Chicago Politician Requests Child-raping UN Troops…IN AMERICA

Under the guise of stopping “gun violence” and “genocide,” a fringe County Commissioner in Cook County, Illinois, went to New York City to request that the United Nations deploy “peacekeeping” troops in Chicago. Seriously. These would be the same ruthless soldiers who have come under fire around the world for systemic rape of childrenspreading deadly diseases, murdering unarmed protestersoverthrowing elected leaderswaging war on Africans who did not want to live under a Soviet-backed dictator, and countless other atrocities — especially atrocities targeting black people, and always perpetrated with impunity.

Of course, the dictators club known as the UN has no legal power to deploy its scandal-plagued forces in America, and most Americans, armed with hundreds of millions of weapons, would be unlikely to accept such an abusdity. But the fact that such a ludicrous request would even be contemplated, particularly by an elected official, highlights a number of major problems that threaten liberty and the nation itself. At the top of the list of those problems is the sort of dangerous ignorance of some voters and their politicians that would consider inviting child-raping foreign troops — many of them loyal to mass-murdering Communist and Islamic dictators — on to American soil to keep the peace…..  Read More


Chicago Politician Requests Child-raping UN Troops…IN AMERICA

Your Favorite Websites Could Soon Disappear Courtesy of the MSM

It is not just Facebook. All the MSM is engaged in a plot to silence the alternative media. This a crtically important issue.

The alternative media, or as I prefer, the Independent Media, is beating the daylights out of the Mainstream Media (MSM). CNN’s ratings are so far in the toilet that they need a plumber to excise the network.

The American public has become sensitized to the odor of the MSM and its penchant for fake news. People often write to me and ask me how we in the Independent Media (IM) get to the truth behind the stories with much more depth and accuracy of the Independent Media? The reasons are simple:

  1. We are not owned by corporate media and are beholding to their money-making (at all costs) agenda. Therefore, we have no restrictions on telling the truth.
  2. Confidential sources, with an important story to tell, do not trust the MSM because of their lack of integrity and therefore, turn to the IM.
  3. The present generation of MSM journalists are script writers and teleprompter readers. They have neither the desire of the ability to connect the dots required by the demands of quality investigative journalism. In fact, much of the copy for the MSM is written by the intelligent agencies (eg CIA). Remember, WAPO’s, Jeff Bezos, signed a 6$600 million dollar deal with the CIA and we know the CIA runs CNN and ABC.

The emerging dominance of the MSM could come to a screeching halt. More on that later. First, how does the IM outperform the MSM in critical stories. It has to do with out collective ability in the IM to connect the dots and knowing where to look for classified information…. Read  More 

Your Favorite Websites Could Soon Disappear Courtesy of the MSM




People are so sick in large part because they do not cook, healthy food from scratch any longer (look into the Weston A Price society


It is close to impossible to buy healthy foods, or to find them at a restaurant. You have to take real foods as your starting point and spend an hour or two a day cooking.
That is unless you have the money to hire a cook. 🙂

My Garmin Vivosmart HR+ says that I burn quite a few calories dancing around the kitchen for that hour. It’s good exercise and I often listen to podcasts or audio books while in the kitchen. I have also been know to stretch or practice martial arts forms while waiting on something to finish up.

Today was a “cook day”, with 4-5 hours in the kitchen.


This was dinner.

Everything homemade:

Right bowl: Asparagus soup with a dollop of homemade sour creme

Left bowel: Italian Sausage and kale soup (no Cathy I did not raise nor butcher this hog, I’ll leave that to you)

Plate: Almond bread and butter. Hand crafted crackers, topped with avocado and kale pesto. Kimchi. Roasted buttered pecans

There was more later, but I don’t want to write a tome here.

Two more lessons learned from the school of hard knocks:
1.) Get on a good nutritional supplement program, and that includes taking care of your gut. This is as important or more than all of the above. Our soil is depleted and you can not get everything you need from your food.

2.) Lastly put your body into nutritional ketosis (keep your insulin levels very low by diet)  You are likely to remain overweight if you don’t do this.

If Americans did this. this country would look like a different planet the change would be so noticeable

Spread the word. Eat like your great grandfather and great grandmother ate, and you will be a heck of a lot healthier! That prepackaged food is adulterated folks. If food is in a box, you should throw it in the trash.





Did you know that after working your entire life and being forced to pay into the government “insurance” pyramid scheme (i.e. Social security/Medicare), that hospitals are refusing to do surgery for those that can not come up with cash up front?

Many, if not most on Social Security have a hard time making ends meet to start with. They must pay property taxes before they buy healthy decent food, or take care of their dental needs. People on social security become shop lifters out of necessity. Yes it’s a fact people.
So here at the very last minute, the hospital just called me and told me that I MUST come up with more cash that I can possibly come up with, or no operation. One that FWIW is needed very badly as the condition is disabling.
This is not new to me. A few years back I lost most of my chewing teeth because I could not afford to go to the dentist. I had to pay my property tax, car insurance (mandated by the state) and there was not enough left to go to the vastly overpriced dental monopoly that is the only choice in the land of the free. The state “protected” me so well that I could not afford their protection racket. How does not being able to afford a vital health service like dentistry protect anyone?
We have no freedoms. Our leader are criminals. When the hell are people going to start speaking out? I, like HL Menchen have become a cynic….the root cause of this is that Americans are not too damn bright or moral.(that is Menchen summed up)
240 years ago, Dr Benjamin Rush, who was as well known and liked as George Washington, warned us of exactly what is happening to us today:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush

In closing, this is the  hospital that begged me to donate blood (and I have several times this year) treats  it’s customers.  I think that my blood donations to this hospital, or any place is going to stop.  If they need blood they can go to bloody hell.  I suggest that you too quit donating blood if the health care industry is going to treat people this way. 


update: 12/15/17
My state psychopath, I mean representative, has me the tax payer pay for his phone, but he uses it to tell me that he does not take phone calls, and that you must fill out a form online. This from the criminals that have created this monopoly in the first place. I think TJ was right after all:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
~Thomas Jefferson




Below is the link to an  article we recently posted about the possibilities of free market health care. As the founders and the Constitution demand:

The Myth of “Unaffordable” Health Insurance Just Won’t Die – Health insurance is expensive, true, but so were cars, calculators, and cellphones, once. The difference is functioning markets.



Oregon CPS Kidnaps Child Because Parents are Legal Medical Marijuana Patients

What kind of person kidnaps children when the state tells them to do so? The same type of person that would gas a person in a gas chamber when the state ordered them to do so..

“Order Followers” are one of the greatest evils known to man. None of the great evils of the 20th century could have occurred without their cooperation and help.

We should quite referring to them as “government” when in reality it is nothing short of terrorism and thuggish criminality.  That is what the promise of a “Republic” has turned into.   Check out this book on the militarization of our police. (you can get if for free by joining audible)


by Health Impact News/ Staff

An Oregon couple was blindsided when Child Protective Services seized baby Kaylynn, alleging Child Neglect because of their medical marijuana use. Oregon has issued permits for the medicinal use for marijuana since 1998 and legalized recreational use since 2014.

The couple has complied with all state laws, and they don’t understand how the same state can legalize something on one hand while on the other hand, they seize a child from her home for the very thing that the legislators and voters have said that they can do.

This murky and confusing legal climate has left a mother devastated and her baby girl robbed of her family.

No matter what one believes about the legalization, use, or ethics of marijuana, it is clear that families should not be torn apart over differing policies within the same state agencies.

Their Story


Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces

You might have heard it before, but every American needs to either read or listen to this book (get if for free by joining and then quitting Audible)  
This book is not opinion. It is fact and history.


The American approach to law enforcement was forged by the experience of revolution. Emerging as they did from the shadow of British rule, the country’s founders would likely have viewed police as they exist today as a standing army and therefore a threat to liberty. Even so, excessive force and disregard for the Bill of Rights have become epidemic in America today.

According to civil liberties reporter Radley Balko, these are all symptoms of a generation-long shift to increasingly aggressive, militaristic, and arguably unconstitutional policing – one that would have shocked the conscience ofAmerica’s founders.

Rise of the Warrior Cop traces the arc of US law enforcement from the constables and private justice of colonial times to present-day SWAT teams and riot cops. Today relentless “war on drugs” and “war on terror” pronouncements from politicians, along with battle-clad police forces with tanks and machine guns, have dangerously blurred the distinction between cop and soldier. Balko’s fascinating, frightening narrative shows how martial rhetoric and reactionary policies have put modern law enforcement on a collision course with the values of a free society….   Read more


Notes on Democracy H. L. Mencken

Publication date 1926
Topics HL Mencken, Democracy, America
Collection opensource
Language English
This book should come with a warning label. It is surely one of the most bracing books on politics in the history of the English language. There is more truth in these pages than most Americans are willing to face. What Mencken delivers here is probably the most scathing attack on the idea of mass rule that has ever been written.
Mencken is known as the chief heretic of the American civic religion, and this book shows why. Your eyes will pop out at not only his dazzling prose but, and most especially, at the thoughts that he dares put in print, almost as a revolutionary act.
Here is a slight sample, passages sampled nearly randomly:
What does the mob think? It thinks, obviously, what its individual members think. And what is that? It is, in brief, what somewhat sharp-nose and unpleasant childrern think. The mob, being composed, in the overwhelming main, of men and women who have not got beyond the ideas and emotions of childhood, hovers, in mental age, around the time of puberty, and chiefly below it. If we would get at its thoughts and feelings we must look for light to the thoughts and feelings of adolescents.
When the city mob fights it is not for liberty, but for ham and cabbage. When it wins, its first act is to destroy every form of freedom that is not directed wholly to that end. And its second is to butcher all professional libertarians. If Thomas Jefferson had been living in Paris in 1793 he would have made an even narrower escape from the guillotine than Thomas Paine made.
What the common man longs for in this world, before and above all his other longings, is the simplest and most ignominious sort of peace: the peace of a trusty in a well-managed penitentiary. He is willing to sacrifice everything else to it. He puts it above his dignity and he puts it above his pride. Above all, he puts it above his liberty. The fact, perhaps, explains his veneration for policemen, in all the forms they take—his belief that there is a mysterious sanctity in law, however absurd it may be in fact.
A policeman is a charlatan who offers, in return for obedience, to protect him ( a ) from his superiors, ( b ) from his equals, and ( c ) from himself. This last service, under democracy, is commonly the most esteemed of them all. In the United States, at least theoretically, it is the only thing that keeps ice-wagon drivers, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, insurance collectors and other such human camels from smoking opium, ruining themselves in the night clubs, and going to Palm Beach with Follies girls…Here, though the common man is deceived, he starts from a sound premise: to wit, that liberty is something too hot for his hands—or, as Nietzsche put it, too cold for his spine.
Politics under democracy consists almost wholly of the discovery, chase, and scotching of bugaboos. The statesman becomes, in the last analysis, a mere witch-hunter, a glorified smeller and snooper, eternally chanting “Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum!” It has been so in the United States since the earliest days. The whole history of the country has been a history of melodramatic pursuits of horrendous monsters, most of them imaginary: the red-coats, the Hessians, the monocrats, again the red-coats, the Bank, the Catholics, Simon Legree, the Slave Power, Jeff Davis, Mormonism, Wall Street, the rum demon, John Bull, the hell hounds of plutocracy, the trusts, General Weyler, Pancho Villa, German spies, hyphenates, the Kaiser, Bolshevism. The list might be lengthened indefinitely; a complete chronicle of the Republic could be written in terms of it, and without omitting a single important episode.
It was long ago observed that the plain people, under democracy, never vote for anything, but always against something. The fact explains in large measure, the tendency of democratic states to pass over statesmen of genuine imagination and sound ability in favour of colorless mediocrities. The former are shining marks, and so it is easy for demagogues to bring them down; the latter are preferred because it is impossible to fear them.
There is much more. Much more. Murray Rothbard didn’t share Mencken’s pessimism but he sure liked his mode of thinking, his writing style, and his love of liberty.
Even if you think you have read it all, this book will rattle you to the very core, for it causes a rethinking of the whole structure of the political system. But Mencken also shows that he is more than a cynic, contrary to his reputation. What shines through this treatise is a deep attachment to liberty and a search for some way to protect it from the attack of the mob, which he regards as liberty’s greatest enemy.
If there really were a banned book list in the annals of American statescraft, this would surely be on it. It is not for the faint of heart. Read it, and pass it around, as a revolutionary act.
The new edition includes an introduction and extensive annotations by noted Mencken scholar Marion Elizabeth Rodgers and an afterword by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Lewis.
Published in 1926, with only 235 copies printed. Another printing appeared later that year, and it vanished until 1977, when it was published by Octagon before vanishing yet again..
It features an introduction and annotations by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, the great Mencken authority, as well as an afterword by Anthony Lewis.

The Myth of “Unaffordable” Health Insurance Just Won’t Die – Health insurance is expensive, true, but so were cars, calculators, and cellphones, once. The difference is functioning markets.

In other words government “helping us” ( in reality tramping our rights into the ground) is the  reason that health care costs so much.
Here is a personal story I  just posted about what the lack of a free market in health care  does to real people. In this case myself.

Health insurance is expensive, true, but so were cars, calculators, and cellphones, once. The difference is functioning markets.

John Tamny
by  John Tamny

When the 20th century dawned, automobiles were rarer than were exceedingly rare millionaires. If you had a car in 1900 it was a sign of your immense prosperity. Goodness, if you actually knew someone who owned a car you ran in high, high circles.

In 1970 Dallas-based Texas Instruments released one of the first pocket calculators. This adding and subtracting machine that is standard on the internet and the most basic of smartphones today set you back $400 when the “Me” decade began. As for computers, by now most readers are aware that the first ones put on the market by IBM in the 1960s cost over $1 million despite them possessing a microscopic fraction of the capabilities found in models retailing for under $200 today.

Private flight? Once solely an activity enjoyed by the superrich, nowadays ads found in newspapers increasingly indicate that what was once a luxury indulged in by the seriously few is expanding its reach well beyond the few. As this column has been preaching for years, private flight will soon enough be a consumption item that’s accessible to the masses…. Read More


44,000 US Troops on ‘Unknown’ Deployments Worldwide Pentagon Refuses to Account for Them, Citing ‘the Enemy’

The criminals called government have zero respect for  the US Constitution.
There is the little matter of congress not having declared war as required by the highest law of the land.



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When the Pentagon wants to mislead the public about where US troops are, generally speaking, they just lie. Yet sometimes the number of troops is just too big to claim as a rounding error, and questions start happening.

This week, the focus is on over 44,000 US military personnel deployed to “unknown,” which immediately raises red flags, because that’s not a place. Pentagon officials, however, say there is “no good way” to describe where they are.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning, on the one hand, presented this as an “operational security” and “denying the enemy any advantage,” including, it seems providing any specifics on who “the enemy” at this point even is.

At the same time, Manning presented this as simply a limitation of the Pentagon’s current capabilities, and that there is literally “no personnel system” in the Pentagon that tracks where everyone is, and they just stick everyone else in “unknown” so the number of troops they officially have balances out with the number of troops deployed in actual, real places.

Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon went a step further, saying that the figures are flat out fiction, and were “not meant to represent an accurate accounting of troops currently deployed to any location. They should not be relied upon for a current picture of what is going on.”

Secretary of Defense James Mattis suggested that the situation was complicated, but also that he wasn’t entirely comfortable with the lack of accounting for troops abroad, saying at some point he was going to try to put everything together and figure out where everyone really is.

Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz



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