Recently, Arkansas, alleged CV-19 victims, were transported what I would call a FEMA medical martial law facility. This is not an isolated incident. Arizona has granted governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps. The camps are allegedly for a deadly pathogen from which quarantine is determined to needed. Yet, it is the governor that makes that determination, not a health board nor the State Legislature. This is the create of a medical martial law dictatorship. It follows the HHS guidelines for ESF#8-14. Celeste Solum and myself have done an interview on this precise issue.
Presently in Airzona and I presume in your state, as well, the state can imprison you for “suspected” symptoms and they can forcibly vaccinate force other treatment upon a person or persons. In short, governors are granting themselves the authority to have complete control over your freedom, your body and even your life. …Read More
How did Americans get so dumbed down that they no longer realize how critical the Militia is? Perhaps because they attended the 12 year dumbing down camps called “schools“, which also happen to be the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto.
The fact is that the Militia is what could have saved us from losing our country in the first place. Mark Passio makes the best presentation as to why this is so that I have run across.
Every American needs to watch this because none of it was taught to you in the Communist run schools.
“anybody interested YET in alternative education models that leave out the government? Local parents need to get together in small number and discuss this and support each other. I’d love to help in any way I can.”
====================== WELL Cathy, the current method of education that “modern Christians” support is unarguably based upon 2 principles of a Satanic document:
The 10th plank of the Communist manifesto is free government schools. And the FACT is that most of our children coming our of these demonic institutions are socialists/communists. That is just coincidence theory since there is no such thing as a conspiracy. Right? Especially concerning Satan. He would never stoop so low as to actually conspire or plan any of this evil would he?
The first plank of the Satanic Communist manifesto is that you can not own land. We have implemented this through the “property tax” and the money generated is used to implement the 10th plank of the Satanic document (government schools) where our children are so completely dumbed down that they don’t even recognize Satan when he is right in front of their faces. (well the church does a lot of dumbing down also)
As far as I can tell “modern Christianity” has become a mental disorder where the adherents severely hate one another but they love and embrace evil such as moral relativism which they have used to construct their police departments and other government institutions. They also seem to fully embrace all 10 planks of the communist manifesto BUT they are way too dumbed down to realize that the documents purpose is to bring in the NWO and to murder all of them and their children!!! Talk about stupid clueless people!
The solutions are clear and simple, the problem is the Satanic Path that modern Christians are supporting and following. They are almost to the man too dumbed down to think, see evil, or even see what the problems are.
All I know for sure is that they don’t hate Satan but they will ostracize and eternally hate anyone that tries to educate them…..(ask me how I know this)
“My people perish for lack of knowledge” doesn’t even ring a bell with the dumb shits that pretend that they are “Christians” today. Satan has done an excellent job of dumbing down his flock. Yes Satan’s flock. The people in the organized churches are in all respects and appearances following Satan, and his Satanic agenda to a T…..NOT the principles that Jesus Christ laid down in the gospels.
Or do you you really believe that Jesus Christ supports the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto that Christians are following today?
Christians also sit idly by as tens of millions of children in this country are forceably medicated with a psychotropic drug called “fluoride” (this BTW is not what is actually put into the water) They go and march in DC every year to protect their children from “abortion” then when they get home they give their own children a chemical that will steal at least 10 IQ points from them.
Haven’t any of these fake modern Christians ever read Luke 17:2?
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
Yet that is exactly what the “right to life” marchers do to their own children with both fluoride, food in general, and exposure to EMF’s that
they are protesting against in the right to life march!
If the communist schools and the communist churches don’t dumb the children down enough that they have their bases covered. i.e. they insure that no child has enough IQ to figure out what is being done to them.
This address by G. Edward Griffin delivered on April 3, 1969 is as current as today’s headlines. Drawing entirely from Communist literature and training manuals, he shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution. One is violent. The other is non-violent. While most people think only of violent revolution, the non-violent phase is where most of the action is in the United States. Leninists call it the Proletarian Revolution, and it involves the gradual transition to Communism – calling it socialism – by means of the ballot box and legislation. Control over the people is achieved, not by guns and bayonets, but by economic measures whereby those who obey the regime will prosper, but those who dissent will perish. In many third-world countries, people have no tradition of representative government and are used to dictatorships. They actually are attracted to the concept of “strong-man” leadership. In these countries, Communists have found that violent revolution is most effective, because that’s the way it always has been for them. However, in America and other countries where the parliamentary tradition is strong, the non-violent, parliamentary path to Communism is required. The primary purpose of the violent phase of revolution in America is to frighten the population and condition voters to accept legislation to install full-blown communism (under the name of socialism) supposedly to placate the rioters and destroyers. That is the path by which the United States is being conquered by Communism…..LINK TO VIDEO
On the “PLAYLIST” tab, if you scroll down on the landing page you will see the daily “Full Shows” listed:
David Knight also has a channel on Brighteon:
Particularly good shows: Friday July 17 2020 David address’s the seriousness of the fascism of Walmart and the big box stores helping the government and the Globalists to implement their mandatory mask policy. Dr Richard Proctor is on for the last hour as he usually is on Fridays and chimes in from a Constitutional angle.
I highly recommend his new book: Saving the Constitution
Missouri Free Press also has a channel on Brighteon:
People can’t think it seems. Americans are thinking inside the box, just like they were programmed to do.Perhaps the fluoride in our water supply actually does what they put it there for…..We are a bunch of group thinkers….We don’t need a standing army dressed in blue lording over us! The “militarized police” are the standing army that the founders warned us about.
It’s alarming how an entire society can be mind controlled and brainwashed not see or discuss the obvious fact that especially in the Democratically run cities, the only real reason that these Americans need governmental police to defend them from criminals, is that the police themselves are the criminal gang that disarmed the American population in clear violation of the 2nd amendment, in the first place! I know that is not the story that you were sold in your 12 years of government indoctrination, but if you take the time and do your due diligence you will see that is exactly the truth.
Another in your face issue to ponder:
Since when has Blue ISIS obtained star trek transport devices where they beam in and save you from a crime? Isn’t that the whole premise of having “police”? Until that day arrives we don’t need fuking cops! They would also need time machines in order to see the future so that they could beam in before or as the crime is happening.
IF you are richer than I am and still afraid of “criminals” then get together with your friends and hire private security. FOR YOURSELVES.
DO NOT put a gun to my head and force me to pay for your security. I can protect myself thank you, and I am not afraid of criminals. That is except the criminals in blue uniforms that are above the law.
If you have any yearning for truth, you might be interested in what police did 250 years ago… read the first chapter to find out: (hint we had a single county sheriff and a constable as far as government “law enforcement” went.)
The astonishing novel Brave New World, originally published in 1932, presents Aldous Huxley’s vision of the future – of a world utterly transformed. Through the most efficient scientific and psychological engineering, people are genetically designed to be passive and therefore consistently useful to the ruling class. This powerful work of speculative fiction sheds a blazing critical light on the present and is considered to be Huxley’s most enduring masterpiece.
Following Brave New World is the nonfiction work Brave New World Revisited, first published in 1958. It is a fascinating work in which Huxley uses his tremendous knowledge of human relations to compare the modern-day world with the prophetic fantasy envisioned in Brave New World, including threats to humanity, such as overpopulation, propaganda, and chemical persuasion.
The Year is 2021 and Joe Biden is the President, even though he doesn’t realize it. At a White House Press Briefing, a reporter challenges Biden and tells him that a man in Arizona says he could fundamentally transform America, in only a day with a series of Executive Orders. In his depleted cognitive condition, Biden agrees to have Dave Hodges come to the White House to prepare his 24 hour agenda and promises to not interfere. His backroom cabal is furious that Biden forgot to consult with them as he is required to do.
Some will challenge my authority to effect policy change based solely upon Executive Orders. However, I am quick to point out that Governors have been allowed to supersede the Constitution by determining what businesses will stay open during a greatly exaggerated “plandemic”. Case closed.
Subsequently, I am living the dream, I get to run America for 24 hours and this is what I would do.
I would immediately order the indictments and arrests of all governors who have decided which businesses are essential, or not, under the 14th Amendment of equal protection for all. I would also order that all Democratic mayors and governors be forced to pay reparations to the working Americans that they harmed during the lockdowns.
Under Open Forum Law, Section 230, I would declare all social media to be in violation and they would be seized and held in a federal receivership as censorship is eliminated.
I would order the arrest of Fauci and Birx for flagrant conflicts of interest involving the Gates Foundation while serving as a federal employee. Jail time would be attached. This would also hold true for all of the COVID-19 strategy team that has a demonstrable conflict of interest with some aspect of Big Pharma.
I would declare the Clergy Response Team to be a terrorist organization and proceed with RICO charges against administrative heads.
I would declare all leftist, subversive groups involved in the destruction of public property, looting, rioting, murder, etc to be domestic terrorists. The financial donors of said groups would be declared guilty of racketeering and would be prosecuted under Rico statutes. The main organizer, George Soros would also be charged as an accessory to the murder of retired policeman David Dorne. All CEO’s, representing the groups that support terrorist activities inside of the United States would be held criminally liable for the actions of the groups that they are funding.
Seize the assets of any company, or business interest, associated with an elected official, that received federal funds in the recent stimulus as was the case with both the Governor and Lt. Governor of California. Said elected officials would be prosecuted for conflicts of interest and malfeasance of office.
Declare all quasi-governmental groups to be unconstitutional. These groups would include, but not be limited to the Federal Reserve, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA and any other quasi federal agency. These organizations would be assigned to the appropriate Congressional committees, both House and Senate, for appropriate oversight and management.
Require that all cities maintain on full-time police officer per 50 citizens.
Outlaw federal funding of the police under the separation of powers provisions, the 10th Amendment, in the Constitution. This would end the federalizing of local police departments.
Require the restoration of funding for all defunded police departments.
Disband FEMA. It’s allegiance to secret policies that are classified is un-American. Other policies make FEMA the modern-day American Gestapo (eg FM 39.4, the NDAA snatch and grab policies).
Fire all Obama and Clinton appointees to the FBI, the State Department and every other Federal agency.
Enact a judicial review investigation of all Obama and Clinton-era appointed judges. Immediately prosecute all violations of the Constitution.
Require all undocumented residents inside of the United States to complete a mandatory 7 year Naturalization period similar to what immigrant families were required to complete decades ago. This would also protect the immigrants as they would learn about their rights that employers and the government are violating every day.
Immediately open a joint legal task force with Ukraine and prosecute all American politicians and family members for their role in Burisma and related businesses.
Demand reparations from China for the Wuhan Flu.
Cut off trade with China until internationally human rights are observed.
Enforce Trading with the Enemies Act on all American based corporations doing business with China….Read More
Iv’e been saying for years that chronic care medicine is thinly veiled eugenics that was started by Globalist/Satanists Rockefeller family in the early 20th century with the Flexner Report presented to Congress. This is the kind of medicine that one gets at the Fordland Clinic. I have been banned from all services a this facility for merely exercising my free speech and pointing out the evil of following many of the “Federal Medical Mandates”. ~MFP Related stories: EDITORIAL: MEDICAL TYRANNY at the Fordland medical clinic?
The day of the serpent is over! “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. ” (John 3:14-15)
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
Some, like the Caduceus, have two serpents around a staff, while others, like the rod of Asclepius, have only one serpent.
There are various interpretations as to the difference in meaning between the two, as well as the history of their origins, but the oldest reference to the serpent and its role in human suffering or healing, is contained in the earliest records of the Bible, in the writings of Moses, who is credited with writing most of the first 5 books of the Old Testament portion of the Bible around 3500 years ago.
Since these writings pre-date anything written in Greek mythology by almost 1000 years, I am going to base this article on the Bible, the oldest and the most widely circulated and most frequently translated collection of ancient writings in the world, by far, with no serious competitors in ancient or modern literature.
If that bothers you, no need to read further.
We will see from the ancient wisdom of the Bible, that the serpent representing Satan is the ultimate anti-Christ, that he is weaker than Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible as both the Son of Man and the Son of God, and that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan over sickness and death….. Read More