US Sanctions Must End Now – They Are Murdering Innocents

Sanctions are war. They may not instantly shred flesh the way bombs and bullets do, but they kill and maim nonetheless.

Subjecting people to such cruelties is indefensible in ordinary times: in the pre-COVID-19 world, America’s economic warfare was killing cancer patients in Iran, keeping Syrian children with cancer from getting necessary medicines, and, according to an estimate by two US economists, killing perhaps forty thousand Venezuelans. But collectively punishing entire populations during a global pandemic is perhaps an even more ruthless form of barbarism.

The coronavirus is ravishing Iran, with the country reporting more than twenty thousand cases and over 1,500 deaths. Prior to COVID-19, US sanctions battered Iran’s health care system, undercutting access to pharmaceuticals and necessities like cardiac pacemakers. In December, Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi described the sanctions as “the collective punishment of over eighty-one million Iranians through and by means of one of the most comprehensive and unrelenting sanctions regimes in modern history.”…Read More


Unfortunately this is basically spot on. It is based upon illegitimate law, but most of our “laws” are illegitimate, but the “police”  enforce them regardless.  Let’s hope that we don’t continue upon this dangerous and scary path.

What matters in the real world is will you accept this, will you go along?

Revelation 21:8
“But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”



A Big Pharma Coup Has Taken Over the Presidency

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, April 13, 2020

President Trump has lost control of the Executive Branch of the government. This article will demonstrate that he is no longer in control. His supposed underlings are undermining his authority. In particular, the Democratic governors are blocking Trump’s endorsement of anti-viral drugs to treat COVID-19 because profits do not flow back to his underlings, who have blatant conflict of interests and in particular, Bill Gates, and the vaccine empire. Further, Trump’s underlings, Fauci in particular, are publicly berating the President and the President seems unable to do anything about it except to say these people should be fired. Even if Trump rediscovered his Presidential backbone, it is too late. We have reached over 50% unemployment. The stimulus is like bailing out the Titanic with a teaspoon and will not stave off the planned Greatest Depression. Famine is in our future, as has been repeatedly demonstrated in past articles on the CSS. The MSM has successfully blamed Trump for the crisis and soon, he will not be electable. All of social media heavily censors any contrary facts to this coup’s cover story, such as the fact that EVERY person on the COVID-19 team has a major conflict of interest which is fed by vaccine profits. Even the President’s allies, such as Sen. Ron Johnson, cannot seem to motivate the President to action. At the time of this writing, it is difficult to absolutely pinpoint when the President’s administration was hijacked, but it is apparent. for all who have eyes to see, that is exactly what has happened.

Physicians and Key Legislators Want Anti-Viral Drugs to be Used Against the Coronavirus….Read More

EDITORIAL: Blue ISIS is NOT “Law Enforcement”: “Police” across the US are trashing our rights and the Constitution!

 MFP Commentary:
Throughout my life I have witnessed an increasing militarization, and law breaking by what most people refer to as “law enforcement”.
    Those that have actually read the US Constitution, know that “police” are members of the executive branch. That they are referred to as  “administrators” of the law. Nowhere in the entire US Constitution is “law enforcement” mentioned. That is because “law enforcement” in this county is not delegated to government!  (Ponder why you have been taught the exact opposite of reality)   Who is law enforcement then?   You are!

Usually in the form of either a grand or petit jury.  Think about it, the law is NOT enforced until YOU as a juror vote either guilty or not guilty.  There is another form of law enforcement that you are part  of,  but you  have let die out.  That is the milita’s of the several states.  The lack of widespread knowledge of the 2 juries and the milita are primary reasons that we have lost most of our rights in this country as these institutions  are the true law enforcement in this county.

FWIW “police”  are better described as  Blue ISIS. This is reality. Break out of your programming before it is too late.

This audio book was released  by Constitutional attorney John Whitehead 5 years ago. Yet it contains the most poignant thoughts on our current dystopian dilemma in which  men in blue costumes are currently trashing the highest law of the land, the US Constitution and our most basic rights.

Any “law” that violates the Constitution is immediately null and void. But most Americans have been so dumbed down that they don’t even know the basics.     IF you want to understand what  the “police” and your government are doing to your rights. You really should consider listening to this. Today.

Battlefield America: The War on the American People

In Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the follow-up to his award-winning book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead paints a terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself and which is on the verge of undermining the basic freedoms guaranteed to the citizenry in the Constitution. Indeed, police have been transformed into extensions of the military, towns and cities have become battlefields, and the American people have been turned into enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.

Yet this police state did not come about overnight. As Whitehead notes, this shift into totalitarianism cannot be traced back to a single individual or event. Rather, the evolution has been so subtle that most American citizens were hardly even aware of it taking place. Yet little by little, police authority expanded, one weapon after another was added to the police arsenal, and one exception after another was made to the standards that have historically restrained police authority. Add to this mix the merger of Internet megacorporations with government intelligence agencies, and you have the making of an electronic concentration camp that not only sees the citizenry as databits but will attempt to control every aspect of their lives. And if someone dares to step out of line, they will most likely find an armed SWAT team at their door.

©2015 John W. Whitehead (P)2015 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

Battlefield America: The War on the American People


GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: CHINA ADMITS TO HARVESTING & TESTING COVID-19-LIKE CORONAVIRUSES AT WUHAN LAB Obama’s NIH paid the Chinese weapons lab $3.7 million to conduct SARS-Coronavirus research

Obama’s NIH paid the Chinese weapons lab $3.7 million to conduct SARS-Coronavirus research

Global Bombshell: China Admits To Harvesting & Testing COVID-19-Like Coronaviruses At Wuhan Lab

Documents obtained by the Daily Mail confirm that Communist China had been harvesting, developing, and testing novel coronaviruses on mammals using grant money from the U.S. government under former President Obama.

Alex Jones and Dr. Francis Boyle are live right now breaking down these bombshell revelations and more!

For months China had been claiming the coronavirus now known as COVID-19 originated from a wet market in Wuhan, but evidence shows that the Institute of Virology in Wuhan undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals, including bats, backed by grants from the National Institute of Health.

The results of the NIH-backed research were published in a 2017 study called “Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.”

“Bats in a cave in Yunnan, China were captured and sampled for coronaviruses used for lab experiments,” the study said.

“All sampling procedures were performed by veterinarians with approval from the Animal Ethics Committee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

“Bat samplings were conducted ten times from April 2011 to October 2015 at different seasons in their natural habitat at a single location (cave) in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Bats were trapped and faecal swab samples were collected.”….Read More

Vin Suprynowicz: Resist. It‘s all horseshit. Resist.

Resist. It‘s all horseshit. Resist.

Oh, how those who have long dreamed of joining the ranks of a new konzentrationslagerwachen now strut and rub their hands with glee as they pull on their shiny knee-high boots and assume their new duties, ordering those of us in the massive new American unterschicht to remain in our toilet-paper-free cottages and hovels on pain of imprisonment, barring us from traveling about the country without proper authorization, barring us even from removing our blue or white abzeichen der unterklasse masks!

  • * Colorado man handcuffed in front of his 6-year-old daughter for violating “social distancing order” in the park:

Read More

Mississippi: Police Raid Church Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets To Entire Congregation

This is the beast system, the world created by “christians”because they have refused to address government evil for generations.   What do you think of Blue ISIS christians?  Scripture says that you reap what you sow….  Great going.    ~MFP

Mississippi: Police Raid Church Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets To Entire Congregation

Here is where the people are going to have to start dealing with the new Nazis in the united States.  Yes, I said Nazis because these criminal cops are acting outside the law, intimidating the people of God and trying to steal from them for simply doing something that is a constitutionally protected right they have and which these criminal cops are sworn to uphold.  In Greenville, Mississippi,  a church was merely having a drive-in service in their parking lot when the criminal police department raided them and fined everyone there to the tune of $500… after all, these are agents of the state, and they are essential while the rest of us are considered “non-essential,” right?  So, they gotta pay the bills somehow.

Fox News’ Todd Starnes has the story:

Pastor Arthur Scott told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that he was astonished by the actions of the police department and the mayor’s office.

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”…Read More

The Five Point Plan Which Rescues America From Our Present “New Normal” Planned Demise– Mike Adams and Dave Hodges



America’s economy is in shambles. America’s mental health is in steep decline with dramatic increases in suicide, spousal abuse and substance abuse. The Constitution lies in ruin. America cannot survive under these conditions. Americans cannot survive under these conditions. AND THIS IS ALL BEING DONE BY DESIGN.

President Trump has allowed himself to be surrounded by a dozen traitors to the Republic who have demonstrative allegiances to forces which are behind these abuses of our healthcare and our civil liberties. America is a nation that is undergoing an internal war resulting in a coup. Trump is a participant in his own demise. His COVID-19 team has demonstrable financial ties to the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation. The most notorious example include Fausi who is on the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Gates owns the COVID-19 team and we know that Gates is dedicated to the overthrow of the US government and the establishment of a New World Order regime. It is not an exaggeration to state that everyone of the COVID-19 team is directly or indirectly a prostitute for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and their junion partner, Eli Lilly!

Americans have no rights and the civil liberty abuses are far worse in Democratic run societies where people are undergoing forced medical treatment after one patient was told they were not under arrest and the patient asked for a lawyer. An attorney told me that this was aggravated assault and kidnapping, but these kinds of behaviors permeate in the so-called “Blue cities.” The Democrats, at the local and state level are engaged in behaviors that are intended on punishing the masses with the hope that the resulting anger will be blamed on Trump at the polls this November. Why would these Bolsheviks engage in such treasonous behavior? Because they know that they cannot win an election with their communist approach to our nation’s problems. Further, Americans don’t like the Soviet gulags that four of Bernie Sanders staff members endorsed for Trump supporters during the campaign.

Along the lines related the context of these issues, I recently interviewed Mike Adams. Mike’s research is the best I have seen with regard to the COVID-19 virus. Mike is already banned from Facebook and Youtube. He was just recently banned from Twitter by a despot who wants Universal Basic Income (UBI). This is where you are paid for not working. This approach is indicative of the belief that the Democrats NEVER intend on returning America to normal. UBI is simply the fattening up of humans in anticipation of ridding the elite of this depreciating asset, called the common man, and these abuses are all being  prior to fully ushering in the age of Transhumanism. In laymans terms, we call this depopulation. And don’t forget this is all a prelude leading into forced vaccinations with unproven and dangerous BILL GATES vaccines all in the name of saving America from the bioweapon from Wuhan, COVID-19.  I call it profiting on the depopulation program. At the center of it all, is Bill Gates, who has replaced the late David Rockefeller as Public Enemy #1…..

In the course of our interview, Mike Adams presents a detailed 5 point plan which would basically eradicate the virus while returning America to normal. No wonder the New World Order wants to silence Mike Adams. Well, Mike is not censored here.


The Mike Adams and Dave Hodges interview can be accessed at this link.



Dave Hodges: The Biggest Violations of the Constitution Comes From These Cities

MFP Commentary:
I disent Dave:  
It’s self evident that the biggest violators of the US Constitution,  and our rights, and have been for the entire 62 years I have been on this earth, are  the so called “police”. The people that stole more last year though asset forfeiture than lesser criminals did. They are the people that enforce the United Nations, Satanically directed  War on drugs and their War on Guns. 


This is not about political parties this is about the institution of Blue ISIS that enforces and has enforced for decades the illegitimate edicts of the Soros controlled psychopaths that we euphemistically call legislators. What is really concerning  Dave is that you continue to support them regardless of what they do. Please read the Constitution Dave!! THE POLICE ARE DOING VERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL THINGS HERE IN SMALL TOWN MISSOURI AND THEY HAVE FOR DECADES DAVE!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?


85 COVID Patients at The Center for Holistic Medicine: Zero Hospitalizations and No Deaths

At my office, the Center for Holistic Medicine (CHM), we have had 85 COVID patients. At this time, no one has been hospitalized, no one has been diagnosed with pneumonia, and there have been no deaths.

There are five practitioners at CHM: Drs. Brownstein, Ng, Nusbaum, Jenny Drummond, PA, and Taylor Easson, NP. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, I have been asking my partners how their COVID patients are doing. As of this week, we have had 85 patients either diagnosed with COVID or suspected COVID. I am pleased to report that our patients are doing well with this illness. (Note, since new guidelines have come out stating that any suspected COVID patient can be diagnosed with COVID, I am lumping COVID and suspected COIVD patients together for this post.)

I first reported to you about COVID on January 26, 2020. That was the first time I presented our protocol of using vitamins A, C, D, and iodine not only to support the immune system but also to treat viral infections. In that post, I also pointed out how important eating a healthy diet is. The importance of using intravenous nutrient therapy, especially vitamin C, was mentioned. Finally, I suggested that, with coronavirus, it would be wise not to get a flu vaccine since the flu vaccine has been shown to significantly increase the risk of coronavirus and other flu-like viral infections.

That post seems like a lifetime ago even though it was only 10 weeks ago. During that time period, my message has not changed. In fact, after witnessing the results our patients have experienced, I am more convinced than ever that a holistic approach like I presented above should be the first-line treatment provided to any COVID patient…..Read More