For years, Rudy North woke up at 9 a.m. and read the Las Vegas Review-Journal while eating a piece of toast. Then he read a novel—he liked James Patterson and Clive Cussler—or, if he was feeling more ambitious, Freud. On scraps of paper and legal notepads, he jotted down thoughts sparked by his reading. “Deep below the rational part of our brain is an underground ocean where strange things swim,” he wrote on one notepad. On another, “Life: the longer it cooks, the better it tastes.”
Rennie, his wife of fifty-seven years, was slower to rise. She was recovering from lymphoma and suffered from neuropathy so severe that her legs felt like sausages. Each morning, she spent nearly an hour in the bathroom applying makeup and lotions, the same brands she’d used for forty years. She always emerged wearing pale-pink lipstick. Rudy, who was prone to grandiosity, liked to refer to her as “my amour.”
On the Friday before Labor Day, 2013, the Norths had just finished their toast when a nurse, who visited five times a week to help Rennie bathe and dress, came to their house, in Sun City Aliante, an “active adult” community in Las Vegas. They had moved there in 2005, when Rudy, a retired consultant for broadcasters, was sixty-eight and Rennie was sixty-six. They took pride in their view of the golf course, though neither of them played golf.
Rudy chatted with the nurse in the kitchen for twenty minutes, joking about marriage and laundry, until there was a knock at the door. A stocky woman with shiny black hair introduced herself as April Parks, the owner of the company A Private Professional Guardian. She was accompanied by three colleagues, who didn’t give their names. Parks told the Norths that she had an order from the Clark County Family Court to “remove” them from their home. She would be taking them to an assisted-living facility. “Go and gather your things,” she said.
Because the people of this country are so dumb as to not recognize the need for the militia, and have let it become almost non-existent, When the 5th column terror escalates,as planned, the only force available will be the globalist United Nations military, and it will be unleashed upon the American people.
This is where it is heading folks. Get off your rears, and speak out for a change. My God what is it going to take for people to see what their government has become and is doing? Scripture speaks of “justice” 40 times in the KJV. This is NOT justice! This is a psychopathic criminals calling themselves government….
Hosea 4:6New King James Version (NKJV)
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
Yes you read that right, and my standard retort to the question of “this is Amazon how may I help you?” is now “If you can find Jeff Bezos please kick him in the balls”. That usually sets them back a bit, and then I continue to explain:
I am a very computer literate person, and avoided “intellectual property rights” like Amazon’s Kindle books for almost 15 years, because I knew what I would be getting into, so against my better judgement I made the Kindle plunge…..
The very fist week, I could not get my bought, and paid for property to download into the Windows 7, Kindle reader, I spend 4 entire mornings with the incompetent Amazon support staff that took 2 days to tell me to turn off my VPN because their half baked app would not work with a VPN. I spent 2 more days with tech support, and in the end Amazon stole over 6 hours of my time with no compensation, in my effect to use my own bought and paid for property.
Fast forward to last night… I was reading a very important book necessary for my vocation, last night when I decided to see what the process of loaning out a Kindle book looked like. So for test purposes I “loaned” the book to my mother by sending her an email that she could either accept or refuse. ( I knew ahead of time she would NEVER accept this invitation and read this book.
What happened immediately was that I no longer had access to my book!
To give an analogy this would be like me calling you and agreeing to loan you my book if you wanted it. But before you could even answer, or accept, a thief by the name of Jeff Bezos sneaks into my house, and steals my personal property. I am not allowed to read my own book, and you have not even decided whether you want to read it or not. What boggles my mind is why the idiots at Amazon did not include a button that would take the loan back. If someone does not take you up on your loan that you are still denied the use of your property by Jeff Bezos. This is the very definition of theft.
Anyhow I spent an uncompensated hour on the phone last night with tech support who manged to get the book back on my laptop.
This morning I tried to open the book on my smartphone only to find it unavailable. I just spend 2 hours and 5 phone calls to get this issue resolved.
I find Amazon’s actions to be those of a thief, and I am in the process of filing a complaint with the Missouri Attorney generals office (for all of the help that that are.)
Stay tuned to updates….
11/15/17 12:30 am – Just got my new phone turned on yesterday as replacing the screen on the old one cost as much as phone does. I just tried to fire up the kindle app on the new phone, and read “MY” book, and guess what? Yup… that low life criminal SOB Jeff Bezos has stolen my book, and my time again (something that you and I would go to jail for). I can’t read my book now without spending a lot of time on the phone with Amazon tech support. This is how criminal these large corperations have become. I would bet that this story continues…..they are not done screwing me. This is what I foresaw and why I eschewed this technology for 15 years. and yes I still fantasize about kicking Jeff Bezos in the balls.
If you do your due diligence you are likely to come to the conclusion like many have that Jeff Bezos is a globalist and thus the mortal enemy of anyone that believes in the principles that this country was founded upon.
His dealing with the NSA borders on treason IMHO. A capital offense….
Lets not forget the criminal theft of both Animal Farm and Brave New World on readers tablets. This was not IMHO an accident, but a clear message about the nefarious nature of these ebooks, and that Amazon, as part of the New World Order’s infrastructure, was going to take full advantage of it.
UPDATE 12/1/17:
Paid for a Kindle book. Twice in fact. It still has not shown up, so I can’t read it.
So in addition to the cost of the book, I am going to have to spend $20 of my time tied up with tech support to get access to my own property. Do you see a pattern here yet?
This time Amazon, that seems to own all of the books that i paid for, is now not letting me read one of my cook books, saying that it is registered on too many devices. Who knows how much time it is going to take to jump this latest hurtle put between me and my property?
FWIW I am still unable to read any of my books on my laptop using the Windows 7 application. and that is after spending 4 full mornings with their tech support and getting no where.
The ebook I purchased last night has still not shown up and in addition when I tried to open a book on my smartphone I found out that the obtuse, confusing, interface to administer the licenses that Amazon has in the Web interface, deleted all of the books on my smartphone. Then when I tried to open one of my books I was greeted again with a license issue, that could only be addressed on the obtuse web interface where you again guess at what devices you are deleting books on.
UPDATE 12/16/17:
Two weeks into having a Fire 8, many of my books are still not even halfway downloaded. The device has been on a fast WiFi network for the entire time.
I should sent both of my devices back, but then I am stuck with a dozen books that I paid a pretty penny for with no way to comfortably read them, while on the go. Not that I can actually read them if they are not downloaded.
My desire to “kick Jeff Bezos in the balls” grows with each day of being urinated on by Amazon, and being told that “it’s raining”, that I am not being urinated on….
I hope the above, which is only a small portion of the issues that I have had with “Kindle:” books, gives you some insight at to why I think that Jeff Bezos needs kicked in the balls.
Here are 2 pictures that document the above few paragraphs:
Amazon defaulting ebook purchase to a gift purchase, even thought 99% of the purchase are likely for the person themselves. If I didn’t know any better, and didn’t know what an honest, integrity driven company that Amazon was, I might think that they did this on purpose to generate more income by being dishonest. Most people making this mistake would likley not get the refund as I did, because it is too much trouble.
On the web page where your devices are registered I have 13 devices registered , with no way to really tell what is what, and I think Amazon likes it that way. In addition it looks like Jeff Bezos limits you to reading your content on only 2 devices A fact they try hard to obfuscate. I happen to have 4 laptops, 2 of which I use regularly, 2 tablets, and an off the cell network smart phone that I use in the kitchen as a media server. Amazon has created a real nightmare for many of it’s users. I own the books BUT I can’t read them on my devices without getting to a PC and then deregistering them on devices that I often can not tell what they are, which then creates more down stream problems. Today I had to spend another 45 minutes on the phone to address the current issues. I also learned that Amazon is now not supporting their stand alone app on Windows 7. How can you read books when they stop support for the app that you want to use? Like I said at the beginning, Amazon looks like a criminal organization. It certainly does not treat it’s customers well at all, in respecting THEIR property rights. Much of their actions are guided by their intellectual property rights concerns, but you do not solve them by stomping all over your customers property rights. I have some very good ideas on how they could solve the issue but will keep them to myself, unless they are willing to pay me as a consultant. Amazon has stolen enough of my time already.
Here is a related MFP story about Amazon: I LOVE AMAZON
LAPD footage via CBSThe Los Angeles Police Department’s response to demands that its officers’ body camera footage be available to the media and the public has been simple and firm: No.
A news report from CBS’ local affiliate showing what appears to be LAPD officers planting drug evidence during an arrest may challenge how long the department may be able to maintain that policy.
Since Los Angeles started rolling out body cameras for its officers two years ago (partly funded by a federal grant, so we’re all paying for this), the LAPD has been insistent that body camera footage is not a public record and would not be released.
But a CBS reporter got his hands on a dozen body camera videos from the arrest of Ronald Shields, 52, stopped by police and charged with a hit-and-run in North Hollywood. The videos show what appears to be an officer taking a baggie of cocaine, planting it in Shields’ wallet, and then acting like he has discovered it on the scene.
The case appears to be very similar to a situation uncovered in Baltimore where an officer inadvertently recorded himself planting drugs on a scene. And it happened for the same reason. The body cameras continually record and buffer what’s happening, but without sound, for the previous 30 seconds, even when they’re not technically “on.” When a police officer actually turns the body camera “on,” the camera also saves the previous 30 seconds and they are captured in the footage.
So the officer’s own body camera captured him picking a packet of cocaine off the ground at the arrest scene, putting it in Shields’ wallet, and then pretending that he discovered the drugs during the search.
Shields’ attorney showed the footage in a pre-trial hearing and now the LAPD is investigating what happened. It may well be a situation where the officer was re-enacting “discovering” the drugs for the camera and didn’t actually plant drugs on an innocent man. That was the claim out of Baltimore. That’s still a terrible, deceptive practice that needs to stop immediately because it jeopardizes everything else about the arrest. You cannot “recreate” the discovery of evidence and expect people to reasonably believe everything else is real.
The discovery in Baltimore that the placement of the evidence in a case had been staged ultimately ended up in dozensof other criminal cases being dropped by prosecutors. So the discovery here in this one LAPD case could end up rippling out even further.
The LAPD may say they take claims of misconduct seriously and Mayor Eric Garcetti can claim that he “expects the highest integrity from everyone who wears badge,” but this case highlights exactly why the police should not have the authority to decide for itself whether body camera footage is released to the public.
Oller, J.W., Shaw, C.A., Tomljenovic, L., Karanja, S.K., Ngare, W., Clement, F.M. and Pillette, J.R. (2017), HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World. Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3937.
The paper confirms exactly what Natural News reported earlier in the week: That a covert depopulation program is being run by the World Health Organization, targeting Africans for extermination via infertility chemicals administered under the guise of “vaccines.” These vaccines, notably, contain chemicals that are administered without the informed consent of the women being injected. In fact, the women are deliberately lied to and told the injections are meant to “protect your health.” But the real reason for the shots is to exterminate blacks in the name of “science” and “medicine.”
I’ve detailed all this in this powerful one-hour lecture that’s already getting rave reviews across the ‘net. Watch the full lecture below, and visit for more coverage of race-targeted extermination efforts being waged today under the banners of “science” and “medicine.”…. Read More
Read the comments below. This is still way too upsetting for me to be able to objectively write about for awhile. The attacker seemed to exhibit a psychotic break . It was a very unsettling sight to say the least. I have never seen a human being act anything like the attacker did right before he assaulted me.
I was in the store at the counter asking questions about a military helmet, having some civil banter about our military when Mr. Kelley exhibited bizarre behavior, similar to the descriptions of a psychotic break. He ranted on about the media figure Alex Jones and his “followers”, right before the attack. Ironically the Infowars News organization has been reporting attacks on people for their free speech by mentally unstable people, on the left.
If you know anything about PTSD type psychology, events like this can hang with you…. I will likely be dealing with both physical and emotional injury from this attack for some time to come.
Update 11/9/17
It seems that 3 crimes were committed yesterday:
1.) I was assaulted in the store near the door as I was leaving. ( From past experience, I suspect the Seymour police department will not take this crime seriously, and won’t even look at the store video of this incident.)
2.) A very sentimental hat from a family trip to Jerusalem, was stolen, as it was knocked off during the assault.
3.) I was threatened (with implied violence after just being violently assaulted) to leave a public space as shown in the video.
4.) I also suspect a 4th crime. I suspect that the military helmet that I was looking at was stolen from the US military. I don’t think that the US government gives soldiers $600 helmets that the tax payer has paid for. I would be very curious as to how this store came upon this item. It was way too much current issue for me to think that it could a legitimate surplus item.
Pawn shops are known by police to have a high incidence of criminal activity. I tend to believe that assesment after my unfortunate experience in the K Trading post in Seymour.
UPDATE 12/3/17 As expected I have not been contacted in any manner by the Seymour Police Department. They are are a total waste of our tax dollars IMHO.
UPDATE 12/16/17
I still have not been contacted by the Seymour police department. Anyone that helps cover up a crime is in my opinion a criminal, and the Seymour Police department seems to be a criminal enterprise in this respect. Especially in light of what I view as irrefutable evidence from this shops security system that a crime was committed.
It appears that they not interested in real crimes, or are grossly incompetent, but woe to anyone that drives through their town and has not paid the king tribute by having a little sticker on their license plate, as I once did. I was both physically, and psychologically terrorized by one of their terrorists in a blue costume. It was beyond a doubt the most terrifying day of my life. Someday I will be able to write about it, as it was so upsetting that here months after it happened, I can not bring myself to go there.
* If you witness either government or private business misconduct or criminal activity, please send your tip to MFP at the domain URL.
Fisher also does an excellent job of documenting the history of “eugenics,” which was born in American intellectualism and made notorious by Hitler in Nazi Germany to justify horrible atrocities.
As we have reported here at Health Impact News, while the term “eugenics” has become unpopular, the ideas it represents have never left American culture – they have just been “repackaged” and are the same arguments used today for forced vaccination as they were used in the past for forced sterilization. The principles of eugenics are also seen in medical kidnapping, particularly in the field of psychiatry…… Read More
While agricultural subsidies sound good on paper, they lead to negative and even harmful effects for low-income consumers and farmers alike.
by Richard Mason
When informed that the already starving French had run out of bread, Marie Antoinette famously responded: “Then let them eat cake!” In this (likely fictitious) exchange, the Queen effectively personified the separation of the state aristocracy from the plight of the common man.
Today, the state is equally as inept when it comes to feeding the poor.
Food, Glorious Food
While everybody purchases and consumes food products, irrespective of economic or social standing, each does so in a different way.
Every penny counts when half of your income goes on food.
Those of a lower income, for example, statistically spend around 4% more on food than their wealthier counterparts. This is fairly logical; a $100 food budget represents a greater amount to a person with $1,000 than to someone with $10,000, even though they are both consuming equally.
While richer families are able to spend the bulk of their income on luxury goods or on savings, every penny counts when half of your income goes on food. Thus, the poor are hit especially hard by increasing food costs. An increase in the cost of bread can be devastating when your budget is tight, even if it’s only by a small amount….. Read More
During a House Intelligence Committee hearing into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election, Twitter General Counsel Sean Edgett brazenly admitted that Twitter censors Infowars stories in favor of mainstream media.
Edgett was asked by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) why an Infowars storyabout New York Mayor Mike De Blasio ignoring warnings from an Imam about terrorist radicalization in New York appeared at the top of the #NYCTerroristAttack hashtag during the vehicle attack in Manhattan last week.
“This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized, how quickly can you act and what’s your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this know that it’s fake news?” asked Quigley, adding that Twitter needed to prevent Infowars “spreading like some sort of virus through the legitimate world.”
Twitter Sean Edgett responded by telling Quigley, “The system self-corrected, that shouldn’t be the first tweet you see anymore, it should be a USA Today article,” before going on to assure the Congressman that only “verified accounts” and “accurate information and reporting” (in other words mainstream media only) would be seen in future….. Read More