MFP Commentary:

I must dissent on the martial law demand.  Martial law is not supported in the least in the Constitution and it contradicts the definition of a right.  A right being something that can not be infringed upon, altered, or cancelled.  Americans at this juncture are too dumbed down for this to matter. Perhaps to their serious detriment. ( do not look in the dictionary for the definition of right – as the dictionary has been Orwellized.  FWIW a right  as defined in the Declaration is:   “Anything that one chooses to do. Absolutely anything other than harming another sentient being”.  I have yet to meet anyone that can correctly define what a right is and that was done by design in the 12 year indoctrination camps.(the 10th plank of the communist manifesto)

The Left” is Biblical and it refers to Satan-controlled. The Democrats have sold their collective souls to Satan. First, they took God out of their party platform. Second, they support the murder of babies by the millions. Third, they want to take away all of your civil liberties. Fourth, many of the leadership espouse the depopulation goals of the globalists. Today’s Democratic Party constitute Satan’s threat to humanity. Saving America is no longer about electing the right people. It is about taking the right action. THE CSS SUPPORTS A PRESIDENTIAL DECLARATION OF THE INSURRECTION ACT AND TO PLACE AMERICA IN A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW WHILE THE ARREST OF TRAITORS TO THE REPUBLIC TAKES PLACE?

America is currently undergoing a Bolshevik Revolution. In the history of the world, with this type of revolution, there has NEVER been a time when this kind of revolution was accompanied by a purge. This means, death, destruction, persecution of Christians, FEMA concentration camps, mass executions of anyone perceived to be a dissident and the installation of a 24/7 state of fear amongst the population in order to keep control over the survivors. Make no mistake about it, the takeover of America and the rest of the world is Satanically inspired. After years of battling these forces, I have concluded that there is no negotiating with these satanic animals. To borrow a term from Sun Tzu, from the Art of War, the Democratic Party has placed America on “death’s ground.” This means that whether Americans, possessing cognitive dissonance or not, are being forced to choose. There are two broad choices:

  1. Sit on the fence be depopulated in a FEMA camp or through systematic starvation.
  2. Americans discover their collective background and stand their ground while praying for Divine Intervention…..Read More