BLM thugs abused the law and used “incredible bias” against Nevada rancher Clive Bundy, warns new report

(Natural News) In April 2014, Natural Newsfounder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, wrote a column critical of the Bureau of Land Management for the way agents were handling a ‘standoff’ with longtime Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.

“The federal government is out of control yet again, staging a heavily militarized siege of the Bundy cattle ranch in Nevada, where the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has decided to bring a literal army of heavily armed ‘soldiers’ to intimidate the Bundy family and steal his hundreds of cattle,” Adams wrote.

No doubt that sounded like baseless hyperbole to some readers, but as it turns out the Health Ranger was spot on, yet again.

new report by Larry “Clint” Wooten, a BLM special agent tasked with investigating his agency’s siege of the Bundy ranch, concluded exactly the same thing: That agents likely broke federal laws in using “incredible bias” against Bundy and his family while engaging in tactics of intimidation during the operation.

In addition, BLM agents very likely broke federal laws and engaged in widespread misconduct according to the report….. Read More



Conspiracy to overthrow elected president by criminal mafia confirmed

By Roger Stone:

As I noted in an editorial last week, President Donald Trump has only one viable option to repel the partisan lynch mob now nipping at his heels in the form of a taxpayer-funded pack of legal hyenas, masquerading as objective prosecutors under the droopy eyes of old reliable deep state hatchet man Robert Swan Mueller III, the special counsel appointed to “investigate” the Clinton-Podesta-Schiff-Democrat Party-Corporate Media fabricated Russia collusion delusion.

As the GOP Congress finally begins to stir, as rapid-fire events make it increasingly impossible to deny the true nature of Mueller’s handpicked partisan hit squad of Trump-hating, Hillary-supporting D.C. swamp lawyers and arrogant federal careerists, as firings and other departures quickly erode the carefully-contrived, totally-counterfeit veneer of credibility ascribed to Mueller and his henchpeople, my advice to the president has only become more apropos…and more imperative.

President Trump can, and must, kill two birds with one stone.

First, the president must completely disempower and dismantle Robert S. Mueller’s fraudulent rogue prosecution gang, which is merely an extension of a larger corruption of power that is unparalleled in our history.

Second, the president must use every resource at his disposal to prosecute the almost-seditious abuses of power by lawless Clinton-Obama FBI and NSA apparatchiks who: …. Read More

Confirmed: Clinton Operatives in FBI Manufactured Russiagate

Case against Cliven Bundy, Nevada rancher involved in 2014 armed standoff, declared a mistrial

We live under a government of blatant criminals. But anyone with more than a few brain cells already knows that.  Fox  “fake news” does an abysmally poor job of covering the criminal misconduct of the BLM and the FBI,  and skews and obfuscates  the actions of the Bundys in the following story.

When are we going to see the Federal police that murdered Lavoy Finicum brought to trial?  We have been waiting over 25 years for FBI murder Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi  to see some justice.  If you don’t remember he shot a woman holding her baby in the head,  at Ruby Ridge Idaho, and then was sent to Waco TX to murder women and children  people there.

The FBI is a gang of depraved thugs on the level of Pablo Escobar.  The following story was verified by a personal friend, officer jack McLamb who was the most decorated officer in the history of the Phoenix police department:


The Uncensored
Gordon Kahl Story

Gordon Kahl was not an isolated incident.  Here is the story of another man that the FBI planned to murder and when that failed they railroaded him into prison:

Liberty Advocate Framed by FBI? – The Schaeffer Cox Story



A federal judge declared a mistrial Wednesday in the case of a Nevada rancher accused of leading an armed standoff against the government in 2014, blaming prosecutors for withholding key evidence from defense lawyers, including records about the conduct of FBI and Bureau of Land Management agents.

Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro in Las Vegas dismissed a jury seated last month for the long-awaited trial of Cliven Bundy, his sons Ryan and Ammon Bundy and self-styled Montana militia leader Ryan Payne.

The decision is the latest in a string of failed prosecutions in Nevada and Oregon against those who have opposed federal control of vast swaths of land in Western states…. Read More

The FBI is a criminal terrorist gang more depraved than any drug cartel.  The following story has been verified by a police officer that I personally knew. Officer Jack Mclamb of the Phoenix PD.  One of their most decorated officers BTW:

The Uncensored
Gordon Kahl Story

UN Imposed Martial Law In Chicago Is Imminent-St. Louis Is Next


This is the Obama/Hillary plan, it’s up to you whether or not they can pull it off. I am really disgusted with most of you. Most of you have not lifted a finger to protect our liberties. You know who you are…. you useful idiots keep on waving your flags and reciting the pledge and virtue signaling how patriotic you are, and in the end not doing a damn thing to address the evil that has overtaken this country.


By Dave Hodges

At the culmination of the evidence that I was compiling and publishing over that last several years in which I clearly identified, in multiple publications, that the UN had forces within the United States and were just waiting for the right time to strike, I published the following excerpt from an article on April 19, 2017:

UN Imposed Martial Law In Chicago Is Imminent-St. Louis Is Next

Former Cop Acquitted Of Fatally Shooting Unarmed Man Who Begged For His Life

If anyone  can explain to me how modern US police are any different than the guards in Auschwitz concentration camps, please explain it to me. I am listening…. watch the video. I is VERY disturbing to see the standing army that the founders warned us about, executing an American citizen in cold blood.


After a former Arizona cop this week was acquitted of murder in the shooting death of an unarmed man, officials released video of the victim’s final moments.

On the nearly five-minute video, which was recorded by then-Mesa police officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford’s body camera, an officer can be heard giving commands to 26-year-old Daniel Shaver in a La Quinta Inn & Suites hallway on Jan. 18, 2016.

“If you make a mistake, there is a very real possibility that … you will be shot,” one of the officers can be heard shouting. “I’m not here to be tactical or diplomatic with you.”

Brailsford and several other officers were at the hotel investigating a report of someone seen pointing a gun out a fifth-floor window. They suspected Shaver was involved….. Read More


Law Enforcement “Bill of Rights” Adds Bricks to Blue Wall of Silence

The Law Enforcement “Bill of Rights” operates, in many cases, in opposition to the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, by sharply limiting accountability and transparency when it comes to police brutality and other misconduct.

LOS ANGELES — Most of us living in the United States were familiar with the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution – by the time we left high school. Those rights — such as freedom of speech, religion, the press, and to assemble — are guarantees granted to each and every individual within the U.S. Unfortunately most of us never heard about a second “bill of rights:” that exclusively protecting law enforcement personnel.

The Law Enforcement “Bill of Rights” operates in many cases in opposition to the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, by sharply limiting accountability and transparency when it comes to police brutality and other misconduct.

The “right of privacy,” for example, is extended to what some say are outrageous lengths for police officers, with the state of California apparently leading the way in that regard. Even the Los Angeles Times lamented that “far from being a beacon of transparency, California — when it comes to the public’s ability to assess the performance of its law enforcement agencies — is the nation’s information black hole.”


Anything having to do with the disciplining of a police officer is considered part of his or her personnel file and is thus subject to privacy. In California, not even prosecutors are allowed to view those files….. Read More

Law Enforcement “Bill of Rights” Adds Bricks to Blue Wall of Silence

The Deep State’s Christmas Present to America: Surveillance That Never Ends

By John W. Whitehead December 11, 2017


“He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows when you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!”
—“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”

Just in time for Christmas, the Deep State wants to give America the gift that keeps on giving: never-ending mass surveillance.

I’m not referring to the kind of surveillance carried out by that all-knowing and all-seeing Jolly Old St. Nick and his informant the Elf on the Shelf (although, to be fair, they have helped to acclimate us to a world in which we’re always being watched and judged by higher authorities).

No, this particular bit of Yuletide gift-giving comes courtesy of the Deep State (a.k.a. the Surveillance State, Police State, Shadow Government and black-ops spy agencies).

If this power-hungry cabal gets its way, the government’s power to spy on its citizens will soon be all-encompassing and permanent.

As it now stands, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act—the legal basis for two of the National Security Agency’s largest mass surveillance programs, “PRISM” and “Upstream”—is set to expire at the end of 2017.

“PRISM” lets the NSA access emails, video chats, instant messages, and other content sent via Facebook, Google, Apple and others. “Upstream” lets the NSA worm its way into the internet backbone—the cables and switches owned by private corporations like AT&T that make the internet into a global network—and scan traffic for the communications of tens of thousands of individuals labeled “targets.”

Just as the USA Patriot Act was perverted from its original intent to fight terrorism abroad and was used instead to covertly crack down on the American people (allowing government agencies to secretly track Americans’ financial activities, monitor their communications, and carry out wide-ranging surveillance on them), Section 702 has been used as an end-run around the Constitution to allow the government to collect the actual content of Americans’ emails, phone calls, text messages and other electronic communication without a warrant.

Under Section 702, the government collects and analyzes over 250 million internet communications every year. There are estimates that at least half of these contain information about U.S. residents, many of whom have done nothing wrong. This information is then shared with law enforcement and “routinely used for purposes unrelated to national security.”

Mind you, this is about far more than the metadata collection that Edward Snowden warned us about, which was bad enough. Section 702 gives the government access to the very content of your conversations (phone calls, text messages, video chats), your photographs, your emails. As Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., warned, “This is not just who you send it to, but what’s in it.”

Unfortunately, Big Brother doesn’t relinquish power easily.

The Police State doesn’t like restrictions…… Read More






Massachusetts State Auditor Finds Widespread Rape and Sexual Abuse in Foster Care but DCF Officials Won’t Report It

It is the preponderance of christian support for this evil, as it gets, system that blows my mind.   I really believe that Satanic forces have co opted modern christianity because of it’s decidedly anti christian views on so many things.

How does the state kidnapping children, with no due process, or even a real crime being committed, or an individual being charged with any crime —   how does that square with scriptural justice?  Scriptural justice which is largely based upon  actual crime, where there is restitution made.

In a way “christians”  are  a driving force behind this  kidnapping and abuse  of children, because of their blind  insistence of adopting these children in mass,  rather  than   actually understanding what is  going on. i.e Learning that this is  largely a plan to destroy the family, and not to help children at all.
They should be demanding that heads roll, rather than driving the demand for  more children being  kidnapped into this satanic system.
Instead they act like the Christians of Nazi Germany did. They do nothing….
They are not heeding the warnings of German Pastors like  Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” seems to fit here.


by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News

The theoretical function of Child Protective Services is to “protect” children from harm, removing them from their homes when they are being hurt.  A deep-seated value of Western culture is that we need to protect children from abuse, and the public has overwhelmingly supported the use of tax dollars going to help the children who are being abused.

But what happens when the very agency charged with protecting children is, in reality, leading to or ignoring the physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and even deaths of the children in their care? Is anyone held accountable?

Where do their victims turn when social workers assigned to protect them turn a deaf ear and a blind eye?

Hundreds of parents who have spoken with Health Impact News about their child or children being taken from them have asked how they can lose their child though they have done nothing wrong, while at the same time the social workers routinely ignore the abuse of their children in foster care.

On December 7, 2017, Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump released an appalling audit of her state’s Child Protective Services, the Department of Children and Families (DCF). (See text of audit here.)

The audit, which covered 2014 and 2015, found that there were many instances where children in state care, whether in foster homes or group homes or other facilities under DCF care, were abused physically or sexually, but DCF failed to report the incidents to the proper authorities.

In the week following the release of the audit, many news outlets, both mainstream and alternative, have carried the story, and the ensuing political battle between Bump’s office and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker……


Read the rest of the  article here.

Chicago Politician Requests Child-raping UN Troops…IN AMERICA

Under the guise of stopping “gun violence” and “genocide,” a fringe County Commissioner in Cook County, Illinois, went to New York City to request that the United Nations deploy “peacekeeping” troops in Chicago. Seriously. These would be the same ruthless soldiers who have come under fire around the world for systemic rape of childrenspreading deadly diseases, murdering unarmed protestersoverthrowing elected leaderswaging war on Africans who did not want to live under a Soviet-backed dictator, and countless other atrocities — especially atrocities targeting black people, and always perpetrated with impunity.

Of course, the dictators club known as the UN has no legal power to deploy its scandal-plagued forces in America, and most Americans, armed with hundreds of millions of weapons, would be unlikely to accept such an abusdity. But the fact that such a ludicrous request would even be contemplated, particularly by an elected official, highlights a number of major problems that threaten liberty and the nation itself. At the top of the list of those problems is the sort of dangerous ignorance of some voters and their politicians that would consider inviting child-raping foreign troops — many of them loyal to mass-murdering Communist and Islamic dictators — on to American soil to keep the peace…..  Read More


Chicago Politician Requests Child-raping UN Troops…IN AMERICA