MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

MFP Commentary:
Another smoking gun pointing to cancer virus’s being  purposefully put into children’s vaccines.   It seems like these are the very same vaccines and  cancer virus’s that the Fordland clinic has been injecting into you and your children for decades.   It was Nurse Sonia Cass’s
 vigorous defense  of these blatantly dangerous vaccines and other  Federally mandated policies, that started this series off about the clinic.  Read about that here:
MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?

Here is a related story:
Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children

** Stay tuned as Dave Hodges has broken a story on a chemical that causes type 2 diabetes being found in many of big pharma’s vaccines.   Yes you read the above 2 statements correctly.   There is a huge eugenics agenda being implemented on the human race.  This is but the tip of the iceberg. These  are the very same vaccines as those  pushed  by our local Fordland Medical Clinic as part of their effort to implement every Federal health mandate, coming from the eugenic pushing  psychopaths  in  Washington DC.   Health is the last thing on their minds it seems.

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome From Aborted Human Baby

“…..What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer. As CHD explains, the vaccines are deliberately formulated with cancer-causing genes which have been specifically modified to promote cancer tumors:….”

 Story on Infowars


Link to original post on Natural News:

MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer

Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined

MFP Commentary:
The founders balked at a total tax rate of 5%,  and went to war over it. Now most Americans pay in excess of 100 taxes that amount to over half of what they make.  (Chattel slaves in the south had about 50% of their productivity confiscated by the plantation owners. )  Can you tell me what the difference is between today’s taxes, and being a chattel slave? Not  much except that the burden is less on the slave owner. (government)
The founders would have revolted long ago IMHO.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
~Thomas Jefferson


Related Stories:
Major Tax Increases Are About To Slam America As Cities & States Want You To Pay For COVID Fallout


By Terence P. Jeffrey | October 2, 2019 | 5:06 AM EDT

A grocery shopper in Los Angeles on July 24, 2019. (Photo by Mark RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Americans on average spent more on taxes in 2018 than they did on the basic necessities of food, clothing and health care combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey.

The survey’s recently published Table R-1 for 2018 lists the average “detailed expenditures” of what the BLS calls “consumer units.”

“Consumer units,” says BLS, “include families, single persons living alone or sharing a household with others but who are financially independent, or two or more persons living together who share major expenses.”

In 2018, according to Table R-1, American consumer units spent an average of $9,031.93 on federal income taxes; $5,023.73 on Social Security taxes (which the table calls “deductions”); $2,284.62 on state and local income taxes; $2,199.80 on property taxes; and $77.85 on what BLS calls “other taxes.”

The combined payments the average American consumer unit made for these five categories of taxes was $18,617.93.

At the same time the average American consumer unit was paying these taxes, it was spending $7,923.19 on food; $4,968.44 on health care; and $1,866.48 on “apparel and services.”

These combined expenditures equaled $14,758.11.

So, the $14,758.11 that the average American consumer unit paid for food, clothing and health care was $3,859.82 less than the $18,617.93 it paid in federal, state and local income taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes and “other taxes.”…Read More

Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation

MFP Commentary:
This is the result of wholeheartedly adopting the 10th plank of the communist manifesto in this country.  Do yourself a favor and educate yourself so that you know what is going on.  Most “christians” either support the communist manifesto or they are too dumbed down to see it in front of their faces.

Professor Nicholas Giordano Exposes Schools’ Low Standards that Dumb Down Students, Who Have a 22% Proficiency Level for Education Skills Upon Graduation


The Evil of Property Taxes – Dave Hodges

MFP Commentary:

“Property tax” is the American implementation of the 1st plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto. ( used to pay for the implementation of the 10th plank of the communist manifesto: – free government schools ) It’s also blasphemous if you think about it. Our right to own property is not a paid permission from government, that is unless government is your God. Talk about an elephant in the room.


Dave Hodges: The Common Sense Show

Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed as Foster Parents in the U.S. to Meet the Demand for Child Sex Slaves

MFP Commentary:
I don’t Think it a coincidence that the vast majority of “christians” these days support the hell out of CPS. Our churches today are based mostly on Satanic principles. If you don’t believe me start going down the Communist manifesto and see how many planks the members of your church support. Nearly all of them in every church have ever set foot in. The government schools have done a great job of churning out morals lacking socialists.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It has been well-documented and frequently reported here at Health Impact News that the United States Foster Care system is the nation’s #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking.

Attorney Michael Dolce from the law-firm Cohen Milstein, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek in 2018 stating that the nation’s foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children.

Dolce said:

Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults.

We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades….Read More

Attempted murder on Missouri Journalist by Law Enforcement:  Silenced, Shot & Caged for Questioning ‘Corrupt Government


MFP Commentary:
It’s clear to see by anyone with “eyes to see and ears to hear” that there is an abundance of criminality going on with all of our modern  institutions, but most egregiously with government I think.  Jefferson  used the term “self evident” in the Declaration of Independence,  and to  anyone paying attention,  this corruption  has become  so pervasive  that it has become self evident to all but the most brain dead..

If the government (Federal, State & Local)  didn’t have a very serious credibility problem  before this, they are headed into a much more serious one by ignoring attempted murder, conspiracy, & perjury, by the politician class’s Praetorian Guard  becoming known more and more as Blue ISIS.  I think that  characterization fits to a T in this case.

One last nagging question….. If you were in a real  firefight (not one made up)  would you take the time to shoot the person in the head?  Or would you follow your years of training to shoot center of mass?  Just that fact alone makes this very likley an attempted  murder IMHO.

right after the police tried to murder Missouri journalist Jeff Weinhaus

     Jeff Weinhaus-Bulletinman was set up and gunned down by MSHP.  Jeff was shot by Sgt. Folsom four (4)  times, (two {2} bullets in the chest and two {2} bullets in the head).
          By the Grace of God, Jeff survived, but now, he is the one in jail.
                Please join in a prayer chain for Jeff’s fight for Justice!

Call  The Governor For Jeff  at  (573) 751-3222 

It is very important to keep in mind that Jeffrey Weinhaus (Bulletinman) was ANTI-CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, and isn’t that what every American citizen wants?
Free Bulletinman@FreeBulletinman
Bulletinman @Bulletinman1

Here is the page that much of this information came off of:
Political Prisoner Jeffrey  Weinhaus  Bulletinman

Link to Jeff’s YouTube channel:

Copblock video on Jeff’s case:

Gavin Seim on Jeff’s case:



EDITORIAL: Truthful Meme about BLUE ISIS

The truth is that ALL laws end in a silent “or we will kill you” if you don’t comply… matter how petty or illegitimate the “law” may be.

Blue ISIS recruits the type of monsters that will do exactly that.  IMHO Blue ISIS needs to be dismantled, and we need to go back to an independant (of DC) county sheriff.  The founders warned us about standing armies and Blue ISIS is just that.


Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq

MFP Commentary:
I thank Lt. Ehren Watada for his service.(to liberty) We need more Americans like him that refuse to do evil. I can’t add anything of value to what he said. — Here is a good followup: All Wars Are Bankers Wars

This guy must be familiar with General Smedley Butler and his book:   War Is A Racket


Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq.

Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq.


03:38 — “….. of course loss of personal freedom they
must know that resisting an authoritarian government at home is equally important to fighting a foreign aggressor on the battlefield finally those wearing the uniform must know
beyond any shadow of a doubt that by refusing immoral and illegal orders they will be supported by the people not with mere words but by action. The American soldier must rise above the socialization that tells them Authority should always be obeyed without question…”
10:16 — “…when we say against all enemies foreign and domestic, what if our elected leaders become the enemy….”