Chemtrails Are Dramatically Lowering Crop Yield

MFP Commentary:
Just in case you are one of those uniformed people that don’t know the reality of the over 50 year old program, take a look at the following 2 documentaries and the authoritative  web site that is devoted to  research and reporting on the topic:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length HD Version)

Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length) HD

Dane Wigington’s:  GeoEngineering Watch




By Dave Hodges:
The perfect storm is currently taking place. From Fukushima to chemtrails, the globalists are hitting the people with every deadly geoengineering plot known to man. Chemtrails are responsible for an 18% reduction in sunlight reaching the earth. This is severely limiting crop yield over time. Is the plan to starve humanity into submission? Will mankind survive?  …….. Read More

Chemtrails Are Dramatically Lowering Crop Yield

The criminals at Facebook just censored 3 posts and locked my account!

MFP Commentary:

I am sure you are aware of the Nazi, book burning like censorship going on at facebook.
Just now they censored 3 articles in a row that I posted. Logged me out, and locked my account!!!

What are they so afraid of?  Perhaps the truth, because before the Internet they did a pretty good job of hiding it from us.

Look at the articles below and see if you think that they somehow broke the nebulous , undefined,  “community standards”.

I would really like to see criminal prosecutions of  the heads of Facebook, Amazon, and Google, for starters…


Here are some screen shots:


Just the beginning of the harassment from FB






The harassment continues all designed to quell free speech

Freaking (real) nazi pukes. I want to see jail sentences.


Facebook is violating USC title 18 sections 241 & 242, when it censors our free speech to push the left’s communist political agenda. I would like to see jail sentences, as they as a public commons are clearly violating:

USC title 18 sections 241 & 242:

Of course they do not enforce this law, because if they did 90 percent plus of congress could be put in jail for passing laws that clearly violate our rights! ( I have never seen anyone suggest that we apply it to the psychopaths known as congress, but it does apply to them)


The 3 articles that FaceBook does not want posted or you to see:

Facebook secretly tracking “trust ratings” for users with “social score” algorithm right out of communist China

Netflix Backs Down to Conservatives


Disgusting Democrats cling to open borders agenda even as American citizens like Mollie Tibbetts are butchered by illegal aliens

Google, Amazon and IBM all trying to acquire your hospital records; issue statement demanding end of patient privacy

(Natural News) Doesn’t it feel like a net is closing in around us from every direction lately? Big Tech companies like Google and YouTube have the independent media in a stranglehold of censorship and control, more and more states are enforcing mandatory vaccines, and now a group consisting of Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and other tech giants has issued a statement pushing for unfettered access to the medical records of every American citizen.

While mainstream media sources like CNBC have expressed approval for this type of access, they also acknowledge that tech companies might not have strictly altruistic reasons for wanting these records to become accessible to all. As CNBC noted, “The lack of open standards around health data is a huge barrier for them to get into the $3 trillion health system.”… Read More

4 Years After CDC Whistleblower Comes Forward: Nothing Happens

It was four years ago, August 2014, that a senior CDC scientist—Dr. William Thompson–claimed whistleblower protection by claiming that the CDC had committed fraud by hiding and manipulating data that showed the MMR vaccine was associated with a higher risk of autism.   In August, 2014, I wrote,  “Now, there may be proof that the CDC not only knew about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism but they changed the data in a landmark 2004 study to hide the damning data. What did the heads of the CDC do when they were notified of this fraud? They altered the data and reported in 2004 (1) that there was no association between autism and the MMR vaccine. Who wrote this article? William Thompson, PhD, the very same whistleblower, was one of the authors of that 2004 study. Dr. Thompson  claimed he was suffering with regret and remorse over the damage that has been done to our children over the last ten years.”

According to the CDC, we are currently suffering through an exponential increase in autism since the 1970s.  In 1970, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000.   In 2018, the rate of autism epidemically increased to 1 in 59 children.   That is a 169-fold increase in autism in U.S. children over nearly 50 years!

You would think a senior CDC scientist who claims malfeasance at the CDC is responsible for the rapid rise in autism would immediately trigger Congressional investigations to find out the truth.

However, our dysfunctional Congress would prove you wrong. Four years later, there have been no investigations by Congress.  There has been no presidential vaccine safety commission studying the matter.

Four years later, there has been nothing.

I am sick of writing about this travesty.

Folks, The United States of American simply cannot survive if 1 in 59 of our children is being diagnosed with autism.

I know that the Powers-That-Be continually state that vaccines are safe and effective.  They claim that vaccines do not cause autism.

If the Powers-That-Be are correct, then why are U.S. children so ill and why do so many suffer with autism?  We have significantly more autism, chronic illnesses, cancer, asthma, and autoimmune disorders per capita when compared to any other western country.

We are also the most vaccinated.   Show me the data where more vaccines result in better overall health for our population.  I can assure you that there is no data to show. ………… Read More


In one year, drug overdoses killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War did

2015 was the worst year for drug overdose deaths in US history. Then 2016 came along.

MFP Commentary:

This  article should be titled: “AMA medical monopoly and big pharma, murder 60,000 Americans a year”

There are plenty of alternatives to these deadly, addictive pain killers, but in true fascist style our government is outlawing them (i.e. Kratom)  as quickly as they can at the bequest of big pharma)

FWIW where are the so called “right to life” people? I guess they are not interested in stopping  murder just as long as it’s not fetus’s being murdered…..


More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016 than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War — the result of the US’s opioid epidemic.


That’s one takeaway from a new report by Josh Katz for the New York Times, based on preliminary data estimating how many Americans died of drug overdoses last year.

The official, more precise numbers will be available later in 2017 — once the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finishes tabulating and verifying reports from across the US.

In the meantime, the Times contacted local and state agencies across the US to come up with a rough estimate. It calculated that 59,000 to 65,000 people died of overdoses last year, with a harder, but likely imprecise, number of 62,497….. Read More

NOTE:  Here is information about a plant that  grows in your back yard that is a good and safe pain killer. Don’t expect your AMA doctor to violate the “standards of care”(dangerous opiates) and tell you about it.

VIDEO:   Painkillers now kill more Americans than any illegal drug


This  Russian device is better than anything your AMA medical monopoly doctor is aware of. It certainly is not allowed by their “standards of care.”
Do you due diligence on this device.   I have.

Effective Relief From Chronic Pain





Battlefield America: The Ongoing War on the American People

A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter

Police in a small Georgia town tasered a 5-foot-2, 87-year-old woman who was using a kitchen knife to cut dandelions for use in a recipe. Police claim they had no choice but to taser the old woman, who does not speak English but was smiling at police to indicate she was friendly, because she failed to comply with orders to put down the knife.

Police in California are being sued for using excessive force against a deaf 76-year-old woman who was allegedly jaywalking and failed to halt when police yelled at her. According to the lawsuit, police searched the woman and her grocery bags. She was then slammed to the ground, had a foot or knee placed behind her neck or back, handcuffed, arrested and cited for jaywalking and resisting arrest….. Read More

The Secret Battle for Africa

The Corbett Report:

In October 2017 United States African Command confirmed that three Green Berets had been killed and two more had been wounded when their patrol was ambushed in Niger. Reaction to this news from the non-Corbett Report audience was: “What? There’s a United States African Command?” followed swiftly by “What are Green Berets doing conducting patrols in Niger, anyway?”

First things first: As my long-time viewers will be aware, there is indeed a United States African Command (AFRICOM). It was established in 2007 and has been the spearhead of Uncle Sam’s attempts to gain a military foothold on the African continent. My viewers will likewise be aware that the whole Kony 2012 psyop was similarly used as a cynical ploy to increase American military intervention in Africa.

But the extent of US Special Forces penetration in Africa (also reported on in these pages in recent years) is a reality that is still only gradually being revealed to the public. A recent congressional review of the incident in Niger has again cast a spotlight on the use of Special Forces around the world, with the Pentagon now floating the possibility that they will cut back on commandos in Africa to concentrate on the “real” enemies: Russia and China….. Read More

The Secret Battle for Africa

Ethanol Is Terrible for Health and the Environment, but Government Keeps Backing It

The US federal government still strongly pushes corn- and soy-based ethanol despite the EPA’s new study showing its harmful effects.

When the elected officials and bureaucrats who run a government want to stack the deck in favor of a politically connected special interest, they have three main ways that they can go about it:

  1. They can subsidize the special interest, often using taxpayer cash.
  2. They can penalize the competition of the special interest, often through tariffs.
  3. They can mandate that people do business with the special interest.

Each of these actions is economically harmful as government-backed subsidies, penalties, and mandates all impose unnecessary costs on regular people. Worse, they often lead to predictable, if often unintended, consequences that do serious damage beyond what they do to personal finances…. Read More

The CIA Owns the US and European Media


Paul Craig Roberts

William Blum shares with us his correspondence with Washington Post presstitute Michael Birnbaum. As you can tell from Birnbaum’s replies, he comes across as either very stupid or as a CIA asset.

When I received my briefing as staff associate, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, which required top secret clearance, I was told by senior members of the staff that the Washington Post was a CIA asset. Watching the Washington Post’s takedown of President Richard Nixon with the orchestrated Watergate story, that became obvious. President Nixon had made too many overtures to the Soviets and too many arms limitations agreements, and he opened to China. Watching President Nixon’s peace initiatives water down the threat level from the Soviet Union and Maoist China, the military/security complex saw a threat to its budget and power and decided that Nixon had to go. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy had resulted in far too much skepticism about the Warren Commission Report, so the CIA decided to use the Washington Post to get rid of Nixon. To keep the clueless American left hating Nixon, the CIA used its assets in the leftwing to keep Nixon blamed for the Vietnam war, a war that Nixon inherited and did not want….. Read More


The CIA Owns the US and European Media

CTM Full interview – Terri La Point – Medical Kidnapping

MFP Commentary:

This is the “Medical Kidnapping” website talked about in the Caravan to Midnight, interview.  If you are unfamiliar with Terri La Point’s  web  site, please check it out. You will not believe your eyes and ears as to what the state is doing to to our children!  I guess this is to be expected from a government where many of our leaders,  are blackmailed peophiles.  Yes you read that right, and if you are ignorant on this topic, all the more reason for you to investigate.

Here is a MK story you may be interested in:
Pediatric Neuropathologist on Failed Science Behind Shaken Baby Syndrome: Doctors Value Their Careers More than the Truth

John B. Wells The ONLY Official CTM Channel