Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook censors post of mine every single day

Mark Zuckerberg the criminal is censoring again and IMHO belongs in jail.  Here is today’s trampling of my God given rights by this Satanic  New World Order psychopath:

** If you wonder why this is in the category of “government criminality”  you must learn that all of this censorship is ultimately run by the intelligence services (i.e.  CIA) that created these large Internet corperations. ~MFP

America’s About to Throw Its Elderly Under the Bus

Illegal aliens obtain them for a nominal cost. They help perpetrate the fraud against the American people. Now, these cards are about to worth less. The Social Security Administration is about to throw the fixed-income elderly under the bus and reduce their benefits by as much as 25%. What will be the implications for the elderly? What will happen when America forsakes its elderly?…. Read Here

America’s About to Throw Its Elderly Under the Bus

How Medical Tyranny Through Forced HIV Drugs Destroyed a Child’s Life and Killed His Mother

MFP Commentary:
“The State” here in the US is no different than the thugs that ran Nazi Germany. They just  murder in a more occulted fashion. What we have in medical care in this country is a state protected monopoly,  that dispenses a thinly veiled system of eugenics.

I must ask: Where in hell are the “right to life people”? Where? Obviously they are mostly  “useful idiots“.



by Health Impact News/ Staff

When Lindsey Nagel gave birth to her son Rico, she recognized that the only reason that she had lived long enough to fall in love and bear a child was because of the courage of her parents to discontinue a dangerous medication for her when she was just 2-years-old.

She was devastated when doctors insisted that the same drug be given to her newborn son. When she hesitated to comply, doctors and a social worker with the Mayo Clinic affiliated hospital called Child Protective Services.

The Nagel story is one of heartache, then triumph, followed by devastation. While no family escapes encounters with Child Protective Services unscathed, the Nagels’ encounter ultimately cost Lindsey’s life.

Like too many parents before and after her, Lindsey’s health declined and she lost the will to live.

She is another tragic casualty in the battle for families waging in our country right now as a result of medical kidnappings.

Lindsey’s mother Cheryl Nagel was a recent guest on the Victurus Libertas show. In the episode entitled, “The Lindsey Nagel Story – #1984 – The State Owns Your Children,” Cheryl shared the stunning saga of her family’s eye-opening encounter with the power of the state and medical establishment combined.

Listen to the story here:…. Read More

There is no Russian threat compared to the very real Chinese threat:

MFP Commentary:
Do your due diligence please.  The Democrats have totally embraced China and commited treason, time and time again.
There is no question other than why the hell the Justice Department has not issued indictments?  Will they ever?
Will the sheeple wake up before it is too late?


FBI says Chinese operatives active at scores of U.S. universities

Embedded Chinese Military In the Sierra Madre

According to trusted insider sources, including the late Bill Pawelec, the Chinese military are embedded in the Sierra Madre just a hop, skip and a jump across the border. This is a main Red Dawn invasion force.

Continue reading “There is no Russian threat compared to the very real Chinese threat:”