Still think 5G is harmless? Scientific American issues warnings about the confirmed and UNKNOWN DANGERS of 5G tech – Natural News

(Natural News) The oldest magazine in the United States, Scientific American, has issued a strong warning about the dangers of 5G technology. Their concerns about both the known and the potential dangers of 5G carry a lot of weight because the magazine is so influential and known for its rigorous scientific standards. In print since 1845, Scientific American is widely considered by modern fact checkers to be pro-science and highly credible.

Public health researcher Joel M. Moskowitz of the University of California, Berkeley, says in the article that 5G is a lot more harmful than the government and telecommunications industry want people to believe. He also said the same is true of Wi-Fi and cellular technology.

Exposure limits are outdated

One of his biggest concerns is related to the fact that the FCC is reaffirming exposure limits for radio frequency radiation, or RFR, that were put in place in the 1990s long before Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G existed. In other words, the FCC plans to maintain significantly outdated safety standards that do not take into account the increasing pile of evidence showing that it is harmful in many ways.

According to Moskowitz, the exposure limits set in the ‘90s were mostly related to the potential effects of RFR exposure intensity. Now, however, we know that there is a risk of cancer and other problems.

5G will introduce the use of millimeter waves, in addition to the microwaves that older cellular technologies used. Moreover, the limited reach of 5G means cell antennas will need to be placed every 100 to 200 meters, increasing people’s exposure. On top of that, new technologies in 5G such as beam-forming antennas, massive MIMO, and phased arrays, will make it difficult to measure exposure…..Read More

What You Need to Know About the Harris-Biden Ticket That Represents Globalist Interests That Seek the Destruction of Every American – Dave Hodges

Let’s begin with what has already been universally proven. Donald Trump is the #1 enemy of the New World Order The globalists are making their move. There is onlyone  variable that stands between you and the dangerous plans the globalists have in store for you. America dared to elect a populist President and now this rising tide of freedom must be dealt with. President Trump recognizes the danger to everyone when has previously stated “They’re not really after me, they are after you! I am just in the way!”

Why is there such hatred for Donald Trump where he has been declared to be a racist and a sexist as well as a Russian collaborator who is using the Russians to actively interfere in our election for his own benefit. The truth is that there is no Russian interference outside of the normal rhetoric. The real truth is that the globalists want you and every American dead. This article follows my journey to this realization. I am hoping that the readers can empathize with my path to awakening and will subsequently do the same so we can mount a resistance to what is coming (eg mark of the beast.

How It All Began

In the 1990’s, I volunteered to be a Maricopa County “first responder” in the event of a chemical or biological attack. People ask me what motivated me to volunteer? Self-preservation motivated me to become a volunteer as we were promised first access to antidotes to the substances being applied by would-be terrorists. Eventually, FEMA took over the program. In actuality, from my perspective, nothing really materialized except that I attended a few meetings and learned more about disaster planning.


In the interim period of the takeover by FEMA, I became friends with a FEMA official and that friendship continued for nearly 20 years. I knew the family, watched his kids grow up and then he hit me with a bombshell in October of 2012 when I had just completed basketball practice where I was coaching at as he and his wife were waiting for me outside my office door. We talked until 2AM. In effect, he told me his family was bugging out with other like-minded FEMA as well as DHS personnel. Many of his confederates took early retirement. For years, he and his allies prepared a completely, stand-alone community that was capable of surviving anything outside of a direct nuclear strike. I was asked to hold off on printing this revelation until after Christmas of 2012, which would have been after he and his family had bugged out…..Read More


Your FBI Will Entrap You Is the nation’s top law enforcement agency protecting society from sociopaths or is the bureau itself sociopathic? Evidence and experience suggest the latter – American Greatness

The FBI-generated indictment of six men on charges of terrorism for planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has all the earmarks of what has become that corrupt agency’s standard operating procedure. Their lawyers are sure to claim they were victims of entrapment. If the case comes to trial, I doubt a jury will convict them.

During the eight years I spent supervising the intelligence agencies for the Senate Intelligence Committee, I watched as what had been a clerisy of strait-laced guardians of truth and justice was becoming a bunch of lazy bureaucrats eager to serve the ruling class’ prejudices.

No longer doing the hard and dangerous work of investigating deeply connected criminals and subversives such as the Mafia and well-financed, politically supported subversives, the FBI limited its vision to politically correct “profiles,” and started chasing small fry. Easy targets, defended by no one. What’s not to like?

After 9/11, the FBI spent few years going after very petty Islamists while covering its collective eyes to the work of major sources of trouble, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the Palestinian Authority, and Saudi Arabia—each beloved by parts of the ruling class. But before and after this period, these profiles more often than not pointed to the ruling class’ favorite enemy: fellow Americans “excessively concerned with their liberties.”

The FBI’s method? Place agents among the target group, stoke their sentiments, and lead them to say or do something that could be characterized as a crime, then arrest them and claim credit for foiling a plot. In intelligence lingo, that is provocation. In legal terms, it’s entrapment. By whatever name, this is the work of cheap, dirty cops……Read More

Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients – Orthomolecular Medicine

This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 20, 2020

Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients

Commentary by W. Gifford-Jones, MD

(OMNS Oct 20, 2020) In treating the sick, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine counselled, “First, do no harm.” Unfortunately, this cherished principle has not been followed in caring for patients with coronavirus infection. Losing a loved one due to cancer and other diseases is always tragic. But losing one due to the coronavirus pandemic when it could be prevented is an unforgivable act resulting in the mass murder of innocent lives. It has happened due to ignorance about history, hypocrisy, a lack of training of doctors about alternative medicine, and closed minds about the life-saving medical benefits of high doses of intravenous vitamin C.

I would not have the knowledge to write this article if one event in my life had not happened. At 74 years of age I nearly died of a serious heart attack. Doctors said I’d be dead in a few years without the help of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Luckily, several years earlier I had interviewed Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time winner of the Nobel Prize. He advised me of the important role of vitamin C in decreasing the risk of coronary disease. This is when I made one of the most vital decisions of my life. I decided to take 10,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily, rather than believe Big Pharma. But I also worried because Pauling, although a brilliant chemist, was not a doctor. Was he right about vitamin C? It was only years later when Dr. Sidney Bush, a English researcher proved that vitamin C could reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) that I knew I had made the right decision. [1]….Read More

New England Journal Of Medicine Promotes Mandatory Vaccinations, Tells States How To Do It – Technocracy News

New England Journal Of Medicine Promotes Mandatory Vaccinations, Tells States How To Do It

The mandated vaccine trap is being carefully constructed and now the formerly-prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is coopted into the political gamesmanship. This is Big Pharma dominance at its worst. ⁃ TN Editor

As Covid-19 continues to exact a heavy toll, development of a vaccine appears the most promising means of restoring normalcy to civil life. Perhaps no scientific breakthrough is more eagerly anticipated. But bringing a vaccine to market is only half the challenge; also critical is ensuring a high enough vaccination rate to achieve herd immunity. Concerningly, a recent poll found that only 49% of Americans planned to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.1

One option for increasing vaccine uptake is to require it. Mandatory vaccination has proven effective in ensuring high childhood immunization rates in many high-income countries. However, except for influenza vaccination of health care workers, mandates have not been widely used for adults.

Although a vaccine remains months to years away, developing a policy strategy to ensure uptake takes time. We offer a framework that states can apply now to help ensure uptake of the vaccine when it becomes available — including consideration of when a mandate might become appropriate. Our approach is guided by lessons from U.S. experiences with vaccines for the 1976 “swine flu,” H1N1 influenza, smallpox, and human papillomavirus (HPV).

We believe that six substantive criteria should be met before a state imposes a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mandate (see box). The first is the existence of evidence that Covid-19 is inadequately controlled in the state by other measures, such as testing, contact tracing, and isolation and quarantine — as indicated by sustained, troubling trends in new cases, hospitalizations, or deaths….Read More

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A Major Terror Plot Targeting Trump Supporters Has Been Uncovered – Dave Hodges

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Americans That Give Money to Support a Racist – A link  you and your address if you contributed to the Trump Campaign!
Trump donators names and address’s in Seymour MO:

Trump donators names and address’s in Seymour MO

A Funny think happened on the way to writing about the CHICOM inspired and emerging civil war In Mexico which is a prelude to a Red Dawn invasion of the United States. I have been warning about an impending TET Offensive that will visit our country courtesy of leftist subversive forces. This prediction is gaining momentum courtesy of several communications that have crossed my path in the past few days.

Three days ago, the following anonymous message was sent to me:


Dear Mr. Hodges                                                                                                        October 17, 2020

For reasons that will be apparent, I will not specifically identify my employer. It would not take a lot of  “common sense” to make an accurate and educated guess as to who I am affiliated with.

I am writing to you because in the past you have indicated that if the Democrats do not feel they can win, their allies,extreme subversive groups, will ramp up their violent activities. You are correct.

We have intelligence which leaves little doubt as to the fact that certain Trump supporters are in the process of being identified and targeted. The information suggests that there a number of high profile targets. Members of your alternative media can expect to be targeted. Private individuals who have donated to President Trump will be harassed and possibly acted upon. Please note that the list of donators is publicly available to anyone. We expect that businesses that can be associated with the President’s donation list will be targeted in a manner consistent with what we have seen in Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle.

You are receiving this letter because I do not believe that my employer is going to act upon this intelligence until after the targeting has begun. You are a media figure that can be trusted as I am referencing your handling of the “Wrecker” interviews.

I am not going to ascribe motivation, I will leave that to you as I ask you to disseminate this information in a timely manner.

I will not self-identify but with all that is going on, this information must see the light of day. Rest assured that you will not be the sole source of this warning. If you are wondering about my motivation it is simple. It is one thing to conceal possession of material that would implicate certain public figures in treasonous actions. However, I will not a party to actions which has the real potential to make sacrificial lambs of innocent Americans. I did not sign up for this.

If you are wondering if I fear discovery, I do. I am depending on the fact that my precautions will be enough to get some of my rogue associates to look elsewhere. I have learned enough to accurately state that it is highly likely that if Trump is declared the loser of the election he will not be serving until the Inauguration. President Trump knows too much and he could expose much. An accident? A coup? I am not certain, but I am sure he will not be serving past Thanksgiving. Please do not disseminate the rest of this message…..


Some are wondering why I have sat on this information. First of all, I am attending a funeral and my time has been limited. I found the letter to be interesting, but far to vague to act upon….Read More

Canadian government erecting a network of covid detainment camps and “isolation” sites to incarcerate those who don’t cooperate with medical tyranny – Natural News

(Natural News) Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government are creating Nazi Germany-like infrastructure to detain human beings en masse, and for years to come. A brave Ontario politician named Randy Hillier spoke out about the government’s nefarious detainment plan in a provincial question period in front of the government of Ontario. His microphone was cut off as soon as he started asking the tough questions.

The Canadian government is erecting a network of detainment camps and isolation sites to be used from coast to coast. These “Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites” are being built across the provinces and will be used to strip Canadians of their human rights and lock healthy people up using false imprisonment schemes. These sites could be used for forced medical testing and forced medical experimentation with covid-19 vaccines. If Canadians can be held down against their will over the fear that they may spread viruses, then these facilities could be used indefinitely and for whatever reason is deemed necessary to maintain an illusion of safety for the “greater good.”

Brave rep stands up and questions Canadian government’s nefarious plans

Randy Hillier, Independent Ontario MPP for Lanark, Frontenac and Kingston, stood up and questioned the government, asking how many people will be detained and how many concentration camps are scheduled for construction. He expressed concern about their current use — to control the spread of covid-19 — and pointed out in documentation that these sites could be used for “other requirements” in the future….Read More

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Canadian Politician’s Microphone is Turned Off When He Asks about Canada’s ‘Isolation Camps’ – Need to Know News

Ted Gunderson: FBI Whistleblower vs. Satanists – Covert Geopolitics

Ted Gunderson: FBI Whistleblower vs. Satanists

Ted Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups… four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year…

Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011)
Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975. Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster.


After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret Doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders.
He also investigated a child molestation trial in Manhattan Beach California. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that would be controlling the US government. He also disclosed that a “slave auction” in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the US there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.
Gunderson had an association with Anthony J. Hilder. Hilder was interviewed by him on various occasions, and the two men appeared at numerous conferences together. They both said that the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing was a result of FBI agent provocateurs.
Gunderson was a member of the Constitution Party.
source »

The Ted Gunderson Files

By Ken Adachi, Editor
Note from Ken Adachi, August 1, 2011: Ted Gunderson passed away on July 31, 2011 from complications related to kidney failure. More information here:

Ted Gunderson’s last talk at the Granada Forum on November 11, 2010
In November of 1999, I acquired an enormous amount of paperwork from retired FBI Senior Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted L. Gunderson who had compiled box loads of research and had assembled a number of reports in recent years which described unimaginable “operations” of treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder caused by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizens, especially children……Read More

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The Ted Gunderson Files – Educate-Yourself