Former Nurse at Phoenix Children’s Hospital Speaks Out Against Medical Kidnapping of Children

A hallmark of a free people is the ability to think for ourselves, which includes the right to question, to seek out truth, and to hold opinions that are different from those of someone else. If, however, the person that parents question is a doctor, the cherished American value of this basic liberty may be squashed by a simple phone call to Child Protective Services, after which custody of the child is seized by the state. Medical kidnapping has become the go-to punishment for those parents who dare to question their children’s doctors. With ancient religious fervor, medical “heretics” are seeing their families ripped apart. At a recent rally for families in front of Phoenix Children’s Hospital, a former nurse spoke out about the abuses that she has seen at the hospital. She told the group: “I am in this field. I didn’t go into healthcare to steal children!” Yet, that is the scenario that is being played out in Children’s Hospitals every single day, all across America.
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