It is no accident that police have become more brutal – in appearance as well as action – since they became law enforcement.
The term itself is a brutal syllogism. The law exists and must be enforced because it isthe law. I am just doing my job, only following (lawful) orders. People were hanged for using such reasoning to justify the enforcement of vicious, evil laws and went to the gallows baffled as to why….. Read More
What happens when bureaucrats run the show and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government? Overregulation and overcriminalization. In this episode of On Target, John W. Whitehead examines the petty tyrannies and senseless laws that are turning everyday Americans into criminals.
MFP Commentary: For a period I sat in on our local city council. I discovered that the entire group was one of the lowest IQ, totally uninformed groups, that I had ever encountered. (this is what the US political system insures gets into office)
One thing stood out. They all too often would handle issues that were clearly inspired by the globalist agenda 21, they would do what the globalist wanted them to do, and they had no clue whatsoever what they were involved with, nor the consequences of their actions.
I recently interviewed Daisy Luther about the UN’s Agenda 21. The penetration all the way down to the local level is nearly complete. Can it be stopped? How will our lives change. This is a dramatic interview that reveals how close we are to actually losing all freedom of choice when it comes to energy usage and a variety of civil liberties….. Read More
MFP Commentary:
I can’t believe that it took me 5 years to check out the ice skating resources in Springfield MO. It turns out that most of my assumptions about the place were unfounded. They have great public skate hours. Multiple sessions per day, 7 days a week, this time of year, and they sell a seasons pass at a very reasonable price. The pass is $120 a year, and $100 if you are a senior or a student. For comparisons sake, the Germain Ice Arena in Estero FL, charges $400 a month for unlimited ice time, and then only for what they “free style” skating, which is geared more towards competitive figure skaters rather than the general public.
They also have 8 week hockey and figure skating classes that are held year round if you don’t know how to skate. This runs about $100 per 8 week session.The rental skates look half decent also.
The proshop was closed and I could not get my skates sharpened when I was there. You might want to call before you go, they are located at: 635 E. Trafficway St., Springfield, MO
Phone (417) 866-7444
As you can see, I had the entire rink to myself the other day. Which is a fantastic thing if you want to do any serious skating.
My only gripe about the facility is that this is not a free market enterprise but instead consists of the socialist government of Springfield, stealing money at gun point from the citizens, to build a multi million dollar facility, that when all is said and done, is not something that the citizens of Springfield seem to want to utilize. That being said, I had no part in the theft, and plan on utilizing this facility over the coming years. If I can afford it I am planning on picking up hockey equipment and getting back to playing after a 45 year hiatus. Hope to see you there!
One can not escape it. The mindless drivel of group think: “Support the troops”. Never mind that they are the standing army that the founders warned us about. That the deep state has been openly investigating whether or not this standing army would be willing to criminally take arms from American Citizens.
What are we supposed to support? Perhaps the gross violation of the Constitution (treason) by fighting in wars when Congress has not declared war?
Perhaps the use of depleted uranium in 6 countries? The use of which is clearly a war crime? To cause birth defects in children for at hundreds of years into the future.
Or perhaps the fact that out military is reportedly currently active in over 200 countries. Again Congress has not declared war, so we have 200 wars of aggression. Which according to treaty is again a “war crime”.
So I guess the group think is really “Support war crimes” ” Support the trampling of the US Constitution”.
Sorry, but I don’t do group think, I gave that up after high school.
How about you? Do you support criminality just because it’s politically correct to do so? If you do, you support the inhuman actions of a criminal globalist government…
What we should be doing is supporting and bringing back the militia, and at the same time getting rid of the standing army (that is not authorized by the Constitution) and also getting rid of the standing army in blue, that we call “police”. Our standing army should not exist in times of peace. The thugs in blue should never exist…. The militia was supposed to keep the peace and defend our rights. Not thugs that are controlled by the globalists.
NOTE: To further illustrate the insanity of this mind control, I was violently assaulted, threatened, and stolen from by a Seymour business owner Terry Kelley the owner of the “K Trading post” (recorded on his surveillance cameras) because he did not like my free speech backed view of our military after he asked me that question. To top it off the incompetent pr criminal, (take your pick) Seymour police department aided and abetted this criminal and have done nothing. Not even contacting me after almost a year has gone by.
Here are a few articles that show that this practice is widespread in Missouri, and that the food that you buy grown in Missouri (and likely any other state) is a danger to your health in more than one way.
Abolishing American police might be our only hope to reform police brutality, violence, and skyrocketing incarceration rate.
“…..The police spend very little of their time dealing with violent criminals — indeed, police sociologists report that only about 10% of the average police officer’s time is devoted to criminal matters of any kind. Most of the remaining 90% is spent dealing with infractions of various administrative codes and regulations: all those rules about how and where one can eat, drink, smoke, sell, sit, walk, and drive. If two people punch each other, or even draw a knife on each other, police are unlikely to get involved. Drive down the street in a car without license plates, on the other hand, and the authorities will show up instantly, threatening all sorts of dire consequences if you don’t do exactly what they tell you.
“The police, then, are essentially just bureaucrats with weapons. Their main role in society is to bring the threat of physical force — even, death — into situations where it never would have been otherwise invoked, such as the enforcement of civic ordinances about the sale of untaxed cigarettes.”
This overcriminalization of, well, living, has exploded prison populations and adversarial policing to a profoundly negative effect……” Read More
I have been pushing this idea for years. The police are blasphemers ( as policing is based upon moral relativism) & usurpers at best. They are a fairly new institution on the scene, and only about 100 years old.
What did we do to protect ourselves, before we had someone lording over us on each street corner? We had the country sheriff, and you and I: The militia. And it worked for over 300 years on this continent before the very bad idea of “cops” appeared. Bring back the “Constitutional Militia”! here & here
This assault on myself in Seymour Missouri further illustrates how useless and detrimental to our rights our “police” are. I could easily relate a dozen more horrific personal cop stories.
I have just finished reading and listening to the following 2, well researched books. The occulted history of policing in them is fascinating.
By Radley Balko – Rise of the Warrior Cop
Battlefield America: The War on the American People
I can verify almost everything that CIA whistle blower, Cody Snodgres has to say from multiple sources over the past 5 years. What he does well is to lay it all out in one interview. If after listening to this you do not understand that our government consists of satanic criminals, you are just incapable of being able to think and reason.
If you decide not to spread this far and wide, you IMHO are walking with and embracing evil. Something that no moral human being or Christian should do.
Christians in the US are acting exactly like the Christians in Nazi Germany acted. Please don’t be one of those people. Please spread this far and wide: German Pastor Martin Niemöller’s Poem:
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Again this needs to go viral. People had better speak out or your grandchildren will not even likely be born. Look up what the term useful idiot means. Here also
This pejorative term applies to the misdirected, and controlled Christian anti-abortion movement, that ignores the fact that when children are born that they are purposely damaged by vaccines, and here, that the CPS kidnaps the same children that they “saved”, for sexual exploitation, and that the globalist’s are planning to make sure that BILLIONS upon billions of children are not born.
This Henry David Thoreau quote is very instructive on the topic of “useful idiots”: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
If abortion were completely stopped tomorrow it would not stop or adress the globalist plans to kill billions of human beings. These people have all been neutralized without even knowing it, which is the essence of the word “useful idiot”. Let’s not be “useful idiots” – let’s “strike the root.”
Dave Hodges interview of Cody Snodgres:
The following is a 2 part interview with a former CIA black-ops participant, Cody Snodgris. The following interview clearly establishes, from a first-hand perspective. how many national tragedies are actually false flag operations which almost always follow the same pattern of planning and implementation. Everything from the Oklahoma City Bombing to the JFK assassination, and many more false flag events are discussed with this previous insider who has decided to go public at great risk to himself. This is one of the most important interviews ever conducted on The Common Sense Show.
This interview is so very important because it reveals how much of what the American people are told is a lie. It also reveals that the science and implementation of false flag operations is a stand alone industry with an internal hierarchy and organizational stucture. This interview also reveals that the practice of false flag operations are a subset of the Deep State and that these people will stop at nothing to stop the rising tide of populism being led by the election of Donald Trump. One thing is abundantly clear America, the closer President Trump gets to carrying out his MAGA agenda, the closer the American people get to very decisive false flag operations.
I was once told by an ex-FEMA official before he “bugged out” five years ago, that the “powers-that-be” will stop at nothing to smash American populism. This FEMA official was part of counter-intelligence for bioweapons. He was clear on one point, if America does not roll over and capitulate, there is nothing that the deep state will not do to subjugate this country. He felt that a cocktail of severe bioweapons would be unleashed on the American people, which would force the US into martial law and invite the UN into the power structure of this country through the declaration of martial law. Amaingly, these words were shared with me prior to the emergence of President Trump as a candidate.
Please share the following 2 part interview with your social media and email lists. The average American needs to be exposed to the inherent evil that awaits them in the coming days……. Read More
“For over 20 years, I was an Independent Contractor (IC), specializing in sensitive, covert assignments, as well as bodyguard work. In 1994 I was given the task to blow up the Alfred P. Murray building in Oklahoma City. This job came from an x-US military man, who told me he worked covertly for CIA. I refused on moral grounds. My strong opposition to attacking U.S. citizens on our own soil changed my status from a CIA asset into a liability, a private, Independent Contractor who “knew too much”.
This is a true story about the U.S. Dept. of Justice’s role in covering up the bombing in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, and the secret reasons why, I believe, it was ordered. Afraid to speak up until now, I am very lucky to be alive to tell this story. Hopefully,enough time has elapsed so that I will not be targeted again, for retribution,as so many “whistle blowers” have been before me. May God bless America, and our fellow Patriots who have fought and bled, for her.”
~Cody Snodgres
MFP commentary:
Chances are that you have a smart meter on you home, no matter where you live in in Missouri. I have one on mine. This is a United Nations agenda (1, 2 )pushed by the psychopaths in Washington DC, and paid for by your tax dollars. I strongly suggest that you watch – Take Back Your Power – Full Movie HD. The people that are responsible for this well researched movie have a web site the In Power Movement . You can also support them by watching the movie here.
By Dave Hodges:
The advancements in smart cities is frightening. The Smart Grid is emerging as a self-replicating and autonomous and all powerful entity. If a planetary smart grid is allowed to be completed it will mean the end of our lifestyles as we know it…..Original Story