Catalonia Shows the Danger of Disarming Civilians

by Laura Williams

Since the tragic murder of 59 peaceful concertgoers in Las Vegas Sunday, I’ve heard well-intentioned Americans from all political corners echoing heartbroken and tempting refrains:

Can’t we just ban guns?

Surely we can all get together on the rocket launchers.

Things like this would happen less often.

We have enough military.

While victims were still in surgery, some took to television and social media to criticize the “outdated” and “dangerous” Second Amendment to the Constitution. They have lived so long in a safe, stable society that they falsely believe armed citizens are a threat to life and liberty for everyone.

Those who claim to see no necessity or benefits of individual gun ownership need only look to the rolling hills of Catalonia, where a live social experiment is currently unfolding.

Unarmed Patriots

Just hours before an alleged lone gunman opened fire from the Mandalay Bay casino, the citizens of a small region surrounding Barcelona, Spain, cast a vote for their regional independence. Catalonia’s citizens have a unique language, culture, and history, and consider Spain a neighboring power, not their rightful rulers. So as America’s Continental Congress heroically did (and as Texans and Californians occasionally threaten to do) Catalonia wished to declare independence and secede….. Read More

Overhwelming False Flag Evidence- But Who Was Really Behind the Vegas Shooting?

An individual, whom I have never discussed politics with before, told me that he was glad that the Vegas perpetrator of the shooting of approximately 600 people was dead. Then the individual said that man “was a killing machine”.  I tuned him out and just nodded in agreement. It was apparent to me that this man had a terminal case of cognitive dissonance and I wasn’t in the mood to hear his regurgitation of CNN, whom he loves. When he saw that I was tuning him out, he said “I suppose you have a conspiracy theory about this Vegas shooting.” I responded that indeed I did but I did not feel the need to correct his ignorance. He egged me on to present what I knew to be a conspiracy. He responded, “I suppose you think this is another 9/11”.  I said “No, this is another JFK assassination experience”. I broke down and told him what is in the following paragraphs….. Read More


Overhwelming False Flag Evidence- But Who Was Really Behind the Vegas Shooting?

A Congressman, a Former DHS Chief and a Major Wall Street Figure Have All Predicted an EMP Attack


In my years of covering the plots and conspiracies of the New World Order and their continual assault upon Americans and Christians, I have never seen such a bizarre and numerous set of events which threaten to take down the country and eventually world. This is Part Three of an open-ended series about thse events. I have had numerous discussions with colleagues about these events and to a person we have all expressed the same level of confusion. However, amongst the noise, there now appears to be a discernable pattern which is very disturbing.

It appears that North Korea is preparing to launch an EMP attack upon the United States. As an aside, this goes against everything I had come to believe about this possibility. North Korea is a puppet state of China. China owns the debt of the United States. Therefore, it would be preferrable for the Chinese to take over an America in which the infrastructure would be functional. Therefore, I have previously rejected the notion of a pending EMP attack upon the United States. Yet, the evidence coming out of these events stronly  suggests otherwise and when we follow the emerging data, we can conclude the following:

  1. North Korea will launch an EMP attack against the United States that will be sanctioned by China.
  2. There are numerous 5th column forces inside the United States ready to act after the EMP has been delivered.
  3. There will be roundups of American dissidents as rehearsed in Jade Helm 15.
  4. It is my firm belief that the United States will be attacked, Red-Dawn style, follwing completion of items #1-3 on this list.

Part 4 will deal with items  # 2 and 3 on this list and Part 5 will address item #4

…. Read  more


A Congressman, a Former DHS Chief and a Major Wall Street Figure Have All Predicted an EMP Attack

“Death by Doctor” Designed to Depopulate the American People- Ronnie McMullen

Eugenics is very real and very present in the United States today  with most people completely unaware of it’s extent.  The eugenics  movement started in the NW United States. Adolph Hiller thanked Margaret  Sanger for her great ideas in Mein  Kampf. Read more here &  here


Death by Doctor is approaching one million deaths per year. The FDA is the guardian of Fake Medicine which is designed as a slow-burn depopulation instrument.

I recently interviewed Ronnie McMullen about these events and his revelations are stunning.

“Death by Doctor” Designed to Depopulate the American People- Ronnie McMullen

Why Are the Elite Collecting DNA and Blood of Children? CSS-10/1-Joshua Coy

This has been going on for decades.  A Texas court case a few years back ordered the destruction of all such records in Texas.  There is a decades old  global plan to collect the DNA on all children born in 1st world countries.  The case in Texas was part of this.  


Another related story:
Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number?



Why Are the Elite Collecting DNA and Blood of Children? CSS-10/1-Joshua Coy

Former NYPD Commissioner Safir: Time to Give Up Some of Our Freedom

The anti-gunners can go to hell. I am not going to bother  arguing  with them. If they come for my guns I will kill them. That is my only and final argument:

We have guns to protect ourselves against criminal government. 260  million people have been murdered in the 20th century by their governments, (here  , here  herethat first disarmed them and then proceeded to murder them.  DO NOT DISARM! Self defense is a God given right. Not a permission.


Check out “The Truth about guns” website


Original article