Name One Government Agency that Doesn’t Do the Exact Opposite of its Purpose
By Joe Jarvis – December 09, 2018
A DEA agent is accused of facilitating drug trafficking in the regions he oversaw in Florida and Arkansas. He allegedly traded inside information to drug runners in exchange for cash.
Drugs are illegal. But you can still run drugs with the right person being paid off. And you can do it for very little money–this agent got around $62,000 from one dealer for his role.
That is enough money to easily corrupt an individual, but a small price to pay compared to how much a drug dealer can make. Especially when you have the DEA looking the other way and giving you a heads up before raids.
But this isn’t surprising. We have heard the same story a thousand times before. This is how the government operates.
Monsanto is one of the worst environmental offenders, besides the government itself. Their flagship product Roundup is blamed for mass die-offs of honey bees and has been linked to cancer….Read More