I could not believe how good the Missouri marijuana “bill” was that I ran across last year. For starters it was not a bill. It was a Constitutional amendment. H’mmm I thought. Finally some people that are on the right track, as I have been very critical of so called “legalization” in other states. As far as I can see, legalization, as in everything that the psychopaths in the legislature do, was first of all a scheme to make the state, and the friends of the legislature, a lot of money off of the backs of the citizens. When in fact they are supposed to be protecting those citizens rights, not economically exploiting them.
The elephant in the room about “legalization” is that it is anything but….. In each case they just pass new and different laws about how they can kidnap you, and destroy your life over the use of a plant that God gave us in the book of Genesis.
Let’s hope that with some public education that when. Missouri changes it’s laws that they will reflect a protection of rights, rather than just creating new ways to violate our rights, and euphemistically calling it “legalization”.
Here is one Facebook group that is helping to get the amendment on the ballot:
Missouri Marijuana Legalization Movement
Here is another article that I ran across:
Here’s What You Can Do to Legalize Marijuana in Missouri
What I do not understand is how the state can claim to “legalize” something that they have no right to criminalize in the first place. It’s all part of the continueing and never stopping psy-op coming from the state, but that is another conversation…. What I put into my body, is my choice, and one of my infinite God given inalienable rights. Obviously a right does not have to be listed in the bill of rights. The 9th and 10th amendments acknowledge that fact. The state on the other hand is practising slavery. i.e. It is claiming to own our bodies.
This country was founded upon the simple principles that John Locke espoused in his Second Treatise on Government. Thomas Jefferson elucidated them in the Declaration of Independance. Those principles are:
That we are the sovereigns, and thusly that we have all rights. Not a single one of the “legalization” states has even come close to protecting those rights when it comes to MJ. The fact that this has been allowed to happen is a testament to the successful brainwashing, and dumbing down of the public into not even knowing, much less demanding their rights.
The public knows nothing of the history of the Opium Wars. That the global elite, the same ones that are behind the The UN Drug Control Conventions that we have adopted, are the ones that are behind and are benefiting from the “war on drugs”, and the useful idiots, the order followers in blue, definitely do not understand the Satanic agenda that they are helping implement.
The drug war in the US, like the Opium Wars, has been a tool to trample our rights, to socially engineer, to corrupt both police and government officials, and to go after enemies of the state. In that respect the war on drugs has been extremely successful, but does any of this sould like a legitimate function of government?
How Governments Have Used the War on Drugs to Oppress Their Enemies
Kansas City, MO Votes 74% To Decriminalize Marijuana

I hope that you give what I have had to say some thought.
Thanks for sticking around to the end. 🙂