Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung”

(Natural News) The existence of chemtrails used to be a topic of debate, but they are now being more widely acknowledged by experts like meteorologists to scientists. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that they exist as more and more people are coming down with illnesses related to chemtrails.

When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming a persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains, and fever, she visited a doctor. After chest x-rays revealed a type of bronchitis, she was given antibiotics, which only seemed to make her feel worse.

Her doctor told her that lots of bacterial infections are going around, and when she asked him where they are coming from, he told her the truth that many doctors wouldn’t dare reveal to their patients: Chemtrails are at the heart of widespread lung problems right now. Surprised by his candor, she asked if she could videotape him talking about the phenomenon. You can see the video below; the unnamed doctor appears just before the 8-minute mark….. Read More

Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung”

Fluoride in our water: “We are all Jews now”

MFP Commentary:

I wonder if the Jews at Auschwitz, had the same irrational concern about  keeping fluoride in their diet, as the  doctor that wrote the article below is? After all our current fluoride levels are based upon those used in Nazi concentration camps.
My god people are dumbed down. (by fluoride in part) If they weren’t,   so called “doctor’s” articles like this would  be laughed out of the media.  Just about everything this shill for the establishment  say’s, is demonstrably false.  Personally I am all for long jail sentences for those  who have anything to do with the  forcible drugging of children with these brain damaging chemicals. (by putting it in our water without our consent)

Don’t take fluoride out of the water — Andy Oakes-Lottridge, MD, FAAFP

Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work

By John W. Whitehead April 16, 2018

Let us not mince words.

We are living in an age of war profiteers.

We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. Many of them work for the U.S. government.

We are living in an age of monsters.

Ask Donald Trump. He knows all about monsters.

Any government that leaves “mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air” is evil and despicable, said President Trump, justifying his blatantly unconstitutional decision (in the absence of congressional approval or a declaration of war) to launch airstrikes against Syria based on dubious allegations that it had carried out chemical weapons attacks on its own people. “They are crimes of a monster.”

If the Syrian government is a monster for killing innocent civilians, including women and children, the U.S. government must be a monster, too.

In Afghanistan, ten civilians were killed—including three children, one an infant in his mother’s arms—when U.S. warplanes targeted a truck in broad daylight on an open road with women and children riding in the exposed truck bed. They had been fleeing airstrikes on their village.

In Syria, at least 80 civilians, including 30 children, were killed when U.S.-led air strikes bombed a school and a packed marketplace…..  Read More


Steve Quayle-The Spiritual War for Control of the Presidency and the Ultimate Fate of Humanity

“…..In Hour Two of this interview, and amidst the many revelations, Steve Quayle addressed in great depth, the coming persecution of Christians. The coming persecution of Christians will be relentless and Steve even detailed what DARPA resources are being devoted to “finding” Christians for final disposition when the time is right, so to speak. I also shared my experience with the finding of the Christians aspect of this as I know someone who is involved with this from a Deep State, alphabet soup perspective.  One cannot listen attentively to Hour two and not fully grasp the grave danger that is coming Christians. This is a riveting hour with Steve Quayle…..”

Read More and listen to  hour one and two  interview.


Steve Quayle-The Spiritual War for Control of the Presidency and the Ultimate Fate of Humanity