The Age of Petty Tyrannies


By John W. Whitehead May 14, 2018

We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, carried out in the name of the national good by an elite class of government officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.

We, the middling classes, are not so fortunate.

We find ourselves badgered, bullied and browbeaten into bearing the brunt of their arrogance, paying the price for their greed, suffering the backlash for their militarism, agonizing as a result of their inaction, feigning ignorance about their backroom dealings, overlooking their incompetence, turning a blind eye to their misdeeds, cowering from their heavy-handed tactics, and blindly hoping for change that never comes…. Read  More


Sewage sludge is being spread on Missouri farmland, and contaminating your food with….

……heavy metals, prescription drugs, disease, and more.

Here is an interview of EPA scientist  Dr. David Lewis:

CounterThink Show with Mike Adams • Sunday 5/6/18: Dr. David Lewis BioSludge Warning

Here are a few articles that show that this practice is widespread in Missouri, and that the food that you buy grown in  Missouri (and likely any other state) is a danger to your health in more than one way.

Public Notice: Biosolids Composting Operation, St. Louis Composting – Pacific Facility, Pacific, Missouri

Best Management Practices for Biosolids Land Application

And Dr.Lewis’s  book: Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits





This information has the potential to save millions of lives: Diet Against Disease

MFP commentary:

This is an 8 series documentary  on the obvious: That the body is a self repairing  entity. If given the raw materials to do so.

The AMA medical monopoly does not address the cause of disease, instead it makes money for big pharma by pushing it’s poison that does nothing, but cover up symptoms. They work by shutting down chemical pathways and causing tons of collateral damage downstream in the body.  These “standards of care”  are causing the deaths of millions, yet no one is being held culpable much less being prosecuted.

Dr Mercola has outdone himself with this film.

Before, or even after after watching this documentary  you will want to go to our Health Resources  page and among other resources check out the Weston A Price Brochure entitled, “Principles of Healthy Diets”. It is literally worth it’s weight in gold.

All 8 parts are in a playlist  after this first part:
Diet Against Disease


TMHS 073: Hydration And Water Masterclass – Best Water Filter, Best Bottled Water, And Critical Water Facts

MFP Commentary:
Shawn Stevenson knows  his stuff.  Good water is foundational and  we all  have a lot to learn….

There’s a Slovakian proverb that says, “Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.”

Water is at the very basis of human health and longevity. Far more valuable than food, going without adequate hydration sets in motion a ticking time bomb of physical depression and symptoms of disease.

You may be shocked to find that water has been clinically documented to improve everything from diabetes, to high blood pressure, to arthritis pain, and everything in between. But how can water be this effective? It’s just… well, water, isn’t it?

Today you’re going to learn the truth about the significant impact that water has on your health. You’re going to learn about the various methods of treating water, where they succeed, and where they come up incontrovertibly short.

In this masterclass on water and hydration, you’re going to find out how water actually gets into your cells in the first place, and how mismanaging this process can leave you more sick and thirsty than you can imagine.

Most importantly, this masterclass is meant for you to be able to share it with the people you care about. They have the right to know what’s coming out of their faucet. But, the sad truth is, only a fraction of the population really knows.

Henry David Thoreau said, “I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.” In today’s world, the wise individuals are not just drinking water, but the right kind of water…. Read More

TMHS 073: Hydration And Water Masterclass – Best Water Filter, Best Bottled Water, And Critical Water Facts

YouTube censorship RAMPAGE running amok as all the GOOD people keep getting terminated

MFP Commentary:
I have experienced this personally.  I criticized Amazon and within hours the YouTube Channel for Missouri Free Press was permanently deleted.  YouTube has not even responded to my appeal to reinstate the channel:

Amazon abuse of power. I doubly want to kick Jeff Bezo’s in the balls!


(Natural News) YouTube’s mass censorship is still underway, as more conservatives, libertarians and anyone else who stands in the way of the leftist cult from pushing their propaganda are having their channels taken down left and right. YouTube’s unceremonious account terminations seem to be yielding two responses: Horror, from those who understand that this behavior is disgustingly authoritarian — and applause from the useful idiots who erroneously believe that it’s okay to silence dissenting opinions, as long as it fits their political agenda…. Read More



One family’s TWO YEAR nightmare of having their child taken by the state

MFP Commentary:

Give the state ANY power and you are 100% guaranteed that they will abuse it.  Study your history….

This one is really infuriating.

It started back in 2016… on April 6th to be specific. A Philadelphia-area mother walked into a clinic because her 7-month old baby was being excessively fussy.

The doctor performed a cursory examination, concluded the baby had an ear infection, and prescribed an antibiotic.

Later that day, the mother noticed what seemed like a bone popping in the baby’s side and thought this might be the source of the discomfort…. Read More

One family’s TWO YEAR nightmare of having their child taken by the state

It’s Time to Start Imagining a Post-Police World — Why Abolishing the Police is Not a Crazy Idea

Abolishing American police might be our only hope to reform police brutality, violence, and skyrocketing incarceration rate.

“…..The police spend very little of their time dealing with violent criminals — indeed, police sociologists report that only about 10% of the average police officer’s time is devoted to criminal matters of any kind. Most of the remaining 90% is spent dealing with infractions of various administrative codes and regulations: all those rules about how and where one can eat, drink, smoke, sell, sit, walk, and drive. If two people punch each other, or even draw a knife on each other, police are unlikely to get involved. Drive down the street in a car without license plates, on the other hand, and the authorities will show up instantly, threatening all sorts of dire consequences if you don’t do exactly what they tell you.

“The police, then, are essentially just bureaucrats with weapons. Their main role in society is to bring the threat of physical force — even, death — into situations where it never would have been otherwise invoked, such as the enforcement of civic ordinances about the sale of untaxed cigarettes.”

This overcriminalization of, well, living, has exploded prison populations and adversarial policing to a profoundly negative effect……” Read More

It’s Time to Start Imagining a Post-Police World — Why Abolishing the Police is Not a Crazy Idea

I have been pushing this idea for years. The police are blasphemers ( as policing is based upon moral relativism) & usurpers at best.
They are a fairly new institution on the scene, and only about 100 years old.

What did we do to protect ourselves, before we had someone lording over us on each street corner? We had the country sheriff, and you and I: The militia.
And it worked for over 300 years on this continent before the very bad idea of “cops” appeared. Bring back the “Constitutional Militia”!  here & here

This assault on myself in Seymour Missouri further illustrates how useless and detrimental to our rights our “police” are. I could easily relate a dozen more horrific personal  cop stories. 

I have just finished reading and listening to the following 2, well researched books.  The occulted history of policing  in them is fascinating.

By Radley Balko - Rise of the Warrior Cop
By Radley Balko – Rise of the Warrior Cop


Battlefield America: The War on the American People
Battlefield America: The War on the American People



(Israel) Seventy Years Of Turmoil, Treachery, Death And Destruction

Four days from now, May 14, 2018, will mark the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. Most Americans—and especially most Christians—labor under the delusion that the modern State of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy of ancient Jews returning to their homeland. Nothing could be further from the truth……Read More

Posted by Chuck Baldwin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011