When CPS Knocks At Your Door by Dave Hodges

When CPS knocks at your door, videotape everything! When CPS knocks at your door, call all of your friends and family to come witness.
CPS is becoming a term which is synonymous child-sex-trafficking, abduction and organized criminal activity. Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer, was exposing much of this when she was “suicided”.
The CPS game is the dirtiest game in town. The organization represents the war on families being perpetrated by the globalist desire to attack our culture through the destruction of our families.

Many of the details of this rogue organization, which terrorizes thousands of families in all 50 states, is contained in the following video.


School Teachers and Other School Officials Being Trained on How to Report Your Children to CPS

*And tell me again, why you send your children to that “government school”? ~MFP
by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News
As “Back to School” time approaches, parents everywhere are preparing – shopping for school supplies and clothes, adjusting schedules, and making arrangements for after-school care.
The public needs to be aware that, while parents get ready to send children back to public school, teachers and staff in the schools are undergoing mandatory training right now that will result in some children being taken from their families, perhaps permanently.
Several sources from within the system have told us that the first 6 weeks of school are the time of year when CPS seizes more children than any other time of the year…. READ MORE

** If you are wondering, this article is in the “police abuse” category it is  because for CPS to get their hands on your children,  order followers in blue must kidnap your children without the guaranteed in the Constitution,  due process of a jury trial.  Think about it. ~MFP


Anything Goes When You’re a Cop in America

By John W. Whitehead
August 8, 2017

“There is one criminal justice system for citizens—especially black and brown ones—and another for police in the United States.”—Redditt Hudson, former St. Louis police officer


President Trump needs to be reminded that no one is above the law, especially the police.

Unfortunately, Trump and Jeff Sessions, head of the Justice Department (much like their predecessors) appear to have few qualmsabout giving police the green light to kill, shoot, taser, abuse and steal from American citizens in the so-called name of law and order…………….. READ MORE

Anarchy in America: Shot Down Like Dogs in the Street

Things are falling apart.

How much longer we can sustain the fiction that we live in a constitutional republic, I cannot say, but anarchy is being loosed upon the nation.

We are witnessing the unraveling of the American dream one injustice at a time.

Day after day, the government’s crimes against the citizenry grow more egregious, more treacherous and more tragic. And day after day, the American people wake up a little more to the grim realization that they have become captives in a prison of their own making. No longer a free people, we are now pushed and prodded and watched over by twitchy, hyper-sensitive, easily-spooked armed guards who care little for the rights, humanity or well-being of those in their care………….



I just chased a cop. Here’s what I’m feeling.

Gavin Seim is the type of Christian that scripture commands us to be.  (he addresses evil and demands justice) More of us should be out doing what he is doing. All of us should support him.  This is very  much worth listening to…..
I thought that I knew the law, but even  I have learned a lot from listening to him.

Tear Gas, Guns and Riot Squads: The Police State’s Answer to Free Speech Is Brute Force

John White Head of the Rutherford Institute, in addition to taking on landmark individual rights cases, writes a powerful editorial each week. You can subscribe to their mailing list, which I highly recommend.

This article is timely, as free speech is under attack by the police state. I had a personal incident  very recently, with a rouge Missouri road pirate. I was physically and psychologically terrorized, for my free speech.  I am not sure when I will be able to write about it. The experience was one of the most traumatic events in my life.  I will leave it at that for now…..



Secret Service Visits Pastor who Exposed Deep State Coup Against Trump

Secret Service Visits Pastor who Exposed Deep State Coup Against Trump

Feds attempt to find congressman who warned of plot to topple Trump

This is as real as it gets, and is a repeat of an attempted 1930’s coup of our entire government by the Deep State, if you know your history.

I am sure you didn’t learn that in the government school that you attended. This book is a good read and you should have a copy to show people that don’t believe that it happened.

The Plot to Seize the White House: The Shocking True Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR Paperback – March 1, 2007




It’s all part of the plan to either start a war with the cops, or to have the sheeple  cry uncle, and demand that police be Federalized.

The police are low IQ “useful idiots” and don’t have a clue as to how they are being used  for the goals of the NWO. Which the United Nations war on drugs is a large part.

I like my idea much better. Abolish every police department in the country! We do not need a standing army in blue lording over us like they are our Gods! Bring back the militia whose job the cops have stolen.

BREAKING: Officer Charged for Killing Innocent Unarmed Father With His Hands Up on Video

Why Is CPS Losing Tens of Thousands of Children Per Year? Where Do They Go?

Why Is CPS Losing Tens of Thousands of Children Per Year? Where Do They Go?

We know where they are going.  The Feds are the major drug, and  gun runners in the US, and they are also involved in human trafficking,

Believe it or not they are also involved  in  Satanic ritual human sacrifice.  It is the Satanic sacrifice  aspect of  the story that Wikileaks decided to hold back, because they thought it would  destroy any remaining credibility of our government.
