Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order – Medical Kidnap


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As our world changes rapidly right before our very eyes, it has been very well established, at least for those who follow the alternative media and not the propaganda corporate media, that there is an overall plan in place that is being implemented at a very fast pace, and of course the natural questions being asked by those who realize this is: Who is behind all of this?

It is not a new plan. It is a plan that has existed for a very long time, and those who are working to implement the plan are not even hiding it anymore as we have previously reported.

It is a plan for a New World Order, and we have covered this in previous articles. See:

The UN “New World Order” Has Now Been Published: No Longer a “Conspiracy Theory” – Out of the Shadows

Those working to implement the plan have done so mostly behind the scenes throughout the years, and those who discover the leaders of this movement and dare to publish it, have either been eliminated if they were too big of a threat, or just ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists,” since they control the media and have conditioned the public for many, many years to believe the things they want us to believe.

In what is now very obviously being seen as a prophetic film, Out of Shadows exposes who the real enemy is behind all of this, and if you have not watched it yet, it is time to do so. It has been viewed by almost 14 million people on YouTube at the time of my writing this article, and even if Google takes it down off of YouTube, you will still be able to watch it on other platforms, as long as the Internet stays up.

The producers of Out of Shadows are not the first ones to unmask the true enemy behind the New World Order, of course, so this article will provide evidence and further testimony to show who the real enemy is, and the group of people following his leadership in a group known as the Illuminati….Read More

COVID-19 Vaccines: Continuing the Long History of Medical Experimentation on Children

COVID-19 Vaccines: Continuing the Long History of Medical Experimentation on Children

By the Children’s Health Defense Team


May 22 was a banner day for the encroaching global vaccine police state, with three announcements from the UK signaling what we can surely also expect on this side of the Atlantic. First, the entities rushing to develop an experimental chimpanzee-derived COVID-19 injection—the conflict-of-interest-ridden Oxford Vaccine Group, Oxford’s Jenner Institute and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca—announced the imminent expansion of their clinical trials to a wider age range, including children aged 5 to 12 years, despite  “troubling results” when they administered the vaccine to rhesus monkeys. Endorsing the scale-up of the experiment to more than 30,000 eventual participants, including a trial to evaluate the vaccine in young children, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) immediately awarded a generous “$1.2 billion cash injection” for the UK effort (provided without any input from economically strapped American taxpayers). Then, to cap the day off, a UK Court of Appeal ominously ruled that local authorities can vaccinate children in foster care against their parents’ wishes, deploying the argument that “it is in the best interests of children to be immunised unless there is a specific reason for them not to be.”…Read More

Video shows Minneapolis cop with knee on neck of motionless, moaning man who later died

MFP Commentary:

“Law Enforcement” has been a legitimate mental disorder for decades. They do little other than enforce the rights tramping “laws” that the Globalists get written by their puppets the legislatures…..

FWIW the Police here in Webster Country MO are no better than these guys.  A few weeks ago the sheriff’s SWAT team put a rifle red dot optic on a friend’s wife’s head here in Seymour.  I had  been the victim of  2 similar  criminal and uncalled for SWAT  raids in Webster Co in the past 10 years.
Blue ISIS is a danger to us all.  We were not supposed to have a standing army in blue in the “Land of the Free”.





‘What These Sons of Bitches Want Is Our Freedom!’: Bolsonaro Vows To Arm Brazilians To Prevent Dictatorship



Video of a private speech delivered by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to his cabinet about freedom and guns went viral on Saturday after a court ordered the release of one of his private meetings.

Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo released the video after the Brazilian Supreme Court issued an order Friday to release one of President Bolsonaro’s private staff meetings.

The video shows President Bolsonaro going on an expletive-laced rant against the communists and radical mayors in Brazil who’ve stripped away the people’s rights, culminating in his endorsement of gun ownership.

“Why are they putting handcuffs on a citizen that’s working or a woman in a public square?” Bolsonaro said, translated in English. “And the Justice doesn’t say anything? You have to fucking speak!”…..Read More

US Supreme Court Has Ruled that Forced Vaccines Are Constitutional

MFP Commentary:
It was not long ago that a supreme court justice was murdered (and the murder has still not been investigated) in order to make sure the court could do this.  What most Americans do not know, especially those that spent time in the 12 year long indoctrination camps known as “schools“,  is that the Constitution does not give the court the power “known as judicial supremacy”, or deciding what is  or is  not Conistional.  They made their illegitimate power grab in 1804 in a decision called Massey V Ferguson.

Jefferson explicitly addressed this:   in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798.


US Supreme Court Has Ruled that Forced Vaccines Are Constitutional

Attorney Alan Dershowitz says we have no Constitutional protection against being forcibly vaccinated because no one has a right to spread a deadly disease. This issue was decided by the US Supreme Court  long ago in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, in which the Court said the state has an obligation to use force, if necessary, to protect the lives of its citizens against the threat of a deadly disease. [This is a proper position, because the defense of life is one of the few proper functions of a just state. That is why we warn our activist friends not to overdo their claim that shutdowns and forced vaccines violate their constitutional rights. If their lawsuits ever get into the courts, they will lose.

The problem is that this position is justified only if the deadly threat is real and not staged as a political ploy, and those who are staging the hoax are the ones who will decide that it is real. Those who challenge them will be imprisoned for spreading false information that endangers public health and safety. Furthermore, in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts the Court said the threat doesn’t even need to be real if those making the decision believe it is. That part of the ruling provided a loophole big enough to drive a truck through because it allows political criminals to escape punishment simply by claiming they had bad advice.

So forget the Constitutional argument, folks, and focus on increasing public awareness of the facts and indignation over betrayal by those who we have trusted. Nothing short of a tsunami of public indignation will spare mankind from forced vaccines. If you want to help us in this undertaking, click here.] -GEG

Ought Christians to Hate the State? By Derek Dobalian May 21, 2020


Murray Rothbard famously argued that the libertarian ought to “hate the state,” that he should have “a deep and pervasive hatred of the State and all of its works.” For Christians, this presents interesting questions: should we ever “hate” and if so, should that hate be directed toward the State?

First, let’s address the question of whether Christians ought to ever “hate.” The basic definition for hate is an “intense and extreme dislike.” Scripture clearly conveys to us that God does, in fact, “hate.” Proverbs 6:16 lists “things the Lord hates” and finds “detestable.” Not only does the Bible tell us that God hates sin, but also that “those who love the Lord” ought to “hate evil” (Psalm 97:10). Thus, we are instructed by Scripture to hate evil and wickedness. Why? “For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate…wrongdoing” (Isaiah 61:8). Our Lord is a God of justice and therefore, One who hates injustice…..Read More

How About Permanently Closing Public Schools? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 22, 2020

How About Permanently Closing Public Schools?

Amidst the death and suffering arising from the coronavirus crisis, people have an opportunity to ponder some important questions about life and liberty. One question arises in the context of when state and local officials should force children back into school: Why should the state be involved in education at all?

Since all of us are born and raised under the public schooling system, it’s difficult to imagine a different paradigm, one in which education and the state are separated. But throughout history, all great achievements in liberty have involved people thinking outside the box and adopting a new paradigm, especially when the old paradigm has proven to be defective.

Consider the separation of church and state. Today, we all take it for granted. If the state began enacting laws forcing people to attend church or forcing them to send their children to church, people would be outraged. Everyone would recognize the wrongfulness, even the tyranny, of such laws.

Why then do we accept a paradigm in which the state forces children to send their children to a government (i.e., “public”) school or a private school? Why not simply leave educational decisions to parents, just like we leave religious decisions to them?……Read More

The COVID-19 Destruction of America Is the Not the End Game

by Dave Hodges – Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I don’t like writing a series of articles similar to what I am about to embark upon. It is easy to write about the fraud behind the counting of the COVID numbers and the inflated number of reported deaths. It is all a massive fraud and I have written dozens of articles exposing the fraud. What I have not exposed is what I know to be true, but I am enormously uncomfortable revealing this because of the coming criticism.

We are not at war with just physical enemies, we are at war with principalities of evil. The COVID crisis is merely a means to an end and it is only the beginning of the takedown of America as we know it.

Many of us are locked into the belief that we are in a war between our need to be free and to provide for our families. However, there is much more going on beneath the surface. Yes, our economy is destroyed, our military is subsequently weakened, our death curve has spiked and it is not because of COVID, it is because of the fact we are not getting medical screenings and in general, not taking care of ourselves due to COVID restrictions.

America is a defeated nation. Many of you are not comfortable with me saying this, however, I am less comfortable writing this. However, the conquering of our nation is not just happening in the physical realm, it is now happening in the spiritual realm as well and this is where the real threat comes from. Bill Gates doesn’t just desire to get rich off of his coming, untested and unsafe vaccines. He is part of the globalist cabal that seeks to reduce the human population by at least 90%! Do you think the sterilizing properties contained in his 3rd world country vaccines are an accident? Gates is a typical globalist and he is about money and power and he and Fauci are calling the shots for our government in this crisis. Trump has stood down and is only expressing token resistance and is doing nothing meaningful to stand up for you and me.

To those of you that understand your Biblical history, particularly in Genesis, this series will not surprise you, but instead will deepen your understanding on how Satan is trying to destroy humanity before the Second Coming. The Biblical literate crowd understands the meaning of Demons, Fallen Angels, and the Giants. To those of you that are Biblically ignorant, these writings will seem quite insane. Remember, “my people people perish because of a lack of knowledge”.

COVID 19 is not about controlling an illness as much as it is about destroying a culture. The American economy is gone! Our need to be social creatures is is destroyed by the concept of social distancing. This is the most effective psyop in the history of mankind. The MSM local newscasts contain the same elements, night after night after night! First, there are the respects paid to first respondersby the broadcasters. “These are our heroes and our lockdown has meaning” says the news media. Before COVID, the news reported nothing but bad news. But there has been a shift, Heart-warming and tear-jerking stories dominate the news and at the end of each story is an admonishment to “social distance”. Then, the over-stated, fear-porn, COVID numbers are presented. Then is is followed by a commercial showing people in lockdown having fun. Show a little weather and then repeat the pattern. The names on the new stories may change, but the story is the same.

Remember, six corporations own 98% of the media and they are uniformed on many points ranging from being former friends of Epstein to establishing global governance. In the latter process, they see to destroy America and ultimately want to destroy the human race. We are all too aware of the plot on the physical plane with our 33% unemployment. The Deep State and their Democratic Party minions are behind the unnecessary lockdowns. All that we have built as a nation is gone.  However, what most of us are missing is the spiritual warfare that has been thrust among us…Read More

Video: Melinda Gates Shows Satanic Symbol To The World

MFP Commentary:

If your pastor does not warn you that the Gates vaccine  looks very much like the mark of the beast, then question as to who’s side your pastor is on. By their actions most churches look like the synagogue of Satan, and most pastors Satan worshippers.


Satanism looks nothing like what “christians” think it does. Satanism is something a LOT of Christians support. Because the have not educated themselves to what it really is, they do not see it.  This symbol is but one example.

Matthew 24
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall DECEIVE THE VERY ELECT”

Related Post:
Bill Gates Documentary Reveals Ties to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Eugenics Movement