Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine American Thinker

Prepare for supplies to tighten for the cheap, effective therapeutic treatment for early-stage COVID-19 infection, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  Just as the medical establishment in the U.S. is relaxing its absurd and lethal suppression of the cheap, generic drug, following President Trump’s endorsement of it early in the pandemic, HCQ’s continued availability may suffer.  The world’s second largest pharmaceutical facility producing the precursors for HCQ has been destroyed by an explosion and fire.

Taiwan English News reports:

An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20.

People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast shortly after noon. Immediately after the blast, thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory. (snip)

The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs [active pharmaceutical ingredients —TL], and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier.

subsequent report indicates that one of the injured workers, a Filipino guest worker who suffered third-degree burns over 90% of his body, has died.  The explosion broke out around noon and set off subsequent explosions in volatile substances nearby.

The Taipei Times reports that company spokesmen state, “[I]t would take at least six months to rebuild the plant, as most production lines were damaged by the fire[.]”

Supplies may be tight, as the SCI Pharmtech had already expanded production and sales of HCQ APIs to meet growing demand:….Read More

Study: Mask Mandates Increase Rates of COVID Compared to States with No Mask Mandates – Medical Kidnap

Mask Mandates Seem to Make CCP Virus Infection Rates Climb, Study Says

By Matthew Vadum
The Epoch Times


Protective-mask mandates aimed at combating the spread of the CCP virus that causes the disease COVID-19 appear to promote its spread, according to a report from RationalGround.com, a clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends that’s run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer scientists, and actuaries.

Researchers examined cases covering a 229-day period running from May 1 through Dec. 15 and compared the days in which state governments had imposed mask mandates and the days when they hadn’t.

In states with a mandate in effect, there were 9,605,256 confirmed COVID-19 cases, which works out to an average of 27 cases per 100,000 people per day. When states didn’t have a statewide order—including states that never had mandates, coupled with the period of time masking states didn’t have the mandate in place—there were 5,781,716 cases, averaging 17 cases per 100,000 people per day.

In other words, protective-mask mandates have a poor track record so far in fighting the coronavirus. States with mandates in place produced an average of 10 more reported infections per 100,000 people per day than states without mandates.

“The reverse correlation between periods of masking and non-masking is remarkable,” RationalGround.com co-founder Justin Hart tweeted on Dec. 20.

The 15 states that went without a statewide mask mandate for the duration of the analysis were Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wyoming, Daniel Horowitz notes in an explainer at Conservative Review.

The analysts allowed the mandate states a 14-day grace period from the time of implementation in order to begin counting cases against mask efficacy in order to arrive at accurate results…..Read More

Related Stories:

“mask”  search on Missouri Free Press




People laughed at me when I first published  the intentions of the Russians and the Chinese to attack the United States from all sides as this was in 2014. In 2020, when I again raised the possibility, some people howled. Today, we sit on the edge of this happening.

Steve Quayle once told me that he was seeing unprecedented military movement in Montana. Today, scarcely a day goes by that I do not get a reported sighting of either Chinese or Russian troops on US soil. These sightings are common on National Forest Grounds.  In fact, what we are we seeing is the mobilization for war. Russia and China are preparing to invade the United States and they have been for sometime.


In 2016, I first wrote that I believed that we would be attacked when our nation was embroiled in a violent internal dispute when the attack comes. The violent struggle has arrived and it is called BLM, Antifa and anything George Soros touches. At that time, I identified 7 phases, or prongs of attack that were coming based upon US war gaming that I was told about. Plans change an in today’s world, the attack parameters have been expanded to nine phases of subjugation culminating in genocide.

As the domestic struggle worsens, at some point, the United Nations will invoke the Kigali Principles and be in charge of the invading force. In other words, it is likely that Chinese and Russian forces will be wearing blue helmets at the time of the invasion of America. And as I written about over the past several years, previous Russian defectors have warned of this possibility.

The Attack

When these forces attack the United States, the attack will come as the result of a nine-pronged strategy and it will involve multiple allies under the direction of the United Nations. What I have learned is that the Naval War College has practiced each one of these scenarios, multiple times, since I first reported on these scenarios. In every case, America becomes Amerika. In other words, surrender is the only option in order to avoid complete annihilation. Here are the seven different fronts from which Russia and her allies will launch an all out attack, which will make use of limited cyber attacks upon the grid……Read More

Related Stories:

Interview:  America Stands Alone Against the Impending Invasion by Communist Forces Both Foreign and Domestic-Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges

THE GATES FAMILY – EUGENICS and Covid 19: We Cannot Fully Understand Bill Gates Until We Know About His and His Father’s Agenda to Depopulate Our World – grandmageri422

We have read articles ad nauseam about Covid-19 and the coming vaccines. But we must understand the man, Bill Gates and his father to fully appreciate what is happening in our world. It will help you to understand the agenda of these people.

And it will also help you in making a decision to receive the vaccine or not.

Their agenda is NOT about helping people with vaccines.

The agenda is world depopulation through sterilization.

From crazzfiles.com

The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19

In the following, Ethan Nash examines links between COVID-19 ‘solutions’ and social eugenics movements, including Bill Gates Snr and Planned Parenthood, the Gates Foundation and philanthropy deceptions, vested vaccine interests and engineering a pandemic.


In the late 19th century — a critical time in development of the sciences — British scholar Sir Francis Galton, in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, coined the term ‘eugenics’.

Galton, whose cousin was Charles Darwin, hoped to ‘better humankind’ through the ‘science of improving the human species’ by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits.

Decades of research on ‘controlled breeding’, including through means of sterilization, soon became accepted mainstream science at the turn of the century and the eugenics movement was born.

Supporters of eugenics believe people inherit mental illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these conditions can be ‘bred out’ of the human gene pool through forced sterilization. Not surprisingly, ‘undesirable’ traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated and minority populations.

Many professionals in the scientific and biological fields rigorously researched ways to ‘improve the human race’ through means of eliminating these ‘negative traits’, and the movement would soon garner widespread political support — particularly in Australia.

As we have explored, the likes of Professor Richard Berry and growing Eugenics Societies of NSW and Victoria played a pivotal role in mass campaigns for laws allowing the establishment of a ”lethal chamber” to euthanise what these groups called ”the grosser types of our mental defectives”.

Following World War I, numerous eugenics-based ideologies were beginning to enter mainstream societies across the world. However, after Hitler would adopt these concepts and implement an aggressive form of the concept, the world grew sour and a new change was needed to continue.


The concepts of eugenics were not exorcised from Western thinking following World War II, rather, they went underground or and were reinvented by assuming more “compassionate” guises…..Read More

Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 Being Silenced – Dr. Joseph Mercola

MFP Commentary:
Would it surprise you to learn that a huge amount of health information has been suppressed by the globalist  run AMA medical monopoly?    I strongly urge you to look into “orthomolecular medicine”    and Dr Andrew Saul’s various resources:

Welcome To Orthomolecular.org


And perhaps most importantly I urge you to purchase his Vitamin Masterclass which consists of 8 lessons in text, video, and audio format.   I can not urge you enough to learn about the health benefits of appropriate therapeutic doses of Niacin, Vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutrients.

Vitamin C: The Real Story, the Remarkable and Controversial Healing Factor  by Steve Hickey , Andrew W. Saul



In the video above, Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, presents valuable information on the importance of vitamin C for disease treatment, including COVID-19 — information that’s being widely silenced via organized censorship.1

His Tokyo presentation, “Orthomolecular Medicine and Coronavirus Disease: Historical Basis for Nutritional Treatment,” highlights the fact that when used as a treatment, high doses of vitamin C — often 1,000 times more than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) — are needed.

It’s a cornerstone of medical science that dose affects treatment outcome, but this premise isn’t accepted when it comes to vitamin therapy the way it is with drug therapy. Most vitamin C research has used inadequate, low doses, which don’t lead to clinical results.

“The medical literature has ignored over 80 years of laboratory and clinical studies on high-dose ascorbate (vitamin C) therapy,” Saul notes, adding that while it’s widely accepted that vitamin C is beneficial in fighting illness, controversy exists over to what extent. “Moderate quantities provide effective prevention,” he says, while “large quantities are therapeutic.”

Three Pioneers of High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C is perhaps most well-known for its antioxidant properties — properties it maintains because of an ability to donate electrons to oxidized molecules. Even in small quantities, vitamin C helps protect proteins, lipids and DNA and RNA in your body from reactive oxygen species that are generated during normal metabolism as well as due to toxin exposure (such as to cigarette smoke and air pollution).

Vitamin C is also involved in the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine and catecholamines, according to Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., and as such, “vitamin C participates in immune function, wound healing, fatty acid metabolism, neurotransmitter production and blood vessel formation, as well as other key processes and pathways.”2

Vitamin C at extremely high doses, however, acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses. While it does have anti-inflammatory activity, which helps prevent the massive cytokine cascade associated with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, its antiviral capacity likely has more to do with it being a non-rate-limited free radical scavenger. Three pioneers of high-dose vitamin C therapy include:…Read More

Related  Articles:


Critical information about Covid 19 – If YOUR Doctor is **Not** Doing this, it is MALPRACTICE – Hal Turner

Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol – PDF

DO **NOT** GET TESTED FOR COVID-19 IF YOU ARE **NOT** SICK – There is No Treatment and your name + Address Goes into Police /EMS Database – Hal Turner

“Contact Tracers” SPREAD COVID-19 – Represent a Clear and Present Danger  – Hal Turner



Why War Between China and the US is Inevitable – Dave Hodges

Is America going to war? Is Trump going to invoke the Insurrection Act? Or, as one of my main deep cover sources has stated, Trump is going to war with China and then invoke the Insurrection Act? The answer is that the latter choice is what is coming. In tomorrow’s article, this will all be laid out. However, the Democrats and their CHICOM allies are wise to what Trump is up to and they are moving to block this move to thwart the so-called Biden clue.

The hacking of a nuclear forces and associated intelligence is an act of war. It is a pre-emptive move prior to an intended offensive action.

I have spoken to several military types from retired ARSOF to current personnel at the Pentagon. Originally, I had intended today to reveal how Trump is hoping and planning to start a regional war with China and declare the Insurrection act under the confusion and color of war. However, the Chinese are making their move to block Trump.

The CSS has learned some of the specifics of the hacking of our nuclear defenses by the Chinese. The mainstream media is calling this primarily an Iranian and Russia job. That is a lie. This is most likely an exclusive intrusion into our defenses by the CHICOMS. The people I have spoken with believe that someone must have given the CHICOMS the method to enter sensitive and secure areas associated with nuclear defense. No doubt, it was Obama-appointed military personnel committing treason. Don’t think for a second that Congressmen who sleep with female Chinese spies are not involved in betraying their country. A lot more should happen than just removing a traitor from the Intelligence Committee. Swalwell should be lined up against a wall, after a trial which convicts him for treason, and shot. And if you think that he is the only traitor in Congress, think again.

Anyone connected to Dominion is aiding an abetting the breach of our security. Dominion technology likely helped the CHICOMS breach our nuclear defenses. As identified, yesterday, the Senate Majority leader, a Republican, took campaign donations from Dominion as well as blocked two election integrity bills, as he is complicit, either actively or passively. Mitch McConnell took campaign donations from the same company that used the exact same technology used to steal an election, to hack into a Pentagon communications system and compromise our nuclear security. The CIA is excluded from a modified system, as well,  and the agency is facing partial defunding. Why? Because they are in bed with the CHICOMS and they assisted in the Dominion voting machines in the stealing of the election. If Trump survives, Mitch McConnell, who congratulated Biden for winning an election that he stole, better get a damn good attorney.

Where is the CIA Director? She hasn’t been seen or heard from in weeks. She is under arrest and if she does not role over on her co-conspirators, behind election fraud, she could be executed for treason. In tomorrow’s article, I am making the case that Trump will be in a war with China and at the same time, under martial law, Trump will control the media he will demonstrate the treason of key politicians and military personnel who have colluded with the enemy we are fighting. Depending on how far Trump wants to carry the fight, the US could experience its own version of the French Revolution.

As stated, the CHICOMS are moving to block what Trump is doing. The intrusion into our nuclear forces has two purposes: (1) To block retaliatory strikes by US nuclear forces by changing launch codes. This would be the equivalent someone changing your email password, only in this instance, the missiles will not fire; and, (2) The CHICOMS were gathering intelligence on our US vulnerabilities.

I asked the inevitable question about time frames and the answer is very disturbing. The intelligence that the CHICOMS would have gathered has a shell life of usefulness. That shelf life is less than a week before the US discovered the vulnerabilities, sabotage and the scope of the damage and began to make corrections. In other words, the height of the hacking incursion’s usefulness runs out this week. Does that mean the CHICOMS will attack? Many believe that it does it will happen under the spirit of Christmas. There is a reason why Trump sent most of his administration away from Washington DC earlier this week. Further, I have reports about CHICOM military personnel making incursions into the United States. In tomorrow’s article I am going to reveal some of these details. The reason that I am waiting one day, is that I am interviewing three people today who will likely be able to shed light on these incursions. One source in particular, identified the threat posed by Chinese military incursions back as far as in  2016.

One thing can be said for certain. The Chinese intrusion into American nuclear forces means that their offensive operations have begun. That does not mean that they will not be blocked and cancel, but war is most certainly coming, either through this incident, or the next incident. I have also learned that America’s military response is essentially on automatic pilot. In other words, the assassination of Trump would not derail our intended response. That, too, is underway!

Part Three of this series will no doubt be too much for many to handle because it all but guaranteed that America will never be the same, even if Trump and the true American people are successful…..Original Post

There Is No Judicial Branch Per the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson – Yvonne Lorenzo

MFP Commentary:

This is one of the more important  concepts that brainwashed Americans could learn about.  The “courts”  are out of control and have been writing law and re-writing our Constitution for over 200 years.   They have not even followed the Constitution on jury trials being mandatory, not optional for all criminal and civil proceedings.

I highly highly recommend this book on the US Constitution.
It is easy and enjoyable reading:

Saving the Constitution Paperback – December 23, 2019
by Richard Proctor PhD

I don’t have the time to go into detail but the idea of “judicial supremacy came from a court power grab in 1804 in the Marberry V Madison decision.  The court before this time also had jury trials according to Dr Richard Proctor.



There Is No Judicial Branch Per the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson

Daniel Natale in this video discusses the “third branch of the government,” the Judicial Branch. You all remember what we learned in schools, even university: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary?

Except there is no third branch of government if you read the original document itself, which Natale makes clear, versus the published school and official texts. If Biden packs the Supreme Court, they may view it as a godsend, because for all future elections that are called into question, and if they can “put their fingers on the scale,” they will gain a “titanic new power,” the power to select presidents. After all, they arrogated power from the legislative branch, making laws on abortion and gay marriage.

Natale cites Thomas Jefferson, who refuted the Supreme Court–or any court–having such power:

“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would put us under the despotism of an oligarchy…their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in the office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruption of time and party, its members would become despots.”

The determination as to what is Constitutional and what is not is supposed to be done by the legislators. The courts’ only job is to “try cases and to apply the law as written to those cases.” Of course, that is not what has been happening for decades in America. The judiciary’s actions has fulfilled the warning of Thomas Jefferson, and we see The Supreme Court has also become corrupt despots.

And the erudite Natale cites Cicero and his book De Republica, and how the Constitution was created with clear understanding of his theory of a stable, enduring system of government. As Natale states, “Is the person hired equal to the person doing the hiring? No; one is subordinate to the other. The courts in the Constitution aren’t picking the President. But the President in the Constitution is picking the courts.”

Of course, the oligarchs like such a system where the courts are in control; but that is not what the American Republic was set up to be.

I urge everyone to view this short video, and share with as many as possible.

Original Post

Video on BitChute

Video on YouTube

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How Can There Be Justice For Trump From the Supreme Court When They Tolerated the Murder of One of Their Own to Protect Obama and Chief Justice Roberts? – Dave Hodges


Trump’s Final Remaining Option to Save the Republic As He Prepares to Move On the Communist Forces That Have Taken Over America – Dave Hodges

Just when President Trump is being written off by everyone as a lame duck President, a bold plan to to capture the 2020 election, on behalf of the current President is taking shape.

Trump recently told the Fox Business Network on Thursday that he wants to draw down troops from Afghanistan, by Christmas, so they’re not too worn out if they are needed for wars against China, Russia, or North Korea.  There is another theater of war that Fox News forgot to mention and that is the United States of America. It strongly appears that Trump is bringing the troops home to use domestically in order to invoke the Insurrection Act in response to the coup perpetrated by the voter fraud in the recent Presidential election.

There are several moving parts to this drama, so please pay close attention.


Trump Fires Deep-State-Defense Secretary Esper

The firing of Deep State operative, Esper, was a long time coming. As far back as June 3rd, Esper held a news conference in which he appeared to publicly criticized Trump about the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act, which would allow the president to use active-duty military personnel for crowd control. Clearly, Esper had to be removed because of what Trump is planning to do and Esper would have been in position to leak the plans, so he had to go, and go he did!

Here is the announcement of the firing:……Read More


Ret. Gen Flynn warns of unelected ‘tyrants,’ says ‘time for God-fearing Americans to fight’ – American Military News

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn warned of rule by “tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us” in a new op-ed published by The Western Journal on Saturday.

In his op-ed titled, “We’re in a Battle of Good vs. Evil – It’s Time for God-Fearing Americans To Fight” Flynn did not specify who the so-called “tyrants” were, but said, “They have violated our laws; they have betrayed our nation and their oath to serve our country, their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

“The battle we are engaged in cannot be fought with only human weapons: It requires the intervention of God because in a war against the forces of evil, only the Lord can obtain the victory,” Flynn’s op-ed began. “And as American citizens, we must refuse to go to the funeral of our own independence. We the people are proud to proclaim that the United States of America is ‘One Nation under God.’”…..Read More