American Life Expectancy Approaches 3rd World Levels

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Thursday, November 28, 2019 – 05:31.


From the Gulf to Chemtrails to GMO’s to Fukushima, American Life Expectancy Approaches 3rd World Levels!

America’s longevity is plummeting. In the broadcast, Dave examines 4 key areas which are contributing to America’s lifespan decline which is approaching 3rd world levels. The 4 areas are:

1. Fukushima

2. The after-effects of the Gulf Oil Spill

3. GMO’s and the open gene envelope phenomena

4. Chemtrails which are having a pervasive impact on multiple aspects of human health.

This is all part of the depopulation plan emanating from the globalists. Here is the story…..


19th-Century Americans Didn’t “Support the Troops”

Were an American from the mid-nineteenth century to time-travel to modern America, he’d be truly amazed to find that Americans are often expected to thank soldiers “for your service” and to act as if the military was doing the taxpayer a favor.

The lionizing of government employees in uniform has become standard fare in the post-9-11 world, with special discounts for members of the military, early boarding on airplanes, and free meals at restaurants.

It’s quite a contrast from the attitude of Americans during the first century of the republic, however.

Of this, the examples are numerous.

For example, in his memoirs, Ulysses S. Grant recounts how he trotted out into the streets of Cincinnati after first receiving his uniform as an officer. According to Grant:

Continue reading “19th-Century Americans Didn’t “Support the Troops””

Radiologists Conceal Heavy Metal Accumulation From MRIs By Joseph Mercola

MFP Commentary:
Because they are part of the what can often be dangerous “standards of care”  the staff at the Fordland Medical Clinic  seem to be perfectly fine with this procedure.

November 21, 2019

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging study that allows your physician to see detailed pictures of your organs and tissues. The MRI machine uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to take detailed cross-sectional pictures of your internal organs and tissues.1

The scanner looks like a tube with a table that enables you to slide into the tunnel of the machine to gather data. Unlike CT scans or X-rays that use ionizing radiation known to damage DNA, the MRI uses magnetic fields.

Images from an MRI give physicians better information about abnormalities, tumors, cysts and specific organ problems with your heart, liver, uterus, kidneys and other organs.

In some instances, your physician may want an enhanced MRI, one using a contrast agent or dye to improve the clarity of the images produced. According to a recent international poll,2 a majority of radiologists avoid informing patients when deposits of toxic contrast agents are discovered…..Read More



MFP Commentary:
Most  often the FBI is being used to cover up the crimes ofthe globalists and their puppets.

Search “FBI on this site


The swamp is more sinister than you’re led to believe… tune in!

Related Stories:

FBI Uses Confidential Informant to Entrap Militia Activists for Phony Siege on Gretchen Whitmer

The United States Government is a Criminal Racket Writ Large

By November 20, 2019

A certain type of person strives to become a master over all, and to extend his force, his will to power, and to subdue all that resists it. But he encounters the power of others, and comes to an arrangement, a union, with those that are like him: thus they work together to serve the will to power. And the process goes on.”  

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The political class is made up of those that seek to gain power over others due to either an attitude of superiority, an inflated ego, a desire to advance a personal agenda, or a misplaced concern for the wretched majority that they believe through power can be molded to their way of thinking. These political types are of many stripes, but among them rest an evil core, that group that will go to any lengths to not only gain power and control over others, but to keep it at any cost. Politicians of this ilk are the most self-serving of all.

But these groups of politicians who make up the governing class, those with false illusions of grandeur, soon awaken to the fact that they are not the actual rulers, but instead are serving a higher power. This higher power of elites actually controls the political class, but does so in many cases with anonymity, and with the use of illegal payoffs, blackmail, bribery, extortion, or threat of harm. The politician soon comes to the realization that government is but a racket that is based on collusion with a criminal element that holds a monopoly on power. It is similar to the hierarchal structure of a mafia underworld where the heads of the family, the bosses, remain in the shadows, while their lieutenants, the politicians, carry out orders handed down from above…..Read More

Your private HIPPA protected medical information from places like the Fordland Clinic are ending up with Google!

MFP Commentary:
Places like the Fordland Medical Clinic tell all sorts of lies.  One of the bigger ones, is that your confidential medical information (including psychological  records)  is private.  There are HIPPA laws…blah, bah, blah….
People that are paying attention know  that this is another blatant government lie.  Google is currently openly stating that they have over 100 million private medical records that the Fordland medical monopoly tells you are private,  as do the psychopaths in our legislatures.
I am confident that if there is ever a federal mandate to send your medical  records directly to Google that the Fordland clinic will  do do without hesitation.    Why do I think this?
My interactions with and the resulting  despicable behavior of   this woman:

Sonia Cass – AKA “Nurse Ratchet” –  the person most responsible for destroying what little medical rights I had left after their implementing of Federal Mandates.

Sonia Cass


Fury as it emerges Google is working on a top secret project with access to millions of Americans’ health data including lab tests and diagnoses – but patients and doctors have not been told

What If There’s a New Red List Only Consisting of Unhealthy People?

As more stories break I will try to list them below:

The “Officer Friendly” Police Fantasy by James Bovard

I really like James Bovard books. His articles are just as engaging…. ~MFP


The “Officer Friendly” Police Fantasy

Police in Tempe, Arizona, announced plans in July for a “positive ticketing” campaign to pull over drivers who had violated no traffic laws. A Phoenix TV station reported that the police would give the people they targeted free soft-drink coupons for Circle K as a reward for their “good driving behavior.” Police in other areas have run similar programs in recent years but the TV news report on Tempe’s plan spurred a torrent of testy Tweets:

“Keep your hands on the wheel and don’t make any sudden moves while you are being rewarded, it could cost you your life.”

“We gunned him down…. well, he refused to stop for his coupon. Self defense. Case dismissed.”

“Um, WHAT?!? They better not stop me for driving legally cause that’s illegal! #harassment”

“What if you don’t stop?”

“Cops to profile for illegal immigrants under the guise of campaign to promote good driving.”

“There goes probable cause right out the window. Police state 101.”

“I would get a panic attack. My reward for driving well is not dying. That’s all I want.”

“Unless it’s a ruse to illegally search your vehicles. And if they notice anything out of line during the mock pullover you’ll be arrested.”

“What’s next? Are they going to start walking into people’s houses to congratulate them for not breaking the law?”

One commenter suggested he could be fined for “resisting a coupon” for free drinks.

A few months before its “positive ticketing campaign” announcement, Tempe police were harshly criticized after one of their officers shot a 14-year-old boy in the back, killing him as he was running away while holding a replica airsoft pistol. An Arizona ACLU employee summarized the situation on Twitter:

“Tempe cops: the community doesn’t trust us after we shot and killed an unarmed teen (sic) what do we do

Community: stop killing us


The Tempe Police Department responded to the uproar by issuing a statement stating that they never intended to pull over motorists without good cause. Instead, the free-coupon program would be targeted to pedestrians, bicyclists, and skateboarders. But the furious reaction of people across the nation signaled the profound distrust of police….Read More



Thank You for What Service? By Laurence M. Vance November 11, 2019

MFP Commentary:

“Thanks for the article Vance

FWIW I have been physically attacked twice in this small MO town for not being thankful enough for their service, and spoke my mind. Many of the troops IMHO are dangerous psychopaths after their service and are not fit to be in civil society. The police in both cases would do nothing because of course not showing enough respect to the war criminals makes me the bad guy. And they are encouraging this criminal behavior in the “troops” by not prosecuting them. (most of the cops are war criminal vets also)

For one they have pissed all over the Constitution that requires a declaration of war. They fight any and all wars of aggression which happen to be war crimes. They use weapons with indiscriminate killing potential (agent orange, nuking or fire bombing  entire cities, and of course depleted uranium) which is also a war crime.  How about adding in the War of Northern Aggression (where the Feds murdered many members of my family) and  the  kidnapping of Japanese  ancestry US citizens and putting them into concentration camps in CA? (My neighbors met in one of these concentration camps known as camp “No No”.)

Thank YOU for your service to liberty Vance.


Related article:   19th-Century Americans Didn’t “Support the Troops”


Veterans Day should be renamed.

It happened once before. Veterans Day was originally termed Armistice Day. It commemorated the signing of the armistice on November 11 that ended fighting on the Western Front in World War I. But because the “war to end all wars” didn’t, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day after World War II. President Eisenhower signed the legislation making the change on June 1, 1954.

Since the first U.S. invasion of Iraq in 1991, and especially since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11, Veterans Day has taken on a new meaning: Military Appreciation Day. Although there are other national holidays (Memorial Day and the Fourth of July) that have degenerated into Military Appreciation Days, Veterans Day is the ultimate day to celebrate all things military.

On Veterans Day, veterans and active duty military personnel can take advantage of special discounts at many places of business and free meals at restaurants. Many cities have parades in honor of the military. Both public and private schools have programs featuring local veterans and military personnel.

Churches have “patriotic” services on the Sunday before Veterans Day where veterans and active duty military are encouraged to wear their uniforms to church, military anthems are played, the names of veterans are listed in the church bulletin, veterans are recognized and applauded during the Sunday morning church service, the church sign has the Scripture on it replaced with something about the military, and more prayers than usual are offered for “the troops.” Some churches show a video tribute to the troops, have a military color guard march down the main aisle to open the service, or have a military chaplain as the guest preacher.

But above all, everyone in the country is bombarded with exhortations to find a veteran and say: “Thank you for your service.”

Service in the military is called being in the service. But what “service” are we supposed to thank a veteran for? How did a veteran serve me or any other American by being in the military?

I can see the point of thanking a waiter or waitress for their service because they actually served me, but the same is not true of a veteran of the U.S. military. Those in the military do many things, but serving me or any other American is not one of them….Read More

Boulder County Sheriff’s Office sued after video shows inmate being tasered while strapped down

MFP Commentary:

This is how Blue ISIS acts in your town.  (I know from over 50 years of experience with them)The  so called “Christians” in the churches seem to support this evil without reservation. Christity IMHO has become a mental disorder that does  not know the difference between right and wrong.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

When things like this happen to someone 99.9% of the time they can do nothing to seek justice because “modern christians”  seem to be perfectly fine with the government created monopoly of the legal “BAR” that most people can never ever afford.  In my personal life in dozens of crimes committed against me by the state I have not had the funds to hire one of the monopolists (lawyers)  even once to help me seek justice…..not once.  The FACT of the matter is that for the common person there is ZERO access to any form of justice or the legal system and it’s going to reach a head sooner or later.
FWIW the “milita” used to be our protection against such tyranny.  No longer.  Americans are stupid enough to have let it die on the vine.

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~JFK


BOULDER, Colo. — The Boulder County sheriff and five deputies are named in an excessive force lawsuit after an inmate was tasered even though she was already in a restraint chair with her hands strapped behind her back and her head covered with a spit hood.

Lauren Gotthelf filed the federal lawsuit Tuesday morning for an incident that occurred Nov. 25, 2017.

The 34-year-old was ticketed by a Boulder police officer for smoking on the Pearl Street Mall and allowing her service dog to be off-leash. When Gotthelf refused to sign the summons, she was taken to the Boulder County Jail.

Once at the jail, Sgt. Chris Reiss can be heard on body cam footage telling Gotthelf, “Based on your suicide statements, you’re going on suicide watch.”

Gotthelf is heard denying she made any suicidal statements but there is no body cam that recorded what she may have said moments earlier, only the interaction between her and deputies that followed.

“You guys are nuts,” is what Gotthelf is heard saying to deputies when told she has to strip and put on a suicide smock. At one point, Gotthelf told deputies that she should be taken to a hospital if they believed she was a suicide risk.

“You’re not going to a hospital, you’re going on a suicide protocol,” Reiss responded.

Suicide protocol often means placing the inmate in isolation with a smock so he or she cannot harm themself….Read More


A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

MFP Commentary:
Isn’t this exactly what the 2nd amendment, and the milita is all about? I doubt this would have happened if we had a fully functioning milita. Instead we have Blue ISIS that instead of protecting our rights is one of the main violators of our God given rights.

Related Story:   Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment

A state law allows counties to effectively steal homes over unpaid taxes and keep the excess revenue for their own budgets.


A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

An 83-year-old retired engineer in Michigan underpaid his property taxes by $8.41. In response, Oakland County seized his property, auctioned it off to settle the debt, and pocketed nearly $24,500 in excess revenue from the sale.

Under Michigan law, it was all legal. And hardly uncommon.

Uri Rafaeli, who lost his property and all the equity associated with it, is just one of thousands of people to be victimized by Michigan’s uniquely aggressive property tax statute. The law, passed in 1999 in an attempt to accelerate the rehabilitation of abandoned properties, empowers county treasurers to act as debt collectors. In the process, it creates a perverse incentive by allowing treasurers’ offices to retain excess revenue raised by seizing and selling properties with delinquent taxes—even when the amount owed is miniscule, and even when the homes aren’t abandoned or blighted at all. …Read More