COSMIC END GAME: Coronavirus vaccines, depopulation and the demonic war to claim your soul for Satan

I predict that the Federal mandate following, Fordland Medical Clinic will be the place to go if you want to get your Corona Mark of the Beast shot here  in Webster County.

(Natural News) As we’ve been covering the coronavirus pandemic, I still haven’t been able to communicate the full magnitude of what has been unleashed upon the world and what it means to you, dear reader.

It’s a safe bet that half of the people reading this won’t be alive by 2025. And that’s all by design.

By now you know the coronavirus wasn’t an accident. It was genetically engineered to exterminate humanity. It’s release may have happened at an accidental time, but the intent was always to build a “hard kill” weapon that would unleash the economic collapse and global enslavement that would then enable the mass slaughter of obedient human beings by the demon-infested globalists who despise the human form.

Those depopulation-minded globalists, of course, are working on a euthanasia injection that will kill off the masses. They are going to label that death shot a “vaccine” in order to convince billions of people to obediently agree to be injected. Mr. Depopulation himself — Bill Gates — is furiously funding death injection factories that will be able to crank out lethal injections by the billions over the next 2-3 years. And unlike the attempted ethnic cleansing of the Third Reich in World War II, this time the sheeple will line up and beg to be killed, avoiding all the “messy business” of any organized resistance.

No bullets, no bombs, no gas chambers. Just mass graves quietly filled with medical euthanized sheeple who begged their captors for “immunity” but got death instead.

The war for human freedom is already lost….Read More

The Globalists Are Making Their Final Move As the Tribulation Has Begun! Former FEMA Insider, Celeste Solum, Reveals All!!

recently interviewed a former member of FEMA, Celeste Solum. This interview had an emotional and spiritual impact on me. Celeste is a gentle soul, a committed Christian who strongly appears to be unwavering in her faith. Hoever, be warned America, her message is not for the faint of heart.

In the course of the following interview, Celeste made a compelling case that abject, Satanic evil has been unleashed on the planet. The globalists are making their move towards their depopulation goals and the total subjugation of the what’s left of the human race. The present lockdown is merely the first step towards this goal as they squeeze the life out of our economy, our civil liberties and right to continue to worship as we please.

Celeste revealed the two primary methods that the Deep State and their minions will employ should the people rise up against the present level of subjugation of our country and the world as a whole.  The following information will produce demonstrable effects in your anxiety levels, your spirit of optimism and you will either turn towards Jesus in your moment of abject fear, or you will succumb to what’s is happening to our nation without so much as a whimper. Celeste believes that we are in the beginning of the Tribulation.

Celeste’s presentation contains absolutely no embellishment as her conclusions are based on irrefutable documentation. Here implied message came though loud and clear to me during the interview and I would sum it up in the following manner: “Resistance is futile, unless you know the Lord”.

You can listen to this bombshell of an interview by clicking this link.

Additionally, Celeste will be a guest at the virtual GEN SIX conference in May. To find out how you can attend, without leaving your home, you can click this link for registration information…..ORIGINAL ARTICLE


It Took Just 60 Days With the Complicity of the Deep State and a MSM Over-Hyped Virus to Destroy the Most Powerful Empire In History

What do you think?

I have not even interviewed this person yet and I have already been profoundly impacted by her words. She formerly worked for FEMA and she is a research machine as I have been riveted to their video productions. I am speaking about Celeste Solum.

I recently called Celeste and what was only to be an invitation to appear on my radio show, became an intense review of many major challenges facing the American people. This interview will be public on Wednesday. I am tasked with the challenge of focusing in on the “important topics” and there are so many….. I have my work cut out for me in this area. I want to share with you what my greatest fear is as we proceed through this crisis, embellished or real, and I want to begin with how Celeste and myself finished our initial conversation.

As we processed just a few of the major challenges, all of which could spell doom for our country, Celeste made a series of observations regarding President Trump’s White House CV-19 briefing on Monday, April 6, 2020. First, there was no Presidential emblem on the podium. This is unheard of when the President speaks, especially in an election year when he could capitalize on being the incumbent. Secondly, my spirit was crushed when the President and his entourage kept repeating the phrase, “This is a military operation”.  There can be little question what the administration is telling the American people. We are in the beginning stages of full-blown martial law. Before I develop this thought on a deeper and more telling scale, I want to relate an answer to a question that I asked Celeste at this point:

  • Hodges: With regard to the lack of the Presidential seal on the podium and the announcement that this is a military operation, do you think we will ever get back to normal where we are free to return to work and play?
  • Celeste: I don’t think so.
  • Hodges: Is this an international martial law?
  • Celeste: I fear the involvement of China….
  • Hodges: I fear the blue helmets worn by the Chinese in this operation.
  • Celeste then reemphasized what she just stated.

After hearing Celeste’s answers, my heart sunk to a depth I have never experienced because I realized that I had gathered enough information on my own that I should be in complete agreement with Celeste. However, I’m a fighter by nature. With all humility, I was raised in the martial arts and was part of a group that taught self-defense strategies to ladies groups, businesses and individuals. I was also a college athlete and coached in college for several years. I love competition and love demolishing satanic evil in my recent work. My fighting spirit was tested in the biggest challenge I ever faced when, sixteen years ago, and for the next eight years, I helped lead a group of average, everyday Americans in a fight for our very properties against the evil John McCain and his Satanic banker confederates and we eventually won. During that time, my house was fired upon (8 shots) with my family and extended family in the house as I was interviewing the late Jim Marrs along with Annie De Riso. After a series of critical radio interviews about what the McCain forces were doing to us, I was pursued on a lonely country highway after coaching a college game and barely got away by making it to a fire station where I got help and the 911 tapes were destroyed so I could not pursue justice. I am proud to say that with the help of the Lord, I never blinked. At least I never blinked until now. I have never feared anyone in my life and have always maintained an optimistic attitude that we can defeat any challenge, particularly when we invoke the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, despite my remaining bravado, after this conversation with Celeste, I know, from an intellectual level all the way to a spiritual level, that she is correct in that our challenges are severe and very real and the continuance of our nation is in jeopardy like it never has been before. My position is clear in that all of us are in extreme danger and the odds are stacked against us….Read More


 To those  of you with any discernment, you are fully aware that Satan and his governmental  minions are rolling out the New World Order right in front of our eyes.

In addition to  the governmental  psyop to instill fear, around  China’s release of this bioweapon. The dollar is collapsing.  The psychopaths in DC are paying off the Satanic Bankers with huge amounts of money, guaranteeing that prices will go up drastically and you will become even more dependant upon government “handouts” (actually money stolen from others)   China sits at our border waiting until we are weak enough to invade.   There are multiple 5th column such as MS13 waiting to unleash hell on earth and pave the way for the Chinese invasion.   Obama allowed 15,000 Russian Sputnik special forces to become embedded into our military.   He  also signed a treaty with the Satanic UN that allows them to be “peacekeepers” in this country at  any time that THEY decide they are “needed”.

The FEMA camps are open and the “facts” say that they have many guillotines just as the book of Revelations says will happen…..  yet christians act as Satan’s programmed  zombies that don’t have a clue as to what is going on….

I am appalled,  yet not surprised that “Christians” are going along like the sheep that Satan has convinced them that they are.


“Christians” are  following the “Satanic Agenda”  implemented by Satan to a T.

In my analysis  much cognative dissonance is happening and people are just mentally unable to accept the true paradigm. At least being able to do this quickly….

I am not the only one by far that see’s what is going on.

A county sheriff in Maine has stated  that he will follow the Constitution  unlike the 90% plus of the country that is urinating on it.

I just heard that the governor of South Dakota is eschewing these criminal and illegitimate lock down orders and fines and arrests….

The “bible belt” christians remain clueless as to what is going on….

If you are not already awake I don’t know how to awaken you except by asking you to look at the facts. Which BTW the people that deny what is happening  almost always base that poor uninformed  opinion, on zero research and zero evidence. Very much the opposite of how I have arrived at my well researched opinions and views. They are based upon FACTS rather than emotion and ignorance.
Currently  a good source of news is the   David Knight Show.    Don’t listen to one person— and I shouldn’t have to tell you to stay away from the Mockingbird press.  Mike Adams has good health and political news at Natural News.  Dave Hodges at The Common Sense show is a good source of news if you want the untarnished  truth. (which many of you are not ready for)

        “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill

Scripture says that the ” cowardly” shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

~Revelation 21:8″Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”

~Matthew 10:34″Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:”

~Psalm 144″The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions. During the morning watch, they invaded the Ammonite camp and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. There were survivors, but they were so scattered that no two of them were left together.”
~1 Samuel 11:11


“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
~Ephesians 5:11

” Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!”
~William Wallace
I’m beginning to understand how Noah  felt for those 100 years or so that he tried to save and love his fellow man with an Arc. He received ridicule and worse.  I have experienced the same.   They listened to Joseph in Egypt and many people were saved….  God does have “watchmen on the wall” and I have seen Christianity almost totally reject  those that God sent menand women.  The reject God’s Providence, they reject God himself because they reject knowledge as scripture also says……. The primary response I have received from “christians” that are taught to love one another is ostracism and shunning. One of the most painful things one can do to a fellow human being,
  as a reward for my following the scriptural admonition to warn people of coming disaster  

My current observation that in reality “christians”  very much act as if they hate one another. They also seem to hate the truth.


Modern Christianity unfortunately  resemble a mental disorder where reality and reason are eschewed and evil is  ignored and embraced.

I wish I could orate as well as jesus Christ, I obviously can’t.  I ask you not to shoot the messenger but rather to consider the message.

Please checkout Missouri Free Press.
I invite any of you to submit articles for publications.

Many hand make for light work….

Please check out the documentary: END GAME that explains  LOT of what is going on.

GodSpeed  we all are going to need God’s Providence.
Start paying attention to it.


Could America soon be facing widespread STARVATION due to the coronavirus and a collapsing food supply?

(Natural News) When President Trump last year referred to a coming “perfect storm” without any context, bewildered reporters asked him about the meaning of this mysterious reference, to which Trump left them hanging in suspense. Now we’re in the year 2020 facing an unprecedented global pandemic, and rapidly coming into view is the ominous prospect of mass starvation due to a potential food supply collapse.

Because the government has prohibited many Americans from continuing to work due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), many of them are quickly running out of money, if they haven’t already. And without money these people can’t buy food, which is why food banks all across the country are reportedly becoming swamped as they run out of food themselves.

The situation is becoming so dire that the mainstream media is referring to what’s now transpiring as a “perfect storm,” echoing back to Trump’s reference to it. Is this what the president was referring to back then – or worse yet, is there still a long way to go before the perfect storm arrives in full?..,Read More

We Borrowed From the Future & Now It’s Over – Catherine Austin Fitts


The short story is that the dollar is tanking and this Corona stuff is in large part the effort to cover up the fact of what the bankers and our criminal  government have done to us.  They have destroyed your future and the future of your children.

H8St8 comment: Wow! WOW!!! This outstanding video reveals and connects so many important dots that I can’t list them all in a brief intro. This will be 50-minutes very well spent. See it near the end of the accompanying story below. Pardon the GooTube link. A mp3 audio is also linked on IPFS

By Greg Hunter’s

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We’ve been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high speed debasement and unprecedented inflation, we’ve kind of run out of tricks. . . . Inflation is really sneaking up. My question: Is basically shutting down the small businesses and the small farm economy at high speed the way they have done, is that protecting us from going up a frightening inflation? Are we at Weimar Republic kind of inflation rates? I have been telling my subscribers to plant, plant and plant because the price of food is going to go through the roof. Another one of my questions: What’s pressing for war? Is the debt spiral up and the inflation spiral up, is that more than they can handle?”

Fitts also says the covert war going on now is about the U.S. dollar and countries who want to stop using it for trade. If the dollar is used less, it will be worth less and maybe much less. Fitts says, “We have tried to keep all the oil sales in the world going through the dollar. Of course, that’s put everybody back into our jurisdiction. The world doesn’t want to do that anymore. They want to be free to trade. You are seeing more and more central banks around the world doing swap lines and direct relationships between central bank to central bank to try to do what is called de-dollarization. So, you have the world wanting to move outside our channel, and you have the Anglo American alliance trying to protect the dollar syndicate. That is part of the economic war that is going on.”

Fitts says, “Whatever happens on the global stage, it means the days of the subsidy that kept the game inside America is over. So, how do you radically reduce the size of the financial footprint that stopes inflation from going wild? How do you take the subsidy away from the American middle class without a major civil war? . . . . What we did was we did the China trade, and now it’s over, and everybody in America said fine, we will go along. Well, this is the price. You have borrowed from the future and now it’s over.”

Why the sudden record gun buying in America? Fitts says, “They understand that the rule of law is steadily being diminished. They see all sorts of behavior . . . that is lawless. . . .They see people in poverty say if anything goes for the big guys, then anything goes for us. . . . Part of what is happening is we are dealing with a spiritual war, and there are serious demonic and occult forces at work. There is nothing they would love more than to stop the churches and stop people from getting together and praying and inviting in the divine and angelic hope every Sunday. I am with the President. I think stopping the churches from gathering is a very, very terrible idea.”

Fitts also still thinks gold is a good investment that will “outperform most other investments in 2020.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine

Austin Fitts, publisher of “The Solari Report.”

Original Link



Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing Obama’s mission to cripple America and turn it into a vaccine police state


(Natural News) Former President Barack Obama had a mission for America: Destroy it!

And he pursued that “sleeper cell” mission for eight years, whipping up racial tensions, turning America against law enforcement, socializing the medical system and even allowing people like Joe Biden to transfer classified military secrets to China in exchange for financial kickbacks that were laundered through Ukraine.

As we’ve previously warned, Obama also allowed China to steal the Pentagon’s US military personnel records. He even allowed Iran to “capture” a US military drone and a Navy boat, all as part of a grand scheme to make sure Iran acquired US communications encryption hardware. If that weren’t enough, Obama then laundered billions of dollars through international banks to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, all while lying to America and claiming the “Iran nuclear deal” would block Iran’s nuclear ambitions (it did precisely the opposite, enabling the program and funding it).

See the full details of Obama’s treason in this broadcast video:…Read More

Follow the links to the main article and you will find about 4 informative videos that are embedded in the article.



Lock your gates soon to keep desperate and dangerous people away from your home. I suggest something like the following:



Due to recent events, anyone caught on this property without explicit permission may be perceived as a lethal threat and dealt with accordingly.

Make yourself known and communicate from the road. The doorbell on the fence post may work. I may not choose to answer….If no one responds, and you enter this property, the same applies. You may be considered a lethal threat. You have been warned.

Lots more if you want to get a large conference call and hash out what to do on the security and the nutritional fronts.


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