Unfortunately this is basically spot on. It is based upon illegitimate law, but most of our “laws” are illegitimate, but the “police”  enforce them regardless.  Let’s hope that we don’t continue upon this dangerous and scary path.

What matters in the real world is will you accept this, will you go along?

Revelation 21:8
“But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”



Mississippi: Police Raid Church Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets To Entire Congregation

This is the beast system, the world created by “christians”because they have refused to address government evil for generations.   What do you think of Blue ISIS christians?  Scripture says that you reap what you sow….  Great going.    ~MFP

Mississippi: Police Raid Church Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets To Entire Congregation

Here is where the people are going to have to start dealing with the new Nazis in the united States.  Yes, I said Nazis because these criminal cops are acting outside the law, intimidating the people of God and trying to steal from them for simply doing something that is a constitutionally protected right they have and which these criminal cops are sworn to uphold.  In Greenville, Mississippi,  a church was merely having a drive-in service in their parking lot when the criminal police department raided them and fined everyone there to the tune of $500… after all, these are agents of the state, and they are essential while the rest of us are considered “non-essential,” right?  So, they gotta pay the bills somehow.

Fox News’ Todd Starnes has the story:

Pastor Arthur Scott told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that he was astonished by the actions of the police department and the mayor’s office.

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”…Read More

The Five Point Plan Which Rescues America From Our Present “New Normal” Planned Demise– Mike Adams and Dave Hodges



America’s economy is in shambles. America’s mental health is in steep decline with dramatic increases in suicide, spousal abuse and substance abuse. The Constitution lies in ruin. America cannot survive under these conditions. Americans cannot survive under these conditions. AND THIS IS ALL BEING DONE BY DESIGN.

President Trump has allowed himself to be surrounded by a dozen traitors to the Republic who have demonstrative allegiances to forces which are behind these abuses of our healthcare and our civil liberties. America is a nation that is undergoing an internal war resulting in a coup. Trump is a participant in his own demise. His COVID-19 team has demonstrable financial ties to the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation. The most notorious example include Fausi who is on the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Gates owns the COVID-19 team and we know that Gates is dedicated to the overthrow of the US government and the establishment of a New World Order regime. It is not an exaggeration to state that everyone of the COVID-19 team is directly or indirectly a prostitute for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and their junion partner, Eli Lilly!

Americans have no rights and the civil liberty abuses are far worse in Democratic run societies where people are undergoing forced medical treatment after one patient was told they were not under arrest and the patient asked for a lawyer. An attorney told me that this was aggravated assault and kidnapping, but these kinds of behaviors permeate in the so-called “Blue cities.” The Democrats, at the local and state level are engaged in behaviors that are intended on punishing the masses with the hope that the resulting anger will be blamed on Trump at the polls this November. Why would these Bolsheviks engage in such treasonous behavior? Because they know that they cannot win an election with their communist approach to our nation’s problems. Further, Americans don’t like the Soviet gulags that four of Bernie Sanders staff members endorsed for Trump supporters during the campaign.

Along the lines related the context of these issues, I recently interviewed Mike Adams. Mike’s research is the best I have seen with regard to the COVID-19 virus. Mike is already banned from Facebook and Youtube. He was just recently banned from Twitter by a despot who wants Universal Basic Income (UBI). This is where you are paid for not working. This approach is indicative of the belief that the Democrats NEVER intend on returning America to normal. UBI is simply the fattening up of humans in anticipation of ridding the elite of this depreciating asset, called the common man, and these abuses are all being  prior to fully ushering in the age of Transhumanism. In laymans terms, we call this depopulation. And don’t forget this is all a prelude leading into forced vaccinations with unproven and dangerous BILL GATES vaccines all in the name of saving America from the bioweapon from Wuhan, COVID-19.  I call it profiting on the depopulation program. At the center of it all, is Bill Gates, who has replaced the late David Rockefeller as Public Enemy #1…..

In the course of our interview, Mike Adams presents a detailed 5 point plan which would basically eradicate the virus while returning America to normal. No wonder the New World Order wants to silence Mike Adams. Well, Mike is not censored here.


The Mike Adams and Dave Hodges interview can be accessed at this link.



Dave Hodges: The Biggest Violations of the Constitution Comes From These Cities

MFP Commentary:
I disent Dave:  
It’s self evident that the biggest violators of the US Constitution,  and our rights, and have been for the entire 62 years I have been on this earth, are  the so called “police”. The people that stole more last year though asset forfeiture than lesser criminals did. They are the people that enforce the United Nations, Satanically directed  War on drugs and their War on Guns. 


This is not about political parties this is about the institution of Blue ISIS that enforces and has enforced for decades the illegitimate edicts of the Soros controlled psychopaths that we euphemistically call legislators. What is really concerning  Dave is that you continue to support them regardless of what they do. Please read the Constitution Dave!! THE POLICE ARE DOING VERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL THINGS HERE IN SMALL TOWN MISSOURI AND THEY HAVE FOR DECADES DAVE!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?


US: Hospitals Get Paid $13K to List Patients as COVID-19 and $39K to Put Them on a Ventilator

US: Hospitals Get Paid $13K to List Patients as COVID-19 and $39K to Put Them on a Ventilator

Minnesota: Republican state senator Scott Jensen, who is also a medical doctor, says the AMA is encouraging doctors to over-count coronavirus deaths. He revealed that “Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much.”

Several days ago, he told local media he received a directive from the Minnesota Department of Health to list COVID-19 as the cause of death on death certificates even if patients were never tested for it. When asked why officials would want to inflate the death statistics, Jensen said, “Fear is a great way to control people, and I worry about that.”

The document mentioned by Jensen is from the CDC and is linked here.


The Globalists Are Making Their Final Move As the Tribulation Has Begun! Former FEMA Insider, Celeste Solum, Reveals All!!

recently interviewed a former member of FEMA, Celeste Solum. This interview had an emotional and spiritual impact on me. Celeste is a gentle soul, a committed Christian who strongly appears to be unwavering in her faith. Hoever, be warned America, her message is not for the faint of heart.

In the course of the following interview, Celeste made a compelling case that abject, Satanic evil has been unleashed on the planet. The globalists are making their move towards their depopulation goals and the total subjugation of the what’s left of the human race. The present lockdown is merely the first step towards this goal as they squeeze the life out of our economy, our civil liberties and right to continue to worship as we please.

Celeste revealed the two primary methods that the Deep State and their minions will employ should the people rise up against the present level of subjugation of our country and the world as a whole.  The following information will produce demonstrable effects in your anxiety levels, your spirit of optimism and you will either turn towards Jesus in your moment of abject fear, or you will succumb to what’s is happening to our nation without so much as a whimper. Celeste believes that we are in the beginning of the Tribulation.

Celeste’s presentation contains absolutely no embellishment as her conclusions are based on irrefutable documentation. Here implied message came though loud and clear to me during the interview and I would sum it up in the following manner: “Resistance is futile, unless you know the Lord”.

You can listen to this bombshell of an interview by clicking this link.

Additionally, Celeste will be a guest at the virtual GEN SIX conference in May. To find out how you can attend, without leaving your home, you can click this link for registration information…..ORIGINAL ARTICLE


Could America soon be facing widespread STARVATION due to the coronavirus and a collapsing food supply?

(Natural News) When President Trump last year referred to a coming “perfect storm” without any context, bewildered reporters asked him about the meaning of this mysterious reference, to which Trump left them hanging in suspense. Now we’re in the year 2020 facing an unprecedented global pandemic, and rapidly coming into view is the ominous prospect of mass starvation due to a potential food supply collapse.

Because the government has prohibited many Americans from continuing to work due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), many of them are quickly running out of money, if they haven’t already. And without money these people can’t buy food, which is why food banks all across the country are reportedly becoming swamped as they run out of food themselves.

The situation is becoming so dire that the mainstream media is referring to what’s now transpiring as a “perfect storm,” echoing back to Trump’s reference to it. Is this what the president was referring to back then – or worse yet, is there still a long way to go before the perfect storm arrives in full?..,Read More

Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation?

(Natural News) Is 5G to partially blame for coronavirus deaths? Can 5G cause the blood that’s circulating in your body to be unable to carry oxygen?

What’s especially horrifying about the critical care of coronavirus patients is that they aren’t suffering from “viral pneumonia,” but rather from an inability to absorb or carry oxygen in the blood.

This has been confirmed by NYC ICU emergency physician Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who has released several videos detailing how coronavirus is not a kind of viral pneumonia. “We’re treating the wrong disease,” he says. And the ventilators are damaging the lungs of patients. He explains:

COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one. Rather, it appears as if some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness. Is it as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet at the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen…Read More

We Borrowed From the Future & Now It’s Over – Catherine Austin Fitts


The short story is that the dollar is tanking and this Corona stuff is in large part the effort to cover up the fact of what the bankers and our criminal  government have done to us.  They have destroyed your future and the future of your children.

H8St8 comment: Wow! WOW!!! This outstanding video reveals and connects so many important dots that I can’t list them all in a brief intro. This will be 50-minutes very well spent. See it near the end of the accompanying story below. Pardon the GooTube link. A mp3 audio is also linked on IPFS

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We’ve been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high speed debasement and unprecedented inflation, we’ve kind of run out of tricks. . . . Inflation is really sneaking up. My question: Is basically shutting down the small businesses and the small farm economy at high speed the way they have done, is that protecting us from going up a frightening inflation? Are we at Weimar Republic kind of inflation rates? I have been telling my subscribers to plant, plant and plant because the price of food is going to go through the roof. Another one of my questions: What’s pressing for war? Is the debt spiral up and the inflation spiral up, is that more than they can handle?”

Fitts also says the covert war going on now is about the U.S. dollar and countries who want to stop using it for trade. If the dollar is used less, it will be worth less and maybe much less. Fitts says, “We have tried to keep all the oil sales in the world going through the dollar. Of course, that’s put everybody back into our jurisdiction. The world doesn’t want to do that anymore. They want to be free to trade. You are seeing more and more central banks around the world doing swap lines and direct relationships between central bank to central bank to try to do what is called de-dollarization. So, you have the world wanting to move outside our channel, and you have the Anglo American alliance trying to protect the dollar syndicate. That is part of the economic war that is going on.”

Fitts says, “Whatever happens on the global stage, it means the days of the subsidy that kept the game inside America is over. So, how do you radically reduce the size of the financial footprint that stopes inflation from going wild? How do you take the subsidy away from the American middle class without a major civil war? . . . . What we did was we did the China trade, and now it’s over, and everybody in America said fine, we will go along. Well, this is the price. You have borrowed from the future and now it’s over.”

Why the sudden record gun buying in America? Fitts says, “They understand that the rule of law is steadily being diminished. They see all sorts of behavior . . . that is lawless. . . .They see people in poverty say if anything goes for the big guys, then anything goes for us. . . . Part of what is happening is we are dealing with a spiritual war, and there are serious demonic and occult forces at work. There is nothing they would love more than to stop the churches and stop people from getting together and praying and inviting in the divine and angelic hope every Sunday. I am with the President. I think stopping the churches from gathering is a very, very terrible idea.”

Fitts also still thinks gold is a good investment that will “outperform most other investments in 2020.”

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Catherine

Austin Fitts, publisher of “The Solari Report.”

Original Link



BREAKTHROUGH? Single dose of common agricultural drug Ivermectin found to “essentially eliminate all viral material” of COVID-19 coronavirus within 48 hours

(Natural News) A new study published in the journal Antiviral Research finds that Ivermectin, a common agricultural drug used as a de-wormer for cats, dogs, horses and livestock — achieves a 5000-fold reduction in replication of the SARS-cov-2 “Wuhan” coronavirus.

Ivermectin is sold at agricultural supply stores and online retailers such as Amazon.com. It’s normally sold as an edible paste or a sterile solution for injection into cattle and other livestock. The drug is FDA-approved for certain treatments, although not yet FDA approved for treatment of COVID-19. We are not recommending it for human consumption until more data are available.

The study, found here, is entitled, “The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.”

Here’s a screen shot of the study title, journal, publish date, study authors and permalink:….Read More