America’s Totalitarian Ruling Class and Its Willing Slaves By Thomas DiLorenzo

America’s Totalitarian Ruling Class and Its Willing Slaves

If the corona cold virus calamity teaches us anything it is that, with few exceptions, America’s political class is overwhelmingly dominated by fascists and totalitarians.  I speak of course of all the governors, mayors, and city and county council members who have taken it upon themselves to declare that their words are law, and to use the heavily-armed police forces at their disposal to enforce their “laws.” The Morticia Adams-ish governor of Michigan has become the face of today’s fascist totalitarian political class.

Real laws are passed by Congress and state legislatures and are signed by chief executives.  NONE of the “stay-at-home” orders are laws; they are the mere words of politicians and bureaucrats.  Nor are they based on “science.” In the true spirit of Abraham Lincoln, who arbitrarily redefined “treason” from its Article 3, Section 3 definition of “levying war upon” the free and independent states (which he was guilty of) to criticizing himself and his policies, the political class has not amended but simply redefined the Constitution to mean whatever words come out of either sides of their mouths.  This reminds your author of an old movie, “The Island of Doctor Moreau,” in which Burt Lancaster portrays a mad scientist who experiments on animals that he makes part human.  To control the beasts he tells them that he is their father and  and “The Sayer of the Law.”  Whatever he says is “the law” by virtue of his having said it.  America has become one big island of Dr. Moreaus hiding behind their titles of “governor” or “mayor.”

The Bill of Rights does not say that we have inalienable rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and religion “unless people get sick,” after all.  But, alas, the Constitution has essentially been a dead letter for generations.  Americans have long lived under the “Hamiltonian constitution,” which is whatever the politicians of the day say it is.   Jeffersonian “strict constructionism” was abandoned, essentially, at the end of the “Civil War.”

This fact is why almost all who are attracted to politics as a career today are totalitarian-minded thugs. They get into politics precisely because they want to yield this monopolistic, totalitarian power against their fellow citizens, who they often despise and hate, publicly labeling them with such words as “deplorable” and much worse.  There are a few exceptions, of course, the most magnificent of which is former Congressman Ron Paul, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule…..Read More