Congress Knew for Years that the Dominion Systems “Switched Votes” & were Ripe for Fraud – Sarah Westall

By Sarah Westall | | Creative Commons


After the mainstream media has been nonstop gaslighting the public with “No Evidence of Voter Fraud” in a steady stream of reports:

Evidence just keeps piling up that widespread voter fraud exists and proof is coming to light….Read More

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China whistleblower with royal ancestry steps forward – reveals video, photos of alleged Chinese counterfeit ballot printing operations of US ballots for MS, FL and NC – Common Sense Show

Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit – Epoch Times

American Newspapers Paid Millions To Push Communist Chinese Party Propaganda – DJH media


After RIGGING election for Biden, Facebook officials now being rewarded with positions on fake president-elect’s transition team – Natural News

(Natural News) Joe Biden’s “transition” team is gaining a number of former high-level Facebook executives, which makes sense considering these are the same folks that helped Biden “win” by censoring unsavory news about him on social media.

Former Facebook board member Jeff Zients, it has been announced, will be co-chairing Biden’s transition team, while another former Facebook board member will act as an adviser. Two others, one a former Facebook director and the other a former Facebook company lobbyist, will also be assuming key leadership roles in Biden’s installation.

Biden’s personal friend Nick Clegg, a former top Facebook executive and former U.K. Deputy Prime Minister, will also be joining the transition team that is planning to install Biden into the White House come January.

According to Democrats, Facebook hasn’t censored conservatives enough

Seeing as how Facebook did everything it possibly could to ensure that Biden “won” the election, including by predictively programming that the vote count would probably be stalled in order to sneak in late ballots, it is hardly a surprise that Facebook is now officially marrying the Biden campaign. On the other hand, the Democrats have hardly been shy in condemning Facebook for supposedly not engaging in enough censorship throughout the election cycle….Read More

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The Stolen Election Will Red-Pill 70 Million Americans – Unz  Review

The shocking reason why Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C … because it contains experimental nanotech components that have NEVER been used in vaccines before – Natural News

(Natural News) You’re seeing the reports all over the news: Pfizer’s new coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C (-94F), which is much colder than the North Pole. If it’s not stored at this temperature, its ingredients begin to break down and it fails to work. Currently Pfizer is claiming, without evidence, that its vaccine is “90% effective.” But this claim is little more than corporate propaganda designed to drive up stock prices through false projections.

But why do these vaccines need to be kept at -70C in the first place?

The answer, it turns out, is because they contain potentially hazardous ingredients that have never been used in vaccines before.

As Children’s Health Defense explained in an August 6th article, “mRNA vaccines undergoing Covid-19 clinical trials, including the Moderna vaccine, rely on a nanoparticle-based “carrier system” containing a synthetic chemical called polyethylene glycol (PEG).”

CHD goes on to explain:….Read More

Related Stories:
Covid Vaccine Controversy Explained – With Guest Bill Sardi –

FWIW Bill Sardi is someone to take notice of. ~MFP




MFP Commentary:
Just breaking, and no details or secondary conformation as of 10 pm 11/17/2020.

Post below if you want more details. This  alert will be updated when more is known.


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. “
~H.L. Mencken

Update:  12/21/2020
Much has been learned concerning an impending war with China and the massive treason in our government.
Subscribe to Q files if you can.
These 2 Hagmann shows also contain an incredible amount of exclusive information:



This is the first and last Q-Alert that I will  ever post.  As of Thursday Steve is asking for them to be kept private:

Alert: Trump To Invoke the Insurrection Act?
Starting Tomorrow: ALERTS for Q Files Subscribers ONLY


Steve Quayle: “Ladies & Gentlemen, what you are watching is the complete abandonment of all truth and fact, and this abandonment will affect the rest of our lives. The nation is undergoing a full communist take down. The New World Order / Globalist Plan for planetary genocide and the complete destruction of the United States, and its citizenry, is accelerating at an unimaginable pace. Already, the United States has been brought to its knees as its cities burn and a growing famine empties store shelves that will not be replenished. If you don’t stand up today, you will have no tomorrows. Evidence of a rigged election is overwhelming, with even the brazen admission of those associated with Dominion Software. President Trump, through his powerful legal counsel, has all the evidence they need to present this treason and fraud to the Supreme Court. Yet, the question remains – Will Trump invoke the Insurrection Act?The Insurrection Act has the power to undo previous Presidential Directives as well as enact his own executive orders. We’ll know very soon.

So, what are we to do while this drama unfolds? There is nothing in the Bible that forbids self-defense and the protection of your family. The fact that the Democrats have assassination-lists of all Trump donors should provoke you to intense prayer and preparation. When God said His people ‘are destroyed for lack of knowledge’, it’s not because it isn’t presented to them, but because they refuse to acknowledge it. Carefully consider this as you look into the eyes of your loved ones, and ponder their future without freedom or liberty. Make no mistake, our lives will never be the same again, but what the future holds is up to the decisions we make today. To go along with their charade will be at the expense of our children and grandchildren.

God’s question to all of His followers: ‘Who will stand against the workers of iniquity?’ (LINK: Psalm 94:16). The Bible says God looked for a man to stand in the gap and couldn’t find one (LINK: Ezekiel 22:30). Please don’t let this scripture be fulfilled in the days ahead. God’s ultimate promise is that ‘they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits!’ Let God’s men and women arise in his strength and might and foil the plans of the evil one. ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS NAME!”

NOTE: This is the last Final Warning ALERT Newsletter you will receive if you are not subscribed to Q Files! SIGN UP TODAY to keep receiving them, AND you’ll get to see Mike Adams the Health Ranger join Steve Quayle for a special 90-minute Q Files presentation NEXT WEEK focused on a new strain of “bullous haemorrhagic vasculitis” now showing up in COVID-19 cases. Mike will also share his latest information on massive voter-fraud and the takeover of the United States. Support Steve Quayle by supporting Q Files!

Steve Quayle’s web site

Steve’s “Q-files” subscription alerts  (this has NOTHING to do with the recent “Q” nonsense.

BREAKING! The US Military Has Raided And Seized GERMAN Servers Tied To Dominion Voter Fraud Computers! – USAA News

Written by Steve Cannon for USSA News.

The Spanish software company Scytl, which sells election manipulation software worldwide that was used in the USA, is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Incidentally, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital has invested $40 million in Scytl.

The video is of Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas explaining exactly what is going on.

From our source: The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.

The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Original Post

Related Stories:

China whistleblower with royal ancestry steps forward – reveals video, photos of alleged Chinese counterfeit ballot printing operations of US ballots for MS, FL and NC – Common Sense Show

We are Under Attack, They Want to Destroy America, CIA Tools Turned Against the People w/ Fanning & Jones – Sarah Westall

Mary Fanning & Allen Jones return to the program to discuss how traitors and their foreign supporters are working together to destroy the United States. The stolen election is an important step in their playbook to take control and demoralize a proud nation. Fanning & Jones, the journalists who broke the Hammer story, explain how the Hammer and Scorecard was used to fix the election. We discuss why the mainstream media and the traitors in our government are determined to declare the Hammer and Scorecard as “fake news” and conspiracy theory. Also we discuss other important information they have uncovered that Americans need to know. You can learn more about Mary Fanning & Allen Jones on their website at

Original Post

Related Stories:

November 16, 2020: Full Show with Brannon Howse & Mary Fanning – Hagmann Report


Serbian warns America: FIGHT NOW before you are weakened and enslaved under socialism tyranny – Ethan Huff – News Target

The United States is at a critical juncture. Americans have the choice to either step up and fight for their rights amid mass deception and escalating tyranny, or sit back and do nothing – which most appear to be doing – while the globalist overlords have their way in bringing to fruition the final solution.

If this sounds like alarmist fearmongering, then you are woefully ignorant of history, to be quite frank. The path that America is now on has been traveled before, and suffice it to say that this path has never once led to anything good. Listen for yourself as a Serbian patriot who lived through this very thing 20 years ago offers a history lesson about what happened in his native homeland:

It was the year 2000, as a little background, when Serbia faced a similar crossroads as the one America now does in 2020. The Serbian people held an election that saw “significant irregularities,” much like our own, resulting in mass protests. Just two days later, Slobodan Miloševi?, who had been reigning in the country as a socialist since the 1980s, resigned after brave Serbian patriots took a bulldozer to the Radio Television of Serbia building, considered to be a symbol of Miloševi?’s propaganda regime.

This victory against Miloševi?’s evil regime continues to be celebrated annually in Serbia as the 5 October Overthrow, and it is powerfully relevant to Americans today. Will we sit idly by while the mainstream media installs a socialist Biden-Harris regime, or will we take a stand against the corruption that brought us here?

As the above video warns, socialism once installed “will never leave.” It never fully left Serbia, despite the populist uprising that ousted Miloševi?, and is still present all across Eastern Europe in many other nations where it was ushered in by force.

“The world that you know will stop existing,” the Serbian patriot warns. “You will never reclaim it again. Never. The Russians couldn’t. The Ukrainians couldn’t. Baltic guys couldn’t. Czechs, Slavs, Poles, Serbs … not a single one was able to overthrow them.”

Will you be a coward, or will you be a patriot?….Read More


The Deep State-Democrats Plan to Turn America Into 1992 Bosnia In Order to Get the Guns Before the Bolshevik Purge Planned for America – Dave Hodges

Steve Quayle and myself are conducting an interview in the very near future about the fact that certain entities have engaged in a deal with Democrats/Deep State and they intend to take their guns, prior to the Bolshevik purge that will follow. No doubt, America will resist. However, we are acting on the Bosnia playbook and the direction is clear. First, in Bosnia, the election was stolen and then when gun confiscation was not successful, they did the following to the citizens. This is one citizens account of how America is going down the same path and he admonishes the people of this country to never give up their guns.

The dispersal of information was organized in a Q and A format:

You say you survived hell on earth. In general, how prepared were the people for this crisis? When all hell broke loose, how helpful was your government and/or local authorities?

I am from Bosnia. You know, between 1992 and 1995, it was hell. For one year, I lived and survived in a city with 6,000 people without water, electricity, gasoline, medical help, civil defense, distribution service, any kind of traditional service or centralized rule.

Our city was blockaded by the army; and for one year, life in the city turned into total crap. We had no army, no police. We only had armed groups; those armed protected their homes and families.

When it all started, some of us were better prepared. But most of the neighbors’ families had enough food only for a few days. Some had pistols; a few had AK-47s or shotguns.


After a month or two, gangs started operating, destroying everything. Hospitals, for example, turned into slaughterhouses. There was no more police. About 80 percent of the hospital staff were gone. I got lucky. My family at the time was fairly large (15 people in a large house, six pistols, three AKs), and we survived (most of us, at least).

Why do people need guns and ammunition?…Read More