Two of President Trump’s most ardent supporters, the YouTube stars known as Diamond and Silk, say a financial stranglehold has been placed on their videos.

Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina, whose support of Mr. Trump and no-nonsense delivery during the 2016 U.S. presidential season turned them into online sensations, said Thursday their YouTube videos have become casualties of the company’s attempt to silence “extremism.” READ MORE…..

Diamond and Silk rip YouTube, say 95% of videos demonetized over Trump support

This is the Real Reason Your iPhone Cables Break

Apple products look great. Whatever else you think of the company, there’s little doubt that Apple uses high-end materials to create gorgeous and durable products. That’s true for just about everything Apple makes, with one glaring exception: the cables.

It’s common knowledge that Apple cables begin to disintegrate after about six months of regular use. This has been a constant across many different devices – MacBook, iPhones, and adapters, and over the course of many generations of product. My first generation iPhone had a cable that fell apart in 2009, and my iPhone 6 cable disintegrated less than a year later too…… READ MORE


When CPS Knocks At Your Door by Dave Hodges

When CPS knocks at your door, videotape everything! When CPS knocks at your door, call all of your friends and family to come witness.
CPS is becoming a term which is synonymous child-sex-trafficking, abduction and organized criminal activity. Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer, was exposing much of this when she was “suicided”.
The CPS game is the dirtiest game in town. The organization represents the war on families being perpetrated by the globalist desire to attack our culture through the destruction of our families.

Many of the details of this rogue organization, which terrorizes thousands of families in all 50 states, is contained in the following video.


Proof: Insurance Company Pays Massive Bonuses To Doctors Who Vaccinate Babies

Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a $40,000 bonus!

Moreover, it is now very difficult to find a pediatrician who will accept a family who doesn’t vaccinate. Even parents who partially vaccinate or follow a different schedule have a hard time finding a doctor. Here’s why: doctors have to vaccinate a certain percentage of their patients or they don’t get their bonus. BCBS says doctors need to vaccinate 63% of their patients to get the payout.

BCBS outlines the incentive program for vaccinating babies in the BCBS doctor incentives booklet. Below is an image of the childhood immunization incentives page. READ MORE….


Proof: Insurance Company Pays Massive Bonuses To Doctors Who Vaccinate Babies

School Teachers and Other School Officials Being Trained on How to Report Your Children to CPS

*And tell me again, why you send your children to that “government school”? ~MFP
by Terri LaPoint
Health Impact News
As “Back to School” time approaches, parents everywhere are preparing – shopping for school supplies and clothes, adjusting schedules, and making arrangements for after-school care.
The public needs to be aware that, while parents get ready to send children back to public school, teachers and staff in the schools are undergoing mandatory training right now that will result in some children being taken from their families, perhaps permanently.
Several sources from within the system have told us that the first 6 weeks of school are the time of year when CPS seizes more children than any other time of the year…. READ MORE

** If you are wondering, this article is in the “police abuse” category it is  because for CPS to get their hands on your children,  order followers in blue must kidnap your children without the guaranteed in the Constitution,  due process of a jury trial.  Think about it. ~MFP


Vaccine Extremist Pediatricians Want Child Protective Services to Remove Children from Parents Who Object to Vaccines

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Pediatricians who hold the most extreme views on vaccines (ALL people should be vaccinated with ALL vaccines ALL the time by force if necessary) are starting to publicly call for children who are not vaccinated with all recommended vaccines to be removed from their parents by reporting the parents to Child Protective Services.

Similar to what happened in 2015 when the media and pro-vaccine extremists used the California Disneyland measles outbreak as an excuse to attack parents with children not vaccinated as the cause, so the most recent call to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate is using a supposed outbreak of measles in Minnesota to justify such severe actions.

As we saw in 2015, the Disneyland measles outbreak was completely blown out of proportion by the mainstream media who did not accurately report on the facts. For example, many of those who contracted measles at Disneyland were already vaccinated against measles, and the “outbreak” (90 cases) was hardly significant, as similar outbreaks have occurred throughout the U.S. the past 30 years, and among a highly vaccinated population……… READ MORE


Study Reveals The Plight Of Modern Civilizations Plagued By Vitamin C Deficiency

By Bill Sardi
August 8, 2017

Due to a long-ignored gene mutation, public health authorities worldwide continue to game modern society, leaving 7+ billion humans in a chronic state of vitamin C deficiency that produces mentally dull, lethargic, overweight populations that are chronically ill with a false reliance upon doctoring and drugs to remedy the problem.

A recently published study reveals the consequences experience by human societies that solely rely on their diet to make up for a gene mutation that affected humanity generations ago.

Human populations can consume all the fruits and vegetables they can get their hands on.  They will still fall short of obtaining adequate amounts of vitamin C, as a recent study reveals. [Nutrients Aug 3, 2017]…….. READ MORE

The Imbecile Tax Eric Peters on what’s next from the safety nazis

Grown-ups used to appreciate being treated as grown-ups, especially by other grown-ups. How is it that today’s grown-ups demand that they be treated like not-too-bright children?

This manifests all over but one obvious area is new cars. The latest example being what Nissan just announced it will be installing in at least one of its 2018 models – the Pathfinder SUV – and probably, inevitably, the rest, too:

“Rear Door Alert.”

Its purpose? To remind Moo or Duh (or both of them, together) that Baby Finster is strapped into his seat back there and not to forget and leave him to roast like a pork loin while they go shopping for a new sail fawn……. READ MORE

The Imbecile Tax

Facebook declares WAR on CHILDREN: Censors independent science that tries to protect infants from medical harm

(Natural News) As part of Facebook’s war against truth and reality, the social media Ministry of Truth just blocked 100 percent of all posts from Natural News, one of the internet’s most trafficked sites on independent science, natural medicine and disease prevention. Having attracted over 2.2 million Facebook likes over the last decade, Natural News is relied upon by millions of people for independent science and medicine reporting that blows the whistle on dangerous prescription medications, vaccine adverse events and toxic pesticides and herbicides. READ MORE

Facebook declares WAR on CHILDREN: Censors independent science that tries to protect infants from medical harm

Important Events from Ron Calzone

Important Events from Ron Calzone


Warrant-less searches and seizures, surveillance of your electronic communications, PDMP, REAL ID, RFID – the 4th Amendment is under assault…

The Bill of Rights in the Constitution is intended to be a “Hands Off” list of rights the People declared that government is not allowed to take away by law or rules. Among the most dear to the Founding Fathers was the right to be secure in your person, places, and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures.

The “Reasonable” threshold was only met in their eyes by a particularized search warrant issued by a judge upon probable cause that a law had been broken. It was their intent that without such a warrant that applied to only one specific situation, the government could not seize or search you.

Unfortunately, those founding principles have been eroding away…


History of the 4th Amendment

The founding generation had good cause to hold the 4th Amendment principles near and dear. Their heritage was replete with battles against authoritarianism and an abusive legal system at least as far back as 9th century King Alfred, who secured for their ancestors the right to a jury of their peers when hauled before a court.

In the decades before the war for American Independence, King George’s men were issuing “writs of assistance” and “general warrants”, which would give officials the “legal” power to search homes and businesses in an effort to enforce the many mercantilistic laws, like the Navigation Acts, Excise Act, Molasses Act and Stamp Act – oppression that so stifled the free market and liberty, in general.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court once respected the origins of the 4th Amendment. “[T]he Fourth

Amendment’s commands grew in large measure out of the colonists’ experience with the writs of assistance. . . [that] granted sweeping power to customs officials and other agents of the King to search at large for smuggled goods.” UnitedStates v. Chadwick, 433 U. S. 1, 7-8 (1977).


4th Amendment Is Being “Legislated Away”

The Bill of Rights is meaningless if bureaucrats and politicians can make rules and laws that trump its protections.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening today. A series of court opinions have claimed that 4th Amendment protections don’t fully apply to what they call “pervasively regulated businesses”, and that can even include a residential apartment.

That means the government can begin to regulate some activity or business that has never before been regulated and by such fiat loose itself from the chains of the 4th Amendment.


Our Win in Federal Court Advances 4th Amendment

A win in the 8th federal circuit Court of Appeals Monday will help draw a line in the sand against the forces eroding what was one of the rights most dear to the Founding Fathers.

It all started on June 3, 2013 while I was traveling to the local rock quarry to get some chat for my daughter’s chicken coop. A Highway Patrol trooper pulled me over to do a roadside inspection of my large farm dump truck, even though he had not observed me breaking any law and had no suspicion of breaking any law.

My truck had been inspected that morning by an official inspection station that was sanctioned by the Highway Patrol.

I did exactly what Sam Adam or Patrick Henry would have done – I denied consent to the search.

Fortunately, the Trooper did not act like many a Redcoat would have – instead of bayoneting me, he politely and professionally issued me a citation. I fought it in Phelps County Court, where Judge Ron White agreed with me that the state law allowing troopers to make such suspicion-less, warrant-less stops was, in his words, “offensive.”

Although I won in court that day, there was no appeal that could be used as a precedent to help other people.

That’s where Missouri’s Liberty Law Firm, the Freedom Center of Missouri, enters the story. The Freedom Center’s director of litigation, Dave Roland, filed a civil lawsuit in federal court on my behalf. We’re asking for $1 in damages and a declaratory judgment that Missouri’s practice of the sort of suspicion-less, warrant-less searches they tried on me are unconstitutional.


Lost the First Round, but Won the Second

At the federal circuit court level, the judge ruled against us, but a panel of judge at the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the lower court judge, in part, and ordered him to reconsider the case. The case is still developing, but at this stage it looks like we won’t be able to protect common carrier truckers (because I’m not one and don’t have standing), but we have a very good chance of protecting other folks, like farmers, who transport goods in commercial vehicles.


Join Us On the Legal Battle Field for Liberty!

The Freedom Center of Missouri is planning an expansion that will enable them to take on more cases like this 4th Amendment case. Tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 10), you have the rare opportunity to meet with Scott Bullock, the president of the Institute for Justice, the leading national liberty based public interest law-firm.

Scott will be explaining the history and future of public interest law and how you can help.

I’ll be at both the St. Louis event at noon and the 6:30 event in Kansas City. I hope to see you there!

– Ron



Event: Meeting and discussion with Scott Bullock, president of the Institute for Justice about the role public interest law firms play keeping government in check and preserving liberty.  This is also an opportunity to learn about and support Missouri’s corollary to the Institute for Justice, the Freedom Center of Missouri.

Date: August 10 (Thursday)

– Noon in St. Louis (Please rsvp to this one with an email to dave@mofreedom.org.)
– 6:30 in Kansas City

East Room at Rooster (restaurant) – Noon
3150 S. Grand
St. Louis, MO 63118


Kansas City Public Library – Central Library — 6:30 pm
14 W 10th St.
Kansas City, MO  64105