that it is up to us! They called it the Militia. Wake up folks you are made in Gods image and it is your duty to address this evil:

When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.
~Deuteronomy 20

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill

Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

2nd post to Mike today:

“Mike before you study scripture I suggest that you study the Constitution. You seem to believe that permissions from the government i.e. “civil rights” are in any way legitimate. As is the application today of the 14th amendment to you and I. Read the Declaration if you want to see your rights, not permissions,  in writing.”    `MFP

From Missouri:


here is the background to Doreen’s story: above:
january 20, 2021 the marshall report

They Started the War, Not Us w/ Mike Harris – Sarah Westall
** Pay attention about 30 minutes in when the tactic of monkey wrenching is brought up. Listen of read Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal this book” if you want to know more.  FEMA camps are  for YOU are also talked about.
FWIW Mike Harris is the Author of this must read  article:
Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia – Verterans Today

Biden, Harris Rushed To Burn Ward After Touching Bible – babylonbee.com

Biden, Harris Rushed To Burn Ward After Touching Bible – babylonbee.com

Fireworks Erupt Over Beijing To Celebrate Biden Inauguration – babylonbee.com

Biden Sees Own Shadow, Predicting Just Six Weeks Of Being President – babylonbee.com

Left-wing media calls for spy agencies to hunt down “white terror” in America, turning nation into Stasi-style police state – Natural News

Leftists Call For New “Secret Police” Force to Spy on Trump Supporters
– Paul Joseph Watson

Biden’s Presidency Will Be A Catalyst For Secession – And Perhaps Civil War – alt-market.us

I graduated High school in 1976, and learned absolutely nothing about the founding principles of this county. Today even the home schooling “Christians”  and their parents are amazingly ignorant of not only our founding principles but much of how the world really works.   It is like being surrounded by young children when you try to discuss most things of importance.   

The mass of people have been mind controlled and make very ignorant  in many areas.  The scary truth is that very few of the “troops” have  even a foggy idea about the Constitution and the Declaration. ~MFP

Biden to Cancel Trump’s 1776 Commission That Promotes American Founding Values – Sarah Westall

The above story  fits in with what this soviet defector told us they were going to do to our schools:

Looking Through An Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy – Zero Hedge – TYLER DURDEN

Biden Orders Quarantines, Mandatory Masks As Team Teases 50+ ‘Action Items’ To Destroy Trump Legacy; Invokes Wartime Powers For COVID Jabs  

Simone Gold, who advocated hydroxychloroquine as a remedy for coronavirus, arrested in connection to Capitol “riot” – Natural News

Simone Gold, who advocated hydroxychloroquine as a remedy for coronavirus, arrested in connection to Capitol “riot” – Natural News

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming – greenwald.substack.com