Breaking News and Thoughts – May, 2022 – June, 2022
OPINIONS and EDITORIALS – May – June 2022
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
~ John 15:13
~Psalm 144
~Nehemiah 4:14
MUST watch if you want to understand the Constitution, and the real reason why 50 million babies were butchered in this country.
This slaughter happened because Christians are dumber than a rock, when it comes to understanding the document that is founded upon God’s Natural laws: NON-COMPLIANT (83 minutes)
One of the best 4th of July Sermons I have ever heard. He hits the ball out of the park again and again! Worth your time to listen to this:
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: THERE Is Liberty
Ron Gibson on Land Patents, Part I, with Kirk MacKenzie (62 minutes)
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
~Thomas Jefferson
Well if he does he should also be arresting every single county sheriff as they have spent decades enforcing the unconstitutional Federal war on drugs and their war on guns. If either of these are Constitutional, simply show me where these powers are delegated by the state of Missouri.
Best off-grid cabin I’ve ever toured- SEE WHY – Girl in the Woods (29 minutes)
“Get A Warrant” – ATF Agents Attempt To Confiscate Solvent Trap Components
by ZeroHedge
What I make of this, is that we have a nation of dumbed down county sheriffs that seem to be on the side of the NWO. No, not seems, they most definitely are on the side of the NWO on many issues. They enforce the illegitimate 1968 gun control act, and the 1934 Federal Firearms act.
These dumber than dirt county sheriffs that are allowing this unconstitutional criminality, went to the same (property tax funded) dumbing down camps that you went to, that at least partially explains their ignorance.
Either way if this happens in your county, you need to immediately vote the dumb bastards out of office, and look into criminal charges for dereliction of duty.
Dealing with spike proteins in the vaccinated and those around them
To thwart clotting, and heart attack,s and amputations of limbs, NAC works very well to prevent clotting according to Dr Z.
Ivermectin & chlorine dioxide will keep the spike proteins unable to penetrate the cell membrane and get into your cells. Take a few times a week.
The supplement DMG will counter the effects of glyphosate in your diet which also allows the spike proteins into your cells.
Search this page for these terms and you may find the specific interview from which I gleaned this information.
Another US Food Processing Plant Catches Fire, Add This To Growing List
Doctor Makes The Case To Put Dr. Fauci On Trial For Carrying Out Genocide – These Serial Killers And Mass Murderers Should Be Tried, Convicted And Punished For Medical War Crimes – All News Pipeline
Bank of America announces zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages for first-time homebuyers in Black and Hispanic communities nationwide
Residents in selected Charlotte, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and Miami neighborhoods will be offered the program first. – NBC news
US oil reserves fall to 37-year low as Biden continues to export America’s oil to China – Natural News
RED ALERT! Globalist Deep State Prepping US for MASSIVE False Flag Attacks as Pretext for Martial Law, Permanent One-party Dictatorship
The Alex Jones Show
Situation Update, Sep 1, 2022 – The engineered TAKEDOWN of food, water and energy infrastructure will plunge entire nations into the Dark Ages – Mike Adams (108 minutes)
Be careful of accepting everything Mike says. (listen in at 37:00)
Mike like most of the talking heads in the alternative media does not have a very good understanding of our form of government, specifically the Constitution. If you did not catch it then perhaps you also need to do some due diligence yourself.
In 2024, Los Angeles Will Vote on Forcing Hotels to House the Homeless
“I fail to see how this can possibly be legal but few governments give a damn about legalities these days.”
I’ll tell you how this is “legal” Mish; Americans for 100 years have accepted the fact that they don’t own their homes, because they have accepted the government “property tax”. Then through building codes, and zoning the government further tells us that they, and not you, own your home.
It is simple incrementalism for them, since they “own your home”, to tell you that you are going to house whomever they tell you to house! If we don’t like it we can move out.
In the end we can thank Modern Christianity for this state of affairs; for over 100 years they have been co-opted and have refused to address evil,
Blaze TV Reporter Who Exposed Texas High School Protecting ‘Pedophiles’ Joins Infowars to Fight State-Sponsored Child Grooming
The Alex Jones Show
Isn’t the purpose of Lucifer’s “property tax” to make you pay for places like this?
And since when it is your responsibility to educate children other than your own?
And the Constitution clearly does not delegate this power to the Federal Government.
Why the wealthy are suddenly loading up on physical GOLD and SILVER – Mike Adams (12 minutes)
A good tip from Judy Mikovitz: (who worked with Fauci and blew the whistle) If you can’t avoid glyphosate, the nutritional supplement called DMG can neutralize it.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz explains how GLYPHOSATE makes covid-19 vaccines more toxic and deadly – Mike Adams (31 minutes)
Situation Update, Aug 31, 2022 – MILLIONS of Americans to be EVICTED from their homes as economic collapse accelerates – Mike Adams (113 minutes)
This is just the beginning. Even if you “own” your home you are not safe. You let Lucifer install his institution of “property tax” into every county in this country, often run IMHO by demon possessed individuals.
In the Declaration , that is build upon God’s Natural Law, Jefferson states: that our God given inalienable rights include: “Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Jefferson clearly believed that property ownership was among these inalienable rights. Satan in his Communist Manifesto, in the 1st plank attacks our right to own property. Lucifer making it the 1st plank clearly does not like God’s people owning land.
Jefferson in the Declaration, a document built upon Natural law, as explained by Tomas Paine in his writings on Natural Law, tells us that property is a God given right. About 100 years later, Lucifer in the Manifesto tells us that we can’t own property.
What do you think “Christians” have done to counter this? Not a damn thing other than accept it. It looks to me, that the Christian church had a great falling away about 100 years ago. The same time as the Zionist agent, and attorney, Scofield, published his bible commentary.
The second point in the Declaration is that it states that the “only” legitimate function of government is to “secure these (God given) rights”.
Ask yourself, does Lucifer’s property tax ensure your God given right to own property? It does the exact opposite. It says that you do not own your home, your farm, and in Missouri that you don’t own your car, truck, or tractor!
Why do you think that God’s prophet Samuel warned over and over again, not to have a king? This is a direct result of the idolatry of government taught in the modern church. They believe that government, not Jesus, is our king! Scripture clearly does not support God’s people being serfs on the kings plantation, and that is where we are in the year 2022.
The property tax is insulting to God, considering the unlimited liberties he has bestowed upon us. The property tax is blasphemy, and the “modern church supports it. To which I respond:
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
~1 Peter 4:17
Texas Applies to Build Molten Salt Nuclear by 2025
August 30, 2022 by Brian Wang
A short history: The nuclear plants we have all over this country are breeder reactors of the Westinghouse design. They are identical to the ones that melted down in Fukushima Japan. We didn’t have to use this design, the US government forced it upon us, by only indemnifying (insuring against disaster) those who built the dangerous Westinghouse design that produced plutonium for bombs.
When, not if, we have an EMP or other event that takes our grid down, all 92 of the Westinghouse design reactors will melt down, and release a LOT more radiation than having nuclear bombs dropped on us! Don’t worry though, those responsible for this deadly declension will be safe in the underground bunkers that you bought for them.
The big question here, and Americans are too dumbed down to ask it: Why is the sovereign state of Texas asking an unconstitutional Federal agency for permission to address the States power needs? The fact is that Texas in signing the Constitution, did not delegate this power to the Federal government. If they did please show it to me.
It also tells me that Texas government has it’s share of morons that do not understand our form of government. They went to the mandatory indoctrination camps like the rest of us, and are very lacking in understanding the nature of the government formed in 1776.
What the Feds do very well is stifle technology that would help us.
If we were very prosperous, because of technology, we would be much harder to control and eventually kill off. This is why Texas currently does not have the comparably very safe thorium nuclear reactor.
Canada Is Euthanizing Its Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care –
FBI Employee Arrested on Child Sex Charges in Utah – Hal Turner Radio
Mass Medical Bankruptcy & Collapse Coming – Dr. Elizabeth Eads – Greg Hunter (79 minutes)
Really good interview. Advice on using Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) if you were injected or live with someone that was injected.
Another government created cluster fuk:
They create a town water monopoly, for the purpose of being able to poison you with fluoride, and chlorine, and aluminum clearing agents in the water. They make it illegal for you to drill your own well ,in their water district, against all the Natural Laws of God,
You don’t hear a peep from the morons in the pulpit that demand that you “submit” to all of the Christ denying actions of government. The pastors demand idolatry on steroids.
Dave Hodges seems to have a big interest in this story.
The reason I say so is that he expressed concern about our communications being monitored.
That to me seems to indicate that you have a lot more to say on the topic but can’t. I may not be in the loop but Dave seems to be on it
Defend Life, Defeat Abortion in All 50 States –
If you want a losing strategy, then run around trying to put out every fire the Globalists start. Do not look at root causes. Do not address root causes….
That is what they hope you do because that ensures that they win.
Individual bills are rarely the problem.We need to learn to “Strike the Root” as Henry David Thoreau put it.
They want you to focus on this distraction, while they have injured the brains and bodies of over 600 million babies by my estimation, with fluoride in the water and we have done almost nothing to stop it! I really think we should address the eugenics that has actually been going on for 70 before we knee jerk about a bill that has not passed both houses.
The immediate answer in my opinion is for Missouri to secede from the union. Either openly or covertly by nullifying EVERYTHING that comes out of DC
TRIANGLE UFO Paris France Possible TR 3B Project Francais July 23, 2008 (1 minute)
The US reverse engineered alien technology and built the first TR-3, Then your evil as hell leaders both Republican and Demoncrats gave this tech to both Russia and China.
*** Notice that the craft “jumps” at the end. It creates a Stargate and travels elsewhere in our universe in an instant.
Our secret Air Force obviously hadn’t perfected its advanced invisibility device yet otherwise this TR3-B wouldn’t have been caught on camera at all.
Over 30 deaths of young, healthy Canadian doctors cannot be explained any other way than they were killed by the vaccine – The Burning Platform (article plus Stew Peters interview)
Have you figured out that AMA “doctors” are not too smart? The fact of the matter is that they are part of a medical monopoly started by Globalist Rockefeller, meant from the beginning in 1912 to control and kill you.
If you don’t understand this, then perhaps you are also not too bright yourself.
Exclusive: Trump Responds to Alex Jones Covid Vax Challenge
This confirms that Trump is dangerously stupid.
You might as well vote for a democrat as this dumb, dangerous, evil bastard. He has killed hundreds of thousands, the truth has come out, so what does he do?
He takes a position to kill more people!
I would like to see criminal charges against him on this matter.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Unvaxxed Coast Guard cadets given 24 hours to vacate campus – WND
If we had listened to the founders, and eschewed standing armies, and instead kept our state militias, as the 2nd amdnemnet says is “necessary” to remain free this would not be happening. We are a nation of extremely dumb people is the only conclusion that I can come to.
Washington Commanders Football Player Shot in Carjacking Attempt in Broad Daylight in DC – Gateway Pundit
And I thought that guns were against the law in DC! How could this have happened? For some reason shootings seem to happen in these gun free zones. I can’t figure it out can you? Our politicians sure can’t.
TikTok Is “A Weaponized Military Application” In The Hands Of Our Kids: Casey Fleming
Situation Update, Aug 30, 2022 – THE GREAT UNRAVELING is now upon us – Mike Adams (96 minutes)
Pope Instructs ALL Vatican Entities to Move all Funds to Vatican Bank Before September 30 – Hal Turner Radio
I don’t think it coincidental, that this date coincides with the information that Hal Turner released on his August 29th show. Bad bad things are going to happen to the banks very soon according to Hals information.
Priceless: The Very NIH – Who Told Everyone that Using Ivermectin to treat COVID was idiocy – Is now telling Doctors that Ivermectin is Approved COVID Treatment – Hal Turner Radio
It makes as much sense to send your child to a government school, as it does to hire a pedophile to baby sit your child. Yet Christians do it. Christians support it.
You condone stealing from the population in the form of a property tax, (1st plank of the manifesto) to pay for these 10th plank of the Communist manifesto, schools.
Quit paying! Quit submitting! Quit funding evil! Quit funding your own enslavement. Quit being at war with God!
“…know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God”
~James 4:4

Notes from August 29, Show: The Troubles we have are about to get worse; much, much worse – Hal Turner Radio
British Government Begins Paying $140,000 to COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Victims – Jamie White
Yet your pastor and your so called law enforcement ignore the largest murder spree since the beginning of recorded history! I can not express the disgust that I have for these 2 positions.
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
~Revelation 3:15-16
Brian Stelter Arrested –
I want to know why the hell the US military arrested this pedophile?
Isn’t this why we pay “law enforcement”?
Are we under marital law?
The Tyranny Continues: A Trader Joe’s Manager Gives Me an Ultimatum
By Allan Stevo
Check out:
Why don’t Christians know right from wrong any longer?
There are multiple causes: The Johnson Amendment that churches get into when they blasphemously form 501c3 churches by asking the state for permission to form a church. This keeps you pastor silent.
I am convince that most pastors are cowards,
Modern Christian Churches today have adopted Adolph Hitler’s interpretation of Romans 13. Like the Catholics believe that the pope is in effect God, the rest of Christianity believes that in effect that government is God.
When you are delusional enough to believe that what the Satanic government does comes from God, you cease to be able to tell the difference between good and evil. When you don’t teach your flock the important things, because of the Johnson Amendment, you have a congregation that can not distinguish between good and evil.
When you do not know good from evil you often support evil, and this is exactly what modern Christianity is all about.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ”
~2 Thessalonians 2:11
The bottom line is that in 1776 Christianity was one of the great forces of good on the planet, it was a blessing to mankind, and honored God.
Today, what I call Modern Christianity is an evil cancer upon the earth. and it needs to go. Modern Christianity is one of the biggest supporters and followers of the Satanic Agenda, that exists on the planet today. When you can not distinguish good from evil, you are not following Jesus Christ, but rather the Son of Perdition.
David Wilcock talks about exotic materials, alien tech and the defeat of the anti-human globalists – Mike Adams (33 minutes)
Warning: Your iPhone video of Mt. Rushmore ‘could land you in jail’– WND
Situation Update, Aug 29, 2022 – Deep state wants “blood in the streets of America” by Halloween – Mike Adams (119 minutes)
The Fallen Angels Chained Under The Euphrates River – Tales From Out There
EBT Down Nationwide, People Furious as Welfare Cards Stop Working –
Don’t think for a minute that the monsters that run this country would not do this for a week, to make all of our big cities burn.
I would definitely listen to Hal Turners show on Monday at 8pm CST
SNAP, EBT outages reported across the country – NBC
Major Air Assault Against Western Ukraine . . . from Belarus Territory – Hal Tuner Radio
Ukrainian Assassin Who Bombed Russian Darya Dugina, Found STABBED TO DEATH – Hal Tuner Radio
Politician claims Assault Rifles create foot wide exit wounds – Garand Thumb (12 minutes)
I wish to hell they did. It would significantly reduce the danger of return fire!
In the real world exit wound size depends mostly on the bullet choice and exit wound size matters not what kind of gun you shoot it from.
The COVID jab is a satanic sacrifice to Lucifer so…..
Does this mean that we should be charging those that are allowing the child sacrifice of the COVID jab with Capital Crimes, and put them to death if found guilty?
Remember that this includes your police, your County Sheriff, your doctor, your pharmacist, your pastor, your politicians, and many others….
The freaking governor of Missouri pushes the jab on his website!
Do you see at least some culpability in these deaths?
I happen to see a lot of culpability of our RHINO Governor.
“Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.”
~Leviticus 20:2
BOOK: God owns my business: By Stanley Tam as told to ken Anderson
The Lawless FBI–A Threat to America’s Constitutional Republic – Gateway Pundit
The fact of the matter is that ALL of what we now call “law enforcement” mostly enforce the unconstitutional “laws” that Satans minions like the Illuminati, Obama, and Soros have gotten written.
Go back to 1776, and most Americans would not recognize “law enforcement” . It consisted of a single county Sheriff that did his job by administering” the law as the Constitution puts it. (he was a paper pusher mostly) If he needed manpower he turned to the Militia or more politically correctly phrased, he formed a posse.
Very few of any on the conservative right, really understand how distorted and tyrannical all law enforcement has become. If you are one of the very few that seeks truth and knowledge I highly suggest you reading at least the preface and 1st chapter of Balko’s book:
Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko
Why Has The Pope Got An ANCIENT ALIEN On His Robes? – Tales from out there
DEA head: Mexican cartels are using FENTANYL to kill Americans in record numbers – Natural News
Let me make myself perfectly clear: The drug war in this country was hoisted upon us by the Satanic Globalists. ( And most Christians support it as they seem to support most of the “Satanic Agenda”)
The US war on drugs is a carbon copy of the Opium Wars that gave the globalists huge control of the Chinese government through corruption and made them very rich.
It is not the Mexican Cartels that are responsible for these deaths but the US government and the “Christians” that support this Copy of the Chinese Opium War. God almighty gave us free will and that includes choosing what we ingest!
If drugs were sold in the free market as they were in the early 20th century,
they would be of known concentration so people would not accidentally overdose! Also any type of harm or fraud resulting in injury from the products use could be addressed in civil courts!
Follow the Lord Jesus Christ or follow Lucifer, and follow his war on drugs and guns (his war on our God given rights) If you do, I think God finds you blasphemous. You are interfering with free will – something that God himself does not do!
Additionally this war is NOT Constitutional at all! So supporting it you are both blasphemous and a law breaker!
“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”
~Matthew 7:23
We are a lawless nation of morons because the US Contortionist prohibits these “laws”.
However some morons (Dave?) believe that sexually confused men in black dresses can change the constitutions with their opinion by calling it “case law”.
US/UK/NATO Covert Weapons Smuggling Routes & Methods Uncovered– Hal Turner Radio
Former CIA Agent Alien Encounter ”There Is Non-Human Intelligence Living With Us on Earth’ SQ;PART TRUE;BUT HE KNOWS WE INTERACT WITH THEM!-LITTLE TRUTH,BUT A DIVERSION BY OUR GOV’T,AS THEY HAVE TREATIES WITH ALIENS – Tales from out there
Excavated Canaanite High Place: ‘the sin of the Amorites‘ THE SINS OF THE AMORITES,THE MOST POWERFUL OF ALL THE CANAANITES –‘CHILD AND HUMAN SACRIFICE’- TO MOLEK – Expedition Bible (17 minutes)
BP Refinery in Whiting Burns – ENERGY EMERGENCY DECLARED – Hal Turner Radio
Energy Emergencies Declared After BP Refinery Fire In Indiana: The largest in the Midwest, though there hasn’t been an impact on gas prices so far. It’s not clear when the Whiting refinery, which is the sixth largest in the U.S., will get back online.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 27, 2022, # 368 ( Dane Wigington ) – 46 minutes
Just a thought: I we did not have the standing army that we call the US military, then the largest contributor to this planet killing “Chemtrailing” would not be happening. The founders told us to not have standing armies, though they could not foresee a US standing army playing a huge part in Lucifer’s’ teraforming of the planet, they still were spot on.
A second thought: There are several hundred thousand pastors in this country and virtually none, are warning their flocks about what Lucifer has been doing to the planet for decades. Are they all that stupid or are they cowards?
“I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.”
~Jeremiah 2:7
Dane talks about frozen methane deposits under the oceans. But the temperatures would not be conducive to a solid state, UNLESS I thought it was under extreme pressure. This phase chart did not support my explanation but I don’t think that Dane was wrong, I am just having a problem explaining it.
Trainloads of More Russian Armor Arriving Against Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
And another Dead American
“It’s not just Ukraine losing people, the United States is losing citizens as well.
In the area of the settlement of Yegorovka, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) troops found a body of a mercenary from the USA, Alan Joshua Jones, who lived in Tennessee before arriving in Ukraine. The dead body was mined. According to reports, he was shot by Ukraine troops after he tried to retreat ” ~ Hal Turner
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: University of Pennsylvania eliminates MCAT requirement for non-White medical students – Natural News
Its just the beginning…
when they graduate medical school, and and can’t pass the
test for their medical license, they will be given “help” there too.
This discussion in reality is off base, as government has no authority whatsoever to get involved in mandatory medical licensing. (that was started by the globalist Rockefeller family BTW)
With the free market you could go to an AMA licensed doctor if you choose to, but with the free market you also could choose anyone else. Perhaps one from an accreditation that did not skew the requirements to graduate. It would be your choice, and we would be rid of the medical monopoly that allowed the COVID scam to murder millions! Don’t you think that medical people would have spoken up if it were not for the threats from illicit AMA monopoly that could keep them from being able to work? With the free market in medicine, as we had before 1912, hundreds of millions of COVID jab victims ,might well be alive, because medical workers could have warned them.
Do not lose sight that our pastors and churches do not believe that you have the God given right to choose your own medical care. Hell they sit idly by while children are given brain damaging fluoride in their water, without any consent whatsoever. If theses cowards ever stood up to evil this would be a different country.
Revealed: Naomi Judd Died From Single Gunshot Wound to the Head and Left Suicide Note – Gateway Pundit
And not a damn thing about the globalist destruction of the nutrition in our food, causing the negative mental health effects.This article wants you to come to the conclusion that this was the failure of the demons called psychiatrist and not of diet and toxins in the environment.When and where are we going to get the truth?
Rolling Blackouts Begin in Europe; Not Enough Gas to Generate Electric – Hal Tuner Radio
Triple or Quadruple COVID-Vax Recipients Now Developing SORES — **NOT** Monkeypox – Hal Turner Radio
Covid-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent
The fundamental right to make decisions about bodily health and medical treatments – By Robert W Malone MD, MS
I find this amusing at best, as in reality the State of Missouri grossly violates the Nuremberg treaty. You can not go to a dentist in this state, and refuse cancer causing dental x-rays! If you live in a city, the state drugs you and your children with deadly fluorine compounds with any consent at all!
Because my body is the temple of the holy spirit can I file a religious objection to the forced dental x-rays or the fluoridation of my water? No the state goes further to make sure that you have no choices: It is illegal to drill your own well in most places that fluoridate the water. It is also illegal for people to practice dentistry without the state “license” where they are forced to make you submit to cancer causing treatments.
As far as I can see our Churches and pastors are 100% onboard with this eugenics and denial of our God given rights. Either you follow the Lord Jesus Christ or you follow Satan. Our churches and pastors seem to have chose the latter.
Rutherford Institute Challenges Government Efforts to Undermine Sixth Amendment Rights in Criminal Cases – Rutherford Institute
After attending the 12 year dumbing down camps that we euphemistically refer to as public schools, American children know next to nothing about the principles that this country was founded upon. They do not know for instance that the people are above government, and that they can alter or abolish it, if it becomes tyrannical and does not secure their rights. Children that read the Declaration in grammar school 100 years ago, used to know this as did the general adult population. Today the general public does not know right from wrong as a result of not knowing our history and our rights both under God and under law.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, we the people have much more power than all government through 2 institutions that we have let the Satanic government completely destroy,, and make impotent because they conveniently did not teach you about them in the government schools!
Those 2 institutions that you think your understand, but in reality do not know about, are the Jury and the State Militias.
Our Satanic Government has taken your right to jury trials away on so many fronts that I can only skim the surface: They can take your children with CPS, and your county sheriff , without the due process of a jury trial, You can get a jury trial for littering, but not in matters of the state kidnapping your child into a system of state run sexual exploitation. If a creditor or the county tax collector sends men with guns to take the home you live in, again you do not get a jury trial. Attorneys also play a big part with “Voir Dire” used in jury selection. There is a lot more to the Satanic destruction of the jury that I don’t have room for here……
The State Militias were destroyed by the Criminal Federal government after the civil war, it scared the shit out of these tyrants that the states would be able to defend themselves against Federal tyranny, and put a stop to that ability. They went a step further and convinced the dumbed down population that the “National Guard” was somehow now the militia….. If you wish to do a deeper dive I suggest you watch:
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
The Mysterious Stranger In Philadelphia July 4th 1776 –
Though well documented your government school failed to teach you an important part of what happened behind the locked doors of Constitution Hall in Philadelphia, on July 4th 1776: A man that called himself St. Germain appeared, no one knew how he got in. He knew every ones names. He knew the secret handshakes.
His purpose seems to have been to convince the founders to sign the Declaration. After all they were signing their own death warrants for treason if they did so.
Many believe that St. Germain was an angel from heaven sent to guide us. Further evidence is a that man calling himself St. Germain appeared in European circles for over 100 years, giving advice to royalty, and did not age at all between appearances that stretched sometimes over 50 years.
Project Veritas to Release Multi-Part Undercover Series Exposing the Secret Curriculum in the American Education System That is Indoctrinating Children – Gateway Pundit
This is far from “secret” – 20 years ago I was reading the works of Charlotte Iserbyt, and John Taylor Gatto, that made the goals of our government run “educational” system Crystal clear:. That it was indoctrination not education.
Our pastors, and churches do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear, and they seem to have no problem with funding, and allowing this evil institution, which is the implementation of both the 1st and 10th planks of the Communist manifesto, to continue to exist. There is not much of the Satanic Agenda that modern churches do not support in one way or another. Real followers of Christ should be as loudly calling for the elimination of this dangerous and evil institution as they are (or should be) calling for the elimination of abortion, and fluoride in our children’s water!
FBI Sets Sights on James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas with Ashley Biden Diary Conviction – Breitbart
May I suggest that you tithe to organizations that fight evil like Project Veritas rather than Christian churches that have done nothing to fight evil for the past 100 years? I think your father in heaven would be much more pleased with this choice.
What to do with PEDIATRICIANS taking part in Operation Herod?
A Canadian practice urges parents to bring their kids in—those between 6 months and 4 years old—for “vaccination,” even as the national toll of children “dying suddenly” keeps rising – The Burning Platform
A large number of health care workers here in Missouri need to be charged as accomplishes to murder. Our ignorant and cowardly pastors and sheriffs have shirked their duties to protect us, and the sheriff’s at least should face criminal prosecution for dereliction of duty resulting in death of those that they are entrusted to protect.
~2 Thessalonians 2:11
Too many do not even know the difference between good and evil.
BREAKING: Pope Francis has ordered all affiliated financial and liquid assets to be transferred to the Vatican Bank by October 1, 2022? – Sarah Westall
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene SWATTED Two Nights in a Row – Need to Know News
The Federal government runs thousands of unconstitutional wealth redistribution programs.
One of these will pay you $30 a month towards your
Internet Bill. I don’t like it, but they have made so many of us poor that we line up for the crumbs and are supposed to be “thankful”.
I for one, would be thankful if they followed the Constitution, and stayed the hell out of our business.
USAC Affordable Connectivity Program
Jared Kushner has ‘prioritized’ exercise after leaving the White House because he thinks he could become IMMORTAL: ‘My generation is, hopefully with the advances of science, either the first generation to live forever or last that’s going to die’ – Daily Mail
Jared Kushner, a Talmudist, thinks he is going to live forever? Where the hell do you think a Satan worshiping Talmudist got that idea?
They’re free to keep on killing us, as long as we keep thinking that they couldn’t be that evil – The Burning Platform
Can you get any blinder than our County Sheriffs and pastors who ignore the greatest mass murder in the history of the world? This is surreal to me. How about you? Then please do something and get off your ass, your “leaders” certainly are not going to do anything!
Ukraine Attacks Zaporozhye nuclear power plant — again. – Hal Tuner Radio
President of Belarus Announces “We have nuclear weapons” – Hal Turner Radio
New York Governor Tells Trump Supporters “Leave the State” – Hal Turner Radio
California gears up for their coming gun grab. I just got this email from CMP(CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM):
“Due to a new Bill in California, CMP cannot send out email communications to our subscribers without having your full address and birthday in our email database…”
So the state of CA wants anyone invoked in firearms, even out of state companies, to have the full address of the person in CA that is getting email from that company!!
Way over the top tyranny IMHO but American Christens are too f’ing stupid
to see reality. And remember “Christians’ that Romans 13 says that your government is God – so just go along.
Shock Video: Elderly Man Beaten, Robbed by Pack of Thugs
Suspects assault, rob victim – then come back for more – News Wars
How the hell is it “shocking”, that people disarmed by their Anti-Christ government, fully supported by the Romans 13 “Christian” idolaters , get assaulted?
Is this not what one would expect?
BREAKING: Great Falls MT, Walmart (the Defrosting Cult Continues) Seriously, Store Up Food NOW)-Photos Included— It’s not a coincidence that so many Montana stores and warehouses are just happening to ‘losing power.‘ –
Lots of places sell these Schmidt 2 stage nickle boron AR triggers. for $64! They are hard to beat in quality vs performance. Significantly improved over standard GI triggers. Crisp, even, predictable break. Google “Schmidt 2 stage nickle boron triggers.” and you will find them.
HOWEVER IF you have an 80% lower you may be better off with a drop in. Because your hammer and trigger pin holes are often not as accurate as a purchased lower, traditional triggers with a separate hammer, disconnection, and trigger often don’t work as well as they should. You can get excessive reset distances etc. This is a bargain, PSA single stage, drop in for $89 I don’t know who makes it for them. That may be somewhere in the reviews.
MidwayUSA has some great higher end options I like the 2 stage Texas made CMC triggers that are now $230 And found a deal on a CMC single stage that was on sale for $170
The best combo deal of the same CMC trigger with a complete lower build kit (sans the stripped lower) for $199. You get decent Magpul furniture, the buffer tube, a stock and more for just $30 more than a very reasonably priced trigger.
Whistleblowers: FBI Purposely Stalled Hunter Biden Laptop Probe To Help Biden’s Election Chances
by Kelen McBreen
And the apostate Christian church continues to support evil government no matter how heinous their actions. After all Romans 13 tells us that government is God and that we should blindly trust and do exactly what they tell us to do….. which has resulted in the vaccine murder of hundreds of millions of human beings. I am sure that God is proud of the modern churches part in murdering children.
Ukraine Flag Hanging Outside Texas Governor’s Mansion Sparks Backlash
by Kelen McBreen
The Texas governor has basically told us that he is on the New World Order team, and is running a mind control psy-op for them. How do you think Christians have come to where they do not know Good from evil? You are looking at one of the ways in this article.
‘F*ck You, Dr. Fauci!’: Megyn Kelly Scorches Outgoing WH Covid Adviser for Dismissing Congressional Subpoena
by Jamie White ( article and 98 minute video)
MUST SEE INTERVIEW: Trauma Physician Exposes Coordinated Medical Tyranny Op to Depopulate Humanity – Alex Jones Show (44 minutes)
It’s Official: The Entire Covid/Poison Vax House of Cards Is In FREEFALL COLLAPSE & the Rats Are Leaving the Sinking Ship! TUNE IN NOW
The Alex Jones Show
PrepWithMike GEAR review: Satellite messaging and solar generators – Mike Adams (21 minutes)
Why BRICS nations will win World War III while the West collapses into ruin – Mike Adams (21 minutes)
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000’green police’ officers to go after those who violate green-related criminal issues’ to safeguard the country from disasters supposedly caused by human-related climate change & will be a revolution.’ –
More standing armies to control and eliminate the population.
Ukrainian Parliament Votes to Give Themselves a Raise thanks to US Taxpayers – As Country Bans Free Speech and Targets ‘Information Terrorists’ – Gateway Pundit
If The IRS Wants To Find Lost Tax Dollars, It Should Look In Ukraine – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Biden’s FBI Investigating Border Patrol Agents Arrest of Criminals on SoCal Beach While Crowd in Mexico Cheers (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit
WOW! Tucker Carlson Has Gone Completely Scorched Earth! –
watch video here (26 minutes)
Elevating Nazism to Sainthood –
With The United States Government Proven To Be A Clear And Present Danger To The American People, These Are The Facts Of Treason Carried Out By The Biden Cabal Upon Americans – All News Pipeline
Situation Update, Aug 25, 2022 – Media FLIPS, sets stage to blame Trump for widespread VACCINE INJURIES and deaths – Mike Adams (107 minutes)
How To Pressure Can BEEF STEW | Canning Meat | Pressure Canning – Riverside Homestead Life (19 minutes)
Prepare while you still can
Troop Notification – Fort Campbell, KY – Hal Turner Radio
“Tsunami Of Shutoffs”: 1 In 6 US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills
How Much Of The U.S. Has China Already Infiltrated Right Under Our Noses?
Through land grabs, media partners, and spies, the Chinese assault is less of a swift invasion and more of an endless infiltration.
As COVID Vaccine Injuries Pile Up, It’s Worth Remembering: Medicine Is a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. – The Defender
The Marshfield Mail is thinly veiled mind control, and so is your local “NewsPaper”
Pushing the Globalist agenda using neuro linguistic programming (NLP)
is what the Marshfield Mail does. In the following 2 stories they push the globalist and Satanic war on guns and their war on drugs. That are pushed heavily through the Globalist United Nations.
In this story: Seymour Couple Charged with Class D Felonies they continue the indoctrination that somehow you do not have a God given right to choose what you ingest and that we delegated that right to government so they can dictate what we ingest.
In the second story : Update on Stolen Catalytic Converter Ring: they refer to an “unregistered firearm”. The 2nd amendment says “shall not be infringed” and in the holy bible Gods word never puts limits on your being able to defend yourself and your family. The bible never tells you that you must register your “sword” with Caesar. In fact Jesus told the disciples to buy a Roman sword which was illegal for them to own! So clearly Jesus did not believe in registering weapons instead he told his followers to ignore an evil law.
I think that Pastor Chuck Baldwin nailed what this so called ” newspaper” is doing, as a change agent for the new world order. They are creating a population that calls good evil and that call evil good.
Here is his message:
These People Are Out Of Their Minds! – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (86 minutes)
Chuck nails it! He points out what I learned years ago: That modern “Christians” absolutely do not know right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
‘Call evil good, and good evil’: Secret weapon to seduce, mesmerize Americans now revealed
How tyrants and lunatics are enslaving Americans by redefining everything –
If there is one universal thing about the modern 501c.3 Church it is that they
have all been so dumbed down by the Satanic Agenda that they miserably fail any test of them knowing good from evil. As in Hosea 4:6 they also universally reject the knowledge to know right from wrong.
hey are absolutely ignorant of God’s Natural Laws.
Government-approved weather manipulation led to 1952 Lynmouth flash floods – Natural News
Listen to this:
Trump, and now a US Congresswoman from Georgia:
You all know that I am not a fan of swat teams. Not by a long shot. I have seen nothing but dangerous and criminal endangerment of innocent lives when they are deployed.
When The Government Does This! You Know Something BAD’s About TO Happen! (Hint: Alien Disclosure) – Lisa Haven (10 minutes)
This is a lot more involved than you have been taught. Ask if your life is worth doing it right?
Rifle Cleaning for Accuracy and Reliability – Sam Andrews – Freedom Center USA in Lebanon MO (36 minutes)
U.S. Now Pulling Guns/Ammo from ACTIVE DUTY Units to Send to Ukraine! – Hal Turner Radio
This is precisely why both the founders and Jesus Christ warned us about standing armies.
Americans are cowards. They would rather die than to mention the M word. (militia) much less to actually become involved in protecting their own rights as God showed us in Genesis 14.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
TUESDAY FULL SHOW 8/23/22 – Lancet Medical Journal Confirms Covid Vax Causes Collapse of Human Autoimmune System – Alex Jones Show (178 minutes)
Leftists Crushed in School Boards Across Florida – Breitbart
Wonderful! Now a different group controls the 10th plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto rater than getting rid of it.
Western Rifle Shooters Association
Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it
A great site with a lot of resources.
Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’ –
They are soon going to spring the great deception on Christianity and most Christians are going to fall for it.
FBI Investigates Millions of Americans Without Warrants – Dr Mercola
Biden Regime ‘Levying War’ Against The United States By Facilitating Invasion Of America By Foreign Entities, Which Is Treason – All News Pipeline
If we actually hung criminals in government for treason, we not only would not have a Federal Government, we would have a very thinned State, and County Government. Come to think of it from what I know of our local city council, I think a very good case of treason could be made against them also.
Most of what these mentioned entities do in reality, is trample your God given rights and call it protecting you or regulation. (which is treason in my book)
This is what happens when the Christian Church is so infiltrated by Lucifer’s agents that they no longer know good from evil. In fact they often support the evil. Take the fluoridation of the water we give children for example.
“Science” no longer trustworthy: BMJ op-ed suggests all health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise – Natural News
The implications of this escape most. This means that most of the advice that your doctor gives you is based on lies.
Do you know that the average US doctor dies at 59 years of age?
IMHO from taking their own dangerous advice.
Obama strips our military while building own militia – The Sun
Congressman: Obama wants Gestapo-like force – NBCnews
It blows my mind that so called “Christians” still do not see the folly in not having a militia. Lucifer’s mind control works very well.
Most Americans are ignorant in the fact that part of what a militia was to do, was to thwart the growth of standing armies. Jesus Christ told us how he felt about standing armies.
Uvalde Families to Sue Gun Manufacturer, Gun Store as Part of Massive $27 Billion Lawsuit – Need To Know News
The criminals in the Federal Government run a false flag, and murder children with the help of the standing army euphemistically called “police”, who stood by and did nothing.
Now they are using the courts that they control, and have corrupted for decades, and they are going to drive the companies that produce firearms that protect you, out of business. The Americans on the juries are too dumbed down to actually be a jury of our peers…..
How about a county sheriff or a state AG protecting these companies from these government criminals? is asking them to do their jobs asking too much?
Situation Update, Aug 24, 2022 – Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS to elicit “climate crimes” CONFESSIONS – Mike Adams (97 minutes)
A Forgotten Fluoride Letter, from a Government Scientist
By Jon Rappoport
We know what God Almighty says about those that harm children.
Yet I have never heard a pastor in a modern Christian Church speak
speak out about this eugenics and poisoning of our children.
These Wolves in Sheep’s clothing, got a second chance to speak out and protect children with the COVID “vaccine”, and they have utterly failed to protect children on this matter also. God sees what they have done. Need I say more?
“Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”
How Did America Survive Without an Espionage Act?
by Jacob G. Hornberger –
“For some 140 years, the United States did not have an Esp ionage Act. It didn’t come into existence until 1917, when U.S. officials used it to punish Americans who had the audacity to question the U.S. intervention into World War I, an intervention that ultimately led to the rise of the Hitler regime in the 1930s….”
China sends memos to citizens telling them to stockpile for war –
As you know, Brandon and his communist cohorts in DC, have not sent you a letter telling you what they have in store for you. Be afraid, very afraid. They want you dead.
The Average US Household Pays 47 Percent More for Electricity Than a Year Ago –
Don’t lose sight of the fact that it was “environmentalists” that forced the switch from coal to Natural gas. (which fails in cold weather)
Invasion of The IRS!
Darrin McBreen | (2 minutes)
SHOCKING: White Embalmer Clots Are Self Assembling Circuits – Mike Adams and Dr Jane Ruby (61 minutes)
Russia Announces US Practiced Nuclear Bombing Run Against Russia – Hal Turner Radio
Tucker Carlson: This is Fauci’s most notable crime – Tucker Carlson (17 minutes)
Rep. Massie Eviscerates Fauci: ‘Snake Oil Salesman Trying to Ride Wagon Out of Town Before People Hold Him Accountable’
by Adan Salazar – Infowars
FBI Chief Who Oversaw Whitmer Kidnapping False Flag Now Runs DC Office That Raided Mar-a-Lago
by Jamie White – Infowars
Former Head Of Twitter Security Warns Company Likely Infiltrated By Foreign Intelligence Agents
by Kelen McBreen
And Tic-Toc is run and owned by the Communist Chinese.
The rest are CIA operation Mockingbird operations.
Shock Video: Couple Robbed at Knifepoint in Upscale London Neighborhood – Inforwars Europe
Any idiot knows that this is what happens when you disarm the citizenry.
The politicians that disarmed these people need to be charged as accomplices in the crime.
Fence Surrounding Biden’s Delaware Beach House Costs About $500,000; Records Show
The man that wants to take your guns spends half a million dollars on a fence to protect himself. Treason is a capital offense and taking my guns is treason.
God does not like wars of aggression. Perhaps this is divine judgement on the ignorant and cowardly men that fought in this war of aggression.
China Prepares for Conflict: Politicians Hand Power to Military – Hal Turner Radio
The Layoff Tsunami Has Begun: 50% Of U.S. Companies Plan To Eliminate Jobs Within The Next 12 Months – The Economic Collapse
Situation Update, Aug 23, 2022 – Aerosolized “vaccines” to be sprayed on human cities for global depopulation – Mike Adams (91 minutes)
Amish farm under threat from U.S. federal govt for refusal to abandon traditional farming practices – Rebel News
FBI Misled Judge in Obtaining Warrant To Seize Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes – Reason
These People Are Out Of Their Minds! – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (86 minutes)
Chuck nails it! He points out what I learned years ago: That modern “Christians” absolutely do not know right from wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
‘Call evil good, and good evil’: Secret weapon to seduce, mesmerize Americans now revealed
How tyrants and lunatics are enslaving Americans by redefining everything –
If there is one universal thing about the modern 501c.3 Church it is that they
have all been so dumbed down by the Satanic Agenda that they miserably fail any test of them knowing good from evil. As in Hosea 4:6 they also universally reject the knowledge to know right from wrong.
hey are absolutely ignorant of God’s Natural Laws.
The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
By John & Nisha Whitehead
“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”—Harry Truman
“With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention…..”
Tucker Carlson Explains How the FBI Created the Plot to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer – Need to Know News (9 minutes)
BREAKING NEWS: Russia Threatens Military Response Against NATO Country over Car Bombing – Hal Turner Radio
This is a classic and worth your time:
All Wars are Bankers Wars – (43 minutes)
Legacy of the FBI:
Bloody standoff at Ruby Ridge that left 3 people dead started 30 years ago today –
The best piece ever written on Ruby Ridge:
Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins – Will Grigg
Daughter of staunch Putin ally Alexander Dugin killed in car bombing near Moscow: video – New York Post
Alleged Car Bomber Identified – Ukraine Nazi WOMAN – Member of Azov (NAZI) Battalion! – Hal Turner Radio
What is really disgusting is that most pastors are clueless and still support the Nazi Ukraine!!
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
~Isaiah 5:20
The Nuremberg Code: 75th Annual Commemoration – Childrens Health Defense
Vera Sharav: ‘Nuremberg Code Is Our Defense Against Abusive Experimentation’ – The Defender
Mary Holland: Those Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity – The Defender
The State of Missouri does not believe we have God given rights to refuse certain medical “care”. The State of Missouri is violating the Nuremberg code on a daily basis…..
Dentists in the state will fire you, if you don’t consent to cancer causing dental x-rays. We would be better off with no government rather than the Satanic monster that we now have.
This same monster is putting “fluoride” into the water that children drink in Missouri, without any informed consent to comply with the Nuremberg Code.
Steve Quayle: UN’s war against “disinformation” is nefarious plan to take out political resistance – Hagmann Report (90 minutes and article)
Mass vaccinations responsible for 1 in 30 children now having autism – Natural News
NATURE journal reveals how graphene can be used to assemble radio frequency electronics in biological systems – Natural News
Transcending Fear — Surgeon General of Florida Speaks Out
By Dr. Joseph Mercola (78 minutes)
JUST IN: Whistleblower Says Biden Administration Trafficking Up to 40,000 Children Per Month From Border –
Media and Democrats go “Full Orwellian;” Republicans are now all “Terrorists” – Hal Turner Radio
Don’t give up our guns people of God.
Situation Update, Aug 22, 2022 – The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way – Mike Adams (61 minutes)
Major Brands Quietly Slipping Filthy Insects Into Our Food – Salty Cracker (8 minutes)
Fully Vaccinated Mike Tyson, says he was beaten into submission taking covid vaccine says he’s about to die now in wheelchair –
Turn The Other Cheek – The Cowards Favorite Verse –
Russia blames Kiev for deadly Moscow blast – Hal Turner Radio
WHOA! Forty-One Percent of Physical Gold PULLED from Chicago Mercantile Exchange in ONE day! – Hal Turner Radio
You may be too late to buy physical precious metals if you have not already done so.
New Evidence Shows Crooked Electronic Voter Registration System ERIC Is Politically Compromised…STUNNING 104% of Voting Aged Population In MI Is Registered To Vote! –
Keller ISD in Texas pulls several books – including the Bible – from school libraries – News Target
Did the Biden Administration Deliberately Sabotage the Water Supply of a New Mexico Town?
Submitted by Dave Hodges
Ukrainians FLEEING Kiev as Gov’t Tells Kiev Workers “Work from Home starting Monday” – Hal Turner Radio
DeSantis: ‘Every Single Mandate Must Be Removed’ & Vaccine-Injured ‘Should Be Able to Sue’ – Infowars
In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act
~George Orwell
I don’t know how our population can remain so ignorant about the widespread criminality of US police. Local “Police” just like the Federal FBI should be banned as an institution. There is no reforming of evil.
We should go back to the single county sheriffs that we had 200 years ago. I suggest Balko’s book if you want details on how “law enforcement” used to work before the Satanists took it over: Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko
FWIW cavity searches are not rare. I have been the victim of the terrorists in blue in this matter. It is something that I will never forget.
Alexander Dugin’s Daughter Assassinated in Car Bombing in Moscow
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
Zelensky Warns Of ‘Nastier’ Phase Of War As Russia Says Dugin Car Bombing Was A ‘Contract Killing’
by Zero Hedge
Cost of living pushing UK women into prostitution – activists – rt,com
Comedy Break With JP Sears: “Unknown Cause is the Leading Cause of Death” – The Gateway Pundit
Amish Farm Under Threat From Feds For Refusing To Abandon Traditional Farming Practices (Video) –
They must have a Satanically stupid county sheriff, that is allowing this criminal behavior of the Federal Government.
NBC News Admits Sodomy, Not Skin Contact, Is Fueling Monkeypox… So How About Those Children and Those Dogs? – Restoring Liberty
ATF Shows Up At People’s Homes To Confiscate Rare Breed FRT-15 Triggers
And your pastor is silent, he is afraid of the unconstitutional “Johnson Amendment” and losing his tax exempt status. He likely also thinks that Government is God with his Satanic interpretation of Romans 13.
Globalists OPENLY discuss their plans to EXTERMINATE all humans – Mike Adams (11 minutes)
Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted – Ice Age Farmer (21 minutes)
The Rats Are Leaving The Sinking Ship! Alex Jones Issues Emergency Message To Trump (10 minutes)
Home Depot heads up:
We are not supposed to steal. We get prosecuted when we do. Large companies like Home Depot do it quite often and they don’t have to answer to anyone.:
This week I made a return that came to $27. Of course they cant’ just hand you cash, they say they put it back on the card you used. What they actually did was hand me back the original receipt with no proof whatsoever that I had made the return and sure enough the credit is MIA and not showing up.
Walmart screwed me out of $80 last month in a similar situation.
Keep your eyes open, we are dealing with Satanic entities IMHO.
Mike Adams has been misleading people about HopLite rifle plates:
He is correct in that their level III+ plates are extremely light at 2.5 lbs each!
BUT the are not rated for M855 (green tips).
He is not the only one that has done this:
John at Warrior Poet Society has also pointed people to rifle plates
that do not stop green tips!
I love the weight but if they don’t stop M855 why have them?
The moral of the story is not to trust the talking heads and do your own due diligence.
The Coolest Way to Keep Food Cold Without Refrigeration
Electricity not necessary. –
Build your own Zero Energy Cooling Chamber (ZECC) – World Vegetable Center (12 minutes)
MittiCool Clay Refrigerator 50 liter
Human Embryos Without Heads to be Grown in Mechanical Wombs
Infant Organs will be Harvested — No Ethical Problems Seen – Igor’s Newsletter
If you are not aware, the cloning of humans has been perfected for decades.
A clone of anyone can be grown to any age, in 9 months.
Many report that there are clones of Joe Biden for obvious reasons.
The climate engineers control the drought / deluge global rain scenarios all over the world. Rivers are either drying up or flooding from record deluge. Crops are collapsing at a radically accelerating rate.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 20, 2022, # 367 ( Dane Wigington ) (47 minutes)
Trump, Vaccines and Alex Jones – Mike Adams (10 minutes)
All-Time Top 500 Poster
8 hr. ago
I believe the withdrawals of bullion from Comex inventory is functioning the same as a bank run. Individuals that hold their bullion at these warehouses have decided that it is no longer safe from fraud or confiscation and they are acting independently to find other venues for their bullion. At some point, like we see in previous bank runs, there will be some sort of restrictions imposed to prevent bullion leaving the vaults. That is when this fraud breaks wide open.
It should not be a mystery when Germany requested to repatriate some of the bullion in the custody of Fort Knox and were told to go pound sand. That gold is no longer there and the parasites had to find other gold from elsewhere to eventually deliver to them.
I would put the odds at zero that the Money Changers are playing by the rules with custodial bullion at Comex. Zero! For sure some or all of that metal has been stolen and resold to multiple owners and as the inventory declines the scam will be revealed. Long before the last ounce of silver is cleared out the scheme will collapse. The only reason it has not done so already is because hundreds of millions of ‘ounces’ of silver have been delivered through EFPs and quietly settled in cash. Even that is getting long in the tooth and at some point people will just demand their silver – which is not there to deliver.
The smart guys are getting their bullion out of the warehouse now while they still can.
Nuclear war with Russia seems to now be a deliberate, planned, action by the West, and this weekend, elected members of the two most influential western governments tipped their hand. With what they said, nuclear war may be only DAYS away…..
Make sure you have iodine both for supplementation and also to thwart radioactive iodine after a nuclear exchange.
Ep 176 Rober Griswold and the gear that can save your life – American Vindicta Show (77 minutes)
Russia’s Destruction of the Ukraine Military
Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts
$22 glasses of champagne, $20 ‘hand-stretched’ pizzas and views of the NYC skyline: Inside the $700-a-night Manhattan hotel that’ll be home to migrants bussed from the Texas border – but they’ll be made to use a SEPARATE entrance to tourists – Daily Mail
Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are.
If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you’re about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That’s not a typo: 10X, not 10%!
“Modern Christians” have made the BATF God:
It does not matter what God’s word says about self defense.
It does not matter what the law (the 2nd amendment) says about self defense.
It matters not that only the legislature can pass laws.
The dumb bastards, in the pulpits of this country are clueless.
They are not protecting your God given rights.
The wolves in the pulpits of this country seem to always be on board with Satan’s agenda. Did your pastor even bring up this topic? I find the modern Church completely disgusting. and apostate.
“Our shipping team is working around the clock to get your order out. In the event that the new ATF rule permanently restricts our ability to ship our products to customers, full refunds will be issued.”
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
~Revelation 3:15-16
Let him know how you feel about this government blasphemy ..
I suggested legislation to arrest AFT agents on sight, just like
people are talking about doing to the FBI.
Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.
Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.. Two innocent men spent 18 months in jail before they were released. –
How To Tame a Bureaucracy? Get Rid of It –
MSNBC Tells Viewers ‘Civil War Is Here’ & Americans Need to ‘Prepare for Actual Violence’-The mainstream media isn’t holding back when it comes to instigating a divide among the American public. –
America Was Wrong About Leaded Gas – For 100 Years! – Engineering Explained (14 minutes)
The Australian Police are trafficking children on an Industrial Scale – The Crowhouse
No shite and it’s the same in most Countries.
Why do you think that we were warned about “standing Armies”?
Police all over the planet are Satanically controlled. The FBI most certainly is, and FBI whistle blower Ted Gunderson brought us the proof.
The Globalists Own Words Prove Those Who Pulled Off The 2020 Election Coup Have No Intention Of Freeing America And ‘The War On Americans’ Is Very Real And They Want Us All Dead – All News Pipeline
The Globalist WAR on the Elements of Life – watch the bombshell new mini-documentary HERE – Natural News
The Globalist WAR on the Elements of Life – SHARE AND REPOST EVERYWHERE (16 minutes)
Libertarian Party Calls For State & Local Governments To ‘Nullify The FBI’
by Kelen McBreen
Not a huge fan of the Libertarian Party any longer, as they don’t seem to have many principles as they did in the past, but this I do agree with 100%
America is increasingly governed by pedos, perverts and deviants, new report reveals – Natural News
Digital Anti-Christ Government Is Now Formed And Biden Just Issued Executive Order To Help It Rise! – Lisa Haven/Justin Knight (18 minutes)
This is what disarming citizens does:
Situation Update, Aug 19, 2022 – Powerful corporations preparing for imminent economic DEVASTATION event – Mike Adams (74 minutes)
The Scourge of Israeli Apartheid Tyranny in Action –
Notified! Letters Have Been Sent to Education and Health Officials in All 50 States about EMF/RF Radiation Exposure Risks to Kids –
It’s a fact that all of the schools, doctors offices, and hospitals in MO are full of dangerous EMF’s.
It Begins: TMZ Promotes Cricket Protein Powder – The Gateway Pundit
British Royal Air Force No Longer Offering Pilot Jobs to White Men — Only Women and Ethnic Minorities May Apply (Video) – Gateway Pundit
This is why Jesus Christ did not support standing armies. (those that live by the sword…) When Satan’s minions destroy our standing armies there is nothing left to protect the people. This is also an illustration as to why the founders also eschewed standing armies, and told us that the militia was “necessary” to remain free:
Here Is Why 37 Percent Of U.S. Farmers In The Western Half Of The Country Are Killing Their Own Crops – The Economic Collapse
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces 20 Arrests For Voter Fraud (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit
War Propaganda About Ukraine Starting to Wear Thin –
Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant Reports 6-8 Explosions – Hal Turner Radio
Reality Check – Normal Has Gone Forever | Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 8/18/2022 (90 minutes)
This drought isn’t currently limited to Oklahoma and a handful of other states… It’s almost the entire western half of the country…
More Videos Show IRS Run Recruitment Program for High School and College Students Called the “Adrian Project” Started During Bush Administration – Gateway Pundit
America Under A ‘Minority Report’ Scenario Will See Americans ‘Exterminated’ Because Of What Some Globalist Predicts We MIGHT DO At Some Time In The Future –
– Another Reason For Americans To Never Give Up Their Guns
– All News Pipeline
Bill Gates, Climate Change Tyranny, IRS Brown Shirts, A Lemonade Stand And Civil War – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Strange Corporate Decisions This Week – Hal Turner Radio
Exclusive: DHS Whistleblower Confirms 30k to 40k Children Smuggled Per Month in Texas
Has your pastor addressed this abomination? If not you need to find a Shepard and not a wolf for a pastor.
The Problem with Marijuana Legalization
written by laurence m. vance –
The problem with “legalization” is that it is a lie.
Now your extorted money funds criminal government, and their friends.
The modern Christian church is a big enemy of your God given rights in this matter.
Thursday LIVE: Top Scientists Warn Toxic Proteins Found in Bugs 1000X MORE TOXIC Than Processed Gluten, Trigger Autoimmune Disease – Alex Jones (August 18th show)
Joel Salatin on the Potential of Backyard Agriculture – Joe Rogan (6 minutes)
One Year Ago Today: Americans Tuck-Tail and Flee Afghanistan – Hal Turner Radio
Those that fight wars of aggression, those that fight unconstitutional undeclared “wars”, those that help to create empires, are going to be judged by God for their evil.
Look at what God did to king David, when David was just planning an unjust war!! He did not even begin the war and God smote (killed) 70.000 of his men.
I don’t like this anymore than you do, but in many ways these men are getting their just rewards for going along with the evil. Actions have consequences and we saw the consequences of having a standing army in Afghanistan a year ago.
When Jesus said “those that live by the sword will die by the sword” he was speaking IMHO to the US standing army that has replaced the Godly Militia that is purely defensive.
Circuits in Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self-Assemble – Stew Peters (11 minutes)
Situation Update, Aug 18, 2022 – Vaccine clot lab tests reveal shocking accumulation of CONDUCTIVE METALS – Mike Adams (89 minutes)
Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway – The Burning Platform
Did all of the right to life people, and pastors just go on strike?
Where are they on this genocide of infants?
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
~Matthew 18:6
I hope for their sake that these silent pastors have gills.
Zimbabwe’s roll-out of gold coins is a smashing success as cratering dollar will lead other nations, U.S. states, to do the same thing – Natural News
And where the hell are the psychopaths/morons/self-serving-POS, in Jeff city on this issue? You could throw darts at a board and make better decisions than our “leaders” in the Missouri Legislature.
Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?
By John & Nisha Whitehead
John, isn’t it obvious where in the 2nd amendment it says that a militia is “necessary” to remain free? Did not Jesus Christ tell his followers to buy a sword?
Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists – NC Renegade
What is missed is that the Republicans are no different. (read Tragedy and Hope) The government schools purposely create a communist population. Your pastor and church sit on their arses, and support all 10 planks of the communist manifesto. Open your eyes and see the truth…
I congratulate the mainstream press. The Marshfield Mail in particular for running a MK ultra psy-op on the residents of Webster County MO.
They NEVER ever run a story about anything that matters, and on the rare occasion that they do, they will take the opportunity to misinform you.
Be my guest and go take a long look if you don’t believe me.
~Mark Twain
Situation Update, Aug 17, 2022 – 10,000 people A DAY being KILLED by covid vaccines – Mike Adams (72 minutes)
Turn your DI AR15 into a piston gun!
This kit is world class quality and engineering, there is no reason to have to buy an expensive pre-built piston AR 15. Be aware that the barrel must have a 0.750″ gas block for this to work. The current price is an unbelievable $209!
FWIW Sam Andrews in Lebanon MO uses this kit to build his custom $4,000 AR15’s that I saw when I took some classes from him.
Adams Arms Gas Piston Conversion Kit AR-15 .750″ Picatinny Gas Block
This really resonated with me: Most people simply do not see the evil in this world. Walk into any Christian Church if you want proof:
Why I Changed My Mind About Evil! (I Was WRONG) – AwakenWithJP (15 minutes)
Turn ONE Sweet Potato Into 100 LBS Of Sweet Potatoes By Growing SWEET POTATO SLIPS! [Complete Guide] – The Millennial Gardener (17 minutes)
I have had problems growing slips from Okinawan sweet potatoes from an Asian Store, I think the trick is to store them for a few months in a cool place before you need them to spout. Regular orange sweet potatoes from Sams club produced slips this year without any issues.
Heads up! FBI, media allies now laying groundwork for ‘dirty bomb’ false flag incident that will be blamed on Trump’s supporters – Natural News
Cops Shut Down 8-Year-Old Girl’s Lemonade Stand to Protect Society from Unlicensed Lemonade –
I went through a similar experience when I was 14 and wanted to work but choose not to because it involved too much bowing down to Caesar, which I recognized even at that age.
This is exactly how you create a population of people that don’t want to go through the hoop jumping, necessary to get permission to work and are much more inclined to just go on the dole. I don’t blame them at all.
***** BULLETIN ***** Ukraine Artillery Hits Reactor Cooling System and Nuke Waste Containers – Hal Turner Radio
A new jailbreak for John Deere tractors rides the right-to-repair wave
Exploit now provides root access to two popular models of the company’s farm equipment. –
I don’t know if you realize it, but you can not get a factory manual from Stihl for their chainsaws! You can not get technical specifics for simple things such as gaping the replacement electronic ignition!
Honda marine outboards, the same thing. You can not get the factory manual from Honda unless you are a certified dealer!
The answer is not more laws. The answer is more informed people that will vote with their dollars!
Dodge announces ‘Last Call’ for V8-powered Challenger and Charger muscle cars
Discontinuing its internal-combustion engine models as company goes electric –
WWII time footage has emerged showing Nazi antigravity (vril) technology – Tales from out there
TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts
TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts:It doesn’t exist officially. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship.
Barack Obama is a Destroyer – Listen to his EVERY word: Hal Turner Radio
Laptop suggestion:
The Lenovo T430 Thinkpad, is the laptop that I have run for the past few years. It has to be the best laptop purchase that I have ever made. It is built like a tank, and you can get the PDF manual that shows you how to do virtually anything to it. I just put a knock-off keyboard into the T430 that I am now typing on. It took 15 minutes and cost $38. Do some due diligence and I think you will be sold on it also.
Another nice thing about the T430, is that you can take out the DVD and put a second HD into the bay. Or just boot from a single HD in the bay.
Lenovo Thinkpad T430 – Amazon $329
Why I consider the Lenovo T430 the best laptop value around
The Definitive T430 Modding Guide
Must-Read Book Asks: Why, After 7 Decades, Don’t We Have Proof Vaccines Provide More Benefit Than Risk? – The Defender
Dismantle The ‘American Stasi’ – The FBI Has Become The Single Most Dangerous Group To The American Constitutional Republic And Must Be Abolished – All News Pipeline
DeSantis Unveils Ultimate Florida License Plate – And Libs Are Completely Losing Their Minds – Gateway Pundit
94% of Baby Foods — Including Homemade — Contain Brain-Damaging Heavy Metals, New Study Shows – The Defender
Of course they do! There are a dozen eugenics operations going on.
COVID is just the latest of many.
You WILL Eat the Bugs: Major Brands Quietly Slipping Insects Into Your Food
by Adan Salazar
Frontline Doctor Letter From Prison –
Minneapolis Teachers Union Demands White Teachers Get Fired First
by Paul Joseph Watson
Lucifer understands divide and conquer.
The FBI, the FED, and 87,000 Armed & Dangerous Extortionists – Jeff Berwick –
Situation Update, Aug 15, 2022 – The DS plan revealed: Frame a civil war to justify UN troops to OCCUPY and DISARM America – Mike Adams (79 minutes)
Does Any Nation Have A Right To Exist? – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (78 minutes)

Interview of Author(38 minutes)
There exist two blatant contradictions which roughly ninety-nine percent of intellectuals, journalists, and voters erroneously believe.
On the one hand, they say that the free market must be regulated in order to prevent monopolies. It is assumed that these monopolies would have such great power over the market that their customers would be forced to settle for products far more expensive than, and inferior to, those that would be offered under competitive market conditions. On the other hand, these intellectuals, journalists, and voters explicitly advocate that one group (government) monopolize the money supply, policing, courts, taxation, legislation, compulsory education, and a myriad of other things that we may consider to be vitally important.
Second, the vast majority of people recognize the moral legitimacy of the biblical commandments “Thou Shalt Not Steal” and “Thou Shalt Not Murder.” Yet, when it comes to the practices of taxation and war, these principles are blatantly disregarded by almost everyone. If taxation is not theft, why can only governments do such a thing? Why not simply allow all organizations, companies, clubs, churches, or individuals to issue taxes?
It should therefore come as no surprise that governments are infamous for delivering poor quality. Imagine a restaurant where you had to pay regardless of whether they brought food to your table.
First Dog Infected With Monkeypox After “Sharing Bed” With Gay Couple
by Paul Joseph Watson
What you need to know is that the powers that be, have engineered many biological threats to easily cross species. What this means is that the powers that be will use this to destroy our food supply, saying that cows, pigs, and chickens are disease carriers and begin killing them all.
Now you know what the insect food factories are for.
Evidence confirms that TWA Flight 800 was shot down by the U.S. military, followed by a massive coordinated cover-up – Natural News
Many of us knew this 10 years ago….
Courageous Nurses Across America Are Testifying About The Rapidly Growing ‘Vax Body Count’ While Comparing US Hospitals To Concentration Camps, Putting Their Lives In Danger – All News Pipeline
SCIENCE sees human as WEEDS, and food poisons are WEED KILLERS for DEPOPULATION – Mike Adams (15 minutes)
Special Sunday Broadcast: America Awakens To Deep State Coup, Calls For Abolishment of FBI Reach New High – FULL SHOW 08-14-22 – Alex Jones (88 minutes)
Caught on Video: CPS Employee Tells 14-Year-Old Girl to Become Prostitute
Libertarian Party Official Twitter Account: “Go Buy Ammo. Now.” – Hal Turner Radio
Absolute MUST READ–Greyerz – This Global Collapse Will Be Like Nothing Seen Before Featuring Economic Disintegration, War And Riots –
The Truth Slips Out: Head of Ukraine Intel Admits Covert Deployment of Army in December for War against Donbas – Hal Turner Radio
The three MOST IMPORTANT FACTS about the war in Ukraine –
#1 – The war was started by the USA in 2014, when they paid to foment, incite, and facilitate the overthrow of then-President Viktor Yanukovich.
#2 – There was a MAJOR military offensive planned by US/Ukraine Nazis for the first week of March 2022 that would have directly attacked all major cities of the Donbass Republics. It would have been genocide, with tens or hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths.
#3 – It was only Russia’s Operation Z military intervention that prevented the massacre.
Ted Cruz Questions Clueless FBI Director On ‘Nonsensical’ Document Claiming Patriotic Symbols Are Extremist –
It looks like the FBI has taken this insanity directly from the Missouri Highway Patrol, that was (and still is?) waging a war on anyone in Missouri that dares cherish freedom!
Here are 2 MIAC reports from Missouri that were issued to the MO highway patrol . They demonize the militia and anyone that believes in “anarchy”. Unbeknownst to most Americans both of these terms have been twisted, and redefined in order to deceive and oppress you. Very much like they have recently changed the definition of “vaccine:”.
Here is a 9 minute Youtube on the Missouri MIAC report:
MIAC Report – What Government Really Thinks Of People That Want Freedom
There would not be a United States if there were not a militia. “Anarchy”, which literally means without a king, is the message that God’s prophet Samuel tried to convince the Israelite’s to continue with. The Declaration of Independence is also a document that endorses anarchy. The world renowned Rose Wilder Lane in her book: The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority comes to the same conclusion about God and the Declaration being supportive of not having a king (anarchy).
If we are going to call for the elimination of the FBI due to criminality we should also be calling for the elimination of the Missouri State Troopers, who FWIW are also involved in “asset forfeiture” which is nothing more than legalized theft. In fact “police” through asset forfeiture steal more than is taken through burglaries.
Stay tuned for an article exposing that many other Missouri Government entities that are just as tyrannical, and out of control as the FBI and the IRS.
HERE ARE THE FACTS: Norfolk NATO Base is “fully operational” and ready to support the “international order” – Sarah Westall
Do you realize where this is going if you continue to sleep?
It may already be too late to stop the globalists…..
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill
AGAIN! U.S. Sends ANOTHER Congressional Delegation on Military Plane to Taiwan – Hal Turner Radio
Some very good thoughts that may save your life:
Marauders will kill most preppers if you do not do this. – southernprepper1 (17 minutes)
If you listen to this, you will likely be shocked:
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 13, 2022, # 366 ( Dane Wigington ) (44 minutes)
Official sources have finally been forced to acknowledge that the entire planet has been completely contaminated by PFAS’forever chemicals’,the largest single source of toxic atmospheric nanoparticle pollution is the ongoing global climate intervention op
A bargain to start your next rifle build:
AR-15 80% BILLET LOWER- BLACK ANODIZED – $79 from 5D Tactical
I can vouch for the 5D gig, it works very well for AR15 and AR10 80% lowers
You might want to consider a pistol build around this 11.5″ Faxon barrel:
Faxon Duty Series Barrel AR-15 5.56x45mm 1 in 8″ Twist Gunner Contour Steel Nitride – 11.5″ is $134
Man who took hostages demanding his own money becomes public hero in Lebanon – The Guardian
Is AI Satan’s Surveillance System? – Exclusive Report
Red Pilled TV | (6 minutes)
2024 election being rigged ‘right now in plain sight’ – WND
Government data show that 1 out of every 246 covid vaccinated people DIES within 60 days – Natural News
The History of Predictive Programming in Film – Jay Dyer hosting the Alex Jones Show (36 minutes)
How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine:
To this day, the Rockefeller family owns about 50% of all drug companies, and The Rockefeller Foundation has played a central role in the global cabal’s effort to impose worldwide totalitarianism – Dr Mercola
Pay attention folks to the fact that Satanists, with the help of Congress, (and the Christian Church) are the ones that formed the AMA medical monopoly.
Since Sat phones are almost not available, some have been looking at what are called push to talk “Satellite radios”. Unlimited talk time for a bit over $100 a month. beats the heck out of some of the sat phone plans. I believe that one draw back is that these are not part of the telephone system, so if you want to talk voice, that is a charge on top of the charge for unlimited push to talk radio. Also anyone that you wish to talk to has to have a sat radio. You can not push to talk to your friends sat phone. Anyhow these are interesting devices:
ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT Iridium Satellite Radio
BREAKING POINT for America: Steve Quayle and Mike Adams warn of the coming nullification, secession and CIVIL WAR – Mike Adams (73 minutes)
The FBI Raid, IRS Expansion & Obama Agenda Are All Connected In Plot To Incarcerate Millions Of Americans
Owen Shroyer hosts The Alex Jones Show (37 miutes)- August 12th 2022
CIA Chief: ‘We Will EXECUTE Trump If He’s Found Guilty’-Hayden and MSNBC contributor Michael Beschloss both posted tweets on Thursday warning that the public need to get used to the idea of Donald Trump being executed – News Punch
Americans for the most part are totally unaware of the extent that intelligence agencies are the institution that really run the country, with the help of a treasonous military, and controlled judges and courts.
Here’s The Warrant: DOJ Investigating Trump For Potential Violations Of Espionage Act, Obstruction Of Justice
by ZeroHedge
How to Become Great At Shooting UNDER PRESSURE
To help you in this goal, I highly suggest a shot timer, like this one available from MidwayUSA in Missouri:
Competition Electronics Pocket Pro Shot Timer
FYI you can configure the timer to beep without hearing a shot, allowing
you to practice without actually using any ammo.
Trump Should Face Execution Over Alleged Nuclear Docs, Suggest Ex-CIA Chief & Others
by Kelen McBreen
And just like that . . . It’s Over! CDC Fully Caves to reality – Hal Turner Radio
Take the time to listen to this:
Why I No Longer Trust Police (FURIOUS RANT) – Wranglerstar (11 minutes)
About time you woke up Wranglestar….
They are called a “standing armies” and the founders warned us about them.
FWIW Jesus Christ told us that those that lived by the sword would die by the sword.
“Beyond Chilling” — Homeland Security Seeks to Share Biometric Databanks With Foreign Countries –
US Forests Clearcut to Supply EU with Fuel. Germany Prepares to Turn Off Its Power – Need to Know News
I wonder how much the satanic property tax figures into land owners doing this to their land.
Google Searches For “Firewood” In Germany Have Exploded – Zero Hedge
US Industry Starting to Buckle From Electric Costs – Hal Turner Radio
Author Salman Rushdie stabbed on stage in New York while giving speech – Hal Turner Radio
This is what happens when you have thugs, called “police” that disarm the population. Are we so incredibly stupid that we don’t see what enables this to happen?
Ukraine Using American-Supplied Weapons to ATTACK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT – Hal Turner Radio
Situation Update, Aug 11, 2022 – Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS – Mike Adams (78 minutes)
Mike when it comes to government you often miss the most important points:
You don’t seem to be aware that the income tax is the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto, and that the only reason for the tax is to pay interest to the globalists that illegally counterfeit our money.
The income tax is not used to fund the government Mike, so a 20% national sales tax is not needed unless you wish to continue paying the globalists interest for counterfeiting our money! It would make much more sense for our government to print our money (as the Constitution says) and not to let criminals counterfeit it and then paying them interest for doing so when our government could do that interest free!
FWIW you also do not seem to understand the 14th amendment nor what the word “unconstitutional” means. Please do your due diligence Mike.
30 Facts That Prove Ranchers Are Panic Selling Millions Of Cattle As The Food Supply Chain Collapses. U.S. ranchers are in panic mode. As drought conditions worsen, the lives of millions of cattle are hanging by a thread –
Epic Economist (13 minutes)
Americans have very short memories. FBI agent Ted Gunderson exposed widespread Satanism at the FBI decades ago:
Ted Gunderson: FBI Whistleblower vs. Satanists – Covert Geopolitics
China Announces Major Gasoline Price Cut After Biden Sends Strategic Reserve Oil to Beijing – Breitbart
Delta Force Seizes IRS Weapons Shipment – Real Raw News
I hope this turns out to be verified.
IRS to Open “Sniper School” – Real Raw News
Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military Exposed – Dane Wigington (17 minutes)
Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth’s last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes. A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world? The short video report below reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.
Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS … see IRS rifle team training photos and more – Mike Adams
World Economic Forum brags that China is controlling weather with “cloud seeding” chemtrail operations – Natural News
Alert! Deep State Planning Trump Assassination Ahead of America’s Destruction
The Alex Jones Show (2 minutes)
New Orleans School District Will Require COVID Jabs for Students Aged Five and Up – National File
What the hell else would one expect after implementing the 10th plank of a Satanic Document known as the Communist Manifesto? Don’t worry about this going away, your pastor and Church support this Satanic Institution.
The Simpsons showrunner Matt Selman reveals Season 34 will FINALLY reveal how they can predict the future with such accuracy:The show has predicted such things as Donald Trump running for President and even the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the years. – Daily Mail
“The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire” – Pastor Chuck Balwin
UN Warns Against Conspiracy Theories, Says ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’ – Need to Know News
Sadly there are enough stupid people around to believe warnings from the very people that are bringing in the New World Order.
BREAKING: FBI Now Going After Pennsylvania’s 2020 Alternate Electors Who Were Selected in Response to Stolen 2020 Election – Gateway Pundit
Lots of great ideas in here:
The IRS Goes Away Under NESARA Law – Rumor Mill News
Before you get too excited about this, consider that it does not go nearly far enough! There will still be a legal monopoly so you will not be able to afford to retain legal services. Just like it is today. Definitely a step in the right direction.
Situation Update, Aug 11, 2022 – Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS – Mike Adams (78 minutes)
Lauren Boebert: Why Do IRS Agents Need $700K in Ammunition?
We now find out why:
IRS Pulls Job Post Detailing How New Accounting Agents May Use ‘Deadly Force’ After Backlash
by Jamie White
If your county sheriff like most, does not have a clue as to what his job is. You might be in trouble. Are you beginning to see why Jesus Christ told his followers to buy a sword? If not then perhaps you deserve the Darwin Award you are aiming for.
The Gringos Are Coming!
In search of imaginary conversations and drugs, south of the border – ( pinche covid)
Not surprised. This is full spectrum warfare.
In addition, they have their unconstitutional/criminal FDA shutting down the factories that make this baby-eugenics-slop.
If somehow these children survive the Federal Government this year, they will face a Lifetime of Federally ordered, IQ degrading fluoridated water.
The FBI Proved Decades Ago They Have No Problem Brutally Slaughtering Innocent Americans While Enforcing Tyranny – ‘Governments’ Are The Biggest Mass Murderers In History – All News Pipeline
Here is a MUST READ take on when the FBI murdered a woman with a baby in her arms.
Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins
By William Norman Grigg
and: Lon Horiuchi: American Sniper
Zoning Officials Tell New Hampshire Church It Can’t Use Living Room To Host Prayer Meetings –
This is exactly what one should expect, after Lucifer has infiltrated almost all of the modern churches, and you teach Adolph Hitler’s interpretation of his favorite verse – Romans 13; That government is god. Thanks to wolves in the pulpit we have returned to the divine right of kings that we escaped in 1776.
Trump Raid? What the Hell Is Wrong with this Picture?
By Gary D. Barnett
‘…This is not all that happened by any stretch of the imagination, but it is enough to understand that all this is the fault of the masses of sheep who continue to worship at the alter of government, media, and total political insanity. If ever mental illness were evident, it is now obvious that 99% of this population are consumed by this illness caused by ignorance, indifference, cowardice, and dependency, and even with all this, they continue to believe most everything they are told….”
FBI’s Forgotten History Of Covert Propaganda And Political Interference –
Eric Trump tells what REALLY happened in FBI raid: President’s son says 30 agents REFUSED to hand over warrant, kicked lawyer off property, rifled through clothes – and how Mar-a-Lago staff refused to turn off security cameras – Daily Mail
‘Sever all ties’: Lawmaker urges state to arrest FBI agents ‘upon sight’ – WND
Situation Update, Aug 10, 2022 – Lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ – Mike Adams (92 minutes)
BUT we have criminality of the same scale much closer to home, in our counties, and it is being ignored.
I am talking about the 1st plank of the Communist manifesto: the property tax collectors, whom if you do not pay their arbitrary extortion demands, that without the benefit of a jury trial, men with guns will come to either make you homeless, or if you refuse that offer, will kill you and your family.
The Christian churches sit silently by chanting “government is god” is the most help you will get from these apostate anti-Christ organizations.
Trump Attorneys Expose Gross Irregularities With FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago – Hal Turner Radio
Only the deeply asleep woke up in a police state Dave.
I saw it 50 years ago and watched people like you both ignore it and even support it, because it did not yet affect you
‘Civil War’ trending on Twitter after FBI raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago – Hal Turner Radio
Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds –
Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition
By John & Nisha Whitehead
We’re A Tyranny Now (Ep. 1826) – The Dan Bongino Show (51 minutes)
TRUMP TO BE ARRESTED? – Mark Dice (7minutes)
The Pros and Cons of Emergency Food Buckets – Organic Prepper
Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Due to Covid Vaccines
Great Game India
Situation Update, Aug 9, 2022 – Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump’s America – Mike Adams (86 minutes)
2020: The Year That Pharaoh Stood Up And God’s Men Didn’t – Pastor Chuck Baldwin (46 minutes)
Highly recommend.
Emergency Broadcast! FBI Raid Against Trump Signals Deep State Coup Has Begun: Alex Jones & Roger Stone Respond
The premier US terrorist organization, the FBI needs to go away and many of them prosecuted.
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”
~Matthew 10:26
‘Civil War’ trending on Twitter after FBI raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago –
5 Tips to Keep Your Summer Garden Producing – Nature’s Always Right (25 minutes)
FBI RAIDING TRUMP ESTATE “MAR-A-LAGO” in Palm Beach, FL – Hal Turner Radio
FBI Agents are executing a Search Warrant against the home of President Donald J. Trump at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida at this hour.
The President issued a statement:……..
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
I’m not surprised. Anything to try to make him not run again and take focus off the failures of the democrats before midterms
Pathetic. Our government is against half the country. Plain and simple.
We have public, undisputed evidence of the Clinton’s violating federal law. We have public, reliable evidence of the Biden’s violating the law. But they let that go while raiding Trump.
But there’s this huge Psy-op that’s been ongoing for years, calling itself “Q” and “Q-Anon.” They’ve been telling millions of people “This is all part of the plan. The deep state is panicking because Trump . . . . . (insert some nonsense here, like . . . Trump had holy water in that safe he’s going to use to resurrect JFK Jr (watch the water) and in two weeks they’ll arrest the deep state and hang them all at Gitmo because the patriots are in control.”
Or maybe they’ll just keep it short and sweet by saying something like “Say it again. The deep state is panicking. The patriots are in control. That’s why all those people had to be killed and injured by the vax because Trump is playing 256d chess.”
The entire “Q” and “Q-Anon” projects are designed to keep YOU docile. They keep piling-on “hopium” using the most idiotic, outrageous nonsense, to KEEP YOU DOCILE.” The entire “Q” and “Q-Anon” effort has been a complete, total, absolute, fraud from Gitgo; to Keep YOU docile.
Millions of you fell for it.
Now that the FBI is raiding Trumps estate at Mar-a-Lago, will you finally pull your head out of your ass, accept that you’ve been “had” and made a fool of — for years — and start taking action?
You see, the people doing this to Trump right now, will go so far as to kill. They’ve done it dozens of times before:
The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Las Vegas shooter (Stephen Paddock). 60 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi). 1 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools and had plans to fly planes into buildings. 2,977 dead.
• The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.
• The FBI entrapped General Flynn.
• The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.
In my view, the FBI has become a bona-fide domestic terrorist organization, weaponized against it’s own countrymen.
Until the American people step up and engage, this type of Banana-republic abuse of power will not stop. It will only get worse.
These people, who overthrew our government with a fraudulent election in 2020, will not stop until they ARE stopped.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute.
If you have a chainsaw, do yourself a big favor and get this sharpener.
I use it more than the Oregon bench sharpener like my local shop uses.
You can sharpen in the field or at your kitchen table with the chain on the saw.
It takes off much less metal than a bench tool. It does take a bit of time. I would estimate 30 minutes. The cost is around $100. Get an extra burr when you order.
Amen, amen, amen…..

American Woman Raped in Paris Cafe by African Suspect – Infowars Europe
This is what happens when you regard government as God and allow them to violate Natural Law and disarm people.
CBS News Censors Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% of US Funding of Ukraine is Wasted
by Paul Joseph Watson
Gay Couple Charged With Using Adopted Kids to Make Child Porn
And sadly most Christian Churches in this country continue to support the Satanic CPS and it’s kidnapping of children with no due process! A criminal act!
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary – Geoengineering Watch (116 minutes)
The Benefits of Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Satanists that run this country have made it impossible for me to take a course to learn how to do a IV vitamin C drip line. Furthermore they have made it a criminal offense for a mere mortal such as myself to buy the IV bags and lines needed to do intravenous vitamin C on myself or others.
FWIW the church of Satan has a word for this they call it “moral relativism“.
Most brain dead Christians support this murderous state of affairs. After all Romans 13 says that Government is God to most of the dumb asses that call themselves Christians. (again see Hosea 4:6 and other verses)
FYI instructions of making up your own IV vitamin C solution from sodium ascorbate is available at the Riordan Clinic in Kansas. Or you can go there in person as they treat cancer with IV vitamin C.
Natural Law, Liberty & Government Package – 10 Messages on 6 DVDs
Premeditated Israeli Cold-Blooded Murder
Written by Stephen Lendman
Situation Update, Aug 8, 2022 – Inflation “Reduction” bill to unleash TAX TERRORISM upon the American people – Mike Adams (78 minutes)
If modern Christians were not so damned stupid, they would know that a county sheriff with a brain could protect them from the IRS, as could an informed jury that knows that the income tax as it has stood for 108 years is illegitimate as it gets. But then again the church is predominantly filled with stupid people. See Hosea 4:6 for what God has to say.
Want a masters degree in cleaning your rifle bore?
Rifle Cleaning for Accuracy and Reliability
Freedom Center Training (36 minutes)
CEOs for Ruger, Daniel Defense, vow support for Biden’s gun-grabbing ATF, sparking major backlash – Natural News
I knew that Ruger was a sellout company. DD is surprise. Perhaps for the $2,000 you paid for your DD rifle, they will send your name to the Satanic criminals at ATF as a bonus.
Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN – Mike Adams (15 minutes)
This is the second report I have gotten about NATO running the US Navy.
This is exactly why standing armies are our enemy and the militia is our friend.
ACTION ALERT: American Sovereignty Threatened by NATO Incursion – YOUR ATTENTION IS URGENTLY NEEDED
US Must Withdraw from NATO and Reclaim the Norfolk Naval Station – Sarah Westall
Roger Waters Slams ‘War Criminal’ Biden for ‘Fueling the Fire in Ukraine’
by Sputnik
Gill’s Bible Commentary Kindle Edition
Gill’s Bible Commentary is among the very first verse-by-verse commentaries of the Bible. It is the largest Bible commentary written by a single person.
It was written by the 18th century theologian and Biblical scholar John Gill. The commentary contains two of Gill’s seminal works — the Exposition of the Old Testament and Exposition of the New Testament. These works are full of priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews.
John Gill’s works were among Spurgeon’s personal favorites. He wrote about Gill: “In some respects, he has no superior. He is always worth consulting.”
A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5 Volumes – Thrift Books $228
READ ONLINE: John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible
PUT ON YOUR PHONE: John Gill’s Bible Commentary
Political Ad Shows How Real Politicians Should Act
Activist and journalist Mindy Robinson lays out the two-party corruption while running in the Nevada State Assembly election. (4 minutes)
Dems To Make IRS Larger Than Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol COMBINED
You had better f’ing make sure that your County Sheriff knows that he is supposed to “secure your rights” and protect you from tyranny like this.
An educated electorate that can serve as informed jurors is also critical.
Russia takes out 45,000 tons of NATO ammo – MoD –
This should more accurately read: Russia takes out the ammo meant to defend you and your family, which leaves the dummies that support “standing armies” totally defenseless. We are seeing example after example of why the founders, and Jesus Christ told us to eschew standing armies.
U.S. life insurance companies see 40% death increase… –
Cancer Explosion: Pathologist Reports On Rise Of Aggressive Cancers Since mRNA Shots –
~Psalm 11:3
And sadly it was the modern Christian church that has destroyed our foundations.
We have multiples of 5th column terrorist groups in every state including Missouri. What we don’t have is a militia to deal with them. Read Genesis 14 and tell me what God thinks of the militia. It is clearly his answer to fighting evil. His Son Jesus Christ seconded the motion with his admonition to buy a sword.
Christian High School In Manhattan Hosted Mandatory Drag Show In Place Of Church Service
IMHO a “Christian” High School is a poor place to educate your child. The teachers don’t know any more about the most important things in life, such as the principles that this country was founded upon, than the teachers in the Communist government schools. You are leaping out of the frying pan and into the fire when you send your child to these so called “Christian Schools”.
One Of The Most Tragic Things That I Have Read In A Long Time – The Economic Collapse
Why with all of the innate challenges of farming, why do we impose the property tax, i.e the 1st plank of a Satanic Document, on them? If they can not pay the arbitrary state extortion, then men with guns i.e. “police”, will come to either kill them, and their families, or make them homeless. (which can be death sentence itself)
We continue to pretend that we have a Godly government….. when in fact it could hardly be any more Satanic than it already is. Good thing that you pastor, and your congregation supports this evil or it might go away.
Simone Gold, of America’s Frontline Doctors, Reports to Federal Prison
— The doctor’s medical license was also placed on inactive status during her incarceration –
Listen to this:
Pharmacists should be on the list of people to charge and to send to jail for a hell of a long time.
Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot. Normally would be ~0 over 30 years. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one.Now there are 14 – The Burning Platfom
World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines –
Why Are No Conservatives Talking About This?! (Operation Mockingbird) – Mark Dice (9 minutes)
Bombshell: Russia Accuses Democrat Party Globalists Of Creating, Unleashing COVID-19
by Jamie White – InfoWars
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 6, 2022, #365 – Dane Wigington (47 minutes)
“Weather cataclysms are wreaking havoc all over the world. We are led to believe these are all “natural disasters”, but what aren’t we being told? Climate engineering operations continue to be denied by all official sources and the whole of academia. Nature is saddled with the blame for events that are anything but natural. The cascading collapse of Earth’s natural systems is crushing crops, creating famine and societal panic. What happens now?
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.”
Kansas voters just turned their state into an abortion tourism destination – Natural News
Tent Inside Tent Winter Camping – Steve Wallis (32 minutes)
How to Detox Your Kitchen: Here’s What to Boot – Organic Prepper
Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement
Greg Reese | (5 minutes)
Toxic Nanomaterials Have Poisoned The Food Supply, Our Bodies, And The Planet
Red Pilled TV |
Bannon: ‘We Need To End The Federal Reserve’ by Jamie White
I hope he has the common sense to realize that we also need to repudiate the debt, and issue arrest warrants for the Bankers. That is what Iceland did if you recall.
Are Viruses Even A Scientific Theory?
Dr. Sam Bailey (19 minutes)
8.4 Kw Timber Framed Solar System Finished And Producing Power – Kris Harbour Natural Building (47 minutes)
5 Mistakes New Rifle Owners Make – T.REX ARMS (31 minutes)
Food supply THREAT: If California cuts off water to farms, ALL of America will face food shortages – Natural News
FBI targets 2A supporters!? – Warrior Poet Society (8 minutes)
Steve Quayle
16:42 | Aug 05 2022
Russia To Capture Kiev and Odessa over U.S. Biological Laboratories! We will have to take both cities to save world from another pandemic
Steve Quayle
09:42 | Aug 04 2022
Steve Quayle Rhine River is 5.9 inches from being impassible, meaning that barge shipments of coal to large power plants will soon be impossible…
The culling of humanity is about to accelerate, taking many children and young adults, as the doctors, politicians and preachers remain silent –
*****BULLETIN***** Russia To Capture Kiev and Odessa over U.S. Biological Laboratories! – Hal Turner Radio
Ron Gibson on Land Patents, Part I, with Kirk MacKenzie (62 minutes)
I have a real issue that you must take steps to keep your government from taking your land! Isn’t this an indicator that we have an illegitimate government and have duty to change it?
Q files is put out 3 times a week and is very much worth the $9.95 a month.
LiFePO4 Server Rack Battery Buyer’s Guide! For Off-grid Solar Systems – DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse (19 minutes)
Uprising of Italian farmers in Piemonte: “We are not slaves, we are farmers! – Twitter
Revolver News Report: FBI Is Hiding Security Camera Video of Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber Planting Bomb at DNC Headquarters – Gateway Pundit
British Teen Raped on Greek Beach by Pakistani Suspects – Infowars Europe
It’s not a coincidence that bad things happen in victim disarmament zones.
ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Friday 8/5/22 • MIKE ADAMS & GONZALO LIRA, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars (43 minutes)
Situation Update, Aug 5, 2022 – Florida Gov. DeSantis EVICTS Soros-funded state attorney for REFUSAL to prosecute criminals – Mike Adams (88 minutes)
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE! Alex Jones Responds To $4.2 Million Sandy Hook Verdict – Alex Jones Show
The U.S.’ largest reservoir is drying up. Here’s what NASA images reveal
Currently, 9 Western states face different levels of drought; and things don’t seem to be getting any better. –
‘Drag Queen at Church?’: NYC Private School Holds Mandatory Drag Show in Chapel – Need to Know News
I have a very low opinion of “Christian Schools”, they mirror the dumbing down of the government schools, and teach nothing of Natural Law and the true history of this country. They are as much the problem as the churches themselves.
Twitter Censors Senior Israeli Physician-Scientist Injured by Pfizer Vaccine – The Defender
British government offering farmers “lump sum” payments to stop growing food, sell their land – Natural News
It’s being done here in the US. Wake up folks!
FBI cites 2nd Amendment emblem as indicator of ‘Militia Violent Extremists’ – WND
Know These Things About Alex Jones
By Jon Rappoport
Ever wonder what “real” news you were missing by reading the MFP rather than the mainstream press such as the Marshfield Mail?
Wonder no longer! Absorb the wisdom of Pink Haired Girl, and become as educated on world affairs as your super educated peers in Webster County that read the Mail daily:
Go Explore
Live Your You
FWIW this is a related story:
Why Are No Conservatives Talking About This?! (Operation Mockingbird) – Mark Dice (9 minutes)
The healthcare system is a giant SCAM (that you pay for) – Sorelle Amore Finance (12 minutes)
True, but mainly because low IQ Christians have allowed the Federal government to assume monopoly powers over our health care that it was never given.
*****BULLETIN***** Russia To Capture Kiev and Odessa over U.S. Biological Laboratories! – Hal Turner Radio
FBI Out Of Control! Bombshell Senate Testimony Just Exposed The Basis Of Unthinkable Conspiracy! – Justus Knight (17 minutes)
FWIW my information is that the FBI was created primarily to protect the ruling class from things like charges of pedophilia. It looks to me like that was very accurate information.
Cold-activated brown fat soaks up glucose to starve tumors of fuel – New Atlas
FYI babies are born with a good bit of body cavity “brown fat”.
Not being thermally stressed, as in the past, most brown fat is lost as we grow up.
I don’t know for sure, but would think that the Amish kids, and adults around here have more Brown fat than the English do. There are regimens for you to increase your body brown fat.
Humans could breathe out of their buttholes like pigs, and trials will begin this year
You may want to consider this, in case of a medical emergency –
This is the story of the infamous scientist who killed millions and saved billions
What exactly did he do? – (22 minutes)
~Alexis de Tocqueville
Today the Christian Church through Romans 13 seems to worship government.
It sure looks like idolatry to me. This apostasy is the root cause of today’s problems.
Biden regime trying to STARVE school children to force them into LGBT grooming – Natural News
Desperate for help: In stunning reversal, Italy decides to allow “unvaccinated” medical professionals to work – Natural News
CENSORSHIP: Google bans any mention of covid vaccines from its survey platform – Natural News
Toxic chemicals in the environment are making children dumber – Natural News
Not just children, YOU are being dumbed down in a variety of ways….
Have you questioned why iodine in bread was replaced by bromine decades ago?
DeSantis Suspends ‘Soros-Backed’ Prosecutor For ‘Ignoring’ Florida Law
by Kelen McBreen
This ignores the fundamental question of why we allow George Soros to fund political races? It also begs that question as to why we need professional prosecutors? Could it be because many modern “crimes” do not have a victim, and that without these “prosecutors”, that these “crimes” without victims could not be prosecuted?
The Great Reset at Work: The Dystopian Transformation of the Food Industry
by Birsen Filip |
The truth is that our food supply has long been a globalist eugenics operation.
The dumb American public MIGHT wake up when all they can eat is insects.
I would not hold my breath though.
Today They Come For Alex Jones, Tomorrow For All of Us – Zero Hedge
Situation Update, Aug 4, 2022 – Why China LOSES any escalation involving Taiwan – Mike Adams (73 minutes)
Remember The Government ‘Hit List’ Of ’72 Different Types Of Americans Who Could Be Terrorists’ When You Think About The Top-Secret Doc That Just Leaked Hinting Of FEMA Camps Ahead – All News Pipeline
The American people, in large part because of their pastors insisting on the Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, have allowed the worlds most dangerous terrorist organization to take take root in this country without opposition. The organization I refer to is the FBI. Hey Romans 13 says that the FBI must be of God because it’s “government” right?
FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Bureau’s ‘Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide’ on ‘Militia Violent Extremists’ Citing Ashli Babbitt as MVE Martyr –
Talk about a clearly anti-Christ organization! It was the Lord Jesus Christ that told us to buy a sword, and that implied becoming proficient at using it. Like Abram and the 318 men did in Genesis 14. I will bet that your pastor still supports the FBI as the Satanic Johnson amendment urges him to do.
The Fentanyl Crisis: Brought To You By Drug Prohibition
Another government policy that inflicts the very harms it’s meant to prevent –
Are you beginning to see why having an illegal medical monopoly, called the AMA, run by Globalists, rather than the free market, is a very bad idea?
44 Countries Banned or Are Phasing Out Atrazine. But the U.S. Just Keeps Spraying.
A trove of well-documented research links atrazine, an endocrine-disrupting weedkiller, to birth defects, low sperm counts and fertility problems, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues to allow its use. – The Defender
How much more proof do you need to see that our Government is working for Lucifer, and trying to destroy this country? We can thank the pastors that misinterpret Romans 13 for cheer leading this Satanic eugenics operation.
Lauren Boebert: Why Do IRS Agents Need $700K in Ammunition?
I think we know exactly why. We have a rogue government run by Globalists (Satan’s foot soldiers) that perceive their bosses, the American people, as the enemy. This is even scarier when you consider that there is no functioning militia in this country to defend us against criminal government. FYI deer hunters are not a well trained militia.
The culling of humanity is about to accelerate, taking many children and young adults, as the doctors and politicians remain silent –
Prepping Alert:
There is a good chance that many of you have Shelving Units like this.
Perhaps you even have fragile things on these shelves, such as cases of home canned goods.
You may have added larger wheels to the units such as these from Home Depot.
I give you a stern warning that especially if you have a tile floor with grout cracks, that these wheels WILL fail and bend while rolling the unit and you will likely lose whatever you are trying to protect!
Read the one star reviews at Home depot. There are a LOT of one star reviews that state that these wheels bent in light use! This IMHO is likely an issue with ALL wheel sets and not just this particular brand. That it is a problem inherent with the design.
What is amazing is that they keep on selling this dangerous junk.
Be VERY careful when you move shelving units with wheels on them.
Demon portals have OPENED, and the luciferian war against humanity is upon us – Mike Adams (21 minutes)
ANALYSIS: Nancy Pelosi is working with China to create SMOKE SCREEN for attack against America – Mike Adams (20 minutes)
9mm Ammo: The Forgotten Caliber History of 9mm Ammo Explained – Freeedoms Phoenix
UK High Court rules against giving control of $1 billion in gold reserves to Venezuela’s Maduro – Natural News
6 Fully jabbed doctors drop dead in Canada within days – experts baffled – Natural News
Situation Update, Aug 3, 2022 – World governments PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised luciferian rituals – Mike Adams (99 minutes)
The Three I’s of a Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance
By John & Nisha Whitehead
US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records: This is alarming because the overreaching government could be attempting to create a registry of gun owners, types, and numbers of firearms … – BY TYLER DURDEN
I am certain that they already have their database drawn from credit card information, and a slew of other sources. This IMHO is just to drum up fear in the serf population.
Ammo Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Mysteriously Go ‘Missing’: One ammunition distribution company called ‘The Gun Food”reported out of a recent 18,000 rounds of ammunition shipped with UPS, only 6,000 made it to the end destination. – BY TYLER DURDEN
I can attest to UPS stealing gun related personal property, it was fairly recently that UPS stopped and stole the return of a brass tumbler to Midway USA here in Missouri. Josh Hawley’s office as usual was useless.
Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave – Washington Post
I guess the members of every Godly government go to the woods in Northern California, and worship Baal and do mock(?) sacrifices of children.
These Baal worshipers are agents of God, per the modern churches Satanic interpretation of Romans 13.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Situation Update, Aug 2, 2022 – Americans shift food shopping to DOLLAR STORES as last strategy before mass famine – Mike Adams (87 minutes)
Flash floods close roads into Death Valley National Park while more than 35 people died in Kentucky floods … And hundreds still missing! – Strange Sounds
Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi Found on Masks: Study – Epoch Times
Tucker Carlson Slams U.S. Military After Showing a Promo Video of China’s PLA – fox news (2 minutes)
CIA-run Wikipedia used as the “truth engine” to train the censorship AI that will rule the Meta-verse – Natural News
‘Dear Lord, What Circle of Hell is This?’ – Video Shows NYC Church Holding Drag Show
A Merger of the Bundeswehr ( German Military) With the Police? To me this looks more and more like a complete and hostile takeover of the German state by the Globalist German Government! –
I hate to alert American Christians to the fact that the 2 standing armies that they have been worshiping (i.e the police and the US military) are going to be turned on you just like they are being turned on the German people.
You did not listen to Jesus Christ when he said to buy a sword, nor when he said that those that lived by the sword will die by the sword. Nor did you listen to the founders when in the 2nd amendment they told us that to remain free that a militia was “necessary”. A 2nd amendment based upon God’s Natural Laws I add in.
Lucifer took over over Christianity in the US at least 100 years ago.
All Government and All Rule Are Always and Inherently Immoral and Evil
By Gary D. Barnett
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.”
~ Larken Rose, The Iron Web
God’s Prophet Samuel warned the people that they did not want a king. We have not listened. Our Constitutional Republic has degraded into the Divine Right of Kings thanks to the mentally ill modern Christian that is too lazy and preoccupied to understand the Declaration or the Constitution.
Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave – Washington Post
I guess the members of every Godly government go to the woods in Northern California, and worship Baal and do mock(?) sacrifices of children.
These Baal worshipers are agents of God, per the modern churches Satanic interpretation of Romans 13.
Nothing to see here, move along.
BEST VIDEO EVER: Arrogant ATF agent gets TASED by local cops – Health Ranger (2 minutes)
CLASSIC DOCUMENTARY: ENDGAME 1.5 — Advanced Blueprint For Global Enslavement (109 minutes)
Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.) –
DNA testing kits are really designed for biological weapon development, House Intelligence Committee warns – Natural News
I was criminally forced by a local hospital to take this nasal PCR test.
That violated the Nuremberg treaty protections from non-consensual medical treatments. For what ever reason my health has headed south since this surgery, and PCR test. Did they fill my body with self replicating graphine nano-bots? Either way my church, and my country Sheriff don’t seem to give a flying phuk.
Every day that I wake up it amazes me how little so called “Christians” hate evil, as they are usually the useful dots that are supporting it.
“Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.”
~Psalm 97:10
“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.”
~Proverbs 8:13
Newborn baby’s arm AMPUTATED after mom took covid vaccines and baby suffered blood clots in the womb – Natural News
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
~Matthew 18:6
Don’t forget that “whoso shall offend one of these little ones” are clearly your church and pastor, your county sheriff, and very possibly you, yourself for not speaking out.!
We’ve Been Lied To Our Whole Lives About Everything That Matters – Caitlin Johnstone
Sadly over 90% of those reading this don’t have a foggy clue as to the depth of this deception. Most will hate and ostracize those trying to educate them.
Doesn’t Hosea 4:6 say something about rejecting knowledge?
Zelensky’s elite battalion destroyed – Russia
Dozens of neo-Nazis have been eliminated over the last two days, including fighters from the Kraken formation, the military said –
WHAT FRAUD? Racine, Wisconsin Rolls Out Its Mobile Home Voting Station on Wheels – Paid for Exclusively with Zuckerbucks (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit
Missouri AG Says FBI Can’t Audit Concealed Carry Permits –
Some people in Missouri were prepared for this. A decade ago the concealed carry permits were in a statewide database, and the MO government gladly gave all of the data to the FBI! To thwart this from happening again, the registrations were then applied for and stored at the county level.
Knowing how dumbed down most of our county sheriffs are, I did not trust this system either. In response to the FBI getting all of my data handed to them the 1st time by the state of Missouri, I decided to get my permit in another state with reciprocity. Go dig criminal FBI, there are no records concerning me in the State of Missouri,because I don’t trust the psychopaths that run our state government.
Israel’s War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic
The Rothschild created country of Israel, is in many ways the tip of the New World Order. Jerusalem counter to the lies many pastors are preaching, will be where the anti-Christ will be seated. None of these delusional “Christians” will look at the facts. If you try to educate them they will hate you without cause, just like the pharisees hated Jesus Christ without cause.
Watch this BEFORE you get a freeze dryer! – Homesteading Family (16 minutes)
I wish Instant pot would do for canning, what Harvest right has done for freeze drying.
Non-Perishable ‘Miracle’ Apples Grown by Elderly Man Reveals the Secret to Health – Epoch Times
Vatican Bank China 3/4 Trillion Funding Deal, Modern Organ Harvesting & more w/ Kevin Annett – Sarah Westall (62 minutes)
Kevin Annett is a renowned global human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has led the movement to expose and prosecute child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State ( He has been nominated three times (2013, 2014, 2015) for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Do background reading into Kevin Annett and his decades long struggle to abolish genocide, child murder and tyranny at and
Listen to his weekly blog show on every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT
‘Revelation Council’ Has Just Been Formed! Pope Now Joins And The Implications Are Biblical! – Lisa Haven (15 minutes)
Global Warming . . . Colorado City Gets FOOT of Hail – Hal Turner Radio
Flooding in St. Louis has left people trapped in their homes under 7 feet of water – CNN
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 30, 2022, # 364 – Dane Wigington ( 49 minutes)
Wigington touches upon the 1-2 feet of hail in Colorado and the flooding in Saint Louis MO
The Environmentalist Trojan Horse of the Depopulation Death Cult – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
FDA Approves Remdesivir for Babies and Young Children to Treat COVID-19 – Need to Know News
In 1912 Lucifer’s agents, the Rockefeller’s, got control over your God given right to choose your medical care, by presenting the “flexner report” to Congress and having them create a medical monopoly known as the AMA.
This monopoly and your ignorance is how they are now openly facilitating the murder of children with Remdesivir. Your county sheriff and your pastor are silent, and are thus accomplices in this mass murder of children.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Christian Pastor executed by the Nazi’s
Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash – Need to Know News
The bankers are about to steal everything not nailed down, and your pastor is too stupid to see it, or to offer the way out of this.
It’s what happens when you tell your flock that government is God, and at the same time you know zero about the way your government that is based upon God’s Natural Laws, is supposed to work.
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Covid Vaccines Are Deadly Depopulation Weapon, Top Scientists Warn
MUST WATCH: Babylon Bee Produces HILARIOUS Video Mocking FBI Agents’ Role In Domestic Terror Plots – Gateway Pundit
Two Suspects Involved in Whitmer Kidnapping Farce Face New Trial – Judge Will Not Allow Details from Previous Hung Jury As Evidence
By Joe Hoft
Judges for a long time have been taking over our courts. Juries are the 4th branch of government, and can overturn ANY tyrannical or unfair law.
According to Dr. Richard Proctor PhD, even the supreme court had jury trials at one time, because the Constitution demands it!
In 1804 in Madison v Marbury, the supreme court made a power grab of a power not given to them in the Constitution and declared themselves the ultimate arbiter of what is constitutional and what is not!
Jefferson did not agree with this:
“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
~Thomas Jefferson
It was at this time that Jefferson and another governor came up with the idea of State nullification of unconstitutional Federal actions. This was known as the Principles of ’98. The 9th and 10th amendments put this into writing.
FWIW this is how Missouri has recently nullified illegitimate Federal gun and drug laws. Some of them at least.
To get back to my original point, I think it time to castrate the monsters that we today refer to as judges. We must demand a jury trial for anything and everything, that the government wishes to do to us. The “judge” if they even continue to exist, should only be a legal advisor to the jury with no power whatsoever to enforce any of his opinions onto them
I have not even touched upon the fact that the Feds do not even have geographical jurisdiction for their “kidnapping” charges. That is another article in itself.
Suspected Lee Zeldin attacker David Jakubonis arrested on federal assault charge –
Our “legal” system is clown world. For a federal charge there must be Federal jurisdiction. That comes in 2 flavors: geographical jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction. Since this was not on Federally owned property they do not have geographical jurisdiction. Since this was not one of the 3 crimes mentioned in the Constitution (i.e. treason, piracy, counterfeiting) they do not have subject matter jurisdiction.
Whether or not to file charges is clearly a State matter.
Our dumbed down population somehow thinks that the actions of the Federal government are legitimate mainly because of the completely fallacious interpretation of the 14th amendment, that has hoisted the Bill of Rights onto the 50 states. This is what happens when you have a nation of “Christians” that don’t have a foggy clue as to how or what their government is allowed to do.
A false interpretation of Romans 13 that in effect says that “government is God”, just like in the days of the divine rights of kings, does not help either.
Dumbed down “Christians are the best friends that Lucifer ever had.
The county sheriff could and should protect the criminal here from federal prosecution and at the same time change him under State Law.
How Big Banks Are Planning to Force Americans into the ‘Great Reset’ Trap –
Las Vegas, NM declares emergency, with less than 50 days of clean water supply left – abc news
Robert Scott Bell: Neurological degradation diseases are the result of poisons, waste products, exposure to mercury and aluminum – Brighteon.TV ( article and 56 minute video)
Biden Doubles Down on Failed Drug War, Plots to Outlaw Nicotine –
Joe Rogan Reviews TikTok’s Crazy Terms of Service – PowerfulJRE (11 minutes)
The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud – Mike Adams (article and podcast)
Knowing that the globalist Rockefeller family convinced congress to created the AMA medical monopoly in 1912, one should expect things like this. The AMA as far as I am concerned is a cleverly disguised Globalist run eugenics operation.
Canada: Three Doctors Die within One Week after Hospital Mandates 4th COVID Jab – Need to Know News
Well deserved Darwin awards. We should not trust our health to people
dumb enough not to recognize open and blatant eugenics. And then incredibly participate in it!
SONG: Musical Interlude: ? It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like GENOCIDE… ?
9-Year-Old With No Pre-existing Conditions Died 2 Weeks After Pfizer Shot, Latest VAERS Data Show – The Defender
Tylenol Use in Babies, Children After Vaccination Raises Risk of Autism, New Review Shows – The Defender
It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes – Natural News
The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud – Mike Adams (article and podcast)
Moral Blindness on U.S. Evil
by Jacob G. Hornberger
“One of the big problems we face in America is the unwillingness of all too many Americans to identify and confront evil within their own government, especially when that evil is centered within the Pentagon and the CIA, both of which are considered godlike by many Americans. As I point out in my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, Americans are very good at identifying and confronting evil in foreign regimes, such as Russia or China, but not so much when it comes to evil within their own government……”
Or is it Romans 13 idolatry, and the divine rights of kings belief?
Multi-Front Civil War Plans Are Now Being Implemented | Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 7/28/2022 (90 minutes)
Situation Update, July 29, 2022 – 90% of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and PUBLISHED RESEARCH is a complete fraud – Mike Adams (79 minutes)
UK Mercs EXECUTED – Hal Turner Radio
Ukraine Fires HIMARS Into Their Own Men – Hits P.O.W. Camp to Kill AZOV Nazis – Hal Turner Radio Newsletter
I was biased against this by the title, but was pleasantly surprised to hear a lot of very interesting things that I basically agreed with and are aware of.
I like and respect this guy a lot more after listening to this talk.
Why The Dutch Farmers Are Wasting Their Time – Urban Farmer Curtis Stone (35 minutes)
Here is my comment on YouTube to Curtis:
You hit on some key concepts that I agree with and are aware of Curtis.
You so far have missed the underlying principles of why all of these governmental actions are morally wrong……..
The government is violating Natural Law, sometimes called The Law of Nature and of Nature’s God, is the direct answer as to why these things are wrong.
Here in the US these Natural Law concepts are part of the Declaration and the Constitution. We don’t follow either of them any longer. Especially the 2nd amendment. Sadly I heard no mention of the militia Curtis. That is the central idea of the 2nd that even most Americans miss. A second amendment that was based upon God’s natural laws.
With all due respect I don’t think that you really understand your enemy Curtis.
You severely underestimate them. Ignoring them is what created them Curtis.
The non-compliance of the Dutch farmers is exactly the right thing to do.
After that nothing is keeping the Dutch Farmers from going off grid and minimizing the agricultural inputs that they rely on. That is free market Anarchism.
Washington, DC Mayor Calls for National Guard Activation over ILLEGAL ALIENS Bussed to DC from Texas – Hal Turner Radio
San Francisco Declares state of emergency over “mo Pox” – or is it “Pride Pox?” – Hal Turner Radio
How about “Homo Pox”?
Trolling? Or Truth? Medvedev Shows “New map of Ukraine” – Hal Turner Radio
Texas Parents Stand Up Against Sexual Content In School Libraries
These people are useful idiots fighting the wrong battle. Instead they should be fighting to abolish these “free government schools” as the Communist manifesto puts it. Thoreau said it nicely. These people are hacking at the branches of this problem….
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root”
~Henry David Thoreau
A fine Texas company – Houston based Primary Arms offers a very wide selection of firearms related stuff. They are best known perhaps for incredibly well priced optics with lifetime warranties.
I got a first focal plane 1×8 red dot with a BDC reticle from them for less than $500 with no sales tax or shipping AND a lifetime warranty..
They often run sales. The current one is 12% off site wide.
Shock Video: Scooter Rider Robbed by Violent Thieves Outside NYC Bodega – NewsWars
What the hell else would one expect when the “police” have
unconstitutionally disarmed an entire population?
This is about disarmed slaves and nothing else.
OPINION: It Is Time For Malls To
Abandon ‘No Firearms’ Policies –
If you ever disarm yourself on the order of another, you don’t understand the second amendment, nor do you understand God’s Holy Scripture:
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
~1 Timothy 5:8 (Genesis 12 is a great example of this in action)
“And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his [l]cloak and buy one.”
~Luke 22:36
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people, “Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, who is great and fearsome, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.”
~Nehemiah 4:14
Ending a 5 day fast tomorrow. It seems like the crazier the world gets, that the stress makes it harder and harder to even to do short fasts like this.
If you are not educated on putting your body into ketosis (fat burning mode) either through a specific diet or fasting this is a great resource:
Complete Guide To Fasting (Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting)
by Dr. Jason Fung (Author), Jimmy Moore
Explaining SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) – IMF (4 minutes)
I have heard nothing, but obfuscating bullshit explanations of the SDR and this seems to also be one of those…..
If you know of a source of a good explanation please send the link to me.
What the SDR appears to be, even through all of the misdirection, is a way for the IMF to loan infinite amounts of money to whomever it wishes, inflating our money supply and holding us hostage to pay it back!!
Congress as the Constitution demands does not have to approve this money creation!
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
~1 John 5:19
Miami Considers Plan to Dump Homeless People onto Sewage Plant Island
An incremental step towards putting these homeless, and you being homeless when the banks take your home. towards pushing the FEMA camps on the homeless people that the bankers created through their fraud.
Situation Update, July 28, 2022 – Fed rate hike to unleash AVALANCHE of home foreclosures and market drops – Mike Adams (76 minutes)
Americans remain oblivious to the fact that the bankers through fraud are going to steal the majority of homes and farms in this country. A repeat of what they did in the 1030’s! If you do not understand fractional reserve banking I highly suggest that you watch: The Money Masters (1996)
I also add that fractional reserve banking is an institution right out of the mind of Lucifer. There is nothing moral or Godly about the institution at all.
I think that is why all of the pastors are silent about it. The pulpits in America are repeatedly purveyors and supporters of Lucifer’s “Satanic Agenda”.
The pulpits through their silence and ignorance always seem to side with Lucifer and not God.
“Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.”
~Proverbs 20:10
Ted Cruz STUNS By Reading Emails Showing State Dept Discriminates Against White People – NC Renegade (8 minutes)
Biden Administration Pushes State-Run Religions
by Red Pilled TV
Update: Alex Jones’ ‘The Great Reset’ Book Rockets To Top Of Three Amazon Charts
by Steve Watson
WEF Calls For End to Private Car Ownership
by Cullen McCue | National File
Evangelical Paganism – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Prozac to Pathogens: About Drugs, Big Science Lied — and Americans Died –
Steve Quayle
20:27 | Jul 27 2022
Steve Quayle
20:23 | Jul 27 2022
This is a must read folks:
The Everchanging and Fully Manipulated Mind of the American Psyche
By Gary D. Barnett
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of….”
Drug Pushers vs. Drug Dealers
By Eric Peters
by Alex Jones
by Alex Jones
Guess Who Bought-Up Ukraine Farmland Since 2014 Coup? Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto — bought seventeen million hectares of Ukraine agricultural land. That’s sixty percent (60%) of the total agricultural land in Ukraine! – Hal Turner Radio
Shades of “war is a racket“. Do you think that this war might have something to do with US corporation profits?
Monthly car loan payments hit all-time high with those paying $1,000 a month DOUBLING in the space of a year – Daily Mail
Ever wonder why a car costs more than a home used to? It’s because you have not been taught anything about God’s natural laws, and have allowed government to “regulate” the right to own a car out of existence!
There is no technical reason that our vehicles could not be economically built in Missouri. The only real obstacle is Romans 13, and those that think that government is God.
Dave you are confused between….. eugenics and greed.
This is part of the many eugenics operations that the globalists have
hoisted upon us. The creation of the unconstitutional AMA medical monopoly in 1912 was just the beginning of this particular Satanic plan.
Speaking at the Uvalde City Council meeting to hold the city leaders accountable for their mistakes – Health Ranger Report (4 minutes)
If I lost a child there, “accountable” would include accessory to murder charges for the City Council, and the 400 cops that did nothing to save these children! But as we know anyone in government is above the law. Doesn’t the Declaration open with “all men are not created-equal”?
No it doesn’t actually, and this is moral relativism on display which is a major plank of the Church of Satan. This plank of Church of Satan, is what “sovereign immunity” basically boils down to.
Los Angeles to recycle BIOSLUDGE into tap water; Angelenos will soon be drinking recycled diarrhea and urine from the tap – Natural News
If we followed the Constitution Dave….I don’ think that we would have a “Verizon”.
Back in the 90’s the FCC would not allow the free market (and the Constitution) to use “spread spectrum communications”. Allowing it would have prevented these huge telecommunications companies from fleecing us and it also would have been much harder for the NSA to spy on our communications.
If we held the government to the Constitution and did not allow them to exercise powers that they were never given, we would have more money and privacy.
Your mistake Dave is that you accept the antithesis of common law/Natural law, and that is globalist created evolution or “case law” arguments.
Boots on the Ground…July 25th…I am tracking 25% inflation…Do not believe Biden’s numbers. – southernprepper1
Renogy 100 Watt Solar panel VS Harbor Freight 100 Watt Solar panel – JOHNNY’S WEEKENDS (8 minutes)
U.S. Foreclosure Starts Up More Than 440% Year-Over-Year –
What is so sad is that Americans are so dumbed down that they don’t see the outright fraud being committed by the banks. In actuality at least 90% of the money these people were loaned was created out of thin air! Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than legalized counterfeiting!
Get these cases in front of informed juries and the Satanic bankers attempt to grab all of the homes and farms in this country will immediately stop!
In reality Americans are too dumbed down by the government schools to be able to reason their way out of this easily solved calamity.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Curtis Discusses His 3 Greenhouses & How They Are Different – Urban Farmer – Curtis Stone (24 minutes)
If you are patient and don’t mind the outrageous prices you can get primers at Midway USA.
Target sports USA also has primers. Often magnum, but they will likely work.
The Genetic Panopticon: We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime
By John & Nisha Whitehead
A few years back I had a motorcycle stolen in Seymour MO. The local servants of Satan, (the “police”) were very vocal in trying to get me to give them my DNA. IMHO they were being paid by the Federal Government to collect DNA on their bosses, we the people!
They lied, they obfuscated, they coerced, they did everything they could to con me into giving them a DNA sample when it did not make any sense. Keep in mind that the “police” are rarely if ever your friend. They follow the Satanic agenda, that is the job of this standing army.
STUNNING! Massive Escalation of Ukraine War – Hal Turner Radio
Guess Who Bought-Up Ukraine Farmland Since 2014 Coup? – Hal Turner Radio
Diabetes breakthrough restores insulin production using existing drug –
What Is the FBI Trying To Hide About Its Raid on Innocent Americans’ Safe Deposit Boxes? –
Police Are Using Newborn Genetic Screening to Search for Suspects, Threatening Privacy and Public Health –
Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Mike Adams: Why the “virus” pandemic is a FARCE – Health Ranger Report (61 minutes)
WHO declares monkeypox a “global health emergency” with just FIVE deaths in the world and 99% of cases afflicting homosexuals
By Ethan Huff
14th Amendment Lesson | Dave Champion tv – 56 minutes
Probably one of the most important things that is hidden from the American public.
Are you a 14th amendment citizen with only civil rights, or are you a State citizen with God given Inalienable rights?
And you thought that COVID was the biggest con going?
Not by a long shot.
You were dumbed down on purpose on this matter, and sadly most will remain that way.
Another 14th amendment resource:
The 14th Amendment Clarified
If you get through all of that you may want to check out:
16th Amendment Lesson _ Dave Champion tv – 55 minutes
Going giant hunting? The experts say to use only solid copper ammo and to go for head shots. I also believe that like David the head must be quickly removed to prevent regeneration of the giant’s wounds.
Remington Premier Copper 12 Gauge 3 Inch 1550 FPS 1 Ounce Copper Solid Hollow Point Sabot Slugs
The Real Reason They’ve Collected Your DNA – WeAreChange (17 minutes)
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
~Declaration of Independence
Most Americans miss, that the word “design” is synonymous with conspiracy.
It is a fact that the founders found evidence of a conspiracy to take the God given rights of the colonies.
If the apathy. complacency, and ignorance continue.
If the pulpit remains cowardly and silent.
You can fully expect the globalists to be taxing your water in Missouri.
After all they already tax your home and your cars and tractors……. and you said nothing.
The rape of your God given rights will continue until you grow a pair.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Christian Pastor executed by the Nazi’s
Report: Around 50% of older Americans CAN’T AFFORD necessary expenses – Natural News
No shite! When you force people at gun point into a retirement scheme euphemistically called “social security” that pays a 2% return on investment, rather than the 10% ROI that you could easily get if you invested the funds yourself, then you get poor destitute people! All by design BTW.
The only reason that government can’t pay you a 10% ROI is that social security is in reality a pyramid scheme, with the working population funding the payments rather than there being an actual interest bearing fund, that is being drawn from. Let that sink in.
Then in 1912 the Globalist Rockefeller family with the help of Congress outlawed your God given right to choose your medical care with the creation of the AMA medical monopoly. Monopolies do not create low prices, in fact they do the exact opposite. We can thank Government for most of our problems and our neighbors, family, and church for supporting and allowing that government to exist.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
~Declaration of Independence
If you wish to preserve fruits and vegetables in particular look at the Harvest Right Home freeze dryers. I wish I had picked one up a year ago. The prices are good and they are no longer back ordered.
Spetsnaz Commander: “NATO is the army of the Anti-Christ; Russia is the army of Jesus” – Hal Turner Radio
Have a well on your own property in California? Get ready to start paying taxes and fees for using your own water. –
Are you aware that, licensed (the only kind allowed) well drillers here in Missouri, are required to “register” your well with the County?
It’s not a coincidence that the useful idiots in government and in the “licensed” well driller industry here in Missouri have set you up to be taxed to use your own well, or else! That is, and has been the plan of the globalists, for decades.
Kind of ironic that this story was posted on a Law enforcement site, as they as will be the ones to enforce this “taxation” on you, the soon to be disarmed homeowner, with deadly force if you dare not comply.
Dr Carrie Madej post plane crash UPDATE with the Health Ranger – HOW TO HEAL from near-death accidents – (48 minutes)
Spoiler: The Juvent was a major tool in her physical recovery.
I was ears up when she anecdotally mentioned how well the Juvent worked on a friends vertigo.
Mike Adams joins SGT Report with explosive discussion about the Biden crime family and deep state treason – Health Ranger Report (46 minutes)
We long ago gave up home ownership.
What other outcome would one expect when you implement the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto through a “property tax”? We openly do not own our homes, then we are surprised when the Evil One, through incrementalism finally takes your home from you? All without even a jury trial! Americans are soon to earn a lot of Darwin awards!
The Ultimate Goal: Perpetual Dumbing Down of All Society in Order to Create a Slave State Ruled by the Few
By Gary D. Barnett
‘My Lawn Is Now Becoming A Public Bathroom’: Portland Residents Upset Homeless Overrunning Neighborhood
by Adan Salazar
This is what happens when you allow government to create the homeless problem, with regulation, zoning, building codes, onerous taxes, and more.
Then because you let government take away your property rights they took away your ability to protect what is laughingly called your property. Try to even build a fence around your property without government permission and you learn who really owns your property.
For powder and some other reloading supplies I can not recommend Powder Valley in Kansas enough. Powder is hit and miss, but over a few months you will likely find what you are looking for.
If I were to build I would defiantly look at masonry type materials like:
FWIW LA Marzulli turned me onto this company.
Mike Adams on InfoWars – Biden’s CLIMATE EMERGENCY will crush America – Infowars (42 minutes)
NYT Cannibalism Story Published During The ‘Sacrifice Of First Born Males Communion With Flesh And Blood’ Survivor Calendar Dates – Climate Hysteria: They Must Destroy Our Food Supply To Force Us To Eat Bugs And Bodies –
So many people are now “dying suddenly” that “our free press” can barely hide it any more –
Missouri Sheriff Refuses To Hand Over Gun Owners’ Info To FBI: ‘I Will Go Down With The Ship’
Many in Missouri are ignorant of the fact that 10 years ago that the Missouri AG criminally gave the FBI the conceal carry permit database for the entire state! No one went to jail, no one was punished. I have not received a single penny in the ongoing class action law suit that I am part of.
To rectify this problem the administration of these permits was moved from the state level to the county level. This is what the county sheriff is supposed to do, and we make him out to be some sort of hero for actually doing his job.
On the other hand, our ignorant as hell, county sheriffs seem to be fully on board in enforcing the United Nations war against guns, and their war against drugs. The are in very real terms servants of Satan and helping Satan bring in his “Satanic Agenda”.
Cheerios a Health Food, Says Leader of White House Conference on Nutrition
Dean of Tuft’s Nutrition School Gives Top Rankings to Sugary Cereals
By Nina Teicholz
Putin Drops 2 Minutes Of Truth About America & Ukraine – The Jimmy Dore Show (7 minutes)
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what China has been allowed to do in this country. If the people knew there would be rioting in the streets.
Soros Prosecutor Backs Down, Drops Murder Charge Against Innocent Store Owner Who Killed Thug in Self-defense –
Back in 1776 we did not have professional prosecutors and did not have this problem. We had a much better form of “law enforcement” in 1776 and we should go back to it IMHO. Balko’s book provides the details of how it used to be: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces
EXCLUSIVE: Trump and DeSantis Have Made A Secret Agreement to Share the Ticket in 2024 – Alex Jones Show (49 minutes)
CAUGHT: Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election — That’s Not Until Next Week!!
By Jim Hoft
The Ultimate Goal: Perpetual Dumbing Down of All Society in Order to Create a Slave State Ruled by the Few
By Gary D. Barnett
Poland Announces 400,000 Man Army with 1,000 Main Battle Tanks – Hal Turner Radio
‘We Have Entered The Last Stage of Tyranny’ – Dr. Naomi Wolf
By Alexandra Bruce (45 minutes)
Missouri Sheriff Refuses To Hand Over Gun Owners’ Info To FBI: ‘I Will Go Down With The Ship’
This sheriff takes a step in the right direction……BUT the fact of the matter is that ALL Missouri Sheriffs are enforcing thousands of unconstitutional Federal Gun Laws. Even the idea of concealed carry permits goes against the idea of our rights coming from God and not from government.
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader. –
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) – Dane Wigington (116 minutes)
Ukraine Army Hits Donetsk City with INCINDIARY Artillery Shells – Hal Turner Radio
CON-CERN Erupts Over Portals, Particles & The Large Hadron Collider –
Close the border! Taps have run dry in Monterrey, Mexico – There is water for factories but not for people – Mass immigration ahead – Strange Sounds
Rio Grande runs dry in Albuquerque for the first time in 40 years –
Doctors Admit They Have No Idea What Causes Depression Or Why Antidepressants “Work” (5 minutes)
Climate Engineering: 40 Million in US West Without Water in 2023 – Dane Wigington (43 minutes)
The SSRI Connection To Suicides, Spontaneous Murder and Mass Shootings.
By Mark Reynolds
How The Big Banks Enslave Humanity – Greg Reese (6 minutes)
Report: Trump To Gut Federal Bureaucracy Upon Re-Election, Clean House In IRS, EPA, FBI & More
by Kelen McBreen
Trump scares the hell out of me. He thinks that the president can legitimately write law through “executive orders”. He thinks that the jab was a good idea.
The doesn’t know that the income tax is money that is criminally collected for the globalist world bankers, and that the IRS and the income tax need to be abolished.
I doubt if he knows that the graduated income tax is the 2nd plank of the Satanic Communist Manifesto.
The FBI’s purpose is to protect the pedophiles in government and it is not constitutionally authorized. No one can show us it’s charter and how it was created. Trump is stupid as it gets and this is dangerous.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
How about a president that understands what is going on in the world?
Putin Gives Crystal-Clear Breakdown Of What Created Food Crisis – The American Journal (6 minutes)
Photo of the Day
Live and free to watch today:
The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary – Epoch Times (102 minutes)
Has NATO Now Taken Over Command of the U.S. Navy? – Health Impact News
The State Of The US Consumer: AT&T Crashes As Americans Can’t Afford To Pay Their Phone Bills
Tucker Carlson: There is no defending this (17 minutes)
Watch: Dems Openly Admit Gun Control Bill Will Confiscate Firearms In “Common Use”
Need I remind anyone that treason is a capital crime?
Hang them high.
Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash
If Americans do not figure out the scam of fractional reserve banking, the bankers like they did during the Great Depression of the 1930’s, will take most of the homes and most of the farms in this country!
Demanding a jury trial for any taking, is the only workable answer.
However Americans are too damn stupid to see or think, and will likely sit by as Lucifer completes his plans through these bankers.
Thank your pastor for remaining dumb, and silent and helping Lord Lucifer kill off the human race. Your pastor also wants you to never forget that Romans 13 says that government is God and that you had better tow the line and support Lucifer’s government and Lucifer’s banks.
UK Agency Re-working Law to ALLOW INSECTS as Human Food! – Hal Turner Radio
Amazon Bans the Sale of Opaque Mylar Food Storage Bags…to “Combat Drug Trafficking” – Organic Prepper
Shots Fired: “NEW Covid Drug Protocol at Hospitals are KILLING People – And they Know it!” Dr. Ardis – Stew Peters Network (17 minutes)
And where are the right to life people? Where is your county sheriff? All of the medical people following these Satanic Hospital protocols need to be charged as accessories to murder, yet your sheriff and your pastor have nothing to say….
Makes you seriously wonder who’s side that they are on.
Destroying the future: In five years, autism cases have skyrocketed by 50% – 1 in 30 children now considered autistic – Natural News
What else would one expect when you allow a globalist family (the Rockefeller’s) to create a medical monopoly called the AMA?
Lucifer wanted this control for a reason and now you are finding out why.
Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social Distancing Birx ‘admitted to making things up,’ adding that she and Fauci’were lying to the president and to the American people about their COVID protocols’ – Zero Hedge
Situation Update, July 21, 2022 – Cold fusion commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world – Mike Adams (65 minutes)
New Documents Reveal the Extent of Federal Location Surveillance – Michael Maharrey
[Premiering on July 22] The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary –
Are the Chemicals in Your Shampoo and Food Packages Making You Fat?
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in makeup, shampoos, soaps, plastics and food packaging can alter your metabolism and cause your body to produce new fat cells — they can even change the way food is digested. – The Defender
Whether Directly Or Indirectly Through The United Nations, Democrats And RINO’s Are Taking Part In High Treason Against America – Here Is The Proof They Don’t Want You To Know! – All News Pipeline
One Armed Citizen Did In Two Minutes What One Hundred Cops Couldn’t Do In Over An Hour: Stop A Mass Killing – Pastor Chuck Baldwin
It’s ironic to think that the reason that Americans are so poorly armed is that police for decades have enforced unconstitutional gun laws such as the 1934 Federal Firearms Act.
House committee approves first assault weapons ban bill in decades –
This is not only treasonous, this is pure blasphemy! The psychopaths in the legislature think that our rights come from them rather than God!
Sadly most “Christians” are blindly following the Satanic Agenda that includes their Satanic interpretation of Romans 13.
U S Marshalls raid AMISH over FOOD! Small homesteads next? – OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY (11 minutes)
This guy is too stupid to realize that they have a county sheriff problem.
Get rid of the stupid sheriff that does not secure the rights of the citizens.
Stupid Americans are a huge problem in our country today.
Our pastors are clueless and useless and steadily following the
“Satanic Agenda”.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
~Hosea 4:6
Curcumin found to stop cancer cell growth – Natural News
Why Facebook May Have Your Medical Records –
How to Transition a Rooster to a Hen! – AwakenWithJP (7 minutes)
Tanks are being put on the streets in China to protect the banks.This is because the Henan branch of the Bank of China declaring that people’s savings in their branch are now ‘investment products’ and can’t be withdrawn – twitter video
Ivana Double-Vaxxed Days Before Death –
Perhaps this should read: “Ivana wins a Darwin Award!”
It’s hard to believe that 2 years into Lucifer’s eugenics operation, that there are still people stupid enough to take the jab.
We can thank useful idiot Donald Trump for helping to spread the lie that killed her. Shouldn’t Donald be charged with being an accessory to murder? I would love to be on that jury.
Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy
By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
Medical Journal “LANCET”: COVID Vax Compromises Immune System – Booster Shots Should be HALTED Immediately – Hal Turner Radio
BREAKING!-Billings MT: Walmart Employee Calculates Massive Food Price Increase– (Were those Recent Defrosts Really by Accident?) –
Pixelated: The (Continuous) Great Harvest Of Your Medical Records –
DC Democrats Beg for Help as Texas and Arizona Bus Migrants to Biden’s Backyard – Need to Know News
President of Chechnya: First Demilitarization of Ukraine, Next the same for NATO – Poland first – Hal Turner Radio
UPDATED 11:18 AM EDT — Russian Objectives “Have Changed” in Ukraine – Hal Turner Radio
“Bidenvilles” Popping-Up All Over America – The country is being wrecked – Hal Turner Radio
Krakatoa Volcano Springs Back To Life – Hal Turner Radio
CLOWN WORLD: Pentagon Spox Says Climate Change Caused fighting in Syria – Hal Turner Radio
Disney the Most Evil Place on Earth (Video) – (48 minutes)
Local Communist run newspapers, such as the Marshfield Mail run non-sequitur headline articles to keep the sheep in Webster county as dumbed down as possible:
Signs of War
I dare you to find anything of substance in this rag, that rightly belongs in the outhouse right next to Pravda. Well actually Pravda is a much better paper if you wish to learn what is going on in the world. Compare the 2 and see what I mean.
Situation Update, July 20, 2022 – Biden to invoke “CLIMATE EMERGENCY” executive orders to DECIMATE America and STARVE millions – Mike Adams (94 minutes)
The Final Stages Of Globalist World Domination
Jon Bowne | (6 minutes)
World Economic Forum Promotes Plan To Block The Sun’s Rays With ‘Space Bubbles’
by Patrick Howley | National File
United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030 : Everyone should be on RED ALERT RIGHT NOW!
Place Where Biden Face Planted Off Bike Is Named ‘Brandon Falls’ On Google Maps –
Situation Update, July 19, 2022 – Incompetent western nations invoke “doomsday” retaliation from Russia – Mike Adams (77 minutes)
DHS spent millions on cellphone data to track Americans and foreigners inside and outside U.S., ACLU report says –
Video: Saudis Pay HALF The Amount Americans Do For Gas
by Steve Watson
by Dave Hodges (6 minutes)
Good Samaritan Who Disobeyed “Gun-Free Zone” Stops Mass Shooter in His Tracks, Well Before Police Arrived –
I don’t think that God thinks much of “gun free zones”. If you are not in a position to protect your family, he says that you have denied the faith and are worse than an infidel:
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
~1 Timothy 5:8
Vatican Sells Commemorative Coins Promoting ‘Need to Be Vaccinated’ against COVID-19 – Need to Know News
Listen to Lucifer’s earthly agent boys and girls
I have chosen and used Montana wheat for years. It is a better product than most of the competition. Not long ago a bag of their flour was $32 a bag.
Imagine my shock at a $72 a bag price today at Shetler’s in Seymour MO:
Bread for $10 Is the New $5 Gas as Demand Wanes for Basics‘-It’s really hard because how high can you pay for a loaf of bread ,said owner Vincent Colombet. Can you pay $20 for a loaf of bread?
After 30+ Years as a refrigeration service tech,Montana Refrigeration Failure-Multiple freezer failures, almost simultaneously…. highly improbable… and mostly impossible! ;SQ-REPORTS COMING IN FROM OTHER STATES ALSO-WILL UPDATE THIS LINK!
EMERGENCY BOMBSHELL: Deep State Democrats Caught Red-Handed Inserting Martial Law & Presidential Dictatorship Law Into 2023 NDAA – Watch LIVE
The Alex Jones Show
It takes an incredibly stupid people to have accepted the things in the NDAA even before this was added!!
‘Water police’ patrol drought-hit Los Angeles streets –
These people have no idea what is about to hit them as far as water and power.
Stolen Elections: What Solutions Are Left? Elections Are Theatre in a Fake Hijacked Political System
The Stew Peters Show (22 minutes)
Russia Announces Civilian Drills for NUCLEAR ATTACK – Hal Turner Radio
Atlantic plankton all but wiped out in catastrophic loss of life:Scientists have discovered a catastrophic loss of life in our oceans… This is really bad. It’s the very bottom of the food chain…Bottom Line everything above the ladder of life dies! – Strange Sounds
Indiana shopping mall shooter shot dead by armed ‘good Samaritan,’ police say –
FWIW if you are not armed everywhere you go and even at home…
you are a fool. If a home invader busted through your door right now, how long would it take you to open fire?
Embassy: “All Americans Should LEAVE Ukraine Immediately” — U.S. Nuclear Bombs Being Moved! – GAZPROM Declares “Force Majeure” – Hal Turner Radio
Martial Law Red Alert: Democrat Leadership Introduces Bill To Give Biden The Powers of a Dictator & Use Military Against The ‘Right-Wing’ With No Congressional Oversight
The Alex Jones Show (90 minutes)
Global Bombshell: Martial Law Plan Announced To Install Biden As Dictator, Use US Military Against Americans, Suspend Congressional Oversight – Infowars (53 minutes)
Former Pfizer Marketing Vice President explains how Big Pharma controls the medical establishment –
House to move toward vote on assault weapons ban – The Hill
Mass hangings for treason seem to be in order. Sane States should be thinking of secession and the creation of a state monetary system.
Many Christian Churches are going to tell their flock to turn in their guns.
Many police and military will be helping with this rape of the American people’s rights.
My advice is not to surrender your firearms under ANY conditions.
ANTIFA-type SoyBoy Throws Something at the Wrong Patriot – Hal Turner Radio (30 seconds)
Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, ‘First Time in Over 30 Years’ (Exclusive Interview – 15 minutes)
Congress Plotting $50 Billion ‘No-Strings’ Giveaway to Big Corporations– The Defender
What You Need to Know About Rifle Slings – Organic Prepper – 1stMarineJarHead
What It’s Like Being a Sheep! – AwakenWithJP (6 minutes)
Major Escalation in Progress; Dnipro Ukraine Hit by 6 Cruise Missiles – People Burned Alive – Hal Turner Radio
U.S. Railroad Strike Begins July 18 – Trains will stop – Hal Turner Radio
Please read this. This is what is soon coming, and most will go along. Perhaps the most important story that you have ever read. Make sure to follow the links and read the continuing parts:
“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”
~Matthew 10:26
BOMBSHELL HACK OF NWO GLOBALISTS! Never Before Seen Glaring Details of the GREAT RESET Revealed The highly classified info/data that follows about the ‘never seen before’ details of the Great Reset is as radioactive as it gets. – The Burning Platform

Do you understand that when the bankers soon declare force majeure, that you will not have access to any monies, to pay your mortgage. your property tax, your electric bill, etc? The only way to do so will be for you to become part of the beast system. You will receive a small amount of digital cash each month on your smart phone app, and if you behave yourself they will not deduct huge fines from that amount. You will be living under the Chinese social credit system.
The money you are given will not be enough, and the NWO will offer to wipe your debts out IF you give up all property rights to own anything for the rest of your life. They have been beta testing this with the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto, and so far modern Christians have accepted all 10 planks!
A more complete form of slavery has never been invented. A lot of blame for this coming about, can be shouldered by the “Christians” that were too lazy to learn what fractional reserve banking, and fiat money are. They have been too cowardly to have fought the 10 planks of the Communist manifesto which they now all accept. The modern Christians Satanic interpretation of Romans 13, the idolatry that essentially says that “government is god”, also is a big reason that this has come about.
If you missed it you should also read this part of the article:
The sovereign accounts of the rich and powerful-exposed
Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation, Attorney Tells RFK, Jr. – The Defender (39 minutes)
NIH, FDA & CDC Employees Quitting In Droves Over Infant Covid Vaccines
by Kelen McBreen
President of Serbia: “All Hell is About To Break Loose in Ukraine” – World War 3 is Already happening – Hal Turner Radio
Drug Court celebrates again – The Marshfield Mail
We are near a nuclear confrontation with Russia and the Satanically run local papers like the Marshfield Mail, run a MK ultra psyop designed to convince you that violating your God given rights, with “drug laws” handed to them by the United Nations Globalists, is a good thing.
Einstein was right when he called human ignorance “infinite”.
Didn’t the book 1984 predict that we would be taught to love our enslavement?
Situation Update, July 15, 2022 – You will EAT CRICKETS and DRINK PEE on a floating prison barge – Mike Adams (85 minutes)
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’ –
New Zealand doctors call for criminal homicide investigations into covid-19 vaccine deaths – Ethan Huff
Your county sheriff either through fear, ignorance, or complicity, has failed to investigate these murders and charge the criminals! In reality we need citizen led grand juries to charge the county sheriffs as accessories to murder, and criminal indictments of the medical personal involved in these COVID jab murders. I am not holding my breath.
Farmers all over the world are BEING THREATENED by Deep State-controlled governments and corporations – Natural News
Shocking video shows ‘HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS’ of migrants crossing illegally into the US at the Texas-Mexico border – Daily Mail
Edited Footage Released of Uvalde School Shooting Shows Police Running from Gunshots – Need to Know News
Why is USG rewriting the history of the mRNA vaccines?
State-sponsored media and the US Government is erasing the inventors from history – Dr Robert Malone
Amazon Admits It Handed Ring Doorbell Videos to Police Without Owners’ Consent –
Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS – Health Impact News
DoJ expected to file antitrust lawsuit against Google in weeks – Bloomberg News
The ultimate irony. The US government often uses the so called anti-trust laws against companies that it does not like, and perceives as a threat, while at the same time supporting real monopolies that are created, and protected by government!
A few of these government created monopolies are:
1.) The medical monopoly started by New World Order Globalists the Rockefeller’s family.
2.) The legal “BAR” monopoly designed so that very few can afford legal advice and representation.
3.)The educational monopoly so that the state can in indoctrinate all of the youth.
4.)The fractional reserve bank monopoly so that the globalists can get rich and make you poor by counterfeiting the money supply.
5.) The standing army monopoly, is the reason that the Federal Government gutted the state militias right after the civil war. (the “police” are in a similar category)
6.) The judicial supremacy monopoly where Federal Courts criminally write our laws and whose decisions supersede the people and the Constitution!
7.) The USPS monopoly even though the Constitution did not create a postal monopoly.
These are perhaps the most destructive monopolies, and there are many more. Ask yourself in each case above, is this the free market? Or is this a created and protected monopoly?
The American people are so dumbed down that they don’t see what these institutions really are. They are told that these unconstitutional as hell monopolies are for our own good, and your average American does not have the mental horsepower to figure out otherwise.
FWIW I wrote the Missouri AG a month ago about the very real fraud that Google is pulling concerning having to pay for a Gmail account, and they don’t seem to be in the least interested in very clear fraud committed against the citizens of Missouri
I did some deep thinking about our “voting” system here in Missouri as I passed the idiot signs prompting people to vote for a name and a party.
It is by any analysis a system set up for morons. There is never any significant revelation of what the “candidates” really think. Most all of them have no opinion at all on anything important. They might say the right things but they are empty shells without substance. The sheep dutifully cast their useless vote for the mystery person that they really don’t know a damn thing about, and that is the way it is planned.
THE SILICA MIRACLE How to protect your brain from toxic metals in food and chemtrails – Mike Adams (13 minutes)
You might be pleasantly surprised to find Mylar and O2 absorbers locally at Bylers Supply in Seymour MO.

1 in 30 U.S. Kids Diagnosed With Autism in 2020 — What’s Behind the Surge? – The Defender
“The letter also referenced a new study showing a 53% increase in autism spectrum disorder in American young people since 2017.”
Situation Update, July 14, 2022 – How to remove RADIATION from WATER to survive nuclear FALLOUT – Mike Adams (72 minutes)
Ivana Trump Dead – Found in Her Manhattan Apartment – Hal Turner Radio
“Scared to Death. I’m Frightened”: Daughter Delivers Elderly Mother with Cancer to Prison on Jan 6 Charges
by Adan Salazar
What a disgusting people and country, that would allow this communist show trial, and it’s results to happen.
Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
For the past year, we have repeatedly heard that George Soros is buying political positions in this country. But not a single story explaining how this could happen and why there are not criminal charges against the man. This makes zero sense to me. The admission that we have a huge problem here, but nothing about the details and how it came about. Much less how to solve it.
In Biden’s Economy – Americans are Resorting To Microloans to Buy Gas and Groceries – The Gateway Pundit
Nearly 90% of Texas Republican delegates support a vote for independence
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Tucker Carlson: This is shameful (19 minutes)
National security THREAT: Gov. Kristi Noem warns Biden regime not to allow China to buy up U.S. farmland, food production facilities – Natural News
This is unbelievable! One of the supposed “good governors” Kristi Noem, doesn’t seem to understand that South Dakota is a sovereign country, no different than Germany or Japan, and that in the compact we call the Constitution that her state did not delegate this power to the “product of the compact”. i.e. the Federal Government.
Constitutional Stupidity is alive and well at the highest levels. Please show me where in the Constitution that the States delegated away their right to determine who can own property in their state. It’s not there!
*****BULLETIN***** Shopping Mall Signs Warn of Nuclear War Emergencies
– Hal Turner Radio
Famine feared in Mexico if inflation continues to spiral out-of-control; Seven out of 10 residents in Mexico are already having a hard time keeping up and not being able to afford the cost of food and bare necessities. –
Powerful and insightful::
The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising – Greg Reese (5 minutes)
PrepWithMike FOLDING PISTOLS gear review including Shield Arms, Sig Sauer and more – Mike Adams (22 minutes)
I strongly suggest that everyone own a 10.5″ AR pistol chambered in 223.
Here in MO a short barrel is entirely adequate for the distances that we will be engaging at. (<300 yards)
Then if you are really on the ball you get yourself some soft-point 223 ammo that will expand, and is used in hunting.
Chile Approves a Law to Protect Employment Rights of Mutants and Genetically Modified Humans –
How kind of the Luciferians, to take care of those whom they made inhuman with the “jab”.
California: New Law Allows Gun Manufacturers to Be Sued For Negligence Based on Sandy Hook Precedent – Need to Know News
If we had an educated population that had not been dumbed down in the mandatory 12 year dumbing down camps, jury trials could instantly put an end to this nonsense.
Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking – Need to Know News (74 minutes)
Sadly but not unexpectedly, the child trafficking CPS seems to be supported in every Christian church in this country. They certainly are not opposing it.
On a personal note, my daughters mother was kidnapped by CPS years ago.
They stole all of her money, and there was an attempted rape the first night that she was in custody. FWIW I helped break her out of that evil place.
Democrats Demand $650 BILLION In IMF Aid For Ukraine War Relief – In The Form Of SDRs
by Zero Hedge
Situation Update, July 13, 2022 – Prepare for NUCLEAR DETONATIONS in multiple U.S. CITIES – Mike Adams (66 minutes)
11 Minutes of Unvarnished Truth – The Most Blistering Assessment of the USA Ever Aired on Radio – Hal Turner Radio
Galileyo Alert:
Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
04:19 | Jul 13 2022
Steve Quayle Kissinger: We are on the verge of an immediate armed conflict with Russia by mid- August… Better get your iodine pills!
Video Shows Uvalde Cops Fled as Gunman Mowed Down Classrooms Full of Defenseless Children
by Adan Salazar
Pro-Abort Berkeley Prof Accuses Sen. Hawley of ‘Violence’ for Saying Only Women Can Get Pregnant
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
“I’m particularly concerned for children.” U.S. Study on Glyphosate Reveals Alarming Results –
ALL railroad freight to potentially halt on July 18 due to national “labor strike” – Natural News
The Trains Could Stop Running In The United States Literally One Week From Now –
***** BULLETIN ***** Russian Ministry of Defense: “We are on the verge of an immediate armed conflict with the United States” – Hal Turner Radio
Dismantling the Constitution: Police No Longer Have to Honor the Right to Remain Silent – By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
How did the Supreme court get ANY say over the sovereign States in this matter? If one does their due diligence they learn that the 14th amendment does not apply to the States and that the 1st amendment is a prohibition on the powers of the Federal Government. It has nothing to do with the States!
Do your homework. This truth is not what you were indoctrinated with in the 12 year indoctrination camps. Even John Whitehead is following a false paradigm that he was indoctrinated with in “law school”.
Russian Blockchain-Based Analog of SWIFT Ready for Testing
All the ducks in a row for the total destruction of the dollar are lining up.
Be ready this event is close at hand.
‘90% Bots’: Elon Musk Reveals Twitter Is a Military Grade Psy-Op To Brainwash the Masses
Twitter’s ‘daily users’ it appears, are automated spam bots that the Big Tech giant uses to induce mass formation psychosis and other forms of social conditioning. –
She Wasn’t Supposed to Say This
by Paul Joseph Watson (3 minutes)
Spoiler Alert:
“Potential next Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt wanted the government to kidnap COVID-positive children from private homes and separate them from their parents in quarantine isolation facilities.”
Panel of Doctors Warn Covid Vax Is Alternating Your DNA
War Room
Shades of Genesis 6?
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
~Matthew 24:37
The United Nations Scrubbed This Article Heralding ‘The Benefits Of World Hunger’ From Its Website After It Went Viral –
Gateway Pundit
‘Doomsday Document’ From 2020 Proves Globalists Planned Out Their Mass Murder Long Game, ‘Food Armageddon’: These Days Were Awaiting Us Like A Ticking Time Bomb
– Their Plans To Wipe Out The Meat Industry Were Fully Documented As Well
– All News Pipeline
F-18 fighter jet blown overboard from US aircraft carrier during storm –
Did some woke-tard trans thing,forget to tie the aircraft down?
The standing army is a joke, and we do not have a viable militia!
A bold case against zoning –
I literally want to vomit when I see insanity such as above.
We are a people that have been made so stupid, that we think that our god government owns our homes, and that we must rationalize and make arguments to exercise our God given rights.
Chow Hall – US Marine Corps Camp LeJeune – Hal Turner Radio
Above we are witnessing an example of why the founders warned us about standing armies. Standing armies do whatever the hand that feeds them commands them to do.
To this day we do not have a functional militia.
Nor do any of the Patriot-Tard talking heads support the militia. They inexplicably still support the standing army.
No one seems to have grasped the above concept.
Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking – (74 minutes)
“In this groundbreaking feature-length film, executive producer Patrick Howley and director Ben DeLaurentis reveal the dark side of Child Protective Services, showing how they traffic children with the support of perverted politicians.
This film is dedicated to all of the children who have been snatched from their homes by CPS, and all of their families.”
Have you ever heard anything other than praise in your church about the Satanically created and run CPS? I haven’t…. our churches seem to be 100% on board with the “Satanic Agenda”.
Biden’s shame. The 8 minute expose of Ukrainian lies – (7 minutes)
Pfizer Crimes against our Children: Cardiac Arrest of Two Month Old Baby an Hour after Experimental Vaccine
58 Babies Who Received mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Suffered Life-threatening Adverse Events –
Rhode Island Introduces Geoengineering Act To Ban Chemtrails –
I am wondering where the hell the psychopaths in Jefferson City MO are?
They seem to be following every step of. the Satanic Agenda!
They have not secured our energy supplies!
They have not secured our monetary system!
They have not secured our gun rights!
They have not secured many of our God given rights!
…. IMHO a room of children could do a better job of securing our rights than the idiots in Jeff city. The Rhode Island legislature on the other hand at least seems to be headed in the right direction.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Do yourself a favor and check out Alex Jones on Infowars.
If you have but one news source, this may be it.
BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide –
It looks like the US dollar will be worth next to nothing very soon. It will not be accepted at all in International Trade, and only useful in the outhouse at home.
This is what happens when you have a stupid population that can’t even take the time to learn what fiat currency is all about. Thank your local pastor for helping with the ignorance and being a good servant to Lucifer.
“Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.”
~Proverbs 20:10
The Ominous Global Trend That Has Developed Signifies Grave Danger Has Arrived As Governments Of Virtually All Western Nations Are Waging War Upon Their People – All News Pipeline
Coincidence? WEF’s Cyber Polygon 2022 event took place exactly when Canada experienced extreme Internet outages on July 8, 2022 – Strange Sounds
As Inflation Ravages America, Even Costco Is Raising Food Court Prices – Some by 33% –
If you don’t have cash to stockpile food, you should have been maxing out your credit cards. The banks have the slaves so trained most are more worried about their credit ratings rather than their families starving to death!
Gates-funded Picnic facility burnt to the ground –
Do I hear: “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”?
Health minister wants to be able to KILL children up to age 12! –
Marburg virus: WHO mobilises experts as Ghana prepares for outbreak:If confirmed, these would be the first such infections recorded in the country and only the second in West Africa.
***** BULLETIN ***** — URGENT — New York City Begins Preparing Population for NUCLEAR ATTACK – Hal Turner Radio
With really bad advice as one would expect from “government”.
FWIW – IMHO they are telling the public this not to help them as we have ZERO fallout shelters for the public, but rather to spread fear and make the population more controllable.
Predators In Leadership: “Inclusive” Pastors Subvert Christianity, Promote Pedophilia
The Stew Peters Show (9 minutes)
Christian Militia Group Tackles Border Crisis While Government Crosses Arms –
CPS Preys On The Children Of Addicts: The Opioid Addiction And Child Trafficking Connection
The Stew Peters Show (18 minutes)
Officials Demand Mom Pay Them $5,000 for the Privilege of Selling Homemade Cookies –
It would be wrong if it only cost a dollar. This turns God given rights into government granted permissions.
Tucker Carlson: This may have been the greatest crime in history ( COVID – 19 minutes)
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 9, 2022, # 361 – Dane Wigington (56 minutes)
More of the depopulation agenda. You would not believe what you are not being told. Listen to this especially if you have never heard one of Dane’s Alerts.
The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda – Dr Mercola (article and 63 minute video)
Galileyo Alert:
Steve Quayle
Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
15:10 | Jul 10 2022
Steve Quayle This will be major! Sri Lanka government COLLAPSES; Germany faces energy catastrophe; Europe on brink of economic halt! Be READY!
Has it started?
Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising –
Greg Reese (6 minutes)
What Did We Wake Up To!? ‘Red Dawn Scenario’ Russia, China Pre-Staging Troops At Southern Border! – Lisa Haven (15 minutes)
If There Is A Nuclear War Between The U.S. And Russia, Most Americans Will Die By Starving To Death – The Economic Collapse
It looks to me like most Americans will starve to death this coming year for reasons other than nuclear war. Just the power going out for long periods is predicted to kill 90% of the American population.
VIRUS MANIA PART I: The FRAUD of Louis Pasteur and the entirely CORRUPT history of virology – SD Wells
It took the Russian war in Ukraine to expose the scam of “green” energy – Ethan Huff
Purpose of Biden-Financed Bio-Projects Was to Create Infections That Damage Agriculture: Russian MoD –
Karen Kingston: On Electromagnetic Field to Induce Mental Illness – Katy Odin (28 minutes)
Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh? – Gateway Pundit
How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
DHS Agents Spied For China? Charged With Attempts To Suppress Critics Of CCP – BY TYLER DURDEN
Don’t be fooled, DHS is as evil as the SS was in Nazi Germany.
It is as evil as the East German Stazi.
In fact DHS was created by Markus Wolf, a man that ran the East German Stazi.
Biden To Sign Executive Order Promoting Abortion on Demand – Lifesite News
Modern Christianity strikes again. After all everyone knows that Romans 13 says that Government is god. You had better listen to the god that you created Modern Christians.
Cities like Las Vegas will soon die of thirst—NOT because of climate change, but because of climate ENGINEERING – The Burning Platform
Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: The Mormon Church and Child Sexual Abuse –
Why do they miss that the Pedophilia is just a symptom of the Satanism that is apparently in the Mormon, church and is also in many other denominations in this country?
Russian Navy Takes Delivery of First “Nuclear Tsunami” Submarine – Hal Turner Radio
Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising – Greg Reese (6 minutes)
New DNA study reveals that Egyptian pharaoh Ehnaton (Amenhotep IV) was a human-alien hybrid –
White House Unveils $400M More In Military Aid To Ukraine, Marking 15th Package
by ZeroHedge
Report: Casket Maker Fears Bulk Orders of Child Size Coffins Signal Impending Vaccine Deaths
by Adan Salazar
Biden Sold 1 Million Barrels From Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Chinese Firm Hunter Invested In
VIDEO: Stew Peters Releases New Trailer for Groundbreaking Film ‘These Little Ones,’ Exposing CPS Trafficking, Pedophile Elites
by Frankie Stockes | National File
The truth of the matter is that these children would not be kidnapped and sex trafficked, if the Sheriffs departments were not blindly following the “law” just like the Nazi guards at Auschwitz Concentration camp did, and tried to use it as a defense at the Nuremberg trials.
The people in law enforcement that blindly participate in these CPS kidnappings that do not provide due process such as a trial by jury, are just evil monsters that have not been charged for their crimes.
If you have missed INFOWARS and Alex Jones shows, they are ARCHIVED HERE and you can also download them to your device. His show is an education to say the least take the time to catch him LIVE HERE when you can.
Tucker Carlson: Gun control doesn’t stop bad people from using guns (19 minutes)
Tucker Carlson Unloads on Pfizer and Big Pharma Over Rising Trend in Suicides, Mass Murders
Montana Leads The Nation in Gun Ownership –
America Under Siege – A special report about the war to take down FOOD and ENERGY – Mike Adams (32 minutes)
This One Map Is Terrifying – If Food Shortages, Gas Prices , Overall Inflation & The CA ‘TruckPOCALYPSE’ Isn’t Enough For Americans To Contend With, A Water Shortage Is Next – All News Pipeline
Supreme Court Of Wisconsin Bans Election Drop Boxes
by Kelen McBreen
What dangerous BS.
It’s the legislatures that are supposed to write law.
NOT freaking sexually confused men in black dress’s!
Courts are for juries and nothing more!
Ozarks MO sherrifs department tells citizens to go to hell……
We were never meant to have an institution called “law enforcement” that pretends to protect us, but can not. The growth and acceptance and idolatry of this standing army, by Christians, has received much assistance from the Globalist servants of Lucifer as this institution lets Lucifer’s legislatures pass illegitimate laws and these “order followers” blindly and criminally enforce them!
Much like the Modern Christian Church, what we call “law enforcement” has also had a great falling away. If you wish to understand what law enforcement was in 1776 then you need to read the intro and 1st chapter of Balco’s book on the topic.
That and the public needs to learn that they are supposed to defend themselves, but criminal sheriffs departments have been disarming Americans for over 100 years, making self defense much less certain.
Unfortunately our county sheriffs departments have strayed and have become order following standing armies that are many times the enemy of the people that they are supposed to serve.
They should all be required to read the intro and first chapter of Balco’s book which provides an excellent explanation of what sheriffs departments are supposed to be and how they operated in the past.
Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop – (6 minutes)
TX Gov. Abbott authorizes troops to send illegal immigrants back to border –
Pesticides Linked to Cancer in Children, Adults in Western U.S. – The Defender
If you think that the COVID scam was the beginning of Lucifer’s eugenics to kill off the human race, you are sadly mistaken. There are dozens of eugenics programs that have been here for decades: Fluoride in the water. The choosing of BPA over safe plastics. The chem-trailing and the spraying of nano aluminum. The licensing, and creation of a medical monopoly. We could go on for days yet the dumbed down public & modern Christians in particular, do not see any of it. They lack discernment and eyes to see and ears to hear.
Israeli government hid childhood vaccine injuries during covid jab approval process – Natural News
Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China – Need to Know News
US strategic oil reserves going abroad Reuters
Why is Biden emptying out the strategic petroleum reserve when we couldjust pump more oil? – southernprepper1 (6 minutes)
As Orchestrated Violence By Agent Provocateurs Escalate, Globalists Have Our Destruction Planned With Official US Govt Documents Showing Round Ups And Assassinations Ahead – All News Pipeline
Exclusive: Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex –
One among a plethora of examples as to why the founders warned us NOT to have standing armies! ~MFP
San Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates – Need to Know News
Most Ameirkans are still clueless as to why the founders hated standing armies and warned us about them. YOU are supposed to defend yourself. That is the whole idea behind the Militia!
I say good riddance to this dangerous standing army.
In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone!
“In Austria, they’ve figured out the vaccines are dangerous, so the Health Minister is now blaming the doctors.” –
If your county sheriff is not putting a lot a heat, if not making arrests, on doctors, the county health departments, and others for this genocide, then either you have a low IQ moron for sheriff or he is a servant of Satan and is following his fathers agenda.
Holland: Document Reveals Government Plans to Confiscate Farms for Migrant Asylum Seekers – Need to Know News
And you are a fool if you don’t realize that bankers in the US are planning to take you home or farm through the fraud of fractional reserve banking. This also includes those that falsely think that they really own their homes. The county property tax collectors are going to do exactly what their globalist masters tell them to do. Demanding jury trials in all of theses matters is your best defense.
CLAIM: Ukraine Soldiers SOLD U.S. HIMARS to Chechens . . . who were Russian Army Intel – Hal Turner Radio
As of 9:35 AM EDT Friday. reports are now flooding-in that ALL credit and Debit card processing in Canada is OFFLINE. Also receiving reports that numerous Cellphone carriers are suffering service outages NATIONWIDE.
Perhaps its about time that YOU should consider a Satellite texter such as the Bivy Stick from the Sat Phone store?
Full details on tongiht’s Hal Turner Radio Show.
9:00 PM eastern US Time (GMT -0500) — 9/7/22
Army Cuts 60,000 Unvaccinated Guard and Reserve Soldiers From Training and Pay as COVID Vaccine Mandate Deadline Passes – The Defender
If these 60,000 men and women had really wanted to protect the God given Liberties in this county, they would have joined the militia as the second amendment says is “necessary” if we wish to remain free.
Instead they joined an out of control standing army, against the advice of the founders, and the advice of Jesus Christ when he said that “those that live by the sword shall die by the sword”.
They fight in unconstitutional, undeclared wars. They have killed 20 million people in 37 countries since the end of WW2. They have helped create a Worldwide American Empire, committing war crimes all along the way.
Wars of aggression are war crimes as is the use of depleted Uranium.
God even has a special hatred of unjust wars if you recall what he did to King David for just planning an unjust war of aggression.
What they have not done, is to go after our “Domestic Enemies” nor done much else to protect the Natural Law principles that this country was founded upon. We hate a domestic enemy in the White house and in most of our government, and what is this standing army doing?
Nothing, because they are paid by the Domestic Enemy, and just as the founders predicted both of our standing armies are going to be turned against us.
Being in a State Militia would have been a much better choice.
“THERE Is Liberty!” – Column and Sunday Message by pastor Chuck Baldwin
“To say that America WAS “the land of the free and the home of the brave” is a gross understatement. On the whole, America not only does not even resemble the free land it once was, but it has also lost the cognitive ability to even understand what a free land is supposed to look like.“
The title of this column is the same as the title of my Independence Day message last Sunday. This column borrows from that address.
Park in Your Own Driveway? A $1,500 Fine in San Francisco
by Matt Agorist
Finally the Communist/Authoritarian government that these liberal useful idiots have voted in, is biting them in the arse. These people are trapped and only just seen the tip of the evil that they have supported and voted in.
Livestock Producers Report Being Just Days Away From Running Out of Feed Due to Shipping Rail Issues –
Declaring A National Emergency And Instituting Martial Law Are Next On The Despots To-Do List With The Confiscation Of Guns And Money, Forced Labor Camps And Mass Murder To Follow – All News Pipeline
Situation Update, July 7, 2022 – EU declares fossil gas to be “green” energy as climate change narrative face plants – Mike Adams (57 minutes)
‘Hostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr.
Agricultural researcher, permaculturalist and author Christian Westbrook joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast” to discuss what’s behind the coming food crisis.
– By Susan C. Olmstead
– Children’s Health Defense
Russia: New Weapons Based on New Physics; U.S./NATO Missiles Would Never Leave Their Silos – Hal Turner Radio
“Government schools” and the property tax are both planks of the Communist Manifesto, and are about nothing other than control.
An educated population is not easily controlled, and is a threat to a tyrannical government. Hence the 2 year long indoctrination centers that we euphemistically call “public schools”.
Benevolence is NOT why we have mandatory government schools.
Must watch to believe this incident in NYC. (2 minutes)
This is what “Diversity” Actually Is . . . – Hal Turner Radio
–A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
Notes for My Corona Investigative Committee Interview
– Margaret Anna Alice
A very thorough look at the planned, and ongoing genocide of the human race by the globalists. ~MFP
NOW COMPLETELY GONE: Georgia Guidestones Pushed Over by Back-Hoe after Explosion Damage – Hal Turner Radio
Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun –
A peaceful 60 year old man, whose only crime was that a relative though he was guilty of being “unstable ” whatever that means. No due process, everything the police did amounts to a crime. The police were outside of law in the process of stealing a man’s property necessary to defend his life. They were no different than a gang of home invaders. The old man physically (no weapon was used) tried to resist the theft of his property, so the cops murdered him by shooting him 5 times.
No charges what soever against the murders. Can a grand jury interdependently bring charges against cops like this in your town? You should know, and if you can not, then that should be rectified.
The “Red” in Red Flag laws should be your first clue, coming in the middle of a Communist Takeover of this country! But many Americans are a special kind of stupid. For instance I have a neighbor that supported these laws when tyrant Trump was pushing them. This neighbors stupidity scares the hell out me. Stupid people are dangerous to my Liberties and my life. Never underestimate the the evil that stupid people can cause.
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice“
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Did Churchill have a crystal ball?
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed;
if you will not fight when victory will be sure and not too costly;
you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you
and only a small chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope for victory, because it is better to parish than to live as slaves.”
~ Winston Churchill
I don’t think that the majority of American are even up to the last case.
It took a Nation of moronic evil losers to have let this happen.
When we could have easily won this battle if we loved the Lord, cared or paid attention.
Sadly most will become slaves rather than fight when the time comes.
I hope that they have a great time in the Fema/DHS “Fun Camps”. That is where most of the cowards will end up.
God has even worse for them:
“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
~Revelation 21:8
Situation Update, July 6, 2022 – Western Europe on SUICIDE WATCH as food, energy collapse keeps getting worse
Health Ranger Report (66 minutes)
Very good podcast by Mike Adams above ~MFP
WATCH: Biker kicks car, then what happens next is priceless –
I had an incident of this in reverse in Mexico waiting to cross into the US.
The Mexican driven SUV driver kept bumping my bike, and I hit his SUV back.
Too many cops around for him to run me over.
San Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates
This is great news as long as we re-arm the American Citizens that this thuggish standing army in blue has disarmed. Then we reconstitute the militia as the founders told us that was necessary to remain free.
The Canadian government is funding a booklet being sent to schools across the country that teaches children to be wary of people who champion “free speech.” – Paul Watson (2 minutes)
Tucker Carlson: Gun control doesn’t stop bad people( from using guns – (19 minutes)
Watch Kids Get Brainwashed Into Pedophile Death Cult
War Room |
Without the Christian Idolatry over the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto (free government schools) would this even be a problem?
Demonic Dimensions and the Mysteries of CERN – Greg Reese (6 minutes)
Author Ron Dizdar wrote a book about the same demonic messages that mental patients were getting worldwide. Greg Reese talks about this in the above piece.
The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos
HIGHLAND PARK PARADE MASS SHOOTING & PSYOP: This is why the NWO globalists did it on the Fourth of July – The Burning Platform
FYI the shooter admitted several times on his YouTube Channel that he was under mind control! What more proof do you want that these shootings are false flags?
How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA – Dr. Mercola
Beware Of The ‘Trojan Warriors’: Infiltrators In Prepper Groups Are Targeting Patriots For The ‘Red List’ – How To Spot These Paid Trolls And Government Agents –
People that live in fear like this are clueless, and don’t understand the depth of surveillance. If you are doing the right thing you can guarantee that you are on a list. Be proud it is a badge of honor.
I would worry if I were not on a list.
You certainly are not following God’s word if you are not on Lucifer’s “list”.
CHOPPER VIDEO: Georgia Guidestones Blown Sky High – Alex Jones (11 minutes)
Georgia governor candidate campaigns to tear down the ‘Georgia Guidestones’In a quote from social media app Telegram Taylor states: ‘I am the ONLY candidate bold enough to stand up to the ‘Luciferian Cabal’ –
Georgia Guidestones Monument Partially Destroyed by Explosion, Police Investigate
by Adan Salazar
If this was not a deep state false flag, those responsible need to demand a jury trial if the get caught. I may be wrong but I think that it would be very difficult to get a conviction.
Rogue Cops: The Supreme Court Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone:
The Supreme Court has spoken: there will be no consequences for cops who brutalize the citizenry and no justice for the victims of police brutality. – The Burning Platform
Thanks in large part to Christian Idolatry of the standing army in blue, “cops” in my experience have been out of my control for that past 60 years!
What you get depends a lot on your economic class. The mistreatment used to be for the lower class’s and no one cared. Now everyone is mistreated and shock! They finally have noticed that there is a problem.
WARNING -WARNING Lake Mead Marina Report the Latest update on Current Moves being made and what to expect in next few Weeks. And Homeland Security Check Point turnaround declaring Hoover Dam Closed till further Notice; – Vegas Dtech (21 minutes)
Some very disturbing news from Hal Turner:
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Being EXPORTED – We are Being Sold-Out – Hal Turner Radio
We are purposely being weakened so that we can soon be conquered and are no longer a threat to bringing in the New World Order. ~MFP
And you naively thought that a “Red Dawn Invasion” was a theory?
Much points to it being a soon to be implemented plan. ~MFP
Federal Agents Personally Delivering “Cease and Desist” Letters for Social Media Postings about Gov’t – Hal Turner Radio
When there is massive European Business failure, this is going to affect and cause a substantial failure of interrelated US business failures. ~MFP
All Natural Gas Flow on Yamal-Europe Pipeline Halted – Hal Turner
Many predict that eventually Germany will be forced to ally itself with Russia and will be part of the Red Dawn invasion that is being planned. ~MFP
Illinois shooter Bobby Crimo tied to Democratic Socialists of America, Antifa and the Occult –
Alex Jones reported today that Chicago shooter Bobby Crimo had a YouTube channel where he stated more than once that he was under mind control (MK Ultra) and that he did not want to do what he was going to do! A few other mass shooters have also claimed to have been under “mind control”.
You might already know that most of them are also on big pharma’s SSRI’s.
Situation Update, July 5, 2022 – “TruckPOCALYPSE” begins in California this week as 70,000 truckers forced off the roads – Mike Adams (77 minutes)
VIRUS’s do not cause disease:
AUDIO BOOK: Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense
Mike Adams recommends this book in this podcast at 5:15.
This book like Jon Rappoport lays out the fact that we have never proven that virus’s cause disease. They are instead a by product of disease we call exosomes. You can also get a hard copy on Amazon.
Mike also recommends this free lecture:
Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease – Dr. Jordan Grant (2022 Conference) (79 minutes)
Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is ‘the new normal’-I’m getting multiple reports from my nurse friends about kids 2 and 3 years old having seizures. It is ONLY happening on vaccinated kids, and symptoms start 2 to 5 days after the COVID vaccine. – The Burning Platform
They Don’t Dare Tell You What the Fourth Really Means
By Tom Woods
Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
10:18 | Jul 04 2022
Senate Democrats introduce bill that completely infringe on American’s 2A rights, limits gun purchases to one every 5 years –
This s not just the Democrats, and this is about causing a civil war, because that furthers the Globalist agenda.
When we have killed off enough of each other…. the Kigali Principles will be invoked, and the Chinese and Russian UN troops will be called in. Perhaps after a preemptive nuclear strike to further weaken us.
We are being chumped and manipulated and most Americans don’t really have a clue.
New documents expose secret US wars – The Intercept
Washington has conducted at least 23 proxy wars around the world under the guise of counterterrorism –
I thought this had been common knowledge for decades.
I guess there are still lots of uninformed people.
Our “troops” are pissing on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
The founders warned us about standing armies, like our current military for very good reasons.
Shock Video: 6 Dead, 24 Hospitalized After Mass Shooting At July 4th Parade
by Jamie White
Americans have yet to learn the power of working together:
For the next few months there are going to be blow out prices because no one has any money with the price of gas and food. After that prices will double and triple IF you can even find these items. When, not if, the dollars collapses expect to pay 10 times these prices.
If you could get enough people together you could get this full sized fridge for about $300!!! If I had the money I would think about getting all 4 myself.
Newer fridges only take about 1KWH per day and can be easily powered by solar.
FWIW the same principle applies to your self defense. Alone we will be picked off. In numbers there is strength.
This is exactly what the Globalists want, and have facilitated with the legislature and the police taking the means of self defense from Americans for over 100 years.
In short it was the order following police that helped this happen. Why do you think that these shootings almost always happen in gun free zones?
On top of that this was likely orchestrated by our intelligence community planning and aiding in it’s execution.
A small short? The coming collapse of the air travel industry – Zero Hedge
July 3rd Sermon by Pastor Chuck Baldwin: THERE Is Liberty
He really nails the self defense and gun control issue. Worth a listen.
What BS did your pastor dribble out of his mouth yesterday? Most of them are socialists and don’t even know it.
You can get the MP3 version here.
PETER HITCHENS: Is there no way to stop the secret brainwashing of the next generation? – Daily Mail
Lincoln’s Repudiation of the Declaration of Independence
By Thomas DiLorenzo
Fake meat grown in labs might make investors rich, but it’s a nightmare for human health – Ethan Huff
UPDATED 9:52 PM EDT — VIDEO: Missile/Projectile Hits Belgorod Russia – Hal Turner Radio
FDA Shortened Approval Process for Risky Gene-Edited Beef Cattle Resistant To Heat – Need to Know News
Check out this site:
Biden’s global initiative to replace Christianity with atheism faces GOP backlash –
Just a misdirection IMHO to make you think that the GOP is different than the Democrats. I take Carroll Quigley seriously.
Several NYC Election Sites Had ‘No Republican Ballots’ During Last Week’s Primary
by Zero Hedge
Seattle police arrest street preacher for reading the Bible: ‘Risk to public safety’ –
This is a direct result of the Modern Churches Satanically inspired misinterpretation of Romans 13. Their interpretation is pure idolatry. They view government as God. Well stuff like that tends to bite you in the arse.
Father’s 20-Year Battle on Behalf of Vaccine-Injured Son Exposes Travesty of Liability-Free Vaccines – The Defender
.Diplomatic immunity is crime unto itself —
The very idea of diplomatic immunity is a complete repudiation of the principles of the Declaration. i.e. That all men are created equal.
If diplomats demand immunity, then let them all meet on a cruise ship in the middle of the Ocean. I sure as hell do not want them in my community.
10 Ways You’re Exposed to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals — And How to Avoid Them – Dr Mercola
None of these chemicals are accidentally in your food and environment. There is plenty of proof that the Globalists have an active and willful eugenics program using our food supply, the water, and the air, to destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit. And your pastor is clueless and will not even warn you.
You thought UPS shafting gun companies was bad? – Legally Armed America (14 minutes)
This is what happens when you give government unlimited god like powers through things like the IRS, to terrorize and coerce private business’s.
We can thank Modern Christianity’s bastardized interpretation of Romans 13 for our tyrannical government. None of them have bothered to study the Constitution, or God’s Natural Law. A collection of really stupid people is what the Church is today. God warned them in Hosea 4:6 yet they still do not listen.
UPS Reportedly Cancels Accounts Of Gun Dealers Selling ‘Ghost Gun’ — They May ‘Seize And Destroy’ Package – Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoff
On a personal note, last month UPS seized and refused to return an exchange with MidwayUSA a Missouri based gun company. USP is now stealing from the poor like myself.
The Federal gas tax goes into a general fund, and the demons in DC steal fully half of it for purposes other than fixing the roads. The same demonic shell game that they play with social security and the income tax. But with a stupid population they continue to get away with it.
EU Caves Putin Wins, Transportation of Russian Goods to Kaliningrad Through Lithuania Will Resume – The Last Refuge
Nanotechnology Used in mRNA Vaccines and 2,000 Food Items Goes Unlabeled – The Epoch Times
Burger PERFECTLY replicates the taste and texture of HUMAN do they know???…prepping YOU for FAMINE and normalizing CANNIBALISM… –
Biden Blocks Offshore Drilling, Limiting Oil Production After Begging Oil Companies To Produce More and Attacking Gas Stations – Gateway Pundit
Who Are These People? Missouri Republicans Raise State Gas Tax During Worst Gas Price Spike in US History
By Jim Hoft
The list of psychopaths serving Satan, but pretending to be our elected officials, that should IMHO be charged with treason, and then hanged from the neck until dead grows and grows.
Think of what we would save on not having to pay their much better than our pensions.
What makes this egregiously evil is the fact that the gas tax goes into a general fund, and it is raided by the demons in Jeff City. Only about half of it is ever used for roads, and even then a lot of it is wasted.
That is Bank of America’s latest forecast for the growth of the U.S. economy in the second quarter.
JP Morgan Contemplates $380 Oil-You Need To Contemplate No Gas, No Groceries, No Job and No Home –
NewsGuard’s Partners Are Some Of The Same Groups Deagel Uses As Sources For Their Forecast Of Massive US Depopulation! Orwellian Censorship Being Used To Cover Up Genocide – All News Pipeline
Dutch police detained protesting farmers, but were forced to let them go. The police station is completely blocked by tractors, which simply forced the police to obey the people: GOD BLESS THE FARMERS EVERYWHERE,ESPECIALLY THE DUTCH –
A.I. Run Factory To Process 5000 Tons of Meat Per Day – Delivered Via Trains
Greg Reese (5 minutes)
Many think this is also to process human bodies into food. i.e. “Soylent Green“
Millions of people are now DISABLED due to covid vaccines, data show – Ethan Huff
This is going to kill the draft pool for the Satanists in DC’s war of aggression against Russia.
Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives – Burning Man Platform
What else would one expect from a country founded and controlled by Lucifer’s Globalists?
BREAKING: UPS refuses to ship 100% legal gun parts! – Legally Armed America (5 minutes)
What the flock is “legally armed” ?
Have these guys ever read the 2nd amendment?
Obviously not!
July 4 Is The Anti-Abe Lincoln Holiday, A Perfect Time For Purebloods To Stand Tall
By Allan Stevo
Chinese firm bought North Dakota farm near US Air Force drone base:
Vegan Mother Convicted After 18-Month-Old Son Died From Zero Meat Diet
by Kelen McBreen
And the first thought that popped into my head were the millions of Americans that have died because of the poor dietary advice of AMA monopoly doctors. Nothing will happen to the order following doctors though.
Hell on Earth: UN warns that the worst famine in history is now emerging – News Target
Back to the Future, Alien Deception & War | Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report (Full Show) 6/30/2022 (90 minutes)
Galileyo Alert:
Steve Quayle talks about Steve Quayle
14:47 | Jun 30 2022
Steve Quayle A new strain of antibiotic-resistant bacterial superbug circulating among pigs can jump to humans. Scientists terrified
This is the excuse that they are going to use to come and kill ALL farm animals used for food. It was probably created in a lab just like COVID
Situation Update, June 29, 2022 – Massive meat rendering facility with robotics, AI systems and railroad offloading integration raises eyebrows – Mike Adams (88 minutes)
You do realize that this is about soylent green? Yes this is about turning dead people into a food source. I’m not joking.
POLL: 25% of All Americans Open to “Taking-up arms against government” – Hal Turner Radio
The truth of the matter is that we might win against DC, but considering logistics only, there is no way in hell that we are going to win against our foreign enemies like China.
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